A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 67: Many stars have fallen


Just like this, in front of everyone, without any hindrance, Qin Shu's movements of holding hands were natural and smooth.

He didn't speak, but it seemed like he said everything.

Actual actions are far more impactful than words.

Others were a little afraid to look at Song Yunyang's face.

Song Yunyang's face turned dark instantly.

Qin Shu raised his eyes and looked directly at him, his eyebrows still calm.

Song Yunhui on the side was already out of the situation.

Qin Shu's hands were wide and warm, and he held them as if he were holding a hand warmer.

It's a little different from the previous hand holding when I was walking out to avoid getting separated. This way I seem to be able to feel the other person's strength and the burning temperature of the palm more.

He soothed his eyebrows and yawned slowly.

It means that people who are nameless and have no status should not meddle in other people's business.

Song Yunyang couldn't even hold back a polite smile. He looked at Qin Shu with a stern face, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth:

"What are you doing?"

The two people who left their sight took longer than expected. The assistant and bodyguard stood at the school gate for a long time. Song Yun originally wanted to squat down and pinch two little snowmen, but felt that the time was not right now. , so I gave up and turned my attention to school again.

In the end, the confrontation between the two sides turned into two people leaving alone.

Then he turned his eyes to Song Yunhui again, lowered his voice twice, and said:

"I promise to give you a comfortable environment. This time, please go back with me first."

Song Yunhui didn't reply, just looked at him like this.

People who had been sitting together and able to chat for a few words now stood at a distance, and they seemed like strangers.

Qin Shu's words were concise and concise: "Don't take speculation as reality."

He didn't let go, just adjusted to a more comfortable position, and then said:

"He is my son's father."

Sure enough, humans are a species that want to sleep when it gets warm in winter.

The hand hanging by his side clenched into a fist unconsciously. Song Yunyang looked at Qin Shu: "We are dealing with family affairs. Who are you?"

When Qin Shu came back, he didn't hold Song Yunhui's hand again. Song Yunyang took one last look at Song Yunhui and said under the gaze of others:

"I won't force you to go back."

Uncle Chen opened and closed his mouth several times, but in the end he was unable to break the silence.

Occasionally, students and teachers pass by inside the school gate. They are a little surprised to see a row of people outside the school gate, and unconsciously take a second look.

Song Yunhui's light-colored pupils moved away from Qin Shu and aimed at him.

This is quite rude.

Rounding it all off, we are a family, with proper status.

But he never thought that the other party's persistence would be used in this place, insisting not to go back with him.

Uncle Chen looked at the tip of his nose, which was slightly red from the cold, and then said that it was cold standing here. He turned on the heater in the car and suggested that he go sit in the car and wait.

The Song family's house has not been cleaned up yet, and he doesn't think Song Yun will be able to live as comfortably and freely as he does now.

"The things at home haven't been settled yet. If you prefer to stay outside, you can stay a little longer and come back after the things at home are settled."

What he meant was obvious.

Still a serious sworn sworn person.

Song Yunhui didn't want to mix himself up with these people, so he moved his steps and walked away to the side.

He only followed Song Yunhui's ideas, and whatever these people thought was within his consideration.

After a brief silence, there was a long confrontation. Song Yunyang looked at Qin Shu, who was still holding Song Yun's hand, and the time passed little by little.

The relationship between a kitten sounds a bit ridiculous, but when Song Yunhui admits it himself, the weight is completely different.

Song Yunyang knew that he could always persist in doing things, could keep learning, could keep waiting, and could like someone for a long time without changing.

Everyone present looks like a tough guy, but in fact he eats melons more diligently than anyone else, knowing that the "son" he talks about is a kitten.

But this is indeed a step back.

The two people who left together finally came back.

The people behind me didn’t dare to breathe.

Several assistants and bodyguards did not expect that he would compromise, and they could not hide the shock on their faces for a while.

Qin Shu's scarf was still on his neck, Song Yunyang's suit remained unchanged, and the two of them looked the same.

Song Yun didn't move, just stood there.

After a long period of silence, Song Yunyang looked at Qin Shu and said that he wanted to talk to him alone if he had something to say.

With his hands free, Song Yunhui put his hands back into his pockets.

He didn't want to find out what was going on inside the Song family, and he didn't care what the Song family was thinking, but he definitely couldn't take Song Yun back by force.

The content of his words sounded compromised, but his voice, which seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and the expression on his face, said otherwise.

Song Yunhui, who had been wandering outside the situation, finally returned to the situation and was moved by the hand held by Qin Shu.

As long as Song Yunhui wants to stay here and hang out with Chengzi every day, then he will definitely be able to stay.

Song Yunyang was still telling him, "Zhong Xu is not a good person. If he comes to you, don't believe anything he says and don't follow him."

Song Yunhui didn't nod or shake his head, and listened politely to what he had to say.

It wasn't until the other party finished speaking that he waved his hand in a small arc and said "goodbye."

His attitude was very calm, so calm that people couldn't help but feel their hearts drop.

This time no one stopped them.

Qin Shu raised his hand to wrap his scarf around him, and they left together.

Song Yunyang stood aside and watched the two people leave.

The others stood aside in silence.

No one knows what these two people said and decided, or why he chose to give up at this point.

It wasn't until Song Yunhui and Qin Shu disappeared around the corner that Song Yunyang returned to the car.

This time there was a full-time driver, so Uncle Chen didn't have to drive. There was an assistant sitting in the passenger seat, so he sat next to Song Yunyang.

He tried to ask what the other party said to Qin Shu and what happened.

Song Yunyang didn't seem to want to say anything more, he just said a few words and did nothing.

Uncle Chen watched the other party take off his coat, and then rolled up his sleeves.

The large scratches on his arms were conspicuous.

As if just to make sure there was nothing serious, Song Yunyang took a look and put down the long sleeves of his shirt again.

Uncle Chen: “…”

It's not like nothing happened!


After returning to the car, Song Yunhui consciously sat on the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt. He glanced to the side, then stopped what he was doing, turned to look at Qin Shu, and said:

"Show me your hands."

Still discovered.

There was a pause for a second and a half, and then Qin Shu took out his hand.

There was a cut on his palm near the base of his finger, like a scratch, and the skin had broken.

The seat belt that was almost fastened returned to its original position. Song Yun asked if there was a small medical kit in the car that was commonly used.

This thing is on the car, it was put there by the agent who thought about everything.

Song Yunhui was good at dealing with wounds like this.

He treated the wounds that could heal without any treatment very carefully.

After treating the wound with iodophor, he drove Qin Shu out of the driver's seat.

He waved his hand, looked at Qin Shu with his light pupils, sat on the driver's seat, took out the driver's license in his pocket, and said:

"Get in my passenger seat!"

So Qin Shu got on his passenger seat.

It was the first time to drive a car of this type. Song Yunhui was still familiar with the positions of various buttons. While getting familiar with it, he asked:

"where to?"

Qin Shu said to go to the airport.

Song Yunhui didn't want to stay here longer. He had already bought the return ticket when he bought it. After buying it, he took a screenshot and sent it to him. He remembered the time. It wasn't too long ago from now. From here It's probably just right to drive slowly to the airport.

Song Yun replied and asked while tinkering with the navigation device:

"What did you say to Song Yunyang today? Are you trying to get started?"

Qin Shu was still the calm Qin Xiaoshu, his eyebrows remained calm, and he said, "He didn't say anything. He asked me to take good care of you. He didn't do anything, he just wiped it on the road."

It's very factual, but it still feels a little strange.

Song Yun replied "Yeah" and did not express any opinions on the matter, concentrating on driving.

It cannot be said that the way he drives is exactly the same as Qin Shu's, it can only be said that it is completely unrelated.

I couldn't see clearly when driving at night before, but this time I drove during the day and my vision was clear. His speed kept sticking to the speed limit and jumped sideways repeatedly.

The person's eyebrows were no different from usual, and his light-colored pupils reflected the road ahead, looking very stable.

He passed half the way in this way, and the time seemed to be enough.

—Then he got stuck halfway, at this off-peak time.

The surrounding traffic stopped and everything became still.

Song Yun let go of the steering wheel and looked down at the navigation map.

Six hundred meters from behind him to the front, the road was already red. This section of the road was all red.

This is a sign of a serious traffic jam, and no one wants to see this while driving.

Driver Song was silent for a moment.

Qin Shu took a look at the navigation map, and then said: "... It's not the peak period now, so the traffic jam shouldn't last long." This consolation can only be regarded as a consolation.

The traffic flow was motionless, Song Yunhui waited slowly, and then received a notification that a car accident had occurred ahead and that the scene was being handled urgently.

He looked back at the rearview mirror and looked away after seeing the endless traffic.

The back was also blocked, and there was no chance to retreat.

After applying the handbrake and releasing the brake, Song Yunhui just lay down on the steering wheel.

He turned his head and looked at the bouquets of flowers placed by the little dinosaurs on the back seat of the car. He made some connections and said:

"I don't know how Cheng Zi is doing now."

Did you eat well and bury the cat litter well

Qin Shu glanced at him and then said that he could install a surveillance camera at home in the future.

Bored in the car, Song Yunhui picked up the topic, and the two of them looked at a mobile phone and rummaged through it to find reliable surveillance.

Reliable surveillance didn't find it, but he turned his head and felt a little dizzy. Song Yunhui yawned, and then leaned back on the steering wheel.

During this traffic jam, the two of them had done various things to pass the time, and finally even started to play rock-paper-scissors very simply.

Apart from the traffic jam today, he had good luck and was probably winning.

After playing rock, paper, scissors, he looked at the time and thought about the time of his next flight. Then he borrowed Qin Shu's mobile phone and logged into his own software account to choose a refund.

Fortunately, since I have logged in once before, I can log in without verification this time.

After that, the road was finally cleared and the traffic began to move forward slowly.

Good news, the roads are clear.

Bad news, it's peak traffic.

After walking for a while, Song Yun looked back and watched the sky getting dark.

The sky in winter is rarely brilliant, and most of the time it is dark and gray.

The lights on both sides of the road are already on.

When he stopped again, Song Yunhui took his mobile phone and opened a ticket purchasing software.

The flights that were still available before have been grayed out, saying that due to the environment at the destination, several flights in succession have been canceled.

City A, which often snows heavily in winter, hasn't snowed yet. Places that haven't snowed much before have snowed every once in a while this year, and it still snows heavily, hindering aviation.


Song Yunhui remained silent, then began to change the navigation destination and asked Qin Shu on the side, "Where are you going?"

Qin Shu reported the name of a hotel and then asked, "What are you going to do today?"

"Find a hotel first."

After setting the destination, Song Yunhui took his mobile phone and started booking nearby hotels. Due to his previous job, he knew the hotels in City A well and knew which one was the best to book. He could book a room directly without asking.

He booked a hotel a little away from Qin Shu's hotel.

There were other actors in the hotel where Qin Shu stayed, and many paparazzi were squatting there. He didn't want to send him forward.

The payment password Qin Shu told him before actually came in handy.

After entering the payment password and booking a room, Song Yun returned the phone to the other party and said: "Remember it first, I will give you a big red envelope when the time comes."

Qin Shu responded ambiguously.

After driving all the way, Qin Shu had to drive the last bit of the road by himself. Song Yunhui got off the car halfway, not forgetting his dead cell phone and the little dinosaurs when he left.

The laid-off driver waved to Qin Shu in the car on the roadside.

He had been here many times before, surrounded by familiar scenery. He hugged the flowers in his hands a little tighter in the cold wind, turned around and walked towards the hotel.

The hotel has been booked in advance, and he can check in as long as he has an ID card.

The hotel was bright and there were many people coming and going. Most people's eyes stopped on the small dinosaur in his hand and then looked away.

The first thing Song Yun did after returning to the room was to charge his phone.

The phone had been out of power for a long time and could not be turned on for a while. He went to wash up and then turned it back on.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed with the little dinosaurs next to him, when he turned on his phone, the first thing he received was a message from Qin Shu.

The other party asked him if he had arrived at the hotel.

He took a random photo of the room and sent it.

After sending the photo, he started checking the messages one by one.

During the period when the phone was turned off, there were a lot of messages on the phone, both phone calls and messages.

The person I contacted the most was Chen Chen. He sent two messages every once in a while. Later, there were more and more messages, and he even called him twice.

Pulling up a pillow, he opened the quilt and sat on the edge of the bed. He quickly replied to Chen Chen's message and explained the situation this afternoon.

The other party should have gotten off work by now, and the message will be replied in seconds.

It was obvious that Chen Chen was a little anxious. He replied immediately, and Song Yun followed suit.

The two of them were anxious for a long time and finally calmed down.

Qin Shu sent over all the photos he took today. Song Yunhui saved the photo album and looked at it. He took a second look at the photo of the bouquet and forwarded it to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen replied quickly and asked who sent it.

Song Yun replied that it was sent by Qin Shu.

Chen Chen was typing furiously.

[You two are finally together?]


Song Yunhui slowly hit [?].

The other party quickly retracted the previous message.

[I mean this is really beautiful]

The remedy was not timely, but at least it was a remedy. I had little desire to live, but I still had it.

Holding his chin, Song Yun leaned forward and poked the little dinosaur. The phone in his hand rang. He looked at the contact person, first said to Chen Chen "Don't chat before answering the phone" and then answered the call.

The call came from an unknown number, a landline number.

Opposite is someone from the Propaganda Office of City A.

To put it simply, I hope he can write a song for City A, with a theme close to the snow and ancient charm of City A.

The other party carefully stated the price and time, and then quietly waited for his reply.

There are not many parties that are so quiet anymore.

After what happened a few days ago, a large number of appointments filled the mailbox and the phone rang frequently. Most of these cooperation applications have additional requirements, such as the right to interview. He knows very well what these people are thinking or want to do, so he rejects them all, so recently they are doing more computer work. Cooperation is rare.

This is the first time in the new year that he has considered taking it up, but he has almost never come across this kind of subject before.

But Song Yunhui has always been very challenging.

After discussing some more details, the two parties basically finalized the decision and hung up the phone happily.

After recording the song into the proposed work list, he returned to the previous interface, and then continued chatting with Chen Chen.

A few days ago, Chen Chen finally found a scapegoat to play with. He charges low fees and has a good temper. He doesn't seem to have scolded anyone very much. It's very suitable for a person like him who is both good and fun-loving. But there is a difference between playing with strangers and playing with friends. Song Yunhui didn't have time, so he didn't play as frequently as before. He only mentioned it and the three of them could play together, so Song Yunhui also You can experience the feeling of being the king.

The two of them didn't chat for long. The social workers had urgent matters to deal with even after get off work. Chen Chen complained with tears and quickly left for work.

Song family

When Song Yunyang returned home from the company, the first person he saw was Xu Wei.

She was sitting on the sofa as if she was watching TV, but the plot on TV had reached a climax, and the background music was still exaggerating the atmosphere, but her expression did not change at all. Her eyes only changed when she heard the sound of the door opening. fluctuated.

Song Yunyang walked into the house wearing a suit and a coat in his hand.

A servant took the suit from his hand and handed him a glass of hot water.

Xu Wei, who was sitting on the sofa, greeted him, smiled warmly, and then asked:

"Yun Yang is going to see Yun Hui today?"

The news is quite good.

He responded.

As if to ensure that the room was less awkward and quiet, Xu Wei did not pause the TV, but lowered the volume and said:

"When does Yun Yang plan to come back? I want to be prepared. You have also seen what happened online. He and Zi Shu have been having a little conflict recently. I have to talk to Zi Shu first and ask him to be careful not to make the second brother angry."

One move is to retreat into advance.

Song Yunyang ignored her this time, but turned to ask Uncle Chen where Song Cheng was.

Uncle Chen said: "The master and Director Li have an appointment to go out for dinner, and they should be back later."

Song Yunyang nodded.

It was different from before. There was no longer a polite smile on his face. His expression had been cold from beginning to end since he entered the room.

They all knew about his cold and hard style, but that was only for work and was not usually like this at home.

Xu Wei had begun to realize that something was wrong.

After listening to Uncle Chen's words, Song Yunyang was about to go to the study room, but Uncle Chen on the side seemed to have guessed what he was going to do, and added:

"The master and Director Li came back late from dinner, and it's not early when they come back. If anything happens, we'd better talk about it tomorrow."

Uncle Chen didn't know what he was going to say, but he guessed that it was not a good thing, so he took the lead in giving a warning.

Song Yunyang nodded.

They were playing riddles here, and Xu Wei, who was sitting on the sofa, stirred her hands, feeling uneasy.


In the quiet hotel, the room was full of warmth with the heater on, but Song Yunhui had to take an unusual route and opened the sliding floor-to-ceiling window to go to the balcony.

There are high-rise buildings all around.

On winter nights, the city is bustling, and all kinds of lights make the city no longer quiet.

He stood on the edge of the balcony and looked out with his hands on his hands. The cold wind blew his hair and carried it back.

As if he hadn't seen enough, his light-colored pupils reflected the light. Song Yunhui lifted half of his body and looked down. He saw the constant flow of vehicles on the road and saw more.

(End of chapter)