A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 25: This is not a foundation


The movement just now was too fast, and the hat on his head did not keep up and fell to the side, making a light and dull sound.

The man lying on the ground finally found his voice and wanted to shout out, but he felt pain in his hand and immediately stopped shouting in pain. He begged for mercy in a low voice:

"I'm sorry, I was just joking. I don't have the guts to stab anyone with a knife."

His hair was disheveled and his face was immersed in darkness, making it impossible to see his expression. Listening to the man begging for mercy, Song Yun did not slow down his movements in the slightest.

Bai Linhua, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, finally reacted, picked up his phone and quickly dialed the number.

The light from the cell phone briefly illuminated the alley, and he held the phone and briefly described what happened and where.

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't stop drifting towards the alley.

The light from the phone was very dim and fleeting, but he still saw a pair of blurry, clear and cold eyes.

I didn't expect to encounter soy milk here and in this situation.

Bai Linhua originally wanted to go to the convenience store in front to buy coffee, but he heard some noise in the alley. As soon as he walked over, he heard the familiar voice.

These eyes are familiar too.

The reasons for not wanting to meet and not wanting to reveal his name after getting drunk finally have an explanation.

The two of them also had to go to the police station together to state what happened and record information, and they got in the same car.

The trailer for "Departure" is not long, but there are many shocking shots, each of which is picked out separately. The most widely circulated one is the eyes of Qin Shu and Song Yunhui.

The other person looks thin, but not weak.

He never expected that Soy Milk was Song Yunhui.

He still remembered that the other party had mentioned during their previous chat that he was exercising regularly.

But it feels fun.

"… "

It was difficult to refuse at this time, so Song Yunhui took it, but did not drink it immediately. He held it in his hand to warm it.

After putting away his phone, he looked up and saw that Bai Linhua, who was originally standing next to him, had left for a while. When he came back, he had two cups of coffee in his hands and handed one to him.

It was 10:30 in the evening. Normally he would be able to get home around 11:00, but looking at the middle-aged man being detained and put into the police car, he felt that it was impossible for him to get home on time today.

He seemed to remember something, then changed his words and said, "I'm a little scared."

The police arrived at the scene quickly.

—Song Yunhui had a blank expression on his face. There was no special reason. He was just simply thinking about something, and he was thinking all the way.

Qin Shu flew to City A this morning to attend the premiere and won't be able to come back in the evening. Normally, it's up to him whether to go back or not, and it doesn't matter whether he says something or not. But after being influenced by "A Loving Family" these days, he feels that he should say something.

He was still thinking about the question just now.

But from the time we met until now, the corners of his mouth have not moved upwards at all.

Ye Min would report where she went when she went out, Qin Jianyuan often reported what time he would be back, and the one who spoke the least was Qin Shu, who would usually only mention a major location each time. This morning he just posted [City A], and there were no other records of his speeches since then.

The police lights came on, and the red and blue light illuminated the alley, sweeping across the flickering eyebrows.

He was holding the coffee cup, completely unaware of the gazes of the people around him.

I'm a little sleepy.

He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at Bai Linhua, who was a head taller than him.

Bai Linhua appeared at such a coincidental time that he hadn't heard the man's answer yet.

In his impression, Dougan has eccentric jokes and never lacks creative inspiration. He occasionally gets lazy and laughs at strange things when making voice calls on WeChat.

The eyes sank back into the darkness beneath the brim of the hat.

Song Yunhui took off his mask and drank a sip of coffee.

Bai Linhua looked at him out of the corner of his eye.

In the trailer, Chen Si was weak and his only two lines were spoken in a breathy voice, so he was not associated with soy milk at all.

Although I know this is not the right time to laugh, the other person's expression hasn't changed much.

But none of this matters!

Song Yunhui bent down to pick up the hat, simply dusted it off and put it back on his head.

Does he really look like an easy target

After arriving at the police station, being questioned, recounting the events, and recording his information, when he appeared at the door of the police station again, Song Yunhui drooped his eyelids and yawned slowly.

Standing aside with Bai Linhua, Song Yunhui took out his cell phone, checked the time, and then sent a message to Qin Shu.

The other party did not reply immediately, probably because he was still busy with something. Song Yunhui did not read the message any further and put away his phone after sending the message.

"Is your home close to here?" Bai Linhua stood beside him and said, "I'll take you there..."

The soy milk across the Internet and the soy milk in reality, as well as the Song Yunhui on the Internet and the Song Yunhui in reality, give people completely different feelings.

Even though he had just experienced a knife robbery, which was very thrilling for many people, he did not seem to have too many emotions. His expression was calm from beginning to end, and his hand holding the paper cup did not shake at all.

This kind of report is just making small talk, meaningless and illogical.

It has been on the trending search list for several days. No matter how hard you try to remember it, you should remember it.

Song Yunhui finally responded.

Song Yunhui automatically translated the other party's words into that the other party thought he was very protective and manly.

His back straightened up instantly.

The two were about to leave together, but Song Yunhui suddenly remembered the tradition of "a loving family". He turned around, picked up his phone, and took a picture of the police station.

Then he lowered his head to edit the chat box and put away his phone.

The moment I put the phone in my pocket, it started shaking.

He then took out his cell phone again.

It was Qin Shu calling.

Song Yunhui felt the wind blowing through his hair, squinted his eyes, and said first, "Good evening."

The other party also said good evening, and then asked him why he was at the police station. After explaining the whole process again, he asked, "You just got off work now?"

The other party answered and there was some noise coming from the other end. It should be someone calling him, and it sounded quite urgent.

Putting his hands, which were cold from the wind, into his pockets, Song Yun said, "I'll be back soon, you go ahead and do your work."

He said that and hung up the phone without further ado.

Bai Linhua's hands moved unconsciously under his sleeves and asked, "Is he your brother?"

Song Yunhui didn't understand why he thought so, but he didn't ask. He just shook his head and said, "No, it's a friend."

Bai Linhua apologized immediately, "I thought the people who would report their schedules tonight were either family members or boyfriends or girlfriends."

As he spoke, he paid close attention to Song Yunhui's expression.

There was no change in the other person's expression.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a pity that Song Yunhui was of no use on this journey.

Bai Linhua's residence is not far away, and can be reached in ten or twenty minutes on foot.

When they reached the gate of the community, Bai Linhua said, "It's so late, let's go to my house and sleep for a night."

Song Yunhui refused.

It was almost midnight now, and it would probably be difficult to get a taxi across the city, so he planned to stay in a hotel for the night.

I happen to be going to the recording studio for another morning tomorrow, so it’s a perfect arrangement.

Bai Linhua watched him leave until his figure came under the lights of the street, then he withdrew his gaze.

After returning home, taking a shower and picking up his phone, Bai Linhua opened the posts he had previously saved, and then unsaved them one by one.

#What should you pay attention to when meeting in person#

#How to leave a good impression on someone when meeting them in person#

#How to persuade netizens to meet in person#

These have no reference value and I have wasted a lot of time studying them.


Song Yunhui found a nearby hotel to stay in.

The hotel is not as comfortable as home, but I was very tired today, so I finally fell asleep after opening and closing my eyes.

The next day he was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

The ringtones include the alarms you set and incoming phone calls.

With my eyes closed, I fumbled for my cell phone on the bedside table, turned off the alarm, and answered the call.

It was a gentle yet anxious female voice.

Song Yunhui opened his eyes.

It’s Ye Min.

"We went to bed yesterday and didn't see the news. We only saw it this morning when we woke up. Did something happen? Are you okay now?"

Ye Min's words were full of self-blame, and she said hurriedly, "Yunzi, where are you now? If anything happens, tell auntie and she will come right over."

Song Yun listened to the noise from the other side and had no doubt about the truth of what was said.

He had just woken up and his mind was still a little hazy. The person on the other end was probably the same, as he called right after seeing the picture.

If you calm down and think about it, if something really happened, he wouldn't have the time to post a photo.

Song Yunhui sat up and patiently repeated what happened yesterday.

Only the content has been slightly changed this time.

He and Bai Linhua exchanged identities, which sounded safe, as if he was just a passerby in an attempted robbery.

Only then did Ye Min breathe a sigh of relief.

Her heart calmed down, her reason gradually returned, and she finally realized that this was all a misunderstanding.

But Ms. Ye Min is Ms. Ye Min, and she didn't seem embarrassed at all, and continued to ask, "Have you had breakfast?"

She emphasized, "You must remember to eat breakfast. A doctor in the hospital told me before..."

As she chattered on, Song Yunhui turned on the speaker and listened while getting dressed.

The temperature was low this morning and almost everything I touched was cold, which easily woke people up.

There was a lot of traffic outside the window and a thin mist. Places further away were shrouded in the mist and could not be seen clearly.

It seemed like a normal day.

It was also a very busy morning.

At least no one has ever been willing to give him various examples to tell him the seriousness of skipping breakfast.

The aunt of the Song residence would prepare a Western-style breakfast according to the wishes of the host and hostess, and he could choose to eat it or not.

If you don't eat, you can save a plate and a set of knife and fork, and Auntie is happy to have less things to wash.

"Auntie will tell you, when Xiaoshu was a child..."

“…The number you dialed is currently busy. Please try again later.”

Qin Shu put down his phone. His assistant stood at the door of the lounge, looking at him anxiously, but did not dare to disturb him.

The movie screening is about to begin.

Qin Shu put down his phone and turned to walk towards the door.

The premiere was broadcast live before the movie officially started, and it dominated the hot searches for nearly a week. The live broadcast room had just started, but it was stuck due to too many people. It took several minutes to recover. Some people were finally able to squeeze in, but more people were still circling outside loading.

[Song Yunhui should finally come this time]

[It's been so long since he appeared, I almost forgot why I hate him, and I still want to see him]

[The topic is betting on whether he will come or not, and the long-time black fans are betting on him to come]

Others may not understand, but those black fans know clearly how much Song Yunhui is looking forward to this movie.

(End of this chapter)