A Lucky Coin

Chapter 67


After class in the afternoon, I went to the training room on the first day of the new year. The cat spent a long time studying the disassembly and assembly of a pile of parts.

Teacher Yang scolded him today. Although he was very nervous and scared, he still remembered some things.

His professional courses are currently very good, and he has to listen to the teacher's words and continue to study well, because he will have to rely on this for food in the future.

Maybe others can’t understand. For example, Zhou Chunyang is a guy who has fun in his head every day. His family sent him to a secondary school. It’s nothing more than junior high school and nowhere to go. Zhou Chunyang chose the auto repair himself. He likes cars, although He now finds that learning auto repair is not what he thinks to be able to play with cars every day, just play with parts every day, but it is too late.

In the first year of junior high school, he was very clear that he was different from those classmates. He had no retreat. He had to rely on himself from the time he said he wanted to go to a secondary school.

No, in fact, he is going to be really confused, and Yan Hang, Yan Hang will help him.

Thinking of Yan Hang, he felt at ease for a while.

But he didn't want Yan Hang to help him. Every time Yan Hang asked him for an expensive gift, he asked him to buy a mobile phone and told him not to pay. He said that he would cook for him but he would pay the bill... Every time he heard such words, he would be very satisfied.

I feel like I've grown up.

When the teacher of the training class came over, he saw that he was squatting on the ground with his hands full of mud and tossing, he was immediately very happy. He came over to explain to him and instructed him to disassemble and assemble the engine.

"If you are interested," said the teacher, "you can come here when you have time, or go to the garage to find me. There are some cars to be repaired there. You can go and see and familiarize yourself with how to check and repair various faults."

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

"Auto repair is very popular now," said the teacher. "Don't think it's a car repairer. I can see some faults at a glance. I can tell what kind of car it is when I pass by my ear. , This is the skill."

"Yeah." At first nodded, inexplicably feel that such a skill is very cool.

When he came out of the training room after washing his hands, he felt that he was walking briskly, as if he had seen himself pulling the wind two or three years later.

But when he walked to the entrance of the school, he touched the mobile phone in his pocket, and suddenly remembered the two calls, and suddenly he was filled with depression.

Don't think too much about what Yan Hang said, it's useless to think, but it's too difficult to really do it.

For safety reasons, he looked around while walking to the bus stop.

However, he felt that his Taoism was really much worse than Yan Hang, so he looked around so that someone approached him and he couldn't even notice it.

When there was still some distance from the station, something hit his waist.

"Grab the dog," someone said behind him, "Don't move."

He became stiff at first, and then suddenly his mood rose.

"Why are you so powerful?" He turned his head and saw Yan Hang standing behind him.

"Who am I?" Yan Hang smiled, "My dad played with me like this when I was in elementary school."

Looking at Yan Hang's smile on the first day of the new year, he felt that all his worries were gone at this moment, all of them disappeared, and people could float up.

"Why are you here?" He floated for a while before remembering to ask.

"It's okay to be idle at home," Yan Hang said, "just come over to grab the dog and play."

He laughed for a long time on the first day of the first year, and then sighed: "Yes, I'm not worried..."

"Don't be beautiful," Yan Hang interrupted him, "I'm not as nervous as you."

"Oh." Chuyi smiled and said nothing.

The cafe today is almost the same as yesterday. There are no customers. It is estimated that no one will come in until a little later.

"Let me see what materials are there," Yan Hang walked to the freezer and studied, "You pay the bill."

"Well," Chu nodded, "I'll change my clothes first."

"Go." Yan Hang said.

When Yan Hang got out of his uniform on the first day of the junior high school, he had already taken out some ingredients and was ready to start work. He walked over and stood next to Yan Hang.

"Make it simple and don't delay things in the store," Yan Hang said, "make a pizza and have some fried rice with beef and black pepper?"

"Okay." On the first day, he swallowed. He usually eats dinner after five o'clock. Today, he was hungry to come over to eat with Yan Hang. At this moment, he just wanted to go and eat the pot when he heard the name of the dish. NS.

When Yan Hang started making pizza, a few guests came in, and after ordering coffee and drinks, they started chatting and playing cards.

I was very nervous on the first day of the new year, and kept looking at Yan Hang when I was making coffee with the coffee machine.

Yan Hang smiled at him: "Can you do it?"

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

Yesterday, Yan Hang taught him several coffee methods, and he still remembered the proportions and what to put. At the moment, it was mainly habitual tension.

But when I did it, I was still clumsy. Thanks to the guests at that table who mainly wanted to play cards, they didn't urge him.

When he passed by with his coffee, he looked at several cups of coffee and drinks he had made, and suddenly felt that he was versatile.

"Waiter," a young man turned his head and called, "It smells so good, what is it?"

"Fried rice," said the first day, "it's me, our night..."

"Help make another fried rice," the young man said, "I'm hungry."

"Fan." Chu finished speaking. After hearing what he said, he suddenly didn't know what to do, and turned his head to look at Yan Hang.

Yan Hang nodded.

"Good." On the first day of the new year, I took a look at the menu. There was no price for fried rice with black pepper beef, and there was no staple food in the night menu.

"Tell them 28 copies, there is only one, there are no more." Yan Hang glanced at the menu.

"Yeah." Chuyi smiled.

The job is quite good. There are not many guests coming in the evening. They usually just order a few drinks when they come. When the time comes, they will clean up and close the door and leave.

It was very interesting on the first day of the junior high school. Of course, if Yan Hang was not there, it would definitely not be so interesting.

After the pizza and fried rice were prepared, they sat down at a small table in the corner.

The pizza is made of durian. I didn't like the taste very much in the first grade, but Yan Hang did a good job. I didn't know what ingredients were added to make the durian taste not so heavy. It was milky and it was actually quite delicious.

He looked at Yan Hang while eating.

When Yan Hang raised his eyes to look at him, he suddenly panicked again, and quickly bowed his head and pulled the fried rice.

When staying with Yan Hang now, it feels different from before.

There is a very hidden sense of intimacy, but because of this intimacy, I will suddenly feel a little embarrassed.

Now at such a close distance face to face, he could almost hear Yan Hang's breathing, mixed with the heat of the fried rice, which would suddenly take him back to some kind of excitement that is indescribable but dare not think about it.

"I'm going to work in two days," Yan Hang said, "I'll be with you for two more days, and it should be fine."

"Well," Chu nodded, thinking about it, and a little worried, "You, you haven't been to work for a long time, do you still lead, foreman?"

"Yes," Yan Hang smiled, "Why, are you afraid of losing my job?"

"Not afraid." said the first day.

"I will try to go to the back kitchen next year." Yan Hang said.

"You know, the manager is going crazy," the first day of the month sighed, "It's not over, one day, I will think about it at night, after thinking about it, cook."

"That's no way," Yan Hang said with a smile, "I just love it."

"I don't have any, no hobbies," the first day of the junior high school suddenly felt melancholy, "Really, I actually don't have love, hobbies?"

"You have it," Yan Hang said, "punch, grind a small stone or something."

When Yan Hang talked about small stones, he was nervous on the first day of the new year. The small stones that were trampled were not all rescued. Two of the small stones were ground into small stones. Everyone was afraid that the stones would be cracked. , So he hasn't done everything yet, so he is particularly afraid of Yan Hang at the moment.

I haven't done it for so long, so I don't pay much attention to it!

"You today..." Yan Hang said halfway and then stopped, seeming to hesitate.

The first day of the junior high school immediately reacted: "I'm back to school."

"Oh." Yan Hang glanced at him.

"Our class, dean," explained quickly on the first day of the junior high school, "scolded me in the morning, and said that I will return home at night."

Yan Hang sighed: "Are you such a strict junior high school junior?"

"It's not small, it's not broken," a little unconvinced, "illiterate."

"Go away." Yan Hang laughed, and the pizza in his hand almost fell off.

"When we train the elders, the teacher just listens to it, the engine knows what kind of car it is." said the first day.

"What about you?" Yan Hang asked with a smile.

"I will do it in the future," said the first day of the new year.

He said this very positively, without hesitation at all, and he didn't feel embarrassed when he said it. This is the first time he has grown up and is so confident.

Yan Hang didn't speak, so he looked at him and laughed for a while.

After work in the evening, the store was closed. Yan Hang wanted to send him back to school. He didn't agree. He took a taxi and took Yan Hang home before returning to the school by himself.

He felt so distressed that he wanted to beat the driver when he got off the car and gave the money.

The dormitory was closed. On the first day of the new year, according to Zhou Chunyang's instructions, he climbed up the iron stairs on the side of the dormitory and got into the corridor.

While climbing the stairs, he noticed that this iron staircase was not used at ordinary times, but the footsteps were all polished smoothly and there was no rust at all...

At first glance, it is a prosperous passage for people to come and go, but the school did not remove it.

When I returned to the dormitory, the lights had been turned off, but there was a bright light from the phone screen.

"The first day of the junior high school?" Hu Biao asked.

"Yeah." The first day of the day responded.

"Everyone is all there today," Li Ziqiang was lying on the bed, "all the fucking all night."

"Yes." Hu Biao said.

"Who is going to spread the rumors that someone is coming home late," Zhang Qiang said, "I'll take care of who the hell."

On the first day of the junior high school, he glanced at Su Bin's bed. This man was also playing with his mobile phone, his face was expressionless, and the light on the screen made him very serious, a schoolmaster who was delayed by all the people.

On the first day of the new year, he went to the toilet and finished washing, climbed back to the bed, and sent a message to Yan Hang.

-I slept

-Good night puppy

-Good night Xiao Yan

After the good night, on the first day of the junior high school, I still held my phone for a long time. I didn't know what I was watching. Basically, I clicked on Yan Hang's photo album and swiped down slowly.

Although it was all in English that he couldn't understand, he read it with gusto.

After reading it, I clicked on Weibo again and read the comments made by the ladies to Yan Hang.

-Seeking live broadcast

-I’m new here, may I just lick it

-Want to suck a handsome guy

-Miss you both

-Who knows the rules of the live broadcast? I just watched it once a day. I was always afraid of missing it. I was really considerate of me. I never missed it. There was no live broadcast at all. . . .

-Irregular, disappearing for half a year and a year is also normal

-Who can answer my question? Did Brother Xiaotian and the puppy live together

-I don’t know, it’s too mysterious. I’m not even sure if they are a pair.

-It must be a couple, who can perform such a pure brotherhood!

-I want to tear off Brother Xiaotian’s mask every day

-Wearing the mask is too innocent, I want to keep pulling the pants of the beautiful boy

-Want to pull the puppy's pants

-Stay focused, the puppy is still a child, so let's talk about Brother Tian first

-I’m not happy, the fans have risen too much in the past two days, and I feel like my hidden treasures will be snatched away by the little fairies.

Yan Hang didn't know if he would read these comments. On the first day of the new year, his face blushed. The ladies dare to say anything. After looking at these comments, he subconsciously wanted to lift his pants.

Yan Hang probably wouldn't watch it. Except for playing games, Yan Hang didn't spend much time watching his mobile phone. He always felt that he was particularly indifferent in this aspect in the first year of the junior high school.

If it was him, he would read the comments every day and would reply. A person like him who had no friends and was not confident since he was a child is inferior to a person like Yan Hang who is the only one left in the world, and he is still confident and calm. .

Although he knew that Yan Hang would be in an emotional trough many times, he was always able to handle it.

Such a person, it is very lucky to be able to run into one in a lifetime.

Not only did he run into it, but...

At the beginning, I put aside the lock screen of my phone, lay down quickly, and closed my eyes.

Don't think too much, especially don't think too much.

What lips breathe, what... shot in seconds, don't think about it.

You only shoot in seconds!

Who shot in seconds!

So what if it's seconds!

On the first day of the new year, he turned over, pulled the quilt and covered his head.

Yan Hang had comforted him and gave him a reasonable explanation, but he still couldn't let it go.

What a shame!

The days when Yan Hang went to the coffee shop to accompany him to work soon came to an end. At the beginning of the first year of the new year, he stayed in the shop by himself.

However, after Yan Hang's training for a few days, when he stood behind the bar, he no longer had the kind of helplessness he had at the beginning.

He could almost make the coffee drinks ordered by the guests. Once there was a customer ordering Irish coffee. Yan Hang never taught him. He only told him that it was mixed with whiskey. Not many people usually drink it.

When he heard the customer order this, he calmly said directly that there is no more wine today and he can't do it.

I can fool people so peacefully, and working part-time is really good exercise.

The only thing that is not very happy is because Teacher Yang has warned him not to stay at night, so he can only stay in the dormitory except on weekends.

Looking forward to the weekend.

His current miss for Yan Hang is still as strong as ever. He will start thinking as soon as he turns around, and compared with his past misses, he always feels that his current misses are beginning to be mixed with content that makes him embarrassed to think about it.

But the weekend really came... He would be nervous again.

He didn't sleep well for three consecutive weekends.

Can't sleep at all.

When I lie down, I think about that day.

He always felt that he hadn't deliberately thought about it, and he was so dizzy that day, but now he can remember every detail when he closes his eyes, and he can even remember Yan Hang's breathing and the trajectory of his fingertips.

This is the legendary hunger.

He admitted that he would be excited when he thought of these, even if he would react to a cloud of air, a closet door, or a kettle.

The hunger and thirst are very standard.

He is not only hungry and thirsty, but also contradictory.

He had secretly thought about what would happen to him if he did it again more than once.

But never dared to do anything.

It was almost the end of the year, and Yan Hang was very busy. He was busy all day long on weekends and had no rest. Every time he passed by, he felt that the three characters "I'm very tired" were written on Yan Hang's face.

He didn't dare to make any shameless movements while Yan Hang was sleeping.

In addition to this high-sounding reason, the reason that actually made him more contradictory was... He was afraid that he would be ashamed again.

Some people can throw it many times, just get used to it.

Some people can only lose it once, and it is too much to lose once.

Today, Yan Hang got off work early and finished his get off work at noon, and got home before dinner time.

On the first day of the new year, he took out the key to open the door, and when he saw Yan Hang coming out of the bedroom, he was immediately enveloped in warm happiness.

"Let’s buy you a piece of clothing in a while, just because I have time today," Yan Hang looked at him, "just go to the pedestrian street of your coffee shop to buy it. After you have finished your meal, you will go to work."

"Buy clothes?" On the first day of the new year, he looked down at the clothes on his body, "Isn't the clothes pretty good?"

"Short," Yan Hang sighed, "Did you buy this dress last year? Don't you know how much you have grown from last year to this year?"

"I don't know." said the first day.

"Don't be stingy," Yan Hang looked at him, "I know you paid your salary yesterday."

On the first day of the new year, he laughed, and he was happy when he mentioned the salary.

"Forget it, I'll buy it for you," Yan Hang thought for a while, "you can buy it yourself and the estimated budget is two hundred."

"The budget is five hundred." On the first day of the new year, he pointed out five fingers, "I didn't think about it, right?"

"It's so unexpected." Yan Hang nodded sincerely.

"Your dog," said the first day of junior high school, "very rich."

"Yes," Yan Hang laughed, "Very rich Brother Dog, please help me cover the quilt."

"Do it again?" looked at him on the first day of the new year, "have you changed it last time, right?"

"Do you think it's the same as your dormitory, one change every semester?" Yan Hang said, "Hurry up."

He really hated the quilt cover in the first year of the junior high school. He used to wear the quilt cover of the whole family at home.

People all over the world should hate quilts.

When it was cold the other day and changed the quilt, he still wanted to laugh when he thought of the horrible situation of a group of people in the dormitory covering the quilt. Zhou Chunyang twisted the quilt twice, and took out the quilt in the last anger and put it directly. When you sleep on the quilt, you will be covered with one layer of quilt. Everyone feels that this method is perfect and can be a feature of the dormitory.

But even though I hate the quilt cover and help Yan Hang cover it, I will finish the first year happily.

Yan Hang had laid the quilt and quilt neatly on the bed.

"It's all paved like this," Chu Yi sighed, "Shun the gloves, don't you just finish it, is it done?"

"It's all paved like this, you don't have to finish it quickly." Yan Hang said.

At the beginning of the first day of junior high, when the phone rang in the living room, he turned his head and said, "Help me see, maybe it's from the dormitory. They are going to eat and help themselves today and today."

"Yeah." Yan Hang replied.

The schoolbag in the first year of junior high school was basically empty, just a mobile phone and a pair of gloves were thrown in it, and a handful of change with his head poked out of his pocket.

Quite straight.

Yan Hang smiled, took out his mobile phone and took a look.

It was a few photos sent by Hu Biao, all of them were eaten, eyes full of meat, and steaming spicy hot pot.

"Really," Yan Hang said, "it's only a few hours before you start eating, bully you haven't eaten yet?"

"It must still be posted, the circle of friends, people." Chuyi said with a smile.

"Let me see." Yan Hangdian opened the circle of friends in the first year of junior high school.

Sure enough, the nine pictures are full, and not only Hu Biao, but the people in their dormitory have all posted Moments. Everyone has nine pictures, which is quite unsatisfactory at first glance.

Yan Hang smiled and slowly swiped down a few times.

Since adding a bunch of classmates’ WeChat in the first year of junior high, the circle of friends has become very lively.


All little girls.

Yan Hang flicked down, and when he flipped to yesterday's content, his fingers stopped.

A girl sent three photos.

All three photos were of the first day of the junior high school and Zhou Chunyang sitting on the side of the school playground.

Have. Say. Have. laugh. of. Sample. son.

But just like this, Yan Hang wouldn't feel uncomfortable. After all, he had the best relationship with Zhou Chunyang in the dormitory on the first day of the junior high school.

What made Yan Hang's whole person bad in an instant was the line that this girl matched.

-Today's dog food

Dog, your uncle's food!

Yan Hang was very shocked. Although he thought this was just a joke from the little girl, he was also very sure that Zhou Chunyang would not have any relationship with Zhou Chunyang on the first day of the new year.

But at this moment, he still felt quite upset, very upset.

This feeling, whether it was possessiveness or other desires, made him sore that the roots of his teeth fell more than 70 times in a minute.

He took the phone and walked to the bedroom door, looking at the first day of the new year who was shaking the quilt with his back facing him.

Xiaoshigouzi actually went to spread dog food with others.

Can't bear it.

He can tolerate what big and strong Hu Biao can do, but it is Zhou Chunyang!

On the first day of the first year, he raised his hand, and the T-shirt on his body was lifted up, revealing a waist.

Yan Hang frowned, walked over and stood behind him, reached out his hand to pick his clothes, and touched his waist.

The hand that was still raised on the first day of the new year suddenly settled in the air.

Yan Hang also put his other hand into his clothes, and both hands were on the waist of Chu Chu.

"You..." The first day of the day turned his head and wanted to speak.

Yan Hang didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, he used his hands hard and pushed him directly onto the bed. Before the first day of the face was rushing down, he turned his head, he followed and rushed on, pressing down on the first day of the day.

The next movement was basically instinct, and his hand moved forward along the waist of the first day of the junior high school and into his trousers.

On the first day of the new year, after several seconds, the breathing was completely messed up, he hummed very lowly after being buried in the quilt.