A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 14: Shen Zhiyi


When Jiang Xuening returned to the flower hall, he met Sister You who hurriedly came to deal with the matter. Obviously, they have also heard the news that Jiang Xuening, a foreign guest, has interfered in their house affairs. One is the "old grudge" in the previous flower hall, and the other is the current "new grudge", You Yue stared at her. Those eyes seemed to be able to shoot fire.

Even You Shuang didn't look good, so she just said hello to her indifferently.

Jiang Xuening also responded perfunctorily.

Liang Zi, the two sisters of Qingyuan Bofu, must be settled.

But she didn't care.

Who in the world is afraid of being hated by an ant

After returning to the flower hall, the news of You Fangyin's "falling into the water" spread all over the place. Because the specific facts were unknown, the rumors were even more outrageous than the facts.

It is said that it was the servant girl in the house who threw herself into the water when she could not bear the humiliation of the master;

It is said that she is a serious girl, and my aunt just voted for Zhang, and she did something stupid when she couldn't think of it;

Of course, the most widely circulated sentence was Jiang Xuening's saying: This girl is a concubine from You Mansion, and she was bullied by a vicious servant.

Because Yan Lin came to talk to her earlier, many young ladies in this flower hall were always following the rules, but it was the first time they saw such a blatant "private meeting", and after Jiang Xuening left, they criticized her a lot.

And everyone had some thoughts about Yan Lin at first.

Who would have thought that the second girl Jiang Jiang would be killed in the middle of the way, so that they would feel that if Shizi Yan dared to do such a thing before the crown ceremony, the marriage must have been knocked out secretly.

Really pantothenic.

But what happened next was the matter of You Fangyin falling into the water.

The days of the ladies of the noble family are boring, how can they resist the temptation to talk about it? It happened that the host was taking care of things, and some took the opportunity to get close to Jiang Xuening to inquire.

Jiang Xuening said what he saw.

Neither add oil or vinegar, nor say a lot.

After a while, the You sisters came back, only to say that a concubine in the house accidentally fell into the water. Fortunately, the old women found out early and rescued them. Now they have found a doctor to see them, so it doesn't matter.

On the faces of everyone, of course, there is a kind of happiness that "everyone will be fine".

But these young ladies from aristocratic families have already heard Jiang Xuening's words, and who doesn't have any quarrels at home? Some things can be understood as soon as I hear it, Nei Li is too lazy to believe the nonsense of the You sisters, but they are the masters, and they still have to give some face.

As for how to pass on it when the banquet is over, it is their business.

Next is the luncheon, chrysanthemum appreciation, poetry and painting.

It was really boring for Jiang Xuening.

If it wasn't for Yan Linxian who said that he would wait for him at the floor after the afternoon, and go to the lantern festival together at night, she would have left after seeing You Fangyin.

For the last half an hour, she just sat on the side, watching these ladies from aristocratic families dance and write, and on the paved rice paper, she meticulously traced pictures of autumn chrysanthemums with different postures.

After a while, when everyone chooses a leader, the banquet will be over.

But no one expected that when the elegant banquet was coming to an end, a loud voice suddenly sang at the door: "The eldest princess Leyang is here!"


Everyone in the hall was taken aback, and before they had time to look up, they all hurriedly saluted: "Congratulations to the eldest princess!"

When Jiang Xuening heard this, her eyelids jumped, and she already started to hate herself for not leaving the table earlier.

But on second thought, he is now a women's clothing.

So he forced himself to relax the nerve that suddenly tensed up, and saluted with everyone in the corner, subconsciously burying his head low.

There were light footsteps from the front of the hall, and the sound of the rings hanging from the waist of the noble woman colliding.

Soon, everyone heard a voice coming from above their heads: "No need to be too polite, this princess and Shu can only hear that the banquet in the Qingyuan Uncle's Mansion is not over. Come and see what it looks like.

Word by word, like pearls falling on a plate.

It is like fairy music, like a god.

When everyone heard this voice, they couldn't help but think, what a fairy concubine-like appearance of Princess Leyang with such a beautiful voice.

Although the lady of the family is expensive, she has never entered or left the palace.

Most people have never seen the princess before, so they raised their eyes to look at her after she was flat.

However, at the moment when they saw the appearance of this princess, everyone was stunned for a moment, and there was a bit of strangeness in their eyes, and then a kind of pity was born, and they secretly said in their hearts: "It's a pity."

The eldest princess of Leyang, Shen Zhiyi, came from the concubine Xian, the noble concubine that was favored by the late emperor. She has been favored since she was a child. Sometimes there are sweet little dimples, which make people feel happy when they see it.

However, there was a scar on the lower half inch of the left eye near the end of the eye.

Although the color is slightly lighter and not too long, on such a flawless face, it is particularly eye-catching and dazzling, making it difficult not to notice. The beauty of the original face was completely lost by this scar, which made people sigh, "The pearl is cracked, and the beautiful jade is cracked."

It's a broken face.

Even if the powder is used to cover it, it can be seen clearly.

There is such a beautiful voice, but there is no appearance to match it.

Jiang Xuening knew that the scar on Princess Leyang's face was left behind when King Pingnan raised his troops to invade the capital 20 years ago. At that time, she was just a baby girl who was just born and was taken from her by the rebel army. She took it as a hostage and slashed her face with a dagger, coercing other royals hiding in the imperial city to show up.

Later, the division of King Qin arrived and quelled the rebellion.

Shen Zhiyi, who is precious as a princess, was of course safe and sound, but such a scar was permanently left on her face, from her childhood until now.

Now, although twenty years have passed, all the people in the court hall and the palace who have experienced that turmoil, looking at the scar on her face, can't help but recall the turmoil that soaked the palace with blood—

The scar of Princess Leyang is the shame that King Pingnan's rebellion against the Party has drawn on the face of this dignified dynasty!

It is for this reason that today's sage is particularly fond of this sister.

Whenever Shen Zhiyi had any request, as long as it did not involve the survival of the state, he would satisfy it. Even if she wanted to pluck the stars in the sky, Shen Lang had to ask someone to try to see if they could pluck them, before giving up.

Shen Zhiyi grew up in the palace, and since she was a child, she has seen countless people staring at the scar on her face, some pity, some pity, some ridicule, and even she occasionally changes her appearance from the beauty. Seeing their voices on the faces of the palace servants: What about the imperial princess who is aloof? With this scar, the color is broken, and it is really inferior to even these lowly palace servants.

When she was young, she didn't know the meaning of these glances.

After getting older and understanding, it turned from anger to hatred, and from hatred to sadness.

Just ask the women in the world, who can really care about their appearance

Shen Zhiyi glanced at her, and the eyes of everyone looking at her were taken into her eyes. Only one person in the corner buried his head and did not raise his head, keeping his head low.

It's strange.

When she was in the palace, she was accustomed to other people's stares like this. Although she felt like a thorn in her heart at this moment, she didn't have any seizures. She just said coldly: "You can continue to paint."

Everyone was startled by the eyes she swept over, and quickly retracted their gazes.

Since the princess has spoken, they dare not refute it.

So they all returned to their original positions, those who painted continued to paint, and those who wrote poetry continued to write poetry.

Jiang Xuening also let out a sigh of relief, and when he returned, he would continue to pretend that he did not exist at all.

But before she could sit down again, Shen Zhiyi came directly to her, stood in front of her, and said, "Are you Jiang Xuening? Raise your head."

"… "

I really don't know why this ancestor noticed him again!

Jiang Xuening is not a queen now. Compared to her imperial princess, she is just a young lady from an ordinary minister's family. There is a gap in status and status.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyi's eyes flashed with undisguised astonishment, but after a while, it turned into a bit of mournful envy, and sighed softly: "I came here today for you. "

Jiang Xuening's eyelids began to jump wildly again.

However, Shen Zhiyi said, "No wonder that Yan Lin, who can't be subdued, is so determined to be for you, he is so beautiful, even if I see it, I will be moved. It's really enviable..."

She was in Japan today for a banquet at Duke Chengguo's mansion, but when she arrived, she heard that her elder brother Shen Jie had gone to the uncle's mansion in Qingyuan. Shen Zhiyi had always been attached to this gentle and good-tempered brother, and later she had to be with her since he was a child. Yan Lin, who had grown up playing, was also there, so he was asked by someone. Only then did I know that Shen Jie was there because of Yan Lin's uncle's residence in Qingyuan, and Yan Lin was there because of a certain official lady.

Now she was curious.

Seeing the end of the banquet at Duke Chengguo's mansion, he dragged Xiao Shu, the eldest lady of Duke Chengguo's mansion who was close to him, to kill him here to see who the legendary "Second Lady Jiang" is.

Shen Zhiyi knew of Yan Lin's virtue and had never been interested in women.

If it can be seen by him, there must be something special about it.

So when she glanced at it just now, she noticed the only figure with her head lowered. She approached and told her to look up. It was really the second girl Jiang, with a face that was incomparable, like cold or cold. Yan is not yet, it is unforgettable at first sight.

Jiang Xuening cried out in her heart, "What kind of evil fate is this?" Hearing Shen Zhiyi's meaning, it seemed that Yan Lin came to see her, even if she didn't want to meet her, she met her.

She is very clear about the future destiny of this Princess Leyang.

Marquis Yongyi, who was originally in charge of military power, was exiled after being implicated in the old case of King Pingnan. Within two months, the northern Tatars were ready to move, claiming that the new king would succeed him, and wanted to ask Dagan to marry the princess as the princess, but the emperor did not want to re-enable Marquis Yongyi. He sent Princess Leyang to marry him.

Four years later, the Tartars recharged their energy and ended, and completely attacked with troops.

The Manchu civil and military only welcomed back the coffin of the princess.

The emperor at that time had already replaced Shen Jie.

In his grief, this overturned Shen Lang's conviction for Yongyi Hou's mansion, rehabilitated Yongyi's mansion, and enabled Yan Lin, who had been in exile for four years. Yan Lin also finally got the opportunity to lead the army to pacify the border chaos, drive out the Tartars, kill the barbarians and dare not cross the Daqian territory, seal the general, hold the tiger talisman, and return to the capital.

After that, it was Jiang Xuening's "disaster".

She remembered that when they first met in the last life, she dressed up as a man, but saw that Shen Zhiyi was too concerned about the scar on her face, so she took the fine pen that others used to draw lanterns at the lantern festival, dipped a little cherry powder, The scar was drawn for her under her left eye.

At that time, Shen Zhiyi mistakenly thought she was a man and fell in love with her.

Later, knowing that she was a woman, she was naturally upset.

But before going to Tartar and kissing, she specially invited herself to paint her the same makeup as when they first met, and then sat quietly in front of the makeup mirror, looking at the beautiful face in the mirror. , but there were two lines of tears running down his cheeks.

After Shen Zhiyi left, Jiang Xuening also asked herself many times: If there was another chance, would you still draw that stroke for her when you first met

There was no answer at the time.

She thought she wouldn't.

But now, when Shen Zhiyi stood in front of her alive again, when she really had such a chance, Jiang Xuening realized that her answer was: I will.

"His Royal Highness Princess is a natural beauty and the most dazzling pearl in the whole dynasty. How can Xuening be able to do it?" She looked up at her and smiled slightly, "You don't have to envy the courtiers."

It sounded like a compliment with closed eyes.

Shen Zhiyi was disgusted the first time she heard it.

But when she touched her eyes, she found that her words were very serious and serious, so she was stunned for a while.

Jiang Xuening turned around, actually dragged her to the empty drawing table in the far corner, lightly lifted a tube of sheep's fine pen, lightly dipped a little cherry powder, said "offensive", and then moved closer Go ahead and paint a few strokes on the scar under Shen Zhiyi's left eye.

The original dazzling scar suddenly turned into a crescent-like powder.

Like a falling petal.

When she backed away, the palace servant who followed Shen Zhiyi was already exclaiming in a low voice, with a look of astonishment.

Jiang Xuening only said: "There are some scars, if Your Highness cares too much in front of people, everyone knows that this is His Highness's soft spot, and everyone can hold a sword and a spear to hurt His Highness; but if His Highness shows people, they don't care, or pretend they don't care. You don't know what's wrong with Your Highness, you can't hurt him. Your scars are the glory of the dynasty, why should you be ashamed?"

Shen Zhiyi was completely stunned.

No one had ever said such a bold thing to her, she was obviously very straightforward and sharp, but it was like a breeze, brushing her heart and healing some scars.

She stared at the girl Jiang Er who had met for the first time in front of her, and it was difficult to look away.

After Jiang Xuening finished painting that stroke, he felt at ease, and then he thought about it: Although he had an intersection with Princess Leyang, he still didn't know how Xie Wei would deal with her in this life. If he could curry favor with Her Royal Highness, then Xie Wei wants to do something to her, maybe he has to weigh it.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just that when she looked back, she saw Shen Zhiyi was looking at her, and her scalp suddenly went numb!

this look...

How can it be the same as the previous life? !

She subconsciously looked down at what she was wearing: it was indeed a woman's dress.

But why this look...

In the blink of an eye, an unprecedented thought suddenly popped into Jiang Xuening's mind, so much so that she shivered and couldn't help but arouse a bunch of goosebumps—

Who said that the eldest Princess Leyang in the last life must have fallen in love with her because she disguised herself as a man and mistakenly thought she was a man

In the same situation, there may not be another explanation—

That is, seeing her dressed as a man, but she is feminine and feminine, so she is close to her, but the eldest princess herself may not know!

if it is like this…

Jiang Xuening's fingers that were still clinging to the brush before they could put it down suddenly became stiff.

At this moment, under Shen Zhiyi's gaze, her whole body was like being struck by lightning, and only three words came out of her wooden head—
