A Lucky Coin

Chapter 54


Yan Hang, I like you.

At the end of the first year of junior high school, I chose this very old-fashioned way of expression that is not new, no skill, no retreat.

The only little room left to him was probably because he didn't face Yan Hang, so if there was an embarrassing expression on Yan Hang's face, he couldn't see it.

It's not so embarrassing if he doesn't see it. Even if he refuses, he can avoid the double blow of language and expression in half.

And just such a sentence, for him, almost all his courage has been used up.

He was holding his mobile phone, standing on the sidewalk, there were street lights in front and back, he was standing in the unobstructed light, there was a car on the left, and someone on the right, for the soil that has always been habitually walking next to the roots of the wall. For the dog, this is a scene that I didn't even dare to think before.

I like you.

He just stood here, looking ahead.

After saying this, the surroundings fell silent, all his perceptions were turned off, and all his capturing abilities were left to the right ear attached to the handset of the phone.

Yan Hang, I like you.

The earpiece was very quiet. On the first day of the junior high school, I could clearly hear that Yan Hang's breathing paused because of this sudden sentence.

His heart beats so fast that everything around him is gone.

Nervous, afraid.

There is a trace of regret.

He didn't know how long Yan Hang's pause was.

0.1 second or 0.2 second, longer or shorter.

He didn't even know.

He wanted to hang up suddenly, and he realized at this moment that waiting for an answer was actually much more difficult than saying "I like you".

After a short pause in the receiver, he heard Yan Hang's gasp, accompanied by a very low sound... He couldn't tell what the sound meant, whether it was a grunt, a sigh, or something else.

Before he tried to judge from the chaos, several clicks came from there.

The phone hung up.

On the first day of the new year, he was stunned in the same place, holding the phone.

Yan Hang hung up the phone.

After he said "I like you", Yan Hang hung up the phone.

At this moment, he even lost the ability to experience what it was like, only confused.

The silence in the receiver disappeared.

The silence around him also disappeared.

His perception slowly returned to his body. He heard a car passing by, saw two passersby passing by, and he even saw an oncoming aunt sweeping his face slightly inquiring. Gaze.

At this moment, he wanted to escape very much, shrinking up, tuaned into the shadow of the tree next to him, tuaned to the corner of the wall.

He took the phone to his eyes and looked at it very hard, the screen was already black.

He lights up the screen, and the call interface has disappeared, as if nothing happened.

He was hung up by Yan Hang.

How could this be

Yan Hang has never treated him so simply and rudely.

Except for the gangsters who caused trouble, the Yan Hang in his heart would not have such an attitude towards strangers.

Is it because this is a "confession" call

But Yan Hang said clearly, he would say thank you.

Even Zhou Chunyang can get a gentle thank you.

Why is this answer

On the first day of the new year, he curled his eyebrows and looked down at his toes.

Yan Hang, why is this

What's wrong

… What's wrong

Yes, what's wrong

Chu Yi raised his head abruptly, dialed Yan Hang's number after a moment of hesitation, and when he put the phone to his ear, he found his hands trembling.

He didn't believe that Yan Hang would hang up his phone.

I didn't believe that Yan Hang would reject him in this way.

Yan Hang is not such a person.

When Yan Hang was in the darkness, he would still think about whether he had a meal or not, and he wanted to order a takeout to eat.

The hung up call was an accident.

But what kind of accident he didn't know.

The call was not connected, and there was dead silence in the receiver, and then a female voice rang: "Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

The first day of the new year was stunned.

Then he tucked the phone into his bag, and ran forward after pulling his leg.

Human hunch is a very magical thing. Generally, people will have a hunch about bad things. Once the hunch appears, the brain will turn very fast. All the details can be stringed in one second. rise.

Yan Hang couldn't make a call, Yan Hang suddenly hung up, Yan Hang's short sigh or gasp, Yan Hang had some absent-minded conversations, Yan Hang asked him not to go over...

In the time of two or three steps, the series of details that went backwards made him feel scared to feel that all the hairs are standing up.

It's been a long time since the first day of junior high school, so I went all out.

The wind in my ears mixed with the rumbling in my head. The blood all over my body was pouring up because of tension, my hands and feet were cold, but my eyes were hot and red.

In just over ten seconds, he rushed past the bus station and didn't see Yan Hang. Yan Hang said at first that he was waiting for him at the station, and the station was just across the street from the hotel, but now he didn't see anyone.

Yan Hang asked him to wait in place, but now he found that Yan Hang hadn't walked toward him at all.

This must be an accident!

There was a pause at the first step, trying to see the surrounding environment clearly to see where Yan Hang might be.

Just as he slowed down, a person ran out of a corner 20 meters in front of him. He first glanced here, as if he paused after seeing him, and then turned and ran in the opposite direction.

this person!

This is the person!

In the first year of junior high school, I didn't know what I was judging.

But he was full of this judgment when Sa Yazi chased him.

This person had something to do with the phone that Yan Hang suddenly hung up and the phone that couldn't get through!

He knew that he was running very fast. Although he was not as fast as Yan Hang, he was much faster than the person in front of him. Especially in the current situation, he probably ran the fastest speed in his life.

In his panicked and confused consciousness, he felt that he was only a few steps behind this person.

But he didn't know how to stop this person.

It can only be based on instinct.

When he kicked the ground with his inertia and almost jumped into the air, he had the illusion that he would fly over the person's head if he didn't kick him.

The man was kicked to the ground.

After landing, he didn't pause, and went straight to the person. He grabbed the person and raised the collar without thinking about the consequences if he kicked the person on the ground like this.

But at this moment, a thing that was thrown out of the man's hand at the same time made him stunned on the spot.

It's a knife.

Although there was not enough light, he couldn't see if there was blood on the knife, but he saw blood on the right hand of the man holding the knife.

When this little blood stain entered his vision, it was like someone banging a gong in his ear, and the buzzing sound shook his head.

He grabbed the man's right hand and twisted it behind his back.

There is no injury.

There was no injury to this man's hand.

It doesn't look like he was injured when he was running... Whose blood is that!

On the first day of the junior high school, he jumped up from this person, ignoring other things, arresting people and seeing Yan Hang's situation, both of which he didn't need to think about and chose Yan Hang.

He ran to the small garden around the corner.

As he ran, he roared: "Yan Hang!"

No one answered him.

After the sun set, the autumn wind blew over with the coolness that could easily blow through the two clothes, but his entire back was sweaty, and the sweat on his forehead even slipped onto his chin.

After running through a stone table along the small gravel road by the fountain, he saw a person lying down on the side of the road in front of him.

I also saw the familiar clothes that this person was wearing, a black sweater with a zipper just changed when Yan Hang went out in the morning.

"Yan Hang!" When he shouted this, his throat was completely muted, and he could barely make a sound.

His legs were a little weak, and he staggered when he threw himself next to Yan Hang.

"I told you not to come over!" Yan Hang moved and said in a low voice.

"Why, what's the matter!" On the first day of the month, he knelt on the ground and touched Yan Hang's arm lightly. He didn't dare to help Yan Hang or move him.

"It's okay." Yan Hang said as he wanted to sit up, but didn't make any effort.

"Don't move!" On the first day of the new year, he hurriedly supported his shoulder, and when he wanted to support his arm again, he felt a wet hand.

is blood.

Hand full of blood.

Looking at my hand on the first day of the junior high school, I suddenly felt a redness in front of my eyes: "Where is it hurt? I will report to the police!"

"First call 120," Yan Hang frowned, "then call Cui Yi."

"Okay." On the first day of the day, he almost tore the zipper on his bag. When he reached for the phone, he felt that the blood on his hand was a little sticky.

When he dialed 120 to report the address with some trembling fingers, Yan Hang called Cui Yi's number next to him, and then closed his eyes.

On the first day of the junior high school, I tried my best to control my emotions, slow down my speech, and try my best to speak a little more neatly: "It's opposite the hotel, the water spray, beside the pool, next to it... It should be a knife, a knife wound..."

After hanging up the 120 call, he quickly dialed Cui Yi's number. He admired that he could still remember the numbers reported by Yan Hang under such circumstances.

"I'll be there soon," Cui Yi said calmly, "You check where his injury is, press it for him, don't move him."

"Okay." Chu Yi replied with a dumb voice.

After the phone call, he didn't care about putting the phone back into his bag, and threw it directly on the ground, kneeling down to Yan Hang's side: "Where is it hurt?"

"On the waist." Yan Hang said.

On the first day of the new year, he took off his coat: "I will press it for you, press it."

"Yeah," Yan Hang smiled, "Slightly... a little back... position."

When the hand that he had been pressing on his waist was released, he saw the blood on his hand on the first day of the day. The clothes on that piece were wet. The black clothes did not have the color of bleeding, but the first day of the day smelled blood.

He carefully rolled up his jacket and pressed it to Yan Hang's waist.

"Strong harder." Yan Hang said.

The first day of the new year made a little effort.

"It's okay, I can't die," Yan Hang opened his eyes and glanced at him. "What kind of chaff you sifted, it shook me...shivering."

"I didn't shake." Chuyi looked at him.

Yan Hang's face didn't look like it was shown on TV, and he turned pale after a stabbing. It was basically normal, but he was very painful and a little weak.

"Okay, I'm shaking." Yan Hang laughed.

"Don't laugh," Junior One didn't know how Yan Hang could still laugh at this time. He did not relax and pressed the wound firmly, "Don't talk, talk!"

"Well," Yan Hang replied, and then asked after a while, "Did you just meet..."

"Yes," in order to save his physical strength, he interrupted him directly on the first day of the junior high school.

The ambulance came very quickly, and Yan Hang and Yan Hang heard the horn of the ambulance without saying a few words.

"I'm going to the road, by the side of the road," Chu Yi pulled Yan Hang's hand and put it on his clothes, "You hold it down."

Yan Hang did not speak, and reached out to hold the wound.

At the beginning, he threw his bag aside and ran out along the path. Standing on the side of the road, the ambulance with the lights flashing in front bounced and shouted: "Here! Here! Here!"

He felt a little relieved when he saw the stretcher being taken out of the car, and ran to Yan Hang's position with the doctor.

Check, simply bandage to stop the bleeding, and lift Yan Hang onto the stretcher... The first day of the month has been staring at the side.

When the doctor opened Yan Hang's shirt, he saw the incision on his waist on the first day of the day.

He didn't see too clearly, but when he glanced at it, a bloody piece made him feel like someone was holding it in his body and screwing it hard.

When the phone rang, he found that his phone was still on the ground, and quickly picked it up to answer the call.

"Is the ambulance here?" Cui Yi asked over there.

"Here." The first day of the first day of the new year followed the stretcher and walked briskly to the car.

"Which hospital to send?" Cui Yi asked again.

The name of the hospital was reported on the first day of the new year: "It's over now, it's over."

"Okay, I'll go directly to the hospital," Cui Yi said, "Don't panic."

"Yeah." The first day of the day responded.

When he reached the corner, he saw something flashing in the grass.

It's Yan Hang's cell phone.

He picked it up and looked at it. The screen of the phone was full of cracks. He twisted his eyebrows and put the phone in his bag.

Yan Hang was standing here right then... He didn't dare to think anymore.

When he followed the ambulance to the hospital on the first day of the junior high school, Cui Yi had already arrived.

When he saw Cui Yi, it was as if he had seen a backer, his whole body suddenly softened and he almost knelt down.

"You follow," Cui Yi grabbed him by the shoulder, "I'll go through the formalities."

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

He was a native dog who had never seen the world and had no chance to deal with anything. He hadn't even been to the hospital to see a doctor. The arrival of Cui Yi made him slowly escape from the panic.

Nothing else, he can at least help running errands and pay for something.

Cui Yi should be someone who knew him in the hospital. After two phone calls, a doctor who looked like an old expert came.

In the first year of the junior high school, I didn't feel much in the mood to listen to Cui Yi and the doctor, but knew that Yan Hang was about to have an operation.

"Brother Dog." Yan Hang called him.

"Yeah." Chuyi looked at him.

"Laugh," Yan Hang said, "the face is almost like a donkey."

Chuyi grinned at the corner of his mouth.

"Go back and ask for a few days off from school," Yan Hang said, "come over and take care of me."

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

Not to mention taking a few days off, it’s okay to drop out immediately.

When Yan Hang was pushed into the operating room, he followed him on the first day of the new year. Cui Yi took him a hand before he heard what the nurse said: "The family members are waiting outside!"

Family members.

This title made Chu Yi a sudden warmth, but soon he felt a little distressed.

Family members, where did the family members come from.

Yan Hang has no family members.

The only relative is also missing.

He lowered his head and walked to the side, standing against the wall.

"What's the matter?" Cui Yi walked over and asked.

"I don't know." On the first day of the junior high school, I still feel cold all over, and I always feel that there is a constant cold passing through the wall, "I was talking to him, talking on the phone, suddenly cut off, cut off."

"What then?" Cui Yi took off his coat and handed it to him.

"I don't, it's not cold." The first day of the new year waved his hand quickly.

"I still have clothes in my car. I'll get them later," Cui Yi looked at him, "you look uglier than Yan Hang."

I was a little embarrassed on the first day of the junior high school, so I lowered my head and put on Cui Yi's clothes: "Later, I ran and passed by, and I saw the first one and ran out alone."

"What kind of person?" Cui Yi asked.

"Middle-aged man," he reminisced, frowning his eyebrows on the first day of the new year. He met the man, but he couldn't remember everything except remembering how the man looked like he was in his forties." Head, hair is pretty, dirty."

"You have to call the police for this," Cui Yi said. "If the police ask questions then, you can say what you have. Don't be nervous."

"Yeah." Chu nodded and sighed in his heart.

He is experienced when the police ask about such things.

I didn’t know how long such an operation would take, how long was normal, how long was abnormal, how long was the injury slightly, and how long was the severe injury.

He just kept standing by the wall, looking at the door of the operating room.

There was not only Yan Hang and an operation in the door, but also two people who didn't know what was going on, they were also pushed in while shouting all the way.

I was a little worried on the first day of the new year. What was it like in the operating room? Would such a howling affect the doctor who operated on Yan Hang

He collapsed anxiously.

"I'm going to buy something to eat," Cui Yi came over and said to him, "You stay here and call me if you have something to do."

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

"Sit down for a while," Cui Yi sighed as he looked at him, "Are you not a habit of cleanliness?"

"No," Chu Yi tugged and smiled, "I can't sit down."

Cui Yi looked at his leg.

"I'm nervous," said the first day.

"It's not as serious as you think," Cui Yi said. "Relax, don't you fall down before he comes out. I can't take care of two people."

"Yeah." She was a little embarrassed on the first day of the new year, bowed her head and sat on the chair.

There is a display screen on the wall next to the operating room, and I noticed that it should be the operating conditions of each operating room just after the first day of the new year.

There is Yan Hang's name on it, the third operating room.

He had been staring on the first day of the new year, his eyes were a little sour before he raised his hand and rubbed it.

After sitting down, the whole person is very heavy, and the feeling of falling continuously, the head, shoulders, and arms are all heavy and sinking as if being dragged by some heavy object.

He rubbed his face, pressing his elbows on his knees, and covering his face.

With cold hands, covering his face will make him more comfortable.

He couldn't think that such a thing would happen today.

Did Yan Hang have discovered something beforehand? Maybe it was related to the strange phone call before, but Yan Hang didn't mention anything to him.

And he didn't ask anything.

Why not ask more

If you ask, would he be able to respond earlier today? Maybe Yan Hang would not...

The bloody knife on Yan Hang's waist flashed in front of him.

He raised his face and looked at his hand.

I just washed my hands, but I can still smell blood.

He was not afraid of blood. He didn't have a trace of fear when he smashed Liang Bing's head with a stick, but he was uncomfortable now.

This is Yan Hang's blood.

How could such a thing happen

Yan Hang reacted so quickly that under normal circumstances, no one could get close to him.

Would you be stabbed

When that person was kicked down by him, he didn't seem to be anything terrible... How could he stabbed Yan Hang

On the first day of the new year, press the finger on the forehead and twist the eyebrows tightly.

After a few seconds, he jerked his head up.

Is it your own phone

Yan Hang was still on the phone with him at that time, and he was absent-minded at that time because he had discovered that the situation was wrong, but... In order to prevent himself from discovering it, Yan Hang never hung up the phone.

And if he just made the phone like this, maybe Yan Hang would not necessarily be distracted.

It's my own phrase "I like you".

Yan Hang paused for that second, and then...

He took a hard breath, leaned back in the chair, and stared at the lamp on the ceiling.

You are too good at picking time on the first day of the first year.

Do you have to say it today? You have to be so nervous that you only dare to say it on the phone... Yan Hang's tone is obviously wrong, and you didn't even hear it...

He clasped his hands tightly together.

It wasn't until Cui Yi patted his hand lightly that he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Eat something," Cui Yi handed him a small paper cup, "I guess you can't eat it, and you didn't buy a big one. Take two bites of cushions."

On the first day of the new year, he lowered his head and looked at the small paper cup in his hand. It was a puff in a paper cup, which was very fragrant.

He settled and took a big bite.

Let’s calm down now. Yan Hang is still in the operating room. He is thinking about this here. Apart from making himself unable to help him, he has no other meaning. Regardless of whether he blames himself or not, he changes. The fact that Yan Hang is already injured can't be lost.

He bit his lip, trying to calm himself down.

I don't know how long it took, the words on the display finally changed, and Yan Hang's operation was over.

"Why not, don't you come out?" He stood up on the first day, staring anxiously at the door of the operating room.

The doctor who operated on Yan Hang came out, but did not see Yan Hang.

"Let me ask about the situation first." Cui Yi patted him on the shoulder.

It’s okay... Not too much blood loss... Good physique...

Standing behind Cui Yi on the first day of the junior high school, listening to the doctor talking to Cui Yi, I always felt that the voice was a little bit close and distant, and I was still nervous.

… No important organs were injured… Small intestine ruptured…

The doctor probably wanted to say that Yan Hang was not seriously injured, he did not hurt any important parts, and that Yan Hang was in good physical condition and should recover quickly... But in the first year of junior high school, he still felt that every word he heard made his heart hurt.

Yan Hang was finally pushed out of the operation, but he couldn't return to the ward yet. The nurse said he would stay in the observation room first.

On the first day of the new year, he closely followed the hospital bed, staring at Yan Hang's face.

I thought that Yan Hang's face was normal before, but now that the operation is over, Yan Hang looks a little pale.

"Dog." Yan Hang smiled at him, a little tired and weak.

"Here," Chu Yi shook his hand lightly and put the other hand behind him, "Wag your tail for you."

"Well," Yan Hang smiled and closed his eyes, and after a while he called Cui Yi again, "Old Cui."

"Yes," Cui Yi replied from the side, "but I don't wag my tail."

Yan Hang laughed, and the nurse next to him also laughed: "I'm in a good state, smiling so happily."

The observation room is not allowed to enter, and Cui Yi and Cui Yi can only wait outside.

Yan Hang took a first look when he was pushed forward: "Brother Dog, you go... take your body temperature, you have a fever."

"Ah." The first day of the year was stunned.

"Don't worry about it," Cui Yi said, "I'll measure it for him in a moment."

The door of the observation room was closed, and Chu Yi stood at the door and stared at the door.

Cui Yi stretched out his hand and touched his forehead: "It seems to be a little burning. I will ask the nurse for a personal thermometer."

There was no sound on the first day of the new year.

After Cui Yi walked away, he squatted down abruptly and buried his face in his arms.