A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 20: Don't be a double standard!


Putting down the bread in his hand, Song Yun stood up and walked while looking at his mobile phone.

Ye Min was still showing them clothes.

She has a good eye and everything she picks is beautiful. She asks them what they think of each item one by one.

She looks very energetic and it is estimated that this selection will continue for a long time.

Qin Shu brought the food to the table and saw that Song Yunhui was almost reaching the door, so he went to open it.

The two people appeared in the same shot.

The food had been served and the aroma of food was still wafting through the room. Song Yunhui picked up the orange that had trotted over, rubbed it, and sat down at the table.

The two people were talking face to face on video with an echo. Finally, Song Yunhui hung up the phone. The two sat together and ate while watching Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan choose.

Ye Min didn't choose clothes in any particular order. She would just ask if she saw a piece of clothing that she thought was suitable for both of them.

He originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but thinking that it might be work news, he took a look.

The clothes she bought today exceeded her original expectations, but she became more and more excited as she shopped. She then asked Song Yunhui, "Is there anything else you want? Tell your auntie and she'll help you with some advice."

Song Yunhui nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay."

When I sat down again, my fingers just touched the keyboard when my phone suddenly rang twice.

The room suddenly became bright.

Ye Min also smiled and walked towards the place where the black clothes were hung. She said, "Then auntie, come and see what clothes Ku Ge should wear."

Song Yunhui also waved, "Goodbye."


After eating, Song Yun had more energy to work. After returning home, he woke up the computer which was still in sleep mode, then went downstairs to make a cup of coffee and went back upstairs.

The lights next door came on, and he looked away.

It was a message from Chen Chen, somewhat related to work, but not much.

This time the roles were reversed, and Qin Shu became the one who was "good-looking" and "suitable for both".

He blinked, his long eyelashes standing out, and said, "Everyone has a dream of being a cool guy."

I don’t know which channel was matched, but the orange in his arms also meowed three times.

Little Clip started rolling around in his arms again.

Song Yunhui sat in front of the computer for a while, then stood up and turned on the light.


After hanging up the phone, Song Yunhui still had a smile on his face. He gave Qin Shu a thumbs up and said, "It's delicious."

Sure enough, Ye Min moved on to the next store.

Looking at the pile of clothes at the checkout counter, Ye Min waved and said goodbye in a good mood, "I'll fill in the delivery address later, remember to pick it up then, Yunzai Xiaoshu's mother is hanging up now!"

Qin Jianyuan smiled and patted her shoulder.

Qin Jianyuan and Qin Shu's expressions did not change at all, and it was obvious that they had gotten used to such things happening.

Qin Shu emphasized again, "Remember to eat tomorrow."

Qin Shu stood at the door holding Orange and watched him leave.

So Ye Min closed her eyes and went in.

Seeing that he and Ye Min were chatting more and more enthusiastically, Qin Shu patted his hat and said, "Let's eat."

He was not being perfunctory; he truly felt that every piece Ye Min picked was very suitable for him.

After taking two bites of rice, he started chatting with Ye Min again, but this time they didn't chat so much that they forgot to eat.

He realized something was wrong.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Min patted her face excitedly, looked at Qin Jianyuan beside her, and said, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Yunzai just responded."

After finishing his meal in a few bites, he took Orange to the living room to play.

Song Yunhui was watching while eating. When she asked whether a certain piece of clothing was suitable for Qin Shu, he nodded repeatedly and said "yes, yes, yes" all the time, successfully reaching an agreement with Ye Min on some points.

The room was pitch black, with the only source of light coming from the faint blue light of the computer.

After shopping in one store, Song Yunhui originally thought that was the end, but Qin Shu on the side remained very calm. He did not hang up the phone nor did he look relieved.

Song Yun responded: "Okay, okay."

In the end, Song Yunhui realized his dream of becoming a cool guy and successfully owned a black jacket.

Song Yunhui originally thought that he had bought enough and wanted to say no, but seeing Ye Min's excited face, he thought hard and said, "Black, please."

Qin Shu smiled.

Qin Shu's clothes were bought unexpectedly quickly, reaching the number Ye Min had expected, so from this point on, the only clothes left were Song Yunhui's.

When he smiled, his eyebrows and eyes curved, which diluted his natural coldness and made people feel better unconsciously.

Ye Min asked whenever she saw something she liked.

"If it tastes good, eat more."

Orange was very energetic tonight and wanted to play with him, but he still remembered the unfinished work. Song Yunhui kissed the furry little cat's head hard, and then returned Orange to Qin Shu.

[Can you really take this job? ]

[If I had known you were going to take this, I should have given you a heads up]

[There is a reason why the salary for this project is so high. Several senior RDs have asked about it, but later said they couldn’t do it.]

Song Yunhui guessed that he must have finished playing the game for a while, but was scolded by his teammates and didn't dare to play anymore, so he came to chat with him.

He replied briefly:

[can do]

The structure and interface that the project needs to build are complex, but not completely messy. Everything will be easy as long as you create an entry point.

It will be difficult to get started if you can't find the entry point. It may be possible to do it, but it will take a lot of time and cannot be completed within the required time frame. This is probably the reason why other RDs are unwilling to take over.

But for him, this entry point was not difficult to find.

[So are you free now? I’ve been bullied without you QAQ] Song Yunhui already understood everything.

The other person is just bored and has nothing to do, so it would be best if you could persuade him to play games with you.

[When I have nothing to do, I draw comics]

Comics are the weapon of last resort.

After saying this, Chen Chen didn't say another word.

I guess he is immersed in the sadness of adults again.

Not receiving any more messages, Song Yun returned to the main interface and turned on the Do Not Disturb mode.

A series of letters and numbers kept appearing and moving up in his light-colored pupils until his eyes became too dry, and he blinked.

"… "

That night, or perhaps it was the early morning of the next day, Song Yunhui had forgotten when he fell asleep. He only knew that when he woke up early in the morning, the sun was already shining directly on the bed.

The sun is shining today, but the weather is not very warm. The temperature is a few degrees lower than yesterday.

He walked barefoot on the floor and finally found his slippers next to the desk.

He went downstairs to wash up with drooping eyelids. As his fingertips touched the refrigerator door, his mind cleared up for a moment and he finally remembered what Qin Shu had said to him yesterday. He put his hand back into his pocket, turned around, took the key at the entrance, put on his coat and went out directly.

Qin Shu cooked porridge when he got up this morning, saying that he could heat up the porridge to fill his stomach after he woke up.

It is ten o'clock in the morning, which should be considered morning.

In any case, you have to take a sip to show your respect and not waste it.


At ten o'clock in the morning, the studio was bustling with people.

The main creators and leading actors of "Departure" are all in place. The lighting and photography are still looking for angles. Several main creators are chatting, and the remaining leading actors are busy with their own things.

In the lounge, Qin Shu looked at his silent phone with no expression on his face.

The assistant next to him couldn't guess his mood, so he just did his own thing silently without daring to make a sound.

The door to the lounge opened, and the agent walked in and said, "They are still getting ready. It will take about twenty minutes."

He glanced at the pile of scripts next to Qin Shu and asked, "Why, do you like any of them?"

Finally taking his eyes off the phone, Qin Shu said, "No."

When he said no, he meant that none of these people would be able to take it, and would not raise the level among the others.

After working together for so many years, his agent understood him and did not persuade him much. He just said, "Then wait a little longer."

Qin Shu has a unique eye for scripts and will not easily agree to a script simply because it is a big production or directed by a big director or screenwriter. In recent years, he has taken on even fewer dramas, at most one a year, no more.

The agent opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that there was really nothing to say.

So he sat down, opened the thermos cup, drank a sip of health tea, and sighed, "It's winter again."

The agent has completely turned into a middle-aged man. He has been busy with his career in recent years and rarely paid attention to his health. It is no secret that he has cold hands and feet and a weak body all year round.

After making money, he finally started to pay attention to his health, which he demonstrated by always carrying a thermos cup with him and catching up on health tips every day.

Just after swallowing the health tea in his mouth, the agent heard someone calling his name.

He glanced through the thermos and happened to meet Qin Shu's eyes.

Qin Shu asked him, "Can drinking this cure cold hands and feet?"

Unexpectedly, he remained silent the entire time, and as soon as he spoke he asked this question, and the other people in the lounge looked at him in surprise.

The main reason is that this issue is really incompatible with cool guys.

He doesn't look like the kind of person who would have cold hands and feet.

“I can’t say it can be cured, but it can be improved a little.”

The agent asked, "Why, you want to take care of your health too?"

Qin Shu said: "Ask for a friend."

Whenever he met Song Yunhui, his hands and feet were always cold.

He was not born like this. When he was a child, Song Yunhui was the most energetic among the children in the neighborhood. It should be because of his living and eating habits over the years that he became like this.

This situation should be able to be adjusted.

The agent read out the ingredients one by one. Qin Shu lowered his head and took notes seriously, his brows relaxed a little.

Maybe it was because he seldom spoke up, or maybe it was because his expression was no longer as cold as before and he looked like a pure cool guy, the atmosphere in the lounge changed quietly.

Zhuangzao was packing his small bag and said, "If you want to treat cold hands and feet, Chinese medicine is the fastest way to get results. The Chinese medicine hospital in City C is very good. My relative got Chinese medicine there."

At this age, others who had been silent before also joined the conversation.

The successful big brothers in the circle will worry about their body fat percentage and blood pressure, and the urban beauties who seem glamorous on the surface will also secretly think about health and hair growth.

In just that instant, everyone in the lounge understood each other tacitly, and the revolutionary friendship was instantly sublimated.

Qin Shu quickly typed and wrote down everything they said, then checked them one by one. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he raised his head and thanked them earnestly, "Thank you."

It’s the first time in the history that Cool Guy thanks you.

I don’t know who said “wc”.

Everyone in the lounge burst into laughter instantly.

The phone in his hand shook, Qin Shu looked down and saw the message sent by Song Yun.

It was a photo. He was wearing the coat he bought for him yesterday, drinking porridge with an orange in his arms. His face didn't seem as pale as before in the floating mist, and he looked warm and comfortable.

[The porridge is delicious]

Qin Shu smiled, his hard brows softened instantly, and he skillfully gave a cat-like head.

(End of this chapter)