A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 76: for you


Yan Leyang is very self-aware of himself, he doesn't have that kind of political mind, even after time travel.

He can't be the hero of time travel, but he can raise the banner. It's like he can't memorize "Ma Zhe" and "Mao Gai" completely, but he can give a general idea for people to guess.

Combined with the current events at the time, that "Yan Leyang" almost joined the party on the spot. At that time, Yan Leyang's eyes were shining, and he wished that Yan Leyang could introduce him to this "Marx".

Of course, Yan Leyang couldn't do it. What is his identity, what is his identity? Moreover, this world does not have the setting of psychics, and psychics should not be able to attract people from his original world.

Anyway, everything that needs to be set has been set up, so Yan Leyang doesn't worry about it anymore.

Originally thought that this "Yan Leyang" would be a very big threat, at least he would have to play a set of six-eared macaques, and then there would be a real and fake Monkey King in the later plot.

Now this "six-eared macaque" is all about Ma Zhe, so he probably has no intention of making trouble anymore, and Yan Leyang doesn't think this guy has the means to escape.

Wolf Eleven has been stuck in a state of sluggishness, and he can actually understand that those things must not have been fabricated by Yan Leyang out of thin air. If Yan Leyang could fabricate such thoughtful and profound things out of thin air, he wouldn't be stuck in his mind every day.

It's just that Wolf Eleven didn't react. Yan Leyang's anti-brainwashing ability is quite strong, and his logic is generally not misleading. Tsk, this man is unfathomable.

"Actually, I've been wondering about one thing." Yan Leyang suddenly said when he followed Elef and Wolf Eleven out, "Now there is no technology to bring people back from the dead, right?"

"Yes." Wolf Eleven nodded.

"Why?" Yan Leyang felt quite strange. After all, before they stepped out of the interstellar world, someone had already frozen the corpses, hoping that they could be resurrected in the future. It wouldn't be the case that there was no breakthrough in this technology in the interstellar world.

This is something that Yan Leyang has never understood.

He just suddenly remembered, if there is such a technology, why should the "matrix" work so hard to get monkeys? Isn't it good to directly resurrect the original human beings

"It is impossible for people to be resurrected." Elev said firmly, "I know you have a lot of fantastic ideas, but some things are indeed completely untenable."

"Humans don't have souls." Wolf Eleven explained, "It's just a living body composed of a large group of cells with different divisions of labor. Today's technology can forge memories and even control thoughts, but it can't bring people back to life. In fact, we are all machines. Even emotion is an accessory that appears for reproduction."

"That He Wen can completely copy the memory of the original human beings, which is already quite an incredible technology for us." Wolf Eleven explained again.

Yan Leyang nodded thoughtfully, and leaned closer to Wolf Eleven's ear: "But I'm a time traveler, and don't you really think it's unscientific for you to be able to change the shape of a beast?"

"This, really can't be explained." Wolf Eleven didn't know what to say, after all, those memories of Yan Leyang couldn't be forged, or it was very difficult to forge.

As for the beast shape, this is what they were born with.

"But the technology of our world, even the technology of the human world, cannot be resurrected from the dead." Wolf Eleven said again, "It is more likely that the 'matrix' is becoming more and more human-like, maybe he also has emotional."

"Huh?" Yan Leyang froze for a moment.

"Theoretically, it's achievable." Wolf Eleven knows this very well. "You can imagine the cells in our body as small nano-robots with different divisions of labor and different looks."

"People's reactions, the temperature of touch, including emotions, are actually not as sacred as we imagined. It's just the little 'nanometer robots' in your brain that are active."

"Putting away the romantic shell, in fact, as long as we can replicate the functions of those nerve cells in our body, we can create a 'human'. But this is too complicated, and the orc civilization can't reach that level." Wolf Eleven and Said, "I doubt that human civilization can."

"Because human civilization can even replicate the person 'He Wen', how can a person's thinking past be replicated 100%?" Wolf Eleven pursed his lips, "It is obvious that He Wen's brain nerves have died, and human Technology is far ahead of us."

have feelings? Yan Leyang hasn't recovered yet. According to the general logic, if the "matrix" can have feelings, it means that as a system, it can have emotions that are not inferior to human beings. lonely or unhappy.

Seeing the "matrix" as a complete living body, it seems that there is an explanation for its reluctance to shut down in violation of human settings.

No wonder the orcs in the mother's womb didn't seem to have a high status. Yan Leyang still remembered that Zhou Jiu wanted to give him the black shadow last time, so the orcs in the mother's womb probably didn't have a good life.

At this time, Yan Leyang's optical brain rang, and a message popped up, which belonged to Zhou Jiu.

[Can you help me avoid the shadow?]

This is really what he thinks, Yan Leyang subconsciously looked at Wolf Eleven and Elef.

"Ask him why." Elev touched his chin, "This black shadow has recently been a popular candidate for the warden of Shuguang Prison."

Popular character? Yan Leyang frowned, "He got a lot of votes? But isn't he a shark? Shuguang is a planet on the side of the Land Carnivorous Alliance, so it shouldn't be his turn anyway."

"But he firmly believes that he belongs to your carnivorous orcs. After all, his mother is a panda and the former warden, plus a little bit of speech skills." Elef shrugged, "This guy must be not simple."

It was already six o'clock in the morning, and Elev led Yan Leyang and the others back to the room, and Yan Leyang also replied to Zhou Jiu's news.

[Your relationship with Sombra should be very good.]

Zhou Jiu almost cursed when he saw this response, but he held back.

This man's energy is greater than he thought. It stands to reason that all the messages he sent to this person should be open and transparent before the "matrix", but he tried it. Teddy sent a message, The "matrix" cannot detect it.

Now Zhou Jiu's hands were trembling slightly when sending the message, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Master, are you inside?" There was a dark figure outside the door, he knocked on the door three times, and then there was no sound.

Zhou Jiu took a deep breath, and shouted outside the door: "Get out!!"

He came out to cooperate with Zhou Jiu's work, saying that he was cooperating, but in fact he was supervising.

Supervising each other, the mother doesn't trust the two of them very much. There is a reason for putting the two of them together. Sombra has a little problem in his mind.

Sombra likes Zhou Jiu, and Zhou Jiu is a human being.

Heiying is a guy with extremely low self-esteem. He is a person who has to rely on his special clothes to support him. He thinks he is a "beast", yes, he thinks he is a "beast".

And he regards the existence of human beings as gods, this guy is a little bit trembling, this kind of terrible slavishness is only for human beings.

Zhou Jiu liked the character of Sombra before, but now he knows that he is not a human being. Whenever he sees Sombra, he will always feel an inexplicable guilty conscience and fear, especially when he is stared at by Sombra.

He didn't want to experience this inexplicable fear again, so he sent a message to that man for help.

[I want to leave Sombra, if you want me to cooperate with you, you must help me leave Sombra.]

And Yan Leyang didn't care about his small emotions, but still responded indifferently.

[You are not sincere, how can I help you?]

Zhou Jiu clicked his tongue, a little annoyed.

[What do you want to know? ! Let me explain first, you also know that I am not a human being, and most of the equipment matrices here will not let me touch it.]

[I want to know the exact location of your base, this shouldn't be difficult, right?]

After He Wen left the base, the location of the base also changed. He Wen couldn't find it, and it is said that he didn't look for it much at the time.

After the news was sent out, Zhou Jiu fell silent.

After a long time, just when Yan Leyang thought Zhou Jiu had given up on responding, Zhou Jiu's message came.

[You let me think about it.]

Yan Leyang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't bother to care about it anymore. He turned off his optical brain and looked at Wolf Eleven who had washed up and was lying on the bed.

Wolf Eleven and Yan Leyang looked at each other, and when they saw Yan Leyang staring at him, they just smiled, not understanding: "What's wrong?"

"Just... I suddenly found that you look quite open." Yan Leyang lay on Wolf Eleven's body, resting his chin on Wolf Eleven's chest: "A person's reaction, the temperature of touch, including feelings, are actually all you need to know." It's not that sacred, is it?"

"It's like this." Wolf Eleven thought that Yan Leyang was asking for advice humbly.

Now Yan Leyang looked at him with a smile, his eyes seemed to contain a thousand words, if it was normal, he must have thought wrongly, but now he deeply understands that Yan Leyang himself is pure love.

So Wolf Eleven explained to Yan Leyang: "Emotion is something that we allow our entire ethnic group to survive and reproduce better. The term "soul" is very romantic, but it is not true."

"What do you think about Eleven?" Yan Leyang tilted his head, "The relationship between us."

"I like you." Wolf Eleven looked into Yan Leyang's eyes solemnly, "Obviously, I like you more than I imagined."

"Is that romantic?" Yan Leyang asked again.

This time Wolf Eleven replied without even thinking about it: "Romantic, so I am willing to make superstitions for you."

Yan Leyang's face darkened for a moment: "What do you mean engaging in superstition for me?"

"You said last time that chrysanthemums are only given at funerals, but obviously, it's just a plant's genitals. The idea of auspicious and unlucky is a feudal superstition, including the language of flowers." Wolf Eleven's gaze was so serious With affection.

"But for you, I am willing." Wolf Eleven held Yan Leyang's hand.

The author has something to say:


There are three more

Happy New Year, I will strive to make the tiger flourish today

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-11 22:35:03~2021-02-1204:20:27~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: Dada Da Dabi heard 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of long tail; 15 bottles of Shaikh; 12 bottles of Lanling grass; 10 bottles of canone;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!