A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 42: Flowers and trophies go well together!


Qin Shu put on slippers and asked, "What are you bringing?"

According to normal people's thinking, it is usually a local specialty. If it is a place like an award ceremony, a signature will be added.

But he didn't think the other party would let him take these.

Sure enough, Song Yunhui opened his mouth and said a few words lightly.

Qin Shu's hand paused for a moment as he was taking off his scarf, then returned to normal and said "OK".

Although I had already guessed the other party's identity, the feeling of guessing it and hearing it in person was completely different.

The other party is accepting him.

Song Yunhui placed the box of banana cake in his hand, which he hated so much, on the table in the living room, and then happily dialed the number back to the same landline.

When he came back after finishing the call, Qin Shu had already opened the box of banana cakes, with paper cup banana cakes standing obediently inside.

Song Yunhui rubbed his face, then sat down next to the other person and asked, "Why did you think of buying a banana cake?"

He was going out today, so he thought about it for a while last night and then picked up a black coat.

The only places where snow can accumulate are mountains where not many people are active.

Today is a holiday, so more people are traveling.

He was dressed in black just like he was in the morning, the only difference was the addition of earmuffs and a backpack.

Normally there are few people on the streets, but now there are many cars on the way to the mountain, and everyone wants to see what the snow looks like.


The next morning, the alarm on the cell phone placed next to the bed rang, and Song Yunhui opened his eyes at the same time.

It had been snowing here several days ago, but perhaps because it is close to the city, it was more like heavy rain mixed with light snow rather than snow. In short, no snow accumulated and it quickly disappeared.

He is going out to play today.

He reached out and unconsciously held the earmuffs he was wearing.

When it gets a little darker, it's time to cook again.

The earmuffs were given to me by Ye Min before. They are very warm, and the plush touch instantly warms my palms.

The really cool guy dressed the same as most of the time, habitually in all black, tall and with long legs.

After dinner, the two went out together.

After finishing the work today, he glanced at Big Eyes and found that many people were telling him that Mr. Egg really wanted to eat banana cake.

I got up early today and couldn't eat anything, so a bowl of vegetable porridge was just right.

Just then they remembered climbing a mountain when they were kids, so they decided to go up the mountain and take a look.

Orange’s novelty towards Qin Shu had worn off. After only a short while, he returned to his arms, meowing and acting coquettishly.

It just can't be used as a self-defense weapon.

Song Yunhui nodded repeatedly.

After parking the car in the temporary parking lot at the foot of the mountain, Song Yunhui opened the car door and was instantly hit in the face by a biting cold air.

Qin Shu bought him a scarf before, after fully consulting him, and it was black.

How to say.

"… "

Song Yunhui slowly reached out and picked up a small cake, then leaned back and sank into the sofa.

After Qin Shu closed the car door, he walked around and stood behind him, helping him put on his hat.

Very honest, very considerate, a must-have in winter.

"Go downstairs and eat, then you can leave."

Qin Shu still had the same expression and said, "I saw many people saying you wanted to eat it, so I bought it."

Despite the big accident this afternoon, Song Yunhui still followed Qin Shu into the kitchen.

His body was awake but his mind was not. He sat up and reflexively started to put on his pajamas that he wore at home. Halfway through, he suddenly woke up.

The closer they drove to the mountain, the more Song Yunhui realized that he was in the south, where it rarely snowed.

After washing up, he struggled with his sticky hair as usual. When Song Yunhui finally left the room, he happened to meet a real cool guy.

He took off the clothes he had half put on, stood up, put on his slippers, and then stood in front of the mirror and slowly put on his coat.

Seven o'clock in the morning was the earliest time he woke up in the past month or two, except for staying up all night.

Wearing all black, everyone who sees him will say he is a cool guy.

Both of them went to bed early tonight.

After eating one after another, Song Yunhui fluttered his feet, and the small flame that had been extinguished before was ignited again. He turned the volume of his mobile phone to the lowest, and then watched the banana cake teaching video again and again.

The banana cake is innocent, delicious and not greasy.

So he bought it.

There was nothing in the backpack, just some bulky but light items, and the thermos cup and other things were with Qin Shu.

He looked over and instantly stopped being a cool guy and said:

The down jacket has a circle of fluff around the hood, which can block most of the wind when you put it on.

It felt warm instantly.

The hat was very big, covering the entire head. To look up at Qin Shu's face, he had to tilt his head back harder than usual, and he was looking at him from a strange perspective.

Song Yunhui asked Qin Shu how to go.

He had never been here, but the other party had been here and had some impression of the route.

Qin Shu pointed in a direction: "Go this way and you will see the path leading up the mountain."

Song Yunhui followed him in that direction.

There is a layer of snow under your feet that is neither thin nor thick. When you step on it, there is a sound, and then a clear footprint is left behind.

He walked halfway, then turned back, as if remembering something, and picked up his phone to take a picture of the series of footprints on the ground.

It is very obvious and direct evidence of my existence.

From the time he got off the bus to here, in just the time it took to take the photo, the joints of his fingers had already started to turn red from the cold.

Qin Shu asked him to put his hands back into his sleeves, and he did so.

After leaving the parking lot, turn another intersection and you will see the road up the mountain.

There are residents near the foot of the mountain. Some of them are sitting in the yard, warming themselves by a fire stove in their hands, watching the people coming and going, as if they don't understand why these people would want to go to the mountains to play in the winter.

There was a puppy in the yard, wearing a flowery jacket and looking very festive. When the two passed by, it barked twice, clung to the yard railing, and its tail was shaking so much that an afterimage was left.

Song Yunhui paused slightly, then waved at it.

Xiu Gou's tail wagged even more happily.

Song Yunhui smiled instantly.

He stopped to watch Hua Aozi mending the dog, and Qin Shu was accompanying him.

It was not until the dog in the flowery coat was attracted away by some scent that the two began to move forward again.

The temperature was very low yesterday, and it was even colder in the mountains. Dew and other things had all turned into long and thin white ice crystals on the branches.

There is very little green on the mountain, but mostly brown and black tree trunks and branches and pure white snow.

The way up the mountain is made of stone steps. Probably because there were many people going up the mountain in the past two days, the stone steps are not all white like other places. The stone surface with vertical lines that have turned dark due to being wetted by water is faintly visible.

It's not like Song Yunhui had never seen such scenery before.

But it feels different than it does now.

Compared to before, he now seemed to be able to concentrate more and pay more attention to the surrounding scenery.

He doesn't have the hobby of traveling alone. He usually goes wherever the crew arranges him to go. What he can see depends on the crew. At that time, he paid more attention to the script. He has never been so relaxed as to look around with an appreciative attitude.

They are two completely different experiences.

In the first part of the way up the mountain, everyone looked very happy, and they were still talking in groups of three or four. Until they walked for a distance, some people started to put something casually on the ground by the roadside and then sat there to rest.

Qin Shu turned his head and asked him:

"Can you still walk?"

Song Yun nodded: "I can still walk."

The distance he had walked before was not long and was within his acceptable range.

Although he had been lying in the hospital for a long time before and had to lie down for a long time after returning, his physical strength had declined, but he was not considered a physical waste.

So the two of them continued walking forward.

When we got halfway there, the ground started to become slippery.

The snow that was originally piled on the ground melted after being stepped on by people, and then turned into ice, which attached to the stone steps, making people slippery when they stepped on them.

The person in front slipped, lost his balance, and fell directly into the snowdrift.

Fortunately, the snow was soft and nothing serious happened after the fall. The person who fell laughed, and the people around him laughed too.

Qin Shu took a step forward silently, then turned around and stretched out his hand.

"Take it and go."

Song Yun looked back at him.

Qin Shu sighed and said:

"I'm afraid of falling."

Song Yunhui nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay."

He stretched out his hand, and the moment it touched the other person's palm, it was held by the other person.

It is a pair of somewhat warm hands, a blessing for people who have cold hands and feet all year round.

After the person in front fell, many people around followed suit. Their actions were not considered abrupt.

Song Yunhui rubbed the back of his head with his other free hand, feeling like something was wrong.

But it feels very normal.

Forget it, let's leave it at that.

There must be people coming to this mountain to play usually. When you reach halfway up the mountain, there is an area that is obviously man-made for resting.

Many people are resting here and it looks very lively.

Some children were making snowmen while their parents were resting. The snowmen were not big, but they had noses and eyes and looked very cute.

After finding a place to sit down, Qin Shu handed the thermos cup to Song Yunhui and said:

"Drink some water first."

This place is just right to see the children squatting on the ground making a snowman. Song Yunhui took the thermos cup while looking at the little snowman.

The water in the thermos is warm, not very hot, and can be drunk directly.

After taking a sip of water, he returned the cup to Qin Shu and quickly pulled up his scarf to cover the lower half of his face.

After staying in the scarf for a long time, every breath of the cold air outside is a torture.

Qin Shu watched his movements and silently helped him push down the hood of his coat which had begun to slide backwards.

That's it, complete protection and double the warmth.

After sitting for a while, when they stood up and prepared to continue their journey, they found that there were a lot more people on the road than before.

"Winter, another snowy season has arrived. Due to geographical restrictions and other factors, it is difficult to see a thin layer of snow in the residential area, but the mountains on the outskirts of the city are already covered in white. Please look behind me—"

At the intersection where the road continued up the mountain, the reporter in a down jacket smiled generously at the camera, his eyes, which he tried hard to keep open, were made sour by the wind.

She had a smile on her face. After the camera turned around and came back to focus on her, she continued, "It happened to be a holiday, and the snow-capped mountains became a good place for residents to travel. There are many residents behind me who are traveling. Let's interview them."

They randomly grabbed Resident No. 1 and Resident No. 2 who happened to be passing by the intersection.

Resident No. 2 seemed difficult to approach, so the reporter focused his arrows on Resident No. 1. She asked:

"Hello, can I interview you?"

Just as the words of refusal were about to come out of his mouth, Resident No. 1, Song Yunhui, glanced at the photographer who was gesturing frantically behind the camera, and finally swallowed his original words and said:


The photographer was so nervous, and the person in front of him who was being interviewed with a press card on his chest almost lost his composure. This should not be a normal photo shoot, but perhaps a live broadcast of a live news broadcast with an external reporter. In short, if they refused, everyone would probably be embarrassed.

The reporter asked, "Excuse me, did you come here to see the snow?" Although it was not quite right, Song Yunhui still followed her words: "Yes, after all, it is the south, and I rarely see snow before, so I wanted to come and see it."

Qin Shu on the side slightly shifted his gaze.

There is not a single truth in his mouth.

"So do you think this trip to enjoy the snow is enjoyable?"

Song Yunhui nodded: "It's very enjoyable. Watching the snow can calm my heart and eliminate the fatigue accumulated in daily life. It is more fun to come with friends. I suggest that everyone can come to the mountain to watch the snow when they have a break."

It was a very standard answer, as official as she was, and the words were clearly enunciated without any unnecessary sounds. Even though the voice sounded a little muffled due to the obstruction of the scarf, it did not have much impact.

Apart from the fact that she seemed to want to reject her at the beginning, the person in front of her, who was wearing a hat and a scarf and whose face was not clearly visible, turned out to be the most worry-free person to be interviewed.

After the short interview, Song Yun turned on his toes and continued to follow Qin Shu upstairs.

The other party still took a step forward and stretched out his hand to him.

The moment their hands clasped together, he heard the other person's voice, "Southerners? You rarely see snow?"

Song Yunhui pulled his scarf up and a smile instantly appeared on his face.

The two walked up.

Looking up at the figure in front of him, Song Yun regained consciousness and was in a trance for a moment.

Some people can't distinguish between reality and memory.

The lush green woods, the small but determined figure, and the white snow forest, the tall and steady figure alternate.

He laughed.

It turns out there is such a thing as memory.

The higher you go, the flatter it gets.

By the time they reached the top of the mountain, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed and a light yellow light penetrated the clouds.

The sky that originally seemed very close suddenly became much farther away.

The sun is coming out.

The sky was filled with rosy clouds, and people standing on the top of the mountain couldn't help but look up.

Song Yunhui was no exception.

The light-colored pupils reflected the increasingly bright light, clear and dazzling.

The wind blew from the top of the mountain, blowing the fluff on the hat along with it. In that instant, pieces of white things appeared in the field of vision.

Song Yunhui reached out to catch the white flakes that were slowly floating down and asked, "Is it snowing?"

The white flakes fell into his palm. He looked down and heard Qin Shu's voice coming from the side:

"It's flower petals. There's a wintersweet tree here."

A strong wind suddenly blew, making rustling sounds all around. Song Yun looked up, and all he could see were petals dancing in the air.

—It turns out that the snow on the trees on the top of the mountain is not all white, but layers of overlapping flowers.

The top of the mountain is a sea of flowers.


The big storm that lasted for a long time gradually subsided, and Big Eyes Boy returned to calm.

An entry quietly appeared on the city’s hot search list.

#Interview famous scene# "No... Can"

The cause was the interview footage when the city's daily news connected with an overseas reporter, which could not be cut out because it was live.

The "no" that has been said can't be taken back.

[Hahahahahahahahahaha, I don’t know how hard the photographer behind the scenes worked to get this sentence]

[!! Even though I can’t see his face, this guy looks like a handsome guy! He looks so cool! I like to see these, please give me more]

[I also want to say he is so cool, but this cool guy is carrying a backpack and holding the backpack straps with both hands]

[Hahahahaha, the host almost couldn't hold it in when the guy said no]

[After all, the photographer gave everything]

[Although, this place is really beautiful, I want to go there next time I have a holiday]


Since returning from the last mountain climbing trip, Song Yunhui took a few days off. He did not take any business, and spent most of the day in the room doing things. Qin Shu didn't know what he was doing.

On the day when he was going to City E, the other party finally came out of the room after staying there for a while and sent him to the gate of the community.

When they arrived at the gate of the community, his agent and assistant showed up, and they left in a car together.

Song Yunhui went to the farmer's place and slowly walked back after watching their car leave.

In the car

The agent's expression was indescribable, and he said, "They actually already live together."

He felt comfortable when other agents were having one-on-many relationships for their artists, but Qin Shu didn't care and would quickly move in with them as soon as he saw any signs of this happening.

The assistant listened to the two people talking silently in the back.

But unfortunately, Qin Shu didn't respond to his agent much.

After they arrived at the airport, the flight took less than two hours.

After getting off the plane, people sent by the organizer of the Classic Music Awards were already waiting at the airport, and we could take a car directly there.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the live broadcast of the entire Classic Song Awards began.


After taking a bite of the apple, Song Yunhui sat on the sofa, with his laptop casually placed on the side. The TV was on and projecting the screen. From time to time, voices could be heard from it, making it a little noisy.

The live broadcast of the Classic Song Awards was broadcast on TV.

The award ceremony has not officially started yet, and we are still at the red carpet entrance stage.

Well-known singers and stars took turns to perform, competing with each other for attention.

Song Yunhui turned down the volume, then chewed the apple in his mouth, picked up the notebook aside and continued to look at his music score.

He wrote several versions, each different from the others.

This time was a little different from usual, he couldn't pick out exactly the version he needed.

It's a bit difficult.

If you can’t choose, just change them all.

Move it around on the touch pad and the score jumps back and forth.

Only when his fingers seemed to be about to rub off the fingerprints did he look up at the TV.

The red carpet celebrity appearance has ended, and now it is the turn of investors.

I was so busy just now that I forgot to see when Qin Shu would appear.

The sound from the TV finally stopped being noisy.

Just as he was about to lower his head to continue looking at his notebook, the picture on the TV suddenly turned to a young man who had just got off the bus.

She is young, has long legs and is pretty, which forms a sharp contrast with the investors mentioned above.

It’s Zhong Xu.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, he seemed to have changed a lot. His expression became restrained, as if others could no longer detect the slightest emotion of him.

After just a glance, Song Yunhui continued to look down at his notebook.

The award ceremony is complicated and lengthy, and the speeches by the various representatives at the very beginning can take up quite a bit of time.

After finishing an apple, Song Yunhui took another banana, went upstairs with his notebook, and then imported all the data into the computer.

Put on the headset and live in peace with the world.

It’s a peaceful place, and the live broadcast room of the award ceremony was packed with people, making it lively and bustling.

[woc finally made it through the speech session, help, I almost fell asleep]

[The speech session lasted a total of 48 minutes, of which the camera spent 5 minutes scanning the audience. Bai Linhua appeared three times, the handsome investor once, Lu Yiyi once, Lu Jiajia once... ]

[It’s really idle upstairs]

[So the soy milk didn’t come this time? ]

[It should be. I guess the host picked it up for him.]

[I see that the people in the audience are not very nervous. They all know the result? ]

[Some people may have guessed it. Although the organizers should have invited everyone, they would give a hint in advance to those who might not come but won the prize so that they can come.]

[A lot of people came today, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Qin]

[Sitting at my workstation and looking at my computer seriously, my boss thought I was working hard. It was so funny. I was just looking at a pretty sister.]

[Wait a minute!!! The person presenting the Wocwoc award is Mr. Qin! ]

[woc I didn't expect Mr. Qin to come to present the award! ]

Under the spotlight, the tall man in a casual suit walked onto the stage as if he had his own style, and he was born with the eye-catching effect.


There was a sound of the headset gently hitting the desk. Song Yunhui rubbed his ears, then picked up his phone to check the time. He found that almost an hour had passed, so he got up and went downstairs.

The TV downstairs had lost connection because the phone was too far away.

Sinking into the sofa, the moment he projected the screen back on, applause broke out on TV.

It was Qin Shu, he was presenting an award to someone.

The person receiving the award stood beside him at a distance. He was obviously quite tall, but his aura was inexplicably weaker.

It's difficult for others to hold their ground under Qin Shu.

Casually turning the phone in his hand, Song Yun leaned back on the sofa and yawned, with physiological saline solution swirling in his eyes.

I spent quite a long time writing the music score last night, and I didn’t catch up on my sleep today, so I felt a little sleepy after finishing work.

"Next is the Best Arrangement Award."

A pause.

The comments in the live broadcast room seemed to freeze for a moment.

The host looked up at the camera and then said, "Soy milk doesn't taste good. His representative work is "Guang Yu."

A brief period of calm was followed by a huge wave.

[Soy milk!!! Soy milk yyds!!]

[It’s “Guang Yu”! This song is from a long time ago!]

[Soymilk, the mediocre man who won all the awards]

[It’s soy milk indeed! ! I love you so much! ! ! ]

[But the soy milk still hasn’t arrived QAQ]

[This time the host received the award again]

[The host, a man who can’t write songs but has won all the major awards [狗头叼花.jpg]]

But unlike what netizens speculated, this time there is a slight change from before.

Maybe it’s a big change.

After reading a long list of professional analysis and praise, the host did not continue this time. Instead, he looked at Qin Shu and said:

"Due to some reasons, Doujiang was unable to attend the ceremony. Teacher Qin Shu accepted the award on his behalf."

The trophy stayed in Qin Shu's hand, and the microphone also fell into his hand.

He looked at the camera, then smiled rarely and read out the other person's original words word for word.

"Doujiang said, thank you to all the fans for their support. He has received every suggestion and every support from you."

(End of this chapter)