A Lifetime of Peace and Care

Chapter 58: Take a break first


The fans who were affected at the scene screamed in fright, and Yiran raised his brows, uneasily tugging on the shirt behind the man, and tightened his fingers slightly.

Feeling her emotions, Gu Tingchuan gently patted the back of her hand with his backhand to comfort him, and told Xiao Zhao beside him, his eyes became more and more cold.

At this time, a large number of security personnel poured in to maintain order. However, there was a big man who was not stopped, who looked like a tall and thick man, rushed to the front row, holding a few eggs hidden somewhere in his hand, Throw it hard in the direction of Yiran and Gu Tingchuan!

Gu Tingchuan used his hands and body to block those dirty things, and a suit of high-end tailoring was thrown away like this.

The man wanted to come again, but he was dragged away by Director Gu's bodyguards in a blink of an eye, and he forced his hands to the ground, wailing loudly in pain.

Gu Tingchuan glanced at the stains on his body, Yiran took out a tissue from his bag, and wiped the sticky marks left by the egg yolk and egg white for him. An assistant handed him a towel, and he took it to clean his clothes.

She looked at the surrounding situation uneasy, but fortunately, the chaotic scene seemed to have calmed down a bit.

Several troublemakers have been caught, and Xiao Zhao has also called the police. The staff are trying their best to maintain the stability of the scene and arrange for the evacuation of the crowd in twos and threes. Day will be re-hosted.

"Xiao Zhao, you are responsible for leading people, first send Yiran back." Gu Tingchuan's voice was full of helplessness, but he still tried his best to behave in front of her as usual.

Yiran's face was a little pale, and he said uncertainly, "Shall I stay with you?"

Xiao Zhao came over to look at them, and first confirmed with his Shaodong: "Mr. Gu, do you want to ask these people first?"

Gu Tingchuan turned his gaze, and raised his chin slightly: "No, wait for the police to come and cooperate with the investigation of this matter. We must not tolerate this kind of person."

As he spoke, he paused before adding: "Yiran, we're not sure if they have other goals tonight, and we're not sure if they're done. If you stay here, I'll be worried."

Yiran knows that companionship is one way, but it is another way not to let the other party worry about it or drag it down.

She calmed down, but was still a little anxious, so she thought about what she should do in silence, but she didn't know what to do was the most correct way, so she didn't speak for a while.

After a moment of stalemate between each other, he finally sighed, and when he spoke again, his tone was more helpless and pleading: "I am fine now, but if you are here, I will definitely take care of you. So, you go back to your mother and stay there first." So, if it's too early for me to finish the matter, come to pick you up?"

Originally, it would be more reassuring for her to return home, but Gu Linfeng and the others are not in the country, and she would feel more at ease in her own home.

Yiran pursed her lips, thinking of the fact that if she doesn't see him tonight, she won't be able to sleep no matter what...

She had no choice but to calm down and look at the man, her voice was very firm: "Then I will go back first, but no matter how late it is, come and pick me up?"

Gu Tingchuan nodded when he saw her beautiful eyebrows twisted into a ball.

As he said, he was afraid that she would still be uneasy, so he rubbed his cheeks and said with sincerity: "Don't worry, I'm not in a bad mood. Compared with the blow to me from "The Way Back" before, this kind of thing is nothing like that. What kind of."

This sentence finally played some reassuring effect. She knows that she is taken seriously. If he needs her to accompany him, he will definitely say it. But I am afraid that if she stays here now, it will only cause more trouble, so she should go back and wait for news. Bar.

Yiran stood for a while, and saw that the police had arrived after hearing the news. She grabbed the man's slightly warm hand, suppressing the bursts of distress in her heart, and there was still some sourness extending from her nose.

Ever since she was with him, she also knew that the more frightened she was, the more she had to be calm.

"Then I'll go first, you can call me anytime."

Gu Tingchuan raised his hand and firmly held her back, lowered his body and pulled her into his arms, hugging her comfortingly, the anger and regret in his heart had already been more than half comforted by her distressed expression.

Back home, Yiran's parents were still asleep, and they were a little worried about their daughter's sudden arrival.

Yi's mother wore short-sleeved pajamas at home, went to the living room and turned on the headlights, and looked at her face nervously: "What's the matter, didn't you say that you and Ting Chuan will go to the premiere of that movie tonight?"

Yiran was afraid that they would worry about it if they knew about it, but it was impossible to hide it all the time, so he settled down and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly upwards: "There will be trouble at the premiere, and they have been arrested by the police. Tingchuan has to deal with the follow-up I'll come back and wait for him first."

Yi's father also came out of the room, frowning in disbelief: "Who are they? They are so courageous. Now that there are more and more legally illiterate people, they should call the police and arrest them all! Lock them up for a few years and reform them." Makeover!"

The things those bastards did on the spot were not really "serious", but the key points they chose made them more lethal.

Yiran is also tense with worry.

He is Gu Tingchuan, how many people will pay attention to his every word and deed, will watch on the sidelines, and will hide in the dark to watch a good show... Besides, this is a masterpiece that he needs to return to the top. People use it as an article.

Fortunately, Gu Tingchuan has more than this ability, and it is only a matter of time before he can handle these things well.

Yiran was still a little uneasy. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, changed her clothes, and walked around the living room aimlessly, looking around and looking around.

Yi's mother had a rare soft voice, looked at her daughter and asked, "Are you full tonight? We still have some food left, do you want some?"

Yiran shook his head, simply went to turn on the drinking fountain, took out the glass and put some tea in it, waited for two or three minutes to make a cup of hot tea first, to warm his heart.

"No need, you and dad can sleep first, I'll just wait for Ting Chuan to come back."

The two elders in the family finally went back to their room to rest. In fact, they couldn't have slept too much, but their mentality was no different from Yiran's, and they were afraid that the real emotions they showed would make the person more anxious and sad.

When we love someone, we always have the same mental activity, and we always act the same.

Thinking of this, Yiran smiled a little. She walked to the window of the living room, and as far as she could see, she could see the street lamps connected in a curve outside.

All night, she was holding her mobile phone, frequently checking the messages and time, just wondering if he would call suddenly.

After about an hour or so, Gu Tingchuan finally called and said that the transcript had been completed and he would wait for the results of the police interrogation.

Now on the way back.

Yiran took a sip of the tea she had just brewed. The temperature of the water had cooled down, but she was relieved a lot.

The night was peaceful and quiet, even the sound of Shuying shaking was very clear, Yiran talked to her parents and went downstairs to wait for the car.

Within a few minutes, the muffled sound of the car's engine came to her ears. She looked for the sound, and the headlights of the car turned the bleak road at night.

Sitting in the car, Yiran immediately saw Gu Tingchuan leaning on the back seat, with some tiredness between his brows, but when he looked at her, his eyes were slightly bent, and he said, "I'm here to pick you up, go home Bar."

The car restarted and meandered out of the community. She was anxious and observed his expression. The lights in the car were not turned on, and she could only see the dim silhouette in the shadows. From time to time, his stern side face was brightened.

"How? Specifically?"

"Five people were arrested. According to them, there are about seven accomplices in total. Some of them have criminal records. This time they will be detained for disturbing public order."

Yiran felt his heart pounding, he pursed his lips irritably, and lowered his eyes, and then the restlessness that was relieved slowly rose again: "Why do they have to do this?"

Gu Tingchuan rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand soothingly, "These people claimed to be Guo Baiyu's fans in the past, but now they feel that the 'goddess' has been defiled, and they are going to take revenge."

He paused here, and laughed hoarsely, "I don't think it looks like it at all. The police said they don't even know which movies Guo Baiyu has acted in."

Yiran thought for a while, and guessed according to his meaning: "There should be a mastermind behind the scenes?"

Gu Tingchuan smiled, now the company's public relations are writing a statement, and they will release it on various platforms as soon as possible. Anyway, the incident is getting worse, and the police quickly launched a deeper investigation. The Gu family has a strong foundation and a wide network of contacts. Things are not difficult.

Although Director Gu has always been a personable man, even if this matter does not directly involve Guo Baiyu, he still has something to do with her. It is impossible to let her go so easily. He has asked Xiao Zhao to contact Miss Guo's manager , Find out if there is anything wrong with this matter.

But it may not be appropriate to say that she directs and acts on her own, after all, outside public opinion has always been stricter on female stars.

Some doubts in Yiran's heart could not be answered for the time being, followed by worrying about the man's psychological state.

"Are you really okay?"

Seeing that Yiran missed herself so much, Gu Tingchuan looked at her quietly for a moment, "Although I feel irritated, what happened tonight has nothing to do with the quality of my work, and it won't hit me like last time."

He glanced at the flashing night scene behind her, and while she was distracted, he lowered his head and kissed her soft lips. The man's eyes were bright, but he really didn't see any signs of loss. .

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Yiran nodded, pulled his clothes, lowered her head and comforted him softly: "Well, then take a rest first."