A Lucky Coin

Chapter 82


Yan Hang is really a person who rarely cries. Compared to his sore nose when he was fine, he always felt that Yan Hang was really strong on the first day of the junior high. Uncle Yan is a calm old fox, and Yan Hang is a particularly strong little fox.

Only in the few cases where he couldn't control his emotions and cried, did he feel that Yan Hang was not as strong as he showed.

He is just good at hiding and disguising.

On the first day of the new year, I squatted in front of the tombstone. The surroundings were very quiet. There were occasional bird calls, and a few unknown insects could be heard.

Apart from this, there was no sound, and I couldn't even hear Yan Hang's crying.

But he could feel his hand on Yan Hang's back, and Yan Hang was indeed crying.

There is no sound at all.

He just sat on the ground and hugged his knees, with his face buried in his arms.

He couldn't feel Yan Hang's current mood at the First One Meeting, he could only guess.

After all, he didn't have such a deep relationship with his dad. When he knew his dad was arrested, his nose was a bit sore, but he wanted to know why.

Yan Hang is different. Yan Hang and Uncle Yan have always been together. Although they don’t have a fixed home and don’t have a home in the traditional sense, as Yan Hang said, home is not just a name, but people and feelings. He With Uncle Yan, it's home.

After Uncle Yan disappeared, Yan Hang seemed to be doing well, except that he would suffer from insomnia as before, and he did not increase any other negative performance.

But until now, after seeing these traces of Uncle Yan in front of my eyes.

The feeling of loss suddenly broke out again.

Uncle Yan hadn't heard from him for so long, but suddenly discovered that he had a recent photo of Yan Hang in his hand.

He didn't know whether Yan Hang was feeling wronged, pleased, angry, or missing.

On the first day of the junior high school, there was no sound of comfort, but he kept putting his hands on Yan Hang's back.

He couldn't find anything to comfort him, and he didn't feel that Yan Hang needed comfort now.

It’s good to cry, but when you want to cry, you have to cry. Why should you persuade him not to cry.

At the beginning, he hid the small objects found in Mili back in the same way. He used to think that Uncle Yan was a very interesting person. Now that he saw these, he felt that Uncle Yan was still a very gentle person.

Chu Jianxin was arrested and released, he should already know, and he should also know that the police had already cleared what happened at that time, why didn't he show up yet.

On the first day of the new year, he sighed slightly.

Yan Hang cried for a short time, at least much shorter than him.

But Yan Hang had been buried in his arms and didn't raise his head. On the first day of the new year, people who knew why Yan Hang was so particular and even concealed himself would certainly not raise his head when his eyes were still red.

When the shadow of the pine and cypress next to him moved from Yan Hang to the arm of the first year, Yan Hang sighed slightly, raised his head, and glanced at him.

Sure enough, the eyes were no longer red, and the tip of his nose was not red. Except for the traces of clothing on his forehead, Yan Hang couldn't even tell that he had cried just now.

"Let's go," he stood up slowly, his hands on his knees, and after a while, he straightened up and stretched out. "It's just time to drive back for dinner."

"Well," Chu nodded, "I want to stay, what to keep, let Uncle Yan, Uncle know..."

"No," Yan Hang glanced at the incense burner. "He stretched out his hand and touched it and knew that someone had moved, and the things could not be put back in place."

"He can still remember, remember this?" The first day of junior high school was a little surprised.

"Not sure," Yan Hang smiled, "but he often surprises me."

After leaving the cemetery, Yan Hang felt that he was also distracted by the ever-changing street scenes, and his emotions slowly eased a lot as he watched the sight of the road slowly becoming more prosperous.

Cui Yi shouldn't know about his father's photo, otherwise Cui Yi would not let him over, and because of his father's character, he decided to hide, so he would not let anyone know easily.

"What are you going to eat?" Asked next to him on the first day.

"What hotel Lao Cui introduced, I picked the closest one," Yan Hang said, "I couldn't find the name of the store on the navigation, so I could only press the name of the street. I looked at it in the past. He hasn't been back for many years, and said It may be demolished."

"You are nostalgic for him." Chu Yi smiled.

"Well," Yan Hang gave a direction, followed the navigation prompts and drove the car on a small road. "After more than ten years, you can go home and you can be nostalgic. The supermarket, the vegetable market, ten yuan Three pairs of underwear..."

"Ten yuan and five items are all," said the first day of the new year, "I pass through."

"I didn't dye you red." Yan Hang sighed.

"It's okay," Chuyi laughed, "I walked through the one, and the color was fading all the time, and the hole was washed out, and it fell off. I also thought it was dyed or dyed, ah, there was no cloth. "

Yan Hang laughed for a long time: "Hey, I grew up in a big city anyway, and the quality of life is not as good as that of children in the mountains."

"It's all right now," said the first day of the new year. "The underwear is all striped and patterned."

"That's mine." Yan Hang said, "have you bought it yourself stingy."

"If you are not convinced, you can pass through me, mine," said the first day of the new year.

"Get off." Yan Hang looked out the window, "You look at the sign on the side of the road, the restaurant is better for the two of you."

"Yeah." Chu Yi looked out the car window.

Driving across the street, I didn’t see the restaurant called "Brother Hao", but there was a grocery store called "Brother Hao". There were slippers and sandals, which blocked the signs by the door. At first glance, I saw a good word.

"Go ask." Yan Hang parked the car on the side of the road.

The two got out of the car and walked to the door of the grocery store. There were no lights in it, the light was quite dim, and they couldn't see whether there was anyone.

"Ah!" Shouted from the inside on the first day.

Yan Hang looked at him inexplicably, "Do you think there is a voice-controlled light here?"

"What are you going to buy?" An uncle came out from inside.

"Someone," said the first day.

Yan Hang expressed his conviction with this way of greeting him.

"Hello, uncle," Yan Hang greeted uncle, "I want to inquire..."

The uncle stared at him and kept watching. He was a little embarrassed to see him, and he almost couldn't say anything: "Is your shop always open here?"

"Yes," the uncle looked at him, "for decades."

"Then, do you know that there was a restaurant here that was also called the brothers, okay?" Yan Hang asked.

"This is where I am," the uncle pointed at his feet, "Brothers are good restaurants. They won't open them if they are too old to withstand tiredness."

"Oh," Yan Hang was stunned. "You also opened the restaurant? Is it a store now?"

"Yes," the uncle looked at him and asked a little hesitantly, "your surname is Yan?"

On the first day of the month, he turned his head and looked at Yan Hang. Yan Hang was also stunned: "Yes."

"It looks really like your dad, I recognize it at a glance," the uncle said, "exactly the same."

"My dad used to come here to eat?" Yan Hang asked immediately.

"I have to come back every few days," the uncle raised his head triumphantly, "I will definitely not forget the spare ribs and sauced duck here."

"Is he coming with a friend or... coming with my mother?" Yan Hang asked a little hard, the word "my mother" was really strange to him.

"Your mother should have been here once or twice," the uncle thought for a while, "I haven't been here since then. Your dad always comes with friends. I remember Xiao Cui."

"He is Old Cui now," Yan Hang said, "He gave me your address here."

"It's a pity to be late," the uncle smiled, "I can't eat it now."

"Yes." Yan Hang sighed, a little surprised.

"Your parents and Xiao Cui are all okay? It's been more than ten years, and I often see other old diners, but they have never seen them again." The uncle said.

"It's all good," Yan Hang said, "It's far away, and it's not easy to come back once."

"Yes," the uncle nodded, "After more than ten years, the sons of young people are young people."

Before leaving here, Yan Hang took a picture of the uncle, and took a picture of him and the good shop behind his brother.

After returning to the car, he sent the photo to Cui Yi.

-Grandpa still remembers Xiao Cui and Xiao Yan

Middle-aged people like Cui Yi usually don't type the reply, and just came back with a voice.

"Fuck me," he said.

Yan Hang started the car, drove the car out of this road, and wandered around the street, waiting to find a delicious restaurant nearby on his phone on the first day of the new year.

"Well," the first day of the day pointed to the phone, "the restaurant applauded, it's delicious."

Yan Hang smiled: "Okay."

"I'll buy an excellent coupon." said the first day.

"... My treat." Yan Hang sighed.

"You can give, give me cash," said the first day, "original price."

"Go away," Yan Hang sighed, "Navigate to the past."

This restaurant is delicious, the decoration is also very good, the waiter smiles very hard, the three cups of chicken is very good.

The portion is small. After eating a plate of three cups of chicken on the first day of the new year, he sighed: "I said it was quite cheap. It turned out to be so small."

"Normal people have enough food," Yan Hang said, "people are designed according to normal people."

"We dog," said the first day of the new year, "not enough, after applying, we will ask for another plate."

"Anything else?" Yan Hang asked.

"What is that, what?" On the first day of the new year, he looked at the table next to him and asked in a low voice, "Heap, the one that is piled up."

"Toast," Yan Hang glanced, "It should be ice cream on top."

"I want to eat." said the first day.

"Okay," Yan Hang called the waiter and ordered them for him. "You will taste it later. I'm not sure about three cups of chicken. If you want toast, I can make it for you when I go back."

"Yeah." Chu Yi smiled and nodded.

The first one was blueberry toast. It tasted so good. He ate two-thirds of it by himself.

"It's so good in summer." Yan Hang sighed.

"Longer." said the first day.

"Hurry up, let me see if it's two meters long," Yan Hang said.

"Only one meter nine, I can look down and look at you." Chu Yi patted his stomach contentedly, "Now I can stand up and I can bend down and look down at you."

"Can you stutter a little bit," Yan Hang said, "Which stutter do you think you talk so much?"

"I am the one who stutters the most," said the first day of the new year. "Of those who talk a lot, the one who stutters the most."

"Check out." Yan Hang stood up.

He took his cell phone to the bar on the first day of the junior high. He probably never had a chance to check out with his cell phone. He stared at his cell phone seriously throughout the whole process.

"There is a discount of three or more than thirty," said the first day of the new year, "it's great."

Yan Hang smiled and said nothing.

"No money, give it to me," Chuyi sighed, "Sister Bai's agent, the agency fee is paid, but you haven't paid it yet."

"Yes," Yan Hang snapped his fingers, "I almost forgot."

He glanced at him on the first day of the new year.

"I can't forget others," Yan Hang put his arm around his shoulder, "you don't remember much."

When I came out of the restaurant, the sky outside was still dark, but the lights on the street were already on.

This kind of prosperous feeling is actually not special, whether it is at home or where I go to school now, such night scenes are very common.

But for the first year of junior high school, it is indeed different.

This is a completely unfamiliar city, the destination of his travels.

When I ran all the way to find Yan Hang before, I saw an unfamiliar city. In addition to expectations and hopes, there was more nervousness and confusion.

Now it's different. Now because there is Yan Hang by his side, because this is his and Yan Hang's common experience, all the strangeness has become novel and beautiful.

This is not a particularly professional tourist destination, but compared to seeing all kinds of tourists, the feeling of walking slowly among the local people is also wonderful.

"Are you thirsty?" Yan Hang asked, "There is an ice cream shop in front of you."

"No ice cream, quench your thirst." said the first day.

Yan Hang tweeted: "Want to eat ice cream?"

"Yes." Chu nodded.

"Go eat, go," Yan Hang patted him on the back, "I find you really annoying sometimes."

"I just posted it now, I found it was a bit late, it was too late." Chuyi said with a smile.

"Acknowledged." Yan Hang said.

Strolling in the street, eating ice cream, and wandering around in the video game city are all the daily lives of ordinary classmates who were envious but dared not to envy before the first year of the junior high school.

After coming out to school, he has lived such a daily life, but now all this is different because "this is part of the trip".

He and Yan Hang even went to see a midnight movie after shopping for a few hours.

Although it is hard to see how many people left the stage and he can't even remember what he said.

The night was spent with gusto.

When I returned to the hotel, I felt very tired. In the shower, Yan Hang slapped him on his legs for a few times before throwing him up into the bathroom.

"It's so tiring to travel." He sighed while lying on the bed spreading his arms and legs with his eyes closed.

"It's too easy for you to pass away," Yan Hang said. "Whoever goes on a trip is to go shopping in another city to watch movies."

"Let's both," smiled comfortably on the first day of the junior high school, "I think this is travel, don't need to be like others, people."

"Brother Dog said well." Yan Hang clapped him, pushed him aside, and lay down on the bed.

"Are you tired?" asked the first day.

"Tired," Yan Hang said, "tired wholeheartedly."

"It's also high, please be happy," the first day of the day turned his head, "After all, I know, I know Uncle Yan..."

"Unhappy," Yan Hang gritted his teeth, "I'm so angry."

The first day of the month smiled.

"The old fox doesn't know where to hide and take pictures of me," Yan Hang sighed. "I can feel that one of a hundred people stared at me, but I didn't even notice him taking pictures."

"You are all taught by him," said on the first day of the new year. "It's definitely better than, better than you. Maybe you still have it. If you have a secret recipe, you have passed it to you."

"Sure." Yan Hang nodded.

"See you later, I will meet you," said the first day of the new year.

"Okay." Yan Hang laughed, and coughed twice at the beginning, "How about you come to force a confession?"

"No, problem." Chuyi shook a fist.

The trip to the cemetery has been completed, and the harvest has exceeded Yan Hang's expectations. The next few days can be a real trip.

But he still didn't fall asleep this night.

The one beside him slept like a pig on the first day of the year. The bed was originally small, but he kept arching toward him. Finally, he simply sat up and leaned against the head of the bed.

In this way, he didn't evade, he continued to squeeze and hug his leg on the first day of the new year.

"Why is it so annoying to your mother?" Yan Hang slapped him on the back.

In the first day of the year, he didn't even hum, and there was no movement at all.

"Unexpectedly, you can't wake up?" Yan Hang patted him again.

On the first day of the new year, I still slept motionlessly as if I had gotten too much sleeping pills.

"Dogzi!" Yan Hang continued to shoot him.

He chirped on the first day of the new year.

"Wag the tail!" Yan Hang flicked his face twice.

Scratched his face on the first day of the new year.

"Sleep, you," Yan Hang sighed and rubbed his face, "It's nice to have nothing to worry about."

Yan Hang is very envious of the first year of junior high. He lives in a simple life and thinks about things, but he is not too entangled in his thinking, and his emotions will not fluctuate particularly severely. After all, he grew up in such a family and has not been destroyed. The child has a better psychological endurance than him, who has been spoiled by his father no matter how.

"Dog," Yan Hang pinched a bunch of hair at first, "Dog, dog, GOGOGO! Alealeale..."

On the first day of the junior high school, he was really at ease. Chu Jianxin was arrested and acquitted. Although his most worried Uncle Yan is still in secret, he can already be sure that he is safe.

For the first year of junior high school, I feel relieved.

Yan Hang yawned, what about himself

In fact, it can be said to be relieved. Even if the photos were taken secretly when he was a foreman, it hasn’t been long since now. Besides, the photos are old and the edges are a little fluffy, which can be seen in the photo pendant. Not a short time.


Dad actually still has this kind of girlish mind. He missed Dad so much, and he didn't expect to hide the photo in the pendant and just look at it... At most, he turned on his phone and glanced at it.

Yan Hang didn't know when he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was already lying down, but he was hugged tightly by the first day of the year.

"Fuck, I've never seen a dog like you," Yan Hang was speechless, grabbing the arm of the first year of the junior high school and swiping him aside, "Get out! No dog food today!"

After being lifted by him on the first day of the junior high school, he turned over and disappeared from the bed with a bang.

Yan Hang was stunned, and quickly sat up.

The reaction in the first year of junior high was faster than that of a dog, and he jumped up from the ground like a spring, and stood by the bed while hem.

"Little brother, kung fu is okay." Yan Hang looked up at him.

I didn't speak on the first day of the first year of the junior high school. I was stunned for a long time before regaining my senses. I stared at the bed and looked at him again. He gritted his teeth and said, "You evil, bully!"

"You fucking..." Yan Hang was very shocked, but he lowered his head and glanced at the bed. Only then did he find that he had fallen asleep to the side of the bed. According to the posture just now, if he didn't hold him on the first day of the first year, he would have fallen out of bed long ago. , He raised his head again and nodded as he looked at Chu a little bit, "Yes, I am a bully."

"I, one night," took the clothes on the first day of the new year, and sighed while wearing them, "I dreamed of being hanging on the edge of the cliff, holding a stone, not dare to loosen it, let go of it..."

"Fuck off," Yan Hang laughed, lying on the bed looking at him, "You kept squeezing me last night, I haven't settled with you yet."

"The revenge is too strong." Chu threw his clothes on the bed, turned and went into the bathroom to wash.

Yan Hang laughed on the bed for a while before getting out of the bed slowly, walked to the window and opened the curtains, and stretched out a lot.

The sunshine today is good, although I must be sweaty when I go out, but if I go to scenic spots, it is more comfortable to have sunshine.

"Quickly wash! Face brush! Teeth!" Lu Yi shouted out his head from the bathroom.

"Oh fuck," Yan Hang was startled, then turned his head, "I was scared to death."

"So no, don't be scared, how can you walk the rivers and lakes," said the first day of the new year, "breakfast voucher eight, eight thirty is past time!"

"Fart," Yan Hang said, "at half past nine, maybe ten."

"Let me see," came out on the first day of the new year, took his coat, took out the breakfast voucher in his pocket, and took a look, "At half past nine, how did you know that? ."

"You counted the two early tickets, are you still hiding them in your pocket?" Yan Hangle is now, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Buffet." said the first day.

"Silly dog," Yan Hang went over to hug him, rubbed his head and back vigorously, "Do you think the buffet breakfast delivered is the same as the one we eat at the revolving restaurant?"

"At least no, unlimited." Chu Yi said firmly.

"All right, hurry!" Yan Hang let go of him and rushed into the bathroom, and quickly began to wash, "I have to make you a stingy man sooner or later."

"Two hundred thousand, the car." said the first day.

"Okay." Yan Hang almost choked on the toothpaste foam.

The hotel’s breakfast buffet is okay. There are porridge, noodles, soy milk, and a variety of buns and dumplings. In fact, I didn’t eat much on the first day of the new year.

"I thought you were going to eat everything from that table," Yan Hang walked into the elevator, "ambitious."

"Save some for goodbye, someone else." said the first day of the month.

A little girl in the uniform of a waiter walked in behind them. After coming in, she asked, "Which floor are you going to?"

"First floor." Yan Hang said.

The little girl helped them press the button on the first floor, and Yan Hang smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The little girl stepped aside and glanced at their faces from time to time.

When they got out of the elevator on the first floor, the little girl asked behind them in a low voice: "It's Xingtian, right?"

Yan Hang paused and turned around.

"My God," the little girl yelled in a low voice, covering her mouth, "right? Brother Xiaotian and the puppy!"

"... Pull it out and kill it." Yan Hang said.

"Don't don't, don't stop talking," the little girl hurriedly waved, "I won't say anything if I don't take pictures. I just get excited by myself. I like you two very much. I think you two are very handsome. The puppy is so cute and so cute. NS… "

Before Yan Hang could speak, the little girl turned around and ran away down the corridor, whispering "handsome, cute and cute" all the way.

"You are completely violent and exposed," said the first day of the month.

"Yeah." Yan Hang smiled, turned and walked towards the hotel entrance.

"Don't keep it, it's not a god, it's a secret." said the first day of the day.

"Don't hold it anymore." Yan Hang moved his arm.

"Why, what?" said the first day of the new year.

"I really want to smoke you," Yan Hang sighed, and put his arms around his shoulders, "In the future, it will be different from before."