A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 56: The purpose is not pure


Shen Zhiyi knew about the relationship between Yan Lin and Jiang Xuening. After all, Yan Lin made a special trip to talk to her when she was selecting a companion, and she took the opportunity to tease her for a while.

Now that he has directly cleared his relationship with Ning Ning

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, she felt a little bit of unreasonable anger in her confusion. She was very angry with Jiang Xuening, and she took a step forward and was about to attack: "Yan Lin, what are you—"

"His Royal Highness Princess."

Yan Lin was already uncomfortable enough, Jiang Xuening was afraid that Shen Zhiyi would say something else that would embarrass him, so he hurriedly reached out and gently pulled her, the corners of his lips curved, and he smiled in relief.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yanping is joking at a young age, it doesn't matter."

"But what I'm about to say is not..."

Not King Yanping.

Shen Zhiyi stopped as soon as she was pulled, just about to argue, but when she turned around, she saw a kind of earnest request in Jiang Xuening's seemingly calm eyes, although she couldn't understand why anyway, But the full of questions can't be said anymore.

After all, she didn't know what happened between them.

Immediately, he turned his face and followed Jiang Xuening's words, and said to Wang Xun of Yanping: "If you talk nonsense in the future, see how I go to the emperor to sue you!"

"… "

King Yanping was stunned.

Until Shen Zhiyi took Jiang Xuening and led everyone away, he didn't understand that he just said a word, and it was not a joke, why was he suddenly scolded.

Princess Ke Leyang has always been domineering, and he did not dare to speak out.

Seeing the people leaving, he muttered: "Really, what are you doing, what does it have to do with me?"

Yan Lin didn't speak, just lowered his eyes and walked forward.

The few people who traveled with him didn't notice much about him. Although they all felt that Yan Lin had been silent a lot recently, he seemed more stable than before, and the youthful youth had faded away, and there was a gradual change. Maturity of knowledge.

Therefore, it is only considered that he is the crown ceremony and will change, and he does not think too much.

Although King Yanping was confused about his relationship with Jiang Xuening, he didn't ask many questions in front of the others, so he lowered his head and sullenly, and went to Fengchen Hall with them.

Xie Wei is still in the side hall staring at the place on the window edge where the little white cat stepped on, his two long eyebrows slightly twisted, as if thinking about something difficult.

However, when everyone came in after passing the news, their expressions were normal.

A line of ink was lightly stretched between his fingers. He turned his head and saw Yan Lin standing next to King Yanping, and only asked, "Why are you all here?"

No one spoke.

Someone stood behind and kicked King Yanping.

Wang Yanping didn't stand still for a while, staggered forward a few steps, and suddenly appeared in Xie Wei's line of sight, with a big red face, he said shyly, "Yes, it's the student who listened to the teacher a few days ago. After thinking about the strategy, my father asked the students to make a discussion on the topic of 'going to school' after going back. The students held candles for the past two days and reluctantly put together a paper, but I didn't know if it was good or bad. I thought... I want to ask Mr. Go home and show your father."

Everyone in the back snickered.

King Yanping was annoyed: "What are you laughing at! It's your turn to laugh tomorrow!"

Yan Lin also slightly curved his lips.

Just finished laughing, the sadness not only did not dissipate, but immersed deeper: he should have been like King Yanping, with a little reckless youth and ignorance, but now he can't.

As soon as Xie Wei heard it, he knew that King Yanping was afraid that he would go home and be scolded for not writing well, so he laughed, but he looked generous, and said, "His Royal Highness Prince Yanping has done a good job in the past few months. The middle school is also second to none, even if there are still shortcomings in the writing, presumably Ling Zun will not care about it. However, since His Royal Highness has come to invite him personally, Xie Mou is also curious about His Highness's recent progress. It is just that this Fengchen Palace is the first princess to study. It's inconvenient for many of you to be here, so let's go to Wenyuan Pavilion and have a look."

Everyone said "yes".

King Yanping also immediately showed a happy expression, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Lao."

Xie Wei casually put down the ink line between his fingers, only to say that he had to clean up a little in the side hall before leaving, and asked everyone to go to Wenyuan Pavilion first, and he came later.

The crowd frolicked and left.

But when they walked to the door, Xie Wei called out: "I chose the wood for the qin, and a few pieces are no longer in use. Can I ask Yan Shizi to stay and help me move it?"

Yan Lin was stunned, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he subconsciously replied: "I would like to serve you sir."

Everyone looked back and didn't think much about it, they said hello to Yan Lin and left.

But Yan Lin, who stayed behind, suddenly thought when he entered the hall again: The little eunuch was standing outside the door of the hall. I heard that the wood for Mr. Xie's qin was picked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for help, and the rest do not need to be returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is most suitable to let the little eunuch go, why do you want him to help move

Xie Wei remained calm, pointed to the two pieces of beech wood in the corner of the long table and said, "These two pieces are not used, there is the son of Lao Yan."

Yan Lin stepped forward.

However, when he passed by the piano table, he immediately recognized the banana nunnery placed on it. It was he who gave it to Jiang Xuening. His heart ached, and even his footsteps froze.

Xie Wei's eyes also fell on the piano table, and he only said: "Ning... Although the second girl Jiang is a bit naughty and naughty, and her studies are not very outstanding, she is still good in front of me, and she is willing to read, she just learned the piano. Leaving here. Yan Shizi can relax a little about this."

At that time, he didn't know that there was going to be an accident in Yongyi Hou's mansion.

So I thought that Ning Ning was going to study in the palace, and I was happy, but I was afraid that she would not be able to pass the selection, so I quietly asked Mr. Xie after the day of Wenyuange's lecture, and asked Mr. Xie to take care of her.

But now...

He was the one who sent Ning Ning into the Asura Field, but he may not be able to bless her in the following days.

Yan Lin only felt uncomfortable in his heart when he saw this piece of piano, but he was a little happy when he heard Xie Wei's words, and it was hard to tell whether the tongue was sweet or bitter, so he smiled softly: "If it can be so easy, then relax your heart. , it's easy."

He went forward to carry the two beech wood.

Xie Wei looked at the somewhat silent back of the young man, and closed his eyes, there was a dazed darkness in the bottom of his eyes, but after a long time, he opened his mouth with an ordinary appearance: "I didn't see Ling Zun this morning, I heard that you are sick, don't you worry?"

Yan Lin felt the strangeness again, but still replied: "It rained a few days ago, and my father drank a lot. The old wounds left on the battlefield in previous years recurred, and the wounds hurt a little, so I didn't go to court. Well, it's fine."

Xie Wei nodded and said, "The prince has something in his heart."

Yan Lin's heart froze slightly, but he couldn't figure out what he meant for a while.

Xie Wei picked up the piano bag on the side, put Jiang Xuening on the banana hut that was thrown here, and hung it on the east wall of the side hall together with his Emei.

With his back to him, Yan Lin could not see his expression.

He could only hear his calm voice flowing slightly: "Teacher, preaching has been taught by industry to solve confusion. Xie Mou was clumsy when he was young, but he was fortunate to have been taught by a famous teacher. So far, he has not dared to forget what Mr. Twenty-three years have passed for a small success. The prince of Yan is extremely intelligent, and of course he can see through it at one point, but the saints are inevitably confused, and it is inevitable for the prince to be confused. If you can trust me, you will come to me like His Royal Highness King Yanping in the future. Yes."

"… "

Yan Lin narrowed his pupils and stared at him.

Xie Wei turned around, but only gave him a faint smile and said, "Let's go, they should have waited for a long time."

Farewell to Yan Lin and others, Jiang Xuening and the others returned to Yangzhizhai.

Shen Zhiyi had to pull her into the room to sit down and ask her what happened to Yanlin alone.

Jiang Xuening couldn't say a word.

Seeing her like this, Shen Zhiyi was really anxious, and she hated that iron was not steel, but after a long time she couldn't get a word out, so she could only say: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it now, when you want to say it. Tell me. If Yanlin bullies you, this princess will make him look good!"

Jiang Xuening was helpless, she could only thank her for her kindness.

But she was still angry when she left.

After sitting in Jiang Xuening's room for a while, I saw that the decorations here were simple, and when I left the door, I taught the court ladies who were serving them, "How did you serve? In this room, the heated kang is not burned, the vases are not inserted, and the brocade stool is too hard. There are no decorations that catch the eye. Where does it look like the boudoir of my daughter's house? Report it to this princess and replace it with new ones! Tell the gang of people who are watching the dishes, if you come to this palace next time and see that you are still so shabby, call They can't eat and walk around!"

The palace maids were frightened and trembling.

When this word spread to the female officer in charge, the eunuch, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was even more frustrating, and they shouted that they were wronged.

Who doesn't know that this second girl Jiang is a popular person who was appointed by Her Royal Highness the eldest princess to study in the palace

No one dares to treat her badly.

It's just that they came to the palace to read as a companion, not to enjoy the blessings of the palace. It's too good to be true. There is no precedent for the companions to be confessed in the past dynasties.

The eldest princess almost didn't worry them to death.

But at the beginning of the application, a steady stream of new things were sent from the Ministry of Internal Affairs like a stream of water. The eunuch in charge had a smile on his face as if he was smearing honey, and only said to Jiang Xuening: "His Royal Highness the eldest princess sent a message to Jiang In the second girl's house, the slaves don't dare to be careless, and the furniture and bedding have been replaced with the best ones, do you see?"

In Yangzhizhai, everyone was discussing what happened to Yan Lin today.

If the relationship between the two is close, and Yan Lin wants to perform the crown ceremony again, then they can talk about marriage soon, and there is no need to cover up the relationship too much, and a joke or two is nothing. Everyone was afraid of Jiang Xuening because they guessed that the in-laws of Jiang Mansion and Yongyi Hou Mansion should be secretly settled.

Unexpectedly, Yan Lin denied it personally.

This is different from what everyone knew at first.

Most people have never seen the good of others, and are more willing to fall into the trap rather than give help in the snow, let alone being so dazzling and heart-piercing for Jiang Xuening

Everyone drinking tea and talking in private is inevitably a little cold.

Some people even showed a bit of schadenfreude sarcasm.

But they haven't been happy for two hours at all. The various items from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that were specially purchased by Jiang Xuening alone, coupled with the flattering attitude of the eunuch in charge, gave them a big mouth again.

Before the taunting words were finished, they were all beaten and shut up.

One by one, their hearts were sour, and jealousy was hidden in their eyes, and they watched all the people waiting to get busy in Jiang Xuening's room.

Jiang Xuening could guess that this group of people would not say anything nice about her when they gathered together, but Yan Lin distanced herself from her relationship. The incident at Yongyi Hou's mansion was something she expected. This is a worse predicament, because compared to the panic and panic when he was in such a situation at the beginning of his last life, he was a little more calm and calm.

In the last life without Yan Lin, she took Shen Jie;

In this life, without Yan Lin, there is still Shen Zhiyi.

She didn't know why she had such a deep relationship with the royal family, but it was difficult to get rid of it now, so she simply accepted the love calmly and kept it in her heart.

The palace staff arranged in her room, she sat on the side and watched bored, and the palace staff were not comfortable, so they simply came out of their own room and walked along the palace road outside Yangzhizhai.

You can see the glazed tiles on Kunning Palace within two steps.

Then she thought of Zheng Bao.

It's not enough to have Shen Zhiyi, the people at the top can't see the dirty pickles at the bottom, so it's better if there's someone at the bottom.

I just don't know, the one who saved him in the last life was Shen Jie, and the one who saved him in this life is himself. Will Zheng Bao still make the same choice as the last life

As his thoughts turned, Jiang Xuening's footsteps had already stopped.

She can't go any further.

After all, a new companion who entered the palace, and now there is the case of the Cining Palace, everyone in the palace walks with their heads bowed, if she wanders around and causes trouble, no one can save her.

So turn around and want to go back.

But as soon as I turned around, I saw a person in the direction of Kunning Palace in front of me. A man dressed in a dark blue eunuch came over. When he stood up, he was actually quite tall, with fair skin and delicate eyebrows, although there were still some scars on his face. It's a lot better than when I knelt over there and was punished yesterday.

Jiang Xuening recognized it at a glance.

But before she could speak, Zheng Bao had already opened his mouth and said, "Zheng Bao has met Miss Jiang Er, thank you for your words yesterday."

He should have entered the palace when he was young, so his voice was a little soft .

Jiang Xuening knew that this person was meticulous.

In the last life, he was also Shen Jie's right-hand man. He could think of the details that Shen Jie could think of. If Shen Jie missed anything, he would definitely know if he asked him, but he never showed his abilities in front of others, just silently doing things.

In this way, few people noticed her.

As a queen, she knew who Shen Jie trusted the most; she had also witnessed Zheng Bao's choice, and only then did she know how fierce and passionate this man was under his soft appearance, and she was willing to sacrifice her life for one thing.

It was pure goodwill that Shen Jie saved him;

But she saved him, not so.

Jiang Xuening didn't know whether he made a special trip to find him or met him by chance, but it didn't matter, he stared at him for a while, and said, "But my words to save you are not simple."

Zheng Bao was startled.

He was originally thinking of receiving favors, and it was time to come to thank him. There were so few people in the palace who sent charcoal in the snow, so that he tossed and turned on the narrow and hard bed last night, making it difficult for him to fall asleep.

But I never thought that the girl in front of me would answer like this.