A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 29: The whole family is really happy watching Huang Doudou!


The room fell silent.

The walls, doors and windows are not soundproof, and you can still hear the people outside talking and laughing.

Zhong Xu seemed to want to say something, but suddenly became silent again.

He is thinking.

When he heard the news, he instinctively wanted to say "impossible", and he also thought so subconsciously.

But he held back.

If you think about it carefully, this is a common sense thing.

Putting aside personal feelings for now, and just talking about the facts, there is nothing "impossible" about such a thing happening.

But there seemed to be a voice in his mind constantly telling him that this matter was absurd, not worth thinking about, and was completely false and did not need to be verified.

It was like there were two voices fighting and tumbling in my mind, and it was painful as if I was being torn apart.

Xu Wei sat at one side, her hand pausing for a moment as she picked up some food, and said with some regret: "Auntie Zhang has a cold, otherwise there would be some spicy food on the table today."

Song Cheng took a look at the food on the table.

Xu Wei sat next to Song Zishu, watching him staring into space, then she slowly stood up, put her hand on his shoulder, and asked:

"What are you thinking about? Tell mom."

After a long while, he slowly pushed away Zhang Jia's anxiously extended hand, took a breath, grinned, and said:

"Zhang Jia, I might be sick."

Song Zishu didn't respond.

The more I thought about it, the more my head hurt, as if it was going to explode.

After the meal, Song Cheng went back to work. The servants were sent to other places, leaving only Xu Wei and Song Zishu in the living room.

Song Yunyang hasn't been home for dinner for a while, and no one knows where Song Yunhui has gone, so the dishes on the table are all to their taste.

That's because of something else.

The more he thought about it, the more painful it became, as if something was stopping him from thinking any further.

"Don't worry, your dad is your dad after all, no one can take him away from you."

Xu Wei smiled and said softly, "Mother Zhang should be well by the time Yun Yangyun comes back."

He finally realized what was wrong.


Song House

Today Song Cheng went to inspect the branch and did not go to the company. The branch happened to be near his home, so he went home for a meal.

Deathly pain.

Always remember.

Even when Song Yunhui threw a ball and hit a dog when he was a kid and refused to apologize, he still took him with him to apologize.

Zhong Xu did not answer him, nor did he give up thinking to calm his mind as he did before.

Her voice is very soft and her hands are well-maintained. She really looks like a wealthy lady from a wealthy family.

If you do something bad, apologize with him; if someone smears you, help him clear the air.

Song Cheng nodded, with a barely perceptible look of fatigue on his face, "It's time to come back."

The smile on Xu Wei's face faded a little.

Zhang Jia was shocked by his reaction and said:

"What's wrong with you? Are you so angry that you have a headache?"

Anything related to Song Yunhui is related to him.

Zhang Jia stood up and said anxiously: "What happened to you? I'd better take you to the hospital right away!"

He remembered.

He didn't dare to continue talking, so he could only change the subject, "If you don't want to think about it, then don't think about it. This matter has nothing to do with you anyway, just treat it as a fart from me."

Every time he wanted to think about Song Yunhui, his head would hurt like this.

Song Yunyang never went home for lunch. There were three people sitting not too far away on the square dining table.

She said, “Remember what happened on the riverbank lawn in the little park when you were a kid?”

His hand unconsciously clutched the scarf beside him, and he gritted his teeth and exhaled slowly.

Song Zishu didn't answer her, so she asked softly, "Is it because of what happened just now?"

No matter what happens, good or bad, it's always like this.

Song Zishu looked at her.

She understood Song Cheng's eyes, so she chose to explain it herself first.

Song Zishu originally planned to work today, but he had been feeling restless since last night, so he had to postpone his plan and rest at home for a day.

He remembered.

Zhang Ma was the one who was hired to cook, and she was especially good at Sichuan cuisine, while others were responsible for the light and stomach-nourishing dishes. The only people in the family who ate spicy food were Song Yunhui and Song Yunyang. They inherited Xu Wenhui's habit from her early years, and they didn't eat spicy food very much, but they had to have a little bit of it at every meal.

His eyes narrowed in pain, Zhong Xu gritted his teeth and held back his breath, saying in a hoarse voice:

“… How come it has nothing to do with me?”

My head started to hurt again.

As the person Song Yunhui relies on the most besides his family, he should be like this.

As a child and weak, he usually did not play with other children. He would just look and leave before they noticed him.

At that time, a simple little game was popular, which was to throw stones. The farther you threw, the more powerful the stone.

This game, which required a test of physical strength, was destined to be out of his reach.

But the more he failed, the more he desired it.

So he begged her to take him there to play in the evening.

The first stone he threw hit a dog running uphill.

He was a little panicked, but Xu Wei was very calm. She took his hand, looked at a distance, and said, "Let's go. It's time to go home after we're done."

He also wanted to escape at that time, so he followed her home.

As he was leaving, he saw Song Yun, who was on the other side at a distance, hugging the ball in his hand and being pulled away by Zhong Xu who seemed to have just happened to come over.

Later, he heard that Song Yunhui was playing with a ball on the lawn by the river in the park and hit a dog. Then Zhong Xu accompanied him to apologize to the dog owner.

There were too many memories from his childhood, some of which he could no longer recall, but he still remembered this incident clearly.

Xu Wei smiled softly, "You are the most special person, the protagonist, you don't have to worry about anything."

She likes to call the most special person the protagonist.

This is the sentence Song Zishu heard the most since he was a child.

When he was a child, he had a high fever and some strange images appeared in his mind. He was very scared and told his mother everything.

That was the first time he knew that a person's facial expressions could be so varied.

From calmness to surprise to extreme joy, her face showed too many emotions.

After that, the sentence Xu Wei said to him most often was "You are the protagonist."

The same is true this time.

But this time Song Zishu did not answer as he did before.

He sat on the sofa, unable to hold back his emotions any longer, and began to tremble uncontrollably.

He looked a little panicked and a little dazed.

"I think I may not be the protagonist anymore."

The sense of security in his heart was gradually disintegrating, and he could feel that something was gradually falling apart.

He seemed to be slowly becoming less of a special one.


To make up for the live broadcast time, you have to start in the morning.

After going upstairs, turning on the computer and adjusting the camera, Song Yunhui yawned and said "Good morning".

[? ? What did I see? Fluffy pajamas! ]

[He met us in his pajamas, so he definitely didn’t treat us as outsiders. He showed his face! ]

[It’s like this (awkward), will yesterday’s advanced mathematics class continue? ]

[Hahahahaha why are these pajamas so cute!]

[Place an order now to find the same style. If you round it up, Doujiang and I will be wearing couple pajamas! ! ]

"First of all, I'm not a seller."

Song Yun smiled back, "Secondly, this one is really pretty."

Especially when worn by Qin Xiaoshu.

From morning to afternoon, except for going downstairs to cook dumplings at noon, Song Yunhui spent the rest of the time simply making up for the time.

People do not share the same sorrows and joys. He was piecing things together and was in great pain, but his fans were so happy that it was like they were celebrating New Year's Day in the same place, and they were happy to see it.

Song Yunhui endured it.

In the mid-afternoon, the situation reversed.

The live broadcast time is from July 29 to July 3, and the gray check mark next to the account turns gold, which is a sign that the live broadcast time for this month has been fulfilled.

The tiny change seemed insignificant on the screen, but Song Yunhui noticed it instantly.

A smile appeared on his face.

The netizens suddenly realized that something was wrong and then reacted.

Even though we can't see the face, the netizens can guess through the screen that the person behind the screen must be smiling happily.

It’s over. He didn’t pay attention and had to make up the entire time.

[He is laughing! He is laughing! He must be laughing!]

[I admit that I spoke a little loudly before, can Doujiang continue the live broadcast for a while? [乖巧.jpg]]

[How could this be! How did this person complete the duration? My happiness, woooooooooooo]

[I am angry, sad, sorrowful, I beg, I pray. So can Dou Milk continue to play for a while? ]

The barrage of comments was startled by this small change and instantly became overly active.

A series of words of persuasion failed to win back Song Yunhui's heart.

He picked up his phone, took a look at it, and said, "The elders at home want to chat, so I won't chat with you for now."

Facing the screen full of Erkang's hands, Song Yunhui remained unwavering in his determination. He thanked everyone for the reward and then ended the live broadcast.

After completing the live broadcast, I feel that the world has become better and the air feels fresher.

It turns out that being a free man feels so good.

The chair turned around, he grabbed his hair casually, lowered his head and sent a message to Ye Min.

Ye Min just sent a message to ask him if he had time now, wanting to chat with him before the person she had a dinner date with arrived.

Then a video call came in.

Ye Min's face appeared on the screen.

Behind her was an exquisite wall, probably in a private room of a hotel.

She is a person who likes to stay refined at all times when she is outside, with light makeup on her face and a happy smile.

But she really doesn't know how to choose the camera angle.

Forty-five degrees diagonally downward, an unexpected perspective specifically for middle-aged and elderly people.

Song Yunhui didn't say anything.

After all, the self in the small screen is also tilted at a 45-degree angle.

As soon as the video started, Ye Min's eyes lit up when she saw him, and she held her face and called out softly:

"How come our Yunzi is so... cute! This outfit is also beautiful!"

Song Yunhui always felt that she originally wanted to say something else.

Ye Min bit herself to death that she just wanted to praise his good looks from the beginning.

She understands the little boy's thoughts.

She felt it was not enough to watch it by herself, so she pulled the sleeve of the person next to her and said, "Old Qin, come and see our Yunzai, he is so handsome!"

Qin Jianyuan, who was sitting on the side, was waiting for her to say this. As soon as his sleeve was pulled, he leaned over and looked at the screen.

The moment he saw Song Yunhui, he immediately smiled, "It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Ye Min smiled happily, and then asked, "Have you eaten?"

This time Song Yunhui was finally able to answer confidently: "Yes. I had lunch and will wait for Qin Shu to come back to eat together in the evening."

Since the last time they added each other on WeChat, Ye Min had been keeping in touch with him. The topics included but were not limited to what they had eaten, who they had met, and whether certain relatives were arranging blind dates for their children. She also knew that he was currently living in Qin Shu's house.

Her first reaction after she knew he had moved into Qin Shu's house was to tell him, "Xiao Shu's cooking is delicious, remember to squeeze him more."

"That's good. Remember to eat on time."

Ye Min still tilted his head at a 45-degree angle and said, "We have finished our work these days. We will have dinner with Lao Qin's brother, your Uncle Qin, tonight and then come to see you."

At this point, she lowered her voice and asked mysteriously, "Is Orange around?"

Song Yunhui cooperated with her, looked around carefully, and then replied in a low voice, "No, please give me instructions."

Ye Min threw down a fried egg lightly: "In a few days it will be Orange's birthday."

Song Yunhui was still very cooperative and said in surprise: "Chengzi is actually going to have a birthday!"

His voice was surprised but kept low out of caution, and it seemed to be true.

All my life's acting skills are reflected here.

"Orange Number Three's birthday."

Someone was willing to act like this, Ye Min was moved to tears, and accused Qin Shu at the same time.

"Yunzai is still the best. Xiaoshu doesn't cooperate with us at all."

She had now completely forgotten her previous policy of saying good things about Qin Xiaoshu in front of Song Yunhui, and was absorbed in talking about the hardships of being a mother.

Qin Shu was mentioned many times by her, both openly and secretly. Song Yunhui held back his laughter and listened seriously.

In the end, Qin Jianyuan listened for a while and felt that the topic had completely gone off topic, so he patted Ye Min.

She stopped talking, laughed, and said, "We were just talking about Orange's birthday."

Song Yunhui nodded, "Yes."

Ye Min discussed Orange's birthday party with him.

She seemed to have planned it for a long time, from beginning to end, and listed all the things that would be needed clearly.

She rubbed her face in distress, "I've prepared everything, but I don't know what to give."

I have given away cat toys, stuffed dolls, and other strange things before, so I really can’t think of anything good to give away.

Song Yun smiled back.

It can be seen that they attach great importance to Orange's birthday.

I have never experienced such a sense of ritual before.

I can’t describe the feeling, but I’m just very happy.

Ye Min asked him: "If it was Yunzai, what would you give him?"

Song Yunhui stroked his chin and said, "Sing a song."

Ye Min automatically understood what he said "sing a song" as singing a birthday song or something like that.

She included this in her gift list and nodded thoughtfully, "It's a bit scientific."

Song Yun looked back at the screen, and then she heard a sound from the other side, like a door opening. It was probably the Uncle Qin she mentioned.

Although she was eager to show off Song Yunhui to the whole world, Ye Min was still rational and knew that it was not the right time for the other party to meet Qin Jianyuan's brother. She could only hang up the phone with regret and said:

"Your Uncle Qin is here. I'll hang up first. I'll let you meet Uncle Qin next time. He must want to see you very much."

Song Yunhui nodded and waved at the phone.

The phone was hung up.

Turning his chair back to the computer, Song Yunhui scrolled through the list for a while, and finally found the phone number of the person from the publishing company that he had written down before.

He woke up his computer and dialed the number.

The call was connected quickly and the attitude was very good.

He asked a few questions, and the other party answered them one by one, saying that it would be done as soon as possible and that the ISRC had already been applied for.

If the ISRC application is approved, then it will be really fast.

After saying "thank you", Song Yun replied and hung up the phone.

He was humming a random song while opening the folders he had sorted out earlier, feeling inexplicably good.


Qin Shu came back in the afternoon.

Wearing pajamas and not planning to change clothes, Song Yunhui had some time to rest. He sat in the living room holding Chengzi and watching TV.

He was watching the animated movie again this time, and he was watching it very enthusiastically until he heard footsteps behind him and realized that Qin Shu had returned.

He turned around, and then the leader nodded and said:

"you are back."

The room was air-conditioned. Qin Shu took off his coat and scarf and hung them on the rack. Then he handed the box in his hand to Song Yunhui and said:

"The volunteers at the film exhibition said the cakes in this shop are delicious, so they bought a few for you."

He added, "It's getting late, just eat something to fill your stomach, don't eat too much, I'll go cook right away."

Song Yunhui nodded repeatedly, then happily opened the box.

Qin Shu smiled and then rolled up his sleeves.

He has been getting more and more skilled at wearing an apron recently.

Once the kitchen lights come on and the sounds of pots and pans begin, a home takes shape.

The sound of TV came from the living room. Qin Shu opened the refrigerator and took out the vegetables. Then he unwrapped them one by one and washed them carefully by the sink.

First, a green furry corner of clothing appeared in the field of vision, and then a spoon appeared.

Song Yunhui walked up to him at some point, with one side of his cheek puffed up, and it was obvious that he was still eating cake.

He forked a spoonful of cake and held it to his mouth. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he hadn't swallowed the cake in his mouth yet, so he could only signal with his eyes.

His eyes were sincere and genuine.

Qin Shu understood what he meant.

This cake was not a wrong purchase.

Seeing that Qin Shu didn't move, Song Yunhui handed the spoon forward again.

Qin Shu lowered his head and took a bite of the cake.

It's soft, full of milk flavor, and has just the right amount of cream.

Song Yunhui finally swallowed the cake in his mouth and said, "It's really delicious."

Qin Shu nodded.

After taking another bite of the cake, he put it where Chengzi couldn't reach it. Song Yunhui rolled up his sleeves and stood beside Qin Shu in a proper manner. After washing his hands, he also helped him wash the vegetables.

Qin Shu is always very meticulous in his work, including cooking.

After a long period of observation, he found that the other party usually washed the vegetables at least twice, and would not consider it finished until they were satisfied.

Song Yunhui didn't think it would be comfortable to keep in contact with cold water in such a cold weather.

Qin Shu glanced at him and said that he was enough by himself and he could continue watching the movie.

Song Yunhui didn't move and said, "Two of you, wash quickly."

It is indeed much faster for two people to wash.

After that, apart from passing things, there was no room for Song Yunhui to intervene. In the end, he could only sit aside holding Orange and watch Qin Shu cook.

It's a happy lamb soup pot tonight.

After cleaning up the dishes, Song Yunhui was still thinking about his animated movie and continued to lie on the sofa holding Orange.

Qin Shu went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes, then went downstairs while answering the phone.

When passing by the living room, Song Yunhui heard the noise and turned around, and saw Qin Shu wearing pajamas at a glance.

He gave a thumbs up and praised her without hesitation, "It looks good!"

When Chengzi heard his words, he turned around and looked at Qin Shu.

Her round eyes were full of curiosity.

Then, there was the sound of the door opening.

There was an eerie silence at first, followed by an undisguised laugh.

The laughter lasted for a long time, and then stopped for a moment. The person laughing seemed to take a breath, and then continued laughing.

Song Yun stopped choosing the next movie and turned around, just in time to see Qin Shu carrying large and small bags in his hands, with Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan walking behind him.

Ye Min's hand would occasionally touch the tip of the dinosaur on Qin Shu's hat, and the smile in her eyes could not be concealed.

She had wanted to buy this kind of clothes for Qin Shu since he was little, but Qin Xiaoshu already had a sense of appearance management when he was a child and refused to wear them. From childhood to adulthood, she never realized this wish.

I didn't expect it to be achieved so easily today.

As expected, Song Yun has to come back for this kind of thing.

Ye Min laughed so hard that she almost couldn't catch her breath. Then, she turned around and saw another dinosaur sitting on the sofa. She trotted over, her heart and eyes filled with the furry thing in front of her.

It looks better up close.

She sat down next to Song Yunhui and made a scissors gesture to Qin Shu and Qin Jianyuan behind their backs.

Qin Shu didn't realize what she was so proud of until he noticed that Song Yunhui was sitting on one side of the sofa, the only side where someone could sit.

The only side was occupied by Ye Min.

Qin Shu: “…”

Qin Jianyuan: “…”

Both father and son fell into a brief silence.

Qin Jianyuan couldn't bear it, so he turned his head slightly and adjusted his mood.

In the car that just arrived, the woman was still enthusiastically discussing how to better match her son and Yun Hui, but she turned around and sat down next to Yun Hui.

Ye Min had no guilt for betraying her son. She sat beside Song Yunhui with great interest and asked, "It's been so long since we last met. Do you miss your aunt?"

The fact is that we just had a video call this afternoon.

But Song Yunhui didn't expose it and said, "I want to."

Ye Min was instantly delighted.

It was a simple sentence, but she smiled so happily that tiny wrinkles appeared at the corners of her eyes.

Song Yunhui was a little surprised and a little confused.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time he came into contact with a female elder other than his mother.

Gentle and enthusiastic, loves beauty, is very active, never hides her emotions, and will be happy for a long time because of a word.

Not having much experience in getting along with people like this, he originally thought that he was not good at getting along with them.

But when he actually did it, he found that everything was very natural.

It's so natural, as if it should be this way.

He has almost forgotten his childhood memories, but he feels that the future home he imagined at that time might be like this.

Very ordinary, sparse and common, daily greetings are like three meals a day.

Song Yunhui was distracted for a moment, his eyes fixed on a point in the void, just facing the TV.

Ye Min followed his gaze and saw the animated film that had been selected but not yet aired on TV. She was a little surprised, "So Yunzai is also watching this movie."

She said, "The little yellow bean in the movie is so cute. I wanted to watch this movie before, but I never had the time."

Once she started talking, there was no turning back, and today's family activity was quickly decided to be watching a movie.

After saying this, Ye Min felt a little thirsty, but didn't want to leave this Feng Shui throne. She signaled to either Qin Shu or Qin Jianyuan with her eyes to go and pour a glass of water.

As it turned out, the one who acted the fastest was Song Yunhui.

He did not receive Ye Min's gaze, but he always had a habit of holding a cup of hot water before watching a movie.

He walked towards the kitchen and asked, "Does anyone want some water?"

Ye Min raised her hand while crying silently in her heart.

After Song Yun came back with the water, it no longer belonged to her.

Qin Shu had already sat down on the sofa naturally. He patted the seat next to him and said, "Sit here."

Everyone sat on the sofa, the position didn't matter, so Song Yunhui just sat down.

The situation reversed and Ye Min became the one farthest away from him.

In the end, she could only hug Orange to comfort herself.

The cake Qin Shu bought today is just right for watching movies, one piece is just right for each person.

The Little Yellow Bean Man is just the right movie for the whole family to watch together.

Song Yunhui was originally sitting, then slowly slid down and collapsed on the sofa. After looking for a while, he realized that his sitting posture was wrong. He leaned up for a moment, then laughed and leaned back. He felt the slight heat coming from behind. His head had learned to spontaneously find that subtle angle for the back of his head.

After previous training, his head has learned to find the angle by itself.

Qin Shu felt a weight on his shoulder. He lowered his head and saw the tip of a dinosaur.

The movie wasn't long, only about an hour and a half. After watching it, several of us were still reluctant to leave, so we also watched the Easter eggs at the end.

Turn on the lights after the movie.

As the room lit up, the remains of several cakes on the table were clearly visible.

There seems to be a sweet scent in the air.

Ye Min had just finished watching a movie, but she still felt unsatisfied. Her brain was still in an excited state. She glanced at the cake remnants, then turned to look at Qin Shu:

"Do you have flour, butter, and raw eggs at home?"

I have it at home and have made small cakes several times.

Qin Shu glanced at Ye Min's well-maintained hands and didn't think that what she was thinking was feasible.

But noobs always attract each other.

Song Yunhui immediately expressed his desire to make small cakes.

The memory of the last time he made cupcakes a long time ago was still there. Although he only kneaded the dough at that time, he was inexplicably confident and felt that he was also a cupcake master.

The two hit it off immediately.

Finally Qin Jianyuan was forced to join, and Qin Shu entered the kitchen in silence.

The kitchen was big, but it had to accommodate four people, three of whom only knew that flour was needed to make cakes. The situation was almost out of control for a while.

But at least it's safe.

The one who made the most cakes in the end was Qin Jianyuan.

The other two people were not very good, but their hands were still usable. Qin Shu directed them step by step and no major problems occurred, but Qin Jianyuan was not good enough.

His hand looked like a newly installed prosthetic limb and it didn't work very well with him.

Any operation that requires quantification can go awry under his control.

Finally, Song Yunhui and Ye Min put their cakes into the oven to bake, while Qin Jianyuan was still trying to do the quantitative operation.

The three of them, along with a cat, just looked at him.

Finally, Qin Shu put the orange on the table in silence.

Orange stepped on the leftover butter that had fallen to the side with his paw.

Qin Jianyuan was shocked: "How can a kitten touch this!"

He picked up Orange and said, "I'll take Orange to wash his paws, you guys do it first!"

The three of them just watched him leave.

Maybe this is a man's self-esteem.

When Qin Jianyuan came back from washing Chengzi's paws, the cake was already out of the oven.

Very good, very fragrant, very... generally good looking, no failure.

A few people gathered around the dining table and took a few beautiful photos of the cake, and then ate it together.

It was already late after eating the cakes. Although it was not a good idea to eat these before going to bed, it was late at night and I should go to bed anyway.

When Qin Jianyuan and Ye Min came, they had a specific room to sleep in. Qin Shu helped them carry their suitcases into the room and closed the door. When they came out, they saw Song Yunhui still sitting on the sofa playing with his phone.

He is posting Big Eyes.

It was sent out just when Qin Shu came over.

Soon, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

[AAA Tea Wholesale Egg General: Wholesale small cakes today [Picture]]

The photo is very simple and there is no special angle. Anyway, the camera is full of small cakes, which looks very tempting at night.

A bit of fabric was visible from the corners, and it was clear that there were more than two people.

[I will talk about the return of missing persons first]

[How could it be! He's haunting you late at night again! Mr. Dan, you have no heart! ]

[The table feels different from before. Is it my illusion? ]

[Wow, it’s late at night, you are indeed worthy of being called the Egg Boss]

Qin Shu gave him a thumbs up and then put away his phone.

Song Yunhui glanced at the comments and put his phone in his pocket, his face still hidden in his hat, and yawned.

Qin Shu patted him and said, "Go upstairs and go to bed. Don't stay up late tonight."

Song Yun nodded, then remembered something very important and said, "Do you have an extra data cable? Something happened to my data cable."

Specifically, the data cable fell to the ground without being noticed, and the bench moved, directly flattening his head, and he died on the spot.

Qin Shu nodded: "I have it in my room."

So the two dinosaurs went upstairs, and Song Yunhui followed Qin Shu into his room.

While Qin Shu was getting the data cable from the cabinet, he was standing by the desk doing nothing.

As a result, when I lowered my gaze, I saw a photo frame falling towards me.

There was a letter with words written on it in the clip on the back of the photo frame.

The handwriting is unexpectedly familiar.

—After all, no one can’t recognize their own handwriting.

(End of this chapter)