A Hero Erratic

Chapter 30: Missing


"Wait a minute!" Daming suddenly shouted. Pulling Lin Shihan aside.

"What!" Secretary Huang was startled. How could such a big shot suddenly appear here

In the eyes of others, it is just a quarrel between a pair of golden childhood sweethearts. The men are handsome and the women are pretty, this is hundreds of times better than the effect in the movie. It makes others watch mesmerized.

"Wait a minute!" Daming suddenly shouted. Pulling Lin Shihan aside.

"What the hell are you doing to me now?" Daming almost fainted. Lin Shihan thought that there was nothing to do after he was full, so he actually ran to his family and said such things.

Hearing Chiyo say this, several people finally felt at ease. But Miyuki thought of another question: "Did anyone tell him which hotel it was?"

"Yes! Please come with me." The middle-aged man was ecstatic as if he had received amnesty. The middle-aged man led Daming and others to the elevator.

The sound is ringing! However, the sound of Daming's cell phone rang from Miyuki's handbag. Only then did they remember that when Daming was changing clothes just now, all his things had been left here.

After finishing the meal, the waiter in the restaurant will clear the table and serve tea, coffee, and juice according to personal preference. At this time, Mr. Chen asked again: "Then what are your plans next? How long do you expect to stay?"

Hearing Chiyo say this, several people finally felt at ease. But Miyuki thought of another question: "Did anyone tell him which hotel it was?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Lin Shihan put her finger on her head and thought for a moment, then said: "I've finished reading it for you, and I've given you a hug. I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't marry me. The reason. Since I have to enter your Wang family sooner or later, it would be better to get to know your family as soon as possible."

"Did I say something wrong?" Lin Shihan put her finger on her head and thought for a moment, then said: "I've finished reading it for you, and I've given you a hug. I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't marry me. The reason. Since I have to enter your Wang family sooner or later, it would be better to get to know your family as soon as possible."

"Why are you here?" Daming was very surprised. Shouldn't he go to the women's clothing department or the cosmetics department

Lin Shihan pulled Daming's clothes and realized that he agreed. After all, it’s not easy to put on such a big show when you’re new here. Otherwise, it will make people think that it is difficult to get along with you, and it will be difficult to convince others in the future. Daming didn't want to embarrass him, so he nodded to Qiandai.

"Yes. Because the president didn't ask for permission, we didn't expect the vice president to come. I'm really sorry for being so neglected." A middle-aged man said nervously.

Lin Shihan knew too well Ming's ability to attract trouble. Nothing good will happen if you don't see him now. Lin Shihan prayed secretly in his heart. Don't let me have another accident! Amin.

As soon as Daming disappeared at the door, everyone started discussing enthusiastically. The legendary vice president turned out to be a handsome young man. This woman was so popular throughout the company. This kind of rich and handsome man who only appears in novels appears in front of them. How can they not be crazy

"Please wait!" The middle-aged man stepped forward to stop the group of people.

"Why are you here?" Daming was very surprised. Shouldn't he go to the women's clothing department or the cosmetics department

"Those two times were accidents." Daming growled. However, Lin Shihan could not ignore Daming.

Lin Shihan noticed Daming's situation, so she held Daming's sweaty right hand and said in Daming's ear: "Don't worry, you will get used to being looked at for a long time, so don't worry so much."

"Then you can at least discuss it with me first." Daming's ferocious tone softened a little.

"This is a secret. I arranged for my uncle and aunt to live in the best hotel in the house, and have someone to take care of them."

Daming looked around, and all he saw were heads in black crows. Daming was a little scared to see this scene. Xiaoxue was not used to so many people, so she took the initiative to change back into a card for the first time and hid in Daming.

"Look, even Xiaoxue can't stand you."

"I'd better go and discuss these things with Mrs. Wang. She should be interested in knowing." Lin Shihan smiled like a devil. Turn around and leave again.

"We'll probably stay until tomorrow morning. During this time, we'll walk around and see a lot."

Daming and others declined Mr. Chen's offer to show them around and came to the busiest department store district in Taipei.

Before Daming had time to object, a group of girls had already taken action. And it was handled quickly, leaving Daming unable to react for a while. They first took off Daming's glasses. Use a special hair dye spray to dye Daming's blue hair black, and then let Daming wear a pair of contact lenses. Let his eyes turn black.

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"Please come with me." The receptionist, with a smile on her face, waited for Daming and his party to the reception room aside, and served them refreshments.

Daming hurriedly held Lin Shihan's hand. joke! If these things were told to her, it would be strange if he didn't have his skin peeled off.

"Lin Shihan! Is this Lin Shihan, the only daughter of the president of the Lin Group, Miss Lin?" In response to Mr. Chen's question, Lin Shihan just smiled and did not answer.

"Please come with me." The receptionist, with a smile on her face, waited for Daming and his party to the reception room aside, and served them refreshments.

"What method?" Daming needed it very much now.

"Hello, Vice President!" As soon as the elevator door opened, dozens of people in front of Daming bowed deeply. This battle frightened Daming a little.

"Roger that!" Lin Shihan stuck out her tongue playfully and walked briskly to Daming's family. I don’t know what Lin Shihanji was talking to his family. I saw Lin Shihan and the three members of the Daming family talking and laughing. Then Daming’s family members left the station with smiles on their faces, completely forgetting Daming’s existence. Lin Shihan stood there and happily waved goodbye to them.

"I know you are a little angry now. But don't worry, just leave your family to me." Lin Shihan changed to a gentle policy to appease Daming.

"Forget it, I don't care about that matter anymore, so don't mention it anymore." Daming knew that Miyuki was talking about the last time Kawada kidnapped him and went to Japan. But he is not the kind of petty person, this is something he has long forgotten.

There was a car picking up a group of people outside the station. After everyone got on the bus, Daming asked again: "Where are you going now?"

"What we did this time was out of desperation. You also know that with your current situation, we simply don't dare to let you run around alone."

"It would be hard for me to explain to my superiors if I let you leave like this. Please stay and let us entertain you." The middle-aged man said while taking out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Dressing up? Why do you have to dress up?"

"Then you can at least discuss it with me first." Daming's ferocious tone softened a little.

"What should I do?" Aoi said in a panic. There were so many people that even with their first-class ninja skills, it was impossible to find anyone.

A crow flew over everyone's heads, and everyone looked weird. I looked at you, and you looked at me. Apparently no one told Daming about the collapse of the hotel.

"That's good. Then you don't have to worry about Xiaoxue. Let's go quickly!" A woman named Yigan pushed Daming towards the men's clothing department.

"That's not okay!" Lin Shihan said as she dragged Daming towards the fitting room. He handed Daming a piece of clothing and said, "Let's take a look."

"Then you can at least discuss it with me first." Daming's ferocious tone softened a little.

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Daming and others also greeted politely. Daming didn't want to be too rude to this old man who was old enough to be his grandfather.

"Is it okay if I don't go?" Daming looked uncomfortable. He didn't want to go to that kind of place.

"It happened suddenly. Who told you to fall asleep again at that time. Although I made my own decision on this matter, I promise there will be no next time. I will listen to you in everything from now on, so this is okay." Lin Shi Han said pitifully. At the same time, he looked at Da Ming with watery eyes, as if you can do whatever you want and let him do whatever he wants.

When she told her parents that she wanted to marry Daming, it was just a moment of anger. She was angry that her parents ignored her completely and used it to scare them. But slowly, Lin Shihan's affection for Daming became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more dependent on this kind of life.

"I wonder if the vice president is here. Do you have any advice?"

"No way! You guys didn't have enough fun in the car just now, so why do you do this?" They treated themselves like dolls and got excited about playing with them. The more Daming thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he turned around and wanted to run away. But behind him were Chiyo, Miyuki, and Aoi, holding clothes and looking at him with smiles.

"How pitiful." Daming stroked Xiaoxue's hair, and Xiaoxue nodded in agreement.

"I know you are a little angry now. But don't worry, just leave your family to me." Lin Shihan changed to a gentle policy to appease Daming.

"Then you are responsible for settling this matter for me." Daming sighed. He couldn't resist Lin Shihan's move. Now that it has happened, let it be.

Lin Shihan is an only child, and her parents have been abroad for many years due to work. What Lin Shihan has faced since she was a child, apart from the flattery of relatives from all walks of life, is only the flattery and fawning towards her from interested people. But to put it bluntly, they are only here for their family's money.

"It's the Mr. Saburo Midos who was announced by Japan Head Office not long ago as the successor to the next president of the consortium."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he saw that Daming and others were leaving. If Daming and his party were left unhappy like this, he would be ready to pack up and leave tomorrow.

The sound is ringing! However, the sound of Daming's cell phone rang from Miyuki's handbag. Only then did they remember that when Daming was changing clothes just now, all his things had been left here.

"Roger that!" Lin Shihan stuck out her tongue playfully and walked briskly to Daming's family. I don’t know what Lin Shihanji was talking to his family. I saw Lin Shihan and the three members of the Daming family talking and laughing. Then Daming’s family members left the station with smiles on their faces, completely forgetting Daming’s existence. Lin Shihan stood there and happily waved goodbye to them.

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

For the first time in his life, Daming became the center of attention. The stares from the crowd made him very nervous.

Lin Shihan is an only child, and her parents have been abroad for many years due to work. What Lin Shihan has faced since she was a child, apart from the flattery of relatives from all walks of life, is only the flattery and fawning towards her from interested people. But to put it bluntly, they are only here for their family's money.

"What the hell are you doing to me now?" Daming almost fainted. Lin Shihan thought that there was nothing to do after he was full, so he actually ran to his family and said such things.

"Forget it, I don't care about that matter anymore, so don't mention it anymore." Daming knew that Miyuki was talking about the last time Kawada kidnapped him and went to Japan. But he is not the kind of petty person, this is something he has long forgotten.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Just show your kindness and spare my thigh's life!" Daming said with a smile. A burst of laughter subsided, and it seemed that Daming's nerves were relaxed a lot.

And some good-looking beauties regard Daming as a super rich son-in-law and the golden bachelor in their dreams. Although there were many beauties around Daming, they could not stop their ambition. After all, the Ming Dynasty represents a ladder leading directly to the days of glory and wealth. How can I keep them from being moved

"Where are they going? What did you say to them?" Daming knew that Lin Shihan was very eloquent. But I didn't expect it to be so strong. This is simply like brainwashing.

Before Daming had time to object, a group of girls had already taken action. And it was handled quickly, leaving Daming unable to react for a while. They first took off Daming's glasses. Use a special hair dye spray to dye Daming's blue hair black, and then let Daming wear a pair of contact lenses. Let his eyes turn black.

"Lin Shihan! Is this Lin Shihan, the only daughter of the president of the Lin Group, Miss Lin?" In response to Mr. Chen's question, Lin Shihan just smiled and did not answer.

Da Ming has sharp ears, and they were talking in Chinese, so he heard them clearly.

The gathering of rare beauties is enough to attract attention. And the man embraced by them is even more incredible. Although he looks very young, he is tall and tall, and his momentum is extraordinary.

"This is a secret. I arranged for my uncle and aunt to live in the best hotel in the house, and have someone to take care of them."

"Do you want to change it yourself? Or do you want us to do it ourselves? You have to know that Chiyo and the others have been coveting you for a long time." After Lin Shihan finished speaking, Miyuki and the others immediately gathered around with a tacit understanding.

"Yes! Please come with me." The middle-aged man was ecstatic as if he had received amnesty. The middle-aged man led Daming and others to the elevator.

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

"What we did this time was out of desperation. You also know that with your current situation, we simply don't dare to let you run around alone."

"Lin Shihan! Is this Lin Shihan, the only daughter of the president of the Lin Group, Miss Lin?" In response to Mr. Chen's question, Lin Shihan just smiled and did not answer.

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

"Thank God, I'm finally leaving." Daming took a breath and said. However, this group of women's army did not let Ming go so easily.

Not as domineering as when he had blue hair. The black hair in front of him looked elegant, like a helpless scholar. Daming looked at them as if they were two people, and couldn't relate them to the blue-haired boy. Such a person does not doubt that others will recognize him. After changing his clothes, Daming walked out and walked around. A group of women began to discuss what was wrong and what was wrong. He threw some clothes to Daming and asked him to change. Daming struggled like this for a long time. All the beauties stopped with satisfaction.

"Don't embarrass me." Lin Shihan secretly pinched Daming as a counterattack.

"Who said that? We just want to find another place."

"Don't worry. I told my aunt that I will send you to the venue to meet them tomorrow. Now you can come with us." Lin Shihan finished. Shijian, Xiaoxue and Qiandai immediately appeared next to Daming.

Daming and others declined Mr. Chen's offer to show them around and came to the busiest department store district in Taipei.

As soon as I walked into the hall. The receptionist behind the counter saw that the group of people had a high profile and did not dare to neglect them, so she hurriedly greeted them. Chiyo said a few words to them in Japanese. The originally amiable reception ladies suddenly became more respectful.

"Call Daming's mobile phone." Lin Shihan suddenly thought of it, so he quickly picked up his mobile phone and dialed Daming's number.

There was a car picking up a group of people outside the station. After everyone got on the bus, Daming asked again: "Where are you going now?"

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

"No way! You guys didn't have enough fun in the car just now, so why do you do this?" They treated themselves like dolls and got excited about playing with them. The more Daming thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he turned around and wanted to run away. But behind him were Chiyo, Miyuki, and Aoi, holding clothes and looking at him with smiles.

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

A crow flew over everyone's heads, and everyone looked weird. I looked at you, and you looked at me. Apparently no one told Daming about the collapse of the hotel.

"It's the Mr. Saburo Midos who was announced by Japan Head Office not long ago as the successor to the next president of the consortium."

"Why do you have to visit department stores when you come to Taipei?" Daming said with a pout. Lin Shihan buckled his glasses and refused to return them to him, forcing Daming to go shopping with them in this ostentatious manner.

"Is it okay if I don't go?" Daming looked uncomfortable. He didn't want to go to that kind of place.

"Okay." Several girls stopped with satisfaction after combing Daming's hair. They began to discuss their results in a flurry of conversations. Then he took out a suit and asked Daming to change into it.

"Originally, I wanted to go to my family's villa, but my parents have spies there. As soon as you show up, someone will definitely notify my parents immediately. It will be more troublesome then. So we decided to listen to Chiyo's suggestion and let her make the arrangements. .”

"Anyway, find Daming first and tell him to send out all available manpower." Lin Shihan gave the order while dialing the phone to mobilize the Lin family's MIB troops in Taipei.

"Although I, Saburo Midou, am a Japanese, I don't speak any Japanese. If someone asks me a few questions in Japanese, I will be confused."

Lin Shihan noticed Daming's situation, so she held Daming's sweaty right hand and said in Daming's ear: "Don't worry, you will get used to being looked at for a long time, so don't worry so much."

Chiyo: "Is there anything else?" Daming followed Lin Shihan's words and raised his head high to look at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was so frightened to death when he saw Daming's expression. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Daming felt funny in his heart.

"Hello, Vice President!" As soon as the elevator door opened, dozens of people in front of Daming bowed deeply. This battle frightened Daming a little.

This is because Daming’s blue hair is not only eye-catching, but also appeared on TV with his blue hair. If we don't change the appearance of Ming Dynasty, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble. Daming didn't know what they were going to do to him. I had no choice but to sit innocently with Xiaoxue.

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

"What should I do?" Aoi said in a panic. There were so many people that even with their first-class ninja skills, it was impossible to find anyone.

"Dressing up? Why do you have to dress up?"

"Speak in Chinese! We can understand it." Chiyo said unhappily. Although none of the three families are directly involved in the affairs of the consortium. But it's really unpleasant to be treated like this.

"Where is President Kawada now?" Chiyo didn't want to pursue it.

"Dressing up? Why do you have to dress up?"

When she told her parents that she wanted to marry Daming, it was just a moment of anger. She was angry that her parents ignored her completely and used it to scare them. But slowly, Lin Shihan's affection for Daming became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more dependent on this kind of life.

"Yes! Please come with me." The middle-aged man was ecstatic as if he had received amnesty. The middle-aged man led Daming and others to the elevator.

Daming and others declined Mr. Chen's offer to show them around and came to the busiest department store district in Taipei.

The idea of spending a lifetime with Daming became a seed that began to sprout in her heart, and finally blossomed into beautiful flowers. This made Lin Shihan feel that she was getting happier and happier, and she often smiled sweetly inadvertently.

"Yes. Because the president didn't ask for permission, we didn't expect the vice president to come. I'm really sorry for being so neglected." A middle-aged man said nervously.

"Yes. Because the president didn't ask for permission, we didn't expect the vice president to come. I'm really sorry for being so neglected." A middle-aged man said nervously.

"Have you had lunch? If not, let me be your host." Mr. Chen said as he asked someone to go down and prepare. Each of these people has a good background, and he can't afford to offend any of them.

"Where is President Kawada now?" Chiyo didn't want to pursue it.

"The place we are going to this time is the headquarters of the March Seal Consortium's branch in Taiwan. Wang Daming's appearance is not suitable. So I ask you to appear as Midou Saburo."

"What method?" Daming needed it very much now.

A lady quickly picked up the phone and dialed: "Secretary Huang. There is a person who claims to be the vice president and wants to see President Kawada."

An accident occurred because of the last time I took Xiaoxue on a trip. So the girls dressed up Xiaoxue this time. But it's a bit too exaggerated. The whole person is decorated in colorful colors, just like a Christmas tree.

Before Daming had time to object, a group of girls had already taken action. And it was handled quickly, leaving Daming unable to react for a while. They first took off Daming's glasses. Use a special hair dye spray to dye Daming's blue hair black, and then let Daming wear a pair of contact lenses. Let his eyes turn black.

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

"Lift your chin as high as possible so that people can't see the panic in your eyes. Instead, they will think that you are glaring at him, and your unconscious movements will become more flinching, which makes it harder for them to notice you. It’s abnormal.”

Daming and others were invited by Mr. Chen to a super high-end restaurant. Because wearing a suit was too serious, Daming felt uncomfortable, so he changed into casual clothes. Because Daming and his party were too eye-catching, Mr. Chen got a private room. Under Mr. Chen's warm hospitality, the meal was quite enjoyable.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

Before Daming had time to object, a group of girls had already taken action. And it was handled quickly, leaving Daming unable to react for a while. They first took off Daming's glasses. Use a special hair dye spray to dye Daming's blue hair black, and then let Daming wear a pair of contact lenses. Let his eyes turn black.

When she told her parents that she wanted to marry Daming, it was just a moment of anger. She was angry that her parents ignored her completely and used it to scare them. But slowly, Lin Shihan's affection for Daming became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more dependent on this kind of life.

Lin Shihan pulled Daming's clothes and realized that he agreed. After all, it’s not easy to put on such a big show when you’re new here. Otherwise, it will make people think that it is difficult to get along with you, and it will be difficult to convince others in the future. Daming didn't want to embarrass him, so he nodded to Qiandai.

Although there were some changes in Daming, Lin Shihan didn't care about them. For her, there is nothing better in the world than being able to spend her life hand in hand with the one she loves most. So she made a vow in her heart.

"What should I do?" Aoi said in a panic. There were so many people that even with their first-class ninja skills, it was impossible to find anyone.

"Who are they?" Mr. Chen was very curious about the identities of the girls. Chiyo and others briefly introduced themselves, and Mr. Chen couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

This is because Daming’s blue hair is not only eye-catching, but also appeared on TV with his blue hair. If we don't change the appearance of Ming Dynasty, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble. Daming didn't know what they were going to do to him. I had no choice but to sit innocently with Xiaoxue.

"I'd better go and discuss these things with Mrs. Wang. She should be interested in knowing." Lin Shihan smiled like a devil. Turn around and leave again.

"You have been looked at like this by others since you were a child. Then you are really amazing." Daming couldn't stand this feeling for a moment. It is indeed not easy for Lin Shihan to live in this kind of eyes for more than ten years.

"Where is President Kawada now?" Chiyo didn't want to pursue it.

Da Ming has sharp ears, and they were talking in Chinese, so he heard them clearly.

"It's time to go!" Chiyo led the way. The swordsmen and poems were on both sides of the Ming Dynasty, with Miyuki and Aoi following behind. Xiaoxue was led by Da Ming. The group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Although Daming's steps were a little stiff, his expression was much better.

An accident occurred because of the last time I took Xiaoxue on a trip. So the girls dressed up Xiaoxue this time. But it's a bit too exaggerated. The whole person is decorated in colorful colors, just like a Christmas tree.

Daming has not forgotten the pain he suffered when he went shopping with Lin Shihan last time. And this time there were a lot of girls following him, so Daming wondered if he should buy a trolley first, otherwise there might be too much stuff to carry later.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Daming and others also greeted politely. Daming didn't want to be too rude to this old man who was old enough to be his grandfather.

"How pitiful." Daming stroked Xiaoxue's hair, and Xiaoxue nodded in agreement.

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

Not as domineering as when he had blue hair. The black hair in front of him looked elegant, like a helpless scholar. Daming looked at them as if they were two people, and couldn't relate them to the blue-haired boy. Such a person does not doubt that others will recognize him. After changing his clothes, Daming walked out and walked around. A group of women began to discuss what was wrong and what was wrong. He threw some clothes to Daming and asked him to change. Daming struggled like this for a long time. All the beauties stopped with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, Chiyo and others are with you. Leave these matters to them, and they will naturally help you solve them."

"Take a breath and calm down. Don't think that I am naturally accustomed to others looking at me like this. I was very scared and uneasy about this at first, but my dad taught me a little secret, and I got used to it over time."

The gathering of rare beauties is enough to attract attention. And the man embraced by them is even more incredible. Although he looks very young, he is tall and tall, and his momentum is extraordinary.

"Who said that? We just want to find another place."

Daming could tell that Xiaoxue was very dissatisfied with her appearance and felt a little depressed. Seeing Xiaoxue's style, Daming doubted the skills and aesthetics of several girls. I just hope I don’t turn into the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Such a thing as status! Sometimes it's really quite baffling. Even though he didn't do anything, it was enough to scare others to death.

"This is a secret. I arranged for my uncle and aunt to live in the best hotel in the house, and have someone to take care of them."

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

Although there were some changes in Daming, Lin Shihan didn't care about them. For her, there is nothing better in the world than being able to spend her life hand in hand with the one she loves most. So she made a vow in her heart.

"What we did this time was out of desperation. You also know that with your current situation, we simply don't dare to let you run around alone."

"Okay." Several girls stopped with satisfaction after combing Daming's hair. They began to discuss their results in a flurry of conversations. Then he took out a suit and asked Daming to change into it.

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

Lin Shihan pulled Daming's clothes and realized that he agreed. After all, it’s not easy to put on such a big show when you’re new here. Otherwise, it will make people think that it is difficult to get along with you, and it will be difficult to convince others in the future. Daming didn't want to embarrass him, so he nodded to Qiandai.

"We'll probably stay until tomorrow morning. During this time, we'll walk around and see a lot."

"Where are they going? What did you say to them?" Daming knew that Lin Shihan was very eloquent. But I didn't expect it to be so strong. This is simply like brainwashing.

After hearing Shi Jian's words, everyone's faces fell. Especially when I heard the word "narcolepsy", I was shocked. Maybe Daming has slept to death somewhere.

"Is it necessary to be so grand?" Daming reluctantly changed his clothes.

"We'll probably stay until tomorrow morning. During this time, we'll walk around and see a lot."

Regarding Mr. Chen's question, Chiyo answered: "We just came to see President Kawada. There is nothing special."

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Daming and others also greeted politely. Daming didn't want to be too rude to this old man who was old enough to be his grandfather.

The sound is ringing! However, the sound of Daming's cell phone rang from Miyuki's handbag. Only then did they remember that when Daming was changing clothes just now, all his things had been left here.

The idea of spending a lifetime with Daming became a seed that began to sprout in her heart, and finally blossomed into beautiful flowers. This made Lin Shihan feel that she was getting happier and happier, and she often smiled sweetly inadvertently.

"Call Daming's mobile phone." Lin Shihan suddenly thought of it, so he quickly picked up his mobile phone and dialed Daming's number.

"Those two times were accidents." Daming growled. However, Lin Shihan could not ignore Daming.

"Your current status is the vice president, so it's hard to wear casual clothes to the company." Lin Shihan said while helping Daming tie his tie.

"It would be hard for me to explain to my superiors if I let you leave like this. Please stay and let us entertain you." The middle-aged man said while taking out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

Although there were some changes in Daming, Lin Shihan didn't care about them. For her, there is nothing better in the world than being able to spend her life hand in hand with the one she loves most. So she made a vow in her heart.

"Take a breath and calm down. Don't think that I am naturally accustomed to others looking at me like this. I was very scared and uneasy about this at first, but my dad taught me a little secret, and I got used to it over time."

"Please wait!" The middle-aged man stepped forward to stop the group of people.

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

This made Lin Shihan's childhood very unhappy. It can be said that he grew up with a mentality full of wariness and suspicion, so he naturally developed a cold and arrogant personality. The reason why Lin Shihan stayed away from his residence and went to the junior high school where Daming studied was to get rid of these people. After graduating from junior high school, Lin Shihan also grew up a lot before moving back to her original place. But this also made Lin Shihan more defensive and cold.

"Is it okay if I don't go?" Daming looked uncomfortable. He didn't want to go to that kind of place.

There is a tall mirror in the fitting room. Only then did Daming see what Lin Shihan and the others had done to him.

"It's time to go!" Chiyo led the way. The swordsmen and poems were on both sides of the Ming Dynasty, with Miyuki and Aoi following behind. Xiaoxue was led by Da Ming. The group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Although Daming's steps were a little stiff, his expression was much better.

Lin Shihan knew too well Ming's ability to attract trouble. Nothing good will happen if you don't see him now. Lin Shihan prayed secretly in his heart. Don't let me have another accident! Amin.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

"Is it necessary to be so grand?" Daming reluctantly changed his clothes.

"Take a breath and calm down. Don't think that I am naturally accustomed to others looking at me like this. I was very scared and uneasy about this at first, but my dad taught me a little secret, and I got used to it over time."

Before Daming had time to object, a group of girls had already taken action. And it was handled quickly, leaving Daming unable to react for a while. They first took off Daming's glasses. Use a special hair dye spray to dye Daming's blue hair black, and then let Daming wear a pair of contact lenses. Let his eyes turn black.

Hearing Chiyo say this, several people finally felt at ease. But Miyuki thought of another question: "Did anyone tell him which hotel it was?"

"No. I heard that Uncle Kawada happened to come to Taipei for something, and when he heard that you were going north, he said that he would invite you over no matter what, and apologize to you for what happened last time."

"Don't worry, Chiyo and others are with you. Leave these matters to them, and they will naturally help you solve them."

"Dressing up? Why do you have to dress up?"

"Please come in." Mr. Chen opened the door of his office and invited Daming and his party to come in.

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

The sound is ringing! However, the sound of Daming's cell phone rang from Miyuki's handbag. Only then did they remember that when Daming was changing clothes just now, all his things had been left here.

"Forget it, I don't care about that matter anymore, so don't mention it anymore." Daming knew that Miyuki was talking about the last time Kawada kidnapped him and went to Japan. But he is not the kind of petty person, this is something he has long forgotten.

But after getting to know Daming, Lin Shihan completely relaxed because of Daming's personality of not asking for anything, allowing her to try to get along with others without any burden for the first time. Later, she met Samurai Ken, Chiyo, Miyuki, Aoi, Xiaoyuki and other close friends. This was something she had never dared to think about before.

Those who can enter this floor are all highly educated intellectuals who have climbed up step by step after being baptized in the mall. Now I see business elites bowing their heads respectfully to a young boy like him who has not graduated from a vocational college. Daming was speechless when he thought of this.

"Don't embarrass me." Lin Shihan secretly pinched Daming as a counterattack.

"Sorry! Apparently Uncle Kawada didn't explain what we were going to do." Chiyo apologized. The vice president of a Tangtang company can't even join his own company. Isn't this a joke

"Lin Shihan! Is this Lin Shihan, the only daughter of the president of the Lin Group, Miss Lin?" In response to Mr. Chen's question, Lin Shihan just smiled and did not answer.

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

"Wait a minute!" Daming suddenly shouted. Pulling Lin Shihan aside.

"It happened suddenly. Who told you to fall asleep again at that time. Although I made my own decision on this matter, I promise there will be no next time. I will listen to you in everything from now on, so this is okay." Lin Shi Han said pitifully. At the same time, he looked at Da Ming with watery eyes, as if you can do whatever you want and let him do whatever he wants.

"I'd better go and discuss these things with Mrs. Wang. She should be interested in knowing." Lin Shihan smiled like a devil. Turn around and leave again.

"It's rare to come here." Hearing Lin Shihan say this, Daming was even more frightened.

"Wait a minute!" Daming suddenly shouted. Pulling Lin Shihan aside.

As soon as Daming disappeared at the door, everyone started discussing enthusiastically. The legendary vice president turned out to be a handsome young man. This woman was so popular throughout the company. This kind of rich and handsome man who only appears in novels appears in front of them. How can they not be crazy

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

Lin Shihan knew too well Ming's ability to attract trouble. Nothing good will happen if you don't see him now. Lin Shihan prayed secretly in his heart. Don't let me have another accident! Amin.

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

Lin Shihan knew too well Ming's ability to attract trouble. Nothing good will happen if you don't see him now. Lin Shihan prayed secretly in his heart. Don't let me have another accident! Amin.

The gathering of rare beauties is enough to attract attention. And the man embraced by them is even more incredible. Although he looks very young, he is tall and tall, and his momentum is extraordinary.

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

"The place we are going to this time is the headquarters of the March Seal Consortium's branch in Taiwan. Wang Daming's appearance is not suitable. So I ask you to appear as Midou Saburo."

"Then you are responsible for settling this matter for me." Daming sighed. He couldn't resist Lin Shihan's move. Now that it has happened, let it be.

"The place we are going to this time is the headquarters of the March Seal Consortium's branch in Taiwan. Wang Daming's appearance is not suitable. So I ask you to appear as Midou Saburo."

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

For the first time in his life, Daming became the center of attention. The stares from the crowd made him very nervous.

"That's good. Then you don't have to worry about Xiaoxue. Let's go quickly!" A woman named Yigan pushed Daming towards the men's clothing department.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

"How pitiful." Daming stroked Xiaoxue's hair, and Xiaoxue nodded in agreement.

"What should I do?" Aoi said in a panic. There were so many people that even with their first-class ninja skills, it was impossible to find anyone.

Lin Shihan noticed Daming's situation, so she held Daming's sweaty right hand and said in Daming's ear: "Don't worry, you will get used to being looked at for a long time, so don't worry so much."

"Thank God, I'm finally leaving." Daming took a breath and said. However, this group of women's army did not let Ming go so easily.

"Please come with me." The receptionist, with a smile on her face, waited for Daming and his party to the reception room aside, and served them refreshments.

"Yes! Please come with me." The middle-aged man was ecstatic as if he had received amnesty. The middle-aged man led Daming and others to the elevator.

"Hehe──" Lin Shihan smiled so happily: "Today's protagonist is you."

Daming could tell that Xiaoxue was very dissatisfied with her appearance and felt a little depressed. Seeing Xiaoxue's style, Daming doubted the skills and aesthetics of several girls. I just hope I don’t turn into the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

"It happened suddenly. Who told you to fall asleep again at that time. Although I made my own decision on this matter, I promise there will be no next time. I will listen to you in everything from now on, so this is okay." Lin Shi Han said pitifully. At the same time, he looked at Da Ming with watery eyes, as if you can do whatever you want and let him do whatever he wants.

"Don't embarrass me." Lin Shihan secretly pinched Daming as a counterattack.

"Yes! Please come with me." The middle-aged man was ecstatic as if he had received amnesty. The middle-aged man led Daming and others to the elevator.

"You have been looked at like this by others since you were a child. Then you are really amazing." Daming couldn't stand this feeling for a moment. It is indeed not easy for Lin Shihan to live in this kind of eyes for more than ten years.

"Don't look at me. Since Daming's narcolepsy attack, my contact with 'Cang Ming' has been suddenly interrupted for some reason. I have no way to find Daming's location now."

For the first time in his life, Daming became the center of attention. The stares from the crowd made him very nervous.

"Although I, Saburo Midou, am a Japanese, I don't speak any Japanese. If someone asks me a few questions in Japanese, I will be confused."

"Who are they?" Mr. Chen was very curious about the identities of the girls. Chiyo and others briefly introduced themselves, and Mr. Chen couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"No way! You guys didn't have enough fun in the car just now, so why do you do this?" They treated themselves like dolls and got excited about playing with them. The more Daming thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he turned around and wanted to run away. But behind him were Chiyo, Miyuki, and Aoi, holding clothes and looking at him with smiles.

"What the hell are you doing to me now?" Daming almost fainted. Lin Shihan thought that there was nothing to do after he was full, so he actually ran to his family and said such things.

"Please wait!" The middle-aged man stepped forward to stop the group of people.

Although there were some changes in Daming, Lin Shihan didn't care about them. For her, there is nothing better in the world than being able to spend her life hand in hand with the one she loves most. So she made a vow in her heart.

"Take a breath and calm down. Don't think that I am naturally accustomed to others looking at me like this. I was very scared and uneasy about this at first, but my dad taught me a little secret, and I got used to it over time."

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

"What the hell are you doing to me now?" Daming almost fainted. Lin Shihan thought that there was nothing to do after he was full, so he actually ran to his family and said such things.

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

"Speak in Chinese! We can understand it." Chiyo said unhappily. Although none of the three families are directly involved in the affairs of the consortium. But it's really unpleasant to be treated like this.

As soon as I walked into the hall. The receptionist behind the counter saw that the group of people had a high profile and did not dare to neglect them, so she hurriedly greeted them. Chiyo said a few words to them in Japanese. The originally amiable reception ladies suddenly became more respectful.

Daming immediately rushed into the fitting room and closed the door immediately. Seeing Daming's actions, Lin Shihan and others immediately covered their faces and laughed. The longer I know Ming, the better I understand his personality and temper, and the better I can master them. So Lin Shihan would tease Daming whenever he had time.

"What method?" Daming needed it very much now.

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

There is a tall mirror in the fitting room. Only then did Daming see what Lin Shihan and the others had done to him.

"It's time to go!" Chiyo led the way. The swordsmen and poems were on both sides of the Ming Dynasty, with Miyuki and Aoi following behind. Xiaoxue was led by Da Ming. The group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Although Daming's steps were a little stiff, his expression was much better.

"Lift your chin as high as possible so that people can't see the panic in your eyes. Instead, they will think that you are glaring at him, and your unconscious movements will become more flinching, which makes it harder for them to notice you. It’s abnormal.”

Daming has not forgotten the pain he suffered when he went shopping with Lin Shihan last time. And this time there were a lot of girls following him, so Daming wondered if he should buy a trolley first, otherwise there might be too much stuff to carry later.

"You have been looked at like this by others since you were a child. Then you are really amazing." Daming couldn't stand this feeling for a moment. It is indeed not easy for Lin Shihan to live in this kind of eyes for more than ten years.

Such a thing as status! Sometimes it's really quite baffling. Even though he didn't do anything, it was enough to scare others to death.

A lady quickly picked up the phone and dialed: "Secretary Huang. There is a person who claims to be the vice president and wants to see President Kawada."

"Roger that!" Lin Shihan stuck out her tongue playfully and walked briskly to Daming's family. I don’t know what Lin Shihanji was talking to his family. I saw Lin Shihan and the three members of the Daming family talking and laughing. Then Daming’s family members left the station with smiles on their faces, completely forgetting Daming’s existence. Lin Shihan stood there and happily waved goodbye to them.

"As you wish! But we don't have much time to stay."

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

"Thank God, I'm finally leaving." Daming took a breath and said. However, this group of women's army did not let Ming go so easily.

"No wonder you always looked aloof and arrogant when you were in junior high school. It turns out that you are also shy." Daming felt a little funny.

"Who said that? We just want to find another place."

"It's time to go!" Chiyo led the way. The swordsmen and poems were on both sides of the Ming Dynasty, with Miyuki and Aoi following behind. Xiaoxue was led by Da Ming. The group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Although Daming's steps were a little stiff, his expression was much better.

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

Oh my God! This young man was actually accompanied by people from three major families, and they were all direct bloodlines of the powerful people in the family, especially Miyuki, who was the granddaughter of the president. Although the three major families have never directly intervened in the affairs of the mall, the senior people know that these three major families are actually in charge of the March Seal Consortium.

"No wonder you always looked aloof and arrogant when you were in junior high school. It turns out that you are also shy." Daming felt a little funny.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"Vice president? Which vice president? Why haven't I heard of it? And President Kawada is not in the company at the moment." The person on the other end of the phone said scornfully.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he saw that Daming and others were leaving. If Daming and his party were left unhappy like this, he would be ready to pack up and leave tomorrow.

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

Such a thing as status! Sometimes it's really quite baffling. Even though he didn't do anything, it was enough to scare others to death.

Daming and others were invited by Mr. Chen to a super high-end restaurant. Because wearing a suit was too serious, Daming felt uncomfortable, so he changed into casual clothes. Because Daming and his party were too eye-catching, Mr. Chen got a private room. Under Mr. Chen's warm hospitality, the meal was quite enjoyable.

"Okay." Several girls stopped with satisfaction after combing Daming's hair. They began to discuss their results in a flurry of conversations. Then he took out a suit and asked Daming to change into it.

"That's not okay!" Lin Shihan said as she dragged Daming towards the fitting room. He handed Daming a piece of clothing and said, "Let's take a look."

"Don't embarrass me." Lin Shihan secretly pinched Daming as a counterattack.

"I know you are a little angry now. But don't worry, just leave your family to me." Lin Shihan changed to a gentle policy to appease Daming.

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

"I wonder if the vice president is here. Do you have any advice?"

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

Lin Shihan noticed Daming's situation, so she held Daming's sweaty right hand and said in Daming's ear: "Don't worry, you will get used to being looked at for a long time, so don't worry so much."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Just show your kindness and spare my thigh's life!" Daming said with a smile. A burst of laughter subsided, and it seemed that Daming's nerves were relaxed a lot.

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

"Look, even Xiaoxue can't stand you."

The sound is ringing! However, the sound of Daming's cell phone rang from Miyuki's handbag. Only then did they remember that when Daming was changing clothes just now, all his things had been left here.

In the eyes of others, it is just a quarrel between a pair of golden childhood sweethearts. The men are handsome and the women are pretty, this is hundreds of times better than the effect in the movie. It makes others watch mesmerized.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Daming and others also greeted politely. Daming didn't want to be too rude to this old man who was old enough to be his grandfather.

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

"Then you can at least discuss it with me first." Daming's ferocious tone softened a little.

"This is a secret. I arranged for my uncle and aunt to live in the best hotel in the house, and have someone to take care of them."

"Oh──" Daming began to look up to the sky and roar.

"Then you are responsible for settling this matter for me." Daming sighed. He couldn't resist Lin Shihan's move. Now that it has happened, let it be.

Those who can enter this floor are all highly educated intellectuals who have climbed up step by step after being baptized in the mall. Now I see business elites bowing their heads respectfully to a young boy like him who has not graduated from a vocational college. Daming was speechless when he thought of this.

"It's time to go!" Chiyo led the way. The swordsmen and poems were on both sides of the Ming Dynasty, with Miyuki and Aoi following behind. Xiaoxue was led by Da Ming. The group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Although Daming's steps were a little stiff, his expression was much better.


"Dressing up? Why do you have to dress up?"

After finishing the meal, the waiter in the restaurant will clear the table and serve tea, coffee, and juice according to personal preference. At this time, Mr. Chen asked again: "Then what are your plans next? How long do you expect to stay?"

"What!" Secretary Huang was startled. How could such a big shot suddenly appear here

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

"That's right!" Daming suddenly thought of another thing.

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"What!" Secretary Huang was startled. How could such a big shot suddenly appear here

"Although I, Saburo Midou, am a Japanese, I don't speak any Japanese. If someone asks me a few questions in Japanese, I will be confused."

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"The place we are going to this time is the headquarters of the March Seal Consortium's branch in Taiwan. Wang Daming's appearance is not suitable. So I ask you to appear as Midou Saburo."

"Please wait!" The middle-aged man stepped forward to stop the group of people.

"Hehe──" Lin Shihan smiled so happily: "Today's protagonist is you."


"No need. When President Kawada comes back, you should tell him that we have been here."

"Thank God, I'm finally leaving." Daming took a breath and said. However, this group of women's army did not let Ming go so easily.

"Forget it, I don't care about that matter anymore, so don't mention it anymore." Daming knew that Miyuki was talking about the last time Kawada kidnapped him and went to Japan. But he is not the kind of petty person, this is something he has long forgotten.

"Don't worry, Chiyo and others are with you. Leave these matters to them, and they will naturally help you solve them."

"No matter what happens to Daming in the future, I will never leave him. We depend on him for life and death, and we will never leave him."

And some good-looking beauties regard Daming as a super rich son-in-law and the golden bachelor in their dreams. Although there were many beauties around Daming, they could not stop their ambition. After all, the Ming Dynasty represents a ladder leading directly to the days of glory and wealth. How can I keep them from being moved

As soon as I walked into the hall. The receptionist behind the counter saw that the group of people had a high profile and did not dare to neglect them, so she hurriedly greeted them. Chiyo said a few words to them in Japanese. The originally amiable reception ladies suddenly became more respectful.

"That's right!" Daming suddenly thought of another thing.

The gathering of rare beauties is enough to attract attention. And the man embraced by them is even more incredible. Although he looks very young, he is tall and tall, and his momentum is extraordinary.

Such a thing as status! Sometimes it's really quite baffling. Even though he didn't do anything, it was enough to scare others to death.

"No wonder you always looked aloof and arrogant when you were in junior high school. It turns out that you are also shy." Daming felt a little funny.

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

A lady quickly picked up the phone and dialed: "Secretary Huang. There is a person who claims to be the vice president and wants to see President Kawada."

After finishing the meal, the waiter in the restaurant will clear the table and serve tea, coffee, and juice according to personal preference. At this time, Mr. Chen asked again: "Then what are your plans next? How long do you expect to stay?"

Talking and talking. The car quickly reached their destination. In the commercial and office areas of the Golden Mile, there are a lot of people. As soon as Daming and others got out of the car, they attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Do you want to change it yourself? Or do you want us to do it ourselves? You have to know that Chiyo and the others have been coveting you for a long time." After Lin Shihan finished speaking, Miyuki and the others immediately gathered around with a tacit understanding.

"Don't worry, Chiyo and others are with you. Leave these matters to them, and they will naturally help you solve them."

"Vice president? Which vice president? Why haven't I heard of it? And President Kawada is not in the company at the moment." The person on the other end of the phone said scornfully.

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

"Roger that!" Lin Shihan stuck out her tongue playfully and walked briskly to Daming's family. I don’t know what Lin Shihanji was talking to his family. I saw Lin Shihan and the three members of the Daming family talking and laughing. Then Daming’s family members left the station with smiles on their faces, completely forgetting Daming’s existence. Lin Shihan stood there and happily waved goodbye to them.

"This is a secret. I arranged for my uncle and aunt to live in the best hotel in the house, and have someone to take care of them."

Da Ming has sharp ears, and they were talking in Chinese, so he heard them clearly.

"Vice president? Which vice president? Why haven't I heard of it? And President Kawada is not in the company at the moment." The person on the other end of the phone said scornfully.

Oh my God! This young man was actually accompanied by people from three major families, and they were all direct bloodlines of the powerful people in the family, especially Miyuki, who was the granddaughter of the president. Although the three major families have never directly intervened in the affairs of the mall, the senior people know that these three major families are actually in charge of the March Seal Consortium.

"Oh...! Oh my god!" Daming knew that it was Saturday and there would be a lot of people. I just didn't expect there to be so many. There are really not many ordinary people in Taipei.

"What!" Secretary Huang was startled. How could such a big shot suddenly appear here

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"Vice president? Which vice president? Why haven't I heard of it? And President Kawada is not in the company at the moment." The person on the other end of the phone said scornfully.

"Lin Shihan! Is this Lin Shihan, the only daughter of the president of the Lin Group, Miss Lin?" In response to Mr. Chen's question, Lin Shihan just smiled and did not answer.

"Who said that? We just want to find another place."

Everyone in the men's clothing department has been paying attention to Daming's group for a long time. Now that I see this situation, I feel secretly funny. Daming stood awkwardly at the door of the fitting room.

"What we did this time was out of desperation. You also know that with your current situation, we simply don't dare to let you run around alone."

There was a car picking up a group of people outside the station. After everyone got on the bus, Daming asked again: "Where are you going now?"

"What about me?" Daming pointed at himself. Then he was not left behind.

"It's the Mr. Saburo Midos who was announced by Japan Head Office not long ago as the successor to the next president of the consortium."

"It would be hard for me to explain to my superiors if I let you leave like this. Please stay and let us entertain you." The middle-aged man said while taking out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Don't worry, we still have Sister Shijian here." I heard Lin Shihan say this. Everyone looked at Shi Jian. Because of his relationship with "Cang Ming", Shi Jian has an inexplicable ability to sense Daming.

"Wait a minute!" Daming suddenly shouted. Pulling Lin Shihan aside.

"That's right!" Daming suddenly thought of another thing.

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"What!" Secretary Huang was startled. How could such a big shot suddenly appear here

After hearing Shi Jian's words, everyone's faces fell. Especially when I heard the word "narcolepsy", I was shocked. Maybe Daming has slept to death somewhere.

"Who are they?" Mr. Chen was very curious about the identities of the girls. Chiyo and others briefly introduced themselves, and Mr. Chen couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

But after getting to know Daming, Lin Shihan completely relaxed because of Daming's personality of not asking for anything, allowing her to try to get along with others without any burden for the first time. Later, she met Samurai Ken, Chiyo, Miyuki, Aoi, Xiaoyuki and other close friends. This was something she had never dared to think about before.

"What the hell are you doing to me now?" Daming almost fainted. Lin Shihan thought that there was nothing to do after he was full, so he actually ran to his family and said such things.

Although there were some changes in Daming, Lin Shihan didn't care about them. For her, there is nothing better in the world than being able to spend her life hand in hand with the one she loves most. So she made a vow in her heart.

"Ask them to wait a moment, and I'll notify the manager." After saying that, he immediately hung up the phone.

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

"Is it necessary to be so grand?" Daming reluctantly changed his clothes.

Look how obedient and respectful these girls are to Ming Dynasty. Mr. Chen couldn't help but wonder where this young man came from. Because there has never been anyone named Saburo in the Midang family, the identity of this young man is a complete mystery. When Lin Shihan introduced himself, Mr. Chen was even more surprised.

"Who are they?" Mr. Chen was very curious about the identities of the girls. Chiyo and others briefly introduced themselves, and Mr. Chen couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"Please come with me." The receptionist, with a smile on her face, waited for Daming and his party to the reception room aside, and served them refreshments.

Daming could tell that Xiaoxue was very dissatisfied with her appearance and felt a little depressed. Seeing Xiaoxue's style, Daming doubted the skills and aesthetics of several girls. I just hope I don’t turn into the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Chiyo: "Is there anything else?" Daming followed Lin Shihan's words and raised his head high to look at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was so frightened to death when he saw Daming's expression. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Daming felt funny in his heart.

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

Chiyo: "Don't worry. Master is not a child. He will find his own way back. Let's go to the hotel and wait for him."

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

"Sorry! Apparently Uncle Kawada didn't explain what we were going to do." Chiyo apologized. The vice president of a Tangtang company can't even join his own company. Isn't this a joke

"Yes, but I have to ask the Master to dress up."

Oh my God! This young man was actually accompanied by people from three major families, and they were all direct bloodlines of the powerful people in the family, especially Miyuki, who was the granddaughter of the president. Although the three major families have never directly intervened in the affairs of the mall, the senior people know that these three major families are actually in charge of the March Seal Consortium.

"Oh...! Oh my god!" Daming knew that it was Saturday and there would be a lot of people. I just didn't expect there to be so many. There are really not many ordinary people in Taipei.

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

"You don't need to apologize." Daming shook his head and said it didn't matter. Anyway, he is not a face-conscious person.

"You have been looked at like this by others since you were a child. Then you are really amazing." Daming couldn't stand this feeling for a moment. It is indeed not easy for Lin Shihan to live in this kind of eyes for more than ten years.

"But Uncle Kawada has always kept it in his heart. Plus you have become his immediate boss now, so it will be difficult for him not to care."

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

"Hehe──" Lin Shihan smiled so happily: "Today's protagonist is you."

Look how obedient and respectful these girls are to Ming Dynasty. Mr. Chen couldn't help but wonder where this young man came from. Because there has never been anyone named Saburo in the Midang family, the identity of this young man is a complete mystery. When Lin Shihan introduced himself, Mr. Chen was even more surprised.

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

"Speak in Chinese! We can understand it." Chiyo said unhappily. Although none of the three families are directly involved in the affairs of the consortium. But it's really unpleasant to be treated like this.

"Who are they?" Mr. Chen was very curious about the identities of the girls. Chiyo and others briefly introduced themselves, and Mr. Chen couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"Oh! I didn't give you such a bad impression." Lin Shihan glared at Daming.

"Yes. Because the president didn't ask for permission, we didn't expect the vice president to come. I'm really sorry for being so neglected." A middle-aged man said nervously.

"What method?" Daming needed it very much now.

For the first time in his life, Daming became the center of attention. The stares from the crowd made him very nervous.

"No way! You guys didn't have enough fun in the car just now, so why do you do this?" They treated themselves like dolls and got excited about playing with them. The more Daming thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he turned around and wanted to run away. But behind him were Chiyo, Miyuki, and Aoi, holding clothes and looking at him with smiles.

"Lift your chin as high as possible so that people can't see the panic in your eyes. Instead, they will think that you are glaring at him, and your unconscious movements will become more flinching, which makes it harder for them to notice you. It’s abnormal.”

After hearing Shi Jian's words, everyone's faces fell. Especially when I heard the word "narcolepsy", I was shocked. Maybe Daming has slept to death somewhere.

"Where is President Kawada now?" Chiyo didn't want to pursue it.

Regarding Mr. Chen's question, Chiyo answered: "We just came to see President Kawada. There is nothing special."

"No wonder you always looked aloof and arrogant when you were in junior high school. It turns out that you are also shy." Daming felt a little funny.

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

Lin Shihan is an only child, and her parents have been abroad for many years due to work. What Lin Shihan has faced since she was a child, apart from the flattery of relatives from all walks of life, is only the flattery and fawning towards her from interested people. But to put it bluntly, they are only here for their family's money.

Those who can enter this floor are all highly educated intellectuals who have climbed up step by step after being baptized in the mall. Now I see business elites bowing their heads respectfully to a young boy like him who has not graduated from a vocational college. Daming was speechless when he thought of this.

Waited for a while. The door to the reception room suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in quickly. After bowing to Daming, he spoke a few words in Japanese.

"It's rare to come here." Hearing Lin Shihan say this, Daming was even more frightened.

"The president is currently dining with a very important foreign guest, so he can't come back now. However, his secretary has instructions to entertain everyone well."

"Why do you have to visit department stores when you come to Taipei?" Daming said with a pout. Lin Shihan buckled his glasses and refused to return them to him, forcing Daming to go shopping with them in this ostentatious manner.

"You were very famous during junior high school. The resounding nickname 'Arctic Iceberg' was resounding throughout the campus and beyond. Apart from you, no one knew about it. What do you think? Miss Iceberg.”

Chiyo looked at Daming to let him decide, but Daming shook his head. Since Kawada is not here, there is no need to waste time here. Qian Dai nodded to understand what Daming meant.

"No. I heard that Uncle Kawada happened to come to Taipei for something, and when he heard that you were going north, he said that he would invite you over no matter what, and apologize to you for what happened last time."

"Please come with me." The receptionist, with a smile on her face, waited for Daming and his party to the reception room aside, and served them refreshments.

"Then you are responsible for settling this matter for me." Daming sighed. He couldn't resist Lin Shihan's move. Now that it has happened, let it be.

"No need. When President Kawada comes back, you should tell him that we have been here."