A Hero Erratic

Chapter 99: Disease element


"Are you waiting for Miyuki?" Daming's thoughts could not be concealed from the poem letter.

Daming was used to fighting with weapons, so his palms were rough, but for Shihan, the warmth and security these hands gave her were unparalleled by any other pair of hands in the world.

He stopped twenty meters in front of Daming. He neither summoned any monsters nor felt any murderous aura in his body.

Needless to say, purgatory, according to its personality, everyone here will probably die.

"Back then, you were one against six, and you beat us to the extreme. You were so majestic at that time, but now you... I would be a fool if I didn't take some of it back while your strength is weakening."

But at this time, everyone was unanimously not optimistic about Ming Dynasty, which made some people who had placed big bets on Ming Dynasty’s victory become very upset. It is human nature to like to gamble, especially in such a special game, of course it is impossible to let it go.

"The problem is that you don't even have the most basic defense capabilities. How will you protect yourself when you get on the field?" Shihan clenched his fists and trembled slightly, and veins appeared on his forehead, which made Daming feel scared when he saw it.

"No way? Another elemental body?!" The shepherd boy was shocked when he heard this.

"I want to go too." Wuhen held up Canghai. With Mo Jiaqiang by her side, she could confidently defeat any enemy she faced, and it had been a long time since she showed off her skills.

Around him, the bed collapsed, the walls were broken, and the floor collapsed, as if after a fierce battle, of course Daming would not know that he was the initiator.

"Wait a minute! Can anyone tell me what happened? Why do I feel like my body has been taken apart hundreds of times and then put back together again." Daming said weakly, almost groaning .

"How could such a guy exist? She simply exists to destroy the world." The shepherd boy said bitterly, while his mind was quickly thinking of a solution.

"That guy from Fear is right, you really don't remember anything." Morpheus sighed.

Morpheus raised her hand to show her fingers, and the fingers were emitting cyan smoke. Then she used her fingers to write a few words in the air: "The three characters for Morpheus should be written as 'Mo, Fei, Si', so you know Who am I?"

"Really... You have known about this kind of thing for a long time. Only I don't know. It seems that I really have no weight in Daming's heart." Miyuki looked quite sad. What she cared about was not what happened to Daming, but that Daming actually kept it secret from her.

Miyuki's expression showed a slight surprise, but she did not turn her head to look at the poem, but stared at the floor and said, "You guys have known about it a long time ago, right? I mean... things like the Ming Dynasty."

"Sister Shijian..." Shihan was so moved that she hugged Shijian tightly and wouldn't let go.

"I'm not proud." Daming pouted and whispered. He couldn't figure out how things could turn out to be Morpheus lecturing him.

Shihan and the others also noticed Daming's strange behavior and hurriedly piled up pillows for him to lie down.

On the other hand, the new Mingyue Master who is attracting attention is about to appear, and everyone is looking forward to what amazing performance he will have.

Daming wanted to say something, but couldn't utter a word.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. Something in Da Ming's body suddenly started to swallow up the power of [Jue] and Cang Ming." Cold sweat began to flow on Shi Jian's forehead because she felt Cang Ming's The power is getting weaker and weaker. She really couldn't figure out what power in the world could surpass these two.

Daming, this boy just escaped from danger the day before yesterday, and now he is about to enter a desperate situation. This is not the way to be unlucky!

Daming didn't even dare to turn his head and look at Miyuki, the scene was frozen like this.

At this time, everyone looked at Shi Jian, eager to know what happened.

Shihan reluctantly hugged him from behind: "You love her, right? Miyuki's weight in your heart is far greater than you imagined. It's just that you didn't realize how important she is to you until now."

"With your body, you still want to participate in such a fierce competition." Shihan put his hands on his hips and said with his hands on his hips. What she wants to do most right now is to tie up Da Ming Wu Hua and teleport him home directly.


Among the people present, only Da Ming and Shenlan could understand the font, because it was a common animal pattern among wild beasts. The meaning of the word Morpheus in the animal pattern is... "disease".

"The person inside... is the disease elemental body." Shihan said nervously.

As soon as they saw Daming waking up, several girls rushed to his side excitedly and hugged him, which made Daming almost unable to bear it.

"If you dare to attack them, I will let you know what life is worse than death." Seeing Morpheus eyeing Shihan and the others, Daming immediately became angry, and his originally weak body immediately surged with strength, terrifying The momentum immediately swept through Morpheus's body.

In this way, despite Daming's protest being ineffective, it was decided that Shihan and others would participate.

Shihan didn't deny it, and nodded directly: "Well, I've known it since the day his body changed."

The destruction mode of [Jue] is to use the strongest force to directly sweep across the border like a million nuclear bombs exploding. In comparison, the epidemic's destructive mode, although slow, is the most solid.

The terror of the rage element was still in his mind, and now there was a disease element with a more disgusting name. The shepherd boy didn't know how to survive this disaster.

"Aren't you special to him?" Miyuki asked.

Since the three sects of Sun, Moon and Star all use shikigami, the basic requirement for the competition is one person and one demon. However, Shihan and the wild beasts of the Ming Dynasty did not have much experience in fighting together, so they improvised but could not exert their power.

Daming held a stack of cards in his hand and was thinking about who to let out of the competition.

"Ms. sir?" Wuhen looked at Daming slightly worriedly.

Daming finally sat up, only to see Shihan and others sleeping on chairs or lying on the floor.

"It's really embarrassing, idiot!" Morpheus, who was forgotten by everyone, couldn't help but cursed secretly.

After Shihan and Miyuki both left the room, Daming sighed deeply.

"Hey, hey... Is this where masculinity is used? Now you are asking your husband to go out and find a woman!" Daming was really about to faint.

Because only the blazing flames of Purgatory can burn all things and not be affected by the disease, other wild beasts cannot guarantee it. Although Daming was not sure whether he could control Purgatory, he had no choice but to fight at this time.

Shihan waved a piece of white paper in his hand and showed it to Daming. It was the battle list that had just been announced by the conference.

"Old man!" Daming shouted, because he found that Miyuki was next to him. He was not mentally prepared to let Miyuki know about this, or... Daming had been avoiding it and didn't dare to let her know.

Luconia is on a long vacation, and the Fire Horned Salamander has no fighting power at all. It seems that the only ones that can be used are [Zhoubian], [Crow Tengu], [Yaksha] and [Shura].

If Daming hadn't repeatedly warned about the horror of the epidemic, she and Wuhen would have rushed into the water curtain long ago. With Daming's current physical condition and the need to fight the epidemic, she couldn't rest assured.

"In the past... many people called me a monster. To be honest, I didn't care, but now I'm afraid that these two words will come out of Miyuki's mouth." Daming's voice trembled a little when he said this.

However, Daming was about to go berserk.

"It's too late. People will see the scene of your attack and transformation from beginning to end. It's useless for you to hide it." The shepherd boy said a simple sentence and made Daming speechless.

After everything was finally taken care of, the game was almost about to begin. However, during this period, Daming never saw Miyuki appear again.

"What's the matter? Their faces are so ugly? What happened?" The shepherd boy saw Shihan and Wuhen's expressions changing at the same time, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Then he looked at Daming who was enveloped in the water curtain, and felt a sudden feeling in his heart. Not good.

Because they have [absolute] power in their bodies, Morpheus can sense it. As for the little disguise on Shihan's face, it can't be hidden from people of Morpheus's level.

"I... I'll go back to the room first." Miyuki saw that she had made the atmosphere so awkward, so she turned around and left the room in a panic.

Seeing this, Shihan also fell silent.

"You mean, is Daming okay?" Shihan asked ecstatically.

"It's true that you defeated Fury, but if your strength had been mature enough, you wouldn't have ended up like this at all. Fury's head is like a single-celled paramecium. He will only fight head-on in everything, and it is inevitable that he will lose. There’s nothing to be proud of in winning against a guy like this.”

His wife didn’t seem to care much about her husband, she sent him Mid-Autumn Festival gifts here and there—to be honest, she felt a little hurt inside...

"This time it was so embarrassing that it became an international joke." Tetsuichiro almost hid his face and did not dare to look, while Miyuki next to him looked at Daming with worry on his face.


When both sides stood on the stone platform, the referee gave an order to announce the start of the game.

"You're right, I love her." A smile appeared on Daming's face.

"Who said no, you still have me! With the two of us... Ha, ha, ha." Shi Jian transformed into the three-headed Q version that he had not seen for a long time, standing on Shihan's shoulders and said proudly.

After a night of tossing, Shihan and the others were too tired to go back to their rooms, so they fell asleep all over the floor.

In fact, Shi Jian is quite worried, because if this continues, Ming Dynasty will eventually lose even a trace of strength. Fortunately, that thing stopped disappearing automatically after absorbing most of [Jue] and Cang Ming's power.

"You really have no conscience. She has sacrificed so much for you wholeheartedly, but in the end you only regard her as your 'sister'." Shihan's tone was sour.

"Isn't it hard to accept?" Shihan suddenly turned around and smiled at Miyuki: "But this is the fact." Then he sat down again.

"What's wrong, what are you looking at?" Shihan came over and asked, his face still seemed a little uneasy. It was her first time participating in this kind of competition, so she was inevitably a little nervous.

"Shen Lan! Set up a water curtain to cover the stone platform, quickly!" Thinking of the characteristics of epidemic elements that can transmit diseases, Daming immediately asked Shen Lan to open the water curtain. Although I don't know if it will be useful, it would be good to delay it for a while.

"What's wrong?" Shihan opened the door and walked in. He saw Daming lying on the bed, his face still as pale as when she left, with no sign of improvement at all.

"But it's not the kind of love between a man and a woman that you imagine. Rather than treating Miyuki as a lover, it's better to say that I always treat her like a sister in my heart. My mood now is like a little brother who has done something wrong, and I am trembling in my heart. Waiting for my sister’s scolding.”

"Little fool, stop thinking nonsense." Shihan stretched out his arms and hugged Miyuki: "It's because you are very special in Daming's mind, so he is afraid to let you know about it. Don't look at how scary he looks after his transformation. In fact, his heart is more delicate than anyone else."

"Love..." Daming hesitated for a moment, then gently covered Shihan's hands with his palms on his chest.

Seeing this scene, all the audience were surprised and speechless.

"Logically speaking, that's right. But as for the reason, I don't know."

Daming took a look and saw that the person he was fighting was a man named Morpheus. Since he had never heard of him, Daming didn't pay much attention to him.

"Love is not something that comes with effort and reward. Emotional matters are beyond your control! For example, I would really like to hug you and let your body ignite passion for me, but I can't give in to Miyuki at all. Miss you."

"To tell you the truth, Wuhen is not actually a human being. She has horns on her head, but they are just hidden from you. Wuhen, she is actually a dragon. You know dragons, right? They often appear in paintings. That kind of long thing that can fly in the sky and can control the wind and rain..." Shihan said happily, and gestured with his ears with his fingers, as if he didn't notice Miyuki's expression of disbelief at all.

As for Xiaoxue, Daming didn't want her to participate in these killings, so he didn't consider it.

"Anyway, it was the wild beasts who took action and not me, so it shouldn't matter." Daming said optimistically.

"There is no purpose. I just happened to feel that your power was out of control the night before yesterday, so I stopped by to see what you are like now. But I never imagined that [Jue], who used to dominate the world, would actually fall into such a state. It is really said that It’s the tide that turns!”

Shihan was still very thin-skinned outside the room. Hearing what Daming said so directly, his whole cheek turned red and hot. He couldn't help scolding: "Stop talking so much! You should take care of yourself first!"

Daming shook his head and said: "I'm fine. It doesn't matter if Miyuki knows, I will have to face this matter sooner or later anyway."

And this small wooden house has been covered by a water curtain created by Deep Blue since last night. No one can enter, and everyone has been sleeping like this until the evening.

"Don't compare me with Fury, the idiot who only thinks about fighting. It's easy to beat you now, but that doesn't mean anything. For us, you... are still a little too young."

If she is willing, many unknown deadly viruses will be spread around the world by wind, water veins or special infection methods. Living things will get sick, metals will corrode, mountains and rocks will be eroded, and rivers and seas will be polluted.

"Anyway, we have already regarded Miyuki as one of our own, and we are not letting you go out to play with women. The two meanings are different! Or... are you afraid?" After hearing the last sentence of the poem letter, Daming fell silent.

Although there is Shen Lan, Daming doesn't have a thorough understanding of her power, so he doesn't dare to let her take action rashly.

"How should I put it... I know exactly why Daming became like this from beginning to end, because I was by his side at the time, so he was not afraid of me knowing, and look at me."

"We haven't seen each other for so long, and you turned out to be so stupid. I really don't know whether to cry or laugh. We've all been embarrassed by you." Morpheus had a very disappointed tone, as if he was very similar to Daming. Hot look.

"Are you afraid?" Shihan broke the silence first and spoke.

But seeing that more than 65% of Daming's body had completely transformed into a beast, everyone couldn't feel relaxed.

"My Heaven and Earth Heart Technique has been running for more than ten times, but there is no sign of recovery in my whole body. I can't even lift a finger now. Let's see how I can participate in the martial arts meeting after dawn." Daming smiled helplessly. .

Compared with Daming's broad palm, Shihan's hand was much slender, white and soft, and very easy to touch.

Shihan stood up, turned around, and said with a smile: "Now you know it! Daming and I are actually the same, but not as scary as him, and we can also transform. As for Wuhen... "

The first one to appear was Morpheus. His whole body was wrapped in a black robe, making it difficult to see his gender and appearance. Besides his name, his origin and education were completely unknown. He was an extremely mysterious and mysterious figure.

Today's martial arts competition is the highlight of the entire shikigami conference, so people gathered around the stone platform early in the morning to take seats. The host didn't say much nonsense. After introducing today's referee, he announced the start of the game.

However, Daming was not done yet.

"In fact, that's the case!" The shepherd boy raised his hand and yawned loudly: "I told you not to use your strength, but you didn't listen. Now you're asking for trouble. Who is to blame?"

After hearing Shihan's words, Miyuki nodded eagerly.

"Yeah." Daming didn't deny it, just smiled slightly. The disadvantage of a wife who is too smart is that her husband has no secrets, not even his private money.

"Hey! You..." Daming wanted to object, but no one paid him any attention.

"Okay then! But this is a pretty long story." Shihan slowly started from the time when she was kidnapped.

After the dark blue water curtain surrounded the cabin for a day and two nights, it finally disappeared on the morning of the competition, making the Mingyue people waiting outside heave a sigh of relief.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the martial arts meeting officially started, located on a stone platform in the southeast of the island.

"Da Ming, he...what happened?"

"Fa... what happened?" As soon as Daming opened his eyes, he felt that his whole body was sore, and his body was so weak that he found it incredible.

Seeing the alert look on Daming's face, Morpheus still said calmly: "Don't be so panicked. I covered my body well, so no disease will be transmitted. But the thing I used to write just now The green smoke is just a little bit of cold virus, and those present will inevitably have to lie down for several days."

Daming had never heard about the disease element before, so he knew how terrifying she was.

As its name suggests, the disease element is the controller of plagues and diseases. Wherever it goes, infectious diseases will spread.


He just looked at it confused, what happened

This 100-meter-square stone platform has been the venue for shikigami martial arts competitions since ancient times, and its traces of barges are witnesses of history.

Shihan turned Miyuki's head towards her, making Miyuki slightly startled, because Shihan's black pupils and hair were covered with a layer of dark blue like the Ming dynasty, giving people a very mysterious and dreamy look. Temperament.

"Uh... did I do something?" Daming suddenly felt that the devastation might be his own work. His body had already unknowingly transformed from a beast back to a normal human form, so Daming had this question.

Hearing the word fear, a certain nerve in Daming's brain twitched violently, and a strong sense of uneasiness suddenly surged into his heart.

"This is... the only thing I can do for Miyuki." Daming didn't joke around and said this with a sad expression.

"As long as we win, right?" The shepherd boy sat on a chair and held up Ah-Dai, who had turned into a kitten: "Then it will be good if I attend on behalf of the next month! Anyway, I have been bored for a long time."

"They... are your wives! I didn't expect that you have good taste." Morpheus raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Shihan and the others.

If Miyuki hadn't been very familiar with Shihan, she would have thought she was crazy.

"There is no plan, after all, the time has not come yet. The existence of the seven-element body is not without reason. When the time comes, fate will naturally guide us in the direction we should go. But before that, hehehe..." Morpheus's laughter It suddenly became so sinister that Da Ming could not help but get goosebumps.

"Grandpa Tetsuichiro bet everything on me. If I can't attend, I'm afraid he will have a heart attack and a cerebrovascular rupture. You also know that older people can't stand any excitement..." Seeing the poem letter Staring at himself, Daming quickly shut up and stopped talking nonsense.

Since Shihan and others suddenly had to participate in the competition, Tetsuichiro and other elders had to rush around again to change Ming Yue's roster before the competition, causing Ming Yue to be in a panic.

When Daming appeared at the venue, the whole place was immediately silent.

Now he didn't even have the slightest bit of strength in his body, and he was immediately picked up and held by them like a teddy bear, shaking him so hard that he felt dizzy.

The poem is a heartfelt prayer.

But Shihan shook his head and explained to him the horror of the disease element.

"I'm going to change my clothes and tidy up too." Shihan stretched out his hand and patted his body. After struggling all night, my image with disheveled hair is no better than that of a crazy woman.

Although Daming wanted to refute, Morpheus was telling the truth, so he had no choice but to accept it.

"You didn't come to fight with me?" Daming thought, how could this elemental body be so easy to talk to

Not long after Shihan finished speaking, Daming's body suddenly began to slowly calm down, and all the originally dark blue scales on his body turned into silver blue.

"This time I was saved because of a miracle. What about next time? The animal transformation of the body has spread like this. Who can guarantee whether we will be saved next time." The shepherd boy shook his head and said, and this was also the response of everyone present. The worry that lingers in my heart.

A total of 21 people from the three sects of Sun, Moon and Star attended, and 43 people accepted registrations on site, for a total of 64 participants. The competition adopts a single-elimination system. Only one of the sixty-four people can ascend to the winner's throne. If someone other than the three Sun, Moon and Star sects wins the championship, in addition to the astronomical bonuses and precious prizes, they can also enjoy the benefits provided by the three sects. qualifications for special treatment.

Shi Jian then breathed a sigh of relief: "If I insist on saying it, I can only say that it was a miracle."

"Mo, Fei, Si!"

The shepherd boy pulled up a chair and sat in front of Daming's bed and said, "Boy, go back to Kunlun and live in seclusion..."

"It's nothing, I just almost turned into a beast and lost control, killing all of us." The shepherd boy said nonchalantly.

Samurai Sword has finally returned to his somewhat off-line personality. Does this mean that Samurai Sword has gotten out of the haze in his heart

"No, there's still nothing we can do." Shihan heard Daming's voice at the door, but the voice was still weak.

Oh shit! This guy is really still holding a grudge! Daming cursed secretly, while holding the card of Purgatory tightly in his hand.

"Who arranged this match list? The way I look now, it actually ranks me in the most eye-catching opening match. Now I can't even think about being famous." Daming wailed.

If Daming really fights the epidemic, God knows whether she will spread all the viruses. Daming may not be affected by the virus due to his physical constitution, but other people cannot guarantee that, and the world may not be safe. The end may come because of this.

"What is your purpose?!" Daming never expected that the disease element would find him;. With his current physical condition, there is 100% no chance of winning in a fight.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you so much. It's better that you sealed that guy Fury, it will save him from having to help him clean up his mess after he comes out to cause trouble."

Yaoshou! Daming wailed in his heart. His luck was indeed not ordinary. The disease element actually came to her at this time to see what he would use to deal with her.

Shihan pointed at the paper and said: "Look, you are the one who will appear in the first battle of the opening ceremony! Don't lose the first battle, otherwise you will not be able to answer to the elders of Miyuki and Mingyue."

But this sentence still made Shihan feel a little bit worried. After all, her most beloved man admitted that he loved another woman in front of her. Although this was the result of her adding fuel to the flames, Shihan still felt heartache.

Daming's voice woke up Shihan and the others.

Daming's performance was indeed astonishing, or rather terrifying. Because he was dying in a wheelchair and was pushed out by Shenlan.

"Do we... know each other?" Question marks appeared in Daming's mind. And listening to Morpheus's voice, it sounds like it's a woman. Could it be that his messy romantic luck has provoked someone again

While Daming was thinking, Morpheus came over.

"Then what are your plans for me?" Daming was also confused. Since Morpheus won't fight with him, what kind of relationship is between them - friends? Or an enemy

"There's so much going on, you really want to know?"

Now the animal-like erosion on Daming's body has stopped, his body has calmed down, and his scales have returned to their original dark blue. Everything seems to be back to normal.

Although the night was still long and there was plenty of time to finish the poem, it was almost midnight by the time she returned to Daming's room.

The relationship between Morpheus and Fury seems not to be very good, and she is indifferent to his life and death.

"How are you all? People want to go too, but I don't have a fixed partner." Shihan said in annoyance.

"Finally, they look a bit [absolute]. It seems that they are 'Reverse Scales'." Morpheus murmured to herself. She still didn't take Tai Ming's threat seriously.

After Miyuki returned to the room, she kept sitting on the bed in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking. Even when Shihan came out of the bathroom to change clothes and sat next to her, Miyuki didn't notice at all.

By the time Daming was completely quiet and asleep, it was almost dawn outside.

Strictly speaking, the combat effectiveness of the disease element is ranked last among the seven elements. With Ming's normal strength, it is easy to defeat her, but the price paid will be unimaginable.

"Then the mountainous area will take action and kill her in seconds." The shepherd boy wanted to launch an attack with [thunder] that could not hide his ears. Maybe there was still a glimmer of hope.

"Since you care about her so much, go and get her back. You are a man! Show your manliness." Shihan said righteously.

"No, it's nothing." Daming's answer seemed a little absent-minded. But Shihan knew very well that Daming always glanced at the door, as if waiting for a familiar figure to appear.