A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 49: Director Gu will be arrogant


When Gu Tingchuan said this, his face was still quite calm, but every word he said was like a bomb falling into the ears of the staff around him, leaving them stunned.

The sound suddenly stopped at the scene, and all the sounds slowly disappeared.

Su Congwen didn't expect that this man would suddenly "trick" himself like this, looking at him with a stiff face: "Gu, Director Gu, what do you mean..."

"You should know which scenes are going to be filmed today. I never support people who don't work. Since what Lu Shanwei wants you to do will only bury your talent, you think you can compare I can do better, so I might as well leave it to you here."

After Gu Tingchuan finished speaking, he really stood up, gave him the seat in front of the monitor, and turned around and told Lu Shanwei in a light tone: "You assist Director Su to complete the shooting of the remaining few shots today, and I will go back to the hotel to rest. .”

At first, Su Congwen thought that it was Gu Tingchuan who deliberately gave him an insult, just wanting him to apologize in public and improve his spirit, but he didn't expect that Director Gu didn't give him any chance at all, and directly gestured to his assistant Xiao Zhao. After finishing the things, he left with the boss.

Seeing that Gu Tingchuan's indifferent and dusty figure had disappeared on the road at the other end of the village, Su Congwen probably never dreamed that such a day would happen to him, and stood there completely dumbfounded.

However, it wasn't just him who was surprised. Lu Shanwei had followed that man for so many years, and now he deeply felt that since Director Gu got married... his temperament had changed a lot.

In the past, Gu Tingchuan would have lost his temper on the set, and then mercilessly kicked him out of the crew, but ever since he was with Yiran, he changed his temper subtly.

Lu Shanwei knew that the boss always had his own reasons for doing things, so he glanced at Su Congwen, pressed his eyebrows, and said, "Okay, Director Su, the actors are already in place, can we start filming?"

Su Congwen himself is just a half-baked guy who spends money abroad for a few years. In fact, he only has a basic understanding of filmmaking, but these people tend to speak wild words the more they are shallow.

He looked around in panic at the scene diaries, props, and lights... Especially those who regarded Gu Tingchuan as the male god in their hearts cast doubtful eyes on him to varying degrees.

Su Congwen also had a fire in his chest. Since he was a child, he has been admired by all the stars. When did he suffer from such a disadvantage? That man thinks he is something, why should he show his face... Let him shoot him Shoot, you can't be cowardly if you're a man!

He twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending to sit on Gu Tingchuan's seat, raised his chin, and looked at Lu Shanwei next to him: "The following medium shot, use a head-up view, this... Is the actor ready?"

Lu Shanwei frowned slightly: "Would it be too common to look up? Both looking up and looking down will have better shooting effects."

Su Congwen immediately became angry: "What do you mean now? Your Director Gu asked you to help me, not to correct me. If Gu Tingchuan were here now, would you talk to him like this?"

"Yes." Lu Shanwei was not angry, his expression was more like communicating with an ignorant child, "If I have a better opinion during the filming process, I will definitely raise it as soon as possible, otherwise, how can I get it?" salary?"

Of course, the premise is that Director Gu will make such a low-level mistake one day.

Su Congwen was about to continue venting his anger on him, when a thick and clear voice came from not far behind: "What the hell are you doing?! Who is that kid sitting over there? How come Gu Tingchuan hasn't come yet! "

That old senior is an experienced female artist, but she has a violent temper, which has not changed since she was young. After speaking, she took the script in her hand and hit the staff directly on the head: "Call me back Gu Tingchuan! "

Su Congwen couldn't help shrinking his neck when he saw it. He could probably imagine that if the other party knew that it was because of him that he made Gu Tingchuan quit, he might be the one who was beaten...

Lu Shanwei stood aside calmly, observing the increasingly panic-stricken expression of this disrespectful junior, and only then did he understand Gu Tingchuan's purpose more deeply.

It is really the smartest way to make others retreat from difficulties without spending a single soldier on your own.

After listening to the description of Gu's little assistant, Yiran found it very strange.

After all, Gu Tingchuan's behavior this time can't be called violent at all, if she had to describe it... it would probably be "tsundere".

There are potholes and muddy roads around here, and the road is finally smooth when you reach the town. Yiran has never been here before, and all you can see are unfamiliar scenery. The comfortable hotel where the crew stayed is about a few dozen away from the village in the mountains. minutes away.

She got out of the car and closed the door, and ran straight to the room where Gu Tingchuan was. However, when she reached the door, she timidly did not knock on the door immediately.

Thinking that I haven't seen her these days, and I don't know what to say for the first meeting, I still miss it, especially the warm and burning memory of him hugging her, which is full of indescribable touch.

There was not only a little nervousness and excitement in her heart, but also the love that could not be hidden in her eyes, as if it had caught her heart.

She didn't know if Gu Tingchuan was okay with such a small episode before on the production team, or... others looked down on him because of the failure of "The Way Back", which made him feel that his self-esteem was frustrated

Yiran thought for a while, and when she heard some movement in the room, she panicked, and hurriedly rang the doorbell.

The man quickly came over to answer, and the moment she saw the familiar handsome face in front of her, joy welled up in her heart. He was the door that opened with the backlight, and the soft moonlight in the room was covered by the brightness of the huge lamp. Half of his side face fell in the light and shadow, and there was a faint smile of indulgence.

Yiran held her breath, bit her upper lip, and before she could open her mouth, he leaned over and kissed her gently.

The room was filled with the mixed smell of bouquets and perfume, she was instantly drawn to all her thoughts, she couldn't help but leaned back slightly, subconsciously went to hold his face, they deepened the rubbing of each other's lips, The faint warmth from the man's mouth kept rushing towards her.

After the kiss was over, Gu Tingchuan squeezed her chin with his fingertips, took her handbag and put it by the door.

"The road here is not easy to drive, have you been tossing around?" After finishing speaking, he went to get the warm water next to the TV and handed it to her.

Yiran took a sip, and the spring cold on her body was gradually taken away by the warm current. She walked into the room and looked around.

The best room type in this hotel does not have any high-end and luxurious decoration, but it is very clean and tidy. At first, she was thinking that Director Gu should still focus on work after leaving the film crew, but after looking around, she found the notebook on the table. A German movie was playing on the computer, and a goblet half-filled with red wine was placed beside it. The red wine in the glass was like thick black solidified ink, exuding an intoxicating aroma.

Yi Ran couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that you didn't take that 'silly boy' seriously, so I can rest assured."

Gu Tingchuan took the cup in her hand, and seemed to be in a good mood, looking at her seriously.

However, Director Gu is definitely not a man who neglects his duties. He should have his own considerations about this matter, and there may be some strange things in it that she doesn't know about.

Yiran didn't wait for her husband to speak, she already looked sideways at him, and continued to complain: "Some people just don't know how to cherish their own good life. They already have 'noble people to help', and they still treat noble people as enemies."

He laughed lowly, his voice was mellow and magnetic, which made her feel a kind of recognition. Although there were still some words left unsaid, Yiran really didn't have any sense of recognition for that Su Congwen. If he really became famous in the future, he would definitely It must be a big disaster. The so-called unspoken rules of the director are not made by these men.

Yiran rushed all the way here, she still looked full of vigor at this moment, she sat down at the table to rest for a while, and took out her mobile phone from her backpack to see if there was any new news, when she looked up, she happened to see Gu Tingchuan reaching out to On the arm in front of her, there was a section of white skin, with slender finger bones, and a pair of rings bought on it, shining brightly.

He stroked the outline of the ring, his posture was gentle and sexy, and there was a kind of calmness and introversion unique to a family man, his eyes focused on the petite face in front of him.

"When did you wear the ring?" When she saw him last time, she obviously only carried it with her, so it would be more convenient for her to work.

Gu Tingchuan was still staring at her intently. Hearing this, he lowered his head slightly, stared at the ring on his finger for a moment, and then said softly: "Because you are not here, I have to try if 'seeing things and thinking about people' is effective. Now It seems... the effect is very shallow."

After listening to the man's sweet talk, her cheeks were covered with a pink complexion.

The curtains reflected a layer of warm velvet moonlight, shining softly in Yiran's eyes. She was a little palpitated by Director Gu's gaze, so she could only look away and said: "...you are more eloquent than before, if I ever get into trouble with you , I definitely can't tell you... Hey, what are you doing looking at me all this time?"

A few traces of smiles appeared on Gu Tingchuan's lips, of course he wanted to kiss you again.

But Yiran didn't care about his inner os, but suddenly remembered that when she was in the car just now, the little assistant reminded her that she could occasionally post some "show affection" Weibo, which would help promote their healthy and intimate "husband and wife image" , It is also helpful to the company as a whole.

Yiran thought about the composition for a while, and asked the "old driver" Gu Tingchuan for his opinion. After listening to him, he looked at her tenderly, and patted the soft hair on the top of her head indulgently, "It's up to you to decide, I will cooperate." That's it."

She pondered for a while, and then came up with a look that had been planned in her heart for a long time.

That night, Yiran updated a Weibo post. The left corner of the photo was a hotel table, and the ipad on the table was lit with a line of black words on a white background, "Meet the Bright Moon Again".

Looking from the mirror beside the table, one can see an exceptionally tall and straight figure in this small area, reading a book with his head down. Although the mirror was somewhat reflective, it was enough for people to see that this was Gu Tingchuan's gentle and long silhouette, while the man's sideburns were neat, and the brilliance of his brows melted into the clear and clear moonlight.

A warm yellow filter was added to the photo, and Yiran’s accompanying text was also straightforward and sensational—the moon in my heart shines on Kyushu.

Now all the netizens understand, it's clearly the rhythm of dog abuse, Mrs. Gu went to visit the crew! !