A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 99: Three Stooges, no Zhuge Liang


Wolf Eleven sat opposite He Wen, his mouth was red and swollen, and there were dots of red marks on his neck, it looked like he was kissed by someone.

After Wolf Eleven said he couldn't calm down, he turned off the communication, and what happened to them in the next few hours was self-evident.

"Can't you counter him?!" He Wen hated iron and steel, "It's shameful for you to be manipulated like this!"

"It's embarrassing." Wolf Eleven also knows that every time he clearly understands Yan Leyang's purpose, but knowing the purpose is one thing, and being able to resist the temptation is another.

Yan Leyang is the person she likes, being acted like a baby by the person she likes! ! Those who can withstand it are not human!

"How to counter it?" Wolf Eleven scratched his head, "He's already acting like a spoiled child to me, countering him always feels like he's abusing him."

"But in this case, what if he suddenly lost his mind during the mission?!" He Wen wanted to shake Wolf Eleven up on the spot, "He knocked open the door of the bathroom! Look at him like that! Is it that easy to be abused?"

At this time, Hutch and Miao Miaomiao arrived, and they probably learned about the specific situation on the way here. Miao Miaomiao didn't have any constructive suggestions, he just came to eat melons.

Yan Leyang was sober for about 20 minutes just now, and then changed back to that ghostly look, completely confused about the rules, or in other words, this thing has no rules.

And Shi Lezhi's Yan Leyang started acting like a baby again, without restraint at all.

After arriving, Hutch was a little puzzled when he saw the tangled look of Wolf Eleven: "You can learn from Brother Yan."

"Before he pretends to be pitiful." Hutch scratched his head, "Brother Yan likes you so much, since you can't stand him, you shouldn't be able to stand him either, right?"

Everyone present looked at Hutch.

Hatch coughed: "There is an old saying that the effect of force is mutual."

Wolf Eleven felt that something was opened in his heart, it was as smooth as if the thrombus had suddenly disappeared for many years.

Yan Leyang was still lying on the bed, grabbing the quilt and wondering why Wolf Eleven hadn't come over yet.

Just going out for a meal, does it take so long

Just as he was thinking, the door suddenly opened.

Yan Leyang looked up fiercely, and saw Wolf Eleven appearing at the door. Before Yan Leyang was about to groan, Wolf Eleven interrupted him: "Leyang, do you only like my body/body?"

Eh? Yan Leyang was stunned.

Although the big tiger is a little out of his mind now, he subconsciously feels that something is wrong.

Wolf Eleven actually had some doubts in his mind. After noticing Yan Leyang's green eyes looking over, he realized for the first time that besides shining like emeralds, these eyes were quite dangerous.

Yan Leyang doesn't have vertical pupils like cats, but they are also terrifying, especially when those eyes are widened, the black pupils are particularly obvious.

Wolf Eleven, who was stared at by these eyes, bit the bullet and continued to maintain his half-dead tone: "Every time you seem to only want to do that kind of thing with me."

This kind of words seemed to be saying cryptically, "Do you not love me that much?"

Wolf Eleven was a little uncertain.

It's not very good to say this kind of words to your partner. If you are not careful, this kind of hypocritical wording may leave some indelible mark on their relationship.

However, his current partner is like a cat that smoked catnip and ruined its brain, in a state of excitement and out of control.

Yan Leyang:...

Yan Leyang took a deep breath.

"No, it's not!" Yan Leyang quickly denied, he doesn't know why now, the human speech is not smooth, and he can make nine turns and eighteen turns in the pronunciation of a word, even so, Yan Leyang still spits out with his own survival instinct Such two words.

Just, how should I put it. He is just an innocent little tiger who wants to sleep with his partner every day. Isn't this a survival instinct, although his partner doesn't seem to be able to have cubs.

But at this moment, the little tiger evolved, and something else appeared in the mind that only had "bed", "object" and "sticker".

Don't know where it came from.

It is said that he will not take care of his partner, only the tigers in his mind are rubbish, and in the end his wife will leave if she can't stand it.

right! Then he will chase his wife to the crematorium. If he doesn't succeed, his daughter-in-law will post with others.

Wife is suffering!

If he goes on like this, he may not have a wife anymore!

Yan Leyang jumped out of bed with a jerk, and ran up to Wolf Eleven, startling Wolf Eleven.

"No, no, no." Yan Leyang hastily denied that he only likes Wolf Eleven's body, "It looks good, and also, I like..."

"What looks good? What do you like?" Wolf Eleven couldn't understand what Yan Leyang meant. Although they had a good understanding, Yan Leyang's brain is not good enough to support this function.

"I like being good-looking, and I also like..." Yan Leyang was a little anxious. He didn't know how to describe that he liked Wolf Eleven everywhere, and he liked everything, but he couldn't say it.

So Yan Leyang pointed to the heart of Wolf Eleven.

He likes the soul of Wolf Eleven, from the inside out, he likes it all.

Wolf Eleven: ...

Wolf Eleven covered his mouth, he almost yelled out.

Yan Leyang has already figured it out, he can control things like posting, and he can't lose his wife.

You can't lose your wife even if you die! Plato doesn't matter... even, even...

Before he could figure out why, Yan Leyang staggered suddenly, but fortunately, the wolf with eleven eyes quickly supported Yan Leyang.

Yan Leyang looked helplessly at Wolf Eleven: "Eleven."

His tone of voice was normal, and he had regained his sanity.

"How do you feel?" Lang Shixi nervously supported Yan Leyang.

"It's pretty good." After being helped by Lang Shishi, Yan Leyang lay down on him with his strength.

Yan Leyang clearly remembered what he was thinking when his mind was not clear, of course he would not care about what Wolf Eleven said, after all, after his brain problem, he was indeed, ahem, too demanding.

When he was nervous, all Yan Leyang could think about was that he would never chase his wife to the crematorium. This whimsical idea was probably because Yan Leyang had read quite a few novels.

If it wasn't for the fact that Wolf Eleven and him could not have offspring, Yan Leyang had no doubt that he, who had mental problems, would resolutely say "I will give birth to a child with your surname." This kind of dog-licking trick.


It is a good thing that Yan Leyang can be controlled. When Fanglang Shishi told the news, everyone else heaved a sigh of relief.

It's just that before Yan Leyang came over to explain the situation in person, his brain was failing, so he could only expect Ai Ai to follow behind Wolf Eleven and be a cute and harmless kitten.

Yan Leyang was stunned for a moment when he noticed Hutch, Hatch had never seen Yan Leyang who lost his mind, and subconsciously showed a smile.

Yan Leyang turned his head to avoid it.

This gray-haired, blue-eyed guy looked good, but he always felt that this guy was an idiot.

Hatch, who didn't know he was disgusted, looked at Yan Leyang with great interest: "Brother Yan?"

"Eleven." Yan Leyang went up and grabbed the corner of Eleven's clothes: "I'm afraid."

You're fucking scared of a der! Hatch almost cursed directly.

"Ahem." Miao Miaomiao, who remained silent, pressed his fist to his lips and coughed twice: "Our cat tribe, some wolf tribes, and troops from other races are coming one after another."

"The power of the mother body should not be underestimated. We hold back those orcs who have been brainwashed. Only the two of you, Lang Shiyi and Yan Leyang, can enter the mother body." Miao Miaomiao reminded, "They may not be able to delay for long, after all, the mother body Technology is much stronger than us."

"We understand." Wolf Eleven nodded.

While they were talking, Ai Lefu, who arrived late, pushed the door in. He had authority, and after seeing Yan Leyang again, Ai Lefu's eyes lit up: "Brother!"

At this moment, Ai Lefu looked like a dog in a suit and leather shoes, but Yan Leyang only glanced at him before turning his gaze back.

Elef was also aware of Yan Leyang's condition, so he didn't care.

"What's the matter with you?" Miao Miaomiao asked him, "The second-in-command comrade doesn't seem like someone who will be late."

"Yes, it's comrades." Elev's eyes lit up when he heard the word, "Do you know? I have come into contact with very advanced and great ideas."

Elev laughed: "Have you heard of Marxism-Leninism?"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough." Hutch coughed frantically, and Wolf Eleven looked at Yan Leyang.

If Wolf Eleven remembers correctly, these things were used by Yan Leyang to fool another "Yan Leyang". I thought the other "Yan Leyang" was a big killer, but it turned out to be useless so soon...

No, maybe it's not that "Yan Leyang" is useless, he's still quite useful, isn't it true that Ailefu has been brainwashed

"Leaving this aside, it will take me a while to crack the mother's weapon code. He Wen, do you have any equipment here?" Wolf Eleven asked.

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that it will be absolutely effective. Just in case, it's better to be careful." He Wen reminded him, "There is also a main operating room in the base, which is separate from the mother body..."

They were talking about strategy, while Yan Leyang glanced quietly at Elev.

Ai Lufu moved a lot when he sat down just now, probably because he was very excited, showing a part of his waistline.

Ai Lefu has a good figure, but Yan Leyang doesn't care about that.

While exposing the waistline, Elef also revealed a section of the side of his underwear, on which some wonderful patterns were drawn.

"Is that baby Hai*baby and Pai*xing?" Yan Leyang pointed at Ai Lufu's underwear.

"You know him?" Elef clapped excitedly, "I asked Hutch to order this, and it can be regarded as witnessing the budding of our friendship."

Hutch smiled: "What Elef said fits his status as the overlord of the ocean."

"Wow." Yan Leyang exclaimed, "Do you know how starfish eat?"

He Wen stopped talking, and couldn't help sighing... So, in their current team, did they really pass through the mother's body just now

The author has something to say:

Two more from time to time

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-05 23:20:31~2021-03-07 10:02:54~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 294883462;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lahee~, Kaka; 294883465 bottles; 2 bottles of ink dyed Zixi; 1 bottle of Nuannuan and Weiyang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!