A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 47: People always have to learn to accept leaving!


Song Yunhui watched helplessly as his lump of charcoal appeared in front of Qin Shu without reservation.

"… "

He took a bite of the banana cake in his hand in silence.

Qin Shu cooperated with his silence very well. He glanced at the screen and then looked away, as if he saw nothing.

Song Yunhui finished the banana cake in his hand, then lowered his head, expressionless, and repeatedly rubbed the sugar-free whole wheat bread he had brought back after drinking water.

Sugar-free whole wheat bread doesn't know how to be embarrassed, it only knows how to act coquettishly.

After eating two small cakes, Song Yunhui went upstairs with his mobile phone.

He asked Chen Chen to play games with him again.


As the month draws to a close, everyone becomes busier.

But after moving here, he completely forgot about his previous scattered work, and was more busy with other things or things he had a clue about. The rest of the time he was resting. In short, he did a lot of things.

Qin Shu has been flying around these days, and Song Yunhui often leaves early and comes back late.

He finally remembered that he seemed to have missed some live broadcast time.

The task at hand now is not difficult and can be done easily.

"Time is limited and there is no time to learn new songs. Please choose one from the list. The voting will end in one minute."

"Don't you guys want to learn?"

These water friends seemed to prefer the songs he sang to other songs.

By the time I remembered it, it was almost the end of the year.

[You type so fast! Your hands are so pretty!] Without looking at the comments on his phone, he suddenly thought of something while typing and asked:

"I just learned a very simple way to jump, do you want to learn it?"

The more times like this come, the more things will pop up.

[(Although I can’t say that, it’s true)]

Song Yunhui temporarily stopped typing on the keyboard, picked up his mobile phone and set up a vote.

Song Yun typed two lines of text, then glanced at the comments on his phone and said:

“I’m a live broadcaster.”

Without accompaniment, the characteristics of the sound are infinitely amplified.

[I will learn it after I grow up [Cat making fist.jpg]]

[Soybean Milk doesn’t show its face, and it doesn’t even tell us when it releases a song. It treats us like outsiders (stomps its feet) (crying) It has to show its face so that it won’t cry]

"The conditions are limited. There is no accompaniment. Please make do with it."

[It makes sense that he has so many fans, but Dou is definitely not focusing on live streaming]

[This man actually dared to say that he was a live broadcaster! ]

Song Yunhui didn't look at his phone. He sang while looking at the program on the computer.

[There are many covers of "Orange Song" on the Internet, but I still think Doujiang's is the best]

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room gradually evolved from [Soy milk is starting to make up for the time] to [Master Dou, what is your job? ]

Singing a cappella and singing with accompaniment are two completely different feelings.

So I just sang it a cappella.

Without the accompaniment, every change in tone, every shift in breath, and every word is clear.

The clear voice is slightly distorted due to the network cable, but it does not affect the listening experience.

Maybe it won’t even take a minute to get the results.

In the end, "Orange Song" far surpassed other projects and was elected with a high vote.

[It's almost the New Year so I don't have any talent, so I'll show you a physical jump (left foot steps on right foot) (jump up) (spin in circles) (fall down)]

The voting options were all songs whose lyrics and tunes he remembered.

[If Doujiang really wanted to do live streaming, they wouldn’t have to make up for the time now [pointing and pointing.jpg]]

Before moving to Qin Shu's house, he often stayed up all night to finish the pile of work, and his progress was once ahead of schedule.

Song Yunhui felt a little regretful, then he looked at the comments again and asked, "Do you want to listen to the song?"

Followed by a series of [Thinking].

After the last number was typed, the program on the computer started running, and Song Yunhui could not move the computer for the time being.

[You get used to being inspired by a name after seeing it for a long time]

An answer that looks fake at first glance.

[No, thanks]

So he would seize the time to chat when he was free outside the recording studio in the afternoon, and would also chat while typing code in the evening.

[It’s the same name as this children’s song]

[After listening to Doujiang’s live broadcast, my head feels itchy. I need to grow a brain]

The program gets stuck halfway through.

He then leaned forward slightly, found the place where he was stuck, then clicked the mouse, deleted the code and typed a new one.

The program started running again.

No problem this time.

[Why can Doujiang sing while typing code? Help me? ]

[The programmer is late, and just now finally got his bug working (wipes sweat)]

[Why doesn't soy milk have a messy smell? I get so nervous when I watch my program running that I can't breathe]

[I feel like I've heard this voice somewhere before. It sounds so familiar, but I can't remember where.]

[Familiar with 1, but should just be similar]

[If Doujiang calls me baby in this voice, I will go to heaven [peaceful.jpg]]

In the end, the baby was gone and the sound was gone too.

After singing a song, Song Yunhui packaged the program and sent it to the recipient, and then he finally had some free time.

Since I was discharged from the hospital until now, there have been more and more people in the live broadcast room unknowingly. Now it takes a long time to go back and watch the comments that I missed before.

His hands were sore from scrolling, so he finally stopped, just in time to see the comment saying that he was being distant.

He rested his hand on his cheek and thought for a while, then said:

“Maybe I’ll release a song soon.”

"I've already informed you this time, so don't be shy, be kind."

[??? It’s really coming out!]

[I am looking forward to it! ! ! ]

[Have you thought of a name? If not, I’ll help you think of one. Let’s rule out “Song of xx” first.]

[If no one mentions this, will soy milk be mentioned again? ]

[Don’t play “XX Song” anymore! I really wanted to recommend this song to my classmates before, but every time I recommended it, I had to emphasize that it was not a children’s song (but it seems that children can also listen to it?). It was not until the soy milk won an award and everyone else knew this song that I didn’t have to embarrass myself.]

[I'm really looking forward to it, please tell me the specific time, I'll be waiting online]

Looking at the barrage of comments on his phone, Song Yunhui paused with his hand supporting his chin, then looked away and smiled.

He said:

"The song title has been announced."

It means that it cannot be changed.

[… Got it, let’s guess what song it is, “XX Song”]

[I guess the one is "Orange Song", which happens to have the same name as the top guy on the list]

[Then I’ll press “The Milk Tea Song”. I don’t drink soy milk, but milk tea is delicious. All of humanity should sing praises of milk tea (bushi)]

[Look at it from a bright side, at least we don’t have to wait too long after the song title is announced rather than before we start preparing it.]

[Is soy milk still cooperating with the soy milk that tastes bad this time?]

[I don’t care, I don’t care, this is the New Year song that soybean milk wrote for me! ]

After scanning the comments and focusing on the last comment, Song Yunhui changed his sitting position and asked:

"How do you celebrate the New Year?"

[I went home normally, spent the New Year normally, and then I held the door tightly and didn’t want to leave]

[We can hang lanterns and colorful lights, which are very beautiful]

[I used to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but now I don’t. I eat glutinous rice balls in the morning and watch fireworks in the evening.]

[Who understands the pain of banning fireworks! Who understands!!]

[I used to like going home, but now I’m afraid. Who understands the pain of being urged to get married?]


Song Yunhui looked at the barrage of comments that kept scrolling and felt his mouth a little dry. He went downstairs to get a glass of water and came back to continue chatting.

When he came back, he saw a small sign in the upper right corner of the screen turn from gray to gold.

He noticed it, and so did others.

[End, at 10:12 pm on the 26th, another anchor completed his time]

[Damn it, this man has to make up the time again]

[Based on the usual properties of soy milk, I shouldn't finish drinking it now, no way! ]


Song Yunhui pretended to be surprised for a moment, then said, "Let's continue chatting as before. After today, we'll see you next year."

[Listen to this! This man can even say something like this when we meet next year!]

[We had those kinds of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year. I don’t know if they are still available now. I miss them.]

[It should be a local feature. Children in our area can steal vegetables at night and steal wherever they want. They were chased by people with rakes before.]

After chatting about a lot of topics, it was clear that the Chinese New Year was still a long time away, but the people in the live broadcast room had already entered the Chinese New Year atmosphere in advance, thinking about what they would do after returning home.

It was not until it was getting late and Song Yunhui said that they should go to bed early and get up early that they woke up from their dream and realized that they still had a long time before the New Year.

[You were not this kind of soy milk before! Soy milk was obviously for staying up late before! ]

[People who stay up late are shocked! Soy milk requires early bedtime and early rise! Then I can only go to bed and get up early, sing two more songs, woo woo, I roll and crawl into bed and lie down]

[Lie down 1]

[I want to listen to a lullaby. I don’t mean anything else. I just want to listen to [twisting]]

[If you want soy milk to call you baby, just tell me (I want it too)]

Song Yunhui finally sang two songs for them.

It was almost eleven o'clock when the live broadcast was actually turned off.

Qin Shu was not coming back today, so he turned off the computer, set an alarm, lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

The next day was still a very busy day. I was so busy that I had to eat a quick lunch.

But all the busyness ends in the evening.

With the contract casually tucked under his arm, he took a taxi and went home.

It's still early and the street lights on both sides of the road have just been turned on.

In the quiet car, the driver was taciturn, and Song Yunhui sat in the back seat and looked at his phone.

Perhaps because of the preparations made last time, the song review was unexpectedly fast this time, and when it reaches the set point, it can be automatically released.

Now that the matter has been dealt with, the next few days will be his rest time.

Qin Shu also finished his work today. I had told him that he would be back tonight, so we could go to the airport together to pick up Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan tomorrow.

This time he did not get on the bus directly at the entrance of the community, but got off at an intersection ahead.

Although there are not many stores nearby, there is a large supermarket that almost meets the shopping needs of the surrounding residents.

As he walked into the supermarket, Song Yunhui opened the list he had prepared on his phone, and sent a message to Chen Chen:

[I'll do it again] The other party still tried to slack off even at the end of the year, so I immediately replied to his message:

[Start over again, this time you have to take back everything you lost! ]

[So this time, am I submitting the article myself or are you submitting it yourself? ]

Song Yunhui didn't read his message again and continued to look at his shopping list.

This time he prepared all the necessary ingredients and bought some vegetables. If the cake went well, he could also cook the meal.

When he came to the supermarket, he happened to catch the evening grocery shopping rush, and there were many elderly men and women.

Seeing him quietly choosing vegetables, the enthusiastic aunt appeared again.

This time it was not just one enthusiastic auntie, but a group of aunt sisters.

Several people talked at once to teach him how to choose vegetables, and finally they helped him choose. In the end, he gradually moved from the center to the edge.

The aunties directly handed the finished products they had selected to him.

Holding the bag in his hand, Song Yun smiled back, his eyebrows curved, and said thank you.

A few middle-aged ladies waved their hands and left, keeping their achievements and fame to themselves.

Everything went smoothly.

After returning home from the convenience store, Song Yunhui first touched the orange that flew towards him. After the orange had been touched to his satisfaction, he took the vegetables into the kitchen.

The slightly long hair easily blocked his vision, so he found the small rubber band that Orange usually played with and tied it through his hair casually, then rolled up his sleeves.

He thought about every step in his mind before doing it, so he was not in a rush.

Orange squatted aside and looked at him.

Be an obedient kitten today and don't make any trouble.

And today’s banana cake was also a success.

The moment the oven was opened and he smelled the scent, Song Yunhui knew the cake was ready.

Not too successful.

A bit deflated, not so fluffy.

He took a small taste and found that the taste was normal.

Rounding it off, this is considered a success.

After finding a good angle so that the cake would not look too deflated, he sent the photo to Chen Chen.

The other party replied with a point.

After the cupcakes are finished, it’s time for dinner.

Song Yunhui knew that he didn't have Qin Shu's ability to prepare a full meal, so he fried some vegetables and then cooked rice.

And then it was gone.

When Qin Shu came back, he was greeted with banana cake and fried vegetables.

He couldn't learn to praise people as enthusiastically as Ye Min, but he would finish his cupcakes and fried vegetables seriously.

It was a busy day, so the two of them skipped their usual movie-watching session and sat on the sofa, chatting for a while as usual before going upstairs to rest.

After changing into pajamas and sitting on the edge of the bed, Song Yunhui set three alarms in a row, then lay down and fell asleep peacefully.

Go to bed early and get up early.

Before the first alarm rang the next morning, Song Yunhui had already opened his eyes.

It was still dark outside and the room was gloomy.

He sat up like a wandering soul, changed his clothes mechanically, and only became more sober after washing up.

When he opened the door, he happened to meet Qin Shu who had already changed his clothes.



Song House

Since morning, the house has no longer been quiet.

The Song family has the habit of cleaning the house from top to bottom before the New Year. Today, Song Cheng was at work, Xu Wei was out, and Song Zishu was still on the crew and had not returned. The only one at home was Song Yunyang.

During the general cleaning, it was just the right time to move Song Yunhui's things back to his original room.

The servants in the house dared not complain at all about this practice of moving things back and forth, and could only do as they were told.

They first moved the basic furniture back in, then moved everything else outside the house.

Surprisingly, the things Song Yun brought back were not many. After packing a few large boxes, there was nothing else.

Song Yunyang asked: "Is this all he has?"

The servant who was moving the things was not the one who sorted the things before. He stood aside and did not dare to speak. Then Uncle Chen said:

"That's all."

He was watching from the side when they were moving before, and no one made any unnecessary movements.

This is all Song Yunhui has after living here for more than 20 years.

Since there were no objections, the servants began to open the boxes and move the contents inside.

After opening the box, Song Yunyang realized that the other party’s things not only looked small, but were actually very little.

Several boxes were placed in the corridor, and everything could be seen at a glance.

The bulk of the stuff in the box is clothes.

He probably took away the things he bought himself, and the rest were obviously given by other family members.

These clothes are very obvious, mostly dark in color. Even with a dust cover, you can still see that some are too loose, and some of the styles look different from ordinary clothes.

The maids have already cleaned the room, including the closets, tables and beds. Clothes can be hung on hangers and put directly into the closets.

“Don’t hang these in yet.”

As the servants were moving, Song Yunyang suddenly spoke up and said, "Put these back in the previous room first."

The servants did as they were told and exchanged glances with each other as they walked down the corridor carrying the clothes.

I'm afraid there have been changes in the Song residence again.

"… "

Several servants left with the clothes, and Uncle Chen followed Song Yunyang into the room.

The weather is good today. The sunlight shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the green shadows of the trees outside the window sway gently.

Quiet and warm.

The sun shone into the empty cupboard.

Song Yunyang turned to look at Uncle Chen and said:

"After you finish your work today, please order some clothes, Uncle Chen."

"It will be ordered according to the Second Young Master's size."

Uncle Chen nodded, then asked, "Is the Second Young Master coming back?"

The other party went to so much trouble and happened to do it at this time, it's hard not to say something.

Song Yunyang did not answer.

He touched the wooden wardrobe and said:

"I will be back."

Uncle Chen paused for a moment, then nodded quietly.

That is, I don’t know whether the other person will come back.

There is one person missing in the room. Although it is not obvious in the short term, after a long time, it seems that everything is different.

Among the owners of the house, apart from Song Cheng who often discussed things with him, the one who liked to chat with him the most was Song Yunhui.

From childhood to adulthood, the person who has changed the most is him, and it seems that he is also the one who has not changed.

When he was a child, Song Yun would stick to him, call him "Uncle Chen", and share fun things with him, telling him not to let others find out.

When I grew up, "Uncle Chen" became "Uncle Chen". I would still chat with him and share some interesting things with him.

It's just that he himself has changed.

After so many years, I have unknowingly become a different person.

The room was not quiet for too long. Several servants were quick and efficient and came back quickly after hanging up the clothes.

They began to put other things back in place.

Song Yunyang stood there for a while, then also started to help.

What he got was a night light in a box.

The night light is very old and it's obvious that it has been used for a long time, but it is treated with care in normal times, so it can still be used when the power is turned on.

Song Yunyang stood in the room with something in his hand, and suddenly lost his target.

He didn't know Song Yunhui's usual habits, and didn't know whether the night light in his hand should be placed on the desk or next to the bedside table.

He suddenly found that he seemed to understand nothing.

Uncle Chen gently took the night light from his hand and said:

"I'll do it."

"… "

Song Yunyang slowly put down his hands and nodded, "Thank you."

As a result, it was these servants who remembered the layout of Song Yun's room best.

The reason is that they often come in to clean, and over the years, they can remember most of it.

But there were only these seven or eight things. They couldn't remember the rest, so they could only find a convenient place to put them.

Song Yunyang watched their actions and finally understood why Song Yun brought back so little.

Because the other party seemed to have kept the room as clean as a model house, and apart from the things they had given before - including things that seemed precious and rare to others, there was nothing else that belonged to them.

He knew that the other party had been practicing calligraphy before, but he saw that there was not a single piece of rice paper among those things just now.

There is a brush, and it looks like it has been there for some time.

The other party has been practicing for so long, he shouldn't have left nothing.

Uncle Chen seemed to understand his thoughts and said:

"All of the Second Young Master's calligraphy works have been thrown away."

The other party seems to have never thought about preserving his own work. No matter what kind of work it is, the other party treats it as if it is not his own achievement.

He saw the words on it a few times when the other party threw it.

Those words that even he found amazing and thought could not be reproduced a second time were easily thrown into the trash can.

But the other party threw it without hesitation, and there was no fluctuation in his light-colored pupils.

It was not until he noticed him that he turned his head, smiled, and called out "Uncle Chen".

"… "

Uncle Chen looked away from the brushes and walked to the corridor outside the room to take a look. He asked:

"How much stuff is left to move?"

The servant replied: "There is only one box left."

It was clearly not a long time, but Song Yun had almost finished moving all the things he had brought back so easily.

The last box had very little in it, not even half full, and would be emptied quickly.

Until all the things were gone in all the boxes and the others packed up their boxes and left, Song Yunyang stood in the room, looking at a room that was no different from the one in his vague memory.

He didn't remember what the room looked like, but he felt that it should be no different from before.

He turned his head and looked at Uncle Chen who was standing next to him and asked:

"What did he take?"

Uncle Chen pushed his glasses, as if he was thinking.

—He knew what the other party took away.

But the more I know, the less I dare to speak.

The other party only took away the clothes he bought, books, and photos with Xu Wenhui.

There are only photos of the two of them.

He left all the other photos at the bottom of the cabinet.

(End of this chapter)