A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don’t Forget Me

Chapter 59: Are you afraid of me?


Facing the boundless darkness, Rong Hua still chose to open her eyes and look up at the stars.

Countless nights were spent like this, no big deal.

Suddenly she saw the big python that was frozen by her. Having been frozen in her ice for so long, there must be no life left. Ronghua stood up and walked over to the big python that had been frozen when he came up. He always felt that something was wrong. How could such a thing exist in such a place

First-order black pythons generally only live in sparsely populated areas and will not come out until they grow up. Extremely difficult to catch. Moreover, he appeared at the right time, probably when she jumped into the water to calm down, which happened to be a critical moment in her training, and almost caused the spiritual power she had finally absorbed to fail. I always think these are too coincidental.

It doesn't look like an accident, but like someone did it on purpose.

There are still traces of his attack on Rong Nuan on the ground. Such a big hole shows how much force he used. At least a long time has passed since Rong Nuan entered the water. It seems that he hasn't moved even after such a long time. Isn't he willing to change places? He chose this place and waited dryly. How was he sure that Rong Nuan would definitely come out, and it would be the same place.

Is someone controlling him

Controlling snakes without being discovered by her, could it be... Pluto Guard Lian? Is he here

I looked around, but I don't know where he is? Choosing such a low-level approach is not in line with his approach.

Apart from Pluto Wei Lian, Rong Nuan was the only one on the shore at that time. Did he have any purpose? Be sure to keep an eye on her at all times.

Thinking about it this way, he really had a problem. Looking at Rong Nuan's peaceful sleeping face, I couldn't do anything, and I didn't want to explain too much. Everyone has secrets. He didn't tell me, and I didn't ask. As long as he doesn't hurt himself or do anything else out of line, she doesn't care so much.

It depends on when you reveal your flaws.

Adjusting the string of beads on her hand, this was the most direct way for her to contact the abyss. She asked him to check something before, and counting the days, he should have found it!

Moreover, how long has it been since she contacted Abyss. As soon as the beads moved, the special bead on it lit up. He turned around and smashed the ice block holding the python with his palm. It would be better for this kind of thing not to exist.

The big python that was broken into ice slag had an imperceptible aura, and when Ronghua turned around, it disappeared in an instant. But she still saw a little bit, "What is that?" She gathered them in her hands, and when she was about to check, the abyss appeared and covered up the aura.

As soon as Abyss appeared in front of Ronghua, she was frightened. His face was livid, and he was obviously furious to the point of despair. He must have just appeared and disturbed the princess, so he naturally said nothing, waiting to be punished. After a while, he saw that Ronghua didn't have an attack, but his expression was still strange, "Princess? What's wrong with you?"

Rong Hua stopped thinking about checking, closed her eyes, and opened them to the normal black color again. She said calmly, "It's nothing. How is the matter you were asked to check?"

Abyss said, "Back to the princess, I found it. According to the princess's request, I went to find those...gods. Most of them gathered in the human race, some were high-profile and some were low-key, but fortunately they were not discovered. Young Master Some of them live in the demon clan and are protected by Demon King Shi Gong, but generally they rarely appear in front of people and hide well."

"Hiding very well? Yan Gong actually kept his promise." Ronghua sneered, "Do they think I can't be found if they hide? Or do they think they can stay out of it?"

The abyss trembled, and he knew that Rong Hua was in a state of anger now, with some insignificant breath, "Princess, they... also had no choice but to do that..."

"Forced? Did I ask them to leave the God Clan? What did I ask them to do?" Ronghua's aura was a little disordered, and Abyss looked at her being so angry and didn't know how to explain it. He lowered his head and remained silent. At this time, it was better to shut up.

"Give them the news. If they still think they are Gods, then do what Gods should do. Don't wait until I regret it. They... will have no chance."

Abyss said, "Princess, what if they still don't want to come out to fight?"

Rong Hua looked at him coldly, "Have you lived in those places for too long and forgotten who you are? Don't you remember how I dealt with the traitors of the Gods?"

Abyss was hit hard in his heart. He released someone who betrayed the God Clan, opened the gate, and prepared to bring people to join the God Clan. After Princess Ronghua found out, she directly withdrew that person's talent and expelled the God Clan, in order to prevent any outsiders from knowing the location of the God Clan. , and directly destroyed them in the name of natural disaster.

It directly shattered their illusion of attacking the Gods.

Ronghua squatted down and looked into the abyss, "I'm not that ignorant person. You should know my way of doing things."

Abyss tried his best to lower his voice, "Yes, princess!"

Just as he was about to leave, Rong Hua stopped him again, "Wait a minute."

He stopped and continued to say respectfully, "Princess, do you have any other instructions?"

Ronghua threw him a token, "Activate it, let the news go out, and say that I'm back. If you don't show up to fight for the gods, then I can only take back their talents, and tell those short-sighted people." Thing, don’t think about getting close to me. Recently, I’ve been recovering my spiritual power here very slowly! I don’t mind going faster.”

Abyss suddenly didn't recognize Rong Hua anymore. The princess had murderous intentions. Could it be that after staying in the demon clan for 100,000 years, her character had changed

Taking back their talents means that they can no longer appear as a god, and can only appear as an ordinary person. In serious cases, they may even die. Even if one day, Rong Hua can lead the gods to ascend to the status of god, they will not be able to obtain the talent.

"Yes -" No matter what, the princess's order cannot be violated. But looking at Rong Hua's current state, I'm afraid I can't mess with her anymore and I have to let her calm down.

"...and Princess Lingxi?" Don't we need to look for her

After hearing Lingxi, she calmed down a bit, "Go on, I want her to be safe and sound."

"Yes!" As expected, it was Princess Lingxi who could calm her down.

As soon as the smoke passed by, he left the place.

Rong Hua calmed down and walked over to sit next to Rong Nuan.

Indulgence is not only congenial, but I also seem to have an indescribable indulgence towards him. Like Xia Pumo, he has only known him for a short time, but I always feel that I have more patience with him.

"Who are you? I can't see through your heart!" She stroked his forehead and brushed away the excess hair. She put her hand on his forehead, but still couldn't see anything.

Ronghua, who has no extra strength, still has an ability - mind reading. As long as she can touch a person, she can see through this what that person's inner world is thinking.

I used to rely on this method to know what Pluto Wei Lian wanted, but now...

Since she met him, she has touched him more than once, but she has never seen his heart even a little bit. Is he born with a protective shield? Just like her? That 'protective shield'


Her left hand is the polar ice, but her right hand is the fire of nothingness. Don't get close to strangers who are born with it. No one in the history of the Protoss has such a talent. Apart from her, not even the previous God Emperor had such a talent.

No one dares to get close to her, let alone touch her. Sometimes, she feels a little disgusted with herself. Why is she a born lonely patient

The polar ice was something she was born with, so she was top-notch in that aspect, but the fire only came later. When did it start

Mother said, this fire from hell.

Although he follows her and protects herself, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he was born with it. It seems like it was given by someone else to protect myself.

Although he has been following me, I don’t know when he started, whether it is good or bad for me!

"Cough cough cough~~" Rong Nuan suddenly made a sound, startling Rong Hua.

"Rong Nuan, are you okay?" Follow his breath and cross over, hoping this will be better for him.

He slowly opened his eyes, and when he regained consciousness, he saw Ronghua's face clearly. He remembered what happened before he fell into coma, and pushed her away suddenly. Ronghua was a little surprised and reached out to pull him, "What's wrong?"

Rong Nuan opened Rong Hua's hand, stepped back and gasped, his eyes wide open, as if he didn't recognize Rong Hua, he turned around, got up and ran away, Rong Hua was a little helpless, he was frightened, the voice He said a little more gently, "Rong Nuan, stop!"

But Rong Nuan Fei Fei didn't stop, but ran faster and faster, "Rong Nuan!!" Rong Hua said angrily.

"I say it again, stop or else..."

Ignoring Ronghua, he continued running. Ronghua pursed her lips and was no longer gentle, "You asked for this!"

Rong Hua put away her smile, snapped her fingers with her left hand, and an ice wall appeared not far in front of him.

But Rong Nuan still didn't stop. He saw the ice wall and knew that this was Ronghua's power, but he was betting that Ronghua would not hurt him.

Sure enough, just when he was about to approach the ice wall, his feet suddenly became unable to move. He lowered his head and saw that Rong Hua had actually frozen his feet. He moved angrily, "Why! Let me go!" He yelled, "Let me go! Let me go!"

Rong Hua walked over coldly, "Let you go?"


Rong Hua approached him, "I gave you what you wanted, and now you tell me that you want to leave?"

He said with a slight breath, "You..." will kill me!

"Are you scared?" Rong Hua touched his body.

"I... you will... kill me!"

Rong Hua was a little funny, "Killing you? Does it make sense?" And, are you worthy of me doing this

He was suddenly choked and speechless, "Then why are you doing this, knocking me out at every turn, and then..."

"Did I hurt you?"

He was a little bit annoyed. He had no reason to guarantee that she wouldn't hurt him, but after so long, she really didn't do anything to hurt herself.

"You've just… "

"What happened to me just now?" Rong Hua interrupted him, "Did I want to kill you? You ran so neatly."

He lowered his head and said dullly, "...No."

Rong Hua was a little amused, "No? You're not... afraid! Do you want to betray me and leave?"

He remained silent, which was considered an admission, "I remember I said that the person who betrayed me is already with Huang Quan."

"If I want to kill you, do I need to go to such trouble? And will I kill people indiscriminately? The last person who wanted to escape had already gone to hell." Rong Hua's voice suddenly turned cold.

He suddenly trembled again and felt a sinister wind blowing through him. He couldn't be next! He wanted to step back but couldn't move because his feet were frozen, "Rong... Ronghua, I didn't, I... you..." Don't kill me!

Looking at his frightened expression, I felt that I couldn't scare him any more. If I scared him more, he might not leave. By then, I would be the one who would be tired. "Okay." Ronghua unlocked his restraint, "I won't I will kill you. If I want to kill you, I would have killed you a long time ago and there is no need to wait until now. It was an unintentional method before, but from now on, you will know!"