A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 89: that man


"The mother's womb didn't kill you." Fu Mingxuan couldn't help teasing when he came to see Soi Ying.

In fact, now that the mother body finally made a move, they also understood what the hell the mother body was going to do. Fu Mingxuan came here just to sniff out the black shadow.

While the shadow is still alive.

That's right, it's not dead yet, who knows what kind of things the mother put on Sombra's body? Sombra didn't blow himself up when he was caught, which is quite remarkable.

Heiying ignored Fu Mingxuan at all, Fu Mingxuan smiled, and shouted towards the door: "Mr. Yuan, come in."

Mr. Yuan? Hei Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw his half-brother, who was completely different from him.

Probably because as a panda, this guy was too round when he was born, so his name is Yuan Yuan, which is like a joke, a name without any meaning.

Oh no, there is still meaning, after all, it is the woman's love for him.

"What did you ask him for?" Heiying smiled, "Planning to use aggressive methods to anger me? Then you might as well come over with Layan Leyang, maybe you let me fight him one-on-one, I'm in a better mood , will tell you something."

Hei Ying really wanted to get rid of Yan Leyang, that kind of thing. It was okay to be scolded at first, but the more he thought about it when he got home, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't help but want to blow this guy's brains out.

"Then you might be beaten to death by him." Fu Mingxuan punctured his fantasy, "You were beaten in by him, have you forgotten?"

After Yuan Yuan came in, he felt a bit restrained. There was still a laser cage between him and Soi Ying. After Hei Ying finished speaking, he cautiously said, "Brother."

"Stop pretending, this brother call is so awkward." Heiying didn't want to see him at all, "Can you take this guy away?"

Fu Mingxuan didn't respond, Yuan Yuan hurriedly said, "I'm here to persuade you."

Hei Ying looked at him without saying a word. He changed his posture and sat down, not wanting to accept some bullshit apology. Just to see what kind of shit this guy wants to beep beep.

"I, I, I." Yuan Yuan looked around in disbelief.

In fact, Yuanyuan really hated Sombra at first, he knew that his mother's sleeping was done by this guy, and this disgust didn't come until he found out Sombra was his half-brother.

He still doesn't like Sombra, but he's managed to simply hate him.

The fact is that Yuan Yuan's mother abandoned Soi Ying, and then gave all her love to Yuan Yuan. Before that, he didn't even know that he actually had an older brother.

"Is this clichéd plot about to start?" Soi Ying asked suddenly.

Yuan Yuan didn't respond: "What?"

"I'm talking about a clichéd plot." Heiying returned to his original expressionless expression when he spoke, just like when he first met Yan Leyang, "It's always like this, as happy as you The Silly White Sweet Madonna melts the heart of a gutter-bred guy like me, it's all written in literature."

"I don't know what you read, but the reality is the reality. The reality is that your mother was almost killed by me. Strictly speaking, the two of us have a life-and-death relationship." Soi Ying shrugged.

"Don't act like a shitty brother with me, there is no such relationship between us."

Yuanyuan was silent.

He originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that Sombra was right. He still doesn't like Sombra. Sombra is his elder brother and also an outsider who destroyed his original family environment. No one would like such an outsider.

"Thinking about it, it's really impossible for me to like someone like you." Yuan Yuan sat on the ground, "I'm a guy who doesn't have any big goals, just want to eat and die."

"And what I hate the most is you, even if you are not my brother." Yuan Yuan smiled, "You are much better than me. If there is a choice, mother may prefer you to be the healthy one."

"You are very powerful, although as far as it is concerned, your strength has not been used in the so-called right way." In fact, there is no blood relationship between brothers.

At least they didn't before. One of them is a great white shark and the other is a giant panda. Although they were born to the same mother, their species and even their living environments are different.

One lives in the sea and the other lives on land. Yuanyuan just wants to eat and wait to die, and Heiying wants to drag everyone in this world down to be buried with him.

A giant panda living in an ivory tower cannot convince a great white shark that swims out of the depths of a sea of blood to take revenge. He can't even find a reliable point to support his ideas.

"Do you need me to take you out?" Fu Mingxuan asked, "I don't think you can ask anything now."

"No, I want to stay here." Yuan Yuan looked at the shadow.

Soi Ying was a little sleepy now, and didn't respond to Yuan Yuan's words.

Fu Mingxuan nodded to show that he understood, then went out, closed the cell, and only said that we were in need and left.

"Mother is dead." Yuan Yuan said suddenly.

Fatigue came over, and Sombra's body was very sleepy, but he was indeed sober mentally.

"She woke up not long after you were arrested. This is quite interesting. She was judged to be brain dead, so I wonder if you did something to her." Yuan Yuan stared into Hei Ying's eyes.

"Will you die after waking up?" Soi Ying seemed indifferent, "You killed her? Well done."

"She committed suicide." Yuan Yuan pointed at her own neck, "She strangled herself to death, because I told her about your existence and why you did it, and then I rushed over when I heard the alarm By then, she was already dead."

Heiying felt his heart twitch. He knew very well that the woman's death was not due to guilt towards his eldest son. It was only because of her that so many people in Shuguang Prison were killed.

Of course that woman was guilty, but this kind of guilt did not come for the shadow, but regret, maybe why she was soft-hearted at the beginning and didn't directly strangle this unworthy son to death.

Hei Ying leaned against the wall, he felt his upper and lower eyelids fighting: "It's about to start?"

"What started?" Yuan Yuan asked.

"The last carnival of the orcs is about to begin." The black shadow stared at the lamp above his head. The light passed through the cage and projected on his face. The pale light was cut by the horizontal bars of the cage to create a shadow, and that shadow It fell on the eyes of the shadow.

The black shadow is like a struggling and roaring beast, roaring to take revenge on the world.

He never thought that one day, a light "she's dead." would take away all his energy. Without a target, it seemed that he was forcibly pushed back before the roar came out, which was not very comfortable.

He didn't even get an answer from that woman from the beginning to the end.

Soi Ying realized that he seemed never ready to face this moment, what mood was he in, sad? disappointment? No, he doesn't seem to be disappointed since the woman threw him away, happy? Well, a little bit, even a little bit of relief at last.

After the last little excited emotional reality, he seemed to be left with only numbness. Everything in this world seemed to be separated by a layer of fog for him, and his perception of the world began to be unclear.

Only the endless exhaustion after the absurdity remains.

The woman became a cold tombstone, and soon after that he too, and he would not live long.

Oh, he finally realized that he was actually dying.

But in the face of eternal death, everything he did and pursued seemed meaningless.

The ending has already been written, what is he still struggling with? Like a clown, and not very funny.

"I seem to have been playing this game for too long." Soi Ying said this sentence without beginning or end.

Yan Leyang wants to blow up the mother body directly, but the problem now is that the mother body is an iron bucket. There is no way to reach the mother's body by relying on willpower. After all, this is not some kind of kingly and hot-blooded boy who can rely on talk and amazing willpower to super god.

There is not even a small universe that can be burned by Yan Leyang.

They had to come up with a safe plan, and Yan Leyang was of course the best candidate, after all, he was now a human shield with human blood escorting him. It's better than other orcs with ordinary flesh.

"The group of herbivores are making trouble at this time." Marshal Miao Miaomiao, who was in charge of protection, was a little annoyed, "Going to the streets every day, they have the ability to go to the mother's body to protest."

"They should really be thankful that they lived in the interstellar world before artificial meat came out. Do they think that carnivores at that time would listen to their opinions?" Miao Miaomiao felt that his hair was going to be bald. He was a long-haired cat , Recently, the pressure is too great, and the sewer in the house has been blocked by him many times.

"It's really terrible." Miao Miao cursed.

Yan Leyang on the side nodded, and Wolf Eleven was beside him. In such a situation, Yan Leyang dared not let Wolf Eleven stay away from him at all.

"The problem now is that the defense of the mother body is too fucking perverted." Miao Miaomiao lit a cigarette for herself, "To be honest, you may be arrested. If you are a pure orc, you might even have the right to be a cosmic garbage." nothing."

"I'll give you the mecha. All we cats can do is to stabilize the situation here. We have nothing to do with the mother." Miao Miaomiao didn't really want to say such depressing words.

He felt that as long as he was good enough, he would have no problem even facing the wolves.

But in the face of the matrix, they planned for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that they could not break the protection of the matrix.

It's like a group of people holding the sharpest swords and long hairs, and there is only one person on the other side, which should be a good thing, but the other side is driving a starship.

Their spears hadn't had time to throw yet, and it wasn't even clear that human-throwed spears would scrape a bit of the coating off the tall starship. A collision run loaded on a starship might blow them away, man and land.

They tried, but it was clear that the effort hadn't worked.

As for why the mother's attack power is so strong, why not just attack the entire orc tribe, it is probably out of that damn humanistic concern.

And there is a high probability that the mother wants to pick up ready-made facilities. Although he doesn't like the orcs, the cities and facilities of the orcs can still be used.

"We originally wanted to find the Snake Clan to see if we could cooperate. After all, the monarch of the Snake Clan wants to destroy the mother body directly." Miao Miaomiao said, exhaling a smoke ring: "But the problem now is that the Snake Clan Their technology is similar to ours, we are melee fighters with spears, and they are long-distance attackers with catapults."

Yan Leyang didn't know how to respond, so he could only say dryly: "The metaphor is very appropriate,"

Now the only person who can still cooperate is He Wen who came out of the mother's body. He Wen also realized the seriousness of the problem, and made an appointment with Yan Leyang in Leiyunxing.

Yan Leyang's brother Wolf Eleven is now under surveillance, and needs someone to attract the mother's attention, and the best candidate is Hutch.

Hatch's identity as the leader of the second planet is quite attractive, coupled with Hatch's own understanding of human beings, and Hatch's nonsense character, he is the best candidate to attract attention.

As for where Hatch came into contact with human beings, the explanation given by Hatch is that in dreams, this kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling. He said that he often had a dream before he was an adult, dreaming that he was in another world, and then spread Some of my own experiences.

And said that because the experience was too real, he once suspected that he had gone to some extraordinary parallel time and space, and he and Yan Leyang also met in that world.

Hatch is just a shell of dreaming in a parallel space, but what he is talking about is his original real experience.

Although he is not as good at talking nonsense as Yan Leyang, but it is enough to attract the mother's firepower. Fortunately, the mother has no extra energy to continue to transform into orcs, otherwise Hutch would never take this risk.

It's just that the prisoners in Shuguang Prison disappeared. About a month after they turned into orcs, all the monitors failed one day, and when they were repaired, there were no more criminals in Shuguang Prison.

The criminals ran out.

Dawn's planet isn't too big, but it's still a planet. There are three to four billion criminals in it. How did so many criminals disappear overnight? With such a big transfer, the league didn't even have warning.

Miao Xiaomi took this opportunity to cooperate with the leaders of several races such as Hatch, and brought down a group of high-level leaders of the alliance, and even made an incredible move.

Under his initiative, the first batch of undercover agents of the mother body were directly executed, even though these undercover agents were all orcs.

In fact, for so many years, the voice of resuming the death penalty has not gone down. After all, a strong guy who killed countless orcs can live safely in Shuguang Prison... Well, it is not safe and secure, but as long as he is strong enough, He definitely won't die right away.

So this is also unacceptable. Meow Xiaomi's restoration of the death penalty naturally angered a group of people, oh, it's not anger, it's just a group of stupid and kind idiots. They always believe that human nature is good, and they think killing those who are heinous The criminals are no different from those murderous executioners.

But their voices were much quieter, probably because it was now a critical moment for the survival of the orcs.

On the streets of Lei Yunxing, a man with a pale face was holding a cane in one hand, while looking at this city that was familiar and unfamiliar to him.

A young man at the side saw that he was alone, and he was dressed quite eye-catchingly, so he came up and said, "You just came here."

"Yes." The man smiled, "but I know this city fairly well." He pushed the hat on his head with his cane.

"For example, at night, there will always be a woman wearing fishnet stockings standing there. She is not engaged in some kind of shady job, she is just an unusual gang member." The man pointed to the street corner.

The young man froze for a moment, and the man continued: "Oh, and also, your real name is Wang Zhi, and you are the second child in your family. Your mother died not long ago, and your father is an alcoholic."

"According to the analysis, there is a high probability that what you want to do now is to rob me." The man stopped here, and he reached out to touch the forehead of the young man opposite him, "I don't like enthusiastic children very much."

The young man felt his head spinning dizzily for a while, and when he realized it again, there was no one in front of him. When he wanted to think about it again, he found that he had forgotten what that man looked like just now.

The man attracted a lot of attention walking on the street, but he remained indifferent all the time. It seems that he doesn't care much about everything.

Walking to the door of a certain noodle shop, the man took a look inside, as if he saw something, he walked in without hesitation.

"Hello, can I share the table?" The man smiled and asked the blond young man opposite.

The blond-haired young man, namely Yan Leyang, reacted immediately, and almost reflexively protected Wolf Eleven with his hands, and looked up to find that the man still didn't relax his vigilance when he looked at him with surprised eyes: "I'm sorry , there is someone across from me."

"It should be just one person, but there are two seats here." The man frowned, "But this shop is full, and this is the only place left. This is my first visit to this place."

"Sorry." Yan Leyang refused without any psychological burden, "If you must sit down, then I might beat you up."

The man smiled, raised his hands and backed out without any attachment.

"Sir?" Another girl came up to strike up a conversation. There are not many people who come up to strike up a conversation for no reason, especially if the man is not a local at first glance.

"Sir, may I know your name?" The girl was very enthusiastic.

"Seeds." The man said lightly, "or kindling?"

The girl froze for a moment: "This name is quite rare."

"Maybe." The man's eyes fell on another man who came from far and near, "He Wen."

"What?" The girl didn't hear clearly.

When He Wen came over, he noticed this man. He Wen frowned when he met the man's eyes. After entering the noodle shop, He Wen looked back, but the man was gone.

Probably gone.

The author has something to say:

Two more from time to time

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2319:44:54~2021-02-2419:21:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: one shovel;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of gin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!