A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 2: Love in the rain


Every summer, S City becomes unbearably hot. In the afternoon, the high temperature for several days was finally relieved by a heavy rain with strong winds, making it much cooler and refreshing.

The parents who came to pick up their children at the gate of "Haben International School" held umbrellas, one by one in a panic. After a while, the huge school seemed to be vacant in an instant.

Yiran has just left his previous job, and has been working here for less than two months, so he is not familiar with many places, but he already has a good grasp of the "skills" of those elementary school students.

After turning on the faucet and washing her hands, she looked down at the watercolor on her chest that had melted into a funny pattern. She sighed for a while, and said to herself in the mirror: "This big leather man! Damn little fat man! Hmph, I will find a way to cure you one day."

At that time, the little fat man was domineering during class, affecting other children's reading. As a language teacher, she went up to remind him in a harmonious manner, but unexpectedly, she was dumped by the other party with watercolor paints.

Yiran was so angry that she told the little fat man's mother just now, but in the end, the other party didn't care at all, she really ran into a ghost!

Although this is a private school, if you have money, you may not be able to get in, and if you can get in, you must be rich, but the quality of the students is really different.

Today, she finally wanted to wear a set of beautiful clothes for a date. Seeing that the stains could not be washed away with water alone, Yiran still held her mobile phone in her hand, looked down at the time, and wondered whether she should go home and change clothes , Or go directly to the restaurant to meet the blind date.

She had just arrived in the corridor and was about to go to the office to pack her things, when she looked up and saw that there was a student in her class who hadn't been picked up by her parents.

The boy put on his school uniform obediently. The white shirt and black trousers on his body were ironed without any wrinkle, giving him a particularly luxurious appearance. Well-educated, he is already the favorite of many female students.

Yiran was still a little puzzled when she walked over. She knew that he was not much different from many children here, and that there were luxury cars to pick him up and drop him off to school every day.

Glancing at the movement of his hands pulling the strap of the schoolbag, he asked with a soft smile, "Gu Tai, what's the matter? Is there no car to pick you up today?"

The boy only slightly raised his eyebrows, not only did he look very individual, but his demeanor made her feel a little familiar.

"Today my uncle came to pick me up, he was late."

Yiran understood, and continued softly: "Yes, the road must be very congested in such a heavy rain. Don't worry, uncle will be there in a while."

"I'm not in a hurry either." He turned his head slightly, glanced at her and said.

Yiran: "..." Why are elementary school students so pushy now, can they still have a pleasant chat.

She looked at his small schoolbag and his empty hands. If I remembered correctly, when he came this morning, he should have brought a children's umbrella with a superhero pattern.

"Gu Tai, did you forget your umbrella?"

The child paused for a moment, and said, "I didn't bring an umbrella, you remember wrong."

Yiran was a little confused for a moment, but he couldn't say anything more. He glanced at the empty classroom behind him: "Then do you want to sit down and wait?"

Gu Tai's voice was crisp and clear, and it was especially nice with the light rain accompaniment: "I want to stand here and watch the rain for a while, please don't make noise."

Yiran: "..."

Well, the teacher is nosy.

But she still couldn't let him wait alone in the aisle. After much deliberation, she simply leaned against the wall of the classroom and waited for his family with him.

The rain is still falling, but it is much smaller than before, and the dark clouds in the distance are slowly dissipating, as if a beam of light is cast from the sky to the ground.

Not long after, there was a sound of approaching footsteps coming from the front. The leather shoes of the visitor stepped on the pond, and the steps were steady and steady.

As soon as Yiran raised her eyes, she saw Gu Tai's "uncle" holding a big black umbrella. She stared blankly at that tall and cold figure, as if someone had pressed the stop button.

When the man got closer, Yi Ran could see the expression on his face clearly. The man's lips were slightly pursed, his brows were still serious, but he was clearly dressed casually. Very relaxed, from appearance to temperament, everything is intriguing.

He leaned forward slightly, and water droplets rolled down on the umbrella surface. The rain that was flying all over the sky made his eyes softer.

Yiran unconsciously touched the hot pinnae, and Gu Dao, who was in private, was indeed more tantalizing.

Gu Tingchuan stood in front of the eaves dripping with rain, and said slowly: "Gu Tai, let's go."

The boy didn't make a sound, and followed silently with his schoolbag on his back. When the elder and younger were about to go back, Gu Tingchuan's footsteps suddenly faltered, and he tilted his head slightly, and told the children beside him, "Say goodbye to the teacher."

Gu Tai sighed, the little bit of proud attitude just now disappeared completely.

He raised his chin to Yiran, and said cutely: "Mr. Yi, then I'm going home. See you tomorrow."

Only then did Gu Tingchuan spare him, but at this moment, for some reason, he raised his eyes to look at her again.

Yiran sighed in his heart, he didn't expect to meet him here.

She didn't know enough about the situation in Gu Tai's class, she only knew that he was not young, and he could be considered as a descendant of a famous family, but she didn't know that his uncle was actually the famous Director Gu.

"Gu Tai, this is..."

Out of the responsibility of the teacher, she still had to ask one more question.

Gu Tai introduced sternly: "This is my uncle, director Gu Tingchuan."

Yiran burst out laughing "puchi". As soon as he finished speaking, he unexpectedly heard Gu Tingchuan's rigorous and calm voice. He lifted the umbrella up, revealing a handsome silhouette with more relaxed facial lines in the twilight.

"Gu Tai's parents are not here these days, and he will stay at grandpa's house or me recently."

She nodded, looked dumbfounded at the outstanding man in front of her, and saw the continual light rain behind them, adjusted her mood, smiled and waved to him, saying: "It's raining outside, drive carefully."

Gu Tingchuan heard these plain words, and following her familiar voice, some images in his memory flashed through his mind. He seemed to be thinking, and was silent for a few seconds.

She saw the silver cuff buttons on the sleeves, and saw that the other party's eyes seemed to have noticed the part of her chest that was stained with paint, and she felt a little embarrassed.

Gu Tingchuan suddenly said, "Have we met somewhere?"

"..." Yiran was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that the man with so much to do would still remember that little episode, but she was too embarrassed to mention it to him, so she faltered and said, "No... By the way, I went to the red carpet of the 'Baihua Awards', Director Gu." affim… "

"Oh, I remembered." Gu Tingchuan suddenly interrupted her, his eyes were deep, and there was a complex look in his eyes.

At the same time, the oolong incident that happened at the health club that day appeared in the minds of the two of them, especially at that time when he hadn't put on his shirt, and she saw... most of his sexy buttocks.

Realizing that this accident was really funny, the man frowned and concealed his emotions. It seems that he and this girl can really meet anywhere.

On the way back, there was Schubert’s piano music playing in the car. The melody of the notes was melodious and moving. After listening to it for a while, Gu Tai felt sleepy. I bought new clothes and wanted to go on a date, but my classmates soiled them."

Gu Tingchuan held the steering wheel, feeling amused, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "How do you know that the teacher is going on a 'date'."

"We all know." Gu Tai crawled over from the spacious back seat, and handed him the new mobile phone in his pocket: "Can you play my song, I'm going to be hypnotized by you."

It was rare for Gu Tingchuan to be flexible, so he played the music in his mobile phone through the car speakers. As a result, the car was immediately filled with pop music.

The man frowned, and when there was a red light ahead, he stepped on the brakes and looked back sideways, with some disapproval in his eyes: "...what song is this, where did I hear it?"

"I asked Teacher Yi to come, and she said it was the theme song of a Japanese cartoon."

Gu Tingchuan rubbed the center of his brows. It seems that in his cognition, it is unimaginable to watch cartoons at this age. In fact, for people who have not had much contact with these things since childhood, the two are completely unrelated. However, he knows a thing or two about Japanese.

"Do you know what it sings?"

Gu Tai disagreed: "I don't know, I just think it's much better than your piano music."

Gu Tingchuan smiled slightly, and seemed to be in a good mood today, so he translated the lyrics to this little troublemaker: "Only when you lose the most important thing can you realize true love."

After finishing speaking, he squinted his eyes and said deliberately: "It seems that you like the new teacher quite a bit."

He is a director, he often has to interview those big-name actors, and he has always been good at observing, of course he knows Gu Tai's psychological activities like the back of his hand.

The little guy turned his face away and muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, no."

The rain weakened, but the sky also turned dark, and the school was a little bit covered in the night. Yiran finally resigned to his fate and decided to wear the clothes on his body and go to the city to eat, otherwise, the other party must be impatient after going back and forth .

She sighed as she walked out of the campus, and when she passed the trash can at the corner, she suddenly found an umbrella stuck upside down by someone, and there was a superhero pendant on the exposed umbrella handle.

Yiran walked closer and took a closer look, and found that it was very similar to the one that Gu Tai brought today. She simply took the handle of the umbrella out of the trash can, and suddenly found that the pattern on it was the same as the one that the child brought in the morning. the one from !

She lowered her head to identify again, and the front end of the umbrella seemed to have been broken by force.

Yiran's heart skipped a beat, her heart was in a state of confusion, her first reaction was...why did Gu Tai subconsciously "lie" to her

You obviously brought an umbrella, why did you say you didn't bring it