A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 19: The night is long


Gu Tai's grades have always been among the best in the school. He has a somewhat arrogant personality, is extremely smart, and has a handsome face with excellent genetics. He is the "treasure" of the teachers. He can teach, and Yiran finished the homework with him not long after.

She looked at her hand, and the extracurricular tutoring questions given by the boy's grandparents. She couldn't bear to make him tired, and said, "Let's read the picture book first, and then rest. There is still a little to do tomorrow."

Yiran took him to the guest room and put him to sleep. After taking a shower, his whole body was full of heat and looked radiant. Then he lay on the bed and checked Weibo, and saw Director Gu's Beautiful photo, he and several leading actors attended a charity event a few days ago, and by the way, he did a promotion for "Homecoming".

In addition to photos, there are also videos. He calmly responded to questions one by one in front of the reporters' long guns and short guns. He showed his attitude and full confidence in the film that is about to be completed in the later stage. The demeanor is also vividly displayed, and as usual, the answer to the aspects involving the actor's private life is very short.

More importantly, those clear eyes seem to be able to see through the screen and penetrate the hearts of the girls on this side of the screen.

Yiran was watching with gusto, Gu Tingchuan took a shower in the bathroom outside, and when he came in, he was wiping his slightly damp hair with a towel, seeing her looking at his phone again, he thought it was normal.

"What are you looking at again?" His eyes examined her, "I see you smiling happily."

Yiran raised his head, and saw that Gu Tingchuan was only wearing a pair of trousers, and his upper body was not covered. His strong muscles made his heart beat faster in an instant. This figure is really stretched like a mountain, and the mountains are like flowing water, which makes his mouth water.

She closed Weibo with a guilty conscience, and only said: "It's nothing, some internet jokes, it's fun."

Gu Tingchuan suddenly smiled, as if leaving a faint shadow in the air: "In fact, sometimes the Internet is very convenient, like Weibo accounts, maybe I should get one too."

"You want to play Weibo too? Okay, okay!" Yiran sat up and looked at him, thought for a while and said, "No, this is another place for fans to directly confess to you."

Gu Tingchuan curled his left hand slightly, covered his lips and smiled, Yiran realized that this was just a small unconscious action of his, but it actually made her unable to look away.

The night outside was deep and the moon was solitary, but his eyes were a little darker than the night. As soon as he walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, he saw her quickly turn over and deliberately look at the phone with her back turned to him.

Gu Tingchuan was amused in his heart, but he still graciously did not expose her cowardly tricks.

"How is your family doing recently, how are your parents?"

Gu Tingchuan's question couldn't be more natural, and Yiran, who was tense on one side of his body, relaxed a little, and responded to his question: "Well, they are very good, but... last time I mentioned that I want to have dinner with you... um, what about eating together?" Yes, let's improve our relationship."

I was worried that it would be a little abrupt, but a slight smile appeared on the man's clear face: "I will arrange it as soon as possible, don't worry."

Some words came to her lips, she thought about it but still didn't know how to tell him.

If she said to Gu Tingchuan, "You are so busy that you don't go home very often", what is the practical significance of such words? He is a "workaholic" in the first place, so she should understand and be considerate.

In fact, Yiran's mood is still chaotic, and under such circumstances, he doesn't know what kind of thoughts he wants to express. It seems that everything that should be in the married life is already there, and everything is done.

But we just won't be satisfied, not to mention... There is always some emptiness in her heart, and she can't say where this feeling comes from.

While lifting the quilt, Gu Tingchuan told her: "When you get used to my working environment, I can take you to participate in activities."

Yiran turned to look at him in surprise: "Me? Could it be...too high-profile?"

"If it's just a charity event like the one a few days ago, there's no problem." He leaned over and whispered in her ear, kissing her while speaking: "You should get used to being 'Mrs. Gu'."

In fact, most of the time, Director Gu is not only in the eyes of Yiran, but even in the eyes of outsiders, he is an unstable personality, but he can do everything persistently and secretly. Few people can see him truly "emotional" " look.

So, when he showed such a side in front of her, she could really blush a little from fright.

Yiran didn't know if other people's first few times were like this. Anyway, when it was his turn, he was in a fog, and couldn't find the rules at all.

Compared with the first salute before the attack, this time, his fingertips penetrated a little bit first, and Yiran wanted to retreat in panic, but every twist would only make it go further, and she only felt sore and swollen all over. There was no way out, the cracks in the bone marrow were grinding, every touch seemed like a long and short time, and both legs were already trembling and weak.

Gu Tingchuan wanted to change her position, so he picked her up from the bed. Their bodies were pressed against each other without hindrance. She rested her head on his shoulder, breathing itchyly on his shoulder from time to time, which made the man even more helpless. endure.

Although she is an "Internet addicted girl" in the new era, Yiran also knows a lot of knowledge in this area, but she only has research and no practice, and she is too shy to move.

The man's body is always warm and sweaty, but it is extremely sexy. She was provoked several times to the point of begging for mercy, and her eyes were full of wet tears.

The muscles on Gu Tingchuan's solid back fluctuated regularly due to the rhythm, and her lips occasionally touched the sweat on his neck, which was slightly bitter but even more exciting.

"Why, it seems that your physical strength is already weak?"

Unexpectedly, he would still tease her. Yiran's heart went crazy, but unfortunately her body didn't listen to her command: "Ah? What did you say..."

The glutinous nasal voice had a hint of cuteness, Gu Tingchuan smiled lightly, and worked harder on his waist, so that she could believe that her physical strength was fine.

"You are so light, you should eat more food in the future."

The man's back, waist, hips, thighs...everywhere makes Yiran blush and heartbeat, if a few months ago, thinking of lying on the same bed with Gu Tingchuan, it would probably be the most embarrassing daydream.

But, now is the most real situation, she is sitting on his body, every collision and connection between her body makes people almost forget about it.

Yiran was shaking violently, and there was a begging gesture on his face. Gu Tingchuan hugged her tightly, and comforted her in a low and gentle voice: "Be patient, it will be over soon."

Yiran returned to her teaching job after a very "full" weekend.

Monday is the nightmare of all office workers. After the flag-raising ceremony was over, she walked into the office in a trance, as if she had just sat down for a long time, and Yao Jun followed. He was still wearing the pair of rimless glasses, looking warm and gentle Qing Lang lowered his head and asked her softly, "Are you free? I have something to tell you."

Yiran nodded, thought hard for a while, and already knew what the "something" might be.

When the two came near the empty playground, Yao Jun already had an idea in mind, and slowly said to her: "Gu Tai, we have already talked with Mr. Gu, and his parents are in a special situation. Don't bother me with home visits."

She thought of Gu Tingchuan's care and guidance to Gu Tai in the past two days, and thought that he had done well what a parent should do, so she pursed her lips in agreement.

"As for Hao Ziyue, I went to his house this weekend. Of course his parents were not there. I talked with him alone for a while. He mentioned that he got angry with Gu Tai that day not only because he was irritated by him, but also because he thought that everyone While helping Gu Tai, I gave him some advice, and Hao Ziyue's mood has improved a lot."

Yiran felt that this situation was also a very important trigger for the "war" among the children. After thinking for a moment, she said with some concern: "Didn't Shi Xiang strictly forbid you to go to his parents? Are you really going?" gone?"

Yao Jun looked helpless, pushed his glasses with his thumb and ring finger, and said, "I really have nothing to do, relying on 'stalking' finally got his mother to agree to come to the school, but, Yiran, listen to me , it’s better for you not to interfere in this matter.”

Yiran was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "What do you mean by that?"

Yao Jun thought about it for a while, and finally decided to make it clear: "His parents' origins are unknown, and he has a special relationship with Principal Shi. If you continue to meddle in this matter, it will only affect your future."

"But aren't you facing the same problem?"

"Yiran, although we haven't worked together for long, I understand your character. Hao Ziyue's mother will definitely irritate you. At that time, you can only choose to endure or explode. If it is the former, then you will be very wronged, and if you choose The latter, after venting here, there will be endless troubles in the future... I care about these things of yours."

When he said this, he suddenly paused unexpectedly, because they were standing very close at the moment, so close that he could see the red hickey under the girl's neck near the collarbone through the lens, it was as hot as fire to people.

Yao Jun quickly looked away, calmed down and said, "Women are inherently disadvantaged in the workplace, it's better not to get involved in such things..."

When he said this, seeing Yiran wanted to express his opinion, he suddenly interrupted her: "Yiran, you..."

She looked over suspiciously, and Yao Jun was silent for a moment before asking, "Have you got a boyfriend yet?"

Yiran trembled, her heart beat suddenly, but she immediately calmed down, thinking that she would still have to explain Gu Tai's question later, she simply admitted it.

"Actually, I'm already married."

A look of astonishment appeared on the other party's face.