A Hero Erratic

Chapter 47: Christmas ball


The cup filled with juice in Daming's hand fell straight to the ground, and the sound of breaking attracted everyone's attention. But there is a reason for Daming to do this, because he has no time to hold the glass in his hands now.

"Shihan, Wuhen, Shijian, Xiaoxue." Daming briefly introduced them to several girls without refuting Ade's words. Shi Jian and he are a community of life. In a certain aspect, Shi Jian is far closer to Daming than Shihan and Wuhen.

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

"It's snowing!" Several girls crowded to the window to watch.

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

People who looked over at the noise caused by Da Ming were really startled. They saw that Da Ming was holding a waiter's wrist with each hand, and the two waiters each held a 20-centimeter-long tube between their fingers. fine needle. Judging from the direction, if there was no blockage from Daming, the long needle would have been inserted into the bodies of Lin and his wife.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

No way! Daming looked at the throats of the two men and found that there was no Adam's apple. This further confirmed Daming's guess that these two were girls disguised as men. Moreover, Daming also discovered that the skin color in the middle of the two women's necks was a little different. He gently scraped it with his fingers, and actually took off a human skin mask, and the other one did the same.

Thinking of this, several elders present could not help but gasp.

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

"Husband, how are you feeling today?"

Mr. and Mrs. Lin didn't even change their clothes for the ball, so they put on their glasses and reviewed official documents and exchanged opinions from time to time.

"With Qiuyue's condition and appearance, sooner or later she will find someone who is true to her. There are already too many girls around me, and now I have to make my own choice. After all, I can't bring happiness to everyone .”

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

"No way! I'm here. And you didn't let them go on purpose! Don't worry."

"Husband, how are you feeling today?"

"Thrilling and thrilling, I will never forget it. If it weren't for your husband and my heart being strong enough, you would be a widow." Daming said while making an invitation to dance gesture, which he just learned today.

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

"Wow! You are finally back, we have been waiting for a long time!"

But both of them are well-trained killers and react very quickly. Seeing everyone staring at him, he knew that his traces had been exposed, and the top priority was to retreat first. However, Daming's hands locked their wrists tightly like iron hoops, preventing them from moving at all.

As soon as Daming entered the door, he was stunned. Ade took Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Lao Xiao and his sister to hold a small Christmas dance in the house. The table was filled with Christmas dinner, and they didn't know where they got a Christmas tree for the occasion.

"Oh! Probably the future father-in-law knows about the killer's escape. I wonder if he will be angry?"

"Dad! Why? They want to..." Shihan was very puzzled, but when she saw Lin's father raising his hand, she had to shut her mouth.

Daming dragged a chair to the bed and sat down, and began to look at the two of them. The two of them were wearing waiter's clothes and looked ordinary. They could be regarded as public faces that can be seen everywhere! It's just that... their chests look bulging, as if they are hiding something.

"Why are you all here?" Daming was surprised. Didn't Ade hold a dance party

Of course the levels are too different. Based on the level of ordinary people, they are even stronger than Miyuki and the others. This is Daming's idea.

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

The group of people chatted and laughed happily. Daming took out the gifts he bought in advance and gave them to the girls, which made them scream in surprise. Then under the witness of everyone, Daming put rings on Shihan and Wuhen.

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

Daming quickly stepped on the right foot of one of them that was about to kick, and pulled hard with his hand, turning that person into his human shield and blocking the other person's kick. It seemed that the killer was really strong, because his companion was knocked unconscious by his blow. Daming smiled at the remaining one, and slashed him in the back of the neck with a hand knife to make him pass out.

"Recently." Shihan said two words and then stopped talking.

"Female!? Sigh... Why do you encounter this kind of thing every time?" Shihan sighed a little, Ming Dynasty's love luck is really not ordinary.

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

The scene fell silent for a moment. Fortunately, this place was quite hidden in the banquet hall, and the people present were a few elders who had seen the storm, so there was no commotion.

"You saw Qiuyue's stupid expression just now!" Ade said worriedly, Daming just remained silent, what could he say!

"What? Does this kind of thing happen to your future father-in-law often?" Daming held Shihan's hand and walked out of the banquet hall, following the bodyguards. He couldn't help but ask curiously as he walked.

But both of them are well-trained killers and react very quickly. Seeing everyone staring at him, he knew that his traces had been exposed, and the top priority was to retreat first. However, Daming's hands locked their wrists tightly like iron hoops, preventing them from moving at all.

"It's just a little strange. This action is too bold! He actually sneaked into the house directly." Shihan thought this was too strange, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Father Lin remained calm, summoned a few bodyguards to carry the two of them down, and whispered a few words in his ears. Then he continued to chat with the elders, and the scene returned to its lively atmosphere, as if this had never happened. .

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

After Ade and the others returned home, Daming sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. Until Shihan came over, took off Daming's glasses, and gently massaged him.

"Brother, who are these..." Zhuang Xiaowen asked secretly. She and Chun Xia Qiu Dong had been dumbfounded since Daming and the others entered the house. They had never seen a woman be so beautiful.

At this time, white snow began to fall outside the window.

After all, these elders have gone through ups and downs, and they know the wise way to protect themselves by pretending to be deaf and mute. Sometimes... if you keep your mouth tighter, you will live longer. After Daming saluted, he left with his bodyguards, and Shihan followed immediately.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

It was only when Daming saw a trace of sadness flashing in Qiuyue's eyes that he remembered what Ade had said that Qiuyue liked him.

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

"A Ming, you also know that I only have Shihan, my precious only daughter, and Shihan will inherit all these things from now on, so I hope you can learn to adapt to the company's operating procedures from now on."

"Sister! Don't talk to him anymore, let's go first." The two women hurriedly approached the window. Just as Daming was about to catch up, the two sisters immediately turned around and let out a rain of needles.

Looking at the retreating figures of several people, one of the elders spoke: "Mr. Lin, your future son-in-law seems to be a very special person!"

Now Daming finally understood what Shihan was whispering in Xiaoxue's ear just now. It seemed that this snow was Xiaoxue's masterpiece. Daming glanced at Shihan, who just responded with a smile and pulled Daming into the courtyard.

Daming knew it was not time to ask now, let’s wait until he goes to school!

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

People who looked over at the noise caused by Da Ming were really startled. They saw that Da Ming was holding a waiter's wrist with each hand, and the two waiters each held a 20-centimeter-long tube between their fingers. fine needle. Judging from the direction, if there was no blockage from Daming, the long needle would have been inserted into the bodies of Lin and his wife.

Shihan immediately regained his composure and made a quick judgment in his mind. Yes, Daming's proposal is the most correct approach.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

"Recently." Shihan said two words and then stopped talking.

Father Lin showed a faint smile and replied: "My little girl has always had a unique eye for seeing people. She is much better than me as a father."

No way! Daming looked at the throats of the two men and found that there was no Adam's apple. This further confirmed Daming's guess that these two were girls disguised as men. Moreover, Daming also discovered that the skin color in the middle of the two women's necks was a little different. He gently scraped it with his fingers, and actually took off a human skin mask, and the other one did the same.

"Miyuki and the three of them are like older sisters to me, they are my family, but I have no intention of treating them as wives."

"What? Does this kind of thing happen to your future father-in-law often?" Daming held Shihan's hand and walked out of the banquet hall, following the bodyguards. He couldn't help but ask curiously as he walked.

"Then Miyuki and the others... what are you going to do?"

Daming quickly stepped on the right foot of one of them that was about to kick, and pulled hard with his hand, turning that person into his human shield and blocking the other person's kick. It seemed that the killer was really strong, because his companion was knocked unconscious by his blow. Daming smiled at the remaining one, and slashed him in the back of the neck with a hand knife to make him pass out.

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

"Be careful, don't come over." Daming said to stop Shihan. The blow he just made caused a rain of needles to penetrate the entire room. If he was not careful, he would get stuck. Daming tiptoed out of the room and came to Shihan's side.

"Sister! Don't talk to him anymore, let's go first." The two women hurriedly approached the window. Just as Daming was about to catch up, the two sisters immediately turned around and let out a rain of needles.

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

When he came to the study room, Daming saw the desk full of office documents. He originally thought that the poem letter was exaggerated, but he did not expect that this was completely true.

"Thrilling and thrilling, I will never forget it. If it weren't for your husband and my heart being strong enough, you would be a widow." Daming said while making an invitation to dance gesture, which he just learned today.

"Oh? My dear daughter, when did you become so powerful?" Father Lin became interested in the news.

Shihan also returned the gift as usual, and the two of them danced gracefully in the flying white snow. Of course, other people came to join in the fun, and romantic scenes like this are rare. It's just that everyone takes turns exchanging dance partners, which brings Daming and Qiuyue together. Qiuyue hugged Daming without saying a word and moved her steps gently to the music.

"Thrilling and thrilling, I will never forget it. If it weren't for your husband and my heart being strong enough, you would be a widow." Daming said while making an invitation to dance gesture, which he just learned today.

"I think it's time to let you know some things. First of all, I know the two girls just now, and I also know today's plan, because this is what I asked for."

"Ade, you also know that I didn't mean it..." Daming hurriedly wanted to defend.

"Run away?" Shihan was somewhat clear when he saw the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

"Wow! The life in your world is really wonderful! You are lucky enough to be patient. If it were me, I would have gone crazy." Daming didn't know that the Shihan family lived such a wonderful life.

Letting a group of girls whisper, Ade and Lao Xiao pulled Daming aside.

Daming saw Qiuyue's tears almost falling, so he reached out to wipe them away, and sighed: "Forget me! Go pursue your own happiness, and stop crying, because I'm not worth it."

Taking advantage of this moment, the two sisters raised their feet and kicked Daming under the bed with a tacit understanding. Then he stood up and began to look around warily. When the two sisters discovered that their disguise masks had been taken off, they couldn't help but glare at Daming, as if they had been violated.

"Miyuki and the three of them are like older sisters to me, they are my family, but I have no intention of treating them as wives."

The two sisters really connected with each other and began to scream together, so hard that Daming had to cover his ears with his hands.

"That's because they haven't found the person they really love, so everyone loves them. I'm lucky, because God allowed me to meet you. To be honest, before I met you, I was just useless. He's just a fat man who has long given up any hope in his life."

"It's just a little strange. This action is too bold! He actually sneaked into the house directly." Shihan thought this was too strange, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Then Miyuki and the others... what are you going to do?"

"Oh! Probably the future father-in-law knows about the killer's escape. I wonder if he will be angry?"

After Daming heard Shihan's words, he lightly flicked her pretty nose and said, "It's good to know, there's no need to say it."

"I have never planned anything. To put it bluntly, before the incident on the desert island, my life was aimless. I lived every day with the mentality that I would forget about it until I was practicing. During those six years in Yaota, I realized how important you are to me. So I will not indulge myself and become a sentimental person, because I understand that these two true loves are not easy to come by, and it was you who made me Life picked up again.”

Daming was sweating coldly when he saw this, and he was indeed a super workaholic. Could it be said that he and Shihan will become like this in the future? "Sorry! Those two people woke up suddenly just now, kicked me and broke the window to escape."

Daming's answer was to lift Shihan's chin, kiss him fiercely, and then separate after a long time. The snow outside the window has stopped. But Shihan knew that this night that she would never forget was about to begin now.

"There's more! Think about it, what would happen if we weren't here." Upon hearing Daming's words, Shihan's face immediately turned pale, and Daming didn't say that she hadn't noticed yet.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

"Ade, you also know that I didn't mean it..." Daming hurriedly wanted to defend.

"Well, those two girls are quite tricky. But don't worry, I've got their whereabouts."

"That's not the case! Only when there is someone in your heart can you feel fulfilled and not lonely in life! Only when there is someone to share with, everything in life will have meaning! Husband, what do you think of me and Wuhen?"

Just now Shihan also noticed the actions of the two killers, but Daming just took action earlier.

Letting a group of girls whisper, Ade and Lao Xiao pulled Daming aside.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

The cup filled with juice in Daming's hand fell straight to the ground, and the sound of breaking attracted everyone's attention. But there is a reason for Daming to do this, because he has no time to hold the glass in his hands now.

Daming saw the two women by the window sill quickly throwing away the bodyguards and leaving, but did not move to catch up. Anyway, his psychic power has locked the two of them, so let them go back to their lair first! This saves a lot of trouble.

But she forgot one thing, she and Daming are not ordinary people now! If they were not present, I am afraid that the two killers would have succeeded, because no one present would have noticed it.

Father Lin remained calm, summoned a few bodyguards to carry the two of them down, and whispered a few words in his ears. Then he continued to chat with the elders, and the scene returned to its lively atmosphere, as if this had never happened. .

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

"Be careful, don't come over." Daming said to stop Shihan. The blow he just made caused a rain of needles to penetrate the entire room. If he was not careful, he would get stuck. Daming tiptoed out of the room and came to Shihan's side.

"Wow! You are finally back, we have been waiting for a long time!"

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

Daming's answer was to lift Shihan's chin, kiss him fiercely, and then separate after a long time. The snow outside the window has stopped. But Shihan knew that this night that she would never forget was about to begin now.

"If one day you all leave me, I will no longer have the meaning to live. For me, you are my life and the whole of my soul."

Just as the two of them were talking vigorously, a maid came over and said, "Miss, uncle, please come to the study."

"Yes." Daming nodded. It seems that the Lin couple needs these two people more.

Letting a group of girls whisper, Ade and Lao Xiao pulled Daming aside.

"I know, so I don't mean to blame you. After what happened this time, I think you will look away. Sadness may be inevitable, but long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

Looking at the retreating figures of several people, one of the elders spoke: "Mr. Lin, your future son-in-law seems to be a very special person!"

"The future father-in-law and mother-in-law may be targeted by a very powerful organization. What we can do now is to start with these two guys and find out the true face and purpose of this organization as soon as possible so that we can destroy it first. That's the only way Only by doing this can we ensure the safety of the two elders."

People who looked over at the noise caused by Da Ming were really startled. They saw that Da Ming was holding a waiter's wrist with each hand, and the two waiters each held a 20-centimeter-long tube between their fingers. fine needle. Judging from the direction, if there was no blockage from Daming, the long needle would have been inserted into the bodies of Lin and his wife.

"That's because they haven't found the person they really love, so everyone loves them. I'm lucky, because God allowed me to meet you. To be honest, before I met you, I was just useless. He's just a fat man who has long given up any hope in his life."

People who looked over at the noise caused by Da Ming were really startled. They saw that Da Ming was holding a waiter's wrist with each hand, and the two waiters each held a 20-centimeter-long tube between their fingers. fine needle. Judging from the direction, if there was no blockage from Daming, the long needle would have been inserted into the bodies of Lin and his wife.

"You saw Qiuyue's stupid expression just now!" Ade said worriedly, Daming just remained silent, what could he say!

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

Shihan immediately regained his composure and made a quick judgment in his mind. Yes, Daming's proposal is the most correct approach.

"Wow! The life in your world is really wonderful! You are lucky enough to be patient. If it were me, I would have gone crazy." Daming didn't know that the Shihan family lived such a wonderful life.

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

Letting a group of girls whisper, Ade and Lao Xiao pulled Daming aside.

Just now Shihan also noticed the actions of the two killers, but Daming just took action earlier.

However, the two killers may not be willing to confess obediently.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin didn't even change their clothes for the ball, so they put on their glasses and reviewed official documents and exchanged opinions from time to time.

"Female!? Sigh... Why do you encounter this kind of thing every time?" Shihan sighed a little, Ming Dynasty's love luck is really not ordinary.

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

Daming didn't wait for Lin's father to ask, but he did it all himself. Father Lin adjusted his glasses, stopped working on the documents and said, "Oh! Yes! That's fine. I originally wanted you to let them go."

People who looked over at the noise caused by Da Ming were really startled. They saw that Da Ming was holding a waiter's wrist with each hand, and the two waiters each held a 20-centimeter-long tube between their fingers. fine needle. Judging from the direction, if there was no blockage from Daming, the long needle would have been inserted into the bodies of Lin and his wife.

However, thinking of this, Shihan laughed out loud. She still had a way to deal with these two people - Sister Shijian would be very happy because she would have something to play with again. The two unconscious killers were placed in a guest room, guarded inside and outside.

"Husband, how are you feeling today?"

"Well, those two girls are quite tricky. But don't worry, I've got their whereabouts."

After Daming entered, he waved his hand and motioned for everyone in the room to leave. Facing the future uncle, the maids and bodyguards in the room bowed slightly and then left. The poems and letters had to be left in advance and would not come until later. So only Daming and the two unconscious killers lying on the bed were left in the room.

"This is not a question of love and ruthlessness. Modern society is a monogamous society. It is already very eye-catching for me to marry two wives. I can't bear any more!"

When he came to the study room, Daming saw the desk full of office documents. He originally thought that the poem letter was exaggerated, but he did not expect that this was completely true.

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

Qiuyue kissed Daming gently on the cheek and said: "Thank you. And...goodbye."

Father Lin showed a faint smile and replied: "My little girl has always had a unique eye for seeing people. She is much better than me as a father."

Daming dragged a chair to the bed and sat down, and began to look at the two of them. The two of them were wearing waiter's clothes and looked ordinary. They could be regarded as public faces that can be seen everywhere! It's just that... their chests look bulging, as if they are hiding something.

As soon as Daming entered the door, he was stunned. Ade took Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Lao Xiao and his sister to hold a small Christmas dance in the house. The table was filled with Christmas dinner, and they didn't know where they got a Christmas tree for the occasion.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is the spring breeze, summer, autumn moon and winter snow that Ade grew up with. This is Lao Xiao's sister, Zhuang Xiaowen." Several girls behind Daming bowed slightly to say hello.

"With Qiuyue's condition and appearance, sooner or later she will find someone who is true to her. There are already too many girls around me, and now I have to make my own choice. After all, I can't bring happiness to everyone .”

Mr. and Mrs. Lin didn't even change their clothes for the ball, so they put on their glasses and reviewed official documents and exchanged opinions from time to time.

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

"Dad! Why? They want to..." Shihan was very puzzled, but when she saw Lin's father raising his hand, she had to shut her mouth.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin didn't even change their clothes for the ball, so they put on their glasses and reviewed official documents and exchanged opinions from time to time.

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

"Sister! Don't talk to him anymore, let's go first." The two women hurriedly approached the window. Just as Daming was about to catch up, the two sisters immediately turned around and let out a rain of needles.

"What? Does this kind of thing happen to your future father-in-law often?" Daming held Shihan's hand and walked out of the banquet hall, following the bodyguards. He couldn't help but ask curiously as he walked.

"Don't mention it, something happened, so I didn't get to play today, so I wanted to come to you to renew the game. Ah! Let's not say those spoiler words. I'm going to be crazy today." Ade swept away the gloom and said passionately.

"No way! I'm here. And you didn't let them go on purpose! Don't worry."

"I know! At least... before the end of this song, let me satisfy this little dream! Then... I will forget you and never think about you again." Qiuyue leaned her face on Daming's shoulder, and Daming could feel Qiuyue's tears stained his shoulders.

No way! Daming looked at the throats of the two men and found that there was no Adam's apple. This further confirmed Daming's guess that these two were girls disguised as men. Moreover, Daming also discovered that the skin color in the middle of the two women's necks was a little different. He gently scraped it with his fingers, and actually took off a human skin mask, and the other one did the same.

However, Daming did not find any other suspicious items on them. After all, this kind of banquet is still strictly guarded. Bringing too many weapons will only be bad. But during the search process, Daming unexpectedly discovered that their skin was particularly smooth and delicate, just like... just like girls.

Now Daming finally understood what Shihan was whispering in Xiaoxue's ear just now. It seemed that this snow was Xiaoxue's masterpiece. Daming glanced at Shihan, who just responded with a smile and pulled Daming into the courtyard.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

"Wow! You are finally back, we have been waiting for a long time!"

"It's snowing!" Several girls crowded to the window to watch.

"Wow! The life in your world is really wonderful! You are lucky enough to be patient. If it were me, I would have gone crazy." Daming didn't know that the Shihan family lived such a wonderful life.

"I didn't expect that you would discover this operation. I have seen the skills of the twins, and I have a good idea of their strength. I am surprised that you can detect it so easily. Look, It’s not without reason that I chose you for the Poetry and Letters Contest.”

But she forgot one thing, she and Daming are not ordinary people now! If they were not present, I am afraid that the two killers would have succeeded, because no one present would have noticed it.

No way! Daming looked at the throats of the two men and found that there was no Adam's apple. This further confirmed Daming's guess that these two were girls disguised as men. Moreover, Daming also discovered that the skin color in the middle of the two women's necks was a little different. He gently scraped it with his fingers, and actually took off a human skin mask, and the other one did the same.

"It's snowing!" Several girls crowded to the window to watch.

"Run away?" Shihan was somewhat clear when he saw the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

"Thrilling and thrilling, I will never forget it. If it weren't for your husband and my heart being strong enough, you would be a widow." Daming said while making an invitation to dance gesture, which he just learned today.

Just now Shihan also noticed the actions of the two killers, but Daming just took action earlier.

Daming was sweating coldly when he saw this, and he was indeed a super workaholic. Could it be said that he and Shihan will become like this in the future? "Sorry! Those two people woke up suddenly just now, kicked me and broke the window to escape."

"These twins were originally adopted to protect Shihan, and they were entrusted to the organization to train them from childhood to adulthood. Only by personal experience can we know how effective the training has been over the years. Otherwise, we would not trust them to protect Shihan What's more, the accident rate in families like ours has always been high."

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

"Amin, you have played against them, what do you think? How did they perform?"

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

Daming didn't want to become a hedgehog, so he picked up the sheets and danced into a shield. I really don’t know where these needles came from. If I had known, I would have stripped them both naked. Seeing the two sisters break out of the window, Daming couldn't help but admire, this is the third floor, they are really brave.

"Stop talking so much!" The two sisters were very angry when they saw Da Ming's playful smile. They took out the thin soft swords from their belts, shook them into a ball, and attacked Da Ming.

Taking advantage of this moment, the two sisters raised their feet and kicked Daming under the bed with a tacit understanding. Then he stood up and began to look around warily. When the two sisters discovered that their disguise masks had been taken off, they couldn't help but glare at Daming, as if they had been violated.

Father Lin showed a faint smile and replied: "My little girl has always had a unique eye for seeing people. She is much better than me as a father."

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

Daming didn't want to become a hedgehog, so he picked up the sheets and danced into a shield. I really don’t know where these needles came from. If I had known, I would have stripped them both naked. Seeing the two sisters break out of the window, Daming couldn't help but admire, this is the third floor, they are really brave.

What will make Daming pay attention is that these two women are twins. This was the first time for Daming to see such beautiful sisters who looked exactly the same, and he couldn't tell them apart at all.

"What do you want?" When the two sisters asked, the attacks on their hands still showed no signs of slowing down. hateful! Why is this fat man so good at running? He can't even be cut.

"It's unfair! I've always been very good and didn't dare to go out and mess around with women. And with you and Wuhen by my side, I can't ask for anything more in this life."

At this time, the two women suddenly woke up, but the first thing they saw when they opened their big, watery eyes was the disgusting face of the fat man who had just caught them, and it was only ten centimeters away from their faces.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

It was only when Daming saw a trace of sadness flashing in Qiuyue's eyes that he remembered what Ade had said that Qiuyue liked him.

After Ade and the others returned home, Daming sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. Until Shihan came over, took off Daming's glasses, and gently massaged him.

Daming quickly stepped on the right foot of one of them that was about to kick, and pulled hard with his hand, turning that person into his human shield and blocking the other person's kick. It seemed that the killer was really strong, because his companion was knocked unconscious by his blow. Daming smiled at the remaining one, and slashed him in the back of the neck with a hand knife to make him pass out.

Just now Shihan also noticed the actions of the two killers, but Daming just took action earlier.

"Oh? My dear daughter, when did you become so powerful?" Father Lin became interested in the news.

However, thinking of this, Shihan laughed out loud. She still had a way to deal with these two people - Sister Shijian would be very happy because she would have something to play with again. The two unconscious killers were placed in a guest room, guarded inside and outside.

"Why don't you try to change it? If your low self-esteem is because you are fat, then just lose weight! You are not ugly originally, and you should be very handsome when you lose weight."

The two sisters really connected with each other and began to scream together, so hard that Daming had to cover his ears with his hands.

"Run away?" Shihan was somewhat clear when he saw the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

"Yisi—" Daming rubbed his chest. The sisters looked quite quiet on the outside, but they didn't expect that they would be so heavy-handed. If it were an ordinary person, his ribs would have been broken long ago. Although this kick had no effect on Da Ming himself, Da Ming still had to pretend. He didn't want to reveal too much of his strength to others.

"Well. Go back! Go back to our home."

"Why don't you try to change it? If your low self-esteem is because you are fat, then just lose weight! You are not ugly originally, and you should be very handsome when you lose weight."

"Stop talking so much!" The two sisters were very angry when they saw Da Ming's playful smile. They took out the thin soft swords from their belts, shook them into a ball, and attacked Da Ming.

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

Taking advantage of this moment, the two sisters raised their feet and kicked Daming under the bed with a tacit understanding. Then he stood up and began to look around warily. When the two sisters discovered that their disguise masks had been taken off, they couldn't help but glare at Daming, as if they had been violated.

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

"Hate! Do you want to see me cry? Why are you talking about this? And... these things must be secrets in your heart! Why are you telling me?" Shihan's eyes were a little red.

"Shihan, Wuhen, Shijian, Xiaoxue." Daming briefly introduced them to several girls without refuting Ade's words. Shi Jian and he are a community of life. In a certain aspect, Shi Jian is far closer to Daming than Shihan and Wuhen.

Father Lin showed a faint smile and replied: "My little girl has always had a unique eye for seeing people. She is much better than me as a father."

"The future father-in-law and mother-in-law may be targeted by a very powerful organization. What we can do now is to start with these two guys and find out the true face and purpose of this organization as soon as possible so that we can destroy it first. That's the only way Only by doing this can we ensure the safety of the two elders."

However, thinking of this, Shihan laughed out loud. She still had a way to deal with these two people - Sister Shijian would be very happy because she would have something to play with again. The two unconscious killers were placed in a guest room, guarded inside and outside.

At first, he thought Ade was joking, but looking at this situation, Ade was not lying to him.

"Yisi—" Daming rubbed his chest. The sisters looked quite quiet on the outside, but they didn't expect that they would be so heavy-handed. If it were an ordinary person, his ribs would have been broken long ago. Although this kick had no effect on Da Ming himself, Da Ming still had to pretend. He didn't want to reveal too much of his strength to others.

"There's more! Think about it, what would happen if we weren't here." Upon hearing Daming's words, Shihan's face immediately turned pale, and Daming didn't say that she hadn't noticed yet.

"I have never planned anything. To put it bluntly, before the incident on the desert island, my life was aimless. I lived every day with the mentality that I would forget about it until I was practicing. During those six years in Yaota, I realized how important you are to me. So I will not indulge myself and become a sentimental person, because I understand that these two true loves are not easy to come by, and it was you who made me Life picked up again.”

"Why is it such a mess?" Shihan also walked in at this time.

"Sister! Don't talk to him anymore, let's go first." The two women hurriedly approached the window. Just as Daming was about to catch up, the two sisters immediately turned around and let out a rain of needles.

"Uh... future father-in-law, how did you come up with this thing? You don't even have to experiment on yourself!"

"With Qiuyue's condition and appearance, sooner or later she will find someone who is true to her. There are already too many girls around me, and now I have to make my own choice. After all, I can't bring happiness to everyone .”

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

"With Qiuyue's condition and appearance, sooner or later she will find someone who is true to her. There are already too many girls around me, and now I have to make my own choice. After all, I can't bring happiness to everyone .”

Daming dragged a chair to the bed and sat down, and began to look at the two of them. The two of them were wearing waiter's clothes and looked ordinary. They could be regarded as public faces that can be seen everywhere! It's just that... their chests look bulging, as if they are hiding something.

It was only when Daming saw a trace of sadness flashing in Qiuyue's eyes that he remembered what Ade had said that Qiuyue liked him.

"You saw Qiuyue's stupid expression just now!" Ade said worriedly, Daming just remained silent, what could he say!

"Stop talking so much!" The two sisters were very angry when they saw Da Ming's playful smile. They took out the thin soft swords from their belts, shook them into a ball, and attacked Da Ming.

"We are not..." One of them hesitated, as if he had something to say.

"Wouldn't this be too tiring? It sounds like you've lost yourself."

"If they heard what you said, they would definitely cry to death. The three of them are devoted to you. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless."

"Stop talking so much!" The two sisters were very angry when they saw Da Ming's playful smile. They took out the thin soft swords from their belts, shook them into a ball, and attacked Da Ming.

"Aren't you excited? I heard that men are happy to have wives and concubines."

At this time, white snow began to fall outside the window.

Daming didn't expect that the two of them had this trick, so they suffered a huge loss and hid in a very embarrassed manner. At this time, Daming could be said to have achieved some success in swordsmanship. It could be seen that the combined attack of the two sisters was very perfect, and it was not easy to detect flaws.

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

"How do you say you fall out when you fall out? When you are a killer, you should have the consciousness of being a killer. Even if you are caught by mistake, you will still be so aggressive. Don't forget, it is you who are caught by me now, not me by you. How come you have changed hands? "

Shihan also returned the gift as usual, and the two of them danced gracefully in the flying white snow. Of course, other people came to join in the fun, and romantic scenes like this are rare. It's just that everyone takes turns exchanging dance partners, which brings Daming and Qiuyue together. Qiuyue hugged Daming without saying a word and moved her steps gently to the music.

"Actually, I invested money in the organization that the two sisters belong to. Today is the day to accept the results. The condition is to obtain a drop of blood from my wife and I as evidence. This will be used as a basis to determine whether we should continue to provide Funds go down.”

"What do you want?" When the two sisters asked, the attacks on their hands still showed no signs of slowing down. hateful! Why is this fat man so good at running? He can't even be cut.

Shihan also returned the gift as usual, and the two of them danced gracefully in the flying white snow. Of course, other people came to join in the fun, and romantic scenes like this are rare. It's just that everyone takes turns exchanging dance partners, which brings Daming and Qiuyue together. Qiuyue hugged Daming without saying a word and moved her steps gently to the music.

Just as the two of them were talking vigorously, a maid came over and said, "Miss, uncle, please come to the study."

Daming dragged a chair to the bed and sat down, and began to look at the two of them. The two of them were wearing waiter's clothes and looked ordinary. They could be regarded as public faces that can be seen everywhere! It's just that... their chests look bulging, as if they are hiding something.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

"It's snowing!" Several girls crowded to the window to watch.

But she forgot one thing, she and Daming are not ordinary people now! If they were not present, I am afraid that the two killers would have succeeded, because no one present would have noticed it.

"Why don't you try to change it? If your low self-esteem is because you are fat, then just lose weight! You are not ugly originally, and you should be very handsome when you lose weight."

Daming didn't expect that the two of them had this trick, so they suffered a huge loss and hid in a very embarrassed manner. At this time, Daming could be said to have achieved some success in swordsmanship. It could be seen that the combined attack of the two sisters was very perfect, and it was not easy to detect flaws.

"We are not..." One of them hesitated, as if he had something to say.

It was only when Daming saw a trace of sadness flashing in Qiuyue's eyes that he remembered what Ade had said that Qiuyue liked him.

Alas! Sure enough, we got to the point.

"Actually, I invested money in the organization that the two sisters belong to. Today is the day to accept the results. The condition is to obtain a drop of blood from my wife and I as evidence. This will be used as a basis to determine whether we should continue to provide Funds go down.”

"You saw Qiuyue's stupid expression just now!" Ade said worriedly, Daming just remained silent, what could he say!

"Sister! Don't talk to him anymore, let's go first." The two women hurriedly approached the window. Just as Daming was about to catch up, the two sisters immediately turned around and let out a rain of needles.

"Dad! Why? They want to..." Shihan was very puzzled, but when she saw Lin's father raising his hand, she had to shut her mouth.

Of course the levels are too different. Based on the level of ordinary people, they are even stronger than Miyuki and the others. This is Daming's idea.

Shihan and Daming were confused. Why did Father Lin find someone to kill him? !

"What do you want?" When the two sisters asked, the attacks on their hands still showed no signs of slowing down. hateful! Why is this fat man so good at running? He can't even be cut.

Daming didn't want to become a hedgehog, so he picked up the sheets and danced into a shield. I really don’t know where these needles came from. If I had known, I would have stripped them both naked. Seeing the two sisters break out of the window, Daming couldn't help but admire, this is the third floor, they are really brave.

"Don't mention it, something happened, so I didn't get to play today, so I wanted to come to you to renew the game. Ah! Let's not say those spoiler words. I'm going to be crazy today." Ade swept away the gloom and said passionately.

"It's snowing!" Several girls crowded to the window to watch.

"These twins were originally adopted to protect Shihan, and they were entrusted to the organization to train them from childhood to adulthood. Only by personal experience can we know how effective the training has been over the years. Otherwise, we would not trust them to protect Shihan What's more, the accident rate in families like ours has always been high."

"These twins were originally adopted to protect Shihan, and they were entrusted to the organization to train them from childhood to adulthood. Only by personal experience can we know how effective the training has been over the years. Otherwise, we would not trust them to protect Shihan What's more, the accident rate in families like ours has always been high."

"I know, so I don't mean to blame you. After what happened this time, I think you will look away. Sadness may be inevitable, but long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

"Uh... future father-in-law, how did you come up with this thing? You don't even have to experiment on yourself!"

But both of them are well-trained killers and react very quickly. Seeing everyone staring at him, he knew that his traces had been exposed, and the top priority was to retreat first. However, Daming's hands locked their wrists tightly like iron hoops, preventing them from moving at all.

Daming saw the two women by the window sill quickly throwing away the bodyguards and leaving, but did not move to catch up. Anyway, his psychic power has locked the two of them, so let them go back to their lair first! This saves a lot of trouble.

"Actually, I invested money in the organization that the two sisters belong to. Today is the day to accept the results. The condition is to obtain a drop of blood from my wife and I as evidence. This will be used as a basis to determine whether we should continue to provide Funds go down.”

"If they heard what you said, they would definitely cry to death. The three of them are devoted to you. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless."

"Why is it such a mess?" Shihan also walked in at this time.

"Recently." Shihan said two words and then stopped talking.

"Why is it such a mess?" Shihan also walked in at this time.

After Ade and the others returned home, Daming sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. Until Shihan came over, took off Daming's glasses, and gently massaged him.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

"Shihan, it seems that I can only make girls cry! Since we met, you have cried more often than you have laughed. I am a human being... I have really failed!"

Shihan immediately regained his composure and made a quick judgment in his mind. Yes, Daming's proposal is the most correct approach.

"Be careful, don't come over." Daming said to stop Shihan. The blow he just made caused a rain of needles to penetrate the entire room. If he was not careful, he would get stuck. Daming tiptoed out of the room and came to Shihan's side.

"That's not the case! Only when there is someone in your heart can you feel fulfilled and not lonely in life! Only when there is someone to share with, everything in life will have meaning! Husband, what do you think of me and Wuhen?"

Daming didn't expect that the two of them had this trick, so they suffered a huge loss and hid in a very embarrassed manner. At this time, Daming could be said to have achieved some success in swordsmanship. It could be seen that the combined attack of the two sisters was very perfect, and it was not easy to detect flaws.

"It's unfair! I've always been very good and didn't dare to go out and mess around with women. And with you and Wuhen by my side, I can't ask for anything more in this life."

Shihan also returned the gift as usual, and the two of them danced gracefully in the flying white snow. Of course, other people came to join in the fun, and romantic scenes like this are rare. It's just that everyone takes turns exchanging dance partners, which brings Daming and Qiuyue together. Qiuyue hugged Daming without saying a word and moved her steps gently to the music.

"Run away?" Shihan was somewhat clear when he saw the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

"Oh! Probably the future father-in-law knows about the killer's escape. I wonder if he will be angry?"

At first, he thought Ade was joking, but looking at this situation, Ade was not lying to him.

Qiuyue kissed Daming gently on the cheek and said: "Thank you. And...goodbye."

"It's because I care about you that I cry and laugh for you! This also means that you occupy a very important place in my heart. When you are hurt, I will cry for you. When you are happy, I will too. Just be happy.”

"Well, those two girls are quite tricky. But don't worry, I've got their whereabouts."

"Dad! Why? They want to..." Shihan was very puzzled, but when she saw Lin's father raising his hand, she had to shut her mouth.

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.

At this time, white snow began to fall outside the window.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there today, they would have definitely succeeded." Daming said firmly, and then paused before saying, "It's just... now with the strength of Shihan and I, we have them." It seems cumbersome to follow him for protection."

"Female!? Sigh... Why do you encounter this kind of thing every time?" Shihan sighed a little, Ming Dynasty's love luck is really not ordinary.

"Go home!" For Shihan, their villa on the hillside is their real home. Although it is not as luxurious as this house, it has a warmth that is not found here.

Looking at the retreating figures of several people, one of the elders spoke: "Mr. Lin, your future son-in-law seems to be a very special person!"

"It's unfair! I've always been very good and didn't dare to go out and mess around with women. And with you and Wuhen by my side, I can't ask for anything more in this life."

"That's not the case! Only when there is someone in your heart can you feel fulfilled and not lonely in life! Only when there is someone to share with, everything in life will have meaning! Husband, what do you think of me and Wuhen?"

However, thinking of this, Shihan laughed out loud. She still had a way to deal with these two people - Sister Shijian would be very happy because she would have something to play with again. The two unconscious killers were placed in a guest room, guarded inside and outside.

"Be careful, don't come over." Daming said to stop Shihan. The blow he just made caused a rain of needles to penetrate the entire room. If he was not careful, he would get stuck. Daming tiptoed out of the room and came to Shihan's side.

After all, these elders have gone through ups and downs, and they know the wise way to protect themselves by pretending to be deaf and mute. Sometimes... if you keep your mouth tighter, you will live longer. After Daming saluted, he left with his bodyguards, and Shihan followed immediately.

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

Taking advantage of this moment, the two sisters raised their feet and kicked Daming under the bed with a tacit understanding. Then he stood up and began to look around warily. When the two sisters discovered that their disguise masks had been taken off, they couldn't help but glare at Daming, as if they had been violated.

"Stupid! Because you are my wife! Who can I tell if I don't tell you?"

"Then Miyuki and the others... what are you going to do?"

"Stop talking so much!" The two sisters were very angry when they saw Da Ming's playful smile. They took out the thin soft swords from their belts, shook them into a ball, and attacked Da Ming.

"Run away?" Shihan was somewhat clear when he saw the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

"That's what I want to ask, okay?! You sneak into other people's homes and plot evil, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want!"

"Miyuki and the three of them are like older sisters to me, they are my family, but I have no intention of treating them as wives."

At first, he thought Ade was joking, but looking at this situation, Ade was not lying to him.

"Why is it such a mess?" Shihan also walked in at this time.

After Ade and the others returned home, Daming sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. Until Shihan came over, took off Daming's glasses, and gently massaged him.

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.

"If they heard what you said, they would definitely cry to death. The three of them are devoted to you. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless."

"Thrilling and thrilling, I will never forget it. If it weren't for your husband and my heart being strong enough, you would be a widow." Daming said while making an invitation to dance gesture, which he just learned today.

At this time, the two women suddenly woke up, but the first thing they saw when they opened their big, watery eyes was the disgusting face of the fat man who had just caught them, and it was only ten centimeters away from their faces.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

"Well, those two girls are quite tricky. But don't worry, I've got their whereabouts."

"Why is it such a mess?" Shihan also walked in at this time.

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

"This is not a question of love and ruthlessness. Modern society is a monogamous society. It is already very eye-catching for me to marry two wives. I can't bear any more!"

"I don't know much about this, but you wouldn't think that we hired a room full of security guards just to look good! I myself have experienced several assassinations and attempted kidnappings. Don't forget that we have only known each other since. The kidnappings begin.”

"I didn't expect that you would discover this operation. I have seen the skills of the twins, and I have a good idea of their strength. I am surprised that you can detect it so easily. Look, It’s not without reason that I chose you for the Poetry and Letters Contest.”

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

"It's because I care about you that I cry and laugh for you! This also means that you occupy a very important place in my heart. When you are hurt, I will cry for you. When you are happy, I will too. Just be happy.”

Father Lin showed a faint smile and replied: "My little girl has always had a unique eye for seeing people. She is much better than me as a father."

"Aren't you excited? I heard that men are happy to have wives and concubines."

Daming knew it was not time to ask now, let’s wait until he goes to school!

Daming saw Shihan's expression and just held her hand tightly.

"Why are you all here?" Daming was surprised. Didn't Ade hold a dance party

"Ade, you also know that I didn't mean it..." Daming hurriedly wanted to defend.

"Stupid! Because you are my wife! Who can I tell if I don't tell you?"

The scene fell silent for a moment. Fortunately, this place was quite hidden in the banquet hall, and the people present were a few elders who had seen the storm, so there was no commotion.

What will make Daming pay attention is that these two women are twins. This was the first time for Daming to see such beautiful sisters who looked exactly the same, and he couldn't tell them apart at all.

"Who are you from? You're sticking such a long needle everywhere. You can't do acupuncture for people, right?!"

"That's because they haven't found the person they really love, so everyone loves them. I'm lucky, because God allowed me to meet you. To be honest, before I met you, I was just useless. He's just a fat man who has long given up any hope in his life."

Mr. and Mrs. Lin didn't even change their clothes for the ball, so they put on their glasses and reviewed official documents and exchanged opinions from time to time.

Daming didn't want to become a hedgehog, so he picked up the sheets and danced into a shield. I really don’t know where these needles came from. If I had known, I would have stripped them both naked. Seeing the two sisters break out of the window, Daming couldn't help but admire, this is the third floor, they are really brave.

Daming didn't expect that the two of them had this trick, so they suffered a huge loss and hid in a very embarrassed manner. At this time, Daming could be said to have achieved some success in swordsmanship. It could be seen that the combined attack of the two sisters was very perfect, and it was not easy to detect flaws.

"Shihan, it seems that I can only make girls cry! Since we met, you have cried more often than you have laughed. I am a human being... I have really failed!"

"I think it's time to let you know some things. First of all, I know the two girls just now, and I also know today's plan, because this is what I asked for."

"Wow! The life in your world is really wonderful! You are lucky enough to be patient. If it were me, I would have gone crazy." Daming didn't know that the Shihan family lived such a wonderful life.

"The future father-in-law and mother-in-law may be targeted by a very powerful organization. What we can do now is to start with these two guys and find out the true face and purpose of this organization as soon as possible so that we can destroy it first. That's the only way Only by doing this can we ensure the safety of the two elders."

"Hate! Do you want to see me cry? Why are you talking about this? And... these things must be secrets in your heart! Why are you telling me?" Shihan's eyes were a little red.

"Because of low self-esteem?"

"Husband, how are you feeling today?"

Shihan immediately regained his composure and made a quick judgment in his mind. Yes, Daming's proposal is the most correct approach.

At first, he thought Ade was joking, but looking at this situation, Ade was not lying to him.

After Daming heard Shihan's words, he lightly flicked her pretty nose and said, "It's good to know, there's no need to say it."

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

"I didn't expect that you would discover this operation. I have seen the skills of the twins, and I have a good idea of their strength. I am surprised that you can detect it so easily. Look, It’s not without reason that I chose you for the Poetry and Letters Contest.”

The two sisters really connected with each other and began to scream together, so hard that Daming had to cover his ears with his hands.

Father Lin remained calm, summoned a few bodyguards to carry the two of them down, and whispered a few words in his ears. Then he continued to chat with the elders, and the scene returned to its lively atmosphere, as if this had never happened. .

"Why don't you try to change it? If your low self-esteem is because you are fat, then just lose weight! You are not ugly originally, and you should be very handsome when you lose weight."

Daming's answer was to lift Shihan's chin, kiss him fiercely, and then separate after a long time. The snow outside the window has stopped. But Shihan knew that this night that she would never forget was about to begin now.

"If they heard what you said, they would definitely cry to death. The three of them are devoted to you. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless."

However, the two killers may not be willing to confess obediently.

"Aren't you excited? I heard that men are happy to have wives and concubines."

"Aren't you excited? I heard that men are happy to have wives and concubines."

"I have never planned anything. To put it bluntly, before the incident on the desert island, my life was aimless. I lived every day with the mentality that I would forget about it until I was practicing. During those six years in Yaota, I realized how important you are to me. So I will not indulge myself and become a sentimental person, because I understand that these two true loves are not easy to come by, and it was you who made me Life picked up again.”

However, thinking of this, Shihan laughed out loud. She still had a way to deal with these two people - Sister Shijian would be very happy because she would have something to play with again. The two unconscious killers were placed in a guest room, guarded inside and outside.

Now Daming finally understood what Shihan was whispering in Xiaoxue's ear just now. It seemed that this snow was Xiaoxue's masterpiece. Daming glanced at Shihan, who just responded with a smile and pulled Daming into the courtyard.

Daming didn't want to become a hedgehog, so he picked up the sheets and danced into a shield. I really don’t know where these needles came from. If I had known, I would have stripped them both naked. Seeing the two sisters break out of the window, Daming couldn't help but admire, this is the third floor, they are really brave.

Although the two girls are beautiful, Daming, who is used to seeing poems and letters and Wuhen, doesn't feel much about them. Moreover, it seems that they are both younger than Daming.

"Hate! Do you want to see me cry? Why are you talking about this? And... these things must be secrets in your heart! Why are you telling me?" Shihan's eyes were a little red.

"Stupid! Because you are my wife! Who can I tell if I don't tell you?"

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

"Stupid! Because you are my wife! Who can I tell if I don't tell you?"

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is the spring breeze, summer, autumn moon and winter snow that Ade grew up with. This is Lao Xiao's sister, Zhuang Xiaowen." Several girls behind Daming bowed slightly to say hello.

With [Blast], [Thunder] and Chang She guarding them, Daming and the others almost never locked the door. The [Blasts] had seen Ade and Lao Xiao come several times, so naturally they didn't stop them.

The two killers were extremely confident in their skills and did not expect to be discovered. So when they were caught by Daming, the two of them couldn't react for a while.

Without thinking about it carefully, Daming picked up the slender steel needle used by the two of them and looked at it. This steel needle is as thin as a hair, and you really can't tell it without looking in detail, and it's also vaguely elastic. Using something like this to attack people shows how powerful the assassins are! Daming suddenly thought that since they knew how to use this gadget, they shouldn't have other such things hidden on them! Then you'd better find it first to avoid them hurting others again.

"I know! At least... before the end of this song, let me satisfy this little dream! Then... I will forget you and never think about you again." Qiuyue leaned her face on Daming's shoulder, and Daming could feel Qiuyue's tears stained his shoulders.

"Hate! Do you want to see me cry? Why are you talking about this? And... these things must be secrets in your heart! Why are you telling me?" Shihan's eyes were a little red.

"They are all the wives of the damn fat man!" Ade also heard Zhuang Xiaowen's words and shouted casually. Seeing the way Chun Xia Qiu Dong and Xiao Wen couldn't close their jaws, Da Ming knew they were quite frightened by A De's words!

Daming saw the two women by the window sill quickly throwing away the bodyguards and leaving, but did not move to catch up. Anyway, his psychic power has locked the two of them, so let them go back to their lair first! This saves a lot of trouble.

Just as the two of them were talking vigorously, a maid came over and said, "Miss, uncle, please come to the study."

"Hate! Do you want to see me cry? Why are you talking about this? And... these things must be secrets in your heart! Why are you telling me?" Shihan's eyes were a little red.

"It's really deserted!" Daming finally understood why Shihan didn't like this home. Facing such a big house alone, no one would be happy.

Shihan also returned the gift as usual, and the two of them danced gracefully in the flying white snow. Of course, other people came to join in the fun, and romantic scenes like this are rare. It's just that everyone takes turns exchanging dance partners, which brings Daming and Qiuyue together. Qiuyue hugged Daming without saying a word and moved her steps gently to the music.

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.

"The future father-in-law and mother-in-law may be targeted by a very powerful organization. What we can do now is to start with these two guys and find out the true face and purpose of this organization as soon as possible so that we can destroy it first. That's the only way Only by doing this can we ensure the safety of the two elders."

"Oh! Probably the future father-in-law knows about the killer's escape. I wonder if he will be angry?"

"A Ming, you also know that I only have Shihan, my precious only daughter, and Shihan will inherit all these things from now on, so I hope you can learn to adapt to the company's operating procedures from now on."

The killers knew that if they didn't deal with the fat man first, he would be dead today. The two of them had a tacit understanding and at the same time wanted to kick Daming's lifeblood. It's just that they are fast, and Ming Dynasty is faster. When their knees moved slightly, Daming had already noticed their intentions.

After all, these elders have gone through ups and downs, and they know the wise way to protect themselves by pretending to be deaf and mute. Sometimes... if you keep your mouth tighter, you will live longer. After Daming saluted, he left with his bodyguards, and Shihan followed immediately.

The cup filled with juice in Daming's hand fell straight to the ground, and the sound of breaking attracted everyone's attention. But there is a reason for Daming to do this, because he has no time to hold the glass in his hands now.

"Well. Go back! Go back to our home."

Just now Shihan also noticed the actions of the two killers, but Daming just took action earlier.

"It's just a little strange. This action is too bold! He actually sneaked into the house directly." Shihan thought this was too strange, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"No way! I'm here. And you didn't let them go on purpose! Don't worry."

Daming dragged a chair to the bed and sat down, and began to look at the two of them. The two of them were wearing waiter's clothes and looked ordinary. They could be regarded as public faces that can be seen everywhere! It's just that... their chests look bulging, as if they are hiding something.

"Well. Go back! Go back to our home."

"Ade, you also know that I didn't mean it..." Daming hurriedly wanted to defend.

What will make Daming pay attention is that these two women are twins. This was the first time for Daming to see such beautiful sisters who looked exactly the same, and he couldn't tell them apart at all.

"You saw Qiuyue's stupid expression just now!" Ade said worriedly, Daming just remained silent, what could he say!

Daming shook the hand holding the poem letter, knowing that this was a responsibility he could not avoid, so he nodded in agreement. After the banquet, the banquet hall that was originally packed with people was now empty, with only twos and threes of servants cleaning it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin had just taken a flight to go abroad for business.