A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 39: on the way home


After an unknown amount of time, the vibration of the phone woke her up again.

Yiran found herself lying on the bed with all her clothes on and fell asleep without a quilt. The air conditioner was turned on all night, and the room was warm but also quite dry.

She rubbed her eyes, it was already 6:30 in the morning, and the phone screen showed two missed calls and a WeChat message, both from Gu Tingchuan.

He knew that she might have fallen asleep, so he said in WeChat that they would catch a flight back to China early in the morning.

Yiran thought for a while, Director Gu's side should still be in the early morning, she didn't want to disturb his rest, so she deleted the reply "Call me when you are free" and changed it to "Call me before boarding the plane" .

When she arrived at the school, she was a little depressed, and her colleagues probably also knew that "The Way Back" hadn't won any awards at the film festival. They were afraid of embarrassment, so they didn't come to talk to Yiran. Only Yao Jun saw her When it's time, take the initiative to come over and say hello.

He saw that there were faint dark circles under her clear eyes, and he comforted softly: "There are so many excellent domestic films participating in the exhibition, not every time I get something, but it's a pity for Director Gu."

Yiran looked up and saw Yao Jun's expression of regret under his glasses, and couldn't help but want to praise him: "I said, Teacher Yao, you are a very kind person, with a good temper and a good heart."

Yao Jun felt a little uncomfortable at what she said, his brows were wrinkled, but there was still a smile on his lips.

Just after the lunch break, she finally received a call from Gu Tingchuan. The man's voice was slightly hoarse, and there were some noises over there, which made her heart ache.

"I'm at the airport, and I have half an hour to take off."

When it really came to this moment, I felt that all the relief was just nonsense, but as his wife, she should give him some encouragement.

Yiran slowed down and said very firmly: "Gu Tingchuan, you have always been so good, Ma De, those judges are blind, I will give you a hundred little red flowers when you come back, you are really great. "

There was finally a smile in Gu Tingchuan's voice, but it's a pity that she couldn't see his cloudy and gloomy eyes.

"I got off the plane and went straight back to the company. You know there are a lot of things waiting to be dealt with."

Yiran desperately wanted to see him, and also expected that the man would face many problems and difficulties when he came back. After considering it, he still did not allow him to choose, and said: "You always eat something casually, and you will definitely eat it when the time comes." It's the same, after you return to the company, I'll bring you some food."

Gu Tingchuan rubbed the center of his brows, he could understand her mood, he was reluctant to refuse for a while, and said: "Okay, I will tell Xiao Zhao later, let him send someone to pick you up."

Yiran could hear that he was in a particularly bad mood. You must know that the more demanding people are, the harder it is for him to forgive himself. It may take him a while to recover from his disappointment.

She thoughtfully said: "Well, I won't bother you anymore, you can take a rest on the plane and see you when you come back."

Yiran hung up the phone, lay on the desk in a daze, and pulled her long hair to the front to play with it.

I used to think that their tacit understanding was getting better and better, and he must have feelings for her, but after all, the nature of their work is different, and the levels are so far apart. When he really needs help and enlightenment, the relationship between them The problem of distance is fully exposed.

She was stunned, he never said anything like liking her, let alone "love", he really didn't have 100% confidence.

When you have such a cherished person in your heart, his every move, every frown and smile will become the most powerful weapon, and you just want to hide him in your heart and protect him stubbornly and softly.

However, during Gu Tingchuan's voyage back from abroad, and it was also an important moment when "Return" was about to be released in China, an even more unexpected accident happened.

Yi Hong, the leading actor in "Homecoming", a young man with acting talent who debuted in the men's group "ring", clashed with passengers on the plane, and was recorded saying "you don't Look who I am" or something like that.

At the same time, he told his agent in a foreign hotel that Chinese people really can't make good movies. After naming and scolding a few movies, he went back and complained that Gu Tingchuan was too difficult to get along with. In the end, they were all secretly photographed and posted on the Internet. , It immediately caused a lot of scolding, and tens of thousands of people forwarded it asking to block him, and called on everyone to refuse to watch "The Way Back".

The next day, Yiran was still concerned about the news on the way to the Jiaye company building. These remarks had spread like a virus, and she didn't dare to think about how Gu Tingchuan would feel when he found out.

Feeling the beating pulse with her fingers, she could also feel the panic in her heart deeply. After she got on the elevator with Jiaye's staff, she tried her best to soften her complexion. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator door, she saw a Looking at the familiar silent figure, he was talking to Xiao Zhao beside him.

Her eyes became hot, she hurriedly lowered her head as if to cover up, wiped her eyes, and when she walked over, there was already a gentle and gentle smile on her face.

Gu Tingchuan's complexion was very bad. He was tired after a long journey, and he didn't say a word for a long time after listening to Xiao Zhao's report. When he saw Yiran from the side, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, then bent down Come on, lean on her shoulder.

This action made Yiran's heart so soft that it was about to turn into water, but thousands of words were stuck in her throat. Too many complicated thoughts rushed forward, and she felt like biting her tongue when she opened her mouth.

Xiao Zhao was taken aback for a moment, then winked at another staff member, and the two walked away calmly.

Yiran gently wrapped his arms around his neck, their touch was so long, she even felt that it was just an illusion that wasn't sweet enough, she just wanted to hold him tighter.

"I brought the takeaway from the restaurant you like to eat, and I made a new nod for you to try."

The voice in Gu Tingchuan's throat was cool: "I'm sorry, I don't have an appetite right now."

She shook her head silently, and also knew that he was angry, remorseful, angry, and probably self-denying. In short, there was a strict self-discipline that others couldn't see in this proud and handsome man who was famous in all walks of life.

He has always been a creator first, and then a celebrity businessman.

"Let's talk about it after you rest for a while. Let them warm you up when it's cold."

"I can't accompany you, sorry, I now..."

Before he finished speaking, at this moment, the elevator behind them opened with a "ding". When Gu Tingchuan looked up and saw the person coming, his expression became extremely terrifying.

When he had a dispute with two bodyguards in the hotel, he never had such a cold expression.

"Who allowed you to enter the building?" He glanced at the other party, his tone extremely alienated: "Go away, don't appear in front of my eyes."

The actor at the other end was Yi Hong himself, and he walked over with a pale face, pleading in his tone: "Director Gu, I really know I was wrong, I was confused for a moment, I also drank that night..."

"Isn't that exactly what you mean?... Well, I'll help you." He smiled coldly, causing people to fall into the ice cellar, "Since you're drunk, go back and sing, I don't welcome you People who know how to respect movies."

His words were like ice, pressing down on Yi Hong, and he knelt down in front of Gu Tingchuan with a "plop", tugging on his trouser legs in a panic, wanting to beg him again: "Director Gu! I beg you It's gone! I managed to make a name for myself, you adults don't care about villains..." Obviously, the man in front of him could make him never recover.

However, Gu Tingchuan didn't accept this at all, he raised his leg and kicked the man away.

Xiao Zhao probably heard the news of Yi Hong coming up, and knew that the boss must be upset seeing him at this time, so he hurried out of the elevator and pulled the actor who was crawling on the ground up.

Gu Tingchuan told Xiao Zhao viciously: "Take it out!"

Yiran didn't say anything. She knew that this person was "made" to death by herself. If this kind of person wants to make a success in the entertainment industry, it's just a dream, even if it doesn't fall into the hands of Director Gu. , Sooner or later he will offend the powerful.

Gu Tingchuan's mood was completely disturbed, and his face also had a gloomy expression. He looked at Yiran who was silent, and didn't want her to be involved in these things. He lowered his eyes and said quietly: "You too Go back, I'll eat something, okay?"

Seeing that he looked irritable, Yiran really wanted him to sit down and have something to eat with her. However, in this depressed atmosphere, he also made it clear that he didn't want to talk about anything, so she had no choice but to be a little Nodding awkwardly, he asked Xiao Zhao to take in the food box she brought.

"Then I'll go back first. After you've dealt with things, go home early."

The setting sun in the sky was sinking into the darkness, Yiran stepped out of the door silently, looked back at the building that was still lit in the dark night, his office was on the top floor of the building, it was too far away, she couldn't see clearly, Can't see clearly either.

During the New Year's Day, apart from a cold rain, there were also some scattered snow seeds. I thought it was the same as last year, but it was just a burst of frost and hail brought by the cold air. Unexpectedly, there was no good weather for the next few days. , the sky is always gray and hazy.

Gu Tingchuan stayed at the company for two full days and did not go home. At this time, the release of "Returning" also received rave reviews.

"This movie has no structure and the editing is chaotic. Has Gu Tingchuan lost his mind?"

"The male protagonist, Yi Hong, yelled at the passengers on the same plane in public! He also said that all Chinese-made movies are shi! Boycott #回归路#, let all investors who use him go bankrupt!"

"Sorry! Is it because Director Gu's 'addiction to beauty' has caused his standards to plummet? Or is it that the young genius director Jiang Lang is exhausted?"

"Homeward Journey" naturally affected Jiaye's stock market. In addition to the public outrage caused by the male lead, the film critics of the general public were also unprecedentedly low, and the box office was even more dismal.

Yiran also went to the cinema to watch "Homecoming" alone. She thought that in this market where the quality of movies varies, Gu Tingchuan's clear stance is still unforgettable.

It's just that he used a lot of dark and cool colors, and many scenes have depressing cold rain. This tone almost runs counter to everyone's expected "martial arts movie".

Those pictures on the imax screen are magnificent. However, in theaters with poor effects, the audience will get tired of the tone of the characters and the background, and many finishing touches are lost in the scene scheduling.

Gu Tingchuan's past works are a combination of business and art, but this film obviously abandoned the "commercial" element from the very beginning, and he had expected to receive such a cold reception, but he did not expect to lose foreign awards. He also didn't expect that the disqualification of the leading role would cause his film to suffer a heavy blow.

Yiran felt for the first time that people's words are the most vicious weapon. From the curses from all walks of life, it seemed that the genius who was once believed to be a "god" by them had fallen from the altar to hell.

On the weekend, Yiran opened the door of her bedroom, and in her light sleep, she heard the sound of someone opening the door downstairs. She walked to the railing where the light was pouring down, and saw Gu Tingchuan, who was covered in frost, walk in the door, followed by his assistant Xiao Zhao , it seemed that they had been tortured a lot, and both of them lost a lot of weight, so she hurried down to see how the situation was.

At this time, Gu Tingchuan's face was pale, his brows were full of melancholy, and he couldn't see any more thoughts. He turned around and explained to Xiao Zhao, pursed his lips, and said to her: "Sorry, I want to be here again Stay in the studio for a while, don't ask me to have dinner."

Yiran froze for a moment, before he could respond, the man turned around and walked into his studio, closing the door gently.

In the living room, Xiao Zhao in front of her hesitated to speak. He is a confidant who has been with Director Gu for many years. Well, he... not quite right lately, pushing himself too hard, I'm afraid he's going to collapse again."