A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don’t Forget Me

Chapter 110: Just like I stick to you


"How is it impossible!"

There was a voice from behind, and Wu Zhou's body suddenly stiffened. How did she find this place.

He stood tremblingly, not even daring to look at the bloody thing in front of him.

"Turn around and let me see how brave you are to dare to touch my people."

Ronghua swept over with his sword. Wu Zhou had been standing there unable to move since just now, so naturally he couldn't dodge Ronghua's move full of sword energy.

He hit the door frame hard and fell to the ground awkwardly, but Ronghua had no intention of pursuing him further and went directly to the person on the ground.

"Rong Nuan, how are you..."

She simply didn't dare to touch his body. His body was covered in blood and flesh. If Ronghua hadn't been able to recognize his aura, she wouldn't have believed that this person was Rong Nuan.

"Rong Nuan... are you in pain?"

Rong Nuan seemed to hear Rong Hua calling him in a daze. Did he hear wrongly, or was she really here

He managed to open his eyes, "... Huahua, is that you?"

Ronghua's golden eyes shed tears, "Well, I'm here, I'm here, do you still feel pain? I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Huahua, I...I hurt!"

He stretched out his hand with force and slowly stretched it towards Ronghua, but the burning pain in his body could not be concealed at all. The pain was so severe that Ronghua also looked distressed, but she did not dare to grab him, "I know, I know , that group of people, I won’t let them go.”

Rong Hua's crystal eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then she wrapped her hands around his hand, but stopped a centimeter away from his hand. The golden light in her body spread along her arms to Rong Nuan.

"Huahua me, ah..."

Golden light covered his body, and the pain of reshaping his body was unbearable for ordinary people.

Rong Nuan yelled, and the next second he opened his eyes and saw Rong Hua healing his injuries, but the pain in his body could not be stopped at all.

"Rong Nuan, just be patient, just be patient and you'll be fine."

She knew he was in pain, but she couldn't bear to do this. It was the only way to make him reborn, so she had to do it.

Rong Nuan gasped, desperately trying to grasp Rong Hua's life-saving straw.

Looking into Rong Hua's eyes, there were still those golden pupils, without any change, but now Rong Hua's face only showed worry.

He suddenly felt no pain, because Ronghua really came to save him, and she did not break her promise, she would protect him.


"Shh!" Rong Hua motioned to him, "Don't talk, wait until you recover from your injury, okay!"

He looked at her dullly, and then nodded with difficulty, enduring the pain in great pain.

Who can understand the pain of reshaping the body when golden light enters the body.

Rong Hua finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Rong Nuan, who was originally bloody and bloody, could now see some features.

"It's okay. It'll be fine soon. Don't be afraid while I'm here."

While Rong Hua was concentrating on treating him, Wu Zhou next to him finally struggled to stand up and looked at Rong Hua who was healing the man with terrifying eyes.

He squeezed his hands tightly, and the jealousy in his heart arose spontaneously. He could no longer describe his hatred towards Ronghua as a sea of resentment. Why could this human being be saved by Ronghua's golden light, but they had to end up like this? A restless ending.

Why? !

Because the resentment in his heart is hard to get rid of, and Ronghua killed his father, under these two circumstances, it is impossible for Wu Zhou to have a good look towards Ronghua.

He secretly raised the knife. After being seriously injured by Ronghua, his spiritual energy had not recovered much, but now he was attacking from behind. He believed that Ronghua did not have the ability to react this way.

Sure enough, Wu Zhou's knife went down, but before Ronghua could turn around and the ice edge in his hand did not block it, Wu Zhou's knife followed the ice edge in Ronghua's hand and stabbed into Ronghua's back.

Rong Hua remained silent, but directly dropped the ice edge. He continued to treat Rong Nuan with one hand, while the other hand followed the knife that penetrated her body. The ice spread to his hand. Wu Zhou probably didn't expect Rong Nuan. Hua was so injured that she could still use magic. He hurriedly let go of the knife, staggered back, leaned against the wall, and looked at her while panting.

I saw Rong Hua looking at him with narrowed eyes, "You actually dare to come."

The golden pupils in Rong Hua's eyes flashed, and a violent aura followed. Rong Nuan's injury cannot be delayed, but this person is here now, and there is some trouble.

"Princess Ronghua!" He gritted his teeth and said, "You can treat an unrelated person so hard, how can you be so cruel to us."

Rong Hua's face was gloomy, as if she was about to kill someone in the next second, but she didn't dare to move a step now. If she was delayed, she was afraid that Rong Nuan would be responsible for it.

"You are just a cold-blooded animal and a heartless person."

Rong Hua didn't speak, but silently conveyed the golden light.

Wu Zhou also saw the movements behind Rong Hua, "You have never used this golden light on us, but now you are spending a lot of golden light to repair him. You are really good at it!"

Rong Hua still didn't speak, but she was secretly accumulating strength in her hands, "You and your father, I didn't plan to kill you originally, but since you did it and showed no repentance, you said I can still keep you alive. Come down and fight against me?"

"So you killed my father?"

Wu Zhou was a little angry, and it was obvious that he might lose his mind, but Rong Hua still didn't take action.

"Otherwise? Keep him and fatten him up before killing him."

Wu Zhou was speechless immediately. Should he laugh at Rong Hua's words

Rong Nuan was originally sitting on the ground, but thanks to Rong Hua's golden light, he recovered well and had some ability to move.


Hearing the cry, Rong Hua turned sideways and said, "Rong Nuan, you're okay."

He nodded, "Huahua, let's go!"

Walk! He was scared.

That's right, after being skinned and tortured for so long, I have long been deeply afraid of this place, but now I have to deal with this person first.

Ronghua stepped back and used a big fur to cover the new skin on his body, because the newly grown Qi was like a newborn baby, fragile and sensitive, but also very white and tender, "Come on, get up, let's leave, let's Leave now."

Rong Nuan was nestled in her arms, bent over, unwilling to raise his head, holding Rong Hua's hand with both hands, still trembling slightly.

"Huahua, let's leave now."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at her helplessly, and she could see that Rong Nuan wanted to leave.

"Okay, we'll leave right away!"

Rong Hua supported him and was about to leave, but Wu Zhou stood in front of them, "Where are you going? None of you are allowed to go without my permission."

Wu Zhou had almost fallen into a state of madness, and the knife in his hand was pointed directly at Rong Hua and the others.

"You'd better get out of my way, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what if you continue to take away my talents just like you took away my father's talents?"

Rong Hua could see that Wu Zhou's eyes were wide with anger, and he obviously had lost his mind. "How about I give up your talent for the time being?"

"Hmph, do you think this is charity? I tell you I don't need it. Do you think everyone wants this talent? This is a burden."

Rong Hua was dissatisfied, "It's a burden. Not everyone can have this burden."

"So..." Ronghua waved and stood up, "You and I get out of the way!"

The ice punishment hit him directly. Wu Zhou couldn't dodge and couldn't catch it. He was knocked directly to the outside of the house. Rong Hua hugged Rong Nuan and approached him step by step. "It's best not to let me do it again." See you, otherwise, I will make you regret having this gift.”

Wu Zhou looked at Rong Hua and left step by step, but he was unable to stop him and couldn't move at all.

His body was bleeding non-stop, and he was seriously injured after being beaten again. It would be impossible for him to recover in less than ten days and a half.

Rong Hua reached out and closed the barrier door, "Reflect on it carefully. You can't leave here until your injury is healed."

Rong Nuan looked at her and said, "Huahua."

Then Rong Hua looked at him gently and said, "Let's go back to Qin Zong, okay!"


In Qin Zong, Murong Zhe kept sighing and looking at this place. Qin Zong was in a world of ice and snow, but this state could not be maintained for long, but now he didn't know what to do.

"Ronghua, why are you coming back? I can't control this blood-soaked lotus."

Xia Pumo was also very worried and looked at him, "It's cold outside, Azhe. Come in!"

Xia Pumo stood at the door and did not come out. His body was already weak, and Murong Zhe's toiling day and night made it even worse.

After coughing twice, Murong Zhe felt distressed after hearing it, "What are you doing out here? If you are weak, don't bother yourself. Come in quickly. I'm enough here."

Having said that, the Xinxue Hanlian became more and more raging and became uncontrollable.

"But if Rong Hua doesn't come back, this place will be out of control."

"Then why did she leave before?"

"She said she was going to save people."


"I won't be back for a while."

The two of them were startled. Who was talking

"Who? Who's talking?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here." Murong Zhe hugged Xia Pumo, comforting him and wiping some oil along the way.

"It's me, Rong Hua. I'm talking to you through voice transmission, you know?"

"Ronghua? How long until you come back?"

Xia Pumo looked around, but Ronghua was not here.

"You don't need to worry about this, it's just that Xinxuehanlian is about to end, and now I will directly tell you how to end it."


"Oh, wait, you have to remember the fledgling effect, understand?"


Murong Zhe didn't understand what this had to do with the fledgling effect.

"What's the relationship between this?"

"Of course there is. You all know that a newborn bird will regard the first creature it sees as its mother. It is also called imprinting learning in animal behavior. Imprinting learning is the early learning method of animals after birth. , with a specific sensitive period.”

Murong Zhe felt a little helpless, "Your Highness Ronghua, we use Xinxuehanlian, Xinxuehanlian, do you understand?"

"I understand, but Xinxuehanlian is similar to this. Xinxuehanlian can be used now. Do you understand?"

"What... mean?" Xia Pumo obviously didn't understand what this meant.