A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 62: The devil is tall


Xie Wei entered the side hall.

Jiang Xuening's Zhang Jiaoan was also hung on the wall along with his Emei.

When he saw it, he remembered that he wanted Jiang Xuening to take the piano with him, but he turned his head and saw Jiang Xuening looking at him with reddish eyes. Back, he went straight to the outside of Fengchen Hall.

The words could not be spoken.

The hall was quiet.

The incense burnt yesterday was already cold, leaving only ashes with no residual warmth.

Xie Wei sat down.

After a while, the anger gradually subsided, and I thought that I shouldn't be angry. She is not very old, and although she has some wicked and naughty qualities, she still has a little girl's temperament.

And he also lost his normality.

Is it because too many things have happened recently, making him uneasy

He slowly frowned, raised his fingers, and pressed the center of his eyebrows.

Jiang Xuening went back all the way, but felt a sense of anger in his heart.

When Xie Wei said those words to her, she felt that she might have accidentally hurt someone, touched someone's scales, and felt guilty for a moment. But Xie Wei told her to leave next sentence, so that she didn't have to learn the piano!

All the grievances came pouring out.

She then threw away all that guilt, stubbornly feeling that she was right.

"If you don't learn, you won't learn, you think I'm rare!"

Stepping hard on the tightly paved slate on the palace road, Jiang Xuening walked towards Yang Zhizhai and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

But having said that, it was actually very frustrating.

Of course, she wanted to stay away from Xie Wei, and she was afraid of the piano, but she didn't want to learn and Xie Wei didn't let her learn, they were two completely different things. Press down to get deeper.

When I returned to my room, I saw that the branch that was just inserted into the vase was crooked, and I saw that the famous painting that was hung after the book case was ugly. It was Shen Zhiyi who arranged it for her, and she was not willing to do it anyway.

In the end, he could only grab a box of chess pieces on the board.

Black and white are all made of stones.

Jiang Xuening picked them up and threw them at the wall, one by one, hitting the wall with more force.

"It's a good thing that you think your surname is Xie, and the original raccoon dog is the same as those sour scholars!"

She has her own reasons for not going to school. In all fairness, Jiang Xuening feels that she can still bear it. It was Zhao Yanhong, who taught the Book of Songs, and Wang Jiu, who taught calligraphy, who looked down on her wanting to write cursive script.

But the weight is different.

She couldn't hear this person standing in the hall talking nonsense and saying some disgusting remarks.

Jiang Xuening originally thought that Xie Wei was unusual.

Although this person did commit rebellious slaughter and other astonishing and bloody deeds in the previous life, it was precisely this that proved that he was not a person who followed the rules, and she should be able to understand the reason why she did not want to study that heavy school.

But she just said that she didn't want to go to school, Xie Wei didn't even ask the reason and said that she was stubborn and didn't repent.

What is the difference between being so dogmatic and stubborn with those disgusting gentlemen

Even though her own death in the previous life was inseparably related to this person's treason, she never felt that Xie Wei was a villain or a mediocre person because of this. On the contrary, from another point of view, she strongly agreed with this. Human abilities and talents.

But today all these impressions are shattered.

Just because he heard her speculation and assertiveness after she didn't want to go to school.

In her mind, this person suddenly plummeted and fell into the vulgar mud of the Tugu market. He was no different from those old and sour, and could no longer be called a "half-sacred".


Another chess piece was thrown by her forcefully and hit the wall, bounced off again, and rolled to the ground.

Jiang Xuening didn't even look at her with a cold face.

The eyes were fixed on the wall, as if they were nailed to someone, and they were shot through, revealing a little bit of coldness.

When the others came back from school, the two boxes of chess pieces were all thrown away.

A little bit of black and white scattered all over the floor.

Someone outside knocked gently on her door.

She took the book and sat on the reclining chair to read, and when she heard the voice, she asked, "Who is it?"

Shen Zhiyi's voice sounded outside: "Ningning, me."

Jiang Xuening was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly put down the notebook, got up and walked over to open the fastened door. As soon as she looked up, she saw Shen Zhiyi standing at her door with no one behind her, and looked at her worriedly: "Are you alright? ?"

Jiang Xuening said: "It's just an excuse to skip class, it's fine."

Shen Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief: "I guess it is too. I can't bear to hear that Master Zhang!"

Jiang Xuening also felt that this person was really a tumor, so he remembered what he wanted to make a small report in the past, took Shen Zhiyi's hand, let her sit in his room, and said, "Your Highness also thinks this person is not acceptable?"

Shen Zhiyi was disgusted: "I have only heard that the daughter of the boudoir outside wants to learn "The Commandments of Women", and I have never paid attention to it. Today, I hear it, how can I treat my daughter's family as a human being? , I have to bring it into the palace, and bring it to the school!"

Jiang Xuening slapped sideways: "Then what is your Highness going to do with it?"

Shen Zhiyi was just complaining at first, and didn't expect to deal with it. When Jiang Xuening said this, she really thought about it, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she clapped her hands: "Yes, why has this princess ever been so angry? This "" Women's Admonitions "It's okay for ordinary people to be foolish, so is it possible that a princess should do the same? I will go to the emperor's brother and mother's side, so that I can knock this stubborn master and let him cancel this door."

Jiang Xuening was a little overjoyed: "It's so good."

Shen Zhiyi was also happy.

However, the eyebrows didn't open for a long time, and then suddenly collapsed again, and the voice was low: "But in the past two days, there were many things in the palace, and the emperor brother and mother were not very happy. In the past, they must be obedient to me. You may not have the time to take care of me."

Jiang Xuening was speechless for a while.

Shen Zhiyi sighed and said, "But it's alright, at least wait for this time to pass, and later on, please tell the mother to the queen. I don't want to do this anymore. The gentleman has come to class and wants to teach us his newly selected anthology!"

"… "

If she hadn't mentioned it, Jiang Xuening would have almost forgotten about it.


Xie Wei taught two subjects by himself. Although she will not go to learn the piano in the future, but there are two days of Xie Wei's class in three days, and there will be more bad days.

It's just that the quarrel between her and Xie Wei doesn't need to be related to Shen Zhiyi.

Jiang Xuening smiled lightly and said, "Yes, Mr. Xie is different from others, and he will be happy tomorrow."

No matter how much prejudice he had against Xie Wei, he had to wash up the next day, clean up his mind and go to class.

Jiang Xuening had already figured it out when she went to bed last night.

Xie Weiruo annoyed her because of this incident and pushed her out of the palace to go to school, which is naturally great news. As soon as she returned to the palace, she begged her father to wander around the world; but Ruo Xiewei only If you don't let her learn the piano in private, then she still has to continue to learn. When she sees Xie Wei, she is respectful, and she only pretends to be unfamiliar, and also assumes that those things have never happened before.

As for Xie Wei's anger to kill her...

Jiang Xuening felt that he wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible, and he had said before when he entered the palace last time, so that he would not lose his bearing because of these little things.

Thinking of Xie Wei's assertiveness and indiscriminate talk about her, she also hugged the cat to scare him, which was almost even.

So I left the righteous indignation of yesterday and went to Fengchen Hall with a calm mind.

Because the first class today was Xie Wei's class, everyone went very early.

Afraid of being bored between classes, Fang Miao brought a pair of chess.

Before she could get to Maozheng, she put the chess on it. Zhou Baoying's eyes rarely lit up, she pulled the chair over to sit opposite her, and put down her crazy words: "Well, you also brought a set of chess. Take it out early. You all say that I can only eat, but I can tell you, that's not the case! Today I will show you my hands and show you."

Everyone knows that she is a living treasure, and they don't take her words seriously at all, but who doesn't want to watch it when it's lively

So they all gathered to watch them play chess.

Jiang Xuening was sitting in her own seat, her eyes lowered on the booklet on the corner of the table: When she left the Fengchen Palace yesterday, she pushed a bookcase, and all the items on the table fell off. Unexpectedly, the palace servants who have been serving have already packed it up properly today, and even the book "The Female Commandments" that fell off before was closed and placed on the corner of the table.

Shen Zhiyi came late, curled her lips, her eyebrows drooped down, and when she saw Jiang Xuening, she called out sadly, "Ningning."

Jiang Xuening knew at a glance that things didn't work out.

She smiled and reassured her: "His Royal Highness said earlier that the Empress Dowager and the Sage are busy, so this result is to be expected. You can talk about it later on another day, they will allow it if they are not sure, why is it like this? Depressed?"

Shen Zhiyi said, "Yes."

Yesterday I went to sue that Zhang Zhong's status, which was unexpected, but it's not a big deal to say it another day, so I opened up again and pulled Jiang Xuening to watch Zhou Baoying play chess with Fang Miao.

Fang Miao brought chess just because she wanted to play chess casually to relieve her boredom. She also thought that Zhou Baoying was ignorant on weekdays, so she said that she was mostly talking big words to make everyone laugh, so she didn't take chess to heart at first.

But unexpectedly, as soon as she sat in front of the chessboard, Zhou Baoying seemed to have changed herself.

The cheeks that were always agitating like squirrels on weekdays were tightly tensed, the immature face was solemn, and the delicate eyebrows were a bit dignified.

She couldn't believe it, and she had been beaten by a "scholar" in a flash, so she waved her hands again and again, and actually stepped forward to withdraw the move she had just dropped: "It doesn't count, it doesn't count just now! I I haven't thought about it yet, I won't go down here, I'll change it down here!"

"No regrets!"

Zhou Baoying was stunned: "How can this happen?"

When she said this, her eyes widened, as if Fang Miao had snatched a shortbread away.

The scene was supposed to be serious.

However, there was baby fat on her face that didn't go down. Not only was it not scary, but it was actually very cute, which made everyone laugh and joked, "This is a good chess player who can't tell the difference between a stinky chess basket!"

Fang Miao still defended herself, saying that Zhou Baoying's playing chess was so scary, and she made it clear that she was bullying her and regretting chess was nothing.

Everyone was laughing all over the place.

Even Jiang Xuening, who was standing at the edge watching the battle, couldn't hold back a little smile. However, as soon as she turned her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a figure walking in from outside the gate of the palace. The bright smile on her face disappeared. She bowed her head and bowed, "Hello, Mr. Xie."

Only then did everyone realize that Xie Wei was here.

The chess player stood up, and the chess watcher turned around with a smile, and saluted with Jiang Xuening.

Xie Wei's footsteps stopped outside the temple gate.

He hadn't slept last night, half of it was too much work, half of it was a heart block, and the complicated situation was not straightened out.

The light robes that were originally lighter are no longer worn.

Jian Shu was afraid that the coldness of the winter wind would worsen, so he put on a dark green cloak embedded with layers of velvet, and when he stood still, it was a bit thick like a continuous green hill.

Jiang Xuening restrained his smile when he saw him, with a respectful gesture that could not be mistaken, Xie Wei naturally saw it clearly, and for some reason he was a little sullen.

He said lightly: "No need to be too polite."

He also withdrew the gaze that had just fallen on Jiang Xuening, and walked in from outside the hall with a scroll of books.

Everyone knew that they were going to school, so they quickly helped Fang Miao put away the chessboard and returned to their own positions.

Jiang Xuening also walked towards his bookcase.

Xie Wei walked from the aisle on the right, just past her desk, but his eyes fell inadvertently, and he suddenly stopped moving, and even stopped again.

Jiang Xuening followed his gaze and found that he was actually looking at the book "The Female Commandments" placed in the corner of the case, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

Xie Wei's two long eyebrows were furrowed.

Everyone has this book on their desks.

He reached out and picked up Jiang Xuening's case book, turned two pages, and stopped with his long finger on the corner of the page, and only asked, "Fengchen Hall did not have this book when he went to school. Who let it go?"

Jiang Xuening sneered in his heart and did not answer.

Everyone also looked at each other in dismay.

Shen Zhiyi hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Hui, yesterday, Mr. Zhang from the Book of Rites said that the students did not know how to be superior or inferior, so he suppressed the Book of Rites and taught the Commandments for Women first, and ordered them to issue them. this book."

"… "

Zhang Zhong

The chief editor of the National History Museum is not like the other gentlemen of the Hanlin Academy. Xie Wei has not had much contact with him. He didn't expect Shen Zhiyi to give him such an answer, and he didn't expect Zhang Zhong to have the courage to act against the yin and violate his plan. 's bibliography.

His eyes fell back on the pages of the book, and everything was outdated.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the angry dispute with Jiang Xuening yesterday—

"Mr. Zhang is still lecturing at this hour. What's the point of sitting here if you don't listen to the class?"

"I don't want to listen to Mr. Zhang's class..."

"Should I train you?"

"Respect the teacher and respect the Tao. Of course, what the teacher teaches, what the students learn, what the teacher says, and what the students are. Mr. Xie pressed me and scolded me for misunderstanding me. It's all right."

Xie Wei understood people's hearts, and after listening to Shen Zhiyi's words, he knew at a moment's notice that yesterday he was preconceived and rebuked her indiscriminately, which caused her to fight back with anger, and for a while, she felt a bit of annoyance for no reason.

Goodbye to this book, I am even more used to it.

Although he has always been kind to others, he is not someone who is easy to get along with, and he didn't say a word at the moment.

The booklet made a "crash", flipped over the white pages, and fell on the steps outside.

Everyone was startled.

Jiang Xuening couldn't help but look up at Xie Wei.

Xie Wei's pale face couldn't bear the turbulence. He only walked up to the hall holding the book he had compiled. After standing still, he glanced at everyone and pointed to the outside of the hall: "Throw them all."

Shen Zhiyi was so pleasantly surprised, she threw the copy of "The Female Commandments" on her desk.

The others looked at each other in dismay, as if timid and afraid.

Chen Shuyi had already suffered a loss from Xie Wei's side, but at this moment she was dissatisfied, but she did not dare to speak.

Yao Rongrong's voice was very weak: "Then, that Mr. Zhang..."

Xie Wei lowered his eyes and didn't care at all.

Anyone could see that he was in a much worse mood than when he was teaching the piano the day before yesterday.

Seeing that few people were throwing it away, he didn't bother to talk about it.

He just put his book down flat, and said lightly, "Let's go to class."

Xie Wei originally planned to talk about "Master's Talk" today, not to emphasize respect for teachers and Taoism, but to explain to everyone the importance of the word "learning" and the principle of "teaching Taoism and not teaching people", you can see it when you enter the hall. The "Nv's Commandments", I knew the reason for yesterday. I was afraid that Ning Er would misunderstand him by the way of teachers and oppress others after listening to this article, so he turned this article over, thought about it for a while, and compared the "Biography of Lian Po Lin Xiangru" in "Historical Records". One pick out.

From "returning to Zhao with complete jade" to "taking the blame and plead guilty".

Because of the legend, everyone listened to the story, and quickly became engrossed in it.

When he talked about Lian Po's misunderstanding of Lin Xiangru, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Xuening, but saw her sitting in the corner as if she was unaware.

The brows furrowed again.

But at this time, if he reprimanded again, it would be like adding fuel to the fire, so he would suppress his mind and stop looking at her.

After waiting for an hour to leave school, Xie Wei walked over to her.

But before he could speak, Jiang Xuening had already seen it, and he bowed coldly and bowed to him, saying, "Congratulations to Mr. Xie."

"… "

Xie Wei choked back all the words that Xie Wei hadn't said yet. Finally, she could see that she was grumpy and unwilling to talk to anyone. She also thought that Sun Shu from the Guozijian would come to teach arithmetic, which was not a good opportunity to speak. After a while, she had to leave.

It's just that all the way out of the palace and back to the mansion, my heart is full of stagnation and hard to vomit.

Lu Xian counted the time to visit the door, and as soon as he entered the wall reading hall, he saw him standing facing the empty wall without a single thing hanging or writing a word. Not even a bit of heat came out, so I couldn't help but wonder.

This wall reading hall is Xie Ju'an's study.

I always stand facing the wall when encountering intractable things. What I don’t put on the empty wall is to clear my mind and meditate. Why is it today? For the Ruyi case in the palace that is about to become a big one

He put on his literati gown and sat down behind Xie Wei, and said: "For no reason, he ran to the palace to teach those girls what to do. Usually, he can't move it around during the banquet, but now he has a group of students. It's hard to see you, and you are in the palace for five or six hours a day. I came here today to tell you that You Fangyin, what happened to your posture?"

Xie Wei felt that he was noisy.

It wasn't until then that his hand moved, and he came back to drink the tea he was holding, only to find that it was cold, so he had to put it on the corner of the desk and said, "Some small matter."

"Small things?" Lu Xian couldn't help looking at him up and down, his eyes strange, "You Xie Ju'an have always been worried about big things, but I don't know when you will be clear about small things."

Xie Wei thought about it, isn't that the truth

It was funny for a while.

It is not easy for him to tell Lu Xian that he was restless yesterday, that he was angry with the little girl, and that he was indebted to others. while being treated."