A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 19: A family's tradition cannot be broken!


After hesitating for a while between going to a physical store and buying online, Song Yunhui decisively lay down.

Buy it online.

Although it may be a little slower and it will just be cold for a few days, it won’t be a big deal.

Just as he was thinking this, the phone rang. He picked it up and Qin Shu's voice came over.

"Going shopping?"

Qin Xiaoshu really knows how to choose the right time.

Song Yunhui stood up and said, "Go shopping."

I haven't changed my clothes yet, so I can go out right away.

Work was naturally postponed, he put on a mask and went out again.

Qin Shu was waiting for him on the roadside.

Winter has arrived, but the southern cities are slow to cool down. In a few days, there will be a big drop in temperature. It only takes one night for the temperature to go from being relatively cool to freezing.

Song Yun turned around and saw a cream-colored coat.

This time they went to another shopping mall.

The clothing stores are concentrated on the third floor. Song Yunhui is already extremely excited and walks with a breeze.

Song Yunhui happily gave the clothes to the shopping guide.

He had completely forgotten that he still needed to buy clothes and was only thinking about buying two different pieces for Qin Shu.

It was the familiar co-pilot again.

The shopping guide also happily took it.

It's just very eye-catching and beautiful.

If there is no pink, then I can only choose other clothes.

When I smile, it's as if my heart and eyes are filled with myself, and I fall vertically.

He looked over, eyes full of anticipation.

He smiled with obvious ill intentions, "What a coincidence, me too."

The shopping guide brought the clothes and handed them to Qin Shu.

The shopping guide stood aside, turned his head away and stopped smiling.

He scanned the rows of clothes, "Why are there no pink ones?"

Qin Shu raised the corner of his lips slightly, "That's a pity."

Song Yunhui felt a little regretful.

He turned to Qin Shu and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

Song Yun turned his head to look at him, patted his arm, felt it was not enough, thought for a moment and patted again, "I am so happy that you are regretful."

—No matter whether you like it or not, it’s good as long as your Aunt Wei bought it.

The shopping guide had a good eye. When he saw the two people come in, his eyes lit up and he eagerly recommended clothes.

Song Yunhui turned his gaze away with a smile, then picked up a milky white coat from the shelf and gestured to Qin Shu.

Beautiful eyes.

Song Yunhui didn't notice his gaze. He rubbed the hair that was not covered by the hat and looked for clothes seriously. The pink sleeves made his skin look even whiter.

After visiting a few more stores, the two of them bought so many clothes that they filled the back seat of the car.

The clothing store is very knowledgeable and has completely updated the winter clothes, from inside to outside and from top to bottom.

Qin Shu said buying clothes.

Today is a weekday, and there aren't many people in the mall, but it's not too few either. Song Yunhui pressed his baseball cap down casually and lowered his eyes to look at the floor plan of the mall.

Qin Shu took the clothes, then stepped forward and asked Song Yun:

"Do you like this one?"

The salesperson didn't react for a moment, then quickly took the clothes and said "OK".

Qin Shu glanced at the pink sweatshirt on the other person.

They got the clothes, the shopping guides got commissions, and everyone has a bright future.

Song Yunhui was looking for clothes for Qin Shu very seriously. Qin Shu was following him at first, but then he saw a cream-colored coat and stopped.

Song Yunhui's back straightened instantly.

Some fragments flashed through his mind, and Song Yun turned his face without changing, smiling with curved eyebrows, "I like it."

—Don’t just follow your own preferences. If this one doesn’t look serious, change it.

He asked the salesperson to get a piece of the right size, looked at Song Yunhui, and said, "Just follow his size."

Qin Shu turned around and said, "Then let's go with this one."

Qin Shu laughed, "I like it."

He probably understood what Song Yunhui was thinking.

Before leaving, Song Yunhui took one last look and immediately saw the scarf hanging around the model's neck.

Bright red, looks very eye-catching and warm.

Song Yunhui looked up at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu lowered his head and met his gaze.

"… "

Finally Qin Shu scarf 1.

On the way back, Song Yunhui casually entered the code into the memo on his mobile phone to build the framework, humming a song from time to time.

He looked obviously in a good mood.

Qin Shu glanced at him, then said, "I have an interview with Departure tomorrow, so I won't be home."

Song Yunhui finally looked away from his phone and asked, "Did "Departure" pass the review so quickly?"

Before Qin Shu could answer, he touched his chin and said, "That's right."

"Departure" is a main theme movie shot under the initiative of the higher authorities, and it has been given the green light all the way, so the speed is normal.

After Qin Shu said this, he remembered that he had received a call before.

He had just woken up and vaguely heard "Departure". The other party asked something, he refused, and then fell asleep.

That’s what should have been said at the time.

Qin Shu said: "There are dumplings in the refrigerator. You just need to cook them when the time comes. Don't forget to eat them."

Song Yun turned his head to look at him.

The vehicle slowly stopped, Qin Shu pulled the handbrake, took out a key and handed it to Song Yunhui.

“Eat less frozen food.”

Song Yunhui looked down at the key.

The key was not big to begin with, and it looked even smaller in Qin Shu's large palm. The hand holding the phone paused, he took the key, and then smiled, "Okay."

The key was still hot as he put it in his pocket.

Qin Shu's cold fingertips swept across his palm, and he withdrew his hand and moved his fingers calmly.

Song Yunhui opened the car door and got out. Qin Shu also unbuckled his seat belt and got out. He carried the packaging bag from the back seat and delivered it directly to the other party's home.

Song Yunhui stood at the door and watched the other party leave. When he saw Qin Shu turning around, he smiled and waved.

After the door was closed, Song Yunhui took two steps forward, then stepped back, took out the key from his pocket and put it where he usually put it.

The two keys, one on the left and one on the right, cannot be said to be unrelated, they can only be said to be exactly the same.

"… "

Song Yunhui stroked his chin and thought for a while, then remembered the little dinosaur and pig key chains that the store gave to Qin Shu when he had barbecue with him before. He went to the cupboard to find them, and found exactly one for each key.

This way you can tell the difference.

After hanging up the clothes he bought today and taking a shower, Song Yunhui opened a bottle of strawberry milk and went back to the bedroom to turn on the computer.

He turned on the computer, imported the data in the memo into the computer, sat cross-legged on the chair, and typed on the keyboard with a straw in his mouth.

Fortunately, I have been constantly learning, so I am not in a state of confusion.

Building the framework was not too complicated for him, it just took some time.

After exchanging a few words with the front-end developer, he put down his phone and continued to stare at the computer screen.

After a bottle of strawberry milk, he drank a cup of coffee to continue. Song Yunhui packed up the completed part and copied it before continuing.

Whenever he is doing something seriously, he will completely ignore external interference, including time and changes in the weather.

Just a little hungry.

I have been looking for Qin Shu for meals quite frequently recently, and I have almost developed the habit of eating dinner on time every night.

It took a few hours to build a simple framework prototype, and then a few more hours to perfect it. After that, it would take about three to four hours to modify it until the framework is stable.

He got up, went downstairs, took out the bread he had bought from the refrigerator and ate it while walking. Then Song Yun went back to talk to Chen Chen about the progress.

The other party replied immediately.

[Play games?]

"… "

It can be seen that he is already a mature worker.

As soon as I get off work, I automatically ignore work-related things and forget all project tasks.

Sitting back in the chair, Song Yun looked at the time and was about to reply when his cell phone rang.

Just a moment ago, he had a small group of four people.

When they followed each other on Big Eyes, he and Ye Min also added each other on WeChat. It was Ye Min who invited him to the group.

The other two people inside are Qin Shu and Qin Jianyuan.

Afterwards, the system showed that [Auntie Ye] changed the group name to [A Loving Family].

The sound just now was made by Ye Min.

She asked them if they had time now, as there was something very important that needed to be discussed by everyone, and if it was convenient, they could start a video call.

Song Yun turned his finger and returned to Chen Chen's interface, replying "Busy".

After that, he switched to [A Loving Family] and said it was convenient.

Qin Shu was forced to go to the trouble, and the video call was connected directly.

The phone froze for a moment, and then the faces of Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan appeared.

There is bright light behind them, so they must be playing there.

Qin Shu... Qin Shu's perspective was a little strange. His phone seemed to be placed somewhere randomly, and only his forehead and the ceiling could be seen.

The first person to be named was Song Yunhui.

Ye Min was immediately horrified: "Why don't you turn on the lights at night? It's bad for your eyes!"

Song Yunhui, who often turns off the lights and stays up late at night, gets up and turns on the light.

As soon as he turned on the light, other things were exposed.

Looking at the piece of bread he was still holding, Qin Shu, who had been silent, was criticized by name:

"Did you get lazy and not cook dinner last night? Why did you let Yunzai eat bread?"

Qin Shu's voice fell from above: "We have been talking about work for too long, and we are working on it."

If he listened carefully, he could indeed hear the sound of cooking.

"… "

Song Yunhui did not comment on Ye Min's address.

After adding him on WeChat and chatting for a few sentences, the other party's name for him has changed from "Yunhui" to "Yunzai".

Well, as long as the other party is happy.

After explaining the reason, Ye Min temporarily let Qin Shu go and got to the point.

“Look where we are now.”

She turned the camera on her phone, and rows of clothes filled her field of vision.

"I just saw a store that looks pretty good."

Ye Min continued, "Yunzai just moved in, so he definitely didn't bring many clothes. The same goes for Xiaoshu. We must buy two pieces of clothing other than black this time."

This is the “very important thing”.

Having enough food and clothing is indeed very important.

Song Yunhui immediately said that he had already bought clothes today.

He then added: "There is the Qin Book as evidence."

Qin Shu was probably unable to hear because of the loud cooking noise. Song Yunhui's conscience got the better of him and he immediately helped him and said, "He also bought two white and dark blue clothes today."

But nothing was done.

Not only did he fail to rescue Qin Shu, he didn't escape either.

Ye Min waved her hand, "You bought what you bought, and we bought what we bought."

She said as a matter of course, "As a parent, I have to buy you two sets of clothes for the winter."

Song Yunhui blinked and moved his fingers slightly.

“This is a tradition in our family.”

Qin Shu rarely agreed with Ye Min's words. He must have finished his work. He picked up his phone and looked at the screen. He said in a gentle voice, "The dishes are ready. Come and eat."

Song Yunhui stared at the screen and slowly swallowed the bread that had been cold in the refrigerator.

(End of this chapter)