A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 49: First New Year's Eve!


In addition to the video, the topic of [Soy milk tastes bad] also soared.

[I didn’t expect that Doujiang is from University A, and he is an outstanding graduate Orz As expected, outstanding people are excellent in everything they do QAQ]

[The sound of soy milk is so nice! Come and go crazy with me! I have listened to that audio clip over and over again! I want soy milk, I want soy milk! ]

[That's not right, everyone! It sounds nice, but don't you think this voice sounds familiar? Don't you think so? Don't you think so? ]

[It sounds similar to a retired top star, but there is no such possibility, pass]

[I understand! It looks very similar to soy milk (I mean the soy milk in the live broadcast)]

[It really is similar! I felt it was very familiar the first time I heard it! (The fanatic who fell asleep by listening to the live broadcast of soybean milk every day is online)]

[I'm so stupid, I thought "Orange Song" was a collaboration between two chefs, but it was actually a collaboration between one person's big and small accounts]

[No wonder Bai Linhua's attitude was so strange when she met him before! He must have recognized her! ]

Even though there are no more than fifty words in this video, the Sherlock Holmes still found clues and started to look through the screen recording of not drinking soy milk.

They had the habit of marking things when they packed up, so it wasn't difficult to find the two boxes, and then they just had to take out the things inside one by one.

Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan didn't understand, so Song Yunhui explained to them one by one what the award was.

There are just too many things and they are very messy.

Qin Shu lowered his head and just happened to see Song Yunhui looking up and smiling at him.

So the family activity in the afternoon became moving things into the utility room.

Ye Min asked: "Where are the other awards?"

The final main force will still be Qin Shu.

"Is Xiaoshu's here too?"

[Wow, I went back and took a look at the live broadcast that I did with Xiaobai before. Doujiang is really good at pretending. He really pretends to be a complete stranger. Even strangers are more familiar than him.]

Song Yun recalled that there was no need to go through so much trouble and could just put it in the box.

Miscellaneous refers specifically to Song Yunhui's box.

Pulling a mat over, the three of them sat on the ground and took out the trophies one by one.

Finding that he couldn't help here, Song Yunhui turned to the side and opened the box used by Qin Shu.

They are very similar voices, with only a slight difference in tone. One is very relaxed and gentle, while the other is a little serious because it is a school promotional video.

[Yes! New song! "Song of xx" (.)]

If you want to die, I'd like to die with you.

The reason was that after knowing the whole story, Ye Min wanted to make his other awards see the light of day again.

Qin Shu couldn't help much, so Ye Min and the other person also came here.

He seems to be very skilled in doing these things.

He had no idea that the trophy was different from other things. He just stuffed everything that could fit in there, and the trophy was buried among all the things.

[I have a feeling that this song title might be even more explosive]

[Wow! If I had known that soy milk is not tasty, I would have stayed in the live broadcast room every day. I missed too much.]

The family activity of watching a movie was temporarily postponed. Ye Min started to roll up her sleeves, but then she felt cold and lowered them a little, saying, "Before next year, the cabinet is so empty, I can just put these out to see the light."

Song Yunhui said casually, "I remember Qin Xiaoshu's was there too."

But Ye Min's attitude seemed very firm, and Qin Jianyuan also supported her decision.

“… in the utility room.”

He patted the other's stuffed hat gently.

Ye Min glanced at the empty glass cabinet and nodded, "That's fine, put them all in."

[It's next year, buddy, but maybe we can look forward to a new song tonight. According to the other party's underworld, it might be released in the early morning.]

While the discussion online is in full swing, soy milk in reality is trying to make a case.

The live broadcast of "Don't Drink Soy Milk" has never used a voice changer, and the live broadcast room has no post-processing like film and television works. Even if there is a slight distortion, it is still very obvious when compared.

It was a very secretive smile, with a hint of mischief.

After so many years of filming, the other party has won many awards.

Unlike his box which was stuffed randomly, Qin Shu's box looked very tidy. There were quite a few things in it. The ones on top were probably trophies. Some were in boxes so you couldn't see what was inside, and some had no boxes, so they were sticking out straight outside. But at least there were partitions next to them so they were not squeezed.

The hat was very soft and sank when I touched it lightly, but bounced back when I left it.

[So when is Doujiang's next live broadcast?]

But no matter what, no one can say with a clear conscience that the two voices are not similar.

Song Yun was about to start again, but Qin Shu had already taken action.

He kept these simply because he couldn't give them away, and throwing them away wouldn't be good for the organizers, so he kept them for the time being and had no intention of letting them see the light of day again.

"These are all proof of your hard work, what you have gained and what you have gained. You should have a sense of reality at the end of the year."

It can be seen that Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan seldom do things on their own, and their movements are very clumsy, but it can also be seen that they are working very hard.

The three of them talked for a long time, and finally took out the prizes from the box, and they began to carry them out.

Placing it is not a difficult job.

In short, the four of us spent the afternoon here.

Finally, the storage room and glass cabinet were taken care of, and the few people could finally sit on the sofa and rest.

Song Yunhui was playing with the cat, Qin Shu still remembered the previous task and was still looking for a movie. It was Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan, both of them, whose eyes kept drifting towards the glass cabinet.

The sun is shining brightly today, and the glass cabinet is already bright when it shines through. Now that there are things inside, it reflects light even brighter and shines brilliantly.

Perhaps to create a New Year atmosphere, or perhaps they just wanted to have some fun, they had hung up some colorful decorations in the house, which went well with the light from the glass cabinet.

Ye Min's eyes wandered and unconsciously floated to the cabinet.

Only then did she realize there was a photo frame on it.

It's a white photo frame.

There were photos inside that I had never seen before, two big dinosaurs and a small dinosaur in the middle.

The little dinosaur is Orange, and he is wearing a dinosaur headgear specially designed for kittens. He still looks very curious as he looks at the camera.

When she saw it, she asked directly: "When was that photo taken?"

“When was the photo taken…”

Song Yunhui touched his chin and thought for a moment, "A long time ago."

There were so many photos of them taken together that I couldn't remember exactly when.

He only remembered that the photo frame was custom-made after Ye Min sent them the package, and he put it on the cabinet when he and Qin Shu were cleaning the house.

Ye Min said honestly: "I want the original picture. Auntie is still missing a chat wallpaper."

Song Yunhui then lowered his head and flipped through his phone for a while, then looked at Qin Shu and said, "It's here with Qin Xiaoshu."

From the time they first met until now, they have taken more and more photos, using both phones, and they can no longer tell which photo is in which phone.

As he spoke, he took another photo of Orange.

Still a cute cat.

After receiving the photo sent by Qin Shu, Ye Min looked at it repeatedly on her phone, smiling happily. Then she remembered something and asked:

"I heard from others that there will be a New Year's Eve event in the city tonight. It is said that there will be a lot of people. Do you want to go and see it?"

She touched her face and said, "Auntie, I haven't participated in it for many years. I really want to go and see it."

It was a question, but her face was full of longing.

Qin Jianyuan, who was sitting on the side, said: "..."

They originally had no plans for today and were planning to spend the new year in a simple manner at home. Since she had made the suggestion, there was no room for refusal.

There was no doubt about it, and the matter was settled.

It took a lot of time to move things this afternoon. After choosing a movie to watch, a few of us packed up and went out.

Song Yunhui was wearing pajamas, so he went upstairs to change clothes. Qin Shu didn't move for the time being.

After the other party went upstairs, Ye Min approached him instantly, poked his hand, and lowered her voice:

"I've already given you this opportunity, so make your decision early."

"With such good conditions, Yunzi must have someone chasing him," she glanced upstairs and said, "Yunzi's house is still under renovation. He will leave when the renovation is finished. If he has a girlfriend by then, you may just have to watch him bring someone home."

At that time, maybe you will even greet them with a smile and say congratulations.

Ye Min sighed.

It’s pitiful just thinking about it.

Qin Shu: “…”

Qin Jianyuan usually doesn't talk much, but at this moment he has something to say:

"Your mother was looking for a suitable candidate in Yunhui before. You should seize the opportunity while she is still helping you. You never know when she will betray you."

Ye Min's first reaction was to look away, and then looked back.

She didn't dispute that it happened.

She really hoped that Qin Xiaoshu could pursue the person he liked, and she always treated Song Yunhui as a family member. She also hoped that the other party would change his way of addressing her and call her something other than Aunt Ye one day.

But as Xu Wenhui's friend, if Song Yunhui and Qin Shu were not possible, she would have to help find someone reliable.

Qin Shu: “…”

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, then said, "I know."

After he finished speaking, he followed him upstairs.

He went upstairs to change his coat, and when he went downstairs again, Song Yunhui had not come down yet.

Ye Min and the other person also went back to their room to change clothes.

When Song Yun came back, Qin Shu and a cat were the only ones in the quiet living room.

Hearing the footsteps, Qin Shu raised his eyes while holding the orange in his arms, and then his pupils moved slightly, but then disappeared in an instant.

Song Yunhui struggled with the big white scarf around her neck as she walked down the stairs.

He was wearing the dark red coat that Ye Min had bought for him before, with a white scarf, which was just right for this moment.

Maybe because he put on the scarf too quickly, his hair was messy and sticking up, as if he had just woken up.

Walking to sit next to Qin Shu, Song Yunhui finally fixed her scarf and asked, "Aunt Ye and the others have also gone to change clothes?"

Qin Shu nodded and glanced at the other person's face, which was half covered by the scarf.

Song Yunhui stretched out his hand, moved sideways, and asked him, "Is it strange?"

After a slight pause, Qin Shu said, "It's not strange, it looks very good."

He is telling the truth.

The other person is very suitable for this warm color.

He looked alive and it was hard to look away.

"That's good. "

Song Yun hugged Chengzi, who was rubbing against him, and sank into the sofa, squinting his eyes comfortably.

After Ye Min and the other person changed their clothes and came out, they saw the two people sitting on the sofa. Their eyes lit up at first, and then they praised them profusely.

“It looks good, looks good, looks good!”

After praising him several times, Ye Min trotted over to Song Yunhui, rubbed his face through her scarf, and smiled with eyes curved, "My Yunzi is so handsome!"

Song Yunhui sat on the sofa and was rubbed and kneaded. He did not resist, but his hand that was stroking Orange's head stopped for a moment, which caused the kitten's dissatisfaction and it meowed in his arms.

Finally, a few people dared to go out while it was still light.

Perhaps to celebrate this slightly different early morning, there are now quite a few cars on the road, all driving slowly, but at least there is no traffic jam.

By the time they arrived in the city, it was already getting dark.

The roads in the city are obviously more crowded than the roads we came from.

When a vehicle reaches a certain section of road, it cannot move forward and can only find a place to stop and get off.

This place was still some distance from the destination, and Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan just wanted to take a walk, so they got off the car happily.

Song Yunhui didn't move. He stayed to accompany Qin Shu to find a place to park.

Ye Min waved her hand and said, "Then let's take a leisurely walk around and call you when we get there." Song Yunhui also waved his hand.

Ye Min was right when she said that there were many people attending the event.

There were cars parked everywhere on the road, and by the time the two found a parking space, it was already completely dark.

The city lights lit up, and the large electronic screens on the tall buildings also lit up, with blessings and expectations for the next year written on them.

There was a constant stream of people around, and the dark environment protected him very well. Song Yunhui could lift his face out of the scarf easily.

—Then buried it back again.

To be honest, it's a bit cold.

Qin Shu, who was walking on the side, glanced at him. Just one glance, and Song Yunhui instantly understood what he meant.

He skillfully put his hands into the other person's warm pockets.


The New Year's Eve event was held in a sunken square with long ladders around it. Standing on the high ground, they could just see the brightly lit and bustling square.

Many people passed by them and then walked down step by step.

The two followed down.

The cold wind blew directly into people's faces, blowing their hair up.

It might also be because it was the first time for Song Yunhui to attend such an occasion. With one hand still in Qin Shu's pocket, Song Yunhui did not feel too cold.

There were many people on the way down to the square, but there were few lights, mostly lights from mobile phones.

Very lively.

The outdoor area on a winter evening, which is usually deserted, is now crowded with people.

When you walk down the stairs and actually reach the square, you can feel the bustle of the square more directly and clearly.

The lights at the edge of the square were on, shining through the layers of leaves, leaving dappled light on people.

The center of the square is empty, and there is a huge electronic screen in the middle with a countdown on it.

There are just over two hours left before this year comes to an end.

Various snack stalls are lined up at the edge of the square, and the fragrance spreads through the air.

The first one sold red bean dumplings, which looked steaming, with the steam floating up and blurring the warm white lights hanging above. There were quite a few people gathered in front.

There was no need for Song Yun to reply, Qin Shu had already taken him to the back to queue.

Pulling up the scarf, Song Yun asked:

"Where are Aunt Ye and the others now? Do you want to buy two copies for them?"

Qin Shu took out his cell phone and looked at it, then said:

"They are already playing, let us take our time to explore."

Song Yun replied yes.

The red bean glutinous rice balls were a little slow, taking one step forward every once in a while and could only move slowly.

Qin Shu moved along with the team.

He rarely did time-consuming things like queuing before.

But he's fully adapted now.

With someone waiting next to you, queuing is no longer a meaningless act of wasting time.

When it was almost their turn, Song Yunhui thought carefully, and then discussed with him and decided to just buy a portion of red bean dumplings.

There are still many shops they haven’t tried yet. If each person gets a portion of glutinous rice balls, they will probably have to stop here.

The boss was a slightly plump auntie with nimble hands and feet. It was hot in the stall and she had never had a break. She was actually sweating on this winter night.

The glutinous rice balls are freshly cooked, so it takes some time.

Song Yunhui waited patiently, watching the dumplings rolling up and down in the pot.

When the dumplings floated up, the boss scooped up some of them, packed them up, and handed them to him, smiling and saying to them:

"I wish you a happy reunion."

It’s a beautiful blessing.

Song Yunhui took the dumplings, smiled and said thank you.

The light here is not very bright. The lights in the square are blocked by the vendors' sheds, and the lights from the stalls cannot illuminate everywhere. Two people can eat while walking without any worries.

Moving forward among the crowd, Song Yunhui put the last bite of glutinous rice balls into Qin Shu's mouth, and then aimed at the grilled tofu.

Another long but not boring queue.

There were a lot of red peppers sprinkled on the iron plate tofu. When the boss handed the tofu over, he said with great momentum:

“I wish you a prosperous next year!”

They both accepted the blessing.

After practicing several times, Song Yunhui became more and more skilled in feeding Qin Shu.

They walked to the end of the street, and just as they were about to leave, Qin Shu turned his head to look to the side, then lowered his head and asked:

"Would you like something to drink?"

Song Yunhui wanted to stroke his chin out of habit, but his chin was blocked by his scarf. He could only grab the scarf and think for a moment.


"Then I'll go buy it. There are a lot of people there. You wait for me here."

Song Yun nodded: "I will stay here and don't move."

The eyebrows are curved in the dim light.

Qin Shu turned and left. Song Yunhui stood there watching the people passing by, and then couldn't help yawning.

As soon as Qin Shu left, there was no one else around him, and the first person who approached him finally plucked up the courage to take the first step.

It was a young girl who looked quite young. She left after talking for just a few words. The light was too dim, so Song Yunhui couldn't see her expression clearly.

Then there is a short period of quiet time alone.

Another person broke the silence.

"Excuse me, are you alone?"

A man in a long coat stood next to him with a very natural attitude, as if he just stood there casually.

Song Yunhui replied briefly: "No."

Be brief and to the point.

The man glanced at his eyes blurred by the light and shadow and found that the other person did not seem to be smiling.

Different from the previous glimpse from afar, the pair of eyes that were curved when smiling were now slightly drooping, looking a little lazy and a little cold.

It turns out that I am not the kind of person who smiles at everyone.

The man did not back down, and then asked, "Are you waiting for your friend?"

Song Yun replied with a brief "hmm".

He didn't like dealing with this kind of situation, but he still maintained basic courtesy.

If the other person has basic emotional intelligence, he should understand what he means.

The man said, "I'm waiting for my friend, too."

He hasn't backed down yet and is still looking for topics to talk about.

Song Yun recalled yawning, but held it back out of politeness and just looked up at the crowd.

“… Check out the kushikatsu!”

“Quick little hot pot…”

The shouting from the stall gradually died down, and Qin Shu walked back with the things in his hand.

The passing people could not block his sight, so he stood in the crowd and saw that there was more than one person standing wherever he looked.

There was another person next to the red figure.

The man happened to be in the light, and one could see the gold-rimmed glasses on his face and his relatively superior facial features. He looked like a very reserved and polite person.

In just a moment, Ye Min's words in the afternoon echoed in his ears.

He continued to walk forward.

“…So many of the current…”

While listening to someone talking, Song Yunhui first lowered his head and casually pulled his scarf. Then when he looked up again, he saw a person who could be spotted at a glance appear in the crowd.

It's a very familiar figure.

Song Yunhui raised his eyes slightly, then waved his hand and smiled.

The man standing aside had a flash of surprise in his eyes under the light.

His emotional changes can be clearly seen from Qin Shu's perspective.

He walked over, put a straw in the milk tea in his hand and handed it to Song Yunhui, saying, "It's hot, warm your hands."

Song Yunhui took the milk tea, and the two of them were obviously preparing to leave together.

The man asked: "Can I add WeChat?"

This time the other party answered very straightforwardly and gave a negative answer.

He said that and left.

Qin Shu stood beside him, turned his head slightly to look at the man who was still standing there, and then looked away.

This was just a small episode and the two never mentioned it again.

More and more people gathered in the center of the square.

When the two left the snack street, the first thing they saw was a sea of people that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Before, they were walking and playing in the temporary snack street, and occasionally went to other places for a stroll. When they arrived at the square, there were still more than twenty minutes left in the countdown.

Twenty minutes or so was not a long time. Standing with Qin Shu, time passed very quickly.

If worst comes to worst, there’s still Candy Crush.

But he thought that today might be a very special day for many people, so he did not take out his mobile phone at this time.

As more and more people came, he looked around and finally gave up the idea of looking for Ye Min and the others.

When the area was full of people, Qin Shu extended his hand to him, lowered his head slightly and said:

"Hold me tight, don't let go."

Song Yunhui's hands danced wildly below, and finally touched Qin Shu's hand.

Just like that, the other party instantly held his hand tightly.

The final minute countdown begins.

Song Yunhui looked up and saw the final countdown starting on the central screen.

There was a tiny sound at first, then it grew louder in the sea of people.

Until the last ten seconds, the crowd's voice suddenly increased.

Song Yunhui stood in the crowd, listening to the countdown sounds around him, his eyes slightly widened, a little surprised and a little confused.

He was thinking about the meaning and reason of doing this.




"No reason is needed, as long as the feelings can be expressed."


Between the last second and the first second, Qin Shu said, "Happy New Year."

In an instant, grand fireworks suddenly bloomed in the sky.

(End of this chapter)