A Lucky Coin

Chapter 25


Yan Hang followed his father to many places, but it was the first time to fly by plane.

Dad was afraid of heights. He used to take him to ride the Ferris wheel. He almost gave his last words to him when he didn't feel anything at all.

Yan Hang smiled.

The plane hadn't taken off yet, so he stared at the ground paled by the sun outside the window.

"Do you want a blanket?" Cui Yi asked, "Fly for an hour and a half, you can sleep for a while."

"For an hour and a half, flying three back and forth can almost wait for the miracle to appear and feel a little sleepy," Yan Hang said, "I'll be stunned for a while."

"I contacted the doctor for you," Cui Yi said. "After you get to the place, take a good rest for a week, and then go to talk?"

"Yeah." Yan Hang nodded.

"I thought you would refuse," Cui Yi smiled, "So cooperate."

"Who wouldn't want to feel better," Yan Hang said, "I don't really want to die."

Cui Yi didn't speak, and patted him on the shoulder.

Today's plane was delayed by half an hour, which is fairly fast.

When the broadcast asked everyone to turn off their phones, Cui Yi glanced at him: "Is it turned off?"

"It was closed when I went to see you, and it has not been opened." Yan Hang said.

"Did you say goodbye to your friends?" Cui Yi asked.

"... Friend," Yan Hang paused, and his mood fell for a while when he thought of the first day of the junior high school, "No."

Cui Yi was stunned: "Didn't I tell my friend to leave?"

"No." Yan Hang said.

Cui Yi looked at him silently.

"I... Actually," Yan Hang said hesitantly, his voice very soft, "I don't know how to say goodbye."

"Have you never said goodbye to anyone?" Cui Yi also lowered his voice.

"Well," Yan Hang turned his head and looked at the slowly moving scenery outside the window, "I haven't known anyone anywhere, so I don't need to say goodbye."

"Oh." Cui Yi replied, and sighed after thinking about it.

"I don't know what to say," Yan Hang said, "he will not be sad."

"Who?" Cui Yi asked.

"A child." Yan Hang smiled.

Cui Yi's home is in a quiet second-tier city. Yan Hang has never been with his father, but he has been to a small town next to him. The scenery is very good. There is a river that is much more beautiful than the one next to the first tree cave.

They only lived there for half a month, and Yan Hang would sit by the river for a while every day.

On the day he left, he saw two dredgers, and the clear river water was instantly stirred into yellow soup.

If he left one day earlier, he would always remember the clear and pleasant look of the river.

"I rented you a house in the same community as my family," Cui Yi said. "Actually, I live alone. It's okay for you to live in my house, but I guess you don't want it."

"Yeah." Yan Hang smiled.

"Take you there first, and call me when you want to go out after you have a good rest. I'll take you to dinner." Cui Yi said.

"Thank you." Yan Hang said.

"You're welcome." Cui Yi said.

This standard answer amused Yan Hang.

The community where Cui Yi lives is an old community, but it is very large and has a very good internal environment. The greening is very hard. The community has water and small woods.

The suite he helped Yan Hang rent is in the innermost part of the community. It is a small one-bedroom apartment on the top floor, which is close to a low hill and is very quiet.

"All right?" Cui Yi opened the door and gave him the key.

"Very good." Yan Hang looked at it. The balcony of the bedroom faces the mountain. I can imagine that facing the green when I wake up in the morning will be very refreshing.

"Then you take a rest first," Cui Yi said, "I called someone to clean up the house before. You can live directly. I have everything in place. I also bought some daily necessities. If there is a supermarket in the community, there is no shortage. "

"Yeah." Yan Hang replied.

Cui Yi didn't say anything else, turned around and left quickly.

Yan Hang sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Cui Yi made him very relaxed. There was no extra politeness from the elders to the younger ones, so he left after speaking.

The so-called rest is actually sitting for a while, walking around the house to see what else to buy, after all, this time... Maybe it's the longest time he stayed in a place, so he needs more things.

This house is well-decorated, all furniture and appliances are readily available, and the wooden floor is Yan Hang's favorite.

Yan Hang walked around the room barefoot, then went to the balcony and stood for a while.

Then he went back to the house and took out his luggage.

Clothes, books, gadgets, no more.

There was a small bookshelf in the bedroom, and Yan Hang put the books on it and arranged them in a neat row.

Dad found these books for him. If it is normal, some books he doesn't need will not be taken away when he moves.

But this time he took all the books with him. These books have the traces of his father, and they are gone after throwing them away.

There was also a small tinplate box on the bookshelf. Yan Hang picked it up and looked at it. It was empty, with a small flower fairy printed on the lid... I don't know if it belongs to the landlord or the former tenant.

Little Flower Fairy is Xiao Huaxian, Yan Hang put his gadgets in.

In addition to the previous ones, there is also a pen and a small piece of red rope.

When he saw these things, Yan Hang suddenly felt shocked, and he quickly touched his ankle. The little stone was still there, and he was relieved again.

After fighting for a long time between the two options of putting the small stone into the box and continuing to tie it to the ankle, he still chose the latter.

It took less than five minutes to organize simple luggage. He went to the kitchen to take a look again. There was nothing wrong with cooking by himself. There was even a whole piece of ice tea in the refrigerator.

This must be confessed by my father.

He stared at the ice tea, and the miss for his father that he had been trying to ignore for so many days suddenly surged forward unguardedly.

He closed the refrigerator door and leaned against the wall for a long time.

He didn't even have an angle to guess where dad was alive or dead now.

He knows his father too well. If he is still alive and doesn't want people to find him, it is really not easy to find him.

He had looked for Liang Bing two days ago, but Liang Bing had no more clues.

The only thing I can know is that Lao Ding wants Liang Bing to block his father's retreat. After all, there is a street with a lot of people. It is too easy to escape or ask for help.

But Dad didn't go from there.

As for why, Yan Hang can probably guess, because further down there are old communities and old streets, and the monitoring is not complete. Based on Yan Hang's understanding of his father, he occasionally goes out to wander around, and see where there is no monitoring is just by the way. , After all, is an old fox who has been awake all the way to sleep.

Just the blood.

Such a large amount of blood indicates that he was seriously injured. How could he disappear with such an injury, avoiding surveillance

What Yan Hang can judge now is that someone responds.

The person who called before going out was the one who answered him.

who is it

Yan Hang returned to the living room, and it was temporarily impossible for him to analyze any useful content about this matter.

He checked the time and it was time for dinner. Cui Yi was still waiting for him to eat together. Although he could not eat anything for half a month now, Cui Yi had to eat.

Yan Hang took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call. After he took out the cell phone, he hesitated again.

It should have been known that he was gone in the first year of junior high school.

He didn't say goodbye, or even left any message.

He was afraid, he didn't know how to face such a difference.

He has no memory of any place or anyone, only there, there is also the first year of the new year, but it is such a memory that he does not know what to say and how to do.

And the first year of junior high school did not know.

Chuyi knew that he had left without saying goodbye.

Yan Hang took the mobile phone and turned it back and forth in his hand.

After spinning for several minutes, he saw a small paper bag on the coffee table.

It's a calling card.

Cui Yi should have prepared it for him.

This person is very attentive. He took a look in the bathroom just now. Not only the shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrush are all ready, but also shaving cream.

It's really a huge contrast with my father. Such two people will actually be friends, and it's still such a relationship that can...

Although their tastes for pseudonyms are very consistent.

Yan Hang put the new card into the phone. He didn't throw the old card but put it in the small box, and he knew that he would always recharge the card.

But he also knew that he was not for his father, because if his father wanted to find him, he would not contact him directly, he would only contact Cui Yi first.

Probably for the first year of junior high school.

Obviously, he couldn't find the right posture to say goodbye, but he would keep the tools for contact.

It's kind of funny.

Cui Yi lived in the building next to him, and when he answered his call, he was waiting for him downstairs.

When he went downstairs, Cui Yi was taking a picture of a flower in front of the building with his mobile phone.

"Pat flowers?" Yan Hang asked in the past.

"Hush." Cui Yi said.

Just after booing, a butterfly flew up from the flower, flapped its wings and flew into the flower bed.

"Sorry." Yan Hang said.

"Taking and playing," Cui Yi said, "The fairy daughters in the circle of friends are all flowers and flowers, and I always make skewers, which is too disharmonious."

Yan Hang smiled.

"Let's go, eat." Cui Yi put the phone away.

"What to eat?" Yan Hang asked.

"Grilled skewers," Cui Yi said, "or what do you want to eat?"

"Just grill skewers." Yan Hang said.

Cui Yi should be a frequent visitor to this skewers restaurant. The waiters all knew him as soon as he entered. After ordering the skewers, the boss also personally delivered a large fruit plate.

"Isn't it here today?" the boss said.

"Well," Cui Yi pointed at Yan Hang, "I am a godson."

"It looks a lot like it," the boss said.

"How can your emotional intelligence open the store for more than ten years?" Cui Yi sighed.

The boss reacted in a daze, and laughed: "I mean, all handsome, all handsome."

"Hurry up and roast." Cui Yi waved.

After the boss left, he looked at Yan Hang: "You and your dad really look exactly the same."

"How long have you known each other?" Yan Hang asked.

"Longer than you have known him," Cui Yi smiled. "He was the most arrogant years of his smile."

"How did you know each other?" Yan Hang asked again.

"This," Cui Yi paused for a while, his eyes drifting, as if he was reminiscing, but in the end he just smiled, "It's too long."

Yan Hang did not ask any more.

"Your birthday next month, right?" Cui Yi asked.

"Well," Yan Hang glanced at him, "Did my dad tell you?"

"No, I always remember," Cui Yi said, "I just don't remember the date. I saw it when you were born. It's a little bit ugly. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"... Oh." Yan Hang didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"If you want to find a place to work, I can help you ask," Cui Yi said, "Do you have this idea?"

"I've always wanted to go to a western restaurant," Yan Hang said. "Regularly, I just don't know if it will work."

"Do you have good English," said Cui Yi, "your dad told me that you are really good."

"It's okay." Yan Hang smiled. He couldn't imagine what his dad looked like when he told others about him.

"I'll help you ask," Cui Yi pushed the plate in front of him, "eat."

Sticking behind the tree on the first day of the new year, staring at the door of Yan Hang's house.

No, there is no longer Yan Hang's family.

The landlord's eldest sister said that he had already moved out this morning.

Has moved away.

Although Yan Hang had told him at the beginning that they had stayed in one place not long ago, he had already had a strong hunch a few days ago that Yan Hang would leave.

But he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

Yan Hang didn't even leave him a word, so he left.

The first year of junior high school is very uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable.

He hadn't experienced this kind of feeling. This kind of uncomfortable even overwhelmed his father's involvement in the murder and overwhelmed his son who was said to be a murderer.

In addition to uncomfortable, there is also an unspeakable blockage.

Yan Hang only left in the morning.

It was this morning.

Yan Hang left when he was sitting on the returning shuttle bus.

If he came back one day earlier and contacted Yan Hang earlier, wouldn't it be so sudden

At least I can see you again.

Ask if he will come back, and ask where he is going.

And now, he didn't even leave a photo of Yan Hang.

The only thing left in the phone is the huge steaming pot lid he photographed when he secretly photographed Yan Hang.


He has never had a friend, and now he knows for the first time how uncomfortable it is to lose a friend.

It was late at night and there was no one on the street. He came out from behind the tree and ran across the street.

From his pocket, he took out a card that he had just picked up on the ground and printed it with 24 hours unlock.

He looked around, stuffed the card into the gap in the door next to the lock, shook it slightly, and inserted it in, and the door opened.

This lock is very old, so the landlord installed three bolts and a padlock inside to comfort the tenant, but now that no one lives, it will naturally not be locked.

On the first day of the new year, he entered the house, closed the door, and stood in the middle of the living room.

In the dark, he could smell a very faint smell of smoke that he could hardly catch.

He walked into Yan Hang's bedroom, turned on his phone with difficulty, and looked at the empty room.

There is nothing left. Although there was nothing in Yan Hang's bedroom, it is now so empty that people can't breathe.

The light of the mobile phone illuminates the empty bed, the empty table top, the empty chair back, and the empty wardrobe in turn.

After a round, he stopped suddenly, but the phone was dark. He pressed the button of the phone anxiously, and walked over to the table, reaching out and touching it on the table.

When the hand touched the small bottle, the phone turned on.

The ecstasy Xiang Yanhang did not take away.

On the first day of the junior high school, I looked at the ecstasy in my hand and suddenly felt ecstatic.

He shook the bottle gently, at least half of it was left!

He opened the lid and sprayed it. The air was warm with a very faint fragrance, which reminded him of the night lying next to Yan Hang.

He put this ecstasy in his trouser pocket.

Although he didn't know why Yan Hang didn't tell him when he left, he didn't talk to him separately, but he could forcibly assume that Yan Hang had reserved it exclusively for him.

On the day of the final exam, the first day of the junior high school was downstairs in the sound of a quarrel between my grandmother and the neighbors.

On the road from home to school, he felt as if he hadn't gone for a long time, a bit strange.

I ran into Li Zihao on the road.

Li Zihao is a little abnormal. When he encounters it in normal times, Li Zihao will definitely come over and slap twice, but today he just glanced at him.

When he looked at him on the first day, his eyes even a little dodged.

I had to walk fast to the school until the first year of the middle school before reacting violently.

Probably because he beat Liang Bing.


I felt a little happy in the first year of junior high, at least Li Zihao should not trouble him easily in the future.

But this kind of pleasure can't be maintained after entering school.

In the first year of junior high school, he didn't think his hearing was so good, but in the short walk from the school gate to the classroom, he heard his name being spoken in a tone of horror and disgust at least four times.

The son of a murderer who suddenly broke out of a violent nature.

It is probably the image of himself in the eyes of everyone at this moment.

In this atmosphere, the first day of the new year almost couldn't hold on to the final exam for three days.

Since childhood, he has tried hard to hide himself from being seen by others and not appearing in everyone's sight. He is used to being alone in a corner quietly.

And now all this is broken, no matter where he goes, he can feel his gaze.

After the last examination, he returned home, and even his grandma asked him to buy cigarettes, he was a little unwilling.

Whether it is the son of a murderer or an "honest person" who violently solves problems, it is difficult for him to adapt.

"What is it!" Grandma glared at him with a cigarette, "Your dad made this house like this! You are still stunned by it, right! Running a leg can break your egg skin? !"

I jumped up on the first day, grabbed the money my grandma threw on the table and went out.

When he went downstairs, he grabbed the stair railing and shook it a few times before kicking again.

The irritability in his body made him feel that his back was all sweaty.

When they reached the entrance of the small shop, a few people shook out from inside.

It's Liang Bing, and his little brother.

"Yo." Liang Bing looked up and saw him, his eyes suddenly changed.

The first day of the new year stopped habitually and took a step back.

Liang Bing picked up the mop from the commissary and rushed over.

When he turned and wanted to run away on the first day of the new year, the mop was pushed on his waist.

He was covered with injuries that hadn't recovered from the fight with Liang Bing that day, and he could see large bruises on his body when he took a bath.

The mop was applied to the biggest bruise on his waist.

The pain that had been blurred was instantly awakened, and it was heartbreaking.

"No one will support you now!" Liang Bing followed him and kicked him on his back, "I think you are fucking crazy!"

On the first day of the new year, I was kicked so that my neck suddenly leaned back, knelt to the ground, and then fluttered forward along the inertia, rubbing a cloud of dust on the gravel on the ground when he held the ground with his hands.

"Hey!" The commissary boss ran out, "What are you doing! I'm hitting someone here! Liang Bing, you're too confused!"

"Shut up!" Liang Bing glared at the boss.

The commissary is next to several buildings, and there are many neighbors who come and go, all of whom have been neighbors for more than ten years. This will all look over here.

Liang Bing dropped the mop, took a first look, turned around and took his little brother down the street.

On the first day of the new year, I slowly stood up and picked up the mop on the floor.


He never needed someone to support him, and Yan Hang didn't help him. It was a friend.

But now that this matter has started, Chu stomped on the head of the mop, grabbed the pole and pulled it violently, and the mop rod broke with a click.

So go ahead.

He took the stick and walked behind Liang Bing: "Liang Bing."

Liang Bing turned around.

On the first day of the new year, he lifted a stick and smashed it in his face.

When the stick hit Liang Bing's head, his mouth was numb.

An exclamation sounded all around.

Liang Bing seemed to have been beaten up and stood motionless. After a few seconds, blood flowed from his hairline.

"You... Mom... Force..." Liang Bing said in shock and confusion.

A little brother recovered and rushed over. On the first day of the new year, he swiped the stick again, and rushed to meet him, and a stick slammed on his shoulder.

The stick broke off.

Half of the stick flew to the commissary owner, and he jumped up like he was stabbed: "The first day of the new year!"

When he was about to draw out the third stick on the first day of the junior high school, the boss stopped in front of him: "The first day of the junior high school! What are you doing!"

"Oh my goodness!" an aunt shouted in horror with a sharp throat.

"From now on," pointed at Liang Bing on the first day of the new year, "see me, walk around."

Liang Bing didn't seem to recover from that stick, staring at him for a long time without moving.

"Go," the boss yelled at Liang Bing, "I still want to fight!"

Liang Bing then raised his hand to touch his face, stared at the blood in his hand for a while, and then said sleepwalkingly: "Go."

The boss took away the stick in the first day of junior high school and looked at him: "Are you crazy?"

"No." Chuyi smiled.

"Then you still hit someone?" The boss still glared at him.

"Ah," said the first day of the month, walked into the canteen, took out the money from his pocket and put it on the cashier, "smoke."

The boss took the cigarette to him, always looking shocked.

At the beginning, he put a handful of cigarettes in his pocket, turned and walked out, instead of heading home, he walked to the side street.

After the two sticks were smashed, Liang Bing seemed to have been smashed by him, but he suddenly seemed to drink a pot of cooling oil, sober sober that he could feel his eyes shining.

He can no longer do the previous first year, so let's not do it if you don't do it.

Yan Hang left without telling him anything.

But Yan Hang is the most beautiful scene in his life for so many years.

He envied Yan Hang's arrogance and free and easy. He was attracted by his gentleness. Even if he knew that Yan Hang would fall into the dark so vulnerable, he still wanted to be like Yan Hang.

Like Yan Hang.

On the first day of the new year, I went a few times on the street without a destination, and finally entered a stationery shop.

I bought the cheapest coil notebook and went home.

"Buy a pack of cigarettes for more than an hour!" Grandma sat on the sofa, "You are the tobacco that you plant now!"

There was no sound on the first day of the new year, so he put the cigarette next to my grandmother and sat next to the small desk.

Opened the book.

He is going to write something, not a diary, just want to remember something.

-Have a haircut tomorrow.

-Go punch.

-Yan Hang.

Yan Hang, Yan Hang, Yan Hang.