A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 12: Be sure to check the account number before posting!


It’s not that Song Yunhui didn’t know this, he had always known it very well.

He had always known that Song Yunyang, the brother who his mother had always been looking forward to his appearance in his childhood, hated him and believed that he was responsible for his mother's death.

He had argued, tried hard, and still tried to communicate despite the cold eyes, thinking that one day Song Yunyang would change his mind.

That short and happy childhood taught him to be sunny and positive, but no one can maintain a positive attitude for a lifetime.

If you work hard, you will get a result.

Even though the result was a failure.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to want to say something, but Song Yunhui felt that there was no point in continuing the communication, so he hung up.

The cold wind outside was still blowing straight into the room. He put down his phone, lifted his hair, looked at the dim ceiling, and kept his eyes open until his eyes became physiologically sore, then he blinked slowly.

can not sleep.

Song Yunhui stood up slowly, his vision became a little dark, but it only lasted for a second or two, and then returned to normal.

Song Yun hugged Chengzi back and slowly stood up.

He finally saw the orange he had been longing for.

Go write songs.

Song Yun looked back at his sleeves that were too long, without saying anything or making any other movements.

Qin Shu squatted down and rolled up his sleeves twice, so that they were just below his wrists.

After Song Yun came back to eat, Qin Shu went to wash the dishes and prepare lunch for the day.

After finishing his work, he did not leave, but reached out and touched Song Yunhui's forehead.

There is corn in the porridge, which is sweet and warm. One mouthful makes you feel relaxed.

Qin Shu supported Song Yunhui with one hand, glanced at the thin clothes on the other person, looked around, and then closed the door.

This time, Orange didn't roll around wildly in his arms, but kept meowing at him.

Song Yunhui took the clothes and slowly put them on.

It might be that the training during this period of time had greatly improved Qin Shu's abilities. Song Yunhui felt that it had not been long before the other party had put the porridge on the table to cool for a while so that it could be eaten directly.

After entering the house, Song Yun put on his slippers and said, "I'm here to play with Chengzi."

He went to the kitchen to drink some water, and then just stood there, motionless, as if he had lost his goal.

It's a black coat.

The floor was covered with piles of A4 papers, some of which were filled with writing, and some of which only had some meaningless scribbles on them.

He is a man of action and does whatever he thinks of.

The coat was too big and the sleeves were too long, so when he put it on, only his fingertips were still visible.

The moment the door opened, Song Yunhui was still leaning against the door. He did not hide and almost lost his balance. Then he seemed to be supported by something and stood steadily in place.

Qin Shu said, and then glanced at Song Yunhui, and then said, "Forget it, I'll take you to find it."

"Boom boom boom"

When he turned around again, Song Yunhui had fallen asleep on the table.

Song Yunhui neither resisted nor spoke, just looked at him.

Song Yun replied no.

—I haven’t seen oranges for a long time. Let’s go see oranges.

He buried his head in his arms, with messy hair sticking out and dark circles under his eyes.

Song Yunhui held the other's little furry paw, and his brows relaxed slightly.

Song Yun rubbed Orange's head and nodded.

"Orange is in the living room. I'll go find you some clothes."

After that, he seemed to hear a noise. He turned around and saw Qin Shu coming down the stairs with a piece of clothing in his hand.

The footsteps gradually approached, and then the door opened.

Song Yun nodded.


The lights in the studio stayed on all night again.

Qin Shu lowered his eyes, his expression did not change, and he only asked: "Have you had breakfast?"

I don’t know if it’s doing well.

After staying up all night, Song Yunhui realized that his brain had begun to become confused, with many inexplicable thoughts popping up in his mind, but he also felt that his thoughts were very clear, contradictory and strange.

"I don't have any new clothes here. These are my clothes, washed. You can wear them first."

Qin Shu stood up and said, "You play first, I'll go cook some porridge."

Song Yunhui knocked on the door three times, then leaned his forehead against the door, took a breath, and waited for Qin Shu to open the door.

Without taking his cell phone or putting on a coat, he just went out and walked towards the next door.

Obviously I didn't sleep last night.

Qin Shu took away Chengzi, who was still wagging his tail slowly on Song Yunhui's legs, then brought a cup of hot water, found the antipyretic medicine in the medicine box, and patted Song Yunhui gently.

"Wake up, you have a fever, take some medicine and go back to sleep."

Song Yunhui was awakened in a state of half-sleep, with his eyes only half open, and physiological saline solution swirling in his eyes.

It was not known whether he understood what Qin Shu said. Anyway, he took the medicine, drank water, and then continued to sleep on the table.

This time he really fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Shu lowered his eyes and rolled up his sleeves.


When I woke up, my eyes were open but my mind was still awake.

Song Yun turned over and continued to sleep.

I finally woke up halfway through my sleep.

Song Yunhui opened his eyes.

It was a strange yet somewhat familiar room.

After briefly thinking about it, he slowly sat up and saw the black coat on the bedside table.

“…” A brief silence.

To some extent, I am still quite amazing. Even though I am almost crazy, I can still drag my wandering body here.

Even played with Orange for a while.

He touched his forehead and didn't feel it was that hot. He sat up, put on the black coat placed aside, and then got out of bed.

Throat is very dry and uncomfortable.

I want to drink water.

As he walked into the kitchen, he heard noises coming from the living room.

He took a look and found that it was Qin Shu who was calling.

Song Yunhui felt that it was not good to listen to someone talking on the phone, so he yawned and planned to go back to drink some water and lie down for a while before talking. As a result, Qin Shu spoke as he moved:

"The water on the table is cold. Drink the warm water in the thermos. If you want to sleep, drink the water and then go back to sleep."

Song Yunhui walked towards the entrance and then silently retracted his feet. He drank water obediently, then went back to his room and fell asleep.

"Xiao Shu! Were you talking to someone just now?"

Ms. Ye Min screamed from the other end of the phone, "Is there anyone at home?!"

For every taciturn next generation there is an overly lively previous generation.

This is the case with Qin Shu, who has an overly lively mother like Ms. Ye Min.

Qin Shu ignored her way of addressing him and bit off the words before she could speak, "A friend."

But it didn't bite too hard.

Ye Min already believed that he fully understood this son, so he did not attack him head-on, but only asked with concern:

"So you're a friend. Although I haven't heard that you have any friends here now."

"Is your friend okay? You seem so careful. Is there something wrong?"

"If there is a problem, you must take good care of others. You should take care of your own friends, okay?"

Every word she said was about friends, but it didn't sound like she was talking about friends.

Qin Shu finally chose to remain silent and let the other party speak.

Ye Min finished what she wanted to say, then happily closed the microphone and said, "No more chatting, go take care of your friend."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Shu rubbed his brows, already thinking about how the other party would make up a story with Qin Jianyuan after hanging up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Ye Min happily threw her phone into her bag, with a smile on her well-maintained face. She originally wanted to talk to the person next to her, but then she suddenly remembered something, "That's it, I forgot to tell Xiaoshu that we are going to see Chengzi in a few days."

Before Qin Jianyuan, who was sitting next to her, could comment, she continued, "It's okay. This is not the first time I've suddenly gone to look for Chengzi."

Qin Jianyuan said amiably: "There is a possibility. You can contact him via WeChat."

Ye Min was selectively deaf and said with concern, "Song Cheng's birthday is coming up in a few days, so it's a good time to go see how Wen Hui's two children are doing."

The topic changed quickly, but Qin Jianyuan was able to keep up.

He knew that she really missed the two children, and she had kept them in mind after being abroad for so long. He didn't say much, just said: "I'm sure they are all fine."


Song Yunhui finally enjoyed a lunch and dinner exclusively for patients.

These are essential dishes for patients and they are all delicious.

In short, it tastes better than the frozen stew you make yourself.

Maybe it was because of the warm and healthy meal, or maybe it was simply because of the fever-reducing medicine plus a morning and half an afternoon of sleep, Song Yunhui has now fully recovered and is full of energy.

The lively Song Yunhui volunteered to wash the dishes with Qin Shu. After washing the dishes, it was time to play with Chengzi. After playing, they planned to go home.

When he reached the entrance, with his slippers half-taken off, Song Yunhui habitually reached into his pocket.

The word "bye" that was about to come out of my mouth was swallowed back.

Qin Shu looked at his expression and asked, "You didn't bring your keys?"

"You understand me."

Song Yun nodded and smiled stiffly, "I didn't bring my cell phone either."

When he went out, he not only left his keys and cell phone behind, but he also left his brain behind. He only took himself with him and nothing else.

Orange came over to pester him again, meowing.

A very pure clip cat.

Qin Shu said: "Let's sleep here today."

Song Yun put on the slippers that he had taken off halfway, picked up Orange, and went back to the living room.

Holding the furry cat in his arms, Song Yunhui always felt like something was missing.

What's missing

Qin Shu handed over the phone.

"Want to read some comics?"

Yes, little cartoon.

Song Yunhui took the phone, and there was a search interface on it which was very considerate.

Skillfully typing in the name of the comic book blogger, he opened the latest comic book and generously shared the screen with Qin Shu.

The comic strip is as confusing and raw as ever.

Song Yunhui laughed so hard that he leaned back and his head hit Qin Shu's shoulder behind him.

My head hit my shoulder at a subtle angle, and it was just the right size for a pillow, and it was quite comfortable.

In this one-second pause, Song Yun recalled that Qin Shu still had no expression on his face and said, "You continue, it's okay."

Song Yunhui didn't hesitate and continued to enjoy it.

After reading the comic, I couldn't help laughing while my soul was inevitably devastated. My fingers were completely out of control of my brain and a series of habitual "HAHAHAHAHAHA" just popped out.

Six ha, the data is accurate and error-free.

The moment I sent the message, the little red dot in the upper right corner of the phone kept flashing at an absurdly fast frequency.

This is not your number.

Song Yun turned around and looked at Qin Shu.

He said, "Why don't you just kill me?"

(End of this chapter)