A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 52: Take my cat's punch!


In the end, this railing couldn't stop anything.

Song Yun climbed over the railing and brought the orange back.

Orange didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, but he didn't struggle either, and just let fate grab him by the scruff of the neck.

After Song Yun climbed over the railing, he changed from carrying the orange to carrying it back to the door.

He asked Qin Shu: "Where is the rope you used to slide the orange?"

Qin Shu said it was in the box at the bottom of the entrance cabinet.

Song Yunhui then carried Chengzi into the house, and then took out a cat walking suit and put it on Chengzi.

Now that everything was ready, he took the kitten out again. He gently placed the orange on the ground, patted the kitten's head, and said:

"You can't go play there."

Maybe Orange understood, or maybe he just meowed. In any case, he just rushed forward like a kitten.

After handing the rope to Qin Shu, he took his cell phone again.

Then he turned off the live broadcast and put the phone in his pocket.

No one can refuse a kitten's request.

[Hahahahahahahahahaha, after all this time I still laugh when I think about it, Qin Xiaoshu hahahahahaha, adding one word makes it completely different]

Orange jumped for a long time and came back, circling around Song Yunhui and Qin Shu. The kitten pushed them out with its head, and it seemed that it wanted them to play with it.

Despite this, he still emphasized, "It needs to be a big tail."

Orange was curious about what he was doing, but didn't use his claws to mess with him. He just tilted his head and watched.

"… "

Qin Shu smiled.

[I'm different, look at the cat! Where is the cat! ]

By the time the man and the cat had walked around and came back again, he had already piled up a little cat's head.

A not-so-round face with two ears of slightly different sizes, two holes poked on the face as eyes, and the mouth has not been made yet.

The two of them played with Orange in the snow pile.

Song Yun replied: "We still need a body and a tail."

[I really want the same cat, woo woo woo]

Even though they were always facing the floor, the barrage of comments remained high. It seemed that the viewers in the live broadcast room had completely learned how to entertain themselves and could chat happily with others in the room.

The two reliable adult men then began to squat on the ground and make snowballs together.

An orange-yellow figure was undulating in the snow, jumping up and down.

It's really a stretch to call it a cat head.

[My aloof President Qin will also have this day! How could it be so, hahaha]

Song Yunhui walked with Chengzi for a while, and then their pace became slower and slower.

"What else is left to do?"

Just after taking the photo, Chengzi followed and buried his paw in Qin Shu's hand again.

Just like he couldn't hide the matchstick man last time, Song Yunhui also failed to hide the cat's head this time and was surrounded by one man and one cat.


[I am still thinking about why I paid attention to soy milk in the first place. I even classified soy milk in the sleep aid category.]

In the end, it was Qin Shu and Chengzi walking in the snow, and he was making snowballs on the side.

Qin Shu remembered the stickman that the other party had drawn on the snow when he came to the crew to find him.

This completes the process.

While Song Yunhui was still trying to save his cat's head, Qin Shu was responsible for making the body and the big tail.

Orange squatted aside for a while, then ran off to leave his little plum blossom in the territory, leaving the two adults behind.

"… "

These hands that can write formulas, install computers and play the piano cannot make snowballs.

Facing the newly emerged white cat-like unidentified object, Song Yunhui thought silently for a while, and then chose to take out his mobile phone to take a picture.

[Okay, Mr. Qin has changed his name from today on, to Qin Xiaoshu [definitely a cat head]]

Qin Shu squatted down and asked him:

Song Yunhui worked very hard and Qin Shu also cooperated very well.

Song Yunhui waved to the camera and said:

"That's all for today. I hope everyone goes to bed early and stays healthy. Goodbye."

The finished product is hard to describe.

It seems that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

—This may be a kitten's head.

[I talked about advanced mathematics in Doujiang before, and I look forward to talking about it again one day]

I just held the snow for a long time, and even a human-shaped stove would feel cold in my hands.

Song Yunhui's hands were so cold that their joints turned red.

So today's outdoor activities end here.

When the two people and the cat returned to the house, Ye Min and the others were still watching TV.

It was already halfway through the morning and it was time to clean up and prepare lunch. Qin Shu went to the kitchen and Song Yun returned with Chengzi to wash his paws.

The water was warm. Orange originally didn't like touching water, but this time he was particularly well-behaved. He soaked his paws in the water and narrowed his big eyes.

After washing its feet, blow them up and it will become a sweet and soft little kitten again.

After handing the cute and soft kitten to Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan, Song Yun returned and followed them into the kitchen.

He doesn't know much, but he likes to help, even if it's just washing vegetables or passing seasonings.

The two chatted, Qin Shu tied a scarf around his neck and said casually:

"Do you plan to go out and have fun during the Chinese New Year or just stay at home?"

Like a normal question.

The volume of the TV in the living room quietly turned down, and the two people who were still playing with the cat pricked up their ears.

Song Yunhui thought for a moment, then said:

"Just at home."

This means that he has no intention of returning to the Song family.

The two people in the living room breathed a sigh of relief, then silently turned up the TV volume and pretended nothing had happened.

Still a decent lunch.

After dinner, Qin Jianyuan still had to deal with some things, and Qin Shu also had to go out for something. Ye Min didn't want to go out in such a cold day, so she turned on the TV and randomly found a TV show recommended on the homepage.

Only after the main film started did she realize that this was a variety show, but she was too lazy to change the screen and just watched it.

Song Yunhui gave himself a day off today and sat aside to watch TV. Chengzi lay on his lap and fell asleep.

The fact that it can be put on the homepage shows that the variety show is quite popular and should be good to watch.

Ye Min turned around and asked Song Yunhui: "Do you know if this one looks good?"

“I don’t know much about variety shows.”

Song Yunhui turned on Baidu while shaking his head.

The variety show is called "Let's Go Visit", which tells the story of what happens when the protagonists go to visit non-humans. There are fixed procedures, but no scripts. It all depends on the guests' own performance, which is quite real.

There are no controversial artists in the show, and they all seem to be nice people. They have never been ridiculed for any inappropriate words or actions.

Simply put, it is a variety show that is not irritating and is suitable for watching after meals.

Song Yunhui briefly summarized, "The online reviews are quite good."

Ye Min took the pillow from the side and started looking at it.

Song Yunhui watched one episode with her.

Regardless of other things, the post-production editing is very good, the content arrangement is appropriate, and it is quite attractive.

Specifically, Ye Min has already started preparing to watch this variety show from the first episode.

After Song Yun came back, he didn't continue to accompany her.

Chen Chen sent him a message, asking if he was free.

He said he was free.

The other party immediately asked him to play games together.

Even though it is New Year's Day, the hearts of e-sports men are still there.

There is no other way. Ordinary office workers have only a few ways to relieve stress. They can’t go anywhere during the two days of New Year’s Day, and the only activities they can do are playing games and drawing comics.

It takes a lot of time to draw the cartoon, and the other party didn't want to do it on New Year's Day.

Song Yun answered him.

He stood up and wanted to put Orange on the cushion, but as soon as he put him down, he started dancing around as if he had woken up, so he had no choice but to pick him up again.

After saying something to Ye Min, he carried Orange upstairs and turned on the computer.

Chen Chen connected with him directly via microphone.

Before the other party could say anything nice, Song Yunhui stopped him from talking and said:

"You're playing games on the first day of the new year, Chen Shizhi, you should repent."

Chen Shizhi did not repent and asked him if the game had been loaded.

"Still loading."

There was never a moment of silence when I was on the mic with Chen Chen. During this short period of time, he couldn't stop talking and asked him:

"Have you seen the big-eyed boy today?"

It was obvious that he hoped people would continue with what he said.

"Not yet." Song Yunhui lowered his eyes and tapped the keyboard, then asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Chen hasn't updated his comics in the past few days. He seldom clicks on Big Eyes and doesn't pay attention to what's happening on the Internet.

Judging from the other party's tone, it must be some thrilling gossip.

"I heard online that Song Zishu is dating someone."

Chen Chen asked, "Do you think this is reliable?"

It took Song Yunhui a while to realize what he meant by "talked".

He remembered that there was indeed such a plot point in the novel, but it should not be now.

Chen Chen said: "I can't explain it clearly, just take a look at the trending searches."

While the game was still loading, Song Yunhui casually opened Big Eyes and took a look at the trending searches as the other party had asked.

The first one is the common social topic, which is also pinned to the top.

#New year, new wishes#

The second one is #QinShu# Qin Xiaoshu.

The third one is related to Song Zishu, #Song Zishu# Song Zishu’s suspected love affair was exposed.

When he saw the second trending search, Song Yunhui was silent for a moment, his eyes moved away slightly, then moved back and clicked on the third one.

Clicking on the third one will give you a picture, and the rest is all up to you to edit.

The picture is very blurry. You can vaguely see that there are two people, but no other features can be seen at all.

However, the blogger who posted the article seemed very confident, saying that he was an insider and knew that Song Zishu was in a relationship with someone who grew up with him and was powerful.

He was just short of saying Zhong Xu's name directly.

Song Zishu has probably been at the center of controversy recently. This seemingly plausible piece of news about Song Zishu, which seems to have no factual basis, has become quite popular.

It’s just that the popularity has risen a little too quickly, and it’s obvious that someone is fanning the flames.

Who it is exactly is unknown.

It might be Zhong Xu.

The plot has already started to get confusing, and it's hard to say how the plot will move forward. Without commenting on the authenticity and popularity of this trending search, Song Yun finished loading the game and put down his phone.

Chen Chen just mentioned it casually when he saw it. After sharing it, he didn't talk about it anymore. He started to ask enthusiastically what map he was going to play this time.

Like them, there are many people who start playing games on the first day of the new year.

Song Yunhui gave the first favor of the new year to Chen Chen and asked him to choose a map he liked.

Although there are quite a few people who play the game, very few people play this map.

The team was not formed quickly and it took a while for the five people to get together.

Before the game starts, the system will automatically remind you that there is a live broadcast of this game. If you mind, you can click the link below to quickly re-match.

Chen Chen asked Song Yun whether he would retreat or not.

It doesn’t matter to him, at most more people will see his cooking, but Song Yunhui is different, he is at least a semi-public figure now.

Song Yun replied that there was no need to return.

Playing games is not an activity that needs to be concealed, nor is there a need to take oneself too seriously, as not everyone knows him.

The main thing is that if you want to restart, you will probably have to wait for a while.

Chen Chen didn't want to wait and said "Okay".

The two of them stayed here steadily.

Before the game officially started, the first floor spoke up first, his tone revealing confidence and publicity:

"Everyone, open your microphone so we can communicate better. Today, the master will lead you to fly!"

The voice is heroic yet a little childish.

After New Year’s Day, primary and secondary school students can also have a holiday.

Song Yunhui clearly heard Chen Chen laugh, and then it seemed like he couldn't hold it back, and all that came through the earphones was laughter.

Fortunately, the other party hasn't turned on the microphone yet, so the laughter can only be heard by the two of them.

The great speaker on the first floor opened his microphone, but Song Yunhui and Chen Chen, who were connected to their own microphones, did not turn them on. The other two listened to him and opened their microphones.

There was a man and a woman. The man's name was [What to Eat Today] and the girl's name was [Arrange Elegantly]. They probably didn't know each other, but when they were teasing the first floor, they were surprisingly cooperative and called each other "big brother".


[What to Eat Today] is the anchor of Youzi Live, stationed in the game area all year round. He is cheerful and has good skills, and his popularity has always been high.

In the live broadcast room, barrages of comments quickly passed by, with [HAHAHAHAHA] all over.

[What a great god, take me flying! ]

[Brother Chi, you should listen to him carefully, okay? If you want someone to lead you, you should have the attitude of asking for someone to lead you.]

[It seems that the fourth and fifth floors don't want to be led by the eldest brother, and now they haven't even turned on the microphone]

"Don't say that, what if Big Brother's skills are really good? Primary school students nowadays are not simple."

The boy, still wearing a short-sleeved shirt, sat in front of the computer and smiled.

It's not a sarcastic laugh, it's just fun.

The guy on the first floor is really talkative. He answers whatever they ask and can even find topics on his own. He looks like a real social expert.

Now that several people are on the plane, they start planning strategies on the first floor. He thinks of dividing the five people into two groups, one with three people and the other with two people.

[What to Eat Tonight] and [Arrange Elegantly] immediately said that they could form a group of three, and the fourth and fifth floors were just right for one group.

"Do the fourth and fifth floors agree?"

The first floor was a very reasonable person, his voice was too tender but surprisingly respectful of everyone's ideas, "If you think it's not okay, you can tell me, it's okay."

Song Yun listened to Chen Chen typing in the headphones while trying not to laugh.


Song Yunhui also nodded his agreement.

That's fine now.

After being divided into groups, the three-person team chose a place to jump down, and Song Yunhui took Chen Chen to jump to another place.

Chen Chen is keen on finding medical supplies and fancy looking weapons.

Song Yunhui respected his preference and asked him to just not give it as a gift.

The two of them played as usual.

Chen Chen loved to brag as always. When there was no one around, he would say that it was a pity that he couldn't find anyone to test the gun. As soon as there was someone around, he would hide immediately, waiting for Song Yunhui to get rid of the person, and then show up again.

If something unexpected happens to the other party, such as being disconnected, or the other party is offline, he will definitely not be able to escape.

They are developing slowly here, and the three-person team is not bad either.

I still have some game experience on the first floor. There are not many people where I jump to. The supplies are not abundant, but they are enough for the early stage. The three of them can cooperate to sneak attack others and then survive.

While they were still collecting supplies, a shark-striking reminder popped up above the game.

Their silent fifth floor took the first kill.

The guy on the first floor was surprised, "I didn't expect there would be someone more capable on the fifth floor."

I couldn't help laughing and agreed with what he said.

Putting aside the other gaming experiences, my teammates were really fun.

They kept the team voice chat on, so everyone in the team could hear it.

Chen Chen, who always had a low sense of humor, didn't laugh this time and his palms almost sweated.

Maybe it was the retribution for his excessive laughter before. Song Yunhui was collecting supplies in the house, and he was wandering outside the house, but he was discovered and chased.

The people chasing him even told him not to run away.

—It’s still that damn childish voice.

One moment he was laughing at primary school students, and the next moment he was being chased by them.

Song Yunhui heard his cry for help, smiled, and after looting other things, he began to move to the window, finding where he was and aiming at the person following him.

Chen Chen escaped death, but was still in shock as “even elementary school students are better than me” and hadn’t recovered yet.

By this stage of the game, half of the players have been eliminated.

I will die no matter what I eat tonight. The limit is one for two.

Even if he died, it was a one for two exchange. No one in the live broadcast room scolded him. They all felt sorry that he could not continue to fight side by side with Yilou.

It feels a pity to eat anything tonight. I originally wanted to continue watching the heroic figure of the big brother on the first floor, but the perspective of the afterlife is on the fifth floor, and it seems that the other party has no intention of meeting up with the first floor for the time being.

When the poison circle became smaller and smaller, following the instructions of the big brother on the first floor, the fifth floor and the fourth floor, who was like his pendant, finally went to meet them.

This time, Chen Chen did not wander around on the way. He followed Song Yun wherever he went.

The smaller the space you can stay in, the greater the probability of running into other people.

From a distance, they saw Yilou and the teammate beside him.

Before they could reunite, there was movement in the surrounding bushes. Song Yunhui took Chen Chen and hid behind a bunker, then changed guns and bullets, and took aim again.

His moves were fast and smooth.

Song Yun looked back at the computer screen and felt something unusual happen in his legs.

Now is a critical moment. He didn't look down, guessing that either Orange turned over or the other person woke up.

Orange quickly used his actions to tell him whether he had woken up or turned over.

I felt a furry touch next to my fingers, and then the keyboard was pressed.

Then he watched the camera that was aimed at the person in the bushes retract and then turn it around, and while the scene was switching back and forth, he fired a bullet directly in another direction.

The bullet seemed to have grazed the head of the person on the other floor.

The change was so fast that it was unexpected and thrilling.

Not only did the viewers in the live broadcast room who were watching from the fifth floor's perspective fail to react, they also failed to react to what was being eaten.

He praised the other person for his smooth movements in one second, and the next second the other person started to perform operations he couldn't understand.

[What is this doing? The network card can't be stuck like this? ]

[It’s over, I have to give this away no matter what]

[Did the person on the fifth floor change instantly? ]

[After all, hitting the first floor on the head is also a kind of 6 in some ways]

Chen Chen, who was hiding nearby, also noticed his abnormality. He was about to ask what happened, but he saw the person who had just come out of the cover to fire that shot quickly coming back.

Then came the sound of bullets hitting stone.

It's just a little bit.

After changing the gun, Song Yunhui slowly beat the rhythm and stood up at a certain moment.

The shot just now exposed the position of the shooter. Now that we have the position, everything will be easy.

He found the person very quickly and locked onto him almost instantly.

The enemy's bullet just now didn't hit anyone, and now seeing that the opponent has stood up, it's time to attack again.

It all depends on hand speed and accuracy.

It just so happened that Song Yun replied with very fast hand speed.

Only one of the two guns fired.

The opponent fell to the ground and he slid back to the cover.

What sounds like a long process actually only takes a moment.

From dodging bullets to reloading to aiming and shooting, this series of actions is as fast as the magical operation just now.

With one hand holding the mouse and one hand off the keyboard, Song Yunhui held down the cat's paw as it tried to cause trouble again. He briefly opened the team voice chat and said:

"Sorry, the cat was touching the keyboard just now."

It was still a very clear and gentle voice, with a hint of apology, and a little lower than usual.

After he said this, he turned off the microphone.

There was silence in the live broadcast room at first, and then the atmosphere suddenly became more intense.

[? ? I'd like to state that I'm not sensitive to sounds, but this voice I just heard not long ago is very familiar! !]

[How could this be? I don’t dare to confirm it, but the other party said it was the cat at home! ]

[Hasn’t Chi Ge been playing the song about soy milk? The real one is right in front of us, come on! Add him! ]

[I was wondering why that operation just now was so confusing. It turned out to be a kitten. What can a kitten understand? It’s okay then [cute cat head]]

[I remember now, I'm a real fan of Chige's soy milk. The songs he plays in his live broadcast room are all about soy milk. Why not take advantage of this great opportunity! ]

[Am I the only one who is still thinking about how cool that move was? So smooth!]

[Don’t be afraid! Add it now!]

The viewers in the live broadcast room, especially those with the fan label of "What to Eat Today", adhered to the principle of watching the fun and making trouble" and encouraged the fans crazily.

Don't dare to move anything you eat.

The heating at home was already on high today, and because I suddenly got nervous just now, I felt even hotter and sweat was almost pouring down my face.

Others would definitely laugh at him if they saw him sweating from nervousness. He wanted to leave his seat to wipe his face, but he was reluctant to leave. In the end, he did not move and just stared at the computer screen seriously.

At this time, the other party had successfully joined the first floor.

This one was weird and fun to play.

The big brother on the first floor is worthy of being the big brother on the first floor. He is very capable and his skills are unexpectedly good.

There are five people in a team. At the end of the game, there are only four people left. In the last hand, a few of them cleared out all the people on the other teams and won the game.

After the game ends, the game will be automatically transferred to the settlement page.

There is a small plus sign after each person on the checkout page.

That means adding a friend.

The boy rubbed his hands unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)