A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 97: reunion


Watching the mother's body die, Yan Leyang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, when he found out that Tie Zhu's identity was wrong, his intention was to keep Tie Zhu by his side, so that the mother's body would be safer under his nose, but he didn't hold back after coming to this planet.

Yan Leyang looked at the beasts gradually approaching him, and stepped forward with gritted teeth.

Being able to kill the mother's body so simply and neatly... Yan Leyang subconsciously reached out and touched his canine teeth. Under the strong pressure, his animal nature seemed to be more obvious.

After killing the mother's body, he didn't feel too uncomfortable, but was a little excited.

In other words, if it is the mother's body, why is the other party sleeping? Yan Leyang frowned, he didn't quite understand the setting of the mother body itself, but subconsciously thought that the current situation was not quite right.

After all, the matrix had entered his mecha, and the endless energy was inside, so why didn't the matrix steal it

It can't be because of conscience.

Yan Leyang simply boarded the starship, he couldn't stay here for long, or the mother would have come to find him.

He also deliberately checked to see if the endless energy in the mecha was still there. The result was that the mother body hadn't been stolen, and he didn't even replace the endless energy with anything.

Why? The mother just follows herself these days and does nothing? What is he doing here? It's impossible to fall in love with Yan Leyang's own beauty.

Yan Leyang boarded the spaceship alone. When there was no one else, Yan Leyang simply and neatly changed back to the prototype, without hindering the piloting of the starship, and by the way, he could relax.

Yan Leyang reported this three-way zone to Miao Xiaomi, but of course it was not for Miao Xiaomi to take over. After all, Miao Xiaomi has no such obligation, he is just the monarch of the cat clan.

However, Miao Xiaomi may not necessarily give up this place. After all, in such a three-way zone, most people have turned into wild beasts. If the cats are the first to find out and rescue them, the last exposure will be a blow to the alliance.

By the way, elevate the status of the cat family. This is a good opportunity to brush up the favorability of the interstellar people.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for meow Xiaomi to come and take a look. Yan Leyang reminded him that the mother's body might come over here, so it can be later.

The protection of the cat clan is very good, even the slums of the cat clan... no, it can't be called a slum now, they are developing well, in short, the protection of the cat clan is quite in place, and those animalized people are not allowed to enter the territory. Much easier than other races.

After sending it out, Yan Leyang turned on the maximum power of the starship to complete the second transition. After that, he abandoned the starship and directly drove his own mecha.

The mecha is in the form of a beast, and Yan Leyang turned on the mimicry mode, disguising himself as a black cat-shaped mecha.

However, the mech only has this mimicry mode, and there are no more forms. This is a battle mech after all.

Yan Leyang was still lying in the control room in the shape of a beast, and now he wanted to know how Wolf Eleven received the information.

If the mother can be shut down earlier, then those beasts can recover, although there will definitely be psychological shadows along with it... Well, this is not within the scope of Yan Leyang's consideration.

Thinking of this, Yan Leyang licked his paw, resting his head on his paw.

The mecha will soon reach the next destination, and he has to change to another mecha to continue hunting, woo... Yan Leyang sobbed softly.

Missing my wife, I feel empty in my arms, and I can't get used to it.

Before Yan Leyang could think for too long, after leaving the transition point, Yan Leyang was surrounded by countless starships.

It doesn't seem to be a star thief, Yan Leyang is very vigilant, the marks on those starships are more like a gang.

What did the gang stop him for no reason? Yan Leyang got up, controlled the mecha upwards, and was about to avoid the fleet, but before Yan Leyang left, the opponent's collider gun was aimed directly at him.

Good guy, he really came here for him.

Before Yan Leyang could figure out when he had offended someone... Wait, even if he offended someone, how did he get recognized with his ghostly appearance

Oh... Yan Leyang realized in an instant that it was probably the mother's fault.

All of this was indeed prepared by the mother body. After being walked by Yan Leyang a few times, the mother body let the gangs under him lie in ambush near the jump point.

While Yan Leyang killed the mother, the mother also gave the order.

Those gangs didn't recognize Yan Leyang, but the order of the mother body was not to let anyone who came out of the transition point be spared.

Yan Leyang looked at the fleet opposite with a solemn expression, he was sure that the mother body was on it.

As long as there is an intelligent system, there can be a mother body. If he goes directly to A and overthrows them, it means that Yan Leyang's ability will be exposed, and the mother body will only be more defensive against him.

Without giving Yan Leyang a chance to react, the impactor on the opposite side fired directly.

But this time the launch did not penetrate Yan Leyang's protection, and Yan Leyang's mech shook.

"Aww." Yan Leyang got up, and he stretched out his paws to scratch the ground.

If the protection set up by Wolf Eleven is strong enough, he thinks he can run out.

"Are you okay?!" He Wen helped Wolf Eleven who almost fell to the ground.

The first attempt was unsuccessful. He Wen originally thought it would take a while, but Wolf Eleven immediately started the second attempt after adapting to the intensity.

This time it succeeded, but Wolf Eleven's expression was not very good-looking.

Wolf Eleven supported his forehead with one hand: "Why is the information so complicated?"

"Uh, it contains almost all human knowledge points." He Wen stretched out his hand and patted his back, "That's why it's so uncomfortable."

"Even which kind of cat litter is better, and how to shovel feces for cats to make cat food is necessary?" Wolf Eleven felt his temples throbbing, "Is there even a method of cat litter? And walking the dog ? You humans have developed to that level at that time, is it really necessary to make cat litter?"

"First of all, I'm not human." He Wen helped Wolf Eleven to a chair and sat down, "Secondly, it's because of this reason that this chip is considered defective."

After finishing speaking, He Wen saw that Lang Shishi's expression was not quite right, and it was a little empty: "The amount of information in this knowledge is still a bit too much."

"No." Wolf Eleven reached out and hammered his head: "I'm just recalling that the content of your knowledge involves the animal world... Why do you humans shoot that kind of thing?"

"That's for science popularization, to some kids... oh~" He Wen let go, and immediately understood, "Are you watching pornography?"

Wolf Eleven stared at He Wen expressionlessly, and He Wen quickly changed the subject: "Then what, do you want to see Yan Leyang? He doesn't know how long he's been hanging out."

"Now that you have successfully integrated in this way, our actions can begin."

Yan Leyang had just escaped the attack of the unknown gang by relying on his savage positioning, and was running ahead.

Judging from the star map, there is a group of ships behind him, and it is estimated that the mother body has confirmed his current identity.

"Aww." Yan Leyang stared at the fleet that was getting farther and farther away from him in the star map. It wasn't that the other side didn't work hard, but Yan Leyang ran too fast.

But Yan Leyang was not happy for long.

A gap in space suddenly appeared in front of him, Yan Leyang's pupils dilated, and he stopped the mecha urgently.

A starship came out of the space rift, which is the transition function of the starship. Yan Leyang also used it just now, but this function consumes a lot of energy. In addition, Yan Leyang wanted to avoid the mother body, so he simply abandoned the starship.

But Yan Leyang's transition is at least connected to the transition point, and this starship directly tore through the space... Good guy, the energy is really enough.

Before Yan Leyang could finish expressing his feelings, the other side immediately forcibly captured Yan Leyang's mecha.

Yan Leyang subconsciously wanted to resist, but failed.

For some reason, Yan Leyang felt that he didn't have the desire to escape either.

So this mecha was like a cat being held by the back of the neck, and it just retracted its paws and went in.

After entering, Yan Leyang felt that something was wrong. When the door of the mecha warehouse was forcibly opened, Yan Leyang directly attacked, and then he saw the person who opened the door.

"Aww!!" The big tiger quickly retracted its claws, because it was too nervous, Duang fell to the ground, his head slapped on the ground, but those green eyes kept staring at the person coming.

"Leyang." Lang Shiyi squatted down, held up Yan Leyang's big face plate, and kissed the king character on Yan Leyang's head.

Yan Leyang retracted her paws to her chest in horror, but she still didn't react.

"I want to try." Wolf Eleven said suddenly.

try? try what? Yan Leyang didn't understand.

Wolf Eleven stretched out his hand to hold Yan Leyang's hind legs, Yan Leyang shuddered, his ears turned, and his expression became even more frightened.

The terrified big tiger looked at He Wen behind Yan Leyang, feeling that something was wrong.

He Wenwen and Yan Leyang looked at each other, Yan Leyang's ears were completely pressed down, his whole head was like a ball, and the tiger head looked bigger and rounder.

He suddenly remembered that Yan Leyang's race seemed to be the Siberian tiger, and this kind of tiger seemed to have the roundest face in the tiger clan.

There is also Yan Leyang's expression of disbelief with his mouth half-opened... Uh, the human form is obviously a beauty, so why does it look so naive.

Yan Leyang is seriously nervous now, he doesn't know what Wolf Eleven is going to do, the paws shrunk in front of his chest are trembling: "Oh." Eleven...

Wolf Eleven ignored him, and after lifting Yan Leyang's hind legs, he lowered his head and buried his head in the big tiger's fluffy and soft belly.

Sure enough, this place is the softest and most comfortable part of the cat family.

Yan Leyang felt that Wolf Eleven took a sharp breath on his belly, and his ears gradually stood up.

Wolf Eleven raised his head after he had rubbed enough, and met a ignorant tiger's head.

Yan Leyang reacted after a while: "Aww?" Are you sucking cats

Before Wolf Eleven could answer, He Wen on the side made a eager voice: "Is it my turn?"

This time Yan Leyang let out a threatening roar, directed at He Wen.

When Wolf Eleven lowered his head and rubbed his belly again, the tiger's vigilant gaze became extraordinarily harmless to humans and animals, and its big face was full of cuteness.

The tail that has nowhere to rest twists and turns.

The author has something to say:

The main focus of the article "When Green Tea Dressed as a Cannon Fodder Man and Wife of a Rich Family" was tweeted by friends

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-01 10:09:10~2021-03-02 23:30:07~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Liuyu; 40 bottles of green flower tea;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!