A Lucky Coin

Chapter 43


Yan Hang leaned against the bed with his laptop in his arms, poking aimlessly on the local forum.

Since his father disappeared, he seems to have taken over his old habits in this way, and the transition begins. Every day when he gets home from get off work, he will eat while watching the local news.

He is more advanced than his father, probably because he still looks at the forum.

I don't know what I'm looking at.

It's like not knowing what Dad was looking at before.

He only knows that if there really is a change, maybe a certain thing or a word that someone says casually, he can feel it.

In this state, to be honest, he was a little bit resistant.

He has been waiting for his father to show up, and he has always wanted to find out any information about his father, or capture any subtle signs in life.

But he is no longer what he used to be after all.

He will no longer follow anyone freely running around, and will no longer just look at this day, he needs to get rid of a lot of things.

He won't give up on these things, but this state can't happen again.

A year ago, when he saw the first year of junior high school, he felt that this child would sometimes make him anxious, and everything would become the normal state of life in such a silent manner.

But now when he saw the first year of the middle school, he was shocked to realize how powerful this child was.

Only those who have tried will know how much courage and strength it takes to change and break away.

Yan Hang took out his cell phone and checked the time. It was okay.

He dialed the number of Teacher Luo, the psychologist Cui Yi introduced to him earlier.

Teacher Luo is an older sister. From looks to temperament to voice, she is very gentle and relaxing. Yan Hang likes her a lot.

"Hello? Xiao Yan?" Teacher Luo answered the phone.

"It's me, good evening, Teacher Luo," Yan Hang said, "I want to... make an appointment with you to talk."

"Yes," Teacher Luo smiled, "Is there a lot of work pressure recently? I heard that you are a foreman?"

"Acting foreman," Yan Hang said, "work is also boring, but I can handle it, mainly because... I feel like I've started to feel the same emotions as before."

"It is normal for emotions to appear repeatedly," Teacher Luo said in a very calm tone, "None of us can make a certain emotion not appear at all, right? It's the most important thing to learn to control and channel it."

"Yeah." Yan Hang replied.

"I have time for the three nights from today to the weekend. Come over and have a chat. I'll wait for you." Teacher Luo said.

After talking on the phone with Teacher Luo, Yan Hang turned off his laptop, got up and went to the kitchen refrigerator to get a bottle of iced black tea.

After pouring half a bottle in one breath, I felt a little more comfortable.

In the evening, he is still an old habit. In addition to going to the gym with Cui Yi on time, he still goes for a run every day. Running at this time in the community and next to the community is quite suitable.

But today I am a little tired and don't want to go out.

Originally, there was Wang Qinqin and the manager on duty at night. His workload was much less than before. But in these two days, one has to adapt, and the other is that the manpower is relatively small. While arranging work, he has to apply for recruitment. Write a report.

Yan Hang is most worried about writing things, after all, he is illiterate.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen helped, at least a junior college student, who helped him modify it before giving it to Manager Tang.

These two days toss about these things are much more tiring than letting him order food and clean up in the restaurant.

If he doesn't run, he has to do some exercise. He looks at the dumbbells and abdominal muscle wheels in the bookcase... Let's do push-ups.

Yan Hang wanted to laugh a little when he got down on the balcony and started doing push-ups.

He rarely does push-ups, if it weren't for a sudden cramp on the first day of the day, he would never have thought of this.

He took out the phone in his pocket and put it on the ground next to him, and took another look at it. No news came in.

After getting acquainted with the people in the dormitory on the first day of the new year, there is no need to hold the phone to chat with him at night, just like the little hedgehog downstairs. The security guard said yesterday that he didn’t know where to find a little fruit to eat. It's not necessary to rely on him to feed the apple diced apples. The security guard was a little confused when he said that.

He glanced at the calendar before the phone was locked, and there was a red circle on it.

It was his birthday.

Last year’s birthday was spent with Cui Yi, or not together. It was just a meal, just like when I was with my dad before, without deliberately celebrating.

Even the presents are as utterly as unscrupulous as those given by dad.

Cui Yi gave him a box of 18-color crayon sticks, but it was written in 24 colors. Cui Yi said that he didn't find 18-color crayon sticks, but to match his age, he took away six.

Yan Hang thinks his reason is simply very good.

He wanted to ask him to accompany him on his first birthday this year. He hadn't celebrated his birthday with anyone. It is estimated that he hadn't been invited on the first day.

"Change the dressing," Zhou Chunyang took out the small medicine box and put it on the table, "Changing the dressing on the first day."

"Yeah." On the first day of the new year, he unpacked the gauze wrapped around his arm and looked at the injury on Zhou Chunyang's forehead. "It hurts a lot, how long will it last, okay?"

"I'm easy to say," Zhou Chunyang looked at his arm, "you may need some time."

"What the hell did you smash with?" Li Ziqiang sat next to the first day of junior high school and looked at his injury. "How do I feel that this is coming out of a hole."

"Probably a chamfering knife." Zhou Chunyang said.

"What is a chamfering knife?" Hu Biao asked with interest.

"A kind of tool," Zhou Chunyang looked at him, as if he didn't know what to say, "it's just to drill a cone-shaped hole in the steel plate, and use it."

"...What kind?" Zhang Qiang also leaned over, looking at the injury on his arm on the first day of the month, "this is almost a vertebral pit."

"What kind of..." Zhou Chunyang thought for a long time, "Just... a large enoki mushroom? It looks almost like that."

"Suddenly I want to shabu-shabu, a pot of meat, and some enoki mushrooms..." Wu Xu lay on the bed, touching his belly, "Is it going to grow up? I'm hungry every day when I hear about it. I'm so hungry for lunch boxes."

"I have a dream, I think it's pretty good," said the first day of the day.

Wu Xu laughed: "You are not much taller than me, you can actually laugh at me."

"Can laugh at one, one is one, one." Chu nodded.

I just changed the medicine, re-wrapped the gauze, the phone rang on the bed, got up quickly on the first day of the new year, jumped a bit, didn't even step on the stairs, grabbed the upper bunk railing and went up.

"Have you ever practiced in the first year of the junior high school," Li Ziqiang said, "The monkeys can't escape you."

"Neither is the monkey, waiting for news." Chu Yi lay on the bed and took a look at the phone.

It was sent by Yan Hang.

-Do you have time on Friday night

-I can have time during class time, and more time when I don’t have class

-Baba, can you speak out with your mouth

-If you have enough patience, I can tell

-I will go to school to see you on Friday

-I can go out, you don't need to come

-Our restaurant is going to get outreach training, I will contact on Friday, it’s at your school, by the way


In the first year of junior high school, he actually didn't know what outreach training was, but he didn't ask much. He hadn't seen Yan Hang since he started in class. Now that Yan Hang is looking for him, he has this thing in his mind.

-Friday is my birthday, remember to buy gifts and be stingy

Yan Hang sent another message.

I saw the news on the first day of the junior high school, and didn't recover for a long time. After reacting, I sat up with my mobile phone.



Yan Hang's birthday!

Maybe he has never had a birthday himself, nor did he celebrate a birthday for others, so he has almost no idea about birthdays. He and Yan Hang also talked about birthdays. When Yan Hang bought shoes last time. Hang also mentioned it, but at the time he didn't even think about asking when Yan Hang's birthday was.

-How old is your birthday

He typed a line quickly, then remembered it after sending it, and added one.

-Happy birthday to you!

-Good standard, I sang along, 19th birthday

Yan Hang is 19 years old. He smiled on the first day of the year, and the corners of his mouth were still hooked after he laughed. He didn't know what he was having fun.

-Remember the gift



The few small stones that Yan Hang gave him before were pressed under the pillow on the first day of the new year. He had already polished it up while sneaking into the dormitory to play cards and games.

This is a gift... Isn’t it a bit inappropriate

It's too casual.

Make a gift with the stone Yan Hang gave him and give it to Yan Hang


He remembered what Yan Hang said.


He doesn't pick, he just saves, and it is not what Yan Hang kind of wears a thousand shoes can understand.

But if he doesn't give stones, what should he give them

He stared at the wall, trying to think of a few alternatives in his mind, but he stared for two minutes, and he didn't even think of one thing.

He has no experience in giving gifts to others.

The last time I gave gifts was the ones I bought for my family. There was no pleasure in giving gifts, and there was no pleasure in getting a response.

He sighed slightly, thinking this was too inappropriate at this time.

Give a gift, a gift to Yan Hang.

He continued to think hard.

He gave up after five minutes, and after another two minutes he started to feel a little depressed.

Because when he was hesitant to ask for help, Zhou Chunyang was the first thing he thought of.

He actually wanted to ask Zhou Chunyang the first reaction.


However, from a rational point of view, asking Zhou Chunyang should be the right choice.

Zhou Chunyang is the most reliable in the dormitory group. He is rich and careful, has a good personality, and is willing to help others.

He looked back down.

Then there was embarrassment.

Zhou Chunyang was sitting across from the table. At this moment, he was leaning back on the bed frame with his head resting on his arm. When he turned his head, he immediately caught up with Zhou Chunyang.

"Huh?" Zhou Chunyang looked at him.

At the beginning, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

He just wanted to look back, he didn't even think about whether to ask Zhou Chunyang, let alone how to ask.

"Ah." He responded.

"Neuropathy." Zhou Chunyang smiled.

"Chunyang," he had to turn around and looked at the other people in the dormitory. No one noticed him. He crouched on the edge of the bed and beckoned to Zhou Chunyang, and whispered, "Come here."

Zhou Chunyang stood up and walked to his bedside: "What's the matter? Are you planning to rebel?"

"Yes, stew Daqiang, let's stew it." said the first day of the new year.

Zhou Chunyang laughed for a long time: "What's the matter, say."

"Can you help, do me a favor?" asked in a low voice on the first day of the month.

"What's busy?" Zhou Chunyang.

"Will you pick a gift, do you?" said the first day of the new year, "just a birthday gift, a gift."

"That's it, can I help you pick a gift for someone?" Zhou Chunyang asked.

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

"Male and female?" Zhou Chunyang asked, "How old is it?"

It was suddenly embarrassed on the first day of the junior high school. The man, 19 years old, said that Zhou Chunyang would have guessed that it was Yan Hang right away. After all, he was a friend here.

Actually... Zhou Chunyang should have guessed it without saying.

"Yan Hang?" Zhou Chunyang really asked again.

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

I don't know why I am embarrassed. Is it because he suddenly felt that Zhou Chunyang fell in love with Yan Hang a few days ago

"I think about it," Zhou Chunyang's reaction was rather calm, "Will you go out for a tour tomorrow at noon?"

"Yes." said the first day of the month, "but no, it can't be too expensive."

"Don't worry." Zhou Chunyang snapped his fingers.

Class ended at noon the next day, and Zhou Chunyang went out on the first day of the junior high school.

There were also some shops around the school, but Zhou Chunyang didn't really like it, so he took him to the urban area after eating a little.

"It's more practical and tacky, just lighters, razors, belts, sunglasses, all kinds of wear..." Zhou Chunyang said, "Why don't you think about that..."

"Practical." He said immediately on the first day of the new year, the gift is best for Yan Hang to use.

"Then it's very easy to pick," Zhou Chunyang said. "The bunch I just said will do, and you can just buy it according to his hobbies. If you don't need very practical ones, then I have a lot of tricks. NS… "

"Practical." Interrupted him again on the first day.

"Hey," Zhou Chunyang laughed, "There is no room to play."

She smiled embarrassedly on the first day of the junior high school.

"Then pick something up," Zhou Chunyang said, "I think Yan Hang is quite particular."

"Yeah." On the first day of the new year, Yan Hang is indeed a very particular person. Even if it is practical, he still needs someone like Zhou Chunyang who seems to be equally particular to give pointers.

A person like him who has barely worn anything except school uniforms since he was a child, and the cost of eating and wearing is based on the standard of "usable". There is really no concept.

Finally, between the lighter and the sunglasses, I wondered which one to pick on the first day of the new year.

"It's a lighter," Zhou Chunyang said, "Although it's very common... But if he smokes ten cigarettes a day, he has to take it out ten times, and he will think of you ten times."

Looking at Zhou Chunyang on the first day of the new year, Zhou Chunyang spoke very naturally, but he suddenly wanted to blush.

Why does he have to make Yan Hang think of himself ten times a day

However, he did not refute, and followed Zhou Chunyang to pick out the lighter.

"There is nothing to choose from for a lighter, Zippo," Zhou Chunyang said. "It looks good and not expensive. If you don't have budget control, I would recommend Dupont."

"Toot, what is toot more, less money?" asked the first day of the day.

"It's a thousand," Zhou Chunyang looked at him, "Do you want to think about it?"

"Z." Chu nodded.

Zhou Chunyang laughed for a long time, then patted him on the shoulder: "You are very funny."

When Yan Hang came out of the outreach training camp, it was a while before they left school in the afternoon on the first day of the junior high school. He took a taxi to the school gate.

The gate of the school is pretty good, and the campus is also very large when viewed from the outside.

The school is very unfamiliar to Yan Hang. After graduating from elementary school, he has not entered the gate of any school again.

At this moment, when I stood at the entrance of the first grade school, I suddenly felt a little bit emotional.

He has been to many places, met many people, and experienced various things, much more than many of his peers, but also much less than others.

The guard glanced at him when he walked into the school gate, and didn't stop him, presumably he thought he was a student of the school.

Before the first year of junior high school, I told him that the last period was physical education, and he walked straight towards the playground.

I met a lot of students on the road, and the ones who came and went were probably the faces of new people. They all looked at him, and some of them looked quite social and looked provocative in their eyes.

Little miscellaneous hairs.

Yan Hang didn't even bother to look at each other again, and walked directly to the side of the playground and stood down.

A group of children were playing on the playground, and Yan Hang didn't need to look closely at his face and body shape. He just glanced at the height and knew that there was no first grade here.

The little dog didn't know when he could rush to the two-meter goal he set himself.

After looking around and not seeing the first day of the new year, Yan Hangchong smiled at the two little girls next to him who had been looking at him: "Hello classmate..."

"Are you looking for someone?" a girl answered immediately.

"Well, do you know the first year of junior high school," Yan Hang asked, "He is a car..."

"Dog, yeah," said another girl and pointed to a school building. "They are in the playground behind that building."

"Thank you, the playground of your school?" Yan Hang held back a smile.

When he suddenly heard the name of the unearthed dog in the first grade of junior high school, he had the urge to laugh.

"Well," the girl also smiled, "Are you his friend?"

"Yes." Yan Hang walked over there.

On the first day of the new year, he looked at his mobile phone. The news from Yan Hang hasn’t arrived yet. It is estimated that it hasn’t arrived yet. He looked at the bag next to him. In it, he and Zhou Chunyang spent almost one lesson in the store. A lighter that was picked out after not speaking.

He was a little excited when he thought that this was the first birthday gift he gave in his life.

"Drink water on the first day of the new year," Gao Xiaoyang walked over, "Chunyang treats you."

"Yeah." On the first day of the new year, he stood up and walked with them to the canteen.

"Are you going out soon?" Zhang Qiang looked at his bag.

"Yeah." The first day of the day responded.

"Where to go?" Zhang Qiang asked again, "Take me for dinner."

I didn't speak in the first day of the new year.

Zhou Chunyang stretched out his hand and pressed several times on Zhang Qiang's face.

"What?" Zhang Qiang looked at him.

"I see if you have lost your skin or have an extra layer." Zhou Chunyang said.

"Fuck off!" Zhang Qiang said.

"I invite you to have a small hot pot later." Zhou Chunyang said.

Several people immediately became excited.

"Mom knowing a rich foodie is happiness." Li Ziqiang sighed.

Just turning out from the back of the building, I saw a familiar figure in front of him on the first day of the new year.

He was stunned.

"That's Brother Hang! Why did he come? Are you looking for you in the first year?" Zhang Qiang waved to Yan Hang.

Yan Hang smiled and waved.

In the first year of junior high school, I really wanted to run over, but it felt a little silly to run over like this. He could think of at least ten slow motion scenes in TV series and movies that run like this, one by one.

"Why are you going straight in?" He smiled and asked after a group of people walked up to Yan Hang.

"Look at your school," Yan Hang said, "It's quite big. I just looked for it in the playground for a long time."

"Brother Hang, take off your uniform," Li Ziqiang said, "it's like a new person."

"Who have you become?" Yan Hang asked.

Li Ziqiang took a step back and looked at him up and down: "Do you think you have some other identity besides the foreman?"

"For example?" Yan Hang smiled.

"The underworld boss or something," Li Ziqiang said, "Brother Hang, do you still accept the younger brother?"

"Accept us." Hu Biao immediately joined in the fun and said.

He was watching on the first day of the junior high school. Whenever this happened, he couldn't speak out. A group of people chatted with Yan Hang one sentence at a time, and he could only be silent next to him.


I knew I would insist on not letting Yan Hang come over.

Several people were talking to Yan Hang, and the people from 404 came over.

When they saw Yan Hang, they stopped.

Now these 404 plus 407 arms, they have formed long-term stable beams with them 403, and they will definitely stop and meet each other when they meet.

Today, there is a strange face, and their eyes are like arrows, and they poked over.

"Don't bird them." Zhou Chunyang said.

"I don't want birds," Li Ziqiang said, "I can't keep people from staring at us."

"I thought we were looking for foreign aid." Hu Biao looked at Yan Hang with excitement.

"Are you those who always fight with you?" Yan Hang asked.

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

"A bunch of small miscellaneous hairs," Yan Hang turned his head and looked over there with disdain, "just like you."

"We are purebred hair." Hu Biao said.

"Can you not be funny when you are so serious?" Zhou Chunyang held back a smile.

Looking at Yan Hang on the first day of the new year.

Inexplicably following Hu Biao was also a little excited.

He hadn't seen Yan Hang like this for a long time. Yan Hang, who was inattentive and gangsterous, was like this at the beginning, and walked to him with a mobile phone that was broadcasting.

Starting today, he is covered by me.

Chu Yi's heart surged with excitement and warmth.

However, the 404s are supposed to give the unfamiliar faces off the ground. The one who picked the head came over, stood in front of Yan Hang and lifted his chin: "Where did you come from? Who let you into our school!"

Yan Hang glanced at him and smiled: "You have done more than your school guard, do you get paid?"

The man glared at him, neither speaking nor moving.

On the first day of junior high school, he felt that he probably hadn’t encountered this kind of dialogue during Dou Ruth, and couldn’t find the correct answer for a while.

"Go." Yan Hang said, turning and walking towards the school gate.

A group of people walked with him, looking very imposing, as if they were going to participate in a large-scale fighting, but in fact they were just going to the door to eat a small hot pot.

On the first day of the first year, I couldn't help but walked two steps with my shoulders shaking, it was so arrogant!

Very happy.

When I was with Yan Hang, even if I was scheming with others, I could feel happiness.

It's amazing.