A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 31: Workers are online! [Fixed]


Qin Shu adjusted his mood and asked, "Why do you say that suddenly?"

Although the house is being renovated recently, the other party shouldn't be so short of money.

Song Yunhui looked serious and philosophical, and said:

"Change your life and change your attitude."

In fact, to put it bluntly, he had just agreed to join the crew of "Twilight Return" as a temporary stagehand, the kind who follows the crew.

He patted Qin Shu on the shoulder and said, "Maybe soon... I probably won't be back soon. It's in the next city next door, so it won't take too long to come back." If he can come back.

He wants to find some ideas for this song.

He has always been a practical person and prefers to capture inspiration from reality.

So he had to see and experience it with his own eyes.

After a brief pause, Qin Shu suppressed all his words and finally asked, "When does it start?"

This time he did not pretend to obey. After closing the door, he picked up his mobile phone, set an alarm, lay down, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, when the alarm clock rang and Song Yunhui went downstairs with a messy hair, breakfast was already on the dining table.

As soon as he said this, Qin Shu nodded immediately: "Okay."

"… "

He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "I've already bought the ticket for tomorrow morning. Just pack your things tonight and you can leave tomorrow."

He was already very skilled at packing luggage for work, so this time he needed to take less things with him, so he could just take one bag.

Qin Shu's emotions were almost written on his face. Although his expression didn't change much, his eyes were full of "want to help".

He originally wanted to say this, but after taking a look at Qin Shu's face, he slowly closed his eyes and said:

"Can I help you?"

Song Yunhui strangely had the feeling of sending his son off a thousand miles away.

The road became narrower and narrower, and at some point it had turned into a cracked cement road. There were crowds of vendors on the roadside, most of them with face towels wrapped around their faces.

From a long distance, he saw the sharp contrast between the light and dark of the tall buildings in the distance and the several-story brick and stone buildings nearby.

The sun shines through the shadows of the trees.

The original tall buildings gradually disappeared and the houses gradually became lower.

Putting the bag on the bedside table, Qin Shu reminded again, "Go to bed early tonight."

Song Yunhui smiled and said, "Tomorrow."

Previously, all he had were necessities, but now on the cupboard are placed the small stuffed doll he just bought today, the little kitten he poked with orange fur, and some small ornaments he bought while shopping before.

Looks a lot more alive.

The things were packed very quickly, and finally Song Yunhui sat on the edge of the bed and watched Qin Shuqing count the things he brought.

Even in winter, the wind and sand here are still very strong, and if you expose your mouth and nose, you will get a mouthful of sand.

The light-colored pupils were illuminated by the flickering sunlight, with an indescribable dazzling color.

He never denies the other party's decision, but only supports it to the best of his ability.

After breakfast, Song Yunhui set off directly.

Song Yunhui nodded repeatedly.

Considering that he would not like to eat oily or salty food if he got up too early in the morning, Qin Shu cooked some vegetable porridge and added a little salt, which looked surprisingly good.


A novel experience again1.

After getting off the high-speed train and taking a bus, the scenery outside the window changed significantly.

The sun is shining brightly today. The sunlight shines in from the window and changes with the shadows of the trees.

But the emotion in his eyes was very dull.

He then asked, "How do you get there? Will there be someone to pick you up when you get there? I don't have work tomorrow morning, so I'll take you there."

After the phone call yesterday, Yang He added him on WeChat, and since morning, he would ask him where he was and if he needed someone to pick him up every once in a while.

The fastest way to get to the next city is by high-speed rail. After a two-hour ride, you can transfer to another train and walk a distance to get there directly.

There was yellow sand on the road blown up by the wind.

Song Yun replied that it was not necessary.

I used to pack my own things, but this is the first time someone helped me pack.

But there are a lot more than when I first came.

Song Yun didn't bring back much stuff, so most of the cabinets in the room were still empty.

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, then said, "Then go to bed early tonight and don't stay up late."

This is indeed a suitable place to film stories about people at the bottom of society.

This is a county in the city. It is remote, has a bad climate and an underdeveloped economy.

Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan had already gone to bed. After they finished their discussion, they took Chengzi and quietly went upstairs.

The light and shadow flickered, illuminating the smooth lines of the side face, lengthening the long eyelashes, and blending into the dark colors on the side.

After becoming single, he found it easy to regain his previous feeling.

Indifferent, calm, as if watching from the sidelines.

He didn't like this feeling.

This state is also not suitable for any creation.

But people always have to learn to break through themselves.

The bus stopped, Song Yunhui pulled up his mask, and then got off.

The place where I got off was a simple bus stop. Someone was sitting there looking at his phone. Two feet appeared in his sight. Then he looked up and saw that the bus had arrived at the stop, so he stood up and quickly got on.

Song Yunhui took out his cell phone and looked at the hand-drawn map sent by Yang He to find the direction.

The other party’s map is easy to recognize, with iconic buildings on it. The directions are not east, south, west or north, but an arrow, and you just have to follow the arrow.

Very thoughtful and no-brainer.

The location of the crew was also easy to find.

Although this place is in the south, the wind and sand are very strong all year round. Even next to the river, yellow sand is still flying everywhere.

This is a rare small desert located near a water source in the south.

Yang He specifically pointed out that there were two film crews here, one on each side, clearly separated, so don't go the wrong way.

Checking the map carefully, he looked to the left and then to the right.

Then he looked to the left.

"… "

Song Yunhui was silent for a while, then mirrored the picture on his phone.

That's normal.

I hadn't taken the wrong path before.

He cast his gaze to the side of the base.

In the yellow sand, people carrying equipment and wearing face masks like the locals went in and out of the temporarily cordoned off entrances and exits.

They looked very busy, walking quickly with their eyes squinting in the wind and sand.

Song Yunhui walked closer.

Someone was standing at the door counting things placed aside. When he saw someone approaching, he raised his eyes slightly to take a look, then lowered his head and continued counting.

The temporary base is surrounded by a fence, so people from outside cannot take pictures of what's going on inside, which just blocks the view.

Song Yunhui stood there and waited for a while.

When the person who was counting the equipment pressed the paper inventory document against his palm in the wind and signed to complete the inventory, he asked, "Excuse me, is this the crew of "Returning at Dusk"?"

The other party nodded, then remembered something and said, "Are you the new field manager today?"

Yang He mentioned it before, without saying who the other person was, but his words implied that he was concerned.

He understood what the other party meant.

The man's voice was hoarse, not because of the wind and sand, but more like the hoarseness caused by frequent use of his voice.

Song Yun nodded.

"We have a fixed place to put things. You go put your things down first," the man glanced at the mask he was still wearing, and then said, "You'll use the mask to suffocate when you get busy. I'll find you something more breathable. There should be some leftovers from when everyone was dividing the things up earlier."

He glanced at Song Yunhui again and said, "… If you can't stand it, just wear a mask."

Song Yun nodded and said "thank you".

Finally, to be on the safe side, he showed the man Yang He on the list to prove that he was indeed not a strange person who had sneaked in.

The person was introduced by Yang He, but Yang He had no connection with the field staff, and it was not convenient for her to come openly, so in the end it was the man who took Song Yun back.

Every crew is similar, the only difference is the size of the crew and the level of the team.

Apart from the size, this crew is no different from previous crews I've been on.

The only difference is that he changed from being the person the camera was facing to being the person standing behind the camera.

The man introduced him as he walked.

He said his name was Ma Gang, and he was in charge of the protection and inventory of the equipment, and also worked part-time as a set designer.

Song Yun nodded, not surprised at all.

There are not enough people in a small crew, so it is very common for one person to take on multiple duties.

Ma Gang took him to the place where the things were kept.

It was a small room with a lot of miscellaneous items in different styles. Probably most of the stuff of the crew members were in here.

Ma Gang didn't want to say much at first, but after taking another look at the young man next to him who was neatly dressed, he reminded him:

"Don't put anything valuable in your bag."

Song Yun nodded.

He knew it, but it didn't affect other people's good intentions.

He watched Ma Gang squat down after he finished speaking and found a pocket in a corner of the room.

He pulled a face towel from his pocket and said, "This is better... You can also wear a mask."

The face towel is clean, but it looks a little unpleasant when it is pulled out of such a place.

Song Yunhui looked calm as usual. He took the face mask, said "thank you" and put it on.

It’s just that the order in which he put on the face mask was a bit strange. He put on the face mask first and then took off the mask.

After Ma Gang finished speaking, he said that he would have to find someone else to sign to confirm the things that had just been delivered, and that he could stay here for a while or walk around. After that, he left.

Song Yunhui put his bag away, sent a message to Qin Shu saying that he had arrived at his destination, and then put down his phone.

He had just arrived and was not familiar with the structure of the base. As soon as he went out, he ran into a man carrying equipment in his hands.

The other party also saw him and asked, "Are you the new field manager?"

Song Yun nodded.

So he had a mission.

His job was to help the people in charge of the set move things.

The work is simple and doesn't require any brainpower, but it's tiring.

Song Yunhui was not brought up in a pampered environment. Objectively speaking, he has much better endurance than many people.

Having been in the crew for so many years, he usually doesn't just sit in the lounge when he's resting. He often walks around the crew, trying to understand and learn everything.

So I got started surprisingly quickly.

One group had already set up the scene and started filming, and they were responsible for the scene for group two.

At first, the others stepped on the ground themselves, and then asked him to move the things over.

The person who was directing the team noticed that he was silently moving things over, and then he would make minor adjustments to find a good angle, so he simply turned off the microphone and started moving together. The two of them were moving the broken flower pots used for the scenery side by side. The person next to him glanced at him and was quite surprised, "Little brother, you used to do this job."

When introducing the person, Yang He said that the other party had no work experience in this area, but was young and willing to work hard.

They were also in urgent need of people, so after someone from the crew introduced someone, they immediately recruited him.

I just didn't expect that the other party seemed so skilled.

That’s great. They don’t have to train new employees while working, and they can save a lot of effort.

Song Yunhui didn't say much, just nodded, "It counts as such."

There is a touch, but not much.

The person next to him looked at him again.

The sound is quite nice.

He let his thoughts wander, then asked, "Are you Yang He's boyfriend?"

Everyone in the crew knew that screenwriter Yang He had a boyfriend before, but today she introduced him to the crew. It’s quite suspicious when you think about it.

Song Yun replied: "No, I don't have a girlfriend."

His voice was not loud, but his affirmation was clearly felt.

guessed wrong.

The person next to him apologized, changed the subject and continued working.

This time the task was completed faster than expected. After finishing it, the two found that it was completed much earlier than expected. They just needed to finish the work at the end, and they surprisingly had some free time when everyone was busy.

When Ma Gang, who had been busy for half the morning because the number of equipment did not match, came back, the person who had been in the room was gone.

When he saw Song Yunhui again, he was holding a pile of equipment in his hands and slowly putting them on the ground.

[Leave the position vacant, don’t let him get too tired]

The message Yang He had sent earlier was still spinning in his mind.

Ma Gang: “…”

When he arrived, the other party had already completed the work from nowhere.

Ma Gang: “…”

Ma Gang slowly stopped moving forward.

After the work was completed, the other person who was setting up the scenery didn't want to continue working. He was sweating from exhaustion, so he immediately ran to an empty place to rest.

Song Yunhui briefly pulled the mask on his face to take a breath. Instead of sitting down like the other person, he walked slowly and watched other people work from the periphery.

He originally wanted to go out for a walk and look around, but it was not yet lunch time, and he could not leave the base unless there was something important.

He had no intention of breaking the rules.

His feet were a little sore from moving things around today, and a person sitting in a corner to rest was waving at him, trying to ask him to come over and rest with him.

He shook his head in that direction and refused.

He continued walking around the base.

Everyone was busy with their own things, and some people took a break, but they were still gasping for breath and sweating profusely.

This is a microcosm of a tiny world.

At noon, lunch boxes were distributed to the crew.

Song Yunhui accepted the lunch box well and ate at least half of it regardless of how it tasted.

The other half of the food was soaked in oil and it was hard to put my chopsticks in it.

During lunch break, Yang He came to see him and asked him how he felt.

He said it was okay.

As he spoke, his eyes moved slightly to the side and saw the director who was also looking at him casually.

Last night the two parties agreed to do their own things as usual and try not to contact each other as much as possible. It seems that they were too frustrated this morning.

After emphasizing again that she must be told in time if anything happened, Yang He looked around and finally had to leave.

The director also turned his gaze back.

After Yang He left, Song Yunhui briefly familiarized himself with the place at noon.

It’s not very developed, but it’s not too backward either, with all kinds of people walking around in the crowd.

Sitting in a corner of a quiet street, you can see the crowds of people on the opposite street.

If possible, Song Yunhui could sit here and watch for the whole afternoon.

Before the lunch break was over, he was back at the base.

On the way back to the base, he happened to see another crew transporting things.

The gate of the base was temporarily opened for a while.

Well, it's quite big.

It is in stark contrast to this base.

No wonder Yang He reminded him before that if he passed by the crew next door, he should avoid looking that way if possible.

The afternoon was still full of work, but the tasks were much easier. The tasks of other groups became heavier and they were very busy this afternoon.

The crew was busy in the evening, so there was no time for dinner, so the time was postponed and their group got off work early.

Song Yunhui did not leave immediately.

He went to the safekeeping place, took out a new mask, put it on, lowered his hat, and walked around the crew.

It is now night and the sky has gone completely dark. One place in the base is particularly bright. Various lights are on and it looks busy.

He saw what should be a set of filming locations.

The filming is still going on here. Some people are standing under the lights, while others are sitting on the side reading the script or drinking water. The makeup artist is still touching up each other's makeup.

The most common thing on the crew is still the camera lighting board.

The person in the center of vision is surprisingly young, and looks to be just in his early twenties, or maybe even younger. There is still some immaturity on his face, but he has to act out the numbness and pain of struggling in society.

You can tell he has talent and works very hard, and he still looks the part.

But it does lack some flavor.

Song Yunhui could see it, and the director could see it too. After the scene was over, he looked at the camera again and again, and then shook his head.

Meaning it still won’t work this time.

Even with makeup on her face, it was still obvious that the young actor's complexion had become paler.

The director popped his head out from behind the camera and asked, "Can we do it again?"

The actor nodded.

It is now completely winter, and everyone else is wearing cotton coats, sweaters and down jackets, but he is only wearing a thin, worn-out piece of clothing.

Song Yunhui could see that his movements were a little stiff.

The lights and camera were repositioned and the scene was shot again from beginning to end.

The result is still no.

The atmosphere was depressing. The photographer and the lighting technician didn't say anything. They were silently re-adjusting the scene. The actor stood there, and someone who should be his assistant came forward and put a coat on him.

The director is still watching the camera footage.

Song Yunhui couldn't see his expression, but judging from the expressions of others, it shouldn't be too good.

The director called the actors down to talk about the play. Yang He, who was standing aside and watching, was originally looking at the two of them. Then, as if he noticed something, he turned around and just happened to see Song Yunhui standing in the distance.

Song Yun turned around and left.

When they got off work, the crew next door also came out in a mighty procession, standing out in the night.

Song Yun avoided them and originally wanted to walk around, but he remembered that Qin Shu had called him at noon to remind him to eat. He felt inexplicably guilty and finally turned around and walked into a food stall.

The streets are deserted at night, but the food stalls are crowded and lively.

He didn't have a good appetite tonight, so he only ordered a plate of fried rice and then sat in a corner of the store.

This portion of fried rice is a considerable expense for his salary today.

After ordering the dishes, he did not look at his phone. Instead, he sat casually and upright, looked at the various customers in the food stall, and then lowered his eyes.

There was some progress today, but not much.

He felt like he was still missing something.

But I can’t tell exactly what’s missing.

He sat in his seat, thinking, but his peripheral vision was occupied by something.

He looked up and saw a boy standing by the table. He looked a little cautious and asked him:

"Can we share a table together?"

People come into the store quickly but leave slowly. Most of them eat and chat, and then drink together after chatting.

His was the only table with empty seats.

Song Yun nodded.

The boy smiled shyly and sat down opposite him. It was obvious that he was not used to the atmosphere here.

It's the actor I saw on the set just now.

He smiled shyly and looked very shy. After sitting down, he stopped talking, but his eyes became redder and redder.

Song Yun, who was sitting opposite, replied: "..."

He was sitting right opposite me, so it was impossible to pretend I didn't see it.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, he asked: "What happened?"

As soon as he said this and saw the other party's reaction, he instantly realized that he shouldn't have asked this question.

This time, not only the boy's eye sockets, but also his eyes and nose were a little red.

Song Yunhui looked away, originally hoping that he would calm down, but the other party was quiet for a while and then began to talk to him slowly.

He said he was still in college, but was recruited to make a movie. Everything was going smoothly before, but today a scene was stuck more than ten times. The director finally let him out to have a meal, and then he had to go back to continue filming.

He comes from a decent family, but he happens to play a person at the bottom of society. Although he has tried very hard, he still cannot meet the director's requirements.

He hasn't figured out how to face the director when he returns.

It is indeed a bit difficult to let a person who is not an extrovert act in a movie, but for talented people, no matter what their original personality is, they can perfectly integrate into the role.

Encountering setbacks for the first time and not knowing how to solve them really has a big impact on people of this age. Apart from feeling at a loss, they can’t think of any other solutions.

"You can't fit into the role perhaps because you haven't transformed your own ideas to keep pace with the role."

Not expecting to receive any response other than "how miserable", the boy looked up in a daze.

The person on the other side said, as if chatting, that if he looked at the character's situation from his perspective, it was a miserable situation that he could not imagine, and it was a situation that made him completely desperate. But from the character's perspective, he has always been at the bottom of society. He has never seen the glamorous upper class, and the same is true for those around him. His life is hard and numb, but it is not pure despair.

“He felt that this was how his life was supposed to be.”

There was a clear and steady voice in his ears. The boy raised his head and the first thing he saw was the other person's gentle and calm eyes.

He seemed to be looking at himself.

It seemed as if nothing caught his eye.

They are a pair of beautiful eyes. Just looking at them can easily make people relax.

"No. 508, a portion of fried rice is ready!"

It is not complicated to pack a serving of fried rice. The voice of the front desk came from the lobby. Song Yunhui looked down at the number plate in his hand, then stood up and prepared to leave with neat and clean movements.

(End of this chapter)