A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 88: covet


Yan Leyang woke up the next day. After waking up, he found that he was holding Wolf Eleven in his arms. He was still in the shape of a beast. While his mind was still heavy, Yan Leyang recalled it.

After recalling it, Yan Leyang quickly turned into a human form. At the same time, Wolf Eleven also won. The two looked at each other in blank dismay. In the end, it was Wolf Eleven who spoke first: "Don't you have anything to say?"

"I wanted to say that there would be no next time." Yan Leyang silently stretched out her hand to pull the quilt to cover her body, "But I think the most important thing to be a human being is honesty. If I can't do it, I won't guarantee it."

Wolf Eleven was silent, and Yan Leyang continued: "Honey, you believe me, I am not a selfish person, we were all very happy at that time, weren't we?"

Although Wolf Eleven resisted, Wolf Eleven will definitely be happy in the future, probably because yesterday's one was more exciting than usual

"Cough, cough, cough!" Wolf Eleven coughed and interrupted Yan Leyang to continue talking, Yan Leyang's entire head was squeezed into Wolf Eleven's chest, Yan Leyang blinked his eyes, and started acting fucking cute again.

"What do you want to do?!" Wolf Eleven became vigilant and happy, but this time Yan Leyang failed because Miao Xiaomi's phone call came.

It was Fu Mingxuan who called, and Fu Mingxuan's voice was urgent: "Have you watched the live broadcast of Shuguang Prison?"

Dawn Prison? Yan Leyang was stunned for a moment. They had been in this broken prison. As for the live broadcast, they really didn't know, but they heard Fu Mingxuan's tone: "What happened?"

"You'd better turn on your optical brain and take a look." Fu Mingxuan said seriously, "The orcs in Shuguang Prison have lost their human form."

What does it mean to be out of shape? Yan Leyang hadn't reacted yet.

"The barriers between the various gathering points in Shuguang Prison have disappeared. Some male prisoners and female prisoners have met, and this is the biggest problem." Fu Mingxuan said that people here are a little confused, "They have started to multiply."

"That's not love, not even desire, that's the instinct of survival." Fu Mingxuan didn't know what kind of scene he saw, and he couldn't stand it, "They seem to be unconscious, the alliance tried to contact them, their The situation is very strange."

While Fu Mingxuan was speaking, Wolf Eleven had already turned on his optical brain, found the platform of Shuguang Prison, and clicked on a prisoner's channel at random.

The main body of the prisoner is a fox. He keeps his animal body and hides in the bushes.

How should I describe those eyes... They were a pair of inhuman eyes, they looked like animals from He Wen's side.

Yes, just animals, without any trace of humanity.

"I can't transform into a human form, I lose my mind and only have the instinct to reproduce." Wolf Eleven was silent for a moment, "This is a beast." In their current era when all worms have become beastmen, the word beast is a curse word .

Yan Leyang has seen the real animal, and so has Wolf Eleven. But Wolf Eleven is different from Yan Leyang.

In Yan Leyang's world, orcs and animals grew up together, and it's quite normal for a serious orc to meet a beast of the same race as him.

Canine orcs keep dogs.

But the orcs in the interstellar world are only afraid after seeing their completely animalized counterparts.

Especially since the Coalition has indicated that this is most likely the work of the "matrix" of humanity, and they are not sure if they will one day become like this themselves.

Lose self-awareness completely and become an animal that only knows how to eat and reproduce

Even carnivores kill herbivores.

Although the carnivores usually eat 1:1 reproductions of herbivores, and even the carcasses of some carnivores, this does not mean that they can accept hunting by themselves.

Eating meat is one thing, butchering it is another.

Not everyone who likes to eat meat can accept slaughter, which is the same as Yan Leyang's old classmate.

After going to the slaughterhouse, the old classmate became a Buddha on the spot and became a staunch vegetarian.

The orc society has killings for carnivores or herbivores, but that is only a very small number after all. Most of the orcs are quite well protected by the harmonious and loving social environment of Interstellar.

Even about 40% of the carnivorous orcs don't know that the meat they eat is a one-to-one replica of the carcasses of herbivores, because these carnivorous orcs only eat processed food, and they never try to touch the ingredients .

They have no interest nor the ability to cook delicious food. Of course, to find out where the dishes they use come from? Come on, they are busy, why bother to learn about such nonsense.

So after the prison hunting video went viral, the entire orc tribe was in turmoil, especially the herbivores.

They cannot accept that they are "prey" of another race.

So now the situation is that the big alliance between the orcs has been established, but there are internal problems among the orcs. The orcs of the herbivorous type hate the carnivorous type very much now, and wish that the orcs of the carnivorous type will disappear from this world.

I feel that this habit of carnivore is inherently sinful, and some orcs of carnivore cannot accept such brutal hunting.

But this thing is the nature of carnivores and cannot be changed.

Thinking of this, Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven beside him: "Is the mother doing this to create conflict?"

"It's more likely to want the orcs to return to their original appearance." Wolf Eleven frowned, "Maybe he thinks that the orc society should not exist, and wants to turn the orcs back into animals, and then use the genes of his former masters to restore humans ?”

Speaking of this, Lang Shixi fell silent, and Yan Leyang also opened his eyes wide.

Obviously, what Wolf Eleven said was right, and the mother didn't want to hide it anymore.

The current situation is still caused by the incomplete energy of the mother body. If the energy of the mother body is sufficient, it will directly descend on the entire orc clan, and it will be too late.

Yan Leyang cursed and jumped off the bed: "Damn it, call He Wenxian."

He looked at the brain again, and He Wen's message had already been sent.

[The location of the matrix has been fixed for a long time, but I cannot guarantee that you can reach the location of the matrix safely.]The defensive ability of the mother body is very strong. Even if there is an armor, even if Yan Leyang's physique is invincible now, there is no guarantee that there is no way for the mother body to restrict or even capture Yan Leyang.

Although the mother's body could not directly kill Yan Leyang, his choice was never limited to killing.

It would be risky to go straight up, that's why Yan Leyang wanted to call He Wen, but He Wen's second message came over: [Now I have nothing to do here.]

[When I escaped, I transferred a lot of things, but those things were only a small part after all.]It means that He Wen was also confused when the mother's body was messed up like this.

Yan Leyang was a little helpless: [Then what should we do now?]

[The mother is probably angry at you for being so impulsive now, as you can see from the fact that he didn't copy your genes.]Although the mother can't do anything to humans, it is certain that the mother hates Yan Leyang.

In fact, he is fully capable of copying Yan Leyang through other people's hands, but he didn't do so, just because Yan Leyang's body belongs to human blood, the mother naturally thinks that a "hybrid" like Yan Leyang can't have a second one.

[But Wolf Eleven is very dangerous now.]He Wen reminded again.

Wolf Eleven is dangerous? ! Yan Leyang froze for a moment, then turned to look at Wolf Eleven. Wolf Eleven didn't expect this, and blinked twice in confusion.

[Endless energy is in Wolf Eleven's body, and the mother clearly understands this. He didn't seem to have much interest in endless energy before, but now that he started to attack the orcs, he didn't have enough energy, so he would definitely attack Wolf Eleven.]

Endless energy? ! Yan Leyang was stunned for a moment, to be honest, he almost forgot that he had exposed this matter before.

It was because of the exposure of the endless energy that they left Leiyunxing in a hurry at that time, but what Lang Hewen said made sense, since the mother knew about it, why didn't they grab the endless energy at that time

"The mother does not necessarily want to live forever." Wolf Eleven reminded, "I am still an orc after all. I have my own lifespan, and I will die after more than three hundred years. After all, my brain is still the original brain."

"Eternal life is a very painful thing." Wolf Eleven said solemnly, "The mother has lived for too long, and the people around him are also changing wave after wave. He Wen said before that the mother liked him. Creator."

"But his creator is dead." Wolf Eleven reminded, "What can he get in immortality? Money or status? These things seem to be too small in eternal life."

"If he can live forever, maybe he can experience a universe disintegration."

So the matrix will not choose endless energy, because he doesn't want to. He has not shut down himself so far because he wants to restore civilization, but if human civilization has reappeared, the first thing the mother will do is probably to shut down.

After all, the mother body is a program with emotions. Although such emotions are quite extreme, it just shows that he is not a pure machine.

Since he would be disgusted, he would be bored too. After all, the two people the mother had liked are dead, and each of the human hosts died. If the mother will collapse in this life, he should be on the verge of collapse now.

"He should be in a hurry now." Wolf Eleven frowned, "Dawn Prison is most likely just a test, no wonder, no wonder he will help Sombra."

"So this bastard is likely to target you if he has nowhere to go?!" Yan Leyang clicked his tongue, "What will happen to you without infinite energy?"

"There is a situation similar to shutting down, and it will not be able to continue with other energy sources."

"That's impossible." Yan Leyang said with a straight face, "The original plot is yours, so it's yours."

"Shut him down before he hits you." Yan Leyang completely restrained his little fish-making thoughts this time, "I have to shut down this thing too."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2218:27:12~2021-02-2319:44:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: one shovel;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of mackerel; 3 bottles of Xici; 2 bottles of ink dyed Zixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!