A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 38: People should look forward!


The phone went dark, and the only light source in the room also dimmed.


In silence, Zhong Xu slowly placed his phone on the table.

The headache became less and less severe, and as I drank the alcohol, I felt weaker and weaker.

A voice told him that he could not drink any more.

His mind gradually became confused, and he couldn't tell whether it was his own voice or some other voice.

It doesn't matter what it is.

No longer trusting any voice, he just follows his instincts.

Despite his weakened body, he still sat up, leaned forward, and reached over to grab the bottle of wine on the table.

Song Yunhui is the child's older brother. At first, he helped them take care of him, but then he unknowingly withdrew from this group of children.

He suddenly remembered that when they were young, he was not the one who played best with Song Yunhui.

A moment.

As he moved, something seemed to be disconnected invisibly.

These things are disorganized and have no chronological order. I think of whatever comes to mind as it happens. Some are just scattered pictures.

His own, about Song Yunhui.

He began to see each other less frequently.


Maybe because he had been sitting in the car for a long time, Song Yunhui only looked at Big Eyes for a while that night. Then he felt bored and sleepy, so he went to bed directly.

Later, he thought about the time when he went to Song Yun’s school to find him during high school.

"I can take good care of Song Yunhui."

But later facts proved that passers-by can only be passers-by. Song Yunhui never mentioned his high school friend again, and in the end, he was the one standing by the other party.

He waved at him, but the other person looked in another direction and a smile suddenly broke out on his face.

Hide it like a treasure and don't let anyone know.

He should have been able to see the contents of the message at that time.

That night, in a daze, Zhong Xu recalled many things that happened before.

The headache disappeared and the alcohol filled my brain.

He saw that Song Yunhui did not go through the main gate, but instead skillfully climbed up a tree and stood at the edge of the fence, then jumped down without hesitation.

There was laughter in the yard.

That was the first time he knew what a sense of crisis was.

It was not until later that he accidentally saw the other person running towards another unfamiliar yard.

He had a rare moment of dreaming.

Only he can take good care of Song Yunhui.

Zhong Xu thought.

In the empty room, the sound of a wine bottle falling on the carpet was heard, and then there was silence.

He dreamed of the blue and white school uniforms, the small notes flying through the air, the lit desk lamp in the dark room, and the lines of words on the letter paper under the lamp.

My thoughts were in a mess, and I suddenly thought of the deep male voice I heard from the phone earlier.

When Song Zishu appeared, the children around him had never seen such a child and were very surprised. Their parents were also the same and asked them to take better care of this weak child.

"… "


He found Song Yunhui at the playground.

They were originally the best, and the children and adults around them thought so.

"… "

But then things changed.

Unexpectedly, he remembered every detail clearly.

These things happened a long time ago and were not a big deal. He thought he had forgotten them long ago.

Someone caught him.

This was the first time he knew that besides him, Song Yunhui had another good friend.

Zhong Xu allowed himself to sink.

He heard from adults that it was the Qin family's yard, and the children there never played with the people around them.

It's like a taut string. No matter how strong it is, it will break if the object on the string tries to break free.

Not even him.

"… "

The next morning, Song Yunhui sat up in shock with his hair all messy and dying.

He opened his lifeless dead fish eyes and stared at a corner of the void, then fell back and tried to continue dreaming.

He had to see what was written in the letter no matter what.

"… "

Song Yunhui opened his eyes again. Very good, I couldn't sleep.


Song Yunhui could only sit up from the bed again. Just as he was about to put on his pajamas, he found something jumping in the quilt.

The quilt squirmed, and finally a cat's head popped out.

Orange looked at him with her big round eyes.

He picked up Xiumao, patted the kitten's head, and said, "Good morning."

Orange meowed.

Song Yun looked back at the mobile phone he had placed on the bedside table after using it yesterday.

As he glanced over, his cell phone rang.

Casually putting on his pajamas, he answered the phone.

The voice on the other side was obviously old, but full of energy.

"Have you been busy lately?"

Holding the cat in one hand and the phone in the other, Song Yunhui put on his slippers and said, "Not very busy."

Even without looking at the contact, he could tell that the person on the other end was his mentor.

He had a good relationship with his tutor in college, and the tutor often worked on projects with him, and they would keep in touch from time to time.

"Well, then, have you seen the algorithm that was recently optimized?"

Although it was a question, the other party's tone was very affirmative.

He firmly believes that a person who has graduated for several years and is no longer working in this industry is still paying attention to this profession and is still learning.

It sounds a bit far-fetched, but he is right.

“I have.”

He went downstairs carrying Orange, then squatted on the ground and watched the other person eat cat food. Song Yunhui listened to the lecture while touching the cat.

The person on the other end said that his acquaintance had a project, but was short of one person, and asked him if he was interested in going.

The instructor asked him whether he was interested and did not mention the urgency of the matter. However, coming to him at this time must be somewhat urgent.

"What are the requirements?"

"As long as you know how to modify the algorithm, you can get started. But time is tight and the results need to be out in the next two days."

Seeing that Chengzi was eating happily, Song Yunhui stood up and went upstairs while chatting about the details.

At the end of the conversation, he gave his tutor a positive answer.

The serious topic ends here.

The man on the other side sighed and said, "I thought you would come back for the last school anniversary celebration. I also wanted to chat with you face to face. So, will you come back for this school anniversary celebration?"

Song Yun smiled and said, "I'm not in City A right now, and I probably won't be back this year."

"That's a shame."

The other party smacked his lips and said, "I have many good talents to introduce to you."

I guess when people reach this age, regardless of gender, they seem to automatically develop a side job of matchmaking.

Song Yunhui didn't want to meet these promising people he mentioned, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few more words.

Today is another day without playing with the phone.

This was a very ordinary day for him, and it was also an ordinary day for many people.

This may be a bit stressful for Song Zishu, but the company has hired some internet trolls to temporarily suppress the negative comments. Now the comments have warmed up and are better than before.

The most uncomfortable ones are the crew. They have truly experienced the feeling of riding a roller coaster in the past few days.

They originally chose Song Zishu just to take advantage of Song Yunhui's recent traffic, but they didn't expect to directly take away the male lead and the eldest son of the investor. They also suffered backlash due to improper marketing and are still begging for help everywhere.

The director and the main crew members held a meeting early in the morning.

They decided to learn from the director's previous response method of "Departure", and they would definitely surprise everyone after they bit Song Zishu to death. They said that they believed that all the rumors would be self-defeating by then.

When the director of "Departure" decided on Song Yunhui, he was scolded by the whole network. The criticism was not comparable to the drizzle now. In the end, he received more rewards, and now many people praise him for his vision.

As long as they can withstand this pressure and persevere to the end, the crew feels that even if they can't get the same effect as the director of "Departure", they can at least attract a wave of investment.

As for whether Song Zishu will be able to surprise everyone in the end or whether he will be scolded, this is not within their consideration for the time being.

They just need to give the attitude.

So, in the morning, the director released a big-eyed boy.

[I believe Song Zishu has talent that is not inferior to others, and is also hardworking beyond ordinary people.]

With this comment, plus the internet trolls hired by Song Zishu's company, the tone of the comments section finally changed a little.

People outside the circle saw the director's determination and affirmation of Song Zishu, but people inside the circle saw that the other party completely disregarded Song Zishu's life or death.

[? You are so confident, do you really have the ability? This is not a last-ditch effort, is it?]

[Laughing, if you don’t have money, you can’t make the film. If you don’t have a leading actor, what’s the use of being hardworking and talented?]

[“Talent that is not inferior to others”, I don’t need to explain who the “someone” is]

[I believe Zishu has this ability! ]

[Not to mention his acting skills, I think Zishu’s character is definitely better than Song Yunhui’s, and he can definitely play this role well! ]

[Don’t brag, if you look at your previous works, they are not so awesome]

There are still disputes in the comment section, but at least it is no longer as one-sided as before, and the reputation has been barely saved.

Calm returned to the Internet.

But this peace was broken at night.

Once one thread is broken, more thin threads are bound to break.

Tuesday, a normal weekday, evening.

When netizens got home from get off work or school, they originally wanted to have some fun, check their phones for a while, and then go to sleep.

As a result, a video was released late at night before going to bed, which successfully attracted a lot of people who stayed up late.

The incident of Song Yunhui pushing someone into the water is still being debated online. Even though the person involved has come forward to explain that Song Yunhui was the one who saved the person, there is still a voice online saying that it was a self-directed and self-acted incident.

He pushed the man into the water and then went back down to rescue him.

No one has evidence that he pushed the person, but everyone can see that he was the one who rescued the person.

This is a very dark idea, but surprisingly many people support it.

But all the arguments ended that night.

The video is not exclusive. It was released by several big Vs and received a lot of attention as soon as it was released.

The video is a surveillance video. It’s not long, but you can understand the whole process of the incident.

At the beginning, Chengguo and Song Yunhui were standing by the river and talking. They were probably arguing about something. Chengguo was a young master with a bad temper, which exploded like firecrackers. Song Yunhui's expression was very calm from beginning to end - except for his rich emotions in the play, he always had this expression outside the play. He nodded to show his approval of part of Chengguo's words, and then began to refute. This was the source of the rumors that they were not on good terms, and it was also the so-called motive for Song Yunhui to push someone.

Another person appeared in the picture.

He should be a stagehand in the crew. He was holding a very long ladder in his hand. He passed between the two of them and then left.

The video is normal up to here.

Song Yunhui blocked the view of other people, but could not block the surveillance camera.

After the staff left the camera, the surveillance camera, looking down from above, captured a shot of a foot on the escalator passing directly by Chengguo's waist.

The river bank was slippery to begin with, and after being hit, the man took a step back in the direction of the force, but he lost his balance and fell down.

The footage captured by the surveillance camera is not high-definition, so his expression cannot be seen, but even with such a blurry picture, the viewer can still feel the confusion and helplessness at the time, and the despair that follows.

He just fell straight into the river.

Maybe it rained heavily in recent days, and the river water has risen sharply and looks turbulent.

As soon as he fell in, he was carried forward by the river water at a very fast speed and disappeared from the surveillance range in a moment.

Then they saw Song Yunhui take off his coat and jump down.

He reacted quickly and moved smoothly, and he had already entered the river before anyone else could react.

The figures of both people disappeared from sight.

It was a very peaceful but at the same time anxious waiting time.

The video only shows people gathering around and the river flowing forward.

The video is not sped up, and every minute and every second of waiting is real.

The longer I wait, the more anxious I feel.

The people on the shore have been trying to do something, but they have tried many methods and nothing worked.

Every minute and every second of waiting is torture.

Finally, at the end of the video, two figures finally appeared in the river.

They were far away and the picture was blurry, so they couldn't see the details clearly, but they could still see how difficult it was to move forward in the river.

This time, the people on the shore finally reacted faster and stretched out long poles into the river.

Song Yunhui grasped the long pole.

The two finally reached the shore.

At the front were Chengguo's assistants. Several big men pulled up the unconscious Chengguo and hurried to check on the situation.

Song Yunhui went up by himself.

He was soaked to the skin and slowly stood up, supporting himself on the ground.

He should have said a few words, but because they were far away, others couldn't see or hear what he said.

They only saw him lean back after he finished speaking and then collapse to the ground.

Everyone's eyes were on Chengguo and no one noticed him until they heard a noise and then they reacted.

The video ends here.

The night that was supposed to be peaceful was destined to be no longer peaceful.

[??? Why is it so sudden? It’s really scary without any warning!]

[Wow! My heart almost jumped out of my chest after watching this. Even though I know the ending, it’s still so scary]

[Did you see clearly? The person who pushed back was not Song Yun]

[Song Yunhui reacted so quickly!!! If it were me, I would definitely be stunned]

[No one believed the explanation of the results before, but now they believe it, right? ]

[I'm not talking about the person, but the issue. Why are there so many justice messengers all of a sudden? I saw you guys were all enjoying scolding me before, and you haven't deleted the words on your homepage yet.]

[Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I feel so bad! When he was finally rescued, everyone was concerned about Cheng Guo, and no one paid attention to him. If someone had supported him, he wouldn’t have fallen down.]

[Did he fall on his head at the last moment? It looks painful.]

[They dared to go down in such a rush of water, and the person they were arguing with before (?), dbq, I will delete my previous words immediately]

[The surveillance cameras in the crew could only have been installed by the crew themselves. Since this video has always been there, why didn’t they release it before? What a stinky crew.]

[So where is the person who said he saw Song Yunhui push the results down with his own eyes? Can you please come out and fart? ]

[Song Yunhui was clearly not wrong this time, why didn't he come out and explain? ]

Is the explanation useful


When the video was first released, netizens were still questioning its authenticity, thinking that such a video should not be released without any preparation, and suspected that it was hype by a marketing account.

As a result, the video became more and more real the more I watched it, so real that I could feel the suffocation in the water and the anxiety and fear of the people on the shore through the screen.

This is the most original surveillance video, without any editing or post-processing. It is the simplest and most direct.

Thousands of explanations are not as good as an ordinary video.

The crew was the first to be hit and was completely destroyed.

[The crew must have video surveillance cameras, but they hold the evidence but refuse to release it, just for the small amount of traffic. This is the situation.]

[Help me! I just came back from get off work and took a look at Big Eyes. Now I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I am still so angry that I can’t sleep.]

[“Not inferior to others in talent”, now that the person has retired, you can say whatever you want, good or bad.]

[Who was cursing Song Yunhui for his bad character this morning? Where are you? Come out and take a look (I’ve cursed him before, too. I’ll say it first)]

[Why, why did I believe everything these people said before, why am I so stupid! I don’t have any opinions of my own, I’m really too stupid to be like me]

[I don’t understand either]

Song Zishu was also attacked along with the crew.

The crew spoke out in support of him in the morning, and the others tacitly agreed that they were on a united front and were willing to be scolded together.


Song House

Song Zishu sat quietly beside the bed.

There was no light in the room and his cell phone was placed far away. He just sat there without saying a word.

He has seen the news online.

The company is now helping him with emergency public relations. Some of his friends have chosen to protect themselves, while others have chosen to speak for him.

He paid no attention to all of this and stayed away from his phone.

He could feel something dissipating and getting out of control, and it had been like this since last night.

There was the sound of a car engine coming from downstairs. It should be Song Cheng or Song Yunyang coming back. Under normal circumstances, he should go downstairs to meet them.

But now he didn't dare to step out of his room.

This is not a big deal, but a war of public opinion is something that many artists have to go through.

But he hadn't experienced it, and he felt he shouldn't have experienced it.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been smooth sailing and received nothing but praise and encouragement.

He entered the entertainment industry not because he loves acting, but just to receive more praise from people instead of going through the current war of words.

He is now afraid to see other people.

Afraid of seeing the nanny, the driver, Xu Wei, Song Cheng and Song Yunyang.

—Especially after Song Yunhui’s incident broke out today.

He somehow felt like a thief.

He is now on the third floor. As long as he stands on the balcony and looks diagonally downward, he can see the room he occupied - the balcony of Song Yunhui's original room.

There was no use for him occupying that room at all, but he just wanted it.

It was like a reassurance, giving him peace of mind.

Now, these things that he had obtained step by step through trial and error made him feel uneasy.

He was afraid that no matter how much he had gained, he would have to pay it back in due time.

He got so much.

The sound of the engine downstairs disappeared, and then voices were heard.

The room was too far away from that place, so I couldn't hear the specific sound clearly. I didn't know whether it was Song Yunyang or Song Cheng who came back.

The door opens.

The sound of talking spread from outside the house to inside. Although Song Zishu was on the third floor, his room was close to the corridor, so he could just hear the sound below.

It’s Song Cheng who’s back.

Xu Wei went to see him as soon as possible.

She was as gentle and considerate as usual, but the other party didn't say much. He said he had things to deal with. He didn't eat dinner and went straight into the study.

As soon as he entered the study, the noise downstairs instantly died down and was no longer noisy.

Xu Wei must have asked something, and a servant said:

"Master Yun Yang said he had something to do at the company and won't be back tonight."

The room, which was usually filled with laughter and chatter, suddenly became quiet.


It was already late at night and everyone in the company had left. The originally bright building became dim, with only the middle floor still lit.

Song Yunyang sat at his desk, staring at the computer screen, his eyes full of fatigue.

He replayed the video again.

He has watched this video several times until his eyes were sore, but he still watched it again and again as if he had never seen it before.

No matter how many times I've seen it, every time I see that figure jumping into the water without any hesitation, my heart can't help but skip a beat.

My brain felt like it was about to explode, with all kinds of images interweaving.

He was abroad when Xu Wenhui passed away. After hearing the news, his uncle who had hosted him took him back to China.

There were guests who came to mourn in the room, and only the family servants were in the yard.

"Madam was killed by the young master. She still got up to play with us even though her body was in such a state."

He stood in the corner and suddenly stopped.

He remembered this sentence for more than ten years.

He began to distance himself from his younger brother, whom he once didn't want to leave, and after his father found another person he liked, he chose to accept him, accept that woman, and accept her child.

He simply wanted Song Cheng to be happy, wanted him to move on from the past, and bring this family back to life.

—but he was the only one who stayed where he was, on the day of the funeral, forever immersed in the past.

Others moved on to new lives, but he couldn't.

It’s not so much that he believed the servant’s words, but rather that he needed a support, something to keep him going.

—Even if it’s negative emotions.

With sore eyes, Song Yunyang finally pressed the pause button and paused the video before the figure jumped into the river.

He finally realized what mistake he had made.

He had support, but he also left Song Yunhui in the past.

He made it impossible for them to move on from the past.


Sitting in front of the computer, the computer in the room was still running, it was warm, but Song Yunhui yawned inexplicably.

He took a sip of hot coffee when the doorbell rang downstairs.

"Hello, there's a delivery for you!"

Song Yunhui put on his slippers, went downstairs, put on a mask, and then opened the door.

It was a courier sent by Ye Min. There were two packages, one for him and one for Qin Shu. They were not very big or heavy.

After putting away the express delivery, Song Yunhui sat on the carpet and opened his own express delivery with Chengzi.

They are two specially customized photo frames, one with a little dinosaur and the other with a little orange sunflower, with photos already inside.

In the photo, four people were sitting on the sofa and smiling together. Sugar-free whole wheat bread was sitting in the middle, looking at the camera, his round eyes full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)