A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 69: Heartfelt


Yan Leyang explained to Lang Shishi that sending chrysanthemums in their place is a very ceremonial thing, and they will only send chrysanthemums when someone dies.

Wolf Eleven nodded to show that he understood: "So you like chrysanthemums?"

It's not a matter of not liking it, Yan Leyang scratched his head.

Wolf Eleven couldn't understand it even more. They don't have many flower shops in Interstellar, because these things are really good-looking, but no one gives them any special meaning.

It is true that some people will send flowers when they are in love, but no one will send flowers to the dead. After all, who can give this thing to the dead? Isn't this a waste of money.

Therefore, flower shops are generally opened in a mixed manner with other shops, and their interstellar world does not have the so-called flower language, because the reproductive organs of plants can't speak, and they can't impose a meaning on it.

But for Yan Leyang, sending this kind of thing might mean cursing someone, so Wolf Eleven stretched out his hand: "Let me help you destroy it."

destroy? Yan Leyang blinked, looked at Hatch in front of him, and then at the bunch of yellow and white chrysanthemums in his hand.

To be honest, holding such a bouquet of chrysanthemums, especially knowing that this bouquet of chrysanthemums are still for himself, he always has a feeling of magical reality, but: "No, it's mine if you give it to me, destroy it? Don't even think about it." .”

This is the first bouquet of flowers that Wolf Eleven gave him, how can there be any reason to take it back

Yan Leyang held flowers and led Wolf Eleven to the hotel.

Wolf Eleven watched Yan Leyang fiddling with chrysanthemums while drinking a drink. He was also a little embarrassed, and tried to change the subject: "How is Zhou Jiu?"

"He is temporarily staying in the mental hospital." Yan Leyang explained, "Should be out soon, but he didn't contact me so soon."

When they said this, the two had already got on the elevator, and Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven fiercely: "Are you going on a date with me tomorrow?"

"A date? Here?" Wolf Eleven was a little surprised. They still have muzzles on their mouths, and they can only drink with straws. They are only allowed to take off the muzzles and collars in restaurants dedicated to carnivores, which is not considered freedom.

"Yes, it's actually quite like when we were in prison." Yan Leyang touched his nose with a smile, "What do you think?"

Like in prison? Wolf Eleven wanted to be the same as when he was in the prison, so that he and Yan Leyang could sleep on top of each other, not like now. Yan Leyang and him even shared a room.

the next day.

When Yan Leyang got up in the morning, he went to the next door to look for Wolf Eleven, only to find that Wolf Eleven had left early.

Then Yan Leyang searched the optical brain and found that Wolf Eleven was already waiting for him below.

"Hiss." Yan Leyang slapped his forehead, ran out quickly, and stopped when he passed a certain metal plate, wanting to see how he was doing, but saw his father's face in vain.

Yan Leyang: Damn, I was so scared to death, I almost called my father out of excitement.

Using my father's face on the first date... I can only say that I will let it go.

When going downstairs, Yan Leyang found that Wolf Eleven was leaning against the wall outside the hotel holding a bunch of flowers.

The flowers are pink, Yan Leyang is a little embarrassed, he may have to tell Wolf Eleven that he doesn't like flowers that much.

Wolf Eleven also noticed him at this time, he smiled at Yan Leyang, and then handed over the flowers in his arms.

It's really beautiful. There are still dewdrops hanging on the pink petals. The sun is good today, and it is particularly bright when it shines on it.

It still has a scent.

Yan Leyang couldn't help sighing, this is really a beautiful carnation.

Yes, carnations are flowers that represent maternal love, but they are better than chrysanthemums.

"Where are we going first?" Wolf Eleven asked him.

"Just take a look, we haven't visited the herbivorous planets yet." Yan Leyang doesn't have any plans. In fact, he doesn't want any plans. After all, he and Wolf Eleven are out to play. The focus is on Wolf Eleven, not Where did you go.

So Yan Leyang held the carnation in one hand, and grabbed Wolf Eleven with the other: "Go left or right?"

"Right, right." Wolf Eleven stammered a bit, he didn't think about this question at all, his focus was on the hands they were holding together.

After so long, they finally held hands? !

Afterwards, Wolf Eleven was dragged away by Yan Leyang, and it didn't matter to Wolf Eleven, he could go anywhere, as long as the two of them held hands together.

The mood suddenly flew.

Lang Shiyi stretched out his hand to hold his chest, and after a subconscious movement, he realized that his pendant was gone, and it was on Yan Leyang's side.

Yes, Yan Leyang is his heart now. Thinking about it carefully, this statement is indeed quite romantic.


Um? Yan Leyang, who was walking side by side, looked at Wolf Eleven and blinked in confusion: "Did you just say 'like'?"

Wolf Eleven woke up in vain, and he leaned back as if frightened.

"No, you didn't say, I seem to feel your emotions?!" Yan Leyang was a little surprised, he approached Wolf Eleven, "I can feel your mood when your mood fluctuates greatly!!"

Is it? Wolf Eleven continued to lean back, and Yan Leyang continued to lean forward.

Seeing Yan Leyang getting closer and closer to him, Wolf Eleven became more and more nervous.

At the same time, Yan Leyang's face was enlarged in front of him, and when it was enlarged again.

Wolf Eleven suddenly became less nervous. Not only was he not nervous, but he also calmly said, "Don't use your father's face to get so close to me." The handsome and rough face in front of him awakened Wolf Eleven's rationality.

Yan Leyang was also taken aback, and quickly backed away: "Sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot." No, I used my father's face to look at the person I like. For some reason, Yan Leyang always felt sorry for his mother.

If Ms. Lion Cat knew that he had done such a heartless thing, she probably wouldn't take into account the pitiful mother-child relationship, and directly broke his leg.

"Ahem, don't look at my face." Yan Leyang turned his head, he was also a little annoyed, why did he just use his father's for convenience at that time, can't you think about it again

"It's okay." Wolf Eleven tugged him lightly, "I know it's yours." It's just that this face suddenly enlarged in front of him, and he couldn't bear it.

Wolf Eleven is so good, Yan Leyang thought greasyly, smelling the fragrance of flowers representing maternal love, Yan Leyang sniffed her nose, alas, the days of this kind of escape are too many, I really want to go back to farming after getting married.

Want to get married? Wolf Eleven was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Yan Leyang in disbelief.

But Yan Leyang didn't speak, and what Wolf Eleven heard was not the voice of the heart, it belonged to someone other than Wolf Eleven.

But that's not what Wolf Eleven cares about.

Since Yan Leyang wants to get married! That's hands-on! !

What the hell are you talking about now!

Do it, bastard!

The author has something to say:

aha! Finish!