A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 23: A little Shura


Song Yunhui followed the others and actually went to the bathroom.

He didn't go in, but just stood in front of the sink, looking at the faucet, motionless.

Someone passes by and puts his hand under the faucet, which in turn flushes the water.

He bent down and imitated me by placing his hand under the faucet.

The icy water rushed over my fingertips, freezing me to the bone.

Song Yun turned his head and watched the water flow through his fingers.

Someone came up behind and asked him to move aside if he had finished washing.

Song Yun took two steps back and apologized sincerely.

If he hadn't been standing so unsteadily, just from what he said, you wouldn't have known that he was drunk.

Song Yunhui slowly stretched out his hand and made a silence gesture in front of his mouth through the mask.

He walked along the way to the bathroom and looked around, but didn't see even one person who looked like him.

The person being supported was not at peace and was still trying to chat with him, smiling and asking him: "What is your name, friend?"

Song Yunhui exhaled and tried to stand up straight, but just as he stood up he leaned to the side again and had to support himself against the wall with his hands before he could stand still.

He asked, "Are you alone? Is there anyone with you?"

"Can you still stand?"

After hanging up the phone, he concentrated on helping Song Yunhui walk out.

Searching in the midst of the lights and feasting, Chen Chen looked around while trying to contact people Song Yunhui knew.

I didn't drink much of this wine.

After drinking, his throat was a little hoarse, but his voice was still unique, clear and gentle.

He unconsciously put on his usual smile and said:

"Yes. I can stand, thank you."

The person washing his hands looked at him strangely, then turned to ask him: "Hey, are you okay..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw another person coming over and barely holding up the person who was about to fall down.

Strawberry milk is the best, and Qin Shu likes it too.

Bai Linhua understood.

It seems like he has nothing to do.

But the other party’s phone was locked and there was no emergency contact.

Song Yun went back to the bathroom without taking his cell phone.

The light flickered, sweeping across his handsome features. He asked, "What's your name?"

Then, the sofa next to me lit up and something vibrated.

Song Yun nodded: "Yes, eat some grass."

Bai Linhua paused.

"... I met a friend in the hallway. He's drunk. I'll take him home first. You guys... Um, no, my phone is running out of battery. I'll hang up first."

He thought that a grown man wouldn't do anything wrong, but the image of him sitting here drinking just now flashed through his mind. Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat and he stood up with his phone in hand.

Song Yun replied: "Soy milk doesn't taste good. I suggest you drink milk."

"No, if I tell you, we won't be friends anymore."

That is, no one came with him.

While he was still looking around, the cell phone in his hand rang. He looked carefully and found that it was Song Yunhui's phone. He was excited and answered the call immediately without caring who the other party was.

The person washing his hands turned his head and looked away.

Bai Linhua changed the question: "Where do you live?"

The only smell at the tip of my nose was the faint scent of incense from the bathroom and the even fainter scent of alcohol coming from nearby.

The feeling of something being wrong in his heart became stronger and stronger. Chen Chen immediately went back and continued to look around. When he walked to the booth again, it was still empty.

Bai Linhua once again supported the staggering person.

As soon as the call was connected, before he had time to speak, the other party spoke faster than him:


After drinking for a while, Chen Chen still didn't see Song Yun coming back. He finally realized something was wrong and sent him a message.

He went into the bathroom and didn't see anyone near the sink. He endured the embarrassment and knocked on each toilet door, but still couldn't find anyone.

Holding Song Yunhui with one hand, Bai Linhua took out his cell phone with the other hand and dialed his agent's number with some difficulty.

Bai Linhua protected the people around him and dodged the oncoming people, whispering, "Bai Linhua."

He was smiling when he said this.

Bai Linhua didn't expect that someone would fall straight down as soon as he entered the bathroom. He caught it reflexively. Seeing that the other party didn't answer, he asked in a low voice, "Can you hear my voice?"

“… soy milk?”

"Song Yunhui, it's me, Zhong Xu. I've been out for so long, it's time to come back. Zishu told me that the reason you didn't come back was because of that..."

"Sorry to interrupt."

Chen Chen looked around in the dance floor. The music nearby was deafening. He turned up the volume as much as possible and said, "I'm Song Yunhui's friend. We're in the bar now. He seems to be missing. If you're nearby..."

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, he glanced and saw two figures near the exit.

One of them was wearing a hat and clothes that looked dazzlingly white. The other one was also wearing a hat and was dressed like a decent person, but he didn't look like a good person.

"Sorry, forget it. Bye."

After quickly hanging up the phone, Chen Chen pushed through the crowd and squeezed to the exit.

Fortunately, Song Yunhui was drunk, and the two of them moved very slowly, so he easily caught up. Putting one hand on the shoulder of the man who seemed to be trying to take Song Yunhui away, Chen Chen spoke kindly, but in fact his other hand had already begun to accumulate strength, and said, "Hello, this is my friend, please give him back to me."

Hearing the faint voice coming from his ear, Song Yun turned his head and said in surprise, "Eat grass!"

Lost my online name and ate some grass: "… "

Bai Linhua discovered that there was really someone eating grass: "..."

After this explanation, Chen Chen finally understood what happened. He took Song Yunhui from Bai Linhua and put the phone in his pocket.

There was suddenly a large space in his arms, as if a cold wind was blowing in. Bai Linhua moved his fingers and found that he seemed to have no standing here anymore.

He stood there, looking like he wanted to say something, when the cell phone in his pocket rang. He picked up the phone and said a few words to the person on the other end, then he had no choice but to leave.

Song Yunhui even waved at him. Chen Chen now saw clearly that Song Yunhui was not only drunk, but also completely drunk.

He also didn't expect that the other party could get drunk by drinking something with a similar alcohol content to fruit wine.

There were people coming and going here, so it was not suitable to stand and talk. Chen Chen had to persuade Song Yun back to the previous booth and sit down to take a breath.

The music in her ears was still deafening. Seeing that Song Yunhui even tried to reach out and call the waiter for another drink, she quickly pushed his hand away.

Pushing the other person's hat down further, Chen Chen moved closer and asked Song Yunhui, "Is your home nearby? Is there anyone home?"

We have to send him back quickly, otherwise he will be seriously guilty if something goes wrong.

Song Yunhui shook his head, "I don't have a home."

That's someone else's home.

Chen Chen paused and asked, "Where do you live now?"

Song Yun replied: It was the next city.

"You actually traveled all the way to get here."

Chen Chen's eyes widened slightly, and then he asked, "Do you have any friends nearby?"

Before Song Yunhui could say anything, he added, "If it's too far to come, come back with me today and I'll draw a little cartoon for you."

"There are friends nearby."

Song Yunhui opened his phone while speaking, "I forgot to tell him that I'm not going to dinner tonight."

He unlocked the phone, completely ignoring the unknown number at the top of the call log, and dialed the number skillfully.

The phone rang less than twice before it was connected.

Song Yunhui rested his elbows on the table, squinted his eyes and called out, "Wow, Qin Xiaoshu."

The voice on the other end was still deep and pleasant: "Where are you now? Come over for dinner?"

"I'm playing outside. I won't be coming over for dinner today." After saying this, Song Yunhui moved his finger to the hang-up button and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Chen Chen's heart trembled, and he quickly took the phone, "Don't hang up yet!"

"Where are you now?"

The two voices overlapped.

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment. From the other party's tone, did he realize something

It's really so sharp that it's a bit scary.

He told him that Song Yunhui was drunk and told him the location. The other party said that he would be there soon and asked him to keep an eye on Song Yunhui first.

He seems like a very reliable person.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Song Yun had found his next home.

After returning the phone to Song Yunhui, he glanced at the call records. For a moment, he remembered something, but then forgot it.

The waiting time wasn't too long, but it was a bit torturous.

Specifically, Song Yunhui took out his mobile phone and asked him to play Candy Crush. He needed three stars in each level. If he didn't have three stars, he would play again, and repeat this process.

Put yourself in his shoes, Candy Crush isn't that difficult, but the difficulty lies in the fact that Song Yunhui doesn't know where he gets so much free time from, and he has already played Candy Crush to the damn middle and late stages, with each level getting harder than the last.

He had never looked forward to a man's call so much.

When Chen Chen received the call from the man who had just called, he finally felt the long-lost relief.

He helped Song Yunhui stand up and slowly walked towards the exit.

There is a parking lot at the exit of the bar, and there is a temporary parking space outside the parking lot. Logically, Song Yunhui's friend should be waiting there.

But as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a tall man walking towards him.

She is tall with long legs, and she walks with a breeze, even the hem of her clothes has a sharp curve.

Chen Chen finally understood what oppression meant.

Song Yun, who was hanging on the side, waved back at him: "Qin Xiaoshu."

Qin Shu approached, and Song Yunhui completed the handover ceremony successfully.

With a drunk in his arms, Qin Shu half-hugged Song Yunhui, looked at Chen Chen and said, "Yunhui has caused you trouble."

"No trouble." Chen Chen waved his hand and said, "We are all friends."

The main reason is that he was the one who brought Song Yun back here, so he can't get away from it.

Qin Shu asked him: "Can you add a contact number so that I can contact you if I need anything in the future?"

Chen Chen nodded immediately.

After exchanging contact information, he walked the two to the roadside, watched Qin Shu secure Song Yunhui in the passenger seat and fasten his seat belt, and then watched the two leave.

Song Yunhui was still waving goodbye to him.

The car was on the road, Qin Shu closed the window and turned on the warm light inside the car.

After the drunk got on the bus, he was still the same drunk. He could no longer open his eyes but was still talking non-stop.

However, after being on the road for a few minutes, in addition to the voices talking, some vibrating sounds were heard in the quiet car.

Qin Shu finally located the sound in Song Yun's pocket.

Someone must have called him, but Song Yunhui didn't respond and didn't seem to want to answer the phone.

Or maybe he didn't even realize that someone was calling him and was still chatting with him enthusiastically.

The car slowly stopped by the roadside, and Qin Shu had to reach over to take Song Yunhui's phone. Worried that he might contact him about something important, he answered the call.

"Hello, Song Yunhui is busy and can't answer the phone right now. What can I do for you?"

"… "

A calm and attractive male voice sounded, which shouldn't have appeared on this call.

Steady and natural.

Like a sovereign.

In the quiet office, Zhong Xu looked at the dialed number again and confirmed that it was Song Yun who called back.

The originally relaxed palms gradually clenched.

(End of this chapter)