A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 46: People can't escape from the little cake!


"… "

Looking at the text and symbols on the phone, Song Yunhui was silent for a moment.

The person who hacked the account was very skilled in advertising and specifically targeted this kind of people.

It’s hard to imagine how the other party would react when they see this message.

Out of sight, out of mind, he deleted the message and then swiped up again.

I can't scroll up, and the previous messages I can see are only two, instead of the original three.

Without doing anything rash, Song Yunhui first clicked on the other party's homepage, but turned back after not finding any useful information.

Although no other information was found, this note of mine was enough to reveal the other party's identity.

Song Yunhui lay on the bed, drooping his brows and thinking carefully.

By the end of the conversation, Song Yunhui's vigilance disappeared.

"Do you remember the letter?"

"I never thought about it before. If you still think about it, I will be responsible for you..."

But the other party cooperated with him and followed his words, "So what do you remember?"

"I remembered."

Since the other party spoke, he had completely missed the opportunity to hang up the phone.

There were several seconds of unusual silence afterwards.

He exhaled, then said:

Wanting to return to the main interface of his phone, he swiped upwards, but the phone froze.

“A little bit, but not much.”

If the other person's voice had been louder, he might have been able to hear the duet of reality and the sound of the phone.

Believe? What believe? Believe in what

How did the topic suddenly come to this

He originally wanted to send an emoticon to test the waters, but then gave up.

By the time the phone reacted, it already had a voice call interface.

Climbing out of the bed and lying on the bed, Song Yunhui sat on the bed and looked at the dark corridor outside the door.

He remained silent for a moment, his mind starting to race.

The other party asked him, "Why did you suddenly think of using this to make a call?"

The heartbeat that had accelerated due to the unexpected call gradually subsided.

Perhaps as analyzed before, it might really be a confession letter.

This voice is so familiar.

Song Yun looked back at the ceiling, paused, and said:

"Maybe... I want to reminisce about my youth."

Song Yun rubbed his messy hair on the bed and replied:

His fingertips tapped the sheets unconsciously as he said:

"wake up."

Silence for one second.

This was a bit clumsy, but it was better than the other party knowing that he had been trying to find a high school all night.

Several interfaces were intertwined back and forth, and he didn't know what he pressed.

Although I don’t know why I wrote this at the time, I just wrote it.

Song Yunhui hesitated between hanging up and not hanging up.

Before he made a decision, a slightly distorted voice came from the other side:

"Still asleep?"

Song Yunhui's eyes, which were drooping and almost narrowed into slits, opened instantly.

It seemed like the two of them could really chat about anything.

At this moment when he hasn't figured out what's in his mind, it's best to pretend not to know.

Song Yunhui turned over slowly.

But if that letter really is that kind of letter, he would be an irresponsible scumbag who pretends to be ignorant and plays with other people's feelings.

Then he heard the chat companion ask:

Half a second before he was about to hang up, the call went through.

He now has two choices: one is to pretend that he doesn't know, and the other is to confess that he has already remembered.

The call didn't seem to have any impact, it just gave me one more night to chat with.

Even he himself felt that what he said was false.

The only sounds in the room were my heartbeat and breathing.

Now we are separated by a room. We used to be able to reach each other in two steps, but now we have to chat over an Internet cable.


The two voices overlapped, and both of them were stunned after they were spoken.

Song Yunhui's first reaction was that he was rejected.

The other person's brain waves were synchronized with his, and he guessed what he wanted to say, so he refused in advance.

But it always feels a bit strange.

The other party seemed to be at a loss as well, and asked him hesitantly:

"What did you just say?"

The weird feeling became stronger.

They don't seem to be on the same channel.

"Are you going to bed now?"

Song Yun asked Qin Shu, "Can I take a look at the letter?"

The other party said yes.

Song Yunhui quickly turned over and got out of bed. He couldn't find his slippers, and he hadn't completely corrected his previous habits, so he just got out of bed and opened the door.

Without waiting for him to knock on the door, Qin Shu had already opened the door, and the light from the room leaked out, illuminating the corridor.

The first thing Qin Shu noticed was the other person's glowing white feet on the light-colored floor.

"You're not wearing slippers."

He first opened the sheet and let Song Yun get back on it, saying, "It's still warm inside, go in and warm your feet first."

Song Yunhui then huddled into the quilt.

It is very warm indeed.

He ruffled his messy hair and smiled.

Fortunately, the floor at home is clean.

The two people who were just talking on the phone over the Internet are now gathered together.

Qin Shu handed him the letter.

This time, I’m no longer just standing aside and taking a sneak peek at it, but I’m actually getting it in my hands.

It was not until his hand actually touched the envelope that Song Yunhui realized how well the envelope was preserved.

There are some rough edges, probably from being flipped over so often, but there are no wrinkles or damage at all.

Qin Shu was standing aside. Before opening the envelope, Song Yun waved to him and asked him to get into bed to share the warmth.

Qin Shu did as he was told.

There was an extra person in the bed. It felt cold for a moment, and then it became warmer than before.

Song Yun recalled that maybe Qin Shu was a human-shaped hot water bottle.

Finally it was time to open the envelope.

Song Yunhui told the truth and felt a little nervous for the first time.

The memories of the college entrance examination and the previous graduation thesis defense are a bit distant, but he feels that he should not have been as nervous as he is now.

He bowed his head and said:

"I opened it."

He said it to Qin Shu, and also to himself, as if to encourage himself.

Then he opened his mouth and unfolded the folded letter.

There are words of varying lengths on it.

The words on the letter paper were indeed my own.

The content is neither too long nor too short, just enough to fit on one piece of letter paper.

Qin Shu was sitting on the side and just saw him browsing with his head down.

Song Yunhui watched it from beginning to end, his eyes became wider and wider, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Qin Shu's fingers on one side moved unconsciously.


After reading the letter, Song Yunhui let out a long sigh, and his whole body relaxed. His body unconsciously slid down and sank softly into the fluffy pillow he was leaning against.

It's not a confession letter.

This is a farewell letter. Qin Shu was going abroad after his senior year of high school, so he wrote this letter.

Although some parts are so awkward that it is hard to imagine my mental state when I wrote this letter, it is at least an ordinary farewell letter, completely different from what I imagined.

Qin Shu, who was sitting on the side, lowered his head and asked him:

"Do you have anything to say?"

"What do you want to say?"

Song Yunhui thought for a moment, then closed his eyes peacefully, "No, no."

As long as it's not a love confession letter, anything is fine.

Qin Shu looked down at him, then suddenly said:


He didn't look like he was joking.

His words actually frightened Song Yunhui, and his hands holding the quilt tightened unconsciously.

"what happened?"

He thought he was a sinner before, but he didn't expect that Qin Shu would apologize in the end.

The development was somewhat unexpected.

Qin Shu talked about what happened after he received the letter.

Before he left, the two of them had agreed to keep in touch, but in fact, he unilaterally cut off contact the day after he left.

Song Yunhui sent him many messages afterwards, sharing with him various things happening in life as before, asking him what he was doing and what the weather was like there.

But without exception, no message was replied.

It was a year later when he finally saw the news.

He sent messages to explain his situation, talk about his own recent situation, and ask about the other party's current situation, but received no response.

Qin Shu lowered his eyes.

He deserves it.

But he did want to see him again.

Song Yunhui rubbed his chin.

He thinks quickly and can figure out the cause and effect quickly.

So that's how the two messages left on my phone came about.

This is a reversal of polarity.

He asked, “So what happened to you?”

Perhaps it was because time had passed and he had no relevant memory, or perhaps this was the explanation he was waiting for at the time. He did not care that the other party had not replied to his message for a year and his attention was focused on other things.

Qin Shu evaded the point: "Something happened after I went abroad, and I had an operation."

It is no small matter to let someone with such good health lie down for a year.

He looked into Qin Shu's eyes and asked, "Where is the injury?"

The light-colored pupils are clear and shallow, but they carry a seriousness that cannot be ignored.

"The wound has long since healed."

Seeing Song Yunhui still looking into his eyes, Qin Shu asked, "Do you want to see it?"

Song Yun nodded: "Look."

Qin Shu then lifted up her pajamas slightly.

It is easy to see a scar running across the healthy skin, the color of which is obviously different from the surrounding skin color.

Very conspicuous.

Song Yunhui helped him put down his pajamas, paused for a moment, then raised his head and smiled, and gave a brief comment:

"The scar is handsome and manly, and the abdominal muscles look great."

Qin Shu also smiled.

Song Yun retracted his hand, and then began to push the timeline back.

"So when we were on the set of Departure, you didn't take the initiative to talk to me because you thought I was mad at you?"

As he was talking, he almost laughed at himself. It was quite funny.

When he was on the crew before, he didn't think about high school at all. He treated Qin Shu the same way as other people. Perhaps because of this, he gave the other party the illusion that he was still angry and didn't want to pay attention to him.

So the other party just kept holding it in, and actually held it in for the entire shooting cycle.

Song Yunhui said this, and suddenly remembered something and asked:

"Did you send the fruit to the hospital?"

Although it is a question, it is in declarative tone.

Qin Shu nodded and admitted it.

This makes sense.

"How can you be so stupid!"

Song Yunhui smiled and patted his shoulder, saying, "If only you had said it earlier."

As soon as he relaxed and sank into the pillow, all sorts of words came out:

"Before, I thought I had written you a love letter and was ready to take responsibility."

Qin Shu paused.

Without noticing the reactions of the people around him, the thing he had been thinking about for the past few days was finally resolved. After Song Yunhui finished speaking, he sat up, lifted the quilt and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Qin Shu got out of bed first, took a few steps, then opened the door and left.

When he came back, he had a pair of slippers in his hands.

This time, Song Yunhui finally didn't have to go back to the room barefoot.

After saying good night, he left the room in his slippers.

"… "

The room, which was previously filled with voices, suddenly became quiet.

Qin Shu sat on the bed and picked up his phone to take a look, just in time to see the good night cat head message sent by the other party.

He also replied with a good night message, put down his phone, and went to bed quietly.

There is a very faint fragrance in the quilt.

Secretary Qin remembered that this was the scent of Song Yunhui's shower gel.


After Song Yun returned to the room, he turned off the lights, but did not go to sleep obediently.

After sending a good night cat head message to the other party, he put his phone aside and quietly turned on his computer.

Inspiration is just a moment.

The song that had not been decided before was finally decided, and I also had some other ideas.

One hand was holding the headset, his light-colored pupils were reflecting the computer screen, and the pen held in his right hand turned a circle unconsciously, and then made a mark on the messy paper.

Time is running out, but there is still a lot to do.


the next day

After cooking breakfast and taking care of some things, Qin Shu finally realized that last night's Goodnight Cat Head was a fake Goodnight Cat Head.

The other party must have stayed up very late last night.

Afterwards, when Song Yunhui was rubbing his eyes and going downstairs, he was caught red-handed.

He waved: "…Good morning."

"Good morning."

Qin Shu, who was sitting in the living room typing on his laptop keyboard, turned around and said,

"The porridge I cooked this morning should be cool enough for you to eat directly."

Song Yun replied yes.

This morning was no different than usual.

Qin Shu had work to do and Song Yunhui also had to go out, so the two left one after the other.

Song Yunhui has always been a man of action. When he got up today, he had already made an appointment with someone and his whole day was filled with things to do.

At night, the city lights come on.

With a briefcase in his hand, Song Yunhui finally found a random coffee shop.

The time was just right, avoiding people who were getting off work in the previous period and just before the next overtime period. There were not many people in the store and the faint voices were drowned out by the music in the store.

After ordering a cup of coffee to go, Song Yunhui found a random seat and sat down, resting his chin on his hand and looking at the lights outside the window.

This coffee is not instant, it takes some time to prepare.

In just a moment, or maybe very soon, the previous song finishes and the next song plays automatically.

Song Yunhui paused tapping the table.

He sat close enough to hear the boss humming along as he ground coffee.

"… "

He turned his head silently.

The song "Orange Song" was playing in the store.

At the same time when all the sounds in the middle section disappeared, the automatic sensor door of the store opened with a slight sound.

It wasn't loud, but it was noticeable in the brief quiet of the cafe.

A man walked in, ordered coffee and also found a place to sit down.

The phone in my pocket shook.

Song Yunhui picked up his phone and took a look.

It was a message from Qin Shu, with a photo and a question.

He was asked if he wanted to have cupcakes, and several assistants recommended them, which came in many flavors.

The attached photos were taken in a cute-looking store. Even the labels on the cakes were in the shape of little bears. Most of the people in the store were girls.

Putting himself into the situation for a moment, thinking about the scene of Qin Shu, a tall and tightly wrapped man, standing in the shop that was so sweet that it seemed like pink bubbles were about to appear, Song Yunhui couldn't help but laughed.

His laughter was very light, but the guest who had just entered from across the aisle noticed it.

The guest unconsciously waved his hands randomly, and then finally made up his mind to stand up.

The light was slightly obscured by a figure. Song Yun looked up and saw a man wrapped like Suspect A standing in front of him.

Suspect A said:

“I am the result.”

Song Yun replied:

Faced with someone who revealed his true identity right away, he didn't know how to react for a moment.

Then he said: "You are Chengguo but you are being chased by anti-fans. Do you need me to V you 50 to escape?"

"… "

The person standing in front of him was silent for a moment, then he took off his mask slightly and said, "My voice is hoarse, so it sounds a little different than before."

His voice is indeed hoarse, and if you don't listen carefully you can't understand what he is saying.

The main thing was that the other person's tone of voice had changed. It was very different from the arrogant and domineering tone he had before, and he didn't recognize it for a moment.

Song Yun glanced back at the other person.

Indeed, he looked exactly the same as before at the airport.

He asked, "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

The other party paused for a moment, then said, "Wait a minute."

He said that and walked out of the store, looking quite anxious.

The boss, who was still grinding coffee, heard the noise, looked up at the other person's figure who had already left, and hadn't yet reacted to what had happened.

Song Yunhui said at the right time: "He will come back later."

The boss then felt relieved and continued to grind coffee.

When the results came back, Song Yunhui had already got his coffee.

The other person must have just finished intense exercise, and was still gasping for breath while propping up his legs. The young master had lost all his composure, then stood up and handed the thing in his hand to him.

It is a long strip of object, wrapped in a golden velvet cover.

The other party said: "I have always wanted to give it to you, but I couldn't contact you. After seeing you at the airport, I thought we might meet again."

Song Yun replied: "... Yeah?"

He complained about two things in one sentence, and for a moment I didn't know which one to start with.

—He was at the same airport with the other person only once, which was the last time.

I didn't expect to be recognized so directly, especially in that kind of occasion.

Another possibility is that the other party thinks they will meet again, so they carry this thing with them wherever they go

He didn't understand, but was shocked.

"I haven't been able to say thank you to you before."

The young master even bent down and said, "You must... please accept it."

He looks very serious.

Seeing the boss quietly paying attention to the situation here while grinding coffee, and then taking another look at the results in front of him, Song Yun put the things away.

The other party was obviously relieved.

Not planning to stay any longer, Song Yunhui said goodbye and left.

After I walked out of the store, it must have been time for people to get off work, as there were already a lot more people outside.

There were a lot of people and cars, and when he finally got home after being stuck in traffic in the city, Qin Shu had already returned.

The small cake box has been placed on the table in the living room. It is indeed pink, with a big little bear head on it.

Seeing Song Yunhui putting down the things in his hands while holding Chengzi, whose tail was wagging rapidly, Qin Shu asked him:

"What's this?"

Song Yun rubbed the kitten's head and said:

"I don't know either. I met someone I know on the road and he gave this to me. Open it and take a look."

Qin Shu then took the things apart.

It doesn't need to be taken apart, just open the golden velvet cover on the outside.

The moment the things poured out, Song Yunhui paused in stroking the cat's head.

Orange felt that the hand on his head did not move anymore, so he used the kitten's subjective initiative and started moving his head.

Qin Shu was also silent for a rare moment.

After all, they rarely see banners with red background and gold edges.

The moment the banner was opened, they seemed to hear the sound of heavy material breaking through the air.

The banner is a very standard one with golden tassels on it.

There are a few big words written on it with a red background and gold edges.

[Rescuing others is a great kindness]

Song Yun replied: "..."

Song Yunhui felt that Chengguo must have thought of this himself.

Although I don't know why the young master's attitude changed so quickly just because of a fall, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is to put things away quickly.

The initial shock finally passed, and he continued to touch the kitten's head. After touching it twice, he stood up and planned to put the banner back with Qin Shu.

Qin Shu asked him, "Do you want to hang this up?"

Song Yunhui was moved but refused, saying that it would be better to put the thing in the cabinet and keep it well.

After finally wrapping the banner back to its original shape, he continued to hold the cat while Qin Shu put the things into the cabinet beside the stairs.

Orange stayed there for a while and then ran off to drink water.

Song Yunhui sat on the sofa and opened the dessert box.

You can smell a sweet scent the moment you open it.

One third of the box was filled with banana cupcakes.

Song Yun replied: "..."

He picked up the banana cake with tears in his eyes, first handed one to Qin Shu, and then took one for himself.

He asked, "Why are there so many banana cakes this time?"

"Because you seemed to like it before, I bought some more."

Very warm and caring.

Song Yunhui ate the banana cake with tears in his eyes.

After taking a bite of the cake, the phone in his pocket rang. He took out his phone and took a look.

Chen Chen transferred him a red envelope, which was very rare.

Song Yunhui did not pick it up immediately, suspecting there was something fishy going on. He moved the phone slightly to the side and asked Qin Shu to help him figure it out.

Before they had time to analyze it, the next message popped up.

[The results of the competition are out. The top winner in the car flip world is still your banana cake. The prize money will be split in half. Please be good to yourself and remember to take your banana cake for self-defense on the way to buy things.]

There is another picture at the back, which happens to be a picture of him poking the charcoal under the cake.

The other party's message came too fast, and there was no time to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)