A Hero Erratic

Chapter 117: Antarctica


Due to its geographical location, the Antarctic continent enters the water night period from June 22nd to 23rd. Until December, 24 hours a day is spent in a long night.

Under various extremely harsh environmental conditions, humans simply cannot survive here without relying on external forces. However... there are still exceptions.

After everyone climbed onto the back of the mammoth, Ao Shuo explained the direction to Daming and others, and then got into the igloo to place their luggage.

"It's so cold!"

Su Xin smiled and finally said no more.

"Forget the strong wind, I didn't expect it to be so cold." Ao Yang's tone was still trembling when he spoke.

With that speed and the size of the icegull, it would not be fun to crash into it. The four dragons immediately transformed into dragons and faced the attack of the ice gulls.

In the coldest months (May, June, and July), the temperature in the inland areas is between minus 40 and 70 degrees Celsius. At the highest peak in Antarctica, "Mount Vincent", the temperature is even as cold as minus 240 degrees Celsius. It can be said to be the coldest place on the earth's surface.

The poem letter was placed in Daming's arms and he slowly expressed his views.

But what drove all the dragons and dragon girls crazy the most was the conversation that followed between the couple.

Although Wuhen has never revealed his true strength, everyone can already see some clues from here. Lian Nishang, who is also from the Dragon Clan and has the most outstanding performance, is so tired that he fell down after playing for a day, but Wuhen, on the other hand, looked very relaxed from beginning to end.

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

Because the incident happened suddenly, and Daming's sight was obscured by the snowfall and he couldn't figure out the situation, he immediately hugged his two wives, and then let Xiaoxue ride on his shoulders, ready to dodge at any time depending on the situation.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

As Ming wielded the Eight Swords of the Universe, large groups of ice dinosaurs turned into ice dust and dispersed in the wind. On the other hand, Shihan held his staff high and peached several Ice Tyrannosaurus alone.

Lian Nishang's body was wrapped in raging high-temperature flames. Ice gulls that directly collided with her were evaporated in an instant. Otherwise, they were unlucky enough to be swept away by the female tyrannosaurus, and their bodies were half melted and blown away by the snowstorm. The remaining ice gulls dispersed in a crowd, fluttering their wings to avoid Lian Nishang, but there were four other dragons waiting by the side. When they saw the ice gulls dispersed, they immediately pounced on them one by one, and killed them in two or three strokes. solve.

Under various extremely harsh environmental conditions, humans simply cannot survive here without relying on external forces. However... there are still exceptions.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

In addition, Xiaoxue built a small igloo (about the size of a tent for eight people) on the back of the mammoth. Although it cannot be said to be spacious, it finally gave everyone a place to shelter from the wind and snow, so this journey was not It's quite difficult.

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

"Wow haha - why is the wind so strong!"

When Lian Nishang saw the poem letter, he turned away coldly and pretended not to see it, but his eyes were a little flustered and uncomfortable.

Needless to say, Daming was dressed lightly as if he was spending his summer vacation in Hawaii. He was so cool that it made people shiver just looking at him. Shi Han only wore a coat at most, and her cold-proof spell was more effective than anything else.

He followed Daming for half a year and watched him for half a year. Come to think of it, there's almost enough time...

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

Although it was morning, the sky was still dark.

"I can hold on a little longer! This little wind can't stop me." Ao Yang roared in response.

Before passing through the Kunlun Trail, Shihan had been told to cast cold-proof spells on his body to avoid sudden temperature differences that would cause his body to be unable to bear it and cause trouble.

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

Although Wuhen was very powerful, the ones they found most terrifying were Daming and Shihan.

At the other end of the crevice, the path gradually sloped downwards, as if it had been prepared for them.

Thick blankets and sleeping bags were spread on the ice, temporarily serving as a shelter for everyone. The warm and bright flames, the joyful chatter and laughter, all form a strong contrast with the outside world.

Because of the eternal night, it is difficult to tell whether the current time is day or night, even when looking at the watch. If you are confused, who knows whether it is nine o'clock in the evening or nine o'clock in the morning

But the cold was no longer cold, but just after passing the Kunlun Trail, a strong wind blew the poem letter into the sky.

Bailong's figure suddenly climbed upwards rapidly. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and would not be thrown out.

Although they are no different from ordinary people when they are in human form, they still have a certain degree of combat power after transforming into dragons.

If we use driving as an analogy, they were just like driving on the highway, smooth and smooth, but now it is like driving on a mountain road, and the journey is bumpy and has a tendency to become more and more serious.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

Then Ao Yang transformed into a white dragon more than 200 meters long, carrying everyone and rushing eastward in the strong wind.

Daming put his arms around Shihan's waist and stood on top of the mammoth's head, looking around in confusion. On the one hand, he accompanied his wife to see the scenery, and on the other hand, he also took on the responsibility of vigilance.

At that time, Da Ming was holding Xiaoxue and sitting on top of the mammoth's head, and gently held her little hand with his palm to send energy to her, a bit like a battery being charged.

Although Daming held Shihan's hand in time, the scene of the poem being blown by the wind and swinging in the air was quite funny.

When the white avalanche of snow dissipated, Daming could see his surroundings clearly - it turned out that the mammoth had stepped on a huge ice crevice.

"This feels very familiar..." Shenlan lowered her head and thought in confusion, but in the end she couldn't remember it because the memory was too far away, so she didn't mention it.

Later, Xiaoxue pulled up a layer of ice curtain to give everyone space to assemble, otherwise they would all be blown away.

Monsters and demons, is there a more terrifying combination in the world? It makes me tingle just thinking about it.

He followed Daming for half a year and watched him for half a year. Come to think of it, there's almost enough time...

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

The mammoth that Daming and others were riding fell into this trick. But logically speaking, with Xiaoxue here, she should be able to avoid such dangerous places. Is it because she is too tired these days

For Xiaoxue, this desolate land is like home.

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

But what drove all the dragons and dragon girls crazy the most was the conversation that followed between the couple.

The ruins exploration team gathered in Kunlun and set off. The participants included Silongzi, Silongnu, Da Ming, Shihan, Xiaoxue and Shenlan. Basically, they were all non-human combinations.

Just like the mammoths summoned by Xiaoxue, these ice gulls are also creatures simulated from ice. When they spread their wings, they are as big as an elephant, and they pounce in a large group at a time. The momentum is really incredible. Covered.

"I don't know. Because of the influence of the power of the ruins, it is quite difficult to even approach through the periphery. Moreover, higher-level dragons like us will weaken as fast as ordinary people after coming here, let alone It’s just an ordinary dragon clan. Because of such environmental factors, the dragon clan wasn’t very interested in this place at first. It wasn’t until we started to pay attention to the investigation in the past ten years that we finally got some results.”

The moonlight and starlight in the sky were also blocked by clouds, leaving darkness, snow, and silence filling this vast ice field.

As for the ice gulls that slipped through the net, they attacked directly towards the mammoths. The mammoths waved their ice fangs and trunks to deal with two of them, and the remaining one was smashed into pieces by the huge ice hammer conjured by Xiaoxue's wave.

"Uh... Because this is recorded in ancient documents, so..." Ao Yang didn't know what to say, and his words were a bit choppy.

In this way, the mammoth walked on the ice sheet for three days in the bitter wind and snow.


"Are you all okay?" Daming looked at Shihan and the others, but he didn't feel anything unusual.

Legend has it that in order to unlock the seal of the Canglong Plain, all the dragon kings of the four tribes need to be present. However, because it is not yet certain whether the Blue Dragon Plain exists, this trip can only be regarded as an exploration trip, and the Four Dragon Kings did not accompany them.

Although Wuhen was very powerful, the ones they found most terrifying were Daming and Shihan.

The dragon sons and dragon girls, who realized that there was a huge difference in level between them, fell into a gloomy mood.

But when facing the poem letter, Lian Nishang really tasted the taste of failure, and it was a disastrous defeat. This brought a big blow to her always proud self-esteem.

"You can't say that! Those documents are very old, at least tens of millions of years old, or even longer. The map terrain at that time was completely different from now. We also spent a long time studying it. Only then did we deduce that the Blue Dragon Plain may be in this place."

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

Under Shihan's guidance in the past few months, Shenlan finally got into the habit of wearing clothes, but it was just a loose shirt and jeans for a casual look.

Later, Xiaoxue pulled up a layer of ice curtain to give everyone space to assemble, otherwise they would all be blown away.

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

According to Ao Shuo's original plan, everyone would take the No. 11 bus to their destination, but Xiaoxue's existence gave them a better choice.

"It's so cold!"

In the next day, Daming and his party were constantly attacked by various ice and snow creatures, including dinosaurs and many other unseen species. It was like visiting a zoo, and it became a veritable sightseeing trip.

Bailong's figure suddenly climbed upwards rapidly. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and would not be thrown out.

"There are scenery to see and monsters to play with. Husband, this vacation trip is really wonderful."

But most of the time, the two women still talk more around the poems and letters

"Do you believe it or not, there are such coincidences in the world?" Daming said, raising his hand and pointing directly at the front.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since this place is guarded by such a mysterious power, I think there should be something very special here." Ao Li, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

Just like the mammoths summoned by Xiaoxue, these ice gulls are also creatures simulated from ice. When they spread their wings, they are as big as an elephant, and they pounce in a large group at a time. The momentum is really incredible. Covered.

Following Daming's words, everyone looked in the direction he was looking.

Shihan is so big, and this is his first experience of soaring over the Antarctic, and he can't help but scream with excitement. However, as more than ten minutes passed, Shi Han's interest also diminished a lot, and he calmed down and leaned close to Daming's arms.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since this place is guarded by such a mysterious power, I think there should be something very special here." Ao Li, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

After all, the battle between her and Lian Nishang a few days ago was really impressive. And even if they wanted to take advantage of Ming Dynasty, they still had to consider attracting his terrifying presence.

The one who took action was Lian Nishang.

As Bailong advanced, the journey became even more difficult. The gap that allowed Ao Yang to move was significantly reduced. As a last resort, Ao Yang had to force his way through the strong wind zone.

Separated by an ice wall, the inside and outside of the igloo are two completely different worlds.

But in this way, people on the White Dragon seem to be riding a roller coaster, with huge height differences, twists and turns, and huge gyrations.

At the other end of the crevice, the path gradually sloped downwards, as if it had been prepared for them.

At that time, Da Ming was holding Xiaoxue and sitting on top of the mammoth's head, and gently held her little hand with his palm to send energy to her, a bit like a battery being charged.

"What the hell." Daming felt that this was a little too fast, so he hugged his two wives and walked out of the house to see what the situation was now.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

When Lian Nishang saw the poem letter, he turned away coldly and pretended not to see it, but his eyes were a little flustered and uncomfortable.

As Ming wielded the Eight Swords of the Universe, large groups of ice dinosaurs turned into ice dust and dispersed in the wind. On the other hand, Shihan held his staff high and peached several Ice Tyrannosaurus alone.

According to Daming's idea, as long as he asks Purgatory to come out and stand where he is, he will naturally melt the ice cap and sink. However, it is technically difficult to make Purgatory obey.


"I don't know about this, but I know that the place they are going to probably doesn't welcome anyone to visit, otherwise they wouldn't show such an obvious refusal."

Lian Nishang had no obvious memory of her defeat against Daming. Everything happened when she was unconscious, so she didn't feel anything.

The ruins exploration team gathered in Kunlun and set off. The participants included Silongzi, Silongnu, Da Ming, Shihan, Xiaoxue and Shenlan. Basically, they were all non-human combinations.

It was at this moment that he saw something strange suddenly appear in the sky in front of him.

For Xiaoxue, this desolate land is like home.

But when facing the poem letter, Lian Nishang really tasted the taste of failure, and it was a disastrous defeat. This brought a big blow to her always proud self-esteem.

"I can hold on a little longer! This little wind can't stop me." Ao Yang roared in response.

"It's so cold!"

"Attention, we are close to the influence range of the ruins' power." Ao Yang turned his head and said, and then circled into the storm circle.


"Well! The elements here are different from the outside world. Everything is crazy and out of control. Especially our abilities will be reduced here, so everyone should be more careful." Ao Li said looking at the scene outside the ice window.

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

Daming saw that all the dragon sons and dragon girls were equipped with large and small bags, tents, sleeping bags, etc., and they were very well equipped. Then look at them themselves, they were all wearing light casual clothes, and they came empty-handed. It was like they were on vacation. (Actually... this is also true).

"There is such a place..." Daming murmured, and took Ao Yang's luggage and carried it on his back.

Although the simulated ice and snow creature has no sense of pain and no self-awareness, it sounds quite miserable when it screams one after another.

Although Daming held Shihan's hand in time, the scene of the poem being blown by the wind and swinging in the air was quite funny.

"It's so cold!"

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

Ao Li emerged from the igloo at this time and said: "It is similar to the results of the investigation. Only from here can we truly enter the scope of the ruins."

Compared with the last time I saw her, Lian Nishang's body has become much larger after transforming into a dragon. She has almost caught up with her father, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and Si Longzi is also a bit shorter in front of her. For a dragon that is only about a hundred years old, it is indeed a bit overgrown.

"What the hell." Daming felt that this was a little too fast, so he hugged his two wives and walked out of the house to see what the situation was now.

"How should we go now?" Although it was night, Daming's vision was not hindered. However, at a glance, there were ice and snow mountains all around, and he couldn't even tell the direction.

According to Daming's idea, as long as he asks Purgatory to come out and stand where he is, he will naturally melt the ice cap and sink. However, it is technically difficult to make Purgatory obey.

Separated by an ice wall, the inside and outside of the igloo are two completely different worlds.

The dragon sons and dragon girls, who realized that there was a huge difference in level between them, fell into a gloomy mood.

"Uh, well..." Daming forgot for a moment, which side of the Antarctic and North Pole have penguins

This time, Wuhen made a backhand move and easily cut the ice beast in half. You couldn't tell he was tired!

Daming held the poem in his arms with one hand, and wrapped the white dragon's mane in his other hand to fix his body. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Have you been depressed for a long time? You act so crazy."

Ao Shuo immediately explained: "Our current location is probably towards the area between the South Pole and the Ross Ice Cream. Ao Yang will take us east to the ruins in a moment, and then we will have to spend a week there. remains."

"What will happen after entering the ruins?" Daming turned around and asked.

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

"I think we are looking for something wrong. The Antarctic continent is covered by a layer of ice and snow, just like humans wearing hats, so it is called an 'ice cap'. Since Ao Li and the others mentioned that this ruins were recorded a long time ago, The Antarctic continent at that time was probably not covered in ice and snow, so I don't think we would find anything on this ice sheet."

Monsters and demons, is there a more terrifying combination in the world? It makes me tingle just thinking about it.

Following Daming's words, everyone looked in the direction he was looking.

Fortunately, the depth of this ice crack is only more than a hundred meters. For Daming and others, they can't fall to death at all. Besides, there is a mammoth at the bottom. It's just pity for this mammoth who has worked hard for several days. Although it is more than a hundred meters, The depth was only meters, but the weight was too heavy. When pressed by its huge tonnage, the entire lower body was shattered.

The mammoth that Daming and others were riding fell into this trick. But logically speaking, with Xiaoxue here, she should be able to avoid such dangerous places. Is it because she is too tired these days

"It's been so long, why don't you fly directly to the destination?" Hearing this, Da Ming understood that there was a reason why they were so well prepared.

However, most of the enemy's offensive was taken over by Daming and others.

"You can't say that! Those documents are very old, at least tens of millions of years old, or even longer. The map terrain at that time was completely different from now. We also spent a long time studying it. Only then did we deduce that the Blue Dragon Plain may be in this place."

The dragon sons and dragon girls, who realized that there was a huge difference in level between them, fell into a gloomy mood.

This time, Wuhen made a backhand move and easily cut the ice beast in half. You couldn't tell he was tired!

When it comes to playing with ice, not even the water dragons can match it, so several dragons and dragon girls cast curious glances at Xiaoxue's ability to create ice-like objects.

Suddenly, four green, red, white, and black dragons appeared out of thin air and collided straight towards the ice gull.

"There's no way." This time Ao Yang shook his head and said, "The closer you get to the ruins, the more violent the wind element becomes. Even the Dragon Clan of the West Sea, which can control the direction of the wind, is powerless against it. Besides... the ruins also have the ability to suppress the power of the Dragon Clan. It's too dangerous to approach from the air."

"It's so cold!"

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

This time, Wuhen made a backhand move and easily cut the ice beast in half. You couldn't tell he was tired!

Ao Li emerged from the igloo at this time and said: "It is similar to the results of the investigation. Only from here can we truly enter the scope of the ruins."

"So you just came here in a daze?" Daming finished the rest of his words for him.

"Do you believe it or not, there are such coincidences in the world?" Daming said, raising his hand and pointing directly at the front.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

"Ao Yang! It's okay, go down!" Ao Wuji shouted loudly.

"There is such a place..." Daming murmured, and took Ao Yang's luggage and carried it on his back.

The poem letter was placed in Daming's arms and he slowly expressed his views.

Daming saw that all the dragon sons and dragon girls were equipped with large and small bags, tents, sleeping bags, etc., and they were very well equipped. Then look at them themselves, they were all wearing light casual clothes, and they came empty-handed. It was like they were on vacation. (Actually... this is also true).

Ao Li emerged from the igloo at this time and said: "It is similar to the results of the investigation. Only from here can we truly enter the scope of the ruins."

As for the ice gulls that slipped through the net, they attacked directly towards the mammoths. The mammoths waved their ice fangs and trunks to deal with two of them, and the remaining one was smashed into pieces by the huge ice hammer conjured by Xiaoxue's wave.

Then Ao Yang transformed into a white dragon more than 200 meters long, carrying everyone and rushing eastward in the strong wind.

Needless to say, Daming was dressed lightly as if he was spending his summer vacation in Hawaii. He was so cool that it made people shiver just looking at him. Shi Han only wore a coat at most, and her cold-proof spell was more effective than anything else.

Needless to say, Daming was dressed lightly as if he was spending his summer vacation in Hawaii. He was so cool that it made people shiver just looking at him. Shi Han only wore a coat at most, and her cold-proof spell was more effective than anything else.

Fortunately, the depth of this ice crack is only more than a hundred meters. For Daming and others, they can't fall to death at all. Besides, there is a mammoth at the bottom. It's just pity for this mammoth who has worked hard for several days. Although it is more than a hundred meters, The depth was only meters, but the weight was too heavy. When pressed by its huge tonnage, the entire lower body was shattered.

But when facing the poem letter, Lian Nishang really tasted the taste of failure, and it was a disastrous defeat. This brought a big blow to her always proud self-esteem.

The Xihai Dragon Clan is worthy of being a wind-controlling clan, and the speed at which they gallop through the sky is just different.

"The average thickness of the ice cap is 2,700 meters. How long do you want to dig? And there is no guarantee that we can dig out the ruins we are looking for."

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

Ao Yang's figure was like a white shooting star, quietly crossing the cold and silent wilderness. The endless mountains and glaciers disappeared from under him quickly like rushing water.

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

"You can't say that! Those documents are very old, at least tens of millions of years old, or even longer. The map terrain at that time was completely different from now. We also spent a long time studying it. Only then did we deduce that the Blue Dragon Plain may be in this place."

"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

Shihan is so big, and this is his first experience of soaring over the Antarctic, and he can't help but scream with excitement. However, as more than ten minutes passed, Shi Han's interest also diminished a lot, and he calmed down and leaned close to Daming's arms.

After all, the battle between her and Lian Nishang a few days ago was really impressive. And even if they wanted to take advantage of Ming Dynasty, they still had to consider attracting his terrifying presence.

"There is a question I have wanted to ask for a long time. Since no one has been in, how can you be sure that there is an ancient ruin here?" Daming has been curious about this for a long time.

"I think we are looking for something wrong. The Antarctic continent is covered by a layer of ice and snow, just like humans wearing hats, so it is called an 'ice cap'. Since Ao Li and the others mentioned that this ruins were recorded a long time ago, The Antarctic continent at that time was probably not covered in ice and snow, so I don't think we would find anything on this ice sheet."

Monsters and demons, is there a more terrifying combination in the world? It makes me tingle just thinking about it.

Although the mammoth's mobility cannot be said to be fast, in this weather where blizzards are raging and there are unknown dangers lurking in the ice fields, being able to move forward steadily is the fastest speed.

Even if they have noble status, such as Su Xin and Yao Ji, they still have to brave the wind and snow while walking quickly to keep up with the mammoths. Who calls them stalkers now

Daming held the poem in his arms with one hand, and wrapped the white dragon's mane in his other hand to fix his body. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Have you been depressed for a long time? You act so crazy."

"It's been so long, why don't you fly directly to the destination?" Hearing this, Da Ming understood that there was a reason why they were so well prepared.

Daming held the poem in his arms with one hand, and wrapped the white dragon's mane in his other hand to fix his body. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Have you been depressed for a long time? You act so crazy."

In the night sky filled with wind and snow, about a dozen ice gulls were swooping down towards them following the snowstorm. If it hadn't been for Daming's reminder, it would have been difficult to spot them in such a heavy snowstorm.

Shihan's response was a shy smile.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

Everyone lowered their heads and thought:


Following Daming's words, everyone looked in the direction he was looking.

However, there was a giant flaming dragon that moved faster than them. It jumped out in front of the four dragons in an instant and knocked the ice gulls into pieces.

"Penguins..." Xiaoxue popped her head out of the white dragon and looked down for a long time, then turned around with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Why are there no penguins?"

Daming hugged Shihan tightly, and Shihan hugged Xiaoxue tightly. Everyone was concentrating on grabbing the white dragon's mane, and the conversation became noticeably less.

"I think we are looking for something wrong. The Antarctic continent is covered by a layer of ice and snow, just like humans wearing hats, so it is called an 'ice cap'. Since Ao Li and the others mentioned that this ruins were recorded a long time ago, The Antarctic continent at that time was probably not covered in ice and snow, so I don't think we would find anything on this ice sheet."

"Yes!" Xiaoxue nodded vigorously in agreement.

However, most of the enemy's offensive was taken over by Daming and others.

Xiaoxue is very interested in this kind of creature that also lives in cold areas, but she has never been able to see it with her own eyes.

In addition, Xiaoxue built a small igloo (about the size of a tent for eight people) on the back of the mammoth. Although it cannot be said to be spacious, it finally gave everyone a place to shelter from the wind and snow, so this journey was not It's quite difficult.

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

"What happened?" Everyone ran out except Ao Shuo, who was sleeping to death.

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

However, most of the enemy's offensive was taken over by Daming and others.

Although Xiaoxue was also affected by the ruins and her strength was somewhat limited, with the energy support of Da Ming and Shi Han, she was able to survive.

Wuhen and Shenlan nodded. They felt the same as Xiaoxue, but the situation was not serious.

"Uh, well..." Daming forgot for a moment, which side of the Antarctic and North Pole have penguins

He followed Daming for half a year and watched him for half a year. Come to think of it, there's almost enough time...

The power of the ruins will weaken the dragon clan, which is also a thorny problem.

Although they are no different from ordinary people when they are in human form, they still have a certain degree of combat power after transforming into dragons.

Ao Li emerged from the igloo at this time and said: "It is similar to the results of the investigation. Only from here can we truly enter the scope of the ruins."

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

Su Xin smiled and finally said no more.

"After walking for a day, I still haven't seen anything. Are there really so-called ruins here? Are you looking in the wrong direction?"

"Yes!" Xiaoxue nodded vigorously in agreement.

Although it was morning, the sky was still dark.

With that speed and the size of the icegull, it would not be fun to crash into it. The four dragons immediately transformed into dragons and faced the attack of the ice gulls.

In the next day, Daming and his party were constantly attacked by various ice and snow creatures, including dinosaurs and many other unseen species. It was like visiting a zoo, and it became a veritable sightseeing trip.

"Yes!" Xiaoxue nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Attention, we are close to the influence range of the ruins' power." Ao Yang turned his head and said, and then circled into the storm circle.

As for Xiaoxue... Has anyone ever heard that a snow girl will die of cold...

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

"It seems... we don't seem to be very popular!" Daming whispered.

At first, Daming and the others didn't pay much attention to it, but after entering the storm circle, they realized how powerful it was.

Because the incident happened suddenly, and Daming's sight was obscured by the snowfall and he couldn't figure out the situation, he immediately hugged his two wives, and then let Xiaoxue ride on his shoulders, ready to dodge at any time depending on the situation.

In the next day, Daming and his party were constantly attacked by various ice and snow creatures, including dinosaurs and many other unseen species. It was like visiting a zoo, and it became a veritable sightseeing trip.

"There is a question I have wanted to ask for a long time. Since no one has been in, how can you be sure that there is an ancient ruin here?" Daming has been curious about this for a long time.

The Xihai Dragon Clan is worthy of being a wind-controlling clan, and the speed at which they gallop through the sky is just different.

If we use driving as an analogy, they were just like driving on the highway, smooth and smooth, but now it is like driving on a mountain road, and the journey is bumpy and has a tendency to become more and more serious.

"What the hell." Daming felt that this was a little too fast, so he hugged his two wives and walked out of the house to see what the situation was now.

At the other end of the crevice, the path gradually sloped downwards, as if it had been prepared for them.

Daming hugged Shihan tightly, and Shihan hugged Xiaoxue tightly. Everyone was concentrating on grabbing the white dragon's mane, and the conversation became noticeably less.

The couple seemed to have no idea what it meant to be tired, and they were still full of energy after playing for a whole day. Especially Daming, every time he takes a shot, he uses a wide range of special moves to clear the field. Counting that he has used it hundreds of times in a day, his physical strength is still very strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to use it a hundred times more.

As if the sky was trying to punish them, the mammoth was walking, and as soon as its front feet touched the snow, the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed rapidly, and even the mammoth itself fell down with the avalanche of snow.

Although the simulated ice and snow creature has no sense of pain and no self-awareness, it sounds quite miserable when it screams one after another.

"It seems... we don't seem to be very popular!" Daming whispered.

But in this way, people on the White Dragon seem to be riding a roller coaster, with huge height differences, twists and turns, and huge gyrations.

Xiaoxue is very interested in this kind of creature that also lives in cold areas, but she has never been able to see it with her own eyes.

The couple seemed to have no idea what it meant to be tired, and they were still full of energy after playing for a whole day. Especially Daming, every time he takes a shot, he uses a wide range of special moves to clear the field. Counting that he has used it hundreds of times in a day, his physical strength is still very strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to use it a hundred times more.

As for the ice gulls that slipped through the net, they attacked directly towards the mammoths. The mammoths waved their ice fangs and trunks to deal with two of them, and the remaining one was smashed into pieces by the huge ice hammer conjured by Xiaoxue's wave.


As soon as Shi Han's spell was released, several ice tyrannosaurs with claws and fangs could not bear their own weight, and finally broke into pieces and collapsed, and they were easily destroyed.

But when facing the poem letter, Lian Nishang really tasted the taste of failure, and it was a disastrous defeat. This brought a big blow to her always proud self-esteem.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

Because the ice cracks are often covered with a thin layer of ice, called snow bridges, they are indistinguishable from ordinary snow. They are like natural traps, and whoever steps on them will be unlucky.

According to Daming's idea, as long as he asks Purgatory to come out and stand where he is, he will naturally melt the ice cap and sink. However, it is technically difficult to make Purgatory obey.

The couple seemed to have no idea what it meant to be tired, and they were still full of energy after playing for a whole day. Especially Daming, every time he takes a shot, he uses a wide range of special moves to clear the field. Counting that he has used it hundreds of times in a day, his physical strength is still very strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to use it a hundred times more.

"I don't feel anything." Shihan rubbed her fingers, and a ball of flame came out, indicating that her ability was not affected.

"You can't say that! Those documents are very old, at least tens of millions of years old, or even longer. The map terrain at that time was completely different from now. We also spent a long time studying it. Only then did we deduce that the Blue Dragon Plain may be in this place."

Bailong's figure suddenly climbed upwards rapidly. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and would not be thrown out.

But most of the time, the two women still talk more around the poems and letters

"Attention, we are close to the influence range of the ruins' power." Ao Yang turned his head and said, and then circled into the storm circle.

Shihan is so big, and this is his first experience of soaring over the Antarctic, and he can't help but scream with excitement. However, as more than ten minutes passed, Shi Han's interest also diminished a lot, and he calmed down and leaned close to Daming's arms.

When Lian Nishang saw the poem letter, he turned away coldly and pretended not to see it, but his eyes were a little flustered and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

Suddenly, four green, red, white, and black dragons appeared out of thin air and collided straight towards the ice gull.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Since the wind here was not under Ao Yang's control, Ao Yang could only find gaps in the wind to move forward to avoid a head-on collision with the strong snowstorm in order to save his energy.

"Penguins..." Xiaoxue popped her head out of the white dragon and looked down for a long time, then turned around with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Why are there no penguins?"

"Uh, well..." Daming forgot for a moment, which side of the Antarctic and North Pole have penguins


"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

Except for Wuhen and Wuji, everyone else wore thick warm clothes. As the strength decreases, the relative ability to withstand the cold will also decrease, so the best way is to wear more clothes, which is the safest way.

But looking at Daming's side, it looks very weird.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

But in this way, people on the White Dragon seem to be riding a roller coaster, with huge height differences, twists and turns, and huge gyrations.

"I don't know. Because of the influence of the power of the ruins, it is quite difficult to even approach through the periphery. Moreover, higher-level dragons like us will weaken as fast as ordinary people after coming here, let alone It’s just an ordinary dragon clan. Because of such environmental factors, the dragon clan wasn’t very interested in this place at first. It wasn’t until we started to pay attention to the investigation in the past ten years that we finally got some results.”

"There is something, and it is rushing towards us now." Hearing the unusual noise in the wind, Daming looked up at the sky and said.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

Separated by an ice wall, the inside and outside of the igloo are two completely different worlds.

Except for Xiaoxue who screamed happily, everyone present looked solemn.

Although they are no different from ordinary people when they are in human form, they still have a certain degree of combat power after transforming into dragons.

Although Xiaoxue was also affected by the ruins and her strength was somewhat limited, with the energy support of Da Ming and Shi Han, she was able to survive.

Although the simulated ice and snow creature has no sense of pain and no self-awareness, it sounds quite miserable when it screams one after another.

Although Xiaoxue was also affected by the ruins and her strength was somewhat limited, with the energy support of Da Ming and Shi Han, she was able to survive.

Compared with the last time I saw her, Lian Nishang's body has become much larger after transforming into a dragon. She has almost caught up with her father, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and Si Longzi is also a bit shorter in front of her. For a dragon that is only about a hundred years old, it is indeed a bit overgrown.

If we use driving as an analogy, they were just like driving on the highway, smooth and smooth, but now it is like driving on a mountain road, and the journey is bumpy and has a tendency to become more and more serious.

Although it was morning, the sky was still dark.

As Bailong advanced, the journey became even more difficult. The gap that allowed Ao Yang to move was significantly reduced. As a last resort, Ao Yang had to force his way through the strong wind zone.

As soon as Shi Han's spell was released, several ice tyrannosaurs with claws and fangs could not bear their own weight, and finally broke into pieces and collapsed, and they were easily destroyed.

"There is something, and it is rushing towards us now." Hearing the unusual noise in the wind, Daming looked up at the sky and said.

Everyone lowered their heads and thought:

After flying for more than ten minutes, a sudden violent storm hit, causing Ao Yang to stumble and even fall back dozens of meters.

Monsters and demons, is there a more terrifying combination in the world? It makes me tingle just thinking about it.

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

The Xihai Dragon Clan is worthy of being a wind-controlling clan, and the speed at which they gallop through the sky is just different.

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

As Ming wielded the Eight Swords of the Universe, large groups of ice dinosaurs turned into ice dust and dispersed in the wind. On the other hand, Shihan held his staff high and peached several Ice Tyrannosaurus alone.

Although the water dragons can withstand the cold, they find it difficult to fly as they wish in such an area with extremely strong winds. Except for the Wind Dragon Clan, no other Dragon Clan can move freely in this kind of storm.

"Magic! Thousand times gravity."

Daming held the poem in his arms with one hand, and wrapped the white dragon's mane in his other hand to fix his body. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Have you been depressed for a long time? You act so crazy."

In their eyes... is this trip just for fun

The moonlight and starlight in the sky were also blocked by clouds, leaving darkness, snow, and silence filling this vast ice field.

The power of the ruins will weaken the dragon clan, which is also a thorny problem.

Before passing through the Kunlun Trail, Shihan had been told to cast cold-proof spells on his body to avoid sudden temperature differences that would cause his body to be unable to bear it and cause trouble.

"Well! The elements here are different from the outside world. Everything is crazy and out of control. Especially our abilities will be reduced here, so everyone should be more careful." Ao Li said looking at the scene outside the ice window.

The power of the ruins will weaken the dragon clan, which is also a thorny problem.

Lian Nishang's body was wrapped in raging high-temperature flames. Ice gulls that directly collided with her were evaporated in an instant. Otherwise, they were unlucky enough to be swept away by the female tyrannosaurus, and their bodies were half melted and blown away by the snowstorm. The remaining ice gulls dispersed in a crowd, fluttering their wings to avoid Lian Nishang, but there were four other dragons waiting by the side. When they saw the ice gulls dispersed, they immediately pounced on them one by one, and killed them in two or three strokes. solve.

If we use driving as an analogy, they were just like driving on the highway, smooth and smooth, but now it is like driving on a mountain road, and the journey is bumpy and has a tendency to become more and more serious.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

Although it was morning, the sky was still dark.

After flying for more than ten minutes, a sudden violent storm hit, causing Ao Yang to stumble and even fall back dozens of meters.

Although the water dragons can withstand the cold, they find it difficult to fly as they wish in such an area with extremely strong winds. Except for the Wind Dragon Clan, no other Dragon Clan can move freely in this kind of storm.

But looking at Daming's side, it looks very weird.

The dragon sons and dragon girls, who realized that there was a huge difference in level between them, fell into a gloomy mood.

Everyone seemed to know that Ao Yang had reached his limit.

But what drove all the dragons and dragon girls crazy the most was the conversation that followed between the couple.

"Do you believe it or not, there are such coincidences in the world?" Daming said, raising his hand and pointing directly at the front.

Daming put his arms around Shihan's waist and stood on top of the mammoth's head, looking around in confusion. On the one hand, he accompanied his wife to see the scenery, and on the other hand, he also took on the responsibility of vigilance.

Not long after, the woolly mammoth shook its head, roared, and moved forward with giant steps.

"Uh... Because this is recorded in ancient documents, so..." Ao Yang didn't know what to say, and his words were a bit choppy.

Not long after, the woolly mammoth shook its head, roared, and moved forward with giant steps.

The Donghai Dragon Clan is the leader of all the dragon clans, and Ao Shuo is also the oldest among them, making him the leader among them all.

"Ao Yang! It's okay, go down!" Ao Wuji shouted loudly.

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

With that speed and the size of the icegull, it would not be fun to crash into it. The four dragons immediately transformed into dragons and faced the attack of the ice gulls.

The couple seemed to have no idea what it meant to be tired, and they were still full of energy after playing for a whole day. Especially Daming, every time he takes a shot, he uses a wide range of special moves to clear the field. Counting that he has used it hundreds of times in a day, his physical strength is still very strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to use it a hundred times more.

"I can hold on a little longer! This little wind can't stop me." Ao Yang roared in response.

The poem letter was placed in Daming's arms and he slowly expressed his views.

"Uh... Because this is recorded in ancient documents, so..." Ao Yang didn't know what to say, and his words were a bit choppy.

The Xihai Dragon Clan is worthy of being a wind-controlling clan, and the speed at which they gallop through the sky is just different.

Su Xin smiled and finally said no more.

But looking at Daming's side, it looks very weird.

"Stop making trouble! If you show off in this situation, something will happen? Ao Yang, get down immediately!" Ao Shuo immediately followed suit and spoke sternly.

"I can hold on a little longer! This little wind can't stop me." Ao Yang roared in response.

After everyone climbed onto the back of the mammoth, Ao Shuo explained the direction to Daming and others, and then got into the igloo to place their luggage.

"Wow haha - why is the wind so strong!"

The Donghai Dragon Clan is the leader of all the dragon clans, and Ao Shuo is also the oldest among them, making him the leader among them all.

This time, Daming appeared in his true form with blue hair. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of Yuzhen and Qing'er. Because the difference between the image before and after was so big, it was difficult for people not to notice.

"This feels very familiar..." Shenlan lowered her head and thought in confusion, but in the end she couldn't remember it because the memory was too far away, so she didn't mention it.

The one who took action was Lian Nishang.

Due to the mammoth's never-ending journey, Ao Shuo arrived two days earlier than Ao Shuo expected. On the morning of the fifth day, they could already see the edge of the ruins.

"Yes!" Xiaoxue nodded vigorously in agreement.

After all, the battle between her and Lian Nishang a few days ago was really impressive. And even if they wanted to take advantage of Ming Dynasty, they still had to consider attracting his terrifying presence.

Since Ao Shuo had spoken like this, Ao Yang had no choice but to land on the ice field obediently.

"What will happen after entering the ruins?" Daming turned around and asked.

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

"It's so cold!"

"Ao Yang! It's okay, go down!" Ao Wuji shouted loudly.

"What happened?" Everyone ran out except Ao Shuo, who was sleeping to death.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since this place is guarded by such a mysterious power, I think there should be something very special here." Ao Li, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

In the igloo temporarily created by Xiaoxue, Ao Yang wrapped himself in a thick blanket, lit a fire and drank hot soup, allowing his body to gradually regain consciousness.

At that time, Da Ming was holding Xiaoxue and sitting on top of the mammoth's head, and gently held her little hand with his palm to send energy to her, a bit like a battery being charged.

In the next day, Daming and his party were constantly attacked by various ice and snow creatures, including dinosaurs and many other unseen species. It was like visiting a zoo, and it became a veritable sightseeing trip.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

As Bailong advanced, the journey became even more difficult. The gap that allowed Ao Yang to move was significantly reduced. As a last resort, Ao Yang had to force his way through the strong wind zone.

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

"Forget the strong wind, I didn't expect it to be so cold." Ao Yang's tone was still trembling when he spoke.

"Ao Yang! It's okay, go down!" Ao Wuji shouted loudly.

The Xihai Dragon Clan is worthy of being a wind-controlling clan, and the speed at which they gallop through the sky is just different.

Lian Nishang couldn't help but grit his teeth secretly when he saw this move. He obviously suffered a lot from this move.

"Well! The elements here are different from the outside world. Everything is crazy and out of control. Especially our abilities will be reduced here, so everyone should be more careful." Ao Li said looking at the scene outside the ice window.

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

"There is a question I have wanted to ask for a long time. Since no one has been in, how can you be sure that there is an ancient ruin here?" Daming has been curious about this for a long time.

Under Shihan's guidance in the past few months, Shenlan finally got into the habit of wearing clothes, but it was just a loose shirt and jeans for a casual look.

Before passing through the Kunlun Trail, Shihan had been told to cast cold-proof spells on his body to avoid sudden temperature differences that would cause his body to be unable to bear it and cause trouble.

Daming hugged Shihan tightly, and Shihan hugged Xiaoxue tightly. Everyone was concentrating on grabbing the white dragon's mane, and the conversation became noticeably less.

Due to the mammoth's never-ending journey, Ao Shuo arrived two days earlier than Ao Shuo expected. On the morning of the fifth day, they could already see the edge of the ruins.

"Are you all okay?" Daming looked at Shihan and the others, but he didn't feel anything unusual.

However, Ming Dynasty did not call Purgatory out in the end.

Wuhen and Shenlan nodded. They felt the same as Xiaoxue, but the situation was not serious.

Since Ao Shuo had spoken like this, Ao Yang had no choice but to land on the ice field obediently.

"Penguins..." Xiaoxue popped her head out of the white dragon and looked down for a long time, then turned around with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Why are there no penguins?"

"I don't feel anything." Shihan rubbed her fingers, and a ball of flame came out, indicating that her ability was not affected.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

Although they are no different from ordinary people when they are in human form, they still have a certain degree of combat power after transforming into dragons.

But most of the time, the two women still talk more around the poems and letters

The Donghai Dragon Clan is the leader of all the dragon clans, and Ao Shuo is also the oldest among them, making him the leader among them all.

However, Ming Dynasty did not call Purgatory out in the end.

Due to the mammoth's never-ending journey, Ao Shuo arrived two days earlier than Ao Shuo expected. On the morning of the fifth day, they could already see the edge of the ruins.

After everyone climbed onto the back of the mammoth, Ao Shuo explained the direction to Daming and others, and then got into the igloo to place their luggage.

But others are different.

Seeing this, all the dragons and dragon girls had to admit that Wuhen was the most powerful person among their dragon clan.

Because the incident happened suddenly, and Daming's sight was obscured by the snowfall and he couldn't figure out the situation, he immediately hugged his two wives, and then let Xiaoxue ride on his shoulders, ready to dodge at any time depending on the situation.

"I think we are looking for something wrong. The Antarctic continent is covered by a layer of ice and snow, just like humans wearing hats, so it is called an 'ice cap'. Since Ao Li and the others mentioned that this ruins were recorded a long time ago, The Antarctic continent at that time was probably not covered in ice and snow, so I don't think we would find anything on this ice sheet."

"It seems like something is pressing down on me, and my body feels heavy." Xiaoxue's tone sounded pitiful.

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

Seeing this, all the dragons and dragon girls had to admit that Wuhen was the most powerful person among their dragon clan.

The power of the ruins will weaken the dragon clan, which is also a thorny problem.

As soon as Shi Han's spell was released, several ice tyrannosaurs with claws and fangs could not bear their own weight, and finally broke into pieces and collapsed, and they were easily destroyed.

"It seems like something is pressing down on me, and my body feels heavy." Xiaoxue's tone sounded pitiful.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since this place is guarded by such a mysterious power, I think there should be something very special here." Ao Li, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

"There's no way." This time Ao Yang shook his head and said, "The closer you get to the ruins, the more violent the wind element becomes. Even the Dragon Clan of the West Sea, which can control the direction of the wind, is powerless against it. Besides... the ruins also have the ability to suppress the power of the Dragon Clan. It's too dangerous to approach from the air."

Su Xin smiled and finally said no more.

The mammoth that Daming and others were riding fell into this trick. But logically speaking, with Xiaoxue here, she should be able to avoid such dangerous places. Is it because she is too tired these days

At that time, Da Ming was holding Xiaoxue and sitting on top of the mammoth's head, and gently held her little hand with his palm to send energy to her, a bit like a battery being charged.

For Xiaoxue, this desolate land is like home.

Wuhen and Shenlan nodded. They felt the same as Xiaoxue, but the situation was not serious.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Ao Shuo immediately explained: "Our current location is probably towards the area between the South Pole and the Ross Ice Cream. Ao Yang will take us east to the ruins in a moment, and then we will have to spend a week there. remains."

Xiaoxue is very interested in this kind of creature that also lives in cold areas, but she has never been able to see it with her own eyes.

In the night sky filled with wind and snow, about a dozen ice gulls were swooping down towards them following the snowstorm. If it hadn't been for Daming's reminder, it would have been difficult to spot them in such a heavy snowstorm.

Lian Nishang's body was wrapped in raging high-temperature flames. Ice gulls that directly collided with her were evaporated in an instant. Otherwise, they were unlucky enough to be swept away by the female tyrannosaurus, and their bodies were half melted and blown away by the snowstorm. The remaining ice gulls dispersed in a crowd, fluttering their wings to avoid Lian Nishang, but there were four other dragons waiting by the side. When they saw the ice gulls dispersed, they immediately pounced on them one by one, and killed them in two or three strokes. solve.

According to Ao Shuo's original plan, everyone would take the No. 11 bus to their destination, but Xiaoxue's existence gave them a better choice.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

"This feels very familiar..." Shenlan lowered her head and thought in confusion, but in the end she couldn't remember it because the memory was too far away, so she didn't mention it.

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

When it comes to playing with ice, not even the water dragons can match it, so several dragons and dragon girls cast curious glances at Xiaoxue's ability to create ice-like objects.

As if the sky was trying to punish them, the mammoth was walking, and as soon as its front feet touched the snow, the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed rapidly, and even the mammoth itself fell down with the avalanche of snow.

Because of the eternal night, it is difficult to tell whether the current time is day or night, even when looking at the watch. If you are confused, who knows whether it is nine o'clock in the evening or nine o'clock in the morning

"Ao Yang! It's okay, go down!" Ao Wuji shouted loudly.

Shihan's response was a shy smile.

After everyone rested for a while and waited for Ao Yang to recover, they were ready to hit the road again.

But most of the time, the two women still talk more around the poems and letters

Although the mammoth's mobility cannot be said to be fast, in this weather where blizzards are raging and there are unknown dangers lurking in the ice fields, being able to move forward steadily is the fastest speed.

As if the sky was trying to punish them, the mammoth was walking, and as soon as its front feet touched the snow, the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed rapidly, and even the mammoth itself fell down with the avalanche of snow.

He followed Daming for half a year and watched him for half a year. Come to think of it, there's almost enough time...

"I think we are looking for something wrong. The Antarctic continent is covered by a layer of ice and snow, just like humans wearing hats, so it is called an 'ice cap'. Since Ao Li and the others mentioned that this ruins were recorded a long time ago, The Antarctic continent at that time was probably not covered in ice and snow, so I don't think we would find anything on this ice sheet."

Except for Wuhen and Wuji, everyone else wore thick warm clothes. As the strength decreases, the relative ability to withstand the cold will also decrease, so the best way is to wear more clothes, which is the safest way.

Legend has it that in order to unlock the seal of the Canglong Plain, all the dragon kings of the four tribes need to be present. However, because it is not yet certain whether the Blue Dragon Plain exists, this trip can only be regarded as an exploration trip, and the Four Dragon Kings did not accompany them.

"Wife! Come out." Daming called out.

"I don't feel anything." Shihan rubbed her fingers, and a ball of flame came out, indicating that her ability was not affected.

Ao Yang's figure was like a white shooting star, quietly crossing the cold and silent wilderness. The endless mountains and glaciers disappeared from under him quickly like rushing water.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since this place is guarded by such a mysterious power, I think there should be something very special here." Ao Li, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

Due to the suppression of their strength, the Four Dragon Sons and the Three Dragon Girls became easily fatigued. In the end, they took turns to rest in order to cope with the enemy's endless attacks.

But looking at Daming's side, it looks very weird.

But the cold was no longer cold, but just after passing the Kunlun Trail, a strong wind blew the poem letter into the sky.

"There is a question I have wanted to ask for a long time. Since no one has been in, how can you be sure that there is an ancient ruin here?" Daming has been curious about this for a long time.

Because the height in the igloo was not even high enough to stand straight, everyone had to sit on the ice, and they had to stay low even to enter and exit the igloo.

Needless to say, Daming was dressed lightly as if he was spending his summer vacation in Hawaii. He was so cool that it made people shiver just looking at him. Shi Han only wore a coat at most, and her cold-proof spell was more effective than anything else.

"Sister, what kind of power is this?"

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

"There is something, and it is rushing towards us now." Hearing the unusual noise in the wind, Daming looked up at the sky and said.

"The average thickness of the ice cap is 2,700 meters. How long do you want to dig? And there is no guarantee that we can dig out the ruins we are looking for."

Even if they have noble status, such as Su Xin and Yao Ji, they still have to brave the wind and snow while walking quickly to keep up with the mammoths. Who calls them stalkers now

Under Shihan's guidance in the past few months, Shenlan finally got into the habit of wearing clothes, but it was just a loose shirt and jeans for a casual look.

"Forget the strong wind, I didn't expect it to be so cold." Ao Yang's tone was still trembling when he spoke.

When the white avalanche of snow dissipated, Daming could see his surroundings clearly - it turned out that the mammoth had stepped on a huge ice crevice.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

Ao Shuo immediately explained: "Our current location is probably towards the area between the South Pole and the Ross Ice Cream. Ao Yang will take us east to the ruins in a moment, and then we will have to spend a week there. remains."

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

The power of the ruins will weaken the dragon clan, which is also a thorny problem.

"There is such a place..." Daming murmured, and took Ao Yang's luggage and carried it on his back.

Wuhen and Shenlan nodded. They felt the same as Xiaoxue, but the situation was not serious.

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

"Do you believe it or not, there are such coincidences in the world?" Daming said, raising his hand and pointing directly at the front.

Now Yuzhen and Qing'er finally know what Lian Nishang's "monster" meant back then. In their opinion, Daming is indeed a real monster, while Shihan is more like a devil than a devil.

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

Bailong's figure suddenly climbed upwards rapidly. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and would not be thrown out.

As for Xiaoxue... Has anyone ever heard that a snow girl will die of cold...

"You have to try things first. But digging is too slow. I have a better way."

The couple seemed to have no idea what it meant to be tired, and they were still full of energy after playing for a whole day. Especially Daming, every time he takes a shot, he uses a wide range of special moves to clear the field. Counting that he has used it hundreds of times in a day, his physical strength is still very strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to use it a hundred times more.

But others are different.

Except for Wuhen and Wuji, everyone else wore thick warm clothes. As the strength decreases, the relative ability to withstand the cold will also decrease, so the best way is to wear more clothes, which is the safest way.

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

"Uh, well..." Daming forgot for a moment, which side of the Antarctic and North Pole have penguins

According to Ao Shuo's original plan, everyone would take the No. 11 bus to their destination, but Xiaoxue's existence gave them a better choice.

Needless to say, Daming was dressed lightly as if he was spending his summer vacation in Hawaii. He was so cool that it made people shiver just looking at him. Shi Han only wore a coat at most, and her cold-proof spell was more effective than anything else.

The dragon sons and dragon girls, who realized that there was a huge difference in level between them, fell into a gloomy mood.

Now Yuzhen and Qing'er finally know what Lian Nishang's "monster" meant back then. In their opinion, Daming is indeed a real monster, while Shihan is more like a devil than a devil.

After everyone climbed onto the back of the mammoth, Ao Shuo explained the direction to Daming and others, and then got into the igloo to place their luggage.

But others are different.

As everyone went deeper, the number of enemies gradually increased, and their attack methods became more fierce and powerful.

A huge ice-tusked mammoth protruded from the white ice field and served as a means of transportation for everyone. And depending on the size and weight of this mammoth, there is no need to worry that it will be easily blown away.

In this way, the mammoth walked on the ice sheet for three days in the bitter wind and snow.

Because of the eternal night, it is difficult to tell whether the current time is day or night, even when looking at the watch. If you are confused, who knows whether it is nine o'clock in the evening or nine o'clock in the morning

"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

"After walking for a day, I still haven't seen anything. Are there really so-called ruins here? Are you looking in the wrong direction?"

Ao Li emerged from the igloo at this time and said: "It is similar to the results of the investigation. Only from here can we truly enter the scope of the ruins."

"How should we go now?" Although it was night, Daming's vision was not hindered. However, at a glance, there were ice and snow mountains all around, and he couldn't even tell the direction.

Although contending with the blizzard will wipe out Ao Yang's physical strength, the fatal cold temperature is the problem.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

When it comes to playing with ice, not even the water dragons can match it, so several dragons and dragon girls cast curious glances at Xiaoxue's ability to create ice-like objects.

"Stop making trouble! If you show off in this situation, something will happen? Ao Yang, get down immediately!" Ao Shuo immediately followed suit and spoke sternly.

Shihan was originally talking to Wuhen in the igloo, but the two women got out after hearing it.

Since the wind here was not under Ao Yang's control, Ao Yang could only find gaps in the wind to move forward to avoid a head-on collision with the strong snowstorm in order to save his energy.

Ao Yang's figure was like a white shooting star, quietly crossing the cold and silent wilderness. The endless mountains and glaciers disappeared from under him quickly like rushing water.

"Wow haha - why is the wind so strong!"

In this way, the mammoth walked on the ice sheet for three days in the bitter wind and snow.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

In addition, Xiaoxue built a small igloo (about the size of a tent for eight people) on the back of the mammoth. Although it cannot be said to be spacious, it finally gave everyone a place to shelter from the wind and snow, so this journey was not It's quite difficult.

But Xiaoxue shook her head and said she didn't do it.

Xiaoxue is very interested in this kind of creature that also lives in cold areas, but she has never been able to see it with her own eyes.

"That means... we have to develop downwards! If you hadn't told us earlier, otherwise we would have started digging."

Shenlan didn't feel that the cold would be unbearable. At most, she just hated the feeling of dry skin.

For Xiaoxue, this desolate land is like home.

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

After everyone climbed onto the back of the mammoth, Ao Shuo explained the direction to Daming and others, and then got into the igloo to place their luggage.

Su Xin smiled and finally said no more.

When Lian Nishang saw the poem letter, he turned away coldly and pretended not to see it, but his eyes were a little flustered and uncomfortable.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

"Wow haha - why is the wind so strong!"

Not long after, the woolly mammoth shook its head, roared, and moved forward with giant steps.

Shihan's response was a shy smile.

In addition, Antarctica is also the windiest landmass in the world, with gusts of up to 160 kilometers per hour in winter (a speed of 327 kilometers per hour has been recorded). It is also the driest landmass, far drier than the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Although the mammoth's mobility cannot be said to be fast, in this weather where blizzards are raging and there are unknown dangers lurking in the ice fields, being able to move forward steadily is the fastest speed.

Fortunately, Shi Han helped him out at this time: "The activity range of penguins is in the seaside area. They cannot be seen in such inland areas. When the matter is finished, we will go to see the emperor penguins and king penguins, okay?" good?"

As for Shen Lan, Daming believed that she had the ability to protect herself, so he put her aside for the time being and rushed into the igloo to remind everyone. But as soon as Daming entered the house, the mammoth's fall had stopped, apparently it was over.

This time, Wuhen made a backhand move and easily cut the ice beast in half. You couldn't tell he was tired!

In this way, the mammoth walked on the ice sheet for three days in the bitter wind and snow.

According to Ao Shuo's original plan, everyone would take the No. 11 bus to their destination, but Xiaoxue's existence gave them a better choice.

Although the mammoth's mobility cannot be said to be fast, in this weather where blizzards are raging and there are unknown dangers lurking in the ice fields, being able to move forward steadily is the fastest speed.

However, there was a giant flaming dragon that moved faster than them. It jumped out in front of the four dragons in an instant and knocked the ice gulls into pieces.

Even if Ming Dynasty and his party used running machines, considering various factors, their mobility might still be slower than that of mammoths. And as long as Xiaoxue's strength is enough, the mammoth can keep walking around the clock.

Ao Yang's figure was like a white shooting star, quietly crossing the cold and silent wilderness. The endless mountains and glaciers disappeared from under him quickly like rushing water.

"Yes!" Xiaoxue nodded vigorously in agreement.

"What happened?" Everyone ran out except Ao Shuo, who was sleeping to death.

In addition, Xiaoxue built a small igloo (about the size of a tent for eight people) on the back of the mammoth. Although it cannot be said to be spacious, it finally gave everyone a place to shelter from the wind and snow, so this journey was not It's quite difficult.

"Well! The elements here are different from the outside world. Everything is crazy and out of control. Especially our abilities will be reduced here, so everyone should be more careful." Ao Li said looking at the scene outside the ice window.

"Penguins..." Xiaoxue popped her head out of the white dragon and looked down for a long time, then turned around with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Why are there no penguins?"

When it comes to playing with ice, not even the water dragons can match it, so several dragons and dragon girls cast curious glances at Xiaoxue's ability to create ice-like objects.

Monsters and demons, is there a more terrifying combination in the world? It makes me tingle just thinking about it.

"What the hell." Daming felt that this was a little too fast, so he hugged his two wives and walked out of the house to see what the situation was now.

Although Xiaoxue was also affected by the ruins and her strength was somewhat limited, with the energy support of Da Ming and Shi Han, she was able to survive.

"So you just came here in a daze?" Daming finished the rest of his words for him.


In this way, the mammoth walked on the ice sheet for three days in the bitter wind and snow.

Due to the mammoth's never-ending journey, Ao Shuo arrived two days earlier than Ao Shuo expected. On the morning of the fifth day, they could already see the edge of the ruins.

Thick blankets and sleeping bags were spread on the ice, temporarily serving as a shelter for everyone. The warm and bright flames, the joyful chatter and laughter, all form a strong contrast with the outside world.

But when facing the poem letter, Lian Nishang really tasted the taste of failure, and it was a disastrous defeat. This brought a big blow to her always proud self-esteem.

Then Ao Yang transformed into a white dragon more than 200 meters long, carrying everyone and rushing eastward in the strong wind.

However, the most tragic figures on this desolate ice field are the two women following Daming from a distance.

After everyone rested for a while and waited for Ao Yang to recover, they were ready to hit the road again.

Due to its geographical location, the Antarctic continent enters the water night period from June 22nd to 23rd. Until December, 24 hours a day is spent in a long night.

In the night sky filled with wind and snow, about a dozen ice gulls were swooping down towards them following the snowstorm. If it hadn't been for Daming's reminder, it would have been difficult to spot them in such a heavy snowstorm.

Because of the eternal night, it is difficult to tell whether the current time is day or night, even when looking at the watch. If you are confused, who knows whether it is nine o'clock in the evening or nine o'clock in the morning

Shihan's response was a shy smile.

At the other end of the crevice, the path gradually sloped downwards, as if it had been prepared for them.

The moonlight and starlight in the sky were also blocked by clouds, leaving darkness, snow, and silence filling this vast ice field.

For Xiaoxue, this desolate land is like home.

According to Daming's idea, as long as he asks Purgatory to come out and stand where he is, he will naturally melt the ice cap and sink. However, it is technically difficult to make Purgatory obey.

In addition, Xiaoxue built a small igloo (about the size of a tent for eight people) on the back of the mammoth. Although it cannot be said to be spacious, it finally gave everyone a place to shelter from the wind and snow, so this journey was not It's quite difficult.

Separated by an ice wall, the inside and outside of the igloo are two completely different worlds.

At first they seemed a little disapproving of Daming bringing such a little girl. But now they finally know that in such a desolate and cold environment, only this little girl's ability can be most useful, so they stopped looking down on her.

Seeing this, all the dragons and dragon girls had to admit that Wuhen was the most powerful person among their dragon clan.

"You can't say that! Those documents are very old, at least tens of millions of years old, or even longer. The map terrain at that time was completely different from now. We also spent a long time studying it. Only then did we deduce that the Blue Dragon Plain may be in this place."

"Are you all okay?" Daming looked at Shihan and the others, but he didn't feel anything unusual.

In their eyes... is this trip just for fun