A Lucky Coin

Chapter 76


Yan Hang was completely insomnia that night. He usually suffers from insomnia. If he is on the side on the first day of the middle school, he will move as little as possible, but tonight it doesn't matter.

They talked for a while in the middle of the night, but Yan Hang couldn't remember what they were talking about at dawn. Sometimes it was like this at night. He didn't sleep, but he didn't know how the night was spent.

Chu Jianxin was arrested. For Yan Hang, who has been working hard to keep his heart calm, he can't use the words "throwing a stone into the calm lake". This is at least a brick thrown.

He knows that with the courage and experience of Chu Mo-and-so, it will definitely not take long to be arrested, especially when... He has already told the police that it is possible to have met Chu Mo-and-so.

But after a person is caught, many things will slowly be revealed, and the role Dad played in this matter will become clear. What he is afraid of lies in the truth.

In fact, he is the same as the first year of junior high school, while wanting to know, he is afraid of knowing at the same time.

When I woke up in the morning, the eye circles on the first day of the first year were a little dark. People who do not often suffer from insomnia have a sleeplessness. It is really obvious that he feels that he looks much more energetic than the first day of the first year.

"I'm a little tight and nervous," he looked at the mirror after washing on the first day of the new year, "I can't eat anything."

"I can't eat anything, so I won't eat early," Yan Hang squeezed him away, holding water and splashing it on his face, "Let's see after finishing the procedures."

"Yeah." The first day of the day responded.

"You don't need to be too nervous," Yan Hang wiped his face, "Your dad won't have much problem."

"How do you know, you know." Chuyi sighed.

"Does your dad have the courage to stab someone?" Yan Hang asked.

"How dare he." The first day of the day was stunned.

"If he didn't stabbing someone, there would be no big deal." Yan Hang said.

"Yeah." The first day of the day responded.

Neither of them spoke again.

Looking at Yan Hang on the first day of the new year, Yan Hang held the washbasin in a daze.

In the first day of the junior high school, I didn't know what Yan Hang was thinking. I only knew that if Dad didn't stabbing someone, that person could only be stabbed by Uncle Yan, and Old Ding was dead.

I don't want to think about it anymore.

He doesn't know the law, and he doesn't dare to think about it casually.

Even less willing Yan Hang to ponder.

He used to put his arms around Yan Hang's waist and pressed his face on his shoulders.

"Are you seeking to follow the hair?" Yan Hang asked.

"Give you a smooth." Lu Yi rubbed him on his body.

"Oh," Yan Hang smiled, "It's time to get me smooth with two more rubs."

On the first day of the junior high school, he was stunned for two seconds before reacting: "What, human."

"Your handsome Xiaotian brother." Yan Hang said.

On the first day of the year, he smiled and said nothing, and closed his eyes.

I don't know why, I suddenly feel a little sleepy at this moment, just standing here with my eyes closed and I don't want to move.

They didn't come out of the bathroom until Cui Yi's phone reached Yan Hang's cell phone.

"Let's go straight down. He drove the car downstairs." Yan Hang said.

"Yeah." Chu nodded, and walked out behind him.

The weather today was pretty good, probably because I didn't sleep all night, and when I went out of the building, the sunlight that hadn't fully stretched out made my eyes a little swollen.

"Did you not sleep well in the first grade?" Cui Yi asked.

"Did not sleep." On the first day of the new year, he rubbed his eyes with a little embarrassment.

"It's useless if you think so much about it," Cui Yi said. "My child."

On the first day of the new year, he smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Fortunately, grandparents don't know about it now, or he can't sleep anymore, for fear that the two old people are in a hurry.

When he thinks of grandparents, he always thinks of his mother and grandma. They all know about his father's arrest. What are they thinking and doing now

Are you going to ask if you are anxious

Or does it really matter what they say

"Uncle Cui," Chu Yi looked at the back of Cui Yi's head, "My dad's business is, isn't it half a month, there will be results?"

"If he doesn't do anything, it won't be too long." Cui Yi said.

"Then what did he do?" asked the first day of the month.

"Then it depends on what he was doing," Cui Yi said. "Is he an accomplice, did he continue to commit multiple crimes during the roaming period, and whether his confession will be adopted... This is very complicated to say, you don't care about it. Many, Xiaobai has a direct criminal case, and she is here, so don't worry."

"I thought I could rest assured if you were there," Yan Hang said with a smile.

"Someday you two have a financial dispute with someone," Cui Yi said, "it's best to find me."

"I have a total of three to three thousand yuan," said on the first day of the new year. "At most, two hundred will be rectified with people, disputes, estimated to be rectified, but I can't get up."

Cui Yi laughed: "I can still make fun, it seems that my mental quality is good."

"He must belong to a kind of conditioned reflex." Yan Hang said with a smile.

Niubi lawyer's sister's surname is Bai, Cui Yi calls her Xiaobai, and both Yan Hang and Chuyi call her sister Bai.

Sister Bai is not like the kind of female lawyer she imagined on the first day of the first day. She is very gentle and has a smile on her face.

In the first year of junior high school, he didn't know what this procedure was all about, only that he had to sign his mother's name.

"This is my strength, strength." said the first day.

When I was in elementary school, the teacher kept asking parents to check their homework and sign them. No matter who they were looking for to sign the word at home, they would be upset, so I always signed my mother's name in the first grade.

The sign is more like what my mother wrote herself.

He was holding the pen and felt a little shaking in his hands, not sure if it was because of nervousness.

But the signing is still very similar, after all, I have practiced for many years.

"I'll be there right away, I have to buy time," Sister Bai said, "Don't worry."

"Sister Bai has worked hard." Yan Hang said.

"It's not hard," Sister Bai said, "I'm used to it."

It was almost noon on the first day of the junior high school, and I began to feel a little appetite. When he smelled the scent wafting from the roadside restaurant, he said: "I have to have lunch, right?"

"Well," Yan Hang looked at him, "Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." He touched his stomach, "I want to ask Uncle Cui to come out and eat?"

"He went to the office," Yan Hang said, "after this is over, please invite him and Sister Bai out for dinner."

"Good." Chu nodded.

After going through the formalities today, I was dragging Yan Hang on the street in the first year of the junior high. He usually doesn't like crowded places, but now he feels more at ease only in lively places.

It may be that the attention will be distracted, and the train of thought will be easily interrupted when thinking about it.

"See you now, Sister Bai, have you seen my dad?" The first day of the new year looked at the phone.

"If you ride the rocket over, you will definitely see it now." Yan Hang said.

On the first day of the new year, he laughed and sighed.

"Want to eat seafood buffet?" Yan Hang said, "there is a good one in front."

"Expensive," shook his head on the first day of the month, "Save a little bit, please."

"How much does it cost to have a buffet?" Yan Hang said.

"Attorney's fees," said the first day of the new year, "it is very expensive, I don't have that, so much money, I have to borrow from you."

Yan Hang smiled and rubbed his head: "Then I must have enough money. If you don't have enough money, you can ask Lao Cui to get it. It's not bad for this meal to help yourself. Let's go."

Seafood is still very tempting. Before the first day of the new year, I ate less, and my aunt took him to eat. At that time, I didn’t think it was so delicious. After I arrived in the city by the sea, I realized that seafood must be eaten locally to get the best. The taste comes.

This is a revolving cafeteria, which is really expensive, but the food is also very delicious and there are many varieties.

"When I was young, I thought the revolving meal, the restaurant," Chu said while eating, "It was swish, swish, and the people inside had to be tied up and tied to a chair."

Yan Hang held a piece of fish and smiled so much that he didn't have a chance to deliver it to his mouth.

"Or just fly and go out." said the first day.

"When you were a kid, you were quite able to figure it out," Yan Hang said.

"Just think about it, think about it," said the first day of the day, "sometimes talk to the tree and the hole."

"You can tell me what you have in the future," Yan Hang said, "I can still give you a response."

"For example?" Lu Yi looked at him, "Laughing?"

"Yes." Yan Hang nodded.

"Laugh," the first day of the new year also smiled, "I like to watch, you laugh."

"It's numb." Yan Hang sighed, "This is not Brother Dog's money."

"Fine division dog." said the first day.

Because it is a buffet, I have to eat back to the original. Yan Hang has never eaten too much, so he has to take on this task in the first year of junior high.

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it," Yan Hang looked at him, "At this price, you can eat it back."

I drank a sip of water on the first day of the new year: there is nothing in the world, difficult things..."

"Shut up." Yan Hang said.

"There is nothing in the world, and there is no return to the original," the first day of the new year changed a sentence and continued to insist, "If there are more people who eat..."

"Shut up and eat." Yan Hang flicked on his forehead.

"I'm not down to earth." After taking a few bites on the first day of the new year, he stopped and sighed.

"I'm not at ease," Yan Hang said, "I will look at you when I'm not at ease. You'd better be at ease so that I can be at ease."

Looking at him on the first day of the junior high school, he nodded after a while: "Okay."

In the afternoon, the two of them were unreliable and couldn't go shopping on the street, so they wandered all the way back.

Originally, he could take a taxi or take a bus, but Yan Hang chose to walk back.

"Why?" asked the first day.

"Comfortable," Yan Hang said, "It's been a long time since I walked with you for so long. I used to run every day."

"I'm studying and running at school." said the first day of the junior high school.

"I'm still running around the community," Yan Hang said, "Can it be the same?"

"It's not the same." Chu Yi smiled, and moved to his side.

"Go back in a while and you will sleep," Yan Hang said, "I will get something to eat in the evening. Do you still want to go to the coffee shop?"

"Yeah." Chu nodded.

"I'll accompany you," Yan Hang said, "I guess Sister Bai will have news tonight."

"Okay." On the first day of the new year, I felt a little nervous again. When I was nervous, I felt cold, so I squeezed to Yan Hang again.

In the end, regardless of the presence of passers-by, he put his hand in the pocket of Yan Hang's coat.

Yan Hang did not speak, and shook his hand.

After returning home, Yan Hang sat on the sofa watching TV and playing on his mobile phone. He didn't want to go to sleep in the first year of the new year, so he lay down on the sofa.

It is estimated that after a long walk without sleep all night, Yan Hang soon heard his small snore.

Yan Hang piled the small blanket next to him, lowered his head and continued to look at the phone.

There is a message from Cui Yi just over on the phone.

-If you are in a bad mood these two days, you still need to talk to Dr. Luo

-I'm in a good mood

Yan Hang returned one.

-The initial confession may be unfavorable to your dad, you have to be mentally prepared

-I know

-If you can't adjust by yourself, you can ask Dr. Luo. If something goes wrong with you, your dad can show up and chop me right away.

Yan Hang smiled, put his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

Yan Hang still cooks baked rice for dinner. He likes to eat it on the first day of the new year, and it is easy to make. It is suitable for people who are absent-minded and emotional.

Cui Yi is worried about his mental state, and he is also worried.

But over the past year or so, he can feel that he is slowly adjusting his emotions a lot better than before. When his father suddenly left, he suddenly lost the painful feeling of relying on and center of gravity. Now when he thinks about it, It will feel a bit remote and fuzzy.

It's just that it's impossible to be completely unaffected.

For example, he will still suffer from insomnia due to this incident, and it may continue for several days or longer.

When the aroma was wafting from the oven, the first day of the year entered the kitchen: "Hungry."

"I ate so much at noon," Yan Hang said, "Are you hungry after a nap?"

"Yeah." Chuyi sighed, "It smells so good."

"You can eat it right away," Yan Hang glanced at the oven. "There is still yogurt in the refrigerator."

"Sister Bai hasn't contacted yet, contact us." said the first day.

"When you meet, you need to talk first, and then talk," Yan Hang said. "After the chat, you have to have a meal and rest, and then organize it, and then you can contact."

"Oh." Chu Yi bounced, and went over to hug Yan Hang, rubbing his face on his shoulder several times before turning back to the living room.

In the evening, Yan Hang accompanied him in the coffee shop. The shop was still the same and there were not many guests.

On the first day of the junior high school, when Yan Hang was making coffee, the phone rang.

He straightened his waist suddenly, and for two seconds he took the phone out of his pocket in a panic, but he didn't take it out for a long time.

"I'm coming." Yan Hang grabbed his hand, took the phone out of his pocket, squeezed his wrist again, then picked up the phone and pressed the speakerphone, "Hello Sister Bai, I am Yan Hang, next to me on the first day of the new year."

"Okay, I just talked to Lao Cui on the phone," Sister Bai's voice came out, and she was still very gentle, not in a hurry, and couldn't tell the quality of today's conversation from the tone of voice, "The procedures have been filled. Okay, I also talked in detail with my dad in the first grade of junior high school."

On the first day of the junior high school, I felt that my hands were all ice, and I couldn't even say a word when I stood stiff beside the bar.

"How is the situation?" Yan Hang asked.

“Let’s tell the first day of the junior high school not to worry about him,” Sister Bai said, “he has no physical problems now, and the situation is okay.”

Yan Hang glanced at Chu Yi.

"Yeah." The first day of the year responded, his nose suddenly a little sore.

What my dad said was to tell the first day of the junior high school, but he did not say to tell the family that it made the first day of the junior high school a little uncomfortable, just like the people in this family have no relationship for a long time.

"Now, regarding the situation of the case, because it is confidential, I can't disclose any specific content to you, but I can tell you that the problem is not too serious at the beginning of the new situation, and there is still a great opportunity," Sister Bai continued. "The premise is if what he told me is true."

"Yeah." Yan Hang replied, "I understand."

The breath of the first day of the junior high school suddenly paused, feeling a little breathless, he stared at the mobile phone in Yan Hang's hand.

When he heard his father's name, he was still able to remain calm, but when he thought that Uncle Yan was involved but could not say anything, he suddenly panicked, and his hands in his pocket trembled. .

"I know your feelings now, but in any case, you still have to be patient," Sister Bai said in a gentle voice. "According to Chu Jianxin's statement, in my opinion, the basic facts of this case and the relationship between Yan Zhiyuan and the victim The relationship is relatively clear."

On the first day of the junior high school, I felt that I could hear every word the Qingbai sister said, but my mind was like a stuck gear, and I couldn't get past the three words "Yan Zhiyuan".

This was the first time he really felt the relationship between his father and this matter since it happened for so long. The names of his father and Uncle Yan appeared side by side in this form at the same time, which made him very flustered.

"So Chu Jianxin is here, and there is no major responsibility," Yan Hang said, "Is this the situation? Can you understand it this way?"

"If all these things he said are true," Sister Bai said, "he didn't even know it beforehand."

"Then if it is what he said," Yan Hang continued to ask, "His situation..."

"I can try a defense of innocence." Sister Bai said.

On the first day of the junior high school, I tried my best to control my emotions and listened carefully to the dialogue between Yan Hang and Bai sister.

He was probably an unfilial son. At this time, all his attention was focused on Yan Hang. Even though Sister Bai was not clear, but could still hear some content, Yan Hang was able to calmly bypass Yan Hang. Uncle, and focused on Chu Jianxin.

Listening to Yan Hang carefully questioning his father's situation, Chu Yi felt pain in his heart like a knife stabbing, and was very uncomfortable.

"Okay, Sister Bai has worked hard." Yan Hang's voice was a little hoarse.

"Don't worry, I will do my best in this case," Sister Bai said. "If you have any ideas, you can tell me."

"Well," Yan Hang paused, "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he stared at Yan Hang on the first day of the new year, but couldn't open his mouth to speak.

Yan Hang didn't make a sound either, sitting on a chair with his elbows propped on his knees, staring at the carton of milk under the bar in a daze.

After a long time, Yan Hang raised his head: "Listening to this, your dad's problem is not big. If he is not guilty, then he will be out soon. Old Cui said, Sister Bai is very good, don't worry. NS."

Nothing in the first day of the junior high school.

When Sister Bai said about his father's situation, he just felt that his nose was sour, but it was not like it is now. It seemed that there was a tenth-level tsunami in his body, and the waves hit his heart.

It was so bad that he couldn't even cry.

Yan Hang put the phone back in his pocket and patted his arm: "I..."

On the first day of the new year, he hugged his head and pressed his face on his stomach.

Yan Hang paused, and after a few seconds, he lightly leaned on him and did not move.

He didn't know what to say in the first year of the junior high school, and he couldn't think of anything in his mind. He just wanted to comfort Yan Hang. Today, Yan Hang is much more vulnerable than him.

Yan Hang, who has experienced everything and can handle everything, may not be able to handle it when facing others talking about his father's injury.

The things in my mind are always vague, even if they are thousands of times. Some details that I don’t want to think about will be wisely skipped and missed, and they will be “transitory” when they appear.

When hearing other people's words, even if it is a few sentences without any substantive content like Sister Bai, those details will become extremely clear because they cannot be avoided, cannot fast forward, and cannot miss frames.

"Yan Hang." On the first day of the new year, he lowered his head and lightly scratched the top of Yan Hang's head.

"Yeah." Yan Hang replied, buried in his stomach.

"Do you drink hot, milk?" Lu Yi asked softly.

"It's not that I said, Brother Gou, you have been working here for half a year," Yan Hang said in a dull voice, "Will you make hot milk?"

"No," said the first day, "hot cow, I can make milk with one hand, and two hands for everything else."

Yan Hang smiled lightly: "Alright, hot milk."

"Yeah." Chu put his right hand on Yan Hang's shoulder, and took the milk from the bar with his left hand, poured it into the milk pot, put it on the electric ceramic stove next to it, and began to heat it, "I like to boil, boiled milk. , Very fragrant."

"Yeah." Yan Hang responded.

"Do you want to add sugar?" asked the first day.

"Add more." Yan Hang said.

"Good." Chu nodded.

While adding sugar to the milk, the shop door was pushed open, and two girls came in.

"It's closed." Chuyi looked at them both.

"Huh?" The two girls were stunned, then turned their heads and saw them standing and sitting next to each other in the bar, and their eyes and expressions changed at the same time. There were seven or eight styles.

"Sorry," took the boiled milk at the beginning and poured it slowly into the cup, repeating it again, "it's closed."

"...Oh." The two girls were stunned for a few seconds before turning around and turning their heads while whispering something and walked out.

"Your boss will look at the surveillance tomorrow," Yan Hang said, "you will be unemployed."

"No," said the first day, "Sister Xiaoxiang is pretty, okay, if she asks, I will say my friend, friend..."

"Boyfriend." Yan Hang said.

"Huh?" The first one did not understand.

"If she asks, you will say that your boyfriend is in a bad mood, so please comfort me." Yan Hang said.

On the first day of the first year, he held the milk pot with half a pot of milk, and the whole person couldn't move.

The author has something to say:

Because I’m really a layman, after asking a friend to ask some specific questions about the professional criminal defense lawyer’s case, I actually made a super serious mistake. I asked Sister Bai to tell the truth about the case... It’s crazy, good friend. I found out in time, but it was sent out at the time, so I had to delete it and change TT_TT again immediately. It was too terrible... So you should focus on the easter eggs in the back o(≧口≦)o.