A Lucky Coin

Chapter 12


Yan Hang stood there, until the figure of the first day of the day was no longer visible, he lighted a cigarette in his mouth, turned and walked back slowly.

The sentence in the first grade made him feel a little unspeakable.

Will leave sooner or later.

This is what he thinks wherever he goes, except for the never-ending unknown, he won't have any other feelings.

Because he has no contact with anywhere.

I'm here, I'm leaving, there is no trace of me in this place where I once lived.

So there is no emotion to come and go.

But now when he heard something like this on the first day of the junior high school, he would feel a little stunned.

He left a trace here. There is a little boy who is in the second grade of junior high school and will remember him.

One day when he looks back, there will be some pictures, and the memory of a certain city will no longer be just a simple place name.

When I got home, my father had finished taking a shower and changed his pajamas, and everything on the table was packed in the kitchen, but he didn't wash it, and it was all piled up in the sink.

Yan Hang ate all-you-can-eat after running. He was a bit lazy at the moment, so he also sat on the sofa and froze.

Dad is watching night news. Except for first- and second-tier cities, there is not much news in a city that is not enough for one day. These news are read and rebroadcast in the afternoon, and there will be a summary on Sunday. Yan Hang feels that he only needs dad. At home, he can recite the news of the day.

"Will you go for a run tomorrow with the first day of the new year?" Dad asked.

"Well, let's run, I would have to run anyway," Yan Hang said.

"Very good," Dad nodded and stood up, "I'm going to sleep."

"Just eat belly meat and then go to sleep?" Yan Hang glanced at him, "Middle-aged people are especially prone to get blessed, don't you be wary of your belly."

"Don't be jealous of my figure." Dad stretched out and went back to the room.

To go to work tomorrow, Yan Hang has to put himself asleep tonight. After playing with his mobile phone in the living room for a while, he took a shower and went back to the house.

After lying in bed for a long time, he was not drowsy at all. He took the phone and clicked on WeChat, checked the Moments, and saw the small expressions posted on the first day of the first hour in a bunch of messages from various businesses.

It's a pretty "smile".

Very inconspicuous, you can't find it even if you swipe it quickly.

Yan Hang smiled, wondering what the little expressions on the first day of the first year meant to him.

After looking at the phone for a while, but still not sleepy, Yan Hang clicked on another movie.

Ghost film.

After watching it for half an hour, I didn't see it. I was so frightened that the BGM and the heroine screamed every five minutes, so I turned it off.

They were all scared, and they looked very bright.

He had to get up, go to the living room and pour himself a glass of water, ready to take medicine.

When he returned to the house, he saw that the lights were still on in his father’s room. It has been more than an hour since his father entered the house. Dad slept well, especially this kind of night when he ate supper and drank alcohol. The lights will be turned off in ten minutes.

If he can't sleep for such a long time, Dad will come over to see if he is asleep, and if he is still awake, he will chat for a while, but Dad didn't look for him today.

Yan Hang hesitated, walked to the door lightly, and listened to the movement in the room.

It's very quiet and I can't hear anything, but I can smell a very faint smell of smoke.

I stayed up at night, smoked in the hiding place, and I could smell the scent when I smoked it to the edge of the door. This is a state that my dad rarely sees.

For so many years, except for his uncertain whereabouts and occasional injuries, he has been fairly healthy, and he has almost never smoked like this.

Yan Hang raised his hand to knock on the door, but he didn't knock until his hand became sore.

Finally he went back to his room, took two pills and fell asleep.

The medicine is still useful. I fell asleep anyway, but when I woke up in the morning, I felt my head swelled.

Yan Hang slowly walked out of the room, holding his 86-jin head, and took a look at his father's side. The door of the room had been opened.

He walked over and took a look inside. Dad was not inside, and then looked back at the shoe rack. Dad's shoes were not there. He should have gone out.

He entered the room and opened all the windows that were only open.

Dad has the habit of folding quilts when he gets up, so I can’t tell whether he slept or not last night, but the smell of smoke in the house has not completely dissipated proves that he hasn’t slept for a long time even if he slept. This smell, midnight They should all be smoking.

After washing his heavy head and thinking about something to eat for breakfast, the door of the living room rang, and Yan Hang turned his head. Dad came in early, carrying a bag of steam.

"Did you buy it earlier?" Yan Hang asked.

"You didn't go to bed yesterday," Dad put the bag on the table, "I went to buy it very intimately. Yesterday on the first day of the first day of the day, I told me that there is a shop that sells early breakfast and has many varieties."

"You two are still talking about this?" Yan Hang took out the small lunch boxes in the bag one by one, "the same as the two old ladies."

"We are talking about people's livelihood," the old man said. "How can the old lady be as advanced as ours."

"... Oh," Yan Hang looked at the breakfast in the lunch box. It was indeed a complete variety, and the presentation was good. He took a box of his favorite pumpkin pie and took a bite. "What else did he talk about? People's livelihood?"

"I also told me that there are a few clothes sellers in the vegetable market. Although the location is awkward, the quality of the clothes is good and cheap." Dad said with a smile, "But after he finished speaking, he thought we would not go there to buy. Clothes, this kid is poor and funny, but he still feels inferior."

"Just like his grandma, most children have low self-esteem," Yan Hang said. "His mother seems to be... not so good."

When talking about grandma and mother, Yan Hang didn't feel anything like this, but today he squatted inexplicably.

Dad should have noticed it too, and sighed softly.

Yan Hang stopped speaking and continued to eat breakfast.

Dad stood up and walked behind him: "Prince prince, did he get his head heavier after not sleeping well?"

"Well, more than two hundred catties." Yan Hang said.

Dad stretched out his hand and scratched his head, the weight was appropriate, his scalp suddenly became loose, he leaned back in the chair and asked Dad to continue to massage him.

Dad moved from the top of his head to the back of his head, then to the back of his neck, and then to his shoulders. He was very dedicated and dedicated.

"Come back tonight with some food and wine," Dad said, "drink two cups and have a chat."

"What are you talking about?" Yan Hang asked.

"What do you want to talk about?" Dad tapped on his shoulder.

Yan Hang bit his lip and made up his mind to have a minute before he spoke: "Talk about how my mother died."

Dad quickly paused with his hand tapping on his right shoulder, and then continued tapping to his left shoulder: "Okay."

On the first day of the junior high school, I felt I was going to be late, and I got up 20 minutes later than usual.

He doesn't have an alarm clock. The mobile phone alarm clock is too slow, either it doesn't ring or it can't be turned off, so he always wakes up by the biological clock. If the biological clock fails, then he will not be called to him until noon when he sleeps.

But I will be scolded when I get up.

"The grades are not very good, and I still have the face to overslept," the grandmother sneered, "I can't even get up when I get out of bed, waste!"

I didn't speak on the first day of the new year, so I washed up quickly, grabbed my schoolbag and ran out the door.

As soon as he ran out of the corridor, he saw a few people standing at the corner of the building from a distance. He stopped abruptly, turned and ran in the opposite direction.

That was Liang Bing and a few of his friends. It seemed that they had just returned from a night of fun. This is the time when they need to be refreshed. You can't let him go by kicking him. It's better for him to avoid them.

Just go out in the opposite direction and have to detour to school.

There is no time to eat early, so you can be late.

From elementary school to middle school in the first year of junior high school, the number of late arrivals can be counted more than a V.

He is particularly unwilling to be late, unwilling to sit in the whole class, and the teacher enters the classroom only after standing on the podium, so no matter what, he must work hard not to be late.

I shouldn't be late today. I ran all the way without eating early, and I could almost arrive just before the school closed.

If it weren't for dreaming all night and not sleeping well yesterday, he wouldn't have returned to sleep until dawn, he was a little depressed.

But it was also quite magical, there was Yan Hang in all dreams this night.

Yan Hang led him by the river, Yan Hang jogged with him, Yan Hang had barbecue with him, Yan Hang took a steel bar and said, "This is a steel bar."

Actually, it's not magical. You can think about it by day and dream by night.

Yan Hang is the one he has been looking forward to one day that he can communicate and chat normally with him like ordinary people and ordinary friends.

After waiting for a long time, once I met, the impression would be deep into my dream.

When I ran to the school, the teacher who happened to be on duty was about to close the door. On the first day of the new year, he took the speed of escape and rushed over.

Four or five students who ran into the school with him were all stopped by the teacher.

The school is very strict. Those who come in when the door is closed are considered late and will be deducted points.

But he was not stopped on the first day of the junior high school. When he rushed in from the two teachers, the teacher didn't seem to see him.

Stealth succeeded.

He squeezed the steel jersey in his pocket, who was wearing a small leather jacket.

Sure enough, it became fine and useful.

Li Zihao hasn't bothered him in the past few days, nor has he come to ask him if he has brought him to Yan Hang.

Of course, it was impossible to really bring that sentence to Yan Hang in the first year of junior high school. In his opinion, the sentence was of the same nature as "You wait for me", it was just a process.

When the atmosphere is there, you have to talk.

As for after speaking, I am afraid that the owner of this sentence may not remember it.

Compared to Li Zihao, Liang Bing is the one who will make the first day of the first year uneasy.

Those classmates who troubled him are all pseudo-pussy, not even the pseudo-pussy, they just go with him and trouble him.

But Liang Bing is not, Liang Bing is a real bastard.

The kind that meets him is best to take a detour.

People in the residential area at home frowned when they mentioned Liang Bing.

Not to mention the ability, mainly shameless.

Even the grandmother who has been invincible all his life would not play against Liang Bing under normal circumstances.

I felt very unlucky on the first day of the junior high school. I met Liang Bing when I was in school, and I could still meet him after school.

Liang Bing didn't go far away, and his range of activities was in his home. It was probably his safe zone, and he might be cleaned up by others when he got out of this area.

In short, when school is over at noon, I want to go back from the small street in front of Yan Hang’s house on the first day of the year. That is the shortest way for him to go home. He usually walks here. As a result, as soon as he arrived at the intersection, he saw Liang Bing swaying on the road. Dangling.

Fortunately, with his back to this side, I didn't see him, so I could only go forward on the first day of the junior high school and go back a long way.

As a result, when I circled around and just arrived at the intersection, I saw Liang Bing wave on him again.

Is this patrolling the street

"Ah!" He yelled a little annoyedly on the first day of the junior high school, and could only turn around again.

When he returned to the street, he was a little angry.

No longer had the idea of going home for dinner, he took out his cell phone and called his mother.

"There's something at school, something is going on, at noon I..." He was interrupted by his mother before he finished speaking.

"It's OK, I don't want to come back for dinner, right?" Mom said, "Bring some noodles when you come back in the afternoon. Do you still have money there?"

"Yes." said the first day.

"Your dad is at home today. Come back and ask your dad to give you the noodle money." Mom said.

"Oh." The first one responded.

After the phone call, he lost his target. After walking around the street for a while, he crossed the bridge and wanted to eat bowl of noodles.

After walking two steps, he stopped. Yan Hang should be working in the western restaurant here

He was suddenly agitated, and while walking inside, he took out his cell phone and sent a message to Yan Hang.

-Which western restaurant is your part-time job

After waiting for a long time, Yan Hang didn't reply to him. He checked the time, and suddenly realized that it was time for dinner. Yan Hang was probably busy.

He suddenly felt embarrassed, so he put the phone back in his pocket and walked along the road.

Not long after I was young, I saw a western restaurant with a sign for recruiting people at the door.

He stopped and looked inside. It should be this one? But I didn't see Yan Hang.

He hesitated, leaned against a tree next to him, and continued to look inside.

Only two or three minutes later, a person walked out from inside. He didn't dare to look at his face on the first day of the new year.

"Go in?" The man walked up to him and asked.

"Ah." Hearing this sound, he raised his head on the first day.

Yan Hang was wearing a restaurant uniform with a black background and red edges, and he also wore an apron.

The uniforms are very ugly, and they can compete with their school uniforms, but Yan Hang's clothes are quite pleasing to the eye.

"I invite you to dinner," Yan Hang tilted his head, "Come on."

He followed him into the restaurant on the first day of the junior high school.

good smell.

The whole restaurant is filled with the aroma of food, with the aroma of baked dim sum, coffee, and the meat of various steaks, pork chops and lamb chops.

This is the first time he has entered a western restaurant.

Last year, my aunt wanted to take him to eat western food, but my mother refused to let him go. In the end, my aunt could only pack two steaks and bring it to him.

Grandma scolded all night while eating.

I ate a few mouthfuls carefully on the first day of the new year, but I didn't taste it.

"Sit here," Yan Hang led him to the corner by the window, "wait for me."

"Yan Hang," stopped him on the first day of the new year, "have you got off work?"

"After get off work, take turns eating now," Yan Hang said, "Sit down and wait for me."

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

Yan Hang walked away. He was still a little nervous. There were a few tables of customers in the shop at the moment, all of them were eating and chatting in a low voice, looking very advanced.

When he sits here in a ragged school uniform, it looks like he has entered the wrong door.

Fortunately, Yan Hang came over soon, with a pizza in his hand and two drinks.

I quickly stood up on the first day of the junior high school, ready to pick it up.

"Sit down," Yan Hang said, putting pizza and drinks on the table, "there is no door in the back kitchen, do you still want to go in and help people wash the dishes?"

"Yes, OK." Chuyi smiled and sat back on the chair.

"I'll give you a steak," Yan Hang said. "It'll be fine in a while, what kind of juice do you want?"

"Juice?" On the first day of the month, he was stunned, looking at the drink in front of him, "Isn't there, there is juice, is it?"

"Black pepper," Yan Hangle said, "I like black pepper juice."

On the first day of the junior high school, he still didn't recover. He didn't realize until Yan Hang smiled and walked away. He was talking about the juice poured on the steak.

While waiting for the steak, he saw Yan Hang serving the two tables of guests.

very nice.

Yan Hang's movements are very natural, but every movement is handsome. He even saw a young lady at a table taking a mobile phone out to take pictures.

I felt very inspired in the first year of junior high school, so I also took out my mobile phone.

When he saw Yan Hang approaching with a tray covered by a large lid, he concealed his phone at Yan Hang.


It wasn't until Yan Hang walked to the front that the phone's shutter clicked.

I photographed a huge vaguely white lid.

However, compared to the failure of the sneak shot, the click of the phone is the most depressing for the first day of the junior high school.

"Do you want to take a photo of me or a steak?" Yan Hang opened the lid and glanced at him. The smile on the corner of his mouth was almost overwhelming.

"You," Chu Yi looked at the steak, "the phone is not, it doesn't match, hey."

"Your phone should be replaced," Yan Hang poured black pepper sauce on the steak and sat down. "My dad has a mobile phone that has just been replaced. It has been used for a year. Would you like to use it?"

"I have," said the first day, "new."

Yan Hang looked at him.

"Ping, what about Apple," Chu Yi sighed, "My aunt gave it to me. I didn't dare to let it. My mom knows, I know."

"Then your mother didn't say anything when you took the shoes back last time, and didn't let a new mobile phone be used?" Yan Hang said.

"Little, aunt, no." Chuyi looked at the steak.

"Steak yours," Yan Hang picked up a piece of pizza, "Let's eat the pizza together."

The two of us.


Suddenly there is a very comfortable warmth on the first day of the new year.

After the warmth, I remembered: "You don’t, don’t eat... Can’t you eat, are you full?"

"Talk about tongue twisters," Yan Hang smiled, "I'm in a bad mood today, I can't eat anything, just eat it."

"Oh." Hesitantly picked up the knife and fork on the first day of the day.

I've seen how to use a knife and fork on TV, but it was the first time to eat like this. He cut it very carefully, for fear of accidentally throwing the meat over to Yan Hang.

Yan Hang will also have a bad mood.

Then Yan Hang, who is free and unscrupulous, will be in a bad mood

"You... what?" asked in a low voice on the first day of the new year.

"I want to chat with my dad tonight." Yan Hang said.

Lu Yi looked at him with a piece of meat, but didn't understand.

"There are some things you want to know, but you are afraid to know," Yan Hang said while eating pizza. "It's best if you don't know, but you really don't know and you don't think it's true. Okay. It may be all imaginary in the first place."

On the first day of the junior high school, I was stunned for a long time and didn't understand what Yan Hang was talking about: "You can speak Chinese, and you can speak well, just like English and Chinese."

"Damn," Yan Hang smiled, "illiterate."

"I'm in junior or middle school," said the first day of junior high school, "illiterate."

Yan Hang couldn't laugh at all, leaning on the back of the chair without stopping for a long time.

Looking at him on the first day of the junior high school, he felt that Yan Hang smiled beautifully and looked very happy.

Why is it still in a bad mood