A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 24: Pinch face to kill


Yiran waited in the company lobby for a while, and saw Gu Tingchuan walking towards her with charming eyes against the light.

"You can go."

The two got into the car parked at the entrance of the building side by side, his eyes fell on her smiling side face, and he said in a statement tone: "I met my elder brother in the office just now, and he mentioned your school sports meeting .”

Yiran boldly guessed: "...he wants you to participate?"

"Well, I also said some nonsense. It was a waste of my time."

Seeing that Gu Tingchuan's tone was not kind, and his face was full of disgust, she replied very cooperatively: "It seems that when you met him, you not only had 'hot eyes', but also 'hot ears'."

Gu Tingchuan had never heard such an answer before, he paused, and a smile slowly formed on his lips.

At first, Yiran didn't notice his movements, but after a while, the man kept laughing alone, and she couldn't help but wonder: "What are you laughing at?"

The distance between them sitting side by side was not far away. He stretched out his hand and lightly touched her face with his fingers, and half of her face was suddenly taken into his palm. Gu Tingchuan didn't use much force, but she was completely motionless. , can only respond to the slight warmth from him in doubt, the man's eyes are deep and full of a smile that only he knows, and his voice is solemn: "You are really interesting."

Yiran suddenly petrified again... actually used "squeeze face" on her? !

She said "oh" in a daze, her mood was a little complicated, waves of heat rolled on her cheeks, she could only keep her face very low, and it took a long time to calm down her flustered mind.

Obviously, at such a time, a kiss should be used to enhance the atmosphere, but Director Gu didn't seem to have this plan. She cleared her throat and said, "I will pretend that I don't know you that day, remember."

Gu Tingchuan realized that it was the day of the sports meeting, and he turned his head and asked her, "Why?"

"I'm afraid that everyone will think that I'm partial to Gu Tai after they know about it."

Gu Tingchuan felt a little unhappy, and couldn't come up with any better suggestions. The carriage was silent for a long time, only the noise left by the wheels of other cars passing by on the street outside, and he finally agreed sullenly. One sound.

Yiran sensed his displeasure, but didn't understand where his "rebellious" emotions came from. After thinking about it, it might be that brother Gu Tingyong whom he had never met made him feel upset, so he sat obediently aside, Stop quarreling with him.

Director Gu's mood was never beautiful.

"Haben International College" hired a team from outside to coordinate the organization of the annual routine event - Winter Parent-child Games.

Yiran and Yao Jun also need to help with some preparations, including confirming whether the parents of the children will be able to attend.

That day, she and Teacher Yao stayed in the office to work overtime separately. Yao Jun looked at the watery look in her eyes under the incandescent lamp, and asked somewhat unnaturally, "Is Mr. Gu busy all the time?"

Yiran froze for a moment: "Huh?"

"I haven't heard you talk about going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, or are you saying that you don't have to prepare dinner by yourself?"

"He hired a cook, but he didn't need it all the time. He only called for a few meals occasionally." Yiran put the problem on himself very honestly, "It's because I'm not good at cooking, and I don't cook well. Busy with the filming of "Homecoming"... You should know, a new movie will be released soon."

Yao Jun did hear about it a little bit. He unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup at hand, took a sip of tea to protect his throat, and said anxiously: "I was worried that you would marry too soon and be thoughtless, but it depends on your mood these days. It's all good, but I was worrying too much."

When someone treats you sincerely, you can't help but feel warm in your heart, not to mention that you never hate this person.

Yiran raised his head and looked at him seriously: "Teacher Yao, do you know? You are sometimes too introverted, and you like to keep all your thoughts in your heart and dare not say them, but you are not brave enough to live, and you are not brave enough. It's easy to miss a lot."

Yao Jun was taken aback for a moment, as a boy who would blush if he got too close to a woman, he always knew where his weakness was.

"Well, that's right, Yiran, then you..."

While he was hesitating, Yiran saw a WeChat message received on her mobile phone. She opened it and found that it was from Gu Tingchuan.

For some reason, Director Gu, who seldom uses WeChat, sent her a voice message!

Today he said that he was going to attend a dinner party similar to the "Grand Finale Banquet", but only some of his work colleagues with good relationships were present, so it would be good for her to go to bed first at night.

Yiran opened it suspiciously and put it to his ear. Gu Tingchuan's voice came through the machine, every syllable was low and hoarse: "Come pick me up at xx club immediately."

She was trembling violently by this sexy and provocative voice, and when she was about to run out immediately, she suddenly realized... This man is too casual to order her around.

The most important thing is that he never likes to tell others about "causes and consequences". She has endured this bad habit several times, and it is really hard to bear it any longer.

Yiran felt upset for a moment, and casually returned an expression.

As for Gu Tingchuan, who was about to end the social gathering in the clubhouse, when he saw the expression sent by Mrs. Gu, he fell silent for a while, feeling nothing but a blankness in his heart.

"It's easy to lose me with your attitude."... The expression is actually just such a few black words.

Gu Tingchuan frowned and looked at it for a long time, really admiring how he had the courage to marry her back then... What is this, is it a popular emoji among young people now

He had a headache and was funny, rubbed the space between his brows and had to make another call, but luckily Yiran still picked it up.

"I drank a little wine. When I feel dizzy, I don't worry about being sent to me. Aren't you still in school? Come and find me and go home together."

I don't know if it's the man's melodious voice that can make people blush, or the proposal of "going home together" sounds too tempting. In short, because of Mr. Gu's good attitude, Yiran went out and called a car and went all the way. Go to the address he said.

When I was about to go in to find someone, I saw a van parked next to the club, the door was opened from the inside, and a young woman with makeup came out.

She raised her eyebrows, and immediately recognized the other party as Guo Baiyu, whom she hadn't seen for a while.

Guo Baiyu took the initiative to come over and greeted her: "Mrs. Gu, you are here. Director Gu is still inside. I was about to leave. I didn't expect to see you in the car."

Yiran tilted her head and said, "Yeah, I met you again, it's really a fate."

Guo Baiyu narrowed her beautiful eyes. Although she should be relaxed when facing Yiran, she was still a little nervous because she couldn't figure out where the other party came from. I see still pitiful beauty.

"Director Gu usually doesn't like to trouble others. I didn't expect him to be so dependent on you." She said, exhaling softly, "I really didn't expect Director Gu to get married so soon. He... can't tell. Is it affectionate or ruthless."

Yiran couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "I didn't expect that either, but who can tell."

Guo Baiyu also drank some wine in the evening, her face was flushed and she also showed a lot of emotions. She smiled with her eyes bent, and her tone was strangely pleasant: "Don't get me wrong, but I'm really curious. A man like Director Gu ... Do you think that Gu Tingchuan loves you?"

She was taken aback, but her first reaction was that she didn't want to continue chatting with this woman here, so she chuckled and said, "Go back and wake up at the bar."

But Guo Baiyu obviously didn't intend to let the topic stop here, she didn't care if anyone responded to her, she just kept going, her voice trembling slightly: "In the past, I also thought he liked me, but later I found out that's not the case... oh, Of course he liked it, but it’s like liking those works of art, liking one of his works, not really liking you as a person, he doesn’t know how to truly love…”

After speaking, I realized that I was really a little slip of the tongue.

Guo Baiyu knew that he was too anxious and eager to achieve his goal, so he exposed his thoughts to her too quickly.

She said that Gu Tingchuan loves a person like loving a beloved item.

Yiran smiled, and when she looked up at her again, there was unprecedented solemnity and anger in her eyes. She knew that this was a public occasion, but she would not use the same language to sarcastically go back if she didn't express it.

"What do you mean? Insinuating that when Gu Tingchuan falls in love with someone, it's only like loving his artwork? What kind of twisted and abnormal psychology is this?"

The smile on Guo Baiyu's face disappeared in an instant: "...why do you misinterpret my meaning?"

Yiran retorted with a half-smile: "Then what do you mean?"

The first time I didn't know her identity, it was fine to ask her to bring some snacks, but the second time I questioned her on the set, she didn't take it to heart.

But this time she was blatant and wanted to provoke the relationship between the husband and wife, and Yiran couldn't tolerate this. It was not up to an outsider to point out the emotional problems between them.

Yiran's face was obviously a little more sullen, and she didn't hide it when she became fierce, and she didn't care if someone around her cast a puzzled look at them: "Listen to me, it's best not to let what you just said I heard it for the second time. Don't assume that Gu Tingchuan is the pervert in your heart."

Guo Baiyu gritted her teeth fiercely, and her face turned pale. Thinking of seeing her again in the future, she was about to apologize first, when someone came out of the clubhouse.

The sky outside had already been completely dark, but the sky inside was full of boiling lights and brightly lit. A crescent moon hung in the dark sky, and the light source behind it seemed to coat the outline of a man with golden threads. His face looked He looked handsome and handsome, but his eyes were filled with a little halo, which turned out to be dangerously sharp.

Yiran has always felt that a part of this man must belong to his work, and they can be combined into one.

The dark side in those films is everywhere, but even so, it still has a bright light that cannot be concealed. His films are never hopeless, and they always grow towards the endless dome.

Gu Tingchuan raised his face sideways: "... I'm not so perverted?"