A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 10: need to adapt


Yiran knew that as long as he said it, it would be an undeniable answer, but she felt a little shy and flustered in her heart. After all, agreeing to get married is one thing, but if you really want to lie on the same bed with a half-acquainted man, That's another story.

Yiran knew very well that Gu Tingchuan often called for the wind and rain on the set, and naturally no one could cure him when he returned to Gu's house. His aura was strong enough, so when he finished speaking, her heart was pounding wildly. Jumping endlessly, but also embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

He looked at her worried face, no matter how lacking in "practical combat experience" he could guess what the girl was thinking, besides, even if he was unwilling to appease the emotions of the actor, at least he knew how to comfort others.

Gu Tingchuan turned around and asked, "Or do you think you can't sleep well?"

Yiran shook his head, thinking that he would say in a gentlemanly manner that he would sleep in separate beds tonight, but he just couldn't wait, but fortunately, the red wine and music given by Gu Tingchuan, as well as various details of taking care of her, still made her feel better. She felt relieved.

Just when Yiran was considering how to make this suggestion, Gu Tingchuan seemed to think of something first. He filled her wine glass again and asked, "What do you think is wrong with Gu Tai?"

Yiran held up the crystal goblet and put it to his mouth: "Ah? I didn't say what happened to him..."

She was not 100% sure that Gu Tai was suspected of being bullied but did not dare to tell the teacher, so she did not tell him for the time being.

Gu Tingchuan rubbed the space between his brows, and said helplessly, "He matured precociously since he was a child, and his thoughts are more complicated than those of his peers. Probably the more unreliable the parents, the more mature the child will be."

After finishing speaking, he took a change of clothes from the closet and turned his head to look at her: "I'll go to the bathroom outside to take a shower, and I leave it here for you."

It was only then that Yiran remembered that her clothes were still in the box, so she put on her slippers and went downstairs, taking out the newly bought underwear and one-piece nightdress.

As the night got darker, she became more and more nervous. When she came out of the shower, she didn't see Gu Tingchuan's figure. She guessed that he probably went to the studio. She lay on the bed and still didn't feel sleepy, so she hugged the quilt Send Zhang Rongrong a wechat message, and check Weibo by the way.

Zhang Rongrong said: "On the wedding night, what are your thoughts? Look at Director Gu's looks, figure, and talent. Do you want to attack every minute?"

Yiran: "My mother also called just now, I feel so dirty, help!"

Zhang Rongrong: "I wish you success in overthrowing the male god among the male gods. It is rumored in the industry that he is frigid???"

Yiran: "Whether it's cold or not, anyway, I'm probably going to hide under the blanket and never come out... goodbye."

Zhang Rongrong: "Hahahaha, did you drive until you couldn't get out? I understand!"

They were so absorbed in the chat that she didn't even hear the footsteps beside her. It wasn't until Gu Tingchuan got into bed that she realized that his voice was almost in her ears: "Why are you looking at your phone again?"

Suddenly she couldn't help laughing, so she wanted to provoke him intentionally, and said with a serious face: "I want to contact my friends, watch gossip, and play games."

Yiran looked up and saw his jet-black hair, and the man's eyes darkened: "I really dislike other people's obsession with mobile phones or other electronic products."

There was a wet breath on his body when he just got out of the bath, and he looked a little more casual than the rigorous expression during the day. The figures of the two were reflected on the wall by the bedside lamp, as if there was some overlap.

"No one doesn't play with their mobile phones now, Mr. Gu, what is your mental age?"

Yiran said so, but she put down her phone cooperatively. Only then did she feel that the solitude at the moment was a fact she couldn't escape. She was sitting on the same bed with this talented and handsome director.

"Maybe I'm really old?" I don't know if he deliberately lowered his voice, lingering in her ears, as if there is a double effect of lifting after hypnosis.

Her scalp was numb from being teased, and she desperately thought of something to talk about: "Director Gu, actually, I've always wanted to ask, can you tell me something about being on the set? I'm curious."

Yiran's palms were already full of sweat, she was surrounded by unfamiliar beds and men who were not very close, she only relaxed a little when she thought that they would be "husband and wife" in the future.

Gu Tingchuan noticed her little emotions, and leaned on the head of the bed leisurely and quietly, while reading the materials, he slowly chatted about various details about the filming, but in the end, the more she talked, the more she devoted herself, she was already eloquent The Chinese teacher, compared to his answers, she asked more questions.

Ever since Yiran made up for some works of the "Jiaye" film company, he found that he really appreciates some unique plots and details in Gu Tingchuan's films, including his habit of choosing words and making sentences.

He was clearly used to hearing all kinds of flattery and praise, including the praise from senior masters and the admiration of countless juniors, but he was surprised to find that many of her thoughts were something he had never heard before, and they were more similar to those of ordinary audiences. Psychology, and brought some viewing angles unique to her type of girl.

"The lighting set and filter costumes of "Smoke of Women" are really amazing, and how can He Yang be so handsome, I have become a fan of him..."

After that, the topic has been extended to how to set up the camera position, how to shoot those thrilling long shots in his movies, and to discuss his future plans.

"If you have a chance in the future, you can come to the scene."

Yiran was in high spirits, and asked along the way: "Really?"

"I'm afraid you will feel bored." Gu Tingchuan put down a document in his hand, tilted his head slightly, looked at her face, and said, "By the way, you can think about what kind of wedding you want, and wait until I finish clapping your hands." In this drama, it should be able to do it.”

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway..."

Yiran thinks it will take some time for her to get used to her new identity.

At this time, a foreign love song was played on the speaker outside the bedroom, and she noticed that the beautiful lyrics contained some appropriate sexual metaphors, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little more charming, probably because of the chat and drinking of red wine just now. , or the man in front of her is already attractive, Yiran felt a little dizzy, but she still thought of the sweet and hot first kiss in the office in the afternoon, and her head went hot for a while.

When the person was about to fall down, he was suddenly wrapped in a warm embrace, and at the same time, he could immediately feel the slender and powerful body under the other's thin shirt.

She raised her head hastily, and met a pair of sharp and deep ink pupils, and he had already kissed them.

At first, he was comforting and considerate, but gradually he used some skills and methods, as if he wanted to open up his own territory, some whim from the depths made this entanglement full of complete enjoyment and comfort.

Some things don't need words, just feel. Gu Tingchuan looked down at her eyes. The complex eyes reminded her of an adjective Zhang Rongrong once said: "There is a kind of man who doesn't need to use his hands to undress, but only uses his eyes." I can strip you naked."

The way Gu Tingchuan looks at her at this moment is almost so direct that there is nowhere to escape. The most terrifying thing is never vulgarity, but this blatant masculine allure.

"You, what do you want to do..."

"I have no intention of 'fake' marriage with you, we can fulfill our husband and wife obligations." He held her trembling fingertips like a competent lover, "But I never force others."

Gu Tingchuan's back undulated slightly, and some beads of sweat began to smear on her forehead. She lay down on the bed, her back pressed against the soft bedside, his lips touched her sweaty skin, winding down, With a warm touch.

"Have you considered?"

Yiran heard this question, raised her head in bewilderment, and saw that the man was full of lust even when he swallowed his saliva normally. She changed from fear to panic for a while, but more importantly, she felt that her body was constantly making her feel as if Soak the waves in warm water.

There are so many beauties in his circle that people can be dazzled, director is a very popular title, not to mention that he is Gu Tingchuan who is eccentric and indifferent but dedicated to movies, Yiran doesn't know whether the other party has countless people, this also makes her quite concerned.

At some point, the music from the living room stopped, and the shame on Yiran's face became more and more alluring under the whitewash of the lights.

"I don't know..." Her words were swallowed by another strong kiss, mixed with the aroma of his coffee and shower gel, and some intoxicating aroma of red wine, "Gu Tingchuan..."

In her dizziness, she saw his smooth back, which looked like a hill covered with frost and snow under the light, and the abdominal muscles faintly gleamed with strength. Yiran almost wanted to call foul, how could she resist this kind of abdominal muscles? !

Under the caress of his fingers, she gradually felt the moist lust, the taste was like the beauty that had reached the peak, it was so irresistible that even her breathing almost stopped.

"Relax, take it easy, yes, let me in...

Gu Tingchuan's voice was low, mixed with a rare longing, even he himself was the first to realize whether he should just let himself indulge in this loose sand-like out-of-control situation.

"Slow down, I can probably..."

Yiran grabbed his shoulders tightly, wanting to get close to him, hug him, approach him, just like a traveler walking in the wind and snow wanting to catch the light in the dark night without any hesitation.

This action made him dispel other thoughts, he just wanted to steam in her soft body.

Before Yiran felt a bigger storm, there was only one consciousness left in his mind: this is the man who will be with each other from now on, and his expression is really gentle.

"Okay? I can't be this slow all the time."

"Well..." In the muffled moan, the man's fingers were glued to hers, while his other hand groped her body back and forth, igniting her well-proportioned body covered in light.

She clenched her lips tightly, trembling to bear the coming fierce coming in and out, but Gu Tingchuan dissolved all her stiff resistance with a soft and domineering kiss.

She responded with clumsy lips and tongue, one leg wrapped around his waist inadvertently, this action made his whole body heat up, he soothed her pain, and then, with the pleasure of prairie fire, he took her in the river of pleasure The medium bears the ups and downs.

Physical desire always wakes up earlier than love.