A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 102: Holy devil


Gong Yicheng was already in his fifties, with a very thin face and a thin body like a dead branch. He looks ordinary on the outside, with a goatee on his chin, a pair of eyes that can see people's hearts and plans, and a gray cloth robe on his body, which even shows some oldness, which makes it difficult for people. It is believed that such an inconspicuous person is actually one of the famous Second Masters of the Heavenly Sect, a counselor with a very high status by the leader's side.

He has been in heaven for almost thirty years.

There are countless things that I have experienced with the leader. It can be said that I have long been used to the situation, and I am not surprised.

It's just that when Xie Wei's people came to the door and asked him to come to the mansion for a chat, this wily man still smelled something unusual.

Gongyicheng is not afraid of Xie Wei.

After all, although the leader has raised this person for 20 years and even adopted him as his adopted son, it seems that he treats him as his own and trusts him very much, but Xie Wei’s life experience is special after all.

He was just a little troublesome.

But people have already come to the door, where can they not go

And while staying in Beijing for a while, Gong Yicheng really found some bad clues, and he was thinking about finding an appropriate time to beat Xie Wei, so that he could remember what his duty is.

So, he still came.

"Please come in."

Xie Wei's faint sound came from the Qinqin Hall.

Just like when Gongyicheng occasionally saw him in Jinling, nothing had changed over the years.

With a thought in his mind, he walked in.

Jianshu stood outside the door and did not go in.

There was some dim light from the window sills outside the Chuangqin Hall. Xie Wei was wearing a snow-white Taoist robe and only used an ebony hairpin to tie his hair, but most of it was draped behind him, revealing a kind of casualness and leisure at home. .

A tea set is ready.

He looked up and saw Gongyicheng, asked him to sit down, and smiled: "I heard that Mr. Gongyi came to the capital a few days ago, and I still don't believe it. I think if the gentleman comes to the capital, he will probably tell Xie Mou. Unexpectedly, the gentleman is true. came."

The core forces of the Heavenly Sect are all in the south.

The capital is located in the north, and the power of the imperial court is profound.

Gongyi Cheng was always in Jinling.

As for the capital, it has always been a weak place for the Heavenly Sect.

But since Xie Wei went to Beijing to take the exam a few years ago, especially since he returned to the capital four years ago to plan to help Shen Lang ascend to the throne, such a person has become a hidden stake for the Heavenly Sect to enter the imperial court, and has even grown stronger over the years. As a result, the power of the Heavenly Sect was able to develop secretly in Beijing, and it has grown to a considerable scale by now.

But here, Xie Wei is the one who talks.

It stands to reason that Gongyicheng, who is also a member of the teaching, came to the capital and should have said hello to Xie Wei in any case, but he did not.

Gongyicheng sat opposite Xie Wei, and at this moment he raised his eyes to look at him, as if trying to figure out the deep meaning behind his words, but his mouth was very direct: "The leader has a life, he is in a hurry, and he is busy with dealing with it. , I forgot if I didn't pay attention. Besides, didn't you already know about it?"

Xie Wei poured the hot water into the tea cup.

Gongyi Cheng looked at the flowing water with white air, and said lightly: "When you arrive in this capital, there are eyes and ears everywhere, and there are still people who want to ask if the teacher should ask you to show it, where to use it. Want me to inform you?"

Xie Wei's hand holding the pot paused, and said, "Mr. Gongyi's words are serious, everyone in the celestial sect respects the leader, obeys orders, and obeys orders. ?"

Gongyicheng smiled coldly: "Really?"

Xie Wei put the pot of boiling water back on the stove, but his face did not change. He turned around and poured tea for Gong Yicheng, saying: "Wai Wei did not harm the teaching of heaven by asking himself."

Gongyicheng's eyes suddenly became sharper, he stood up, took two steps, looked down at him from a relatively high position, and said, "How do you explain the events outside Tongzhou and Fengtai?"

Xie Wei took a sip of tea and raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Gongyicheng looked at his calm appearance as if he didn't know what was going on, and finally felt a surge of anger rising from his chest, and his voice became a bit sharper, and reprimanded: "The dog emperor is going to deal with Yongyi Hou's mansion with one wrong move. It can incite people's hearts and cause chaos in the world, and it can also draw forces in the army and strengthen our teaching. It is a heaven-sent opportunity to overthrow the imperial court! But three groups of people have been sent into the sea without any news. The corpses were found there, and they were all killed! Would you not know?!"

Probably because the water used to brew tea today was too hot, the tea soup brewed across the tip of the tongue, leaving behind a bit of astringent taste.

It's winter, and all the new teas of spring are stale.

Xie Wei then slowly put down the tea cup in his hand, raised his eyes to meet Gong Yicheng's gaze, and smiled slightly: "Oh, there is still this matter? Since Mr. Gongyi came to Beijing, he has not dared to do anything in teaching. I got involved, and everything is handled by the husband, but I really don't know that such a big thing happened. Can you find out who did it? "

"… "

Looking at each other, Xie Wei's eyes and expression were extremely peaceful, but Gong Yicheng was tightly tensed, and his entire face showed an indescribable solemnity.

Even though the well water never breaks into the river, Gongyicheng seems to always disagree with Xie Wei.

He felt that this move by the headmaster was a mistake. He should have cut the grass and roots and should not have left such a person. He also allowed him to reach such a high position in the Heavenly Sect, and let him go to the capital where the Heavenly Sect's influence is difficult to penetrate!

Led the wolf into the room, and let the tiger go back to the mountain!

Gongyicheng said: "That's really strange. I thought that Du Jun and Yongyi Hou's mansion had a close relationship after all. This time, you even went to crown the little Hou Ye's crowning ceremony yourself, and it looked like The appearance of nostalgic feelings, and then think that you are dissatisfied with the plan of the Heavenly Sect, secretly obstructing it, thinking that the leader is too cruel!"

Xie Wei said: "Mr. Gongyi misunderstood."

However, when he said this, he did not look directly at Gongyicheng, but turned to look at the withered grass and trees in the courtyard, then got up and put his hands in front of the window: "My ambition and the ambition of the leader In general, Mr. Gongyi has been teaching for so many years, and I should have known what I did."

"That was in the past, and the people thought they knew it. Now when we arrive in the capital, we need to know that people's hearts change." Gongyicheng laughed mockingly, "The court and the public, and even the whole capital, know that 'Mr. Xie' is very popular with the sage. After taking charge of the Hanlin Academy, his status has become more and more stable. I'm afraid that after two years, not only the name of the emperor's teacher, but also the real emperor's teacher will soon be! The next will?"

There are exquisite carvings on the window lattice, which is quite Jiangnan style.

It's just that Jiangnan doesn't have such a cold north wind and such a big white snow.

There is a flower goblet on the side, but there are no fresh flower branches at this time, only three arrows are inserted in it.

Xie Wei reached out and picked up one.

The start is heavy, the arrow cluster is made of black iron, the arrow body is painted with thin silver lines, but the arrow feathers are two pieces of delicate gold foil, embedded in the tail of the arrow. At first glance, this kind of thing is a bit flashy, but at first glance it is known that it is probably a gift from a colleague in the DPRK.

His fingers turned slightly.

The arrow also turned around.

Xie Wei said: "Mr. Gongyi doesn't believe me when he says such words. So, the case of Gongli Yuruyi is also the author's hand?"

Yu Ruyi dedicated to Empress Dowager Xiao is engraved with gossip against the Party.

A turmoil broke down and damaged his arrangement in the inner palace. Three or two years of hard work was destroyed, and he was forced to cut off his tail in order to protect himself! He hasn't even counted this amount yet!

Having said that, I finally felt a bit of a tit-for-tat feeling of sword, light, sword and shadow.

Gongyicheng laughed when he heard this.

As soon as he lifted his robe, he sat down again, took up the tea, but said gloomily: "I broke your arrangement and moved your hands. You are really dissatisfied!"

Xie Wei came to the front of the tea table, behind the empty wall used to face the wall, and only said: "If others ask for something, I will be attracted by me. Most of the servants in the palace are from poor people. The Houfu of Yongyi is even more loyal, defending the family and the country, and can be called a pillar of the society. Mr. Gongyi has assisted the head of the teaching for many years, giving advice and strategizing. He has also preached and preached. It will involve many innocent people, and will trap the Houfu in a place of infidelity and injustice, and put their lives at risk. I dare to ask Mr., do you still remember the oath and ambition you made back then?"

"Okay, okay! It's telling the truth!" Gong Yicheng couldn't help but patted his palms, but looked at Xie Wei with a little more contempt, "A few months ago, the leader sent me to Beijing to learn about the situation in secret. When I was in charge of the overall situation, I was worried. First, I was afraid that you would be fascinated by wealth and honor. Second, I was afraid that you would be too involved with the Hou Mansion. In words!"

Xie Wei looked back at him and did not answer.

Gong Yicheng's eyes were cold, and even his voice showed a bit of coldness, and said, "Don't forget, who spared your life back then, and who gave you everything you are now! The teacher treats you with grace like a mountain, and it is like a re-creation, so you should know where you are! The first thing that the teacher should do, how can you put your beak?!"

Xie Wei remained silent.

The arrow was at his fingertips, without any temperature.

Only the golden arrow feathers reflected a little light in the increasingly dim skylight.

Gong Yicheng's tone was not a conversation, but an admonishment, and he asked himself that he was older than Xie Wei, and his seniority in the Heavenly Sect was deeper than that of Xie Wei, so he was qualified to teach him such a meal.

There was even a hint of threatening warning in the words.

After this time, Xie Wei will definitely lose the trust of the leader, so he will not put Xie Wei in the same position as himself, and said with awe: "Help the poor and help the poor, the world is great, it is just a doctrine to attract people's hearts. , sacrificing a few insignificant people, sacrificing a brave mansion is nothing! In the chaotic world, the saint is just a waste, only the hero can subvert the world!"

In troubled times, saints are nothing but rubbish. In this world, only heroes can subvert them.

Xie Wei didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the gold leaf feathers on the arrow that he was holding on to no longer reflected the light from the sky, he said slowly, "You are right."

Gongyicheng said a lot, and finally took a sip of tea and moistened his throat, without looking back at his expression, only said: "From now on, don't meddle in the academic affairs of Beijing—"

He was only halfway through speaking when a heavy weight came to the back of his mind!

It was Xie Wei who walked behind him at some point, stretched out a hand, pressed his head hard without warning, and slammed into the tea table!


The tea set piled on the tea table suddenly fell!

Gongyi Cheng is already old, let alone what danger he will encounter when he comes to Xie Wei's mansion today, because he has never thought about Xie Wei's many years in the celestial sect and dare to do anything shocking. Don't come!

Everything is in an instant!

Xie Wei's face was expressionless, the arrow in his hand ruthlessly penetrated Gongyicheng's neck, and the sharp arrow made of black iron pierced out of his throat, and the force was so strong that it pinned the person on the table. The blood vessels on the side of the neck burst and spurted out a large amount of blood, splashing his entire body!


There were some strange sounds of unknown meaning in Gongyicheng's throat.

Both his eyes were rounded by the panic, he struggled frantically, stretched out his hand, grabbed Xie Wei and held down his hand and covered his throat, as if he wanted to use this weak effort to save him. own passing life.

But how futile all this is before the eyes of this indifferent man!

Not reconciled, can not believe!

Gongyicheng was bleeding from his mouth and stared at him: "Du Jun! You..."

However, it was so blurry that I couldn't hear it clearly.

Xie Wei seemed to be in a trance, thinking of the tall cherry tree in Yongyi Hou's mansion, as before, slowly and softly said: "You are right. Saints can't do anything, what the world wants is heroes. . The person who follows the rules always walks harder..."

So, what are the rules

What others do, he also does, and he will do it more ruthlessly and absolutely than others! Just like that!

At the end of his life, Gong Yicheng finally realized something, and also realized the meaning of Xie Wei's words.

But there was no time to think about it.

It's too late to regret.

The blood gushing out of his neck was no longer as violent as before, just like the original gushing spring was slowly drying up and became peaceful.

On the tea table, there was a drip.

Gradually lost his breath.

Still with warm blood flowed from under Xie Wei's feet, he didn't move a step, until the skinny corpse under his hand stopped moving, he slowly let go.

The faces of the sages are covered in blood!

Turning around, the snow-white clothes were already shocking, and when he looked up, he saw Jian Shu standing at the door, staring at him in awe.

Xie Wei lowered his eyes, just walked over and picked up the clean towel on the case to wipe his hands, and said plainly, "Let's clean up."