A Lucky Little Bodyguard

Chapter 69: Society meetings


"Swindlers, you two cheated me out of 500 yuan so quickly. WWW.tsxsw.COM" Huang Shasha stood there stomping her feet and slamming the table, while Chen Bo simply picked up the food plate in front of him, turned around and sat at a table at the back.

After eating in the cafeteria, Chen Bo followed Peng Xue and the others towards the villa, while Zuo Lunqiang was busy doing other things.

Now that Chen Bo had told him about the May Fourth Society, he naturally couldn't be left idle. After dinner, Chen Bo asked Zuo Lunqiang to find Zhang Chengming and the others and ask them to write the rules of the League. Then, Zuo Lunqiang would find a printing company to make dozens of copies of the rules. In this way, when the May Fourth Society really became active in the future, he could let each of them take a copy of the rules to read.

Before asking Zuo Lunqiang to find Chen Bo, Zuo Lunqiang told Chen Bo some of his ideas, such as that in the future there will not only be boys' and girls' groups, but also various departments, and after this group of students enter the society, departments will also be established in the society, and the same is true in the university town.

After listening to Revolver Qiang's words, Chen Bo also felt that it made sense. At this time, Chen Bo realized that Revolver Qiang was also quite smart, at least he had management skills. So after dinner, Chen Bo was relieved to hand the matter over to Revolver Qiang.

As for the cost of photocopying the group rules, didn't I just get 500 yuan from Huang Shasha? Based on the photocopying prices around the university, I estimate that these 500 yuan can print several thousand copies.

After Chen Bo followed Peng Xue back to the villa, Peng Xue wanted to go to evening self-study, so she just sat in the living room and watched TV. Chen Bo went into his bedroom and started practicing.

Although he hadn't felt like making a breakthrough recently, Chen Bo knew that it was not easy to break through a level. Moreover, he was living in a big city now, so his strength was not very useful to him. He couldn't just kill anyone who offended him, right

But thinking about the matter of Yintian Sect, Chen Bo had to intensify his training. Master Laogui had not appeared recently, and Chen Bo didn't even know what he was busy with, so he had to continue to protect Peng Xue in the academy.

In the following period of time, because Wang Tianyi and Qiu Zhi were both hospitalized, Chen Bo was relieved. A few days later, Chen Bo once again called all the members who had joined the May Fourth Society to the martial arts room, saying that he wanted to hold a small meeting.

This time, there were obviously a lot more people in the martial arts room than last time, and there were several girls among them, and Huang Shasha and Peng Xue were among them.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after all the members had finished their meal, Chen Bo had the door of the martial arts room closed, and then said to the members in front of him: "I'm glad that everyone has joined our club. Now our staff has grown to 60 people. But everyone knows that our current staff are all students from our business school, and this number is far from enough, so I think we will have to recruit people from other colleges outside the college in the future. What do you think?"

Chen Bo is now the top leader of the May Fourth Society, and those who have joined the society also know it. They have read the rules of the group and know the benefits of joining the May Fourth Society, so everyone is still very enthusiastic about this matter.

When Chen Bo said that the next step was to recruit people from other colleges in the university town, all the members were a little excited. However, everyone knew that the club was not really big at the moment. Even in the business school, many people didn't know about it. Although many people knew about it, they didn't agree to pay 500 yuan for joining the club.

"Student Chen, you said that there are more than 50 boys among you, but there are only a few of us girls. Isn't this obviously unbalanced?" After Chen Bo finished speaking, Huang Shasha stood up and said to Chen Bo.

Chen Bo turned his head and looked at Huang Shasha and the girls around her, then nodded and said, "I can't do anything about this. First, we boys already have more than 20 boxing team members. Second, it means that you are not qualified as the leader of the girls' group, and your calls are not very positive."

"Who said that? I go to recruit my good sisters during every break, but they think there are too few handsome guys in our club, so they don't want to join." Huang Shasha stood up and replied to Chen Bo.

Chen Bo was speechless after hearing Huang Shasha's words. What kind of excuses are these? If you don't want to join, then don't join. And what about saying that there are no handsome guys in our May Fourth Society? Isn't he handsome enough

Chen Bo thought in his heart, and said: "Student Huang, I think this is the time to demonstrate your personal ability and management ability. Why can these girls around you be recruited, but others are unwilling to join? And think about it, there are so many benefits to joining the May Fourth Society, why don't they join?"

"Oh, okay, I'll go recruit them later. If they don't join, I won't be the leader of the girls' group anymore." Huang Shasha also made up her mind. Because now Zhang Chengming and Li Ming, the leaders of the boys' groups, have recruited more than 30 people, but she has only recruited a few, which is quite embarrassing.

Chen Bo looked at Huang Shasha and nodded, then continued: "Next, I will talk about other things. Because our club now has more and more members, and there may be members from outside the business school in the future, so now we need to arrange a manager from outside the school. You can recommend others or recommend yourself. This manager needs to have leadership skills and have enough time to manage things. I don't want to find a playboy who only knows how to pick up girls."

After hearing what Chen Bo said, everyone around him burst into laughter. Peng Xue just sat there and looked at Chen Bo, not knowing what she was thinking. Peng Xue didn't say a word during the entire meeting. But she was a little obsessed with Chen Bo's concentration on his speech.

The people around were still discussing who would go to the university town to develop personnel, while Chen Bo stood there, slowly flipping through a set of materials prepared by Zuo Lunqiang.

This is a list of names of people who joined the club and their family backgrounds. Seeing that there are many big companies on it, Chen Bo knows that they are just here to join the May Fourth Club. Because they don't need the help of the May Fourth Club in the future, and they joined the club because they were either forced to join by Zhang Chengming and others, or because they have nothing to do in the college.

This was only their first meeting. After listening to what Chen Bo had to say, a boy sitting next to him immediately became restless. He stood up and said to Chen Bo, "Stop discussing it. Let me do it. It's good for me to be the head of the university town branch."

Upon hearing this, Chen Bo turned his head to look at the boy, then asked, "What's your name?"

"Chen Mo, I'm a freshman, but I'll be promoted to sophomore soon." Chen Mo replied directly to Chen Bo.

After hearing what Chen Mo said, Chen Bo lowered his head and flipped through the list in his hand. Soon, Chen Bo saw Chen Mo's personal information.

Chen Mo is the only son in the family. His father is the president of Jufu Group in Lai'en City. Chen Mo originally studied in Lai'en City during the first semester of his freshman year, but because he got into a fight in that school, his father arranged for him to come here.

After reading Chen Mo's message, Chen Bo wondered if he could arrange for him to go to the university town as the branch leader. If we only look at Chen Mo's identity, there is no problem for him to be the branch leader. But looking at his personality, he is probably a second-generation rich kid, and he is probably just pretending to be cool.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo nodded and said to Chen Mo: "Okay, then I'll be you. You can find a few more people in our club to help. When the time comes, prepare some materials and go to other colleges to have a look."

"No, I know a few brothers in the Polytechnic Institute. I can ask them to find someone for me when the time comes. I'm just a figurehead." Seeing that Chen Bo agreed, Chen Mo replied and then sat down.

The whole room chatted for a while in the martial arts room, and Chen Bo said that they would stop here today and make arrangements if there were any other things. Before leaving, Chen Bo also asked the members to mobilize their classmates to join.

Especially the juniors, because they are about to graduate, and Chen Bo looked at the list of personal information and found that many members' families run companies. Chen Bo thought this was an opportunity, and he could let them join other members' companies. Anyway, as long as you have the ability, you don't have to worry about no company wanting you.

After the meeting, Chen Bo asked Zhang Chengming, Li Ming, Huang Shasha, Peng Xue, Zuo Lunqiang and Chen Mo to stay because there were some other things to explain.

The few people who stayed were all the backbone members of the May Fourth Society. After Chen Bo and the others had all left, he sat among them and said to them, "I'm glad that you are all still here. Next, I want to tell you about another important event."

As soon as Chen Bo finished speaking, Huang Shasha next to him said, "What's the big deal? Are you trying to get our May Fourth Society in line with international standards?"

After hearing Huang Shasha's words, everyone around laughed. Chen Bo also turned his head and looked at Huang Shasha speechlessly, then said: "It is in line with international standards, send you."

"That won't work. I only speak English. I don't know any other languages." Huang Shasha shook her head, not realizing that Chen Bo was playing a trick on him.
