A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 103: Bleeding


When Lu Xian came to visit, he saw that Xie Wei was already sitting by the window, looking out at the scenery.

It was dark and the lights were on inside the house.

He walked in from the outside without any precautions, and opened his mouth to speak to Xie Wei. Who would have thought that he would see blood all over the ground with a wrong look, and the dim and beating lights shone horribly on the table where the tea was brewed on weekdays. And nailed a dead body!

Lu Xian's face turned pale, his body was swaying, his head was dizzy, he immediately retreated from the room, and immediately turned his back on the door frame and almost vomited himself!

"Fuck, why did Gongyicheng die!"

The matter is very important, and Jianshu and Daoqin are packed inside.

The blood on Xie Wei's hand has not been wiped clean, he turned his head to look at him, and said, "I killed it."

Lu Xian's scalp exploded immediately: "Didn't you invite him to come over to the mansion for a chat, why are you killing him if everyone doesn't commit river water?!"

Xie Wei said: "But the river water is going to be the well water."

Lu Xian collapsed: "You are crazy!"

Xie Wei lowered his eyes and looked at his blood-stained fingers, sniffing the smell of blood in the room, with a bit of disgust in his eyes, and only said: "I didn't intend to let him go alive when I asked him to come, if we disagree, kill him. killed."

After hearing this, Lu Xian finally calmed down: "Do you have a plan?"

Xie Wei said: "No."

Lu Xian took a deep breath and seemed to be holding back something, but he still didn't look back: "You are a member of the celestial sect, you are the one who invited him to the house, he is still in the capital, how can you escape if something happens to you? If you have a relationship, what will you explain to the Heavenly Sect, and how will it end in the future?!"

Xie Wei's expression was extremely calm: "I don't know."

"I don't know?!!" Lu Xian jumped up, his gentle face was twisted a little by today's appalling incident, and he roared at him unbearably, "There is no plan, I don't know how to explain it! Kill someone! Your uncle's Xie Ju'an is you or I! What to do, what to do!!! How dare you do such a thing!!!"

His voice was really loud.

Xie Wei finally frowned slightly and said, "Why are you panicking?"

What is he panicking about? !

Who the hell can't panic when this happens!

In Lu Xian's view, Xie Wei is definitely not an impulsive person, and he should never do such a thing. The layout planning in Beijing over the past few years has been made with painstaking efforts.

Lu Xian couldn't calm down at all!

He turned his head and wanted to reason with Xie Wei, but he turned his head slightly to the side, and caught a glimpse of the shocking blood on Xie Wei's snow-white clothes, and felt a burst of dizziness in his head and hollowness under his feet.

So the irritability that was full of venting went to the house.

He shouted angrily: "You two, don't clean up this house, drag your husband down and change into clean clothes first!"

Jianshu is puzzled: "Why?"

Lu Xian raised a hand to cover his face, fearing that he would see the scene in the room again, he jumped angrily: "Why! I'm fucking dizzy!"

Daoqin: "..."

Sword Book: "..."