A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 35: revenge


Jiang Xuehui looked at her quietly, a sigh seemed to be hidden under her dark eyes. After a long time, she said, "You have been waiting for me to ask, right?"

Jiang Xuening didn't seem to hear it, but instead directly instructed the maid in her room: "Mei'er, why don't you bring me a cup of tea? It's a long story, but I'll tell you slowly."

Mei'er was speechless.

However, Jiang Xuehui actually said: "Go to the end."

Mei'er was stunned and called out, "Big girl!"

Jiang Xuehui ignored it.

Mei'er then took a breath and stabbed Jiang Xuehui viciously before she turned around and went out to serve tea.

Jiang Xuening then laughed: "Sister is really good-natured."

Jiang Xuehui only said: "After all, losing your temper won't let you get out of my place. There is no difference between a good temper and a bad temper."

This is really what Jiang Xuehui can say.

She was like that in the last life.

Being bullied by her, she still remains dignified and decent, as if nothing is enough to make her angry. But if people live in this world, if they don't even have a temper, then it really doesn't look like a real person.

Jiang Xuening listened to what she said, and just walked around her house, looking at the exquisite beech wood stepping bed, the lacquered lotus and the lotus, and the dresses that had just been incense...

She has these things too.

But Jiang Xuehui's gift was given by Meng's, and she scrambled for it by herself.

"You really don't look like Wan Niang's daughter at all." Jiang Xuening gently picked up a pair of red agate bracelets that she put on her makeup, "As far as I can remember, Wan Niang is a very temperamental person. People. We lived in a village in the countryside at that time, because we were kicked out by the government, so many people bullied us and made some rumors. I was very scared. But she would come out of the house and stand under the eaves, Smile and curse back."

Jiang Xuehui closed her eyes slightly.

But Jiang Xuening's voice kept ringing in her ears: "Can't you believe it? Even in such poor mountains and bad waters, she always dresses herself up beautifully, even with the worst quality powder. She will settle accounts, She can read, recite poetry, and scold people. She doesn't talk to those village women because she never considers herself the same as them. She doesn't even allow other people's children to come and play with me. She told me , I am not the child of a peasant woman and a village husband in the countryside. I am different from other people. At that time, Wan Niang was the most different, most beautiful and most powerful woman I could see... "

Jiang Xuehui has always lived in this prosperous capital.

She has never seen life in the countryside, and she can't imagine how vulgar the villagers and peasants are, let alone a woman standing under the roof laughing and scolding people...

Chinese food, Chinese chess, calligraphy and painting.

This is what she is familiar with.

And everything Jiang Xuening told was unfamiliar to her.

"When I was a child, I played in the yard, catching dragonflies and folding peach blossoms. Wan Niang would occasionally sit on the steps under the eaves and look at me, and sometimes stand behind that small window and look at me. At that time, I only I think Wan Niang's posture and appearance are really good-looking; when she gets a little older, she can feel that the way she looks at me is actually very different, always in a trance, always in a trance, as if thinking of something else ."

When he said this, Jiang Xuening's voice suddenly became a bit sarcastic, and a smile was pulled from the corner of his lips, as if this could suppress a certain kind of faint astringency in his heart.

"Others say that Wan Niang is the concubine of a big family, and I am the concubine of a big family. Anyway, it came from a big family. I thought, Wan Niang might want to go back to the capital. So one day, in Wan When my mother looked at me with such eyes again, I ran in, took her hand and said, it doesn't matter if the manor does not let her go back to the capital. One day, I will take her back and buy her the best rouge and Clothes, so that others can no longer bully us."

It was obvious that she was reborn, this memory was a long, long time ago for her, and she thought she had almost forgotten it.

But when it comes to speaking, it is still vivid in my eyes.

Jiang Xuening even remembered that Wanniang wore a three-pin bun that day, and hung her old red coral earrings on the soft earlobes...

"When she looked back at me, she seemed moved. I was very happy. But then, her eyes changed and she pushed me away. Do you know what Wanniang said to me?" The string of red coral bracelets was worn on his thin wrist, and he lowered his eyes to appreciate it, "She told me to go away, and she said that I was a bitch, and told me to go back alone if I wanted to go back to the capital."

Her skin was white, lined with fine red coral, like snow.

Jiang Xuehui was shocked by this extreme color difference.

This bracelet is beautiful.


Like Wan Niang, it doesn't belong to her.

Jiang Xuening suddenly felt the coldness that was nowhere to be placed, and laughed: "Wan Niang used to be very good to me, I don't even know why she scolds me. I hugged myself aggrievedly, sat under the eaves and cried, thinking about it. , Maybe Wan Niang hates the capital, so she is afraid that I won't want her when I go to the capital; maybe Wan Niang hates my father's affection, so she calls me a bitch. How ridiculous, how pitiful?"

Staring at the bracelet for a long time, she still took it off.

Then he walked back to Jiang Xuehui, took her hand and put it on her, with a warm expression on his face: "It wasn't until four years ago that I learned about my life experience, and when I looked back on everything in the past, I didn't understand why she scolded her. Me, why are you looking at me like that..."

Jiang Xuehui clenched her hand slowly, only to feel that when the red coral bracelet was put on her wrist, it was like a string of branding irons fell on her skin, which finally made her voice a little secretive. Trembling: "Enough, don't talk anymore."

Jiang Xuening seemed not to have heard, and continued: "Look, how unfair God is. Obviously I and you have been replaced, so I should have everything the other party should have, and at least I should have a share. Yes. But, Wan Niang knew that I was not her daughter, and her real daughter was in the capital; but my biological mother happened to not know that you were not her daughter, so she raised you as her biological daughter and devoted herself to it for more than ten years. So, I not only don’t have the love of my biological mother, but also the love of Wan Niang. You enjoy the love of the two of them, and you have everything, but I…”

I have nothing.

She seemed to hear the wind from the tree in the mountain blowing through her heart again, swept away everything, leaving nothing behind: "So whatever you have, I will have it; whatever you have good, I will rob. But there are some things that I can't grab in my life. Before Wanniang died, she thought of her own daughter. I was jealous and crazy, but you don't care about it..."

"Clap" sounded.

Jiang Xuehui's face finally turned cold, she suddenly stood up, tore off the bracelet she had previously put on her wrist and threw it onto the table, and asked, "Why should I care, why should I ask? You are jealous, that's what you have to do. No; but what you are jealous of is not necessarily what I want."

Jiang Xuening looked back at her.

Jiang Xuehui's voice had a rare chill: "Of course Wanniang is my biological mother, but I've never seen her even once, not to mention that she had bad intentions and deliberately replaced you and me, which led to all kinds of later problems. Everything is pitiful because it is hateful. Sister Ning, you are a person who is affectionate and self-willed, but I can't. I was raised by my mother since I was a child, and I learned to be wise and protect myself. But if you ask about Wanniang, I owe her grace to Wanniang. ; For asking about Wanniang, I owe my mother's support. Since I can't have both, why should I put myself in a disadvantageous situation? And for more than ten or twenty years, my mother has carefully nurtured me, even if she is sorry for you , but you didn't feel sorry for me. How do you want me to be so cruel to hurt her?"

When she said this, she also showed a bit of sadness.

He just sat down again sullenly and said, "I know that there is a huge gap between you and your mother now, but when you first returned to the house four years ago, your mother also wanted to make up for you. But you always mention Wanniang, She refuses to be disciplined and stabs her in her sore feet everywhere, even though she has a lot of guilt that wears off, she still reminds her of Wan Niang from time to time. I persuaded you, but you hate me too, you don't listen."

There is no doubt that Jiang Xuehui is a smart person.

But this kind of cleverness always makes Jiang Xuening feel cold: "In this world, not everyone can do the same as you. We weigh the pros and cons of everything, and it is so cold that it is almost cold-blooded."

Jiang Xuehui said: "So you should hate me, and I will never retaliate against you."

Jiang Xuening couldn't hold back her laughter, as if she really knew her only today.

Reminds me all the time.

She looked at her and murmured in a trance: "Why didn't I find out before that you are the material to be the queen..."

The voice was so low that it sounded like babbling.

Jiang Xuehui did not hear clearly.

But that didn't stop her from issuing an order to evict guests: "I've said so much today, and I want to come to my mother for a while, and I've been suspicious of me for a long time. You're happy, it's time to go?"

Jiang Xuening said: "It's time to go."

After just taking two steps out, she stopped again and looked back at her with a deep look: "I always see Wan Niang in my dreams at night. However, if you haven't seen her, you probably won't be able to dream. right?"

After he finished speaking, he smiled and turned to go out.

Jiang Xuehui sat in the room, only looking at the bunch of red corals that had fallen apart, and lowered her eyes without saying a word.

When Mrs. Meng woke up early the next morning, she learned from the eldest maid who was serving by her side that Jiang Xuening had sat in Sister Hui's house last night and talked for a long time. The cups fell.

He also cursed a few times.

She asked someone to call Jiang Xuening to "speak", but Jiang Xuening was too lazy to answer.

When I came back from the palace, I was really tired, and I slept without a dream that night.

When the people from Meng's side came, she was putting a hot face towel on her face.

Hearing that Mrs. Meng called her, she just laughed, her voice mixed with heat, vague and light: "I want to entertain guests today, and I have an appointment with Shizi Yan later, I'm afraid I won't have time to greet my mother. Just tell my mother, be more polite to me in the future, and don't try to call me. Otherwise, I have the ability to make everyone in the capital know her beloved 'daughter', what kind of life experience she is... "