A Hero Erratic

Chapter 55: funeral


The next day, Daming went to the agreed place by himself without letting anyone follow him. It was in a small corner of the funeral home, with a simple mourning hall set up inside. What was parked was Qiu Yue's body that was about to be incinerated.

"Stop talking about this." Daming waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this issue. So the topic changed and moved to another place: "It's a rare time for you to come here, so go and meet Wuhen. In this place that is completely unfamiliar to her, she will be very happy to have an old friend visiting."

Qiuyue was surrounded by four goddesses who suddenly arrived, and looked at Ming Dynasty a little helplessly.

On the contrary, Daming didn't know what to say. Should he ask Qiuyue how he felt? When the deceased asked her how she felt watching his funeral being held, Daming thought it was very bad, so he couldn't ask.

"I'm already scared." Daming shook his head.

Due to the wishes of the deceased, funerals are extremely simple. No one was present except for a few friends and relatives. Only Daming, Ade, Lao Xiao and Chun Xia Dong were present. Of course, Qiuyue and the sword attendant who has been accompanying her these days are also here.

"The girl's soul is not only very pure, but her aptitude is also very good. So probably some heavenly being took a fancy to it and wanted to take it back to the heaven for cultivation. This should be regarded as a coincidence for the girl to have this blessing."

"But this method only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. I'm afraid that people in the heaven will not give up so easily."

Due to the wishes of the deceased, funerals are extremely simple. No one was present except for a few friends and relatives. Only Daming, Ade, Lao Xiao and Chun Xia Dong were present. Of course, Qiuyue and the sword attendant who has been accompanying her these days are also here.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

"Thanks to Sister Shijian for talking to me these days, otherwise I really don't know how to live. To be honest, don't look at my brother who looks like a playboy on the outside. In fact, he also has his own characteristics. I can't explain my worries, which is something that the sisters who have grown up with him understand. Now, although I can no longer stay with him, I can leave with peace of mind as you are such good friends."

Uh... What the shepherd boy said was actually correct, and Daming couldn't find the words to refute.

"Teach me, what should I say?" Ade raised his hand helplessly.

Life is so fragile.

"I was wondering why I am so devoted to you. What exactly do I like about you?" Qiuyue reached out and rubbed Daming's cheek. Although I can't touch it, I still pretend to be.

Uh... What the shepherd boy said was actually correct, and Daming couldn't find the words to refute.

"That's right, I haven't seen my disciple for a long time. When I came to the human world, the Dragon King specifically asked me to see how she was doing, whether you were treating her well, etc. You really are, are you free? Will you take Wuhen back to Kunlun for a walk? There is no news like this, which makes the Dragon King family worried to death. "

"Me? I have countless troubles. That's the one you're talking about."

"Oh, that's disrespectful to the elderly. If you fall, you can't afford to pay for it."

"Besides, considering Qiu Yue's current situation, telling them would only make her heartbroken. This is also the last thing Qiu Yue wants to see." Ade expressed his thoughts. After hearing this, Daming felt that it was right, so he didn't say anything more.

Daming and Lao Xiao walked into the mourning hall at this time, and saw Ade walking over with red eyes: "Is she gone?" Facing Ade's question, the two of them could only nod wordlessly.

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

After Shi Jian came over, he just waved his hand to shut up Daming, and said to Qiuyue: "Have you figured it out?"

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

At this time, a black car stopped at the door. Among the people who got out of the car, Daming only recognized Duan Meng, and Ade hurriedly greeted him. When these people passed by, Daming nodded politely, and then walked aside. There, Qiuyue was in a daze alone.

Uh... What the shepherd boy said was actually correct, and Daming couldn't find the words to refute.

Daming looked at the two women and had no idea what they were talking about. Seeing Daming's confused look, Shi Jian explained to him. When the lost soul reaches enlightenment, it will automatically return to reincarnation without the need for external intervention.

"Besides, considering Qiu Yue's current situation, telling them would only make her heartbroken. This is also the last thing Qiu Yue wants to see." Ade expressed his thoughts. After hearing this, Daming felt that it was right, so he didn't say anything more.

As Qiuyue's body rose higher and higher, the bodies of Daming and Qiuyue had to be separated. Qiuyue held Daming's arm tightly, but slid it all the way up to the wrist and palm, and finally let go of the entangled fingers.

Looking at the retreating figures of Shijian and the shepherd boy, a question slowly emerged in Daming's heart.

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

At this time, Qiuyue floated in front of Daming and stared at him.

Compared with the last time we met, Qiuyue's expression is much better now. Floating calmly and steadily in the air, he looked at everything in front of him. When Daming came over, he just smiled lightly, unlike the sad expression of crying a few days ago.

"Those uncles and uncles are all elders who have watched Qiuyue grow up. Some of them are still in very bad health and cannot survive for a few years." Qiuyue pointed to the people who were burning incense: "I just didn't expect... It was me. Take the first step."

"Fool! What's so good about me? Just forget about me." Daming also stretched out his hand to see Qiu Yue off for the last time. But at this time, a goddess just happened to float over and stand between them. After Daming's hand paused for a moment, he changed his position and extended his palm. Coincidentally, Meng Wuya saw all Daming's inadvertent actions.

"I was wondering why I am so devoted to you. What exactly do I like about you?" Qiuyue reached out and rubbed Daming's cheek. Although I can't touch it, I still pretend to be.

On the contrary, Daming didn't know what to say. Should he ask Qiuyue how he felt? When the deceased asked her how she felt watching his funeral being held, Daming thought it was very bad, so he couldn't ask.

"Maybe it's your ordinaryness that makes people feel reassuring when they are around you."

"Oh! Is there such a thing?" The shepherd boy was quite surprised after hearing this. There is such a ferocious monster lurking in the human world, but he has never even heard of it in all his life.

Strange, Daming felt very puzzled. As long as Shijian doesn't want to, no one in this world can really see her. How could she run and hide when she sees someone.

"Never mind it! Anyway, I have no intention of quarreling with the people in the heaven. Just avoid it if you can. If we really have to resort to force, I think their fists are not as big as mine."

The next day, Daming went to the agreed place by himself without letting anyone follow him. It was in a small corner of the funeral home, with a simple mourning hall set up inside. What was parked was Qiu Yue's body that was about to be incinerated.

"There is no other way. The situation at that time had to be used." Daming smiled bitterly and told what happened at that time.

The scene suddenly felt a little awkward, and Daming was not the kind of person who was good at provoking topics, so he didn't know what to do. However, Ade told him that it would be impossible if he did not complete the important task of comforting Qiuyue. This couldn't help but make Daming a little impatient.

"Never mind it! Anyway, I have no intention of quarreling with the people in the heaven. Just avoid it if you can. If we really have to resort to force, I think their fists are not as big as mine."

"Never mind it! Anyway, I have no intention of quarreling with the people in the heaven. Just avoid it if you can. If we really have to resort to force, I think their fists are not as big as mine."

"What's wrong? I'm looking so absorbed. Is there anything strange on my face?" Daming touched his cheek. No, just as stupid as usual.

Seeing Daming's anxious face and restless look made Qiuyue feel a little funny. In the end, Qiuyue broke the deadlock first and spoke, preventing Daming from further embarrassment.

"Shi Jian, how could this happen!" Daming hurriedly called Shi Jian to come over and take a look.

"What's so interesting? It's not just two eyes and one mouth, everyone has one."

Strange, Daming felt very puzzled. As long as Shijian doesn't want to, no one in this world can really see her. How could she run and hide when she sees someone.

Daming became quiet at this time and put his fingers in front of his mouth to indicate silence. Although Qiuyue didn't know what it meant, she still listened attentively. After a while, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the place. The flute sound carries a touch of sadness, just like the mood of those waiting to bid farewell to the deceased in the mourning hall.

"This is...?" Daming looked at Qiuyue at a loss, wondering what was happening now.

"Those uncles and uncles are all elders who have watched Qiuyue grow up. Some of them are still in very bad health and cannot survive for a few years." Qiuyue pointed to the people who were burning incense: "I just didn't expect... It was me. Take the first step."

"Shi Jian, when you go back, please help me talk to Shihan Wuhen and the others. Lao Xiao and I will accompany Ade for a walk today, and we may go back later. I want them not to worry."

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"Then what does my existence mean to you?" It was difficult for Daming to answer Qiuyue's question. But after thinking about it for a while, Daming still told her his true thoughts.

Daming raised his foot and kicked one of the trees that looked quite tall and strong, shouting: "It's out! Old man, why are you pretending to be a ghost here?"

"They are very lucky." Qiuyue said faintly.

Then Qiuyue laughed quietly there alone, but Da Ming could hear the sadness and desolation in it. Apart from sighing, Daming seemed unable to find anything to say to comfort her.

"Well, I know, you should be careful yourself. Now the heavenly beings are running around outside, so don't cause any more trouble." Daming just smiled at Shi Jian's words and said no more.

"Cherish it." After hearing this, Lao Xiao thought about it for a while and didn't know what to say, and finally said only two words.

"Yes, I understand." Qiuyue nodded.

"Life is inherently impermanent. Maybe at the next moment, someone around us may leave us, and no one can tell what will happen." Daming sat on the railing and scratched his hair, sighing secretly in his heart.

But after two friends confirmed Qiuyue's departure, Ade still couldn't help crying.

"I know all this. If you use sweet words to coax me, I will look down on you. Because the person I like is not such a superficial person. I am just unwilling. If it is my most If I met you first, maybe the ending would be different." Qiuyue said with a faint smile.

"Shi Jian, when you go back, please help me talk to Shihan Wuhen and the others. Lao Xiao and I will accompany Ade for a walk today, and we may go back later. I want them not to worry."

He couldn't even die if he wanted to. In comparison, it was hard to say whose fate was sadder. But that was a long time ago, and something might happen during this period, so Daming didn't care so much.

"Shi Jian, when you go back, please help me talk to Shihan Wuhen and the others. Lao Xiao and I will accompany Ade for a walk today, and we may go back later. I want them not to worry."

"They two... are everything in my life. Without them, my life has no meaning." Daming answered without thinking.

"They are very lucky." Qiuyue said faintly.

"Wow! That guy from Shi Jian even said these things."

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

At this time, Qiuyue floated in front of Daming and stared at him.

After incineration of Qiu Yue's body, Daming stood there speechless.

Sometimes, in order to deal with two wives at the same time and not let them feel left out and unloved, it took a lot of effort from Daming. Fortunately, Wuhen and Shihan got along well with each other, unlike the wives in TV series who would make a fuss, otherwise Daming would be the first to go crazy.

"What's wrong? I'm looking so absorbed. Is there anything strange on my face?" Daming touched his cheek. No, just as stupid as usual.

At this time, Qiuyue floated in front of Daming and stared at him.

While Daming was thinking about things, Qiuyue in front of him began to undergo changes. Qiuyue's originally translucent body began to emit a faint light, and it continued to grow stronger. In the end, even Daming, who was deep in thought, had to come back to look at her.

Qiuyue shook her head and replied: "No, I just want to take a closer look at you."

"Oh! Is there such a thing?" The shepherd boy was quite surprised after hearing this. There is such a ferocious monster lurking in the human world, but he has never even heard of it in all his life.

Daming touched his chin: "It seems that I have to stay calm for a while and stop running around. Anyway, they can't recognize me like this. Let's wait until the news passes."

"What a beautiful flute sound... Ming, do you know who is playing?" Qiuyue was a little obsessed.

Due to the wishes of the deceased, funerals are extremely simple. No one was present except for a few friends and relatives. Only Daming, Ade, Lao Xiao and Chun Xia Dong were present. Of course, Qiuyue and the sword attendant who has been accompanying her these days are also here.

Looking at the retreating figures of Shijian and the shepherd boy, a question slowly emerged in Daming's heart.

"I've been busy with some miscellaneous things recently. I will definitely take her back when I have time." Daming smiled sheepishly. It's a bit inappropriate to abduct someone's daughter and not go back for so long.

Daming, Lao Xiao, and everyone present did not criticize Ade's actions. It was a bit inappropriate to act like this just after Qiuyue's funeral, but Daming and Lao Xiao both understood at this time that Ade's bohemian image was used to cover up and vent the pain in their hearts.

"What's so interesting? It's not just two eyes and one mouth, everyone has one."

"Shi Jian, please help me take the shepherd boy home." After Daming patted his right arm, Shi Jian's figure immediately flashed out. When Shi Jian saw the shepherd boy, he couldn't help but exchange a few words, because during those days in the Demon Refining Tower, everyone was very familiar with each other.

Seeing Daming's move, the four goddesses headed by Meng Wuya frowned. One of them was even ready to make a move, but was stopped by Meng Wuya.

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"The girl's soul is not only very pure, but her aptitude is also very good. So probably some heavenly being took a fancy to it and wanted to take it back to the heaven for cultivation. This should be regarded as a coincidence for the girl to have this blessing."

When Daming saw Meng Wuya say this, he happily pretended not to notice. Anyway, he was betting that Meng Wuya would not recognize him 100%.

Sometimes, in order to deal with two wives at the same time and not let them feel left out and unloved, it took a lot of effort from Daming. Fortunately, Wuhen and Shihan got along well with each other, unlike the wives in TV series who would make a fuss, otherwise Daming would be the first to go crazy.

Compared with the last time we met, Qiuyue's expression is much better now. Floating calmly and steadily in the air, he looked at everything in front of him. When Daming came over, he just smiled lightly, unlike the sad expression of crying a few days ago.

"I was wondering why I am so devoted to you. What exactly do I like about you?" Qiuyue reached out and rubbed Daming's cheek. Although I can't touch it, I still pretend to be.

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

"Although it's just unrequited love, I have never regretted this relationship." Qiuyue's eyes filled with tears, and she stretched out her hand to hold Daming.

"Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand myself either. I believe in love at first sight, but that shouldn't happen to me now. After all, I'm so ordinary that I have nothing to recommend you. If it's the look underneath this face, That's another matter." If it appears in the form of [Jue], Da Ming believes that it is still possible. But with the way he is now, even if I beat him to death, I wouldn't believe it.

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

"Gone." Lao Xiao looked at the sky and said blankly. Because Lao Xiao can't see heaven and humans, he sees things much more simply, unlike Ming Dynasty.

Daming didn't ask why, because it was Qiuyue's decision.

"Maybe it's your ordinaryness that makes people feel reassuring when they are around you."

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

"If you have ever heard Shi Jian tell me about the origins of my two wives, you should understand that they and I are as different as mud and clouds. Now they are willing to follow me in a condescending manner, and I especially cherish this relationship. . With them by my side, I have nothing else to ask for in this life. So... I can't do anything in return for your favor. Qiuyue, to me... you are my very good friend."

"Why do you and my wife talk in the same tone?" Daming felt a little funny. This was the first time he heard these arguments, why did everyone say this.

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"Yeah, that's right." Daming admitted simply.

The next day, Daming went to the agreed place by himself without letting anyone follow him. It was in a small corner of the funeral home, with a simple mourning hall set up inside. What was parked was Qiu Yue's body that was about to be incinerated.

Seeing Daming's anxious face and restless look made Qiuyue feel a little funny. In the end, Qiuyue broke the deadlock first and spoke, preventing Daming from further embarrassment.

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

Ade waved his hand to Chun Xia Dong to take care of this matter, but he hugged Da Ming and Lao Xiao and shouted: "Let's go! Let's take the beauties away. It's been a long time since the three of us went out to pick up horses together. Be careful! Beauties, The Chastity Killers are here."

After listening to Daming's words, Qiuyue was stunned for a while, and then showed a bright smile. That was the gentlest and most beautiful smile Daming had ever seen.

Seeing Daming's move, the four goddesses headed by Meng Wuya frowned. One of them was even ready to make a move, but was stopped by Meng Wuya.

"They two... are everything in my life. Without them, my life has no meaning." Daming answered without thinking.

"Why do you and my wife talk in the same tone?" Daming felt a little funny. This was the first time he heard these arguments, why did everyone say this.

"There is no other way. The situation at that time had to be used." Daming smiled bitterly and told what happened at that time.

Seeing Daming's move, the four goddesses headed by Meng Wuya frowned. One of them was even ready to make a move, but was stopped by Meng Wuya.

"They two... are everything in my life. Without them, my life has no meaning." Daming answered without thinking.

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

Seeing that the girl who used to be standing in front of him, talking and laughing, was now just a pile of broken bones and ashes in a small jar, Daming's heart was torn.

"They are very lucky." Qiuyue said faintly.

The next day, Daming went to the agreed place by himself without letting anyone follow him. It was in a small corner of the funeral home, with a simple mourning hall set up inside. What was parked was Qiu Yue's body that was about to be incinerated.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

It's just that it's not convenient for Daming to ask Ade unless Ade wants to say it himself. Ade and Lao Xiao had treated him like this in the past, so Daming would never force them to do something they didn't want to do.

"They two... are everything in my life. Without them, my life has no meaning." Daming answered without thinking.

"Don't imagine that a woman's belly is too big. Maybe the two wives in your family can really get along well, but this does not mean that they are still willing to see you and accept other women. Be careful! Take your grievances seriously. When it accumulates to the explosive stage, you will taste the horror of women."

"What a beautiful flute sound... Ming, do you know who is playing?" Qiuyue was a little obsessed.

"No, I am the lucky one. Without them, I would not be standing here now." With Daming's personality, if there is no goal worth striving for in life, then he is willing to drift with the flow for his whole life, even if he has extraordinary The same goes for unusual strength.

"Have you forgotten my warning?" the shepherd boy said feebly. At this time, his tone sounded like an old man.

At this time, the brilliance of Qiuyue's body gathered more and more, and even Ade and Lao Xiao, who had opened their clairvoyance, noticed that something was wrong. However, suffering from chores, only Lao Xiao ran out. Seeing Lao Xiao's astonished expression, Daming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

After listening to Daming's words, Qiuyue was stunned for a while, and then showed a bright smile. That was the gentlest and most beautiful smile Daming had ever seen.

"No way!" Daming was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that things would become such a big deal.

Seeing that the girl who used to be standing in front of him, talking and laughing, was now just a pile of broken bones and ashes in a small jar, Daming's heart was torn.

Qiuyue looked at her fingers in a daze. If Daming asked to keep her at this time, Qiuyue wouldn't leave at all, but Daming didn't say anything. But if you think about it carefully, so what if she stays, she's just an incorporeal soul.

"I will." Qiuyue nodded in return and said at the same time: "My incompetent brother will also cause you a lot of trouble in the future."

"Then what does my existence mean to you?" It was difficult for Daming to answer Qiuyue's question. But after thinking about it for a while, Daming still told her his true thoughts.

When Daming saw Meng Wuya say this, he happily pretended not to notice. Anyway, he was betting that Meng Wuya would not recognize him 100%.

Sometimes, in order to deal with two wives at the same time and not let them feel left out and unloved, it took a lot of effort from Daming. Fortunately, Wuhen and Shihan got along well with each other, unlike the wives in TV series who would make a fuss, otherwise Daming would be the first to go crazy.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

"Go? Where to go!?" Daming felt a little weird when he heard Qiu Yue's last few words, as if he was giving his last words.

"As you said, I am an extremely ordinary person, and I don't have the money to spend my time. Don't forget that I was just a fat guy who was not loved by anyone." Daming saw what Qiuyue wanted to say, probably something Don't look down on your own words. Da Ming has heard these words too many times. So before Qiuyue could speak, Daming raised his hand to stop her and said, "This is a fact and there is no need to refute it."

Seeing that the girl who used to be standing in front of him, talking and laughing, was now just a pile of broken bones and ashes in a small jar, Daming's heart was torn.

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

"If you have ever heard Shi Jian tell me about the origins of my two wives, you should understand that they and I are as different as mud and clouds. Now they are willing to follow me in a condescending manner, and I especially cherish this relationship. . With them by my side, I have nothing else to ask for in this life. So... I can't do anything in return for your favor. Qiuyue, to me... you are my very good friend."

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

Of course Daming saw Meng Wuya's glance before he left. But he didn't understand how he attracted Meng Wuya's attention. Of course, Daming would not have thought that his inadvertent action just now caused the trouble.

"Yes, I understand." Qiuyue nodded.

But after two friends confirmed Qiuyue's departure, Ade still couldn't help crying.

It's just that it's not convenient for Daming to ask Ade unless Ade wants to say it himself. Ade and Lao Xiao had treated him like this in the past, so Daming would never force them to do something they didn't want to do.

After listening to Daming's words, Qiuyue was stunned for a while, and then showed a bright smile. That was the gentlest and most beautiful smile Daming had ever seen.

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

"Shi Jian, please help me take the shepherd boy home." After Daming patted his right arm, Shi Jian's figure immediately flashed out. When Shi Jian saw the shepherd boy, he couldn't help but exchange a few words, because during those days in the Demon Refining Tower, everyone was very familiar with each other.

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"I will." Qiuyue nodded in return and said at the same time: "My incompetent brother will also cause you a lot of trouble in the future."

"Shi Jian, please help me take the shepherd boy home." After Daming patted his right arm, Shi Jian's figure immediately flashed out. When Shi Jian saw the shepherd boy, he couldn't help but exchange a few words, because during those days in the Demon Refining Tower, everyone was very familiar with each other.

"Well, I know, you should be careful yourself. Now the heavenly beings are running around outside, so don't cause any more trouble." Daming just smiled at Shi Jian's words and said no more.

"Old man... please take a look at how you are dressed now. Also, why are you here if you don't just look at the Demon Refining Tower in Kunlun?" Daming looked at the Xuanyuan shepherd boy in front of him and almost rolled his eyes. .

"Go? Where to go!?" Daming felt a little weird when he heard Qiu Yue's last few words, as if he was giving his last words.

"I know all this. If you use sweet words to coax me, I will look down on you. Because the person I like is not such a superficial person. I am just unwilling. If it is my most If I met you first, maybe the ending would be different." Qiuyue said with a faint smile.

Then Qiuyue laughed quietly there alone, but Da Ming could hear the sadness and desolation in it. Apart from sighing, Daming seemed unable to find anything to say to comfort her.

"Yeah, that's right." Daming admitted simply.

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

"I will be very satisfied if I can solve most of the problems. I don't need all of them." At this time, Daming thought of another question and asked: "What about Qiuyue? Why did the people in heaven take her away."

"What's so interesting? It's not just two eyes and one mouth, everyone has one."

Following a ray of light shooting straight down from the sky, four heavenly beings slowly descended to Qiuyue. What surprised Daming even more. Among these four female heavenly beings, there was actually someone he knew. It was also the goddess who had met once in the secret realm of Kunlun, Meng Wuya.

The whole big tree was shaken violently by Daming's kick, and then a small figure fell from the tree. Fortunately, the figure was extremely agile and landed safely after flipping around in the air.

"Maybe it's your ordinaryness that makes people feel reassuring when they are around you."

"When it comes to coaxing girls, Ade is the master. How can I compare to that romantic young man?"

"No way!" Daming was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that things would become such a big deal.

"When it comes to coaxing girls, Ade is the master. How can I compare to that romantic young man?"

"Shi Jian, when you go back, please help me talk to Shihan Wuhen and the others. Lao Xiao and I will accompany Ade for a walk today, and we may go back later. I want them not to worry."

Daming raised his foot and kicked one of the trees that looked quite tall and strong, shouting: "It's out! Old man, why are you pretending to be a ghost here?"

"Teach me, what should I say?" Ade raised his hand helplessly.

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"Stop talking about this." Daming waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this issue. So the topic changed and moved to another place: "It's a rare time for you to come here, so go and meet Wuhen. In this place that is completely unfamiliar to her, she will be very happy to have an old friend visiting."

While Daming was thinking about things, Qiuyue in front of him began to undergo changes. Qiuyue's originally translucent body began to emit a faint light, and it continued to grow stronger. In the end, even Daming, who was deep in thought, had to come back to look at her.

Ever since Ade saw that burst of brilliance, he had a premonition that Qiuyue was about to leave, but he never dared to go out and see Qiuyue for the last time. The death of Qiu Yue last time had already caused a big blow to him. Ade didn't have the confidence to bear the expression of watching Qiu Yue leave them again, so he simply hid inside and didn't go out.

"I will." Qiuyue nodded in return and said at the same time: "My incompetent brother will also cause you a lot of trouble in the future."

"I've been busy with some miscellaneous things recently. I will definitely take her back when I have time." Daming smiled sheepishly. It's a bit inappropriate to abduct someone's daughter and not go back for so long.

"Wow! That guy from Shi Jian even said these things."

"Yeah, that's right." Daming admitted simply.

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

The scene suddenly felt a little awkward, and Daming was not the kind of person who was good at provoking topics, so he didn't know what to do. However, Ade told him that it would be impossible if he did not complete the important task of comforting Qiuyue. This couldn't help but make Daming a little impatient.

Qiuyue shook her head and replied: "No, I just want to take a closer look at you."

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"Thanks to Sister Shijian for talking to me these days, otherwise I really don't know how to live. To be honest, don't look at my brother who looks like a playboy on the outside. In fact, he also has his own characteristics. I can't explain my worries, which is something that the sisters who have grown up with him understand. Now, although I can no longer stay with him, I can leave with peace of mind as you are such good friends."

At this time, the brilliance of Qiuyue's body gathered more and more, and even Ade and Lao Xiao, who had opened their clairvoyance, noticed that something was wrong. However, suffering from chores, only Lao Xiao ran out. Seeing Lao Xiao's astonished expression, Daming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

"Yeah, let's go." Daming sighed a little. Now that Qiuyue was taken away by people from the heaven, we still don’t know what will happen in the future. I don’t know whether it’s luck or misfortune for Qiuyue. But Daming had a hunch in his heart that he and Qiuyue would meet one day in the future.

"Force cannot solve all problems." The shepherd boy kindly reminded him.

"Me? I have countless troubles. That's the one you're talking about."

"No, I am the lucky one. Without them, I would not be standing here now." With Daming's personality, if there is no goal worth striving for in life, then he is willing to drift with the flow for his whole life, even if he has extraordinary The same goes for unusual strength.

"If you have ever heard Shi Jian tell me about the origins of my two wives, you should understand that they and I are as different as mud and clouds. Now they are willing to follow me in a condescending manner, and I especially cherish this relationship. . With them by my side, I have nothing else to ask for in this life. So... I can't do anything in return for your favor. Qiuyue, to me... you are my very good friend."

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

As Qiuyue's body rose higher and higher, the bodies of Daming and Qiuyue had to be separated. Qiuyue held Daming's arm tightly, but slid it all the way up to the wrist and palm, and finally let go of the entangled fingers.

"Go? Where to go!?" Daming felt a little weird when he heard Qiu Yue's last few words, as if he was giving his last words.

"Yes, I understand." Qiuyue nodded.

Daming didn't ask why, because it was Qiuyue's decision.

"Stop talking about this." Daming waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this issue. So the topic changed and moved to another place: "It's a rare time for you to come here, so go and meet Wuhen. In this place that is completely unfamiliar to her, she will be very happy to have an old friend visiting."

Life is so fragile.

"Besides, considering Qiu Yue's current situation, telling them would only make her heartbroken. This is also the last thing Qiu Yue wants to see." Ade expressed his thoughts. After hearing this, Daming felt that it was right, so he didn't say anything more.

"Well, I've figured it out." Qiuyue took a deep breath and continued: "I... want to enter reincarnation again and go back to walking the same path as ordinary people."

"I was wondering why I am so devoted to you. What exactly do I like about you?" Qiuyue reached out and rubbed Daming's cheek. Although I can't touch it, I still pretend to be.

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

Seeing Daming's move, the four goddesses headed by Meng Wuya frowned. One of them was even ready to make a move, but was stopped by Meng Wuya.

"As a girl, you can't be too clingy." Qiuyue stretched out her hand and gently tapped Daming's forehead: "Even if I really reincarnate into the so-called wild beast. But between you and your wife, it is inevitable that there will be To create a barrier over my existence is not what I want to see."

"My master couldn't bear to let me go away to see what you were doing. After all, this heavenly secret came from her, so the master feels that he has this responsibility."

It's just that it's not convenient for Daming to ask Ade unless Ade wants to say it himself. Ade and Lao Xiao had treated him like this in the past, so Daming would never force them to do something they didn't want to do.

"Although it's just unrequited love, I have never regretted this relationship." Qiuyue's eyes filled with tears, and she stretched out her hand to hold Daming.

"Oh! Is there such a thing?" The shepherd boy was quite surprised after hearing this. There is such a ferocious monster lurking in the human world, but he has never even heard of it in all his life.

Daming didn't ask why, because it was Qiuyue's decision.

"Really? I don't think all the children in this world dress like this? Otherwise, what would I wear?" The shepherd boy turned around a few times to see that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

"But this method only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. I'm afraid that people in the heaven will not give up so easily."

Of course Daming saw Meng Wuya's glance before he left. But he didn't understand how he attracted Meng Wuya's attention. Of course, Daming would not have thought that his inadvertent action just now caused the trouble.

"Don't worry!" This was Lao Xiao's guarantee to Qiuyue.

"As a girl, you can't be too clingy." Qiuyue stretched out her hand and gently tapped Daming's forehead: "Even if I really reincarnate into the so-called wild beast. But between you and your wife, it is inevitable that there will be To create a barrier over my existence is not what I want to see."

"No way!" Daming was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that things would become such a big deal.

Life is so fragile.

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

"Don't imagine that a woman's belly is too big. Maybe the two wives in your family can really get along well, but this does not mean that they are still willing to see you and accept other women. Be careful! Take your grievances seriously. When it accumulates to the explosive stage, you will taste the horror of women."

Daming became quiet at this time and put his fingers in front of his mouth to indicate silence. Although Qiuyue didn't know what it meant, she still listened attentively. After a while, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the place. The flute sound carries a touch of sadness, just like the mood of those waiting to bid farewell to the deceased in the mourning hall.

After listening to Daming's words, Qiuyue was stunned for a while, and then showed a bright smile. That was the gentlest and most beautiful smile Daming had ever seen.

But after two friends confirmed Qiuyue's departure, Ade still couldn't help crying.

Ade waved his hand to Chun Xia Dong to take care of this matter, but he hugged Da Ming and Lao Xiao and shouted: "Let's go! Let's take the beauties away. It's been a long time since the three of us went out to pick up horses together. Be careful! Beauties, The Chastity Killers are here."

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

Looking at the retreating figures of Shijian and the shepherd boy, a question slowly emerged in Daming's heart.

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

"Don't imagine that a woman's belly is too big. Maybe the two wives in your family can really get along well, but this does not mean that they are still willing to see you and accept other women. Be careful! Take your grievances seriously. When it accumulates to the explosive stage, you will taste the horror of women."

"Then what does my existence mean to you?" It was difficult for Daming to answer Qiuyue's question. But after thinking about it for a while, Daming still told her his true thoughts.

After Shi Jian came over, he just waved his hand to shut up Daming, and said to Qiuyue: "Have you figured it out?"

Lao Xiao turned around and looked around, but he couldn't see where the person Shi Jian was talking about was. Only Da Ming understands that the existence of heavenly beings is several times higher than ordinary spiritual beings. Novices like Lao Xiao and A De who have just opened their eyes cannot see them. At least they need to have Ye Ruoqiu's level of strength.

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"Really? I don't think all the children in this world dress like this? Otherwise, what would I wear?" The shepherd boy turned around a few times to see that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

"Shi Jian, please help me take the shepherd boy home." After Daming patted his right arm, Shi Jian's figure immediately flashed out. When Shi Jian saw the shepherd boy, he couldn't help but exchange a few words, because during those days in the Demon Refining Tower, everyone was very familiar with each other.

Hearing what Qiuyue said was so terrifying, Daming could only say with a wry smile: "I will."

Then Qiuyue laughed quietly there alone, but Da Ming could hear the sadness and desolation in it. Apart from sighing, Daming seemed unable to find anything to say to comfort her.

"What's so interesting? It's not just two eyes and one mouth, everyone has one."

"Me? I have countless troubles. That's the one you're talking about."

"I know all this. If you use sweet words to coax me, I will look down on you. Because the person I like is not such a superficial person. I am just unwilling. If it is my most If I met you first, maybe the ending would be different." Qiuyue said with a faint smile.

"Oh, that's disrespectful to the elderly. If you fall, you can't afford to pay for it."

"Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand myself either. I believe in love at first sight, but that shouldn't happen to me now. After all, I'm so ordinary that I have nothing to recommend you. If it's the look underneath this face, That's another matter." If it appears in the form of [Jue], Da Ming believes that it is still possible. But with the way he is now, even if I beat him to death, I wouldn't believe it.

"Don't think I'm scaring you, haha." Qiuyue winked playfully.

"Really? I don't think all the children in this world dress like this? Otherwise, what would I wear?" The shepherd boy turned around a few times to see that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

"Oh, that's disrespectful to the elderly. If you fall, you can't afford to pay for it."

Compared with the last time we met, Qiuyue's expression is much better now. Floating calmly and steadily in the air, he looked at everything in front of him. When Daming came over, he just smiled lightly, unlike the sad expression of crying a few days ago.

This sentence really puzzled Ming. Except that Daming only knew that Ade's father was a famous underworld godfather, he had never heard Ade mention anything about his family. Only then did Daming discover that he knew nothing about Ade's family.

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

"I'm already scared." Daming shook his head.

"I know all this. If you use sweet words to coax me, I will look down on you. Because the person I like is not such a superficial person. I am just unwilling. If it is my most If I met you first, maybe the ending would be different." Qiuyue said with a faint smile.

"The girl's soul is not only very pure, but her aptitude is also very good. So probably some heavenly being took a fancy to it and wanted to take it back to the heaven for cultivation. This should be regarded as a coincidence for the girl to have this blessing."

Uh... What the shepherd boy said was actually correct, and Daming couldn't find the words to refute.

"Force cannot solve all problems." The shepherd boy kindly reminded him.

Daming raised his foot and kicked one of the trees that looked quite tall and strong, shouting: "It's out! Old man, why are you pretending to be a ghost here?"

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

Sometimes, in order to deal with two wives at the same time and not let them feel left out and unloved, it took a lot of effort from Daming. Fortunately, Wuhen and Shihan got along well with each other, unlike the wives in TV series who would make a fuss, otherwise Daming would be the first to go crazy.

Daming couldn't help but recall what Qiuyue said before leaving: "Don't look at my brother who looks like a flower|flower|gong|. In fact, he also has troubles that he can't explain. This is important to him who grew up with him. My sisters can’t understand.”

"Yes." Qiuyue was reluctant to leave this last tenderness, and Daming reached out to wipe the tears from her face.

Daming became quiet at this time and put his fingers in front of his mouth to indicate silence. Although Qiuyue didn't know what it meant, she still listened attentively. After a while, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the place. The flute sound carries a touch of sadness, just like the mood of those waiting to bid farewell to the deceased in the mourning hall.

Daming became quiet at this time and put his fingers in front of his mouth to indicate silence. Although Qiuyue didn't know what it meant, she still listened attentively. After a while, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the place. The flute sound carries a touch of sadness, just like the mood of those waiting to bid farewell to the deceased in the mourning hall.

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

"Oh! Is there such a thing?" The shepherd boy was quite surprised after hearing this. There is such a ferocious monster lurking in the human world, but he has never even heard of it in all his life.

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"What a beautiful flute sound... Ming, do you know who is playing?" Qiuyue was a little obsessed.

"Shi Jian, how could this happen!" Daming hurriedly called Shi Jian to come over and take a look.

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

According to Qiuyue's wishes. She wanted to scatter her ashes in the garden that she took care of and arranged. It was Qiuyue's favorite place, and she would stay there all day when she was free.

Daming and Lao Xiao walked into the mourning hall at this time, and saw Ade walking over with red eyes: "Is she gone?" Facing Ade's question, the two of them could only nod wordlessly.

At this time, the brilliance of Qiuyue's body gathered more and more, and even Ade and Lao Xiao, who had opened their clairvoyance, noticed that something was wrong. However, suffering from chores, only Lao Xiao ran out. Seeing Lao Xiao's astonished expression, Daming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

At this time, Qiuyue floated in front of Daming and stared at him.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

"An old friend who shouldn't be here." Daming knew who it was when he heard the sound of the flute. But why he appeared in this place, Daming didn't understand, but something must have happened.

"Cherish it." After hearing this, Lao Xiao thought about it for a while and didn't know what to say, and finally said only two words.

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

While Daming was thinking about things, Qiuyue in front of him began to undergo changes. Qiuyue's originally translucent body began to emit a faint light, and it continued to grow stronger. In the end, even Daming, who was deep in thought, had to come back to look at her.

Qiuyue and his group ascended faster and faster, and the aperture shrouding the sky began to shrink. At this time, Meng Wuya turned his head and glanced at Daming with a hint of meaning, and then the few people and the aperture disappeared into the air together.

"I will be very satisfied if I can solve most of the problems. I don't need all of them." At this time, Daming thought of another question and asked: "What about Qiuyue? Why did the people in heaven take her away."

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

Seeing Daming's move, the four goddesses headed by Meng Wuya frowned. One of them was even ready to make a move, but was stopped by Meng Wuya.

"The girl's soul is not only very pure, but her aptitude is also very good. So probably some heavenly being took a fancy to it and wanted to take it back to the heaven for cultivation. This should be regarded as a coincidence for the girl to have this blessing."

"Oh, that's disrespectful to the elderly. If you fall, you can't afford to pay for it."

The next day, Daming went to the agreed place by himself without letting anyone follow him. It was in a small corner of the funeral home, with a simple mourning hall set up inside. What was parked was Qiu Yue's body that was about to be incinerated.

At this time, Qiuyue floated in front of Daming and stared at him.

"This is...?" Daming looked at Qiuyue at a loss, wondering what was happening now.

It's just that it's not convenient for Daming to ask Ade unless Ade wants to say it himself. Ade and Lao Xiao had treated him like this in the past, so Daming would never force them to do something they didn't want to do.

"No, I am the lucky one. Without them, I would not be standing here now." With Daming's personality, if there is no goal worth striving for in life, then he is willing to drift with the flow for his whole life, even if he has extraordinary The same goes for unusual strength.

"My time has come." Qiuyue's tone was very calm. Although she didn't know the reason, she knew that the time had come for her to pass away.

"I know all this. If you use sweet words to coax me, I will look down on you. Because the person I like is not such a superficial person. I am just unwilling. If it is my most If I met you first, maybe the ending would be different." Qiuyue said with a faint smile.

"Then what does my existence mean to you?" It was difficult for Daming to answer Qiuyue's question. But after thinking about it for a while, Daming still told her his true thoughts.

After incineration of Qiu Yue's body, Daming stood there speechless.

"Although it's just unrequited love, I have never regretted this relationship." Qiuyue's eyes filled with tears, and she stretched out her hand to hold Daming.

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"Shi Jian, how could this happen!" Daming hurriedly called Shi Jian to come over and take a look.

Initially, both of them thought they couldn't touch each other, so when they felt a familiar touch on their fingers, they were both stunned. Qiuyue even burst out crying, tears streaming down her face.

"Go? Where to go!?" Daming felt a little weird when he heard Qiu Yue's last few words, as if he was giving his last words.

After Shi Jian came over, he just waved his hand to shut up Daming, and said to Qiuyue: "Have you figured it out?"

After incineration of Qiu Yue's body, Daming stood there speechless.

The whole big tree was shaken violently by Daming's kick, and then a small figure fell from the tree. Fortunately, the figure was extremely agile and landed safely after flipping around in the air.

"My master couldn't bear to let me go away to see what you were doing. After all, this heavenly secret came from her, so the master feels that he has this responsibility."

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

Then Qiuyue laughed quietly there alone, but Da Ming could hear the sadness and desolation in it. Apart from sighing, Daming seemed unable to find anything to say to comfort her.

"Me? I have countless troubles. That's the one you're talking about."

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"Yes, I understand." Qiuyue nodded.

Daming was silent. These were things he had imagined, but he didn't expect Qiuyue to bring them up on his own. In fact, in addition to Qiuyue's outstanding appearance, Lan Xinhui's quality is even more valuable. It's just that God gave this girl an unfair fate.

Compared with the last time we met, Qiuyue's expression is much better now. Floating calmly and steadily in the air, he looked at everything in front of him. When Daming came over, he just smiled lightly, unlike the sad expression of crying a few days ago.

Everyone present thought that A De was sad for Qiu Yue who was about to be incinerated. But only Daming and Lao Xiao know the real situation.

"My master is naturally looking after the affairs of the Demon Refining Tower, don't worry. You should worry about your own trouble first."

Of course Daming saw Meng Wuya's glance before he left. But he didn't understand how he attracted Meng Wuya's attention. Of course, Daming would not have thought that his inadvertent action just now caused the trouble.

Shi Jian seemed unwilling to see the heavenly being. No matter last time in Kunlun or today, Shi Jian always noticed the traces of the heavenly beings first and then hid them all. why is that? Could it be that... is there a connection between Shijian and the world of heaven and earth

The scene suddenly felt a little awkward, and Daming was not the kind of person who was good at provoking topics, so he didn't know what to do. However, Ade told him that it would be impossible if he did not complete the important task of comforting Qiuyue. This couldn't help but make Daming a little impatient.

"Yeah, that's right." Daming admitted simply.

Daming looked at the two women and had no idea what they were talking about. Seeing Daming's confused look, Shi Jian explained to him. When the lost soul reaches enlightenment, it will automatically return to reincarnation without the need for external intervention.

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

Daming couldn't help but recall what Qiuyue said before leaving: "Don't look at my brother who looks like a flower|flower|gong|. In fact, he also has troubles that he can't explain. This is important to him who grew up with him. My sisters can’t understand.”

According to Qiuyue's wishes. She wanted to scatter her ashes in the garden that she took care of and arranged. It was Qiuyue's favorite place, and she would stay there all day when she was free.

At this time, the brilliance of Qiuyue's body gathered more and more, and even Ade and Lao Xiao, who had opened their clairvoyance, noticed that something was wrong. However, suffering from chores, only Lao Xiao ran out. Seeing Lao Xiao's astonished expression, Daming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

Seeing Daming's anxious face and restless look made Qiuyue feel a little funny. In the end, Qiuyue broke the deadlock first and spoke, preventing Daming from further embarrassment.

"Not necessarily! I heard from Sister Shijian. When you were at home, you coaxed your two wives into submission."

"Teach me, what should I say?" Ade raised his hand helplessly.

"Shi Jian, when you go back, please help me talk to Shihan Wuhen and the others. Lao Xiao and I will accompany Ade for a walk today, and we may go back later. I want them not to worry."

"Thanks to Sister Shijian for talking to me these days, otherwise I really don't know how to live. To be honest, don't look at my brother who looks like a playboy on the outside. In fact, he also has his own characteristics. I can't explain my worries, which is something that the sisters who have grown up with him understand. Now, although I can no longer stay with him, I can leave with peace of mind as you are such good friends."

At this time, the brilliance of Qiuyue's body gathered more and more, and even Ade and Lao Xiao, who had opened their clairvoyance, noticed that something was wrong. However, suffering from chores, only Lao Xiao ran out. Seeing Lao Xiao's astonished expression, Daming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

"As a girl, you can't be too clingy." Qiuyue stretched out her hand and gently tapped Daming's forehead: "Even if I really reincarnate into the so-called wild beast. But between you and your wife, it is inevitable that there will be To create a barrier over my existence is not what I want to see."

"Cherish it." After hearing this, Lao Xiao thought about it for a while and didn't know what to say, and finally said only two words.

Strange, Daming felt very puzzled. As long as Shijian doesn't want to, no one in this world can really see her. How could she run and hide when she sees someone.

"Besides, considering Qiu Yue's current situation, telling them would only make her heartbroken. This is also the last thing Qiu Yue wants to see." Ade expressed his thoughts. After hearing this, Daming felt that it was right, so he didn't say anything more.

"Why do you and my wife talk in the same tone?" Daming felt a little funny. This was the first time he heard these arguments, why did everyone say this.

"I will." Qiuyue nodded in return and said at the same time: "My incompetent brother will also cause you a lot of trouble in the future."

"Someone is coming. I'll get out of the way first." After Shi Jian finished speaking, he ducked back into Daming's body.

Then Qiuyue laughed quietly there alone, but Da Ming could hear the sadness and desolation in it. Apart from sighing, Daming seemed unable to find anything to say to comfort her.

"Old man... please take a look at how you are dressed now. Also, why are you here if you don't just look at the Demon Refining Tower in Kunlun?" Daming looked at the Xuanyuan shepherd boy in front of him and almost rolled his eyes. .

"Go? Where to go!?" Daming felt a little weird when he heard Qiu Yue's last few words, as if he was giving his last words.

"You... love your wife very much?" Qiuyue asked in a low voice, a little timidly. Fortunately, Daming has good hearing, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to hear.

"They are very lucky." Qiuyue said faintly.

"Don't worry!" This was Lao Xiao's guarantee to Qiuyue.

"Why do you and my wife talk in the same tone?" Daming felt a little funny. This was the first time he heard these arguments, why did everyone say this.

"Stop talking about this." Daming waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this issue. So the topic changed and moved to another place: "It's a rare time for you to come here, so go and meet Wuhen. In this place that is completely unfamiliar to her, she will be very happy to have an old friend visiting."

"When it comes to coaxing girls, Ade is the master. How can I compare to that romantic young man?"

"Fool! What's so good about me? Just forget about me." Daming also stretched out his hand to see Qiu Yue off for the last time. But at this time, a goddess just happened to float over and stand between them. After Daming's hand paused for a moment, he changed his position and extended his palm. Coincidentally, Meng Wuya saw all Daming's inadvertent actions.

"Thanks to Sister Shijian for talking to me these days, otherwise I really don't know how to live. To be honest, don't look at my brother who looks like a playboy on the outside. In fact, he also has his own characteristics. I can't explain my worries, which is something that the sisters who have grown up with him understand. Now, although I can no longer stay with him, I can leave with peace of mind as you are such good friends."

After Shi Jian came over, he just waved his hand to shut up Daming, and said to Qiuyue: "Have you figured it out?"

"Someone is coming. I'll get out of the way first." After Shi Jian finished speaking, he ducked back into Daming's body.

"Yes, I understand." Qiuyue nodded.

"As a girl, you can't be too clingy." Qiuyue stretched out her hand and gently tapped Daming's forehead: "Even if I really reincarnate into the so-called wild beast. But between you and your wife, it is inevitable that there will be To create a barrier over my existence is not what I want to see."

Strange, Daming felt very puzzled. As long as Shijian doesn't want to, no one in this world can really see her. How could she run and hide when she sees someone.

Daming looked at the two women and had no idea what they were talking about. Seeing Daming's confused look, Shi Jian explained to him. When the lost soul reaches enlightenment, it will automatically return to reincarnation without the need for external intervention.

"Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand myself either. I believe in love at first sight, but that shouldn't happen to me now. After all, I'm so ordinary that I have nothing to recommend you. If it's the look underneath this face, That's another matter." If it appears in the form of [Jue], Da Ming believes that it is still possible. But with the way he is now, even if I beat him to death, I wouldn't believe it.

Daming became quiet at this time and put his fingers in front of his mouth to indicate silence. Although Qiuyue didn't know what it meant, she still listened attentively. After a while, the melodious sound of the flute spread throughout the place. The flute sound carries a touch of sadness, just like the mood of those waiting to bid farewell to the deceased in the mourning hall.

"You guys go to the door and wait for me. I'll go to the bathroom." After Daming finished speaking, he left. But instead of going to the bathroom, I walked into the remote woods.

But Daming understood it immediately after he arrived. The people coming are indeed not simple, and even Daming is not willing to provoke them easily. Because what is coming is... a heavenly being.

"No way!" Daming was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that things would become such a big deal.

As Qiuyue's body rose higher and higher, the bodies of Daming and Qiuyue had to be separated. Qiuyue held Daming's arm tightly, but slid it all the way up to the wrist and palm, and finally let go of the entangled fingers.

"You guys go to the door and wait for me. I'll go to the bathroom." After Daming finished speaking, he left. But instead of going to the bathroom, I walked into the remote woods.

Following a ray of light shooting straight down from the sky, four heavenly beings slowly descended to Qiuyue. What surprised Daming even more. Among these four female heavenly beings, there was actually someone he knew. It was also the goddess who had met once in the secret realm of Kunlun, Meng Wuya.

Chun Xia Dong, with tears in their eyes and their eyes still bright red, were kneeling aside to burn gold for Qiu Yue. After Daming finished offering incense, he pulled Ade and walked out the door: "Didn't you tell Chun Xia Dong and others about Qiu Yue?"

"Well, I know, you should be careful yourself. Now the heavenly beings are running around outside, so don't cause any more trouble." Daming just smiled at Shi Jian's words and said no more.

Life is so fragile.

On the contrary, Daming didn't know what to say. Should he ask Qiuyue how he felt? When the deceased asked her how she felt watching his funeral being held, Daming thought it was very bad, so he couldn't ask.

"Wow! That guy from Shi Jian even said these things."

Daming touched his chin: "It seems that I have to stay calm for a while and stop running around. Anyway, they can't recognize me like this. Let's wait until the news passes."

Lao Xiao turned around and looked around, but he couldn't see where the person Shi Jian was talking about was. Only Da Ming understands that the existence of heavenly beings is several times higher than ordinary spiritual beings. Novices like Lao Xiao and A De who have just opened their eyes cannot see them. At least they need to have Ye Ruoqiu's level of strength.

"Shi Jian, please help me take the shepherd boy home." After Daming patted his right arm, Shi Jian's figure immediately flashed out. When Shi Jian saw the shepherd boy, he couldn't help but exchange a few words, because during those days in the Demon Refining Tower, everyone was very familiar with each other.

"Gone." Lao Xiao looked at the sky and said blankly. Because Lao Xiao can't see heaven and humans, he sees things much more simply, unlike Ming Dynasty.

"When it comes to coaxing girls, Ade is the master. How can I compare to that romantic young man?"

"My master is naturally looking after the affairs of the Demon Refining Tower, don't worry. You should worry about your own trouble first."

Lao Xiao turned around and looked around, but he couldn't see where the person Shi Jian was talking about was. Only Da Ming understands that the existence of heavenly beings is several times higher than ordinary spiritual beings. Novices like Lao Xiao and A De who have just opened their eyes cannot see them. At least they need to have Ye Ruoqiu's level of strength.

"Shi Jian, how could this happen!" Daming hurriedly called Shi Jian to come over and take a look.

"Stop talking about this." Daming waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing this issue. So the topic changed and moved to another place: "It's a rare time for you to come here, so go and meet Wuhen. In this place that is completely unfamiliar to her, she will be very happy to have an old friend visiting."

Qiuyue was surrounded by four goddesses who suddenly arrived, and looked at Ming Dynasty a little helplessly.

As Qiuyue's body rose higher and higher, the bodies of Daming and Qiuyue had to be separated. Qiuyue held Daming's arm tightly, but slid it all the way up to the wrist and palm, and finally let go of the entangled fingers.

"Me? I have countless troubles. That's the one you're talking about."

"As you said, I am an extremely ordinary person, and I don't have the money to spend my time. Don't forget that I was just a fat guy who was not loved by anyone." Daming saw what Qiuyue wanted to say, probably something Don't look down on your own words. Da Ming has heard these words too many times. So before Qiuyue could speak, Daming raised his hand to stop her and said, "This is a fact and there is no need to refute it."

"Shi Jian, how could this happen!" Daming hurriedly called Shi Jian to come over and take a look.

"Teach me, what should I say?" Ade raised his hand helplessly.

The three heavenly maidens except Meng Wuya slightly bowed their heads to Qiuyue in greeting. Meng Wuya said: "Don't look, ordinary people can't detect our existence. We have no ill intentions, we are just here to extradite you."

"What's so interesting? It's not just two eyes and one mouth, everyone has one."