A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 53: Learn the piano


Did Xie Wei finally become the emperor in his last life, or did he go to get the Emei moon

She thought a little confused.

But after thinking about it carefully, I have done so many things at the risk of the world, and made so many murders. If I am not the emperor in the end, I am afraid it will not be so good, right

Since it was not yet time for class, Xie Wei tried the piano sound and sat aside without saying a word to them.

It stands to reason that this is the rest between the two homework, and everyone can walk and rest at will.

But when Xie Wei sat there, he had a strange deterrent force, and people didn't dare to make a loud noise or even walk around at will. good impression.

In this way, the whole hall is clean and there is a rare stillness.

It was not until the two moments of rest had passed that Xie Wei got up again and stood on the hall.

At this moment, the nine students, including Princess Leyang, all stood up and bowed to him: "Students, please meet Mr. Xie."

Xie Wei waved his hand and said, "No need to be more polite."

There was a ruler on a high bookcase.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at it. He picked it up and played with it at will. After telling everyone to sit down, he said, "Today I will learn the qin. Xie knows that most of the young ladies, including the eldest princess, already understand this. But now that everyone is learning the piano with Xie, I ask everyone to forget what they have learned in the past, and think that Quan has never learned it, and start over from scratch."

Jiang Xuening felt a headache in his fingers when he saw him holding the ruler.

Listening to Xie Wei's words again, I only feel that there is no difference from the previous life.

In the last life, she was overjoyed when she heard these words. If she wanted to learn from scratch, she might not be worse than those ladies.

But the truth is cruel.

Sometimes, I have to admit that God is very fair: given her a good appearance, she will not give her a good and comfortable family background, and a good talent to do everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"The ancients said that there are five stars in the sky, five elements in the earth, and five sounds in the world. Therefore, it is said that in the earliest days, Shennong cut tongs to make qin, and ropes used to make strings. The next five elements should be played and played as a holy sound. Later, King Wen of Zhou was imprisoned in Yuli, thinking of his son Boyi Kao, and added a string called Wenxian; King Wu of Zhou attacked Zhou and added another string, which was called Wuxian. It is called the 'Wenwu Lyre'."

Xie Wei held the ruler, but his hand was behind him.

People walked down from the temple, and their eyes swept across the faces of the people below.

"Learning the qin is not easy, and sailing against the current is sometimes even more difficult than reading. Those who say that learning the qin has a small success in three years, a middle-level success in five years, and a complete success in seven years are based on 'skills', but learning the qin is a 'dao'. The 'Dao' side can be regarded as a success. However, you can't learn much in half a year when you are young. If you can get the fur and have a little knowledge of the art, it is not bad, so today Xie will start from 'Sitting' starts with 'pointing'."

He was used to teaching for the emperor and for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty in Wenyuan Pavilion. Teaching this group of little girls really means to kill chickens with a bull's knife. It seems that Mr. Zhao from the Hanlin Academy was impatient, but he But the gait is calm and the speech is calm.

Neither is high above, nor look down on them.

Standing in the Fengchen Hall to teach the little girls in front of him is no different from standing in the Wenyuan Pavilion and giving a lecture to the 9th Five-year-old.

Everyone had seen Zhao Yanhong's impatient attitude when he was lecturing for them before, and when they thought that Xie Wei was the emperor who taught for the emperor and the civil and military officials in the previous dynasty, they all heard that Mr. The sage's legacy, but it was inevitable that he would be as stern as that Mr. Zhao.

Hearing his generosity at this moment, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Those who are a little more daring and who are familiar with Xie Wei, such as Shen Zhiyi, even raised their little hands tentatively: "Then how many years Mr. Xie has learned the piano, what kind of realm is it now?"

Xie Wei glanced back at her and said with a smile, "I have been learning the piano since I was four years old, and now I can barely touch the threshold."

The crowd was stunned.

Shen Zhiyi even helped him figure it out with his fingers, and his mouth couldn't help but open his mouth: "It took more than 20 years to learn, and this is how small it is..."

Xie Wei said: "I am stupid. If your Highness Princess Eldest is talented and intelligent, it may not take so long."

He was right in front of Jiang Xuening when he stopped.

When Jiang Xuening heard him say the word "dumb", he couldn't help but look up at him: if all Xie people were called "dumb", then are there still smart people in this world

However, on Xie Wei's face, he did not have the kind of euphoria when others deliberately humbled himself. On the contrary, he was serious and low-hearted.

Then she realized-

Xie Ju'an actually felt that he was stupid. Yu Qin said that he could only be regarded as a small success for more than 20 years.

Because everyone was going to learn the violin today, everyone's violins were placed on the table.

Jiang Xuening's piano is no exception.

The Banana Nunnery was placed in front of her.

Xie Wei lowered his eyes, his eyes passed over her, and he naturally landed on the piano. He didn't know if he recognized it. After looking at it for a while, he raised his eyes again and looked at Jiang Xuening with scrutiny.

The hair on Jiang Xuening's back stood on end.

Fortunately, Xie Wei seemed to just look at her more because of Zhang Qin, and didn't say much, so he quickly walked away from her and returned to the temple.

This is the beginning of the piano teaching.

Learn to sit first.

This is not difficult for everyone.

After all, when I entered the palace a few days ago, I had already learned "walking, sitting, and lying down" with Su Shangyi. Although the sitting posture when playing the piano is slightly different from the sitting posture taught by Su Shangyi, it remains the same. Move, don't look away, don't hear, there are rules for sitting.

Jiang Xuening was someone who had been baptized by the palace in the last life. He had already made a big splash in Su Shangyi's side before, but now he was in front of Xie Wei, so naturally he didn't dare to be sloppy.

Xie Wei looked down one by one and nodded.

At the end, he stopped in front of her again, with a rare sense of admiration, and said, "Not bad."

When Jiang Xuening heard these two words, she was calm on the surface, but she couldn't wait to grab the ground with her head.

Xie Wei only complimented her because she thought she was good, but when she looked at her after complimenting her, she was inexplicably guilty and reluctant, sitting in front of the Jiaoan Guqin, like sitting on a needle felt. .

Afraid of this

Although he didn't know how he became a beast of a flood, he just thought he was scaring her and didn't think much about it.

Until next time I learn fingering—

Xie Wei started with the teaching of the eight methods of the right hand, and prepared to proceed step by step, from easy to difficult, so he first talked about wiping, picking, hooking, and picking. He first demonstrated it to everyone, and then asked them to follow along.

Among them, some aristocratic young ladies have already learned it, and naturally they will know it once.

Then there was a simple and intermittent piano sound in the Fengchen Hall.


There is always such a line, or rush, or slow, sometimes short, sometimes long trembling, perhaps mixed with the noise when the finger accidentally touches another string.

Xie Wei frowned suddenly.

Originally, a piano sound was mixed in these many irregular intermittent sounds, and it was not obvious. But he has been learning the qin for many years, and he is very accomplished. He has developed a good ear early on. Hearing this sound of the qin only feels like a blunt sword cutting beautiful jade, and a rusty knife cutting brocade.

Abrupt and unpleasant, extremely harsh!

After listening to it for four or five times, he finally couldn't bear it, and looked towards where the sound of the piano came from.

Who else is Jiang Xuening

When a person sits behind the violin, she looks like a pair playing the violin, especially she has a face that is far better than others, beautiful and bright, plus her ten fingers are slender, and it is pleasing to the eyes when it is placed on the strings of the violin.

However, the finger fell on the piano, but there was no way.

How can it look like chicken feet!

I don't know the severity of the finger drop. When it's light, it's like blowing cotton, and when it's heavy, it seems like it can break the strings!

Xie Weiduan saw the strings vibrating and moaning under her fingers, only to feel that her heart was blocked in one breath, and her eyelids jumped up.

Sitting in such a posture, but playing like this!

No wonder she just praised her that she was going to feel guilty.

Jiang Xuening didn't know that he was being targeted by Xie Wei, but he just felt that his hands were not obeying. When the rouge gouache is applied, it is firm and steady, and when it falls on the strings, it loses its accuracy and cannot be grasped.

It's not surprising to think about it.

All the other daughters learned Nu Hong at a young age, but at that age, she was the only one who ran with her feet in the countryside, she was there for fishing in the river, she was there to catch cicadas in the trees, and she was tied to other people's chickens. Duck also has her when she goes out for a walk...

Never learned anything fine and elegant.

I'm not even interested in piano.

It sounds good, but that's it.

Where can I hear what Zi Chou Yin Mao came from

These hands, this heart, want her to learn the piano, but don't want her life

The more Jiang Xuening played, the more she felt that her voice was different from other people's, and the more empty her heart became. When she raised her head by chance, Xie Wei was already standing in front of her.

With a trembling of her hands, she almost broke the strings.

Xie Wei looked at her condescendingly and asked, "Have you ever studied?"

Jiang Xuening felt that her whole body was stiff, and she replied tremblingly, "Didn't you say that Mr. Quan has never learned it before, started from scratch, and started all over again?"

Xie Wei's eyelids jumped again.

Jiang Xuening then felt a chill on the back of his neck.

Xie Wei endured the attack and took another look at the qin under her hand, and only said: "You sit still, don't waste this qin."

Sure enough, I can see the origin of the piano!

Jiang Xuening suddenly cried out in his heart, secretly thinking that he should have thought of what he should have thought: Xie's good piano is an addiction, Yan Lin said that looking for Zhang Haoqin to go to school will surely please him, but he does not know that a good piano is not something that everyone can play. Not worthy of Qin, I'm afraid not only can't please Xie Wei, but also disgust him.

Now she is not worthy of the piano.

Xie Wei said these two words to her in a low voice, but Fengchen Hall is so big, how can others not hear it

For a while, the sound of the piano practice around him was a little quieter.

Everyone's subtle and strange eyes fell on her.

When Jiang Xuening heard Xie Wei tell her to "sit down", she didn't dare to reach out and touch the piano again, and thought that since she was not worthy of the piano, it wouldn't be a waste to replace it with one that was worthy of her, right

So Qiqi Ai said: "Xie, Mr. Xie..."

Xie Wei saw that she obediently stopped touching the violin, and the string in her head that had been stretched just now finally loosened by two points. Just as she was about to turn around and walk away, she couldn't help but stop when she heard her voice.

Jiang Xuening raised her throat in her heart and summoned her courage, "How about I change a bad piano?"

"… "

Xie Wei's heavy ring ruler was in the palm of his hand, and his slender fingers couldn't help but tighten by two points. When he looked at her again, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his eyes sank.

Even thought she was obedient.

Unexpectedly, instead of thinking about how I can be worthy of the piano, I have to replace it with a bad piano to match myself!

With a cold face, he only held the ruler, pointed to the outside of the hall, and said, "You go out first."

Jiang Xuening was stunned.

She looked in the direction pointed by Xie Wei, and there was a bang in her head, completely blank.

People seem to have lost their souls.

Even though there were 10,000 words of confusion and 10,000 words of unwillingness in her stomach, she couldn't say a word to Xie Wei, her eyes were red for a while, until she got up and walked out of the hall to stand on the edge of the outer corridor. He didn't even want to understand where he had offended him again, and he would be punished to stand and lose face.

Even in her previous life, she had never suffered such grievances.

Jiang Xuening hadn't slept well last night, worried about the matter of Yongyi Hou's mansion, and this morning following Xie Wei Xueqin was even more tensed, for fear of making him angry. Standing under the corridor now, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

It’s enough without You Fangyin in the previous life, and Zhou Yinzhi for the affairs of Yongyi Hou’s mansion. After being reborn, Xie Weiti will slip under her nose, but she has done nothing really bad in this life.

Why treat her so harshly

It was originally a three-point grievance, but after thinking about it, it became a tenth.

Jiang Xuening didn't know where he was stabbed, all the sorrows of the past and present came out of his head, and the tears in his eyes were hot, and the tears fell down.

She raised her sleeves to endure.

But the tears were wiped more and more, and she didn't listen to her orders at all.

What Xie Wei said was "you go out first", and he only planned to tell the others a few words to explain their practice, and then he came out to talk to her alone. But who would have expected it to be halfway through what he explained, he heard a faint choking sound from outside.

He turned to look outside the hall, and suddenly froze.

The brightly colored girl was wearing a snow-green stretch ink skirt today. She was slender and stood by the pillar at the bottom of the porch, as if she had been wronged by the sky. Funny again.

It's just that she was attacked on the way back to Beijing that year, and she fell covered in mud, and it seems that she has never seen her cry...

Xie Wei looked at her and felt a little guilty. He raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows lightly. He couldn't help softening his voice a little, and said, "Don't cry, come in."

Jiang Xuening's choked sobbing stopped immediately.

She felt that her crying actually had nothing to do with Xie Wei, but that such a small grievance made a bigger grievance, and she only thought about the tough heart of Xie, afraid that she would let herself stand outside. time.

Who would have expected him to suddenly call himself in

In addition to being surprised, there was also a bit of unexpected surprise.

Jiang Xuening's expression became a little weird.

During the sudden change of heartbeat, a thought quickly passed through my mind: No, Xie Wei actually took this set? !

She couldn't believe it.

However, thinking back carefully, did she cry in front of Xie Wei in the last life


Not once.

Jiang Xuening thought about it, and after a moment of tears stopped, she choked up again.

If you really want to cry, cry, and come when you say it.

Only this time it looked real, but it was fake.

Sure enough, Xie Wei showed a little headache again, and said to her: "I didn't want to punish you, come back and sit down."

It worked!

Jiang Xuening almost laughed out loud.

Who would have thought that Xie Wei's death point was here

She only knew how to deal with Xie Wei, and she couldn't help but feel extremely happy when she thought that this person's prestige and prestige would eventually be in her hands. But he still looked aggrieved, and with a low "Oh", he walked in from outside the hall, returned to his seat and sat down.

Then Xie Wei glanced at her and said indifferently: "After school later, you will be left alone."

Jiang Xuening: "..."

I am too young to be happy too early.