A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 54: Are the fairy lights connected in parallel or in series?


Halfway through watching TV, Qin Jianyuan, who was originally handling things in the room, probably figured out what was going on. He originally wanted to go out of the room to the kitchen to drink some water, but when he saw everyone else sitting neatly on the sofa watching TV, he sat down too.

He had just watched for a while when Ye Min, whose mouth was dry from eating melon seeds, propped him up with her elbow and said:

"I want some water, too."

So Qin Jianyuan stood up and walked towards the kitchen while watching TV.

Except when pouring water, his eyes were on the kettle, and the rest of the time he was staring at the TV.

After handing the water to Ye Min, he continued to watch TV attentively.

Even though it was added halfway through and the relationships between the characters were not yet understood, he still enjoyed watching it.

Objectively speaking, one episode of TV is quite long, but subjectively, it always feels not enough.

Until the ending song was almost over, Ye Min picked up her phone and began to silently check the time of the next update.

[In the first week, members will have five episodes updated from Wednesday to Sunday, and non-members will have two episodes updated on Wednesday and Friday]

After the TV series was over, many viewers were still unsatisfied and always felt that something was missing. A search on the Internet turned up empty, so the Scissorhands had to take action themselves.

She silently recharged her membership, then put down her phone and sighed.

In sharp contrast to "The Nobleman" is "Park Street".

[Gentlemen, please cherish every moment you have. The TV series is over and we are out of food.]

Chun Chun generates power through passion, with high efficiency and speed, and the TV series was cut into various versions shortly after it was released.

It's almost time to prepare lunch.

[Why is he so handsome!! Everyone who appeared in this season is so handsome! And the princess sister is so beautiful that she really touched my heart! ]

[Wow, this is just one episode, and you guys made it feel like an entire season]

Good news, TV is self-made and knows all the developments.

The makeup and styling of the script were being changed, and the second male lead had also changed. But the foundation was there, and Song Zishu could not act out the feeling required by the original character setting. In addition, he was shorter than Song Yunhui, and the originally prepared costumes were not very close-fitting, so they had to be modified.

That’s all the happiness for today.

But now the male lead is different, or the capital behind the male lead is different. It is common practice to think that the clothes are not good-looking and need additional beauty filters, and to think that some plots are controversial.

Qin Jianyuan just took advantage of this time to catch up on the first half of the TV series, while Ye Min happily surfed the Internet on her mobile phone.

Song Yunhui stood up with him.

After watching one episode, the new year is over and the happiness is gone.

[Great! There's some food! It's so painful to fall in love with someone who has retired from the entertainment industry.]

[It's really good! When I saw the result, I thought it was a heavy historical theme, but it turned out not to be. It was to the extent that my brain could accept. In short, it was good! ]

Ye Min and the other person originally wanted to go over and help, but were rejected by Qin Shu on the grounds that there was no room in the kitchen.

[Don’t listen to their nonsense, this drama is called “The Nobles”, and it’s been on for one season! It’s so good! Go watch it now!]

The role of the male lead is indeed more in line with the results. Although he has a bad temper, he is still very serious about his work. The capital behind him is also silent and will not make decisions. He will do whatever the crew arranges him to do.

[You must know how to cherish. I have already started watching TV for the second time.]

"Pujie" went through several things before it officially aired, and it was on the hot search every time, whether it was positive or negative. At least the publicity and promotion was in place.

They managed to create a wonderful flower out of this short episode of TV, and even directly cut out a story line that was not originally there.

The result was indeed disappointing.

Although many people are pessimistic about it, there are actually quite a few fans who have been looking forward to this drama.

Qin Shu, who was sitting on the side, handed him another slice of orange and put it to his mouth. Then he finished the last slice of orange himself, clapped his hands and stood up.

[Why! Why is there only one episode! Stingy! Petty! (Throwing a tantrum)]

This video software was one she had never used before.

Different people have different likes and sorrows. They were quite melancholy, but Song Yunhui found it somewhat novel and smiled.

[woc hahahaha I always feel like we are not watching the same drama]

We can only wait until tomorrow.

Without months of advance promotion, and with just a few days of promotion, the film was slightly inferior to TV series that had gone through complete promotion when it was first aired, but it eventually surpassed them and also reached the level of a hit.

When it first aired, the show was very successful, surpassing other TV series of the same period and enjoying great popularity.

[Great haircut. Don’t do it like this next time (bushi) (Modo Modo)]

When the show first aired, all the audience were happy, it was like Chinese New Year.

But it was only a crushing increase in traffic, and its reputation began to decline from the very beginning.

Bad news, the TV is over.

[Start to charge membership quietly, the website knows how to make money]

[I can’t stay here for even one more day on Wednesday, let’s hurry up and get to tomorrow! ]

Qin Jianyuan, who had only read half of it, looked at her and asked, "That's all?"

Ye Min nodded: "No more."

It was an originally good script with well-prepared makeup and styling, but after so many changes, it became a mess.

The drama "Park Street" is just like its name, a model of starting high and ending low.

Originally, the high start and low end would have been just a matter of ridicule, but now it just happened to coincide with the sudden broadcast of "The Nobles", and in the competition between the two, it was obvious that the other party was at a disadvantage and was directly suppressed as soon as the opponent came out.

This timing is indeed a bit tricky.

"Park Street" was originally hyped up by taking advantage of the relationship between Song Yunhui and Song Zishu. The director had previously supported Song Zishu, but now the comparison between the two is really awkward.

Many netizens originally thought that "Park Street" could last for a while, at least until around the Spring Festival.

The sudden appearance of "The Nobleman" really shocked many people.


Whether the TV series is released or not seems to have no impact on Song Yunhui's life.

After lunch, he went to the city with Ye Min and others.

Simply put, it means buying New Year’s goods.

He had never bought New Year's goods for himself, so it was a bit novel for him.

The shopping mall they went to was somewhat similar to a supermarket, except that the various product areas had been turned into individual stores, and all the checkouts were together, so at the end all they had to do was push the items to the checkout counter.

This mall is huge and has completely changed because of New Year's Day.

At a glance, everywhere is red and bustling.

Perhaps because it was the New Year's Day holiday, there were quite a few people in the mall, most of them pushing carts filled with things.

They should also be here to buy New Year goods.

On the way here, Qin Shu was driving, and Song Yunhui and the three of them pieced together a shopping list, and are now looking for items on the list.

—Rather than saying it was put together by three people, it’s more like Ye Min and Qin Jianyuan said it and Song Yunhui was responsible for recording it.

But in reality, rather than shopping with a purpose, they are more like strolling around, trying to join in the fun wherever they go.

On the surface, four people are buying things, but in fact, one person is looking, one person is trying to find but can't find what he wants to buy, and the remaining two people are just playing.

Ye Min really likes shopping.

She didn't buy many serious things, but she had already stuffed a lot of things into the cart.

Qin Jianyuan glanced at her, and finally silently got another cart.

The old couple went shopping happily.

Only Song Yunhui and Qin Shu were left standing there.

Qin Shu leaned over to take a look at the shopping list that Song Yun had put together for them, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

Noticing his expression, Song Yun asked back, "Is there something missing?"

As he spoke, his hand had already touched the memo, ready to start typing.

His eyes finally scanned the "four-piece set of bright red sheets" on his phone, and Qin Shu said, "No."

Song Yunhui put down his typing hand and said with emotion: "So I have to buy these things for the New Year."

"… "

Qin Shu was silent for a moment.

Some things are not necessary to buy.

But Song Yunhui seemed very excited and was still clicking on them one by one, and it seemed that he was determined to complete the task.

They bought a lot of things along the way, and the cart became fuller and fuller.

Ye Min and the other person made a lot of lists of New Year's goods, but not all of them were real New Year's goods, there were a lot of private goods mixed in.

For example, there is a cute New Year doll set, red clothes for cats, a big gift pack of snacks from a certain brand, and this bright red four-piece bedding set.

These contraband items were too obvious to be smuggled in, but Song Yunhui didn't notice them.

He is still looking for it seriously.

After entering the mall and walking around for a while, I found that the home textile area was closest to where they were.

Song Yun looked back at the memo on his phone, then glanced at the home textile area, then raised his foot.

Qin Shu: “…”

It seems that I have to buy these four sets today.

Song Yunhui turned around and asked him as he walked:

"Auntie Ye didn't say how many pieces. Are you buying one set or one set per person?"

The large scarf covered most of his face, and the furry hat on his head covered the remaining half. If others wanted to see it, they had to raise their heads and slightly push the fur aside.

They were a pair of clear and gentle eyes, yet a bit serious.

The hand pushing the cart moved slightly, and the fingers with distinct phalanges gently tapped the handle. Qin Shu said:

"One set is fine, for good luck."

Song Yun nodded, and just then he received a message from Ye Min.

[It’s better to buy two sets of four-piece suits in case you need to change them]

He handed the phone to Qin Shu to look at.

After a brief silence, the two walked into the home textile store together.

The shopping guide had been working in shopping malls for many years. When he saw two people walk into the store, he smiled and asked them if they needed anything.

Song Yun replied that he needed a red four-piece bedding set.

The shopping guide glanced at the two of them inconspicuously, his eyes widened slightly, and his brain started working rapidly.

There is nothing wrong with red bed sets.

The shopping guide took the two of them around and then tentatively recommended a set.

Song Yun glanced back a few times.

Gold thread and red thread, no matter how you put it, even if he has never been married, he feels that this does not feel like the New Year.

Like for a wedding.

He then explained: "We are not for marriage." "… "

After Song Yunhui finished talking about flowers, he fell silent for a while.

I always feel that this statement is a bit strange.

But I can’t say exactly what’s wrong with it.

It might be his illusion, he seemed to hear Qin Shu next to him laugh just now.

The shopping guide was also stunned for a moment, and then changed his recommendation.

But all four of the bed sets are of these styles, and the other set can only be said to be relatively less wedding-style, but it’s almost the same.

Qin Shu looked down at Song Yunhui and asked, "Is that all?"

If nothing goes wrong, I will use this as a decoration to slightly satisfy Ms. Ye Min's special hobby.

Song Yun nodded: "Let's do this."

He didn't quite understand, but since Qin Shu had nodded, there was no problem.

The shopping guide sent the two customers away with a smile.

Song Yunhui and Qin Shu walked while comparing the memo with the store on the side, and the things in the cart were getting more and more.

The mall had a wide variety of items, and when they got to the end, they found that there were only two items left to buy.

One is a small piece of clothing for cats, which can only be bought at a pet store, and the other is a small colored light.

Song Yunhui had seen the small colored lanterns before. The crew sometimes used them when setting up the stage.

Although the Song family had never hung it, he had seen other families hang it up when he was out. However, it was daytime at the time, so he didn't know what it looked like at night.

He only saw this thing when he was flipping through the memo and remembered that it was sold at the first store he entered the mall, so he needed to go back and look for it again.

Everyone is quite relaxed today, so it's okay to go back and have a look.

The shop selling colored lights looked professional, and had all kinds of small colored lights and hanging lights.

Very bright, colorful and beautiful.

He had worn the hat for so long that it had begun to slide back slightly. From Qin Shu's perspective, he could just see his slightly drooping eyelashes and his eyes reflecting the light.

Song Yunhui didn't make a choice immediately. He remembered that it was Ye Min who suggested buying small colored lights, so he made a video call to her to ask for her opinion.

Ye Min's reaction was similar to his just now. He also thought that all of them looked good. After a discussion and collecting opinions from four people, he finally chose the small colored lights to buy.

Ye Min and the other person had almost finished shopping and were slowly walking towards the cashier counter.

Song Yunhui and his friend bought some colored lights and checked their memos as they walked. When they got close to the cashier counter, they saw Ye Min and his friend pushing a cart and chatting.

They seemed to have bought a lot of things, not only food, but also clothes.

The two carts were put together and Qin Shu paid the bill.

After checking out, there are special people to pack the goods, and you just need to wait on the side.

After the goods were packed, the counter staff handed them a piece of paper and a pen and asked them if they needed the goods delivered to their door. If so, they signed their name, address and contact information on the paper.

Song Yunhui took the paper and pen and wrote his name and address on them fluently.

Ye Min stood beside him, watching him lower his head to write, and then exclaimed:

"It turns out Yunzai's handwriting is so beautiful!"

It was elegant but not overly ostentatious. In order to make it easier to understand when delivering the goods, he did not write in cursive. Each word and stroke was written clearly. Every time he put his pen to paper it seemed to stop at an invisible point. Everything was just right.

It’s a very beautiful word.

Song Yun smiled back, pulled his hat forward which had slid backwards again, and said:

"I practiced it for a while before."

Another futile thing I did as a kid.

But now that I think about it, it wasn't entirely in vain.

At least this has been his hobby for a long time and has been with him for many years.

Hearing Ye Min's voice, Qin Jianyuan also came over to take a look.

He often practices calligraphy, hoping to understand it a little better.

He also briefly praised:


The smile on Song Yunhui's face did not diminish, it was very faint, but it was there.

Before they left, the lady at the counter brought over another piece of paper and said that she saw a few clothes among their belongings and asked if they needed laundry service.

Song Yun looked back at Ye Min.

Ye Min nodded.

So the cashier took out several packaged clothes, and the four-piece suit was also mixed in.

After filling in the address and contact information, several people left the mall empty-handed.

There is a pet supply store nearby, with a cat clothes counter where you can buy small clothes for Orange.

It gets dark early in the winter, and by the time a few people finished shopping and went back, it was already getting dark.

After returning home, while there was still a little light, Qin Shu went to cook, while Song Yunhui and the three of them fiddled with the colorful lanterns.

There is still some time before the Chinese New Year, but Ye Min thinks this is fun and wants to tinker with these small colored lights.

There aren't many people around here, so no one objects even though these shiny little things were hung up in advance.

They chose to hang it outside the balcony of the living room.

The living room faces the open kitchen. As long as the curtains are not drawn, you can see these bright little colored lights when you look outside while eating.

The three of them did what they said.

But the reality is, Ye Min is full of enthusiasm but has zero hands-on ability. Qin Jianyuan should be able to install it theoretically, but he hasn't yet figured out this tiny light bulb. Song Yunhui has experience in helping crew members install colored lights, but that was a long time ago and it takes some effort for him to recall it.

It's cold outside, especially at night, and the cold wind blows straight into people's collars.

But the three people seemed not to feel the cold. There was a small yellow warm light outside the balcony. They pulled a bench and sat outside, laughing from time to time.

Reality is different from imagination. Ye Min was originally thinking about hanging a nice shape, but later she just wanted the lights to be hung and all of them lit up.

After turning the colored lights on and off several times, Song Yunhui replaced a few small bulbs, and then all the small bulbs hanging on the balcony railings finally lit up.

Unlike in the store, the small colored lights appear brighter in dim conditions.

Ye Min took several photos in a row, but then felt it was not enough, so she even ran to the yard to take a few more photos before she was satisfied.

By the time they finally finished working on the lanterns, the food was already served in the dining room.

It was a calm evening.

The house was still as quiet at night as before, but this time there was a small colored light that kept glowing.

The next morning, Song Yunhui was awakened by the rustling noise of Chengzi at the door.

Before he regained consciousness, his body had already moved on its own. He slowly got out of bed, put on his slippers and opened the door.

The moment the door opened he caught the kitten jumping.

Orange nestled in his arms, rubbing her head against his hand and meowing as she did so.

He didn't turn on the air conditioner last night, so the room was cold. He was not wearing any coat when he got up just now, just a thin pair of pajamas. The kitten in his arms instantly became the source of heat for his whole body.

He can stand the cold, but the kitten can't.

After putting Orange into the bed, Song Yunhui first turned on the air conditioner, then casually put on a coat and went to wash with a droopy look.

It wasn't until the cold water touched his face that his fingers trembled slightly and he finally became fully conscious.

As soon as he woke up, he heard a tiny buzzing sound coming from the bedroom.

It was the sound of my cell phone.

I must have turned off the mute function out of habit before going to bed, so now when someone calls me it only makes a tiny vibration.

He turned his head and just saw Orange poking his cat head out from under the quilt and looking at him. How cute.

Holding the mouthwash cup in his other hand, Song Yunhui walked into the bedroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, put the mouthwash cup on the bedside table, bent down and picked up the mobile phone beside him.

"Hello Doujiang, I'm sorry to bother you this morning. The contract we signed previously requires you to re-..."

Song Yunhui walked towards the desk while listening to the phone, then opened the cabinet and began to look through the contract.

Orange looked at him on the bed, then crawled out from under the quilt and jumped lightly onto the bedside table.

The mouthwash cup is transparent and you can see the water inside.

The small hairy mangosteen clinked the water cup. Orange glanced at Song Yunhui and saw that the other party had pulled out a chair and sat down to open the contract.

The claws moved slightly, and the mouthwash cup moved forward slightly.

The kitten looked at the slightly shaking water surface and his eyes widened slightly.

Moved a bit more.

Move it again.


There was a dull thump as the cup fell to the ground. Song Yun turned his head and saw that the cup had rolled two more times on the ground.

Orange stood on the bedside table, slightly tilted his head, and the cat looked innocent.

The second thing Song Yunhui saw was that his bed sheets and quilt covers had become darker in color.

"… "

The drooping eyebrows slowly opened up.

After turning his head to glance at the contract again, Song Yunhui stood up, picked up the mouthwash cup that had fallen on the ground and put it on the sink, then washed the cup while answering the phone.

The call was not long. The other party just wanted to confirm the details of the contract and hung up after confirmation.

After a simple wash, Song Yun returned to the room and rubbed the culprit's head vigorously. He took the criminal suspect out of the room. Hearing some noise downstairs, he went downstairs.

Seeing Qin Shu head-on, he said:

"The quilt cover in my room was soaked by water. I have extra quilts at home..."

As he spoke, they both lowered their eyes at the same time and saw the four-piece set that Qin Shu was holding in his arms. It was the set that he had just bought yesterday and had just been delivered by the store.

Ye Min, who was just about to go out to visit a friend with Qin Jianyuan, happened to pass by and her eyes lit up when she heard the words.

"… "

In the room where the bed had been re-made, looking at the red spot on the bed, Song Yunhui finally began to react slowly.

After changing into a four-piece suit, the whole room felt unfamiliar.

He didn't dislike the red color, or rather, he was not picky about anything. He was just a little surprised and speechless. He didn't expect that the thing he bought yesterday would be put into use today.

It's just a little bit fast.

The viewing was only temporary. Song Yunhui stood there for a while, then he came to his senses and turned on the computer while yawning.

He hasn't used his brain at all these past few days. Yesterday, he promised the viewers in the live broadcast room that he would do some advanced mathematics today to activate his thinking. Now the time is almost up.

Sitting on the chair with his chin propped up, Song Yunhui yawned again slowly and clicked the mouse slowly.

(End of this chapter)